Sports tourism and orientation. All free clubs and clubs in Ufa Football clubs in Ufa

Our people, despite many warnings about fraud, are eager to get their hands on free cheese. Despite the fact that the country is in a difficult financial situation, people continue to believe scammers in the hope of saving money and buying something cheaper (or maybe that's why)...

When creating his site, a person wants to be visited, interested in him, and most importantly, to use the services that he offers. For your business to be successful, you need to properly design the site, and for this it is important to know the main intricacies of marketing on the Internet. What are they?

The range of modern online toy stores in Russia consists of more than a third of the so-called educational models. Sellers in the markets and in children's supermarkets are ready to call every second toy educational, attributing to it many supposedly useful qualities. And caring parents are in a hurry to buy a lot of things to raise a future genius. But is it worth it? And are these toys really that educational?

Majority modern women for some reason, they are sure that only miracle anti-wrinkle creams can prolong youth and beauty for a long time. But after all, all these tools were invented quite recently. Really, for so many centuries, women have not learned to take care of themselves and look good without outside help? Previously, there were no online cosmetics stores in Russia. How is this possible?

IN modern world technological progress, the Internet and the computer have become an integral part of life. On the Internet, people get acquainted, meet, fall in love, relax and make purchases. Why is shopping with a friend familiar to ladies suddenly changing to sitting in front of a monitor? The thing is that a lot is entrusted to the shoulders of the fairer sex. They have to get up early in the morning, put themselves in order, prepare the seeds, collect the children for school and the husband for work, then they have a long working day, and in the evening they need to feed everyone again, wash and wash. Where is the time for shopping? There is almost no time. And the Internet is always and almost everywhere - at work at lunchtime, or in a traffic jam on the way home, or in the evening, when the whole family is sleeping, and all the shops have long been closed. You can buy women's clothing in online stores in Russia at any time of the day or night.

A watch is not only a stylish and fashionable gadget that has come into use again, but also a symbol of taste that betrays the status and passions of its owner. The athlete's watch is large, massive with many additional functions, the businessman's is strict, neat without frills, but made of expensive materials, and the fashionista's is elegant with an unusual strap. Not so long ago, this accessory, one might say, completely went out of use under the pressure of cell phones that display the time on the screen. But now time has passed and this useful and informative accessory returns again and becomes a stylish addition to the owner's image. Do you want to buy a fashion watch? You can go looking for them in shopping centers, or you can go to an online watch store in Russia.

The appearance of a new family member is a very joyful and responsible event. The kid requires attention of love and affection from parents, and also all tomboys love to eat well, run, get hit, get dirty, etc. Clothing for children daily endures colossal strength tests, and does not always withstand them. In addition, young organisms grow rapidly, and now your favorite overalls have become small. Buying clothes for babies is a very pleasant experience, but at the same time, it is costly. The price category of a small blouse for a daughter is almost equal to her mother's blouse. Therefore, many mothers prefer to buy clothes in online stores. This is convenient, since you do not need to walk and listen to the whining of the child, and the prices are much lower than the store ones.


N. Gastello Sports Club (from 7 years old)

Sections: armwrestling, biathlon, boxing, Greco-Roman wrestling, Athletics, table tennis (tennis), gymnastics, football, bullet shooting.

Address/phone: at l. Selskaya-Bogorodskaya, 1; 238-44-90.

Station of young technicians (from 6 years old)

Sections: chess, art modeling, initial technical modeling, beading, sawing, computer science.

Address/phone: at l. Pervomaiskaya, 81/1; 260-19-08.

Center for Children's Youth Technical Creativity "Hephaestus" (from 7 years old)

Sections: auto design, technical modeling, initial technical modeling, design studio, chess, ethics, aesthetics, construction from natural materials.

Address/phone: st. International, 141/1; 263-03-42.

Children and Youth Center "Victoria" (from 8 years old)

Sections: table tennis, sports aerobics, shaping.

Address/phone: st. Kasimovskaya, 18; 267-23-32.

Children and Youth sport school Olympic reserve cycling (from 10 years old)

Sections: cycling.

Address/phone: st. Architectural, 6, st. Pervomayskaya, 12; 242-44-50.

Club of young technicians "Craftsman" (from 7 years old)

Sections: sambo, judo, universal combat, model aircraft, snowmobile cross.

Address/phone: st. Ferina, 10/2; 238-86-11.

House of children's creativity "Yuldash" (from 5 years old)

Sections: chess, vocal singing, art studio, needlework, origami.

