Self-defense courses for children. Self Defense Lessons for Beginners: Free Self-Training Videos

Mainly boys are involved. But girls also need to know the basic techniques of self-defense.

Many girls like boyish activities. So the daughter can be safely written down for any kind martial art. First, it will improve physical training and during the attack, at least she will be able to quickly escape. And secondly, in training, she will learn techniques that can help her in difficult situations.

Self-defense is not always an attack. Not every girl has the strength to cope with the enemy. But it is possible and necessary to get out of a dangerous situation unscathed. For example, you can distract the attacker or strike him, and until the enemy comes to his senses, quickly retreat from the scene.


  • The most important thing in both attack and defense is confidence. In extreme situations, it is important not to get confused. can give sports training.
  • Use available items. Little girly fists cannot always cope with the difficult task of hitting the enemy. Take a look around. Perhaps there is something nearby that will come to the rescue. Even sand, which can be thrown into the eyes of the attacker, or the keys to the apartment will help to defend. Girls who already use perfume or hairspray can use it to protect themselves. Just remember to keep them in your purse at all times. The standard option is a gas spray for self-defense.
  • A person has parts of the body that are more vulnerable than others. This is the nose, eyes, knees, solar plexus, throat, groin. They are the ones that need to be protected first. And you need to aim at them when hitting the enemy.
  • When hitting, you need to use blocks. If the attacker tries to punch, react quickly and block. At this moment, it is important not to get confused and, until the enemy comes to his senses, strike back.


If perfume, hairspray or a can is not at hand, you need to discourage the enemy in other ways. The best protection is an attack. Any blow must be delivered with full force. Putting all your weight into it.

Not all of the above vulnerabilities are available to the child. The opponent may be taller, so a blow to the nose or eyes is not always impossible.

  • The most common blow is to the groin. It will discourage the attacker for a long time, so that there will be time to escape.
  • From more accessible places - knee cap and shin. After such a blow, it will be much more difficult to catch up with the escaping.
  • The easiest trick for a child is to step on his foot hard. A kick to the arch of the foot is good if the attacker has thin shoes.
  • A blow to the solar plexus will disrupt the opponent's breathing rhythm.
  • Also, a blow to the chin will help fight off the attacker. It affects the cerebellum and unsettles the enemy.

Be sure to talk to your daughter about self-defense. And in his free time, dad can work with her base kicks, show where and how to be. Such activities may not be useful to her in life, but they will not be superfluous for sure.

IN modern world danger can be expected from anywhere, which becomes a cause of concern for parents of young children. It is possible and necessary to teach a child to protect himself, since today self-defense for children is an urgent need.

Experts in the field of self-defense advise giving the child to the section only when he turns 12 years old - this best age to start successful learning

It is best if parents send the child to a special section. The trainer will teach the rules of personal safety and simple tricks that will help the child in case of a conflict situation. Nevertheless, not all parents have such an opportunity, so self-defense for children should be studied at least at home.

Knowledge of self-defense techniques can help a child not only in critical situation when the threat comes from an adult, but also in an ordinary street fight. The task of parents is not only to teach the basic techniques, but also to explain to the child what they should be used for.

Important! Self-defense techniques learned by the child should not be used to provoke a fight, but only to protect against a possible attack.

In addition, it is important to teach the child to correctly regard own forces and enemy forces. So, an eight-year-old child cannot overcome an adult when attacked, but in his arsenal there should be tricks that can help break out and run away. In this case, there will be a surprise effect on the child's side, since the potential attacker does not expect the baby to be able to resist.

Aikido Basics for Kids

Aikido is a martial art that can only be learned through training with a trainer. No video tutorials or step by step instructions unable to teach basic techniques.

The essence of aikido boils down to the fact that during the struggle a person turns the strength of the enemy against him. In this type of martial art, knowledge of the inertia of movement and the determination of the center of gravity are used. In other words, if an adult swings at a child, the child must use the attacker's strength against the attacker, but not try to hit on his own. This is achieved by learning special techniques.

Aikido is designed for defense, not attack. In martial arts, body position and center of gravity play an important role. Initially, all techniques are designed for the fact that the enemy is obviously stronger, so you can defeat him only by his own strength. This type of martial art is based on learning special stances that will not allow you to knock down, but will help you escape, hold back the blow, or even knock down the enemy using the inertia of his own blow.

Simple tricks for a street fight

The selection of the right self-defense techniques for children will allow the child to escape not only from the attacks of an adult, but also to stand up for himself if he is regularly offended by his peers

You can teach a child self-defense and the rules of self-defense not only in the section, but also at home. At home, you can learn simple tricks that will allow the baby not to get lost in a street fight.