Address/phone: st. Freedom, 24/1; 263-39-19.

Children's and youth sports school No. 12 (from 7 years old)

Sections: martial arts, kickboxing.

Address/phone: st. Chernikovskaya, 12; 264-69-11.

Children's and youth sports school No. 22 (from 7 years old)

Sections: aerobics and wushu (from 7 years old), powerlifting, judo, taekwondo, kickboxing (from 10 years old).

Address/phone: st. Pervomayskaya, 51, st. Pervomayskaya, 75, st. Mushnikova, 9 a; 242-57-57.


Teenage club "Sovremennik" (from 6 years old)

Sections: vocals, tourism, scout club, art studio.

Address/phone: st. Bessonova, 27; 228-55-67.

Teenage club "Vityaz" (from 10 years old)

Sections: judo, boxing.

Address/phone: st. Country, 4; 223-02-22.

Teenage club "Orange" (from 7 years old)

Sections: clothing modeling studio, arts and crafts, creativity development studio, sports athleticism, powerlifting.

Address/phone: st. Komsomolskaya, 29; 282-38-33.

Leisure center for children and adolescents "Tamyr"

Sections: chess, karate.

Address/phone: st. S.Agisha, 16 ; 278-59-45.

House of children's creativity "Druzhny" (from 7 years old)

Sections: table tennis, badminton, military-patriotic song club "Blue Lightning".

Address/phone: st. N. Dmitrieva, 5; 252-55-71.

Center for Children's Creativity (from 5 years old)

Sections: rhythmic gymnastics, aikido, design studio, beadwork, arts and crafts, art studio, speech therapy, English language, decoupage, carpet embroidery.

Address/phone: st. Komsomolskaya, 79; 248-48-30.

"Station of young technicians" (from 7 years old)

Sections: track car modeling, chess, bike trial, mountain bike.

Address/phone: st. Aiskaya, 84; 228-03-32.

"Legend" (from 7 years old)

Sections: thai boxing, wushu sanyshou, orienteering.

Address/phone: October Avenue, 52/1; 232-66-13.

"Trail" (from 13 years old)

Sections: hand-to-hand combat.

Address/phone: Boulevard Ibragimov, 23; 282-38-33.


Club "Smile"

Sections: chess, tennis, Celtic and modern dance studio.

Address/phone: st. Engels, 1/2; 276-24-98.

Club "Orbita" (from 7 years old)

Sections: volunteer movement "Together", checkers, table tennis, football/hockey.

Address/phone: st. Tsyurupy, 83; 276-31-84.

Association of children's, teenage and youth clubs "Yashlek" (telephone 251-94-14):

"Aurora" (from 8 years old)

Sections: table tennis, football/hockey.

Address/phone: st. Mubaryakova, 10/1.

"Sunrise" (from 7 years old)

Sections: Table tennis, billiards.

Address/phone: st. Rabkorov, 8/1.

"Friendship" (from 8 years old)

Sections: hockey, historical fencing.

Address/phone: st. Z. Validi, 3.

"Iremel" (from 14 years old)

Sections: thai boxing, karate kyokushinkai.

Address/phone: st. Rabkorov, 16/1.

Yondoz (from 12 years old)

Sections: table tennis.

Address/phone: st. Z. Ismagilova, 8 (classes are held on the basis of sports school No. 9).

"Leader" (from 10 years old)

Sections: football.

Address/phone: Duvansky Boulevard, 22/2 (classes are held on the basis of Lyceum No. 5).

"Olympus" (from 8 years old)

Sections: powerlifting.

Address/phone: st. Dostoevsky, 102.

"Search" (from 8 years old)

Sections: Table tennis, scouting.

Address/phone: st. Batyrskaya, 4/2.

"A peer" (from 7 years old)

Sections: Acrobatic rock and roll.

Address/phone: st. Aurora, 17/1.

"Yashlek" (from 8 years old)

Sections: Football, hockey.

Address/phone: st. Dostoevsky, 106.

"Wave" (from 8 years old)

Sections: water tourism.

Address/phone: st. Z. Validi, 62/3.


Center for Children's Creativity (from 7 years old)

Sections: badminton, checkers, volleyball .

Address/phone: October Avenue, 97/1; 233-00-75.

"City Children's and Youth Center "Salyut" (from 6 years old)

Sections: drawing, vocals, batik, floristry, dancing, volleyball, asketball, football, athletics, checkers.

Address/phone: st. M. Gorky, 71; 242-65-14.

House of children's creativity "Innovator"

Sections: boxing, vocals, aerobics, wood painting, theatrical circle, kurai, guitar, macrame.

Address/phone: st. Freedom, 44; 283-78-88.

Teenage club "Torch"

Sections: vocals, theater studio, drawing, game technology, self-defense school.

Address/phone: st. Sh.Rustaveli, 24 ; 233-85-16.

"Virage" (from 7 years old)

Sections: rhythmic gymnastics, hockey .

Address/phone: st. Blucher, 23/1; 233-58-23.

"Grenada" (from 7 years old)

Sections: athletic gymnastics, football, hockey .

Address/phone: st. Mira, 12; 240-51-80.

"Crystal" (from 7 years old)

Sections: ski race.

Address/phone: st. Cosmonauts, 5; 242-86-17.

"Eaglet" (from 7 years old)

Sections: tourism, table tennis.

Address/phone: st. Ring, 32; 242-72-31.

"Rainbow" (from 7 years old)

Sections: karate-do, tourism, checkers.

Address/phone: st. Russian, 10; 235-46-95.


Sections: tourism, table tennis.

Address/phone: st. Kommunarov, 69/3; 283-37-96.

"Skillful hands"

Sections: powerlifting, athletic gymnastics, weight-lifting, table tennis.

Address/phone: st. Architectural, 5A; 242-83-14.


Association of youth clubs "Scarlet Sails" (from 18 to 30 years old), phone 273-52-13:

Club "Athlete"

Sections: athletic gymnastics, kettlebell lifting, taekwondo

Address/phone: st. Akhmetov, 225.

« Arnold"

Sections: athletic gymnastics, shooting, table tennis, hockey

Address/phone: st. Malaya Lesozavodskaya. 1.


Sections: powerlifting, athletic gymnastics.

Address/phone: st. Revolutionary, 18/20.

Club "Brigantine"

Sections: water-sailing, water tourism.

Address/phone: st. Gafuri, 19/1; 250-72-88

Blue Lightning Club

Sections: boxing section

Address/phone: st. Lenin, 72; 273-52-13.

Club "Seeker"

Address/phone: st. Gafuri, 27; 251-45-99.


Sections: dancing

Address/phone: st. Nekhaeva, 67.

Club them. V. Nasonova

Sections: speleotourism, local history, rock climbing/

Address/phone: st. Lenina, 43.


Address/phone: st. Sultanova, 2; 273-52-13.

Evrika Club

Sections: aircraft modeling club, historical fencing.

Address/phone: st. Lesozavodskaya, 1a; 273-52-13.


Sections: soft toy circle, chess, checkers (on the basis of the Republican Drafts Club, Dostoevsky St., 49/1) scouting, riding section (on the basis of the Akbuzat hippodrome), theater studio "Birds", Thai boxing (on the basis of school No. 24 ), basketball (on the basis of school No. 25)

Address/phone: st. Kirov, 8/10


Lokomotiv (from 14 years old)

Sections: basketball

Address/phone: st. Levitan, 26/1; 281-12-01

DOSAAF (from 7 years old)

Sections: Judo, Thai boxing.

Address/phone: st. Alsheevskaya, 11; 281-24-69

"Danko" (from 10 years old)

Sections: football, hockey/

Address/phone: st. Levitan, 36; 281-00-36.

"Temp" (from 12 years old)

Sections: athletic gymnastics, general physical education.

Address/phone: st. Groznenskaya 69/3; 281-75-50.

"Contact" (from 12 years old)

Sections: powerlifting, weightlifting

Address/phone: st. Trunk, 20; 281-64-54


"Vityaz" (from 7 years old)

Sections: mini football, volleyball, Gym, aerobics, dancing, rhythmic gymnastics

Address/phone: st. Sipaylovskaya, 11; 279-88-79

Sports complex named after Salavat Yulaev (from 7 years old)

Sections: athletics, speed skaters

Address/phone: st. 50 years of the USSR, 36/1; 232-13-52

School of Greco-Roman wrestling (from 7 years old)

Sections: Greco-Roman wrestling, national wrestling kuresh

Address/phone: Prospekt Oktyabrya, 84/4; 278-88-35

Children's and youth sports school in equestrian sports (from 10 years old)

Sections: Horseback Riding

Address/phone: st. Mendeleeva, 217A; 241-40-46

Ski jumping and Nordic combined (from 9 years old)

Sections: ski jumping, Nordic combined

Address/phone: st. Mendeleev, 201A; 232-88-64.


Sections: wushu, wood/stone painting, vocals, volunteer movement.

Address/phone: st. Russian, 163/1; 233-00-37.


Sections: vocals, dancing, boxing, drawing.

Address/phone: st. B. Bikbaya, 42/1; 241-27-21.


Sections: qigong, ballroom dancing, karate, breakdance.

Address/phone: st. Komsomolskaya, 161/2; 241-42-44.


Sections: kuresh, judo, health group, sambo, aikido, football, hockey.

Address/phone: st. Y. Gagarin, 15/1; 241-20-03.


Sections: guitar, powerlifting, vocals, orienteering, dancing.

Address/phone: st. Mendeleev, 197; 232-19-00.


Sections: vocals, ballroom dancing, breakdance.

Address/phone: st. Russian, 153 "284-81-32.


Sections: chess, boxing, drawing, breakdance, football/hockey, vocals, theater studio.

Address/phone: st. Yu. Gagarin, 25/1; 241-27-06.

Football is the most beloved and most popular game in the whole world. Even the smallest state has its own team, worthy (or not always) representing its people. The ancestor of football - this is truly a brilliant invention! is the UK. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries football teams appeared in many countries - for example, in the Russian Empire. True, her team did not perform very well in competitions. The USSR national football team achieved considerable success: for example, it is worth noting the victory at the European Championship in 1960, at the 1988 Olympics. The Russian national team, on the other hand, performs rather unevenly: infrequent bright victories are overshadowed by bitter defeats.

Many - both experts and the mass of spectators - believe that it is necessary to raise a worthy replacement of football players. Children of the 21st century, despite the web of the Internet, still play football, like their fathers and grandfathers - in the yards, on school fields and even on asphalt. But often this is spontaneous, and many guys never find out about their potential. In the specialized sections, sports clubs of our city, representatives of the younger generation under the guidance experienced trainers will be able to comprehensively - down to the finest nuances - to get acquainted with football.

The benefits of football are obvious and enormous: it has a beneficial effect on health, personal and psychological qualities - endurance, accuracy, coordination, attentiveness, responsibility, etc. This is an excellent means of team building that will never lose its popularity and demand.

A few words about the nutrition of a young football player

The training of young football players is a whole problem, to which separate books, dissertations and large articles are devoted, because for a young athlete not only himself is important training process, but also proper rest, good nutrition and healthy sleep. Everyone knows that football is an energy-consuming game, especially for preschoolers and schoolchildren. Experts are convinced that the ratio of the main nutrients - proteins, fats and carbohydrates - should be in the ratio of 1:1:4. Proteins are the "builders" of the body, the appearance of new and renewal of existing cells depends on them. Fats are concentrated sources of energy, and carbohydrates are the source of energy during muscle work. Of course, we must not forget about the full saturation of the body with vitamins, among which are A, B1, C, D. It must be remembered that food should be taken at the same time 3-4 times a day, and before training you should not overeat or not eat at all.

How to choose a football school for a child

Depending on what goal the child is pursuing - he just wants to kick the ball in good company from time to time, combining this with exercise and training or wants to become a professional football player - you need to approach the choice of section. Perhaps the most popular option is sections at schools that everyone can attend, knowing that, despite the level of their abilities, they will play. As a rule, such associations are led by enthusiastic trainers, who often combine, for example, the work of a teacher. physical education and this one. There is an opportunity to give the child to the football section at the Youth Sports School. The mode of training in them is regulated, but does not interfere with the main employment of children - studying at school. Often, the main criterion for choosing a particular section is its distance from home and the figure of the coach. There is a third type of football schools - sections with football clubs Premier League. To get there, one desire is not enough: even upon admission, a selection is carried out, during which the guys demonstrate their skills, and specialists pay attention to the physical data of candidates, because this is a forge of personnel for top clubs countries. Once in such a system, the child takes the first step towards professional football. It is possible that classes in a sports school can interfere with studies, do not leave time for leisure. In addition, no one gives a chance that a young football player will not be expelled and psychologically traumatized.

Testing is better than cure: which specialists should be visited before the first lesson

Football sections steadily attracting many boys for more than a decade. However, before the first training, it is better for parents to consult doctors, even if the mentor does not require a health certificate. Indeed, in professional football school it is unlikely that they will forget about it, and the rules prescribe that the child has the I dispensary health group and is listed in the main medical group(i.e. no restrictions). If young football player will visit the amateur section, then not all doctors can examine him, but an orthopedist, cardiologist, traumatologist and pediatrician. A cardiogram is also required.