The basis of self-defense is three strikes: direct, lower and side. With a direct impact, the body works. The person puts forward one hand, holds the other a little closer to the chest (boxing stance). The arm gains strength from the shoulder, the muscles of the back and the entire body help to increase the impact. The blow goes straight, directly with the fist.

A low blow is a blow to the jaw or chest. The child should slightly bend his knees, putting one slightly forward - this will help to stay on his feet. When struck, a springy movement is made, the blow itself comes from the back and chest.

A side kick is a spinning kick. In fact, this is a wide arm swing with a deployed body and slightly bent arms.

Despite the fact that the description of such strikes looks simple, it takes time to learn. Here is important correct stance, the position of the center of gravity and the force of inertia. Since the weight of the child is insufficient to make a real hard hit, such techniques are designed primarily to confuse the enemy and gain a small temporary advantage. Accurately learn the execution technique simple blows Video tutorials on self-defense will help.

Useful skills for children

The child must understand that in no case should you get into a car with strangers.

In addition to self-defense, the following skills are important for children in dangerous situations.

  1. When trying to kidnap, the child should try to attract the attention of others. If possible, you should not talk to a stranger and try to run away in case of danger. This is only true if the kidnapping attempt takes place in a crowded area. Otherwise, it is better for the baby not to annoy the kidnappers with screams, since the attacker's reaction cannot be predicted. If the child was kidnapped and taken somewhere, he must remember the environment and the features of the kidnappers, so that later he can describe them to representatives of law enforcement agencies. Advice for parents: if possible, install a radio transmitter or set up tracking on the baby's phone.
  2. If a child is taken hostage, no action should be taken. It is important to remember that help is near. Loud screams, attempts to escape, hit a terrorist can lead to dangerous consequences, since the attacker may be under the influence of drugs, because of which his reaction will be unpredictable.
  3. In a street robbery, the child must give what the attacker demands. Usually this is enough for the robber to leave the person alone.

It is better to learn self-defense techniques with children in martial arts sections. Benefits of working with a trainer:

  • development physical strength and endurance;
  • correct execution technique;
  • improved discipline.

The coach will teach the child not only to strike, but also to correctly calculate their own capabilities. In addition, discipline is taught in the wrestling sections, so the parent can be sure that the child will never be the first to start a fight.

You should also explain to the child how to behave with strangers. The kid must early age know that strangers cannot be trusted, disclose personal information, make close contact. If a stranger approached the baby on the street, you should either quickly return to your parents if they are within walking distance, or run to a place with a large crowd of people. Also, the baby must understand that in no case should you get into a car with strangers, even if they appear to be old friends of their parents, or go somewhere with a stranger.

What to teach a child?

In addition to self-defense techniques, parents should teach the child how to behave in case of potential danger. At home, you should work out techniques that can help the child elude the intruder. Here it is important to use the strengths of the baby - light weight, short stature, mobility. In addition, it is important to remember that it is usually very uncomfortable for an adult to fight a short opponent, which is a clear advantage for a child.

A person may be faced with the need to protect himself or his loved ones, especially when suddenly attacked by a robber, bully or rapist. Often criminals are armed.In such a situation, self-defense techniques help. Even owning the simplest technique, a person feels more confident and safer. He is able to block blows, neutralize the enemy and thereby save his life.

The article presents self-defense lessons for men and women, adults and children. Elementary self-defense techniques should be mastered by all people, regardless of gender and age.

Self defense for beginners

A series of videos "Self-defense for beginners" will be useful to people who have no idea about martial arts and defense techniques.

The course of lectures discusses ways to deal with extreme situations. The authors talk about ways to fight against a drunk person and his vulnerable places for blows - the liver and lower back. The videos show defense techniques against a person armed with a piercing object. Are given helpful tips for protection against attacks in the elevator and on the stairs.

Simple self defense tricks

A quick video tutorial with three of the easiest self defense techniques for everyone. The lecture will give beginners an opportunity to get acquainted with simple and effective techniques and strikes.

Self defense for women. Working tricks

If a woman is attacked by a 100-kilogram man, the standard blocks no longer work, and punches and palms bring almost no pain to the attacker. In such a situation, even a girl engaged in a sports section can be confused.

The video tells about the "forbidden" tricks, the use of which is justified for a fragile girl. The author calls them "cats". Pinpoint painful techniques, bites, grabs by the ears, scratching, blows to the eyes will help a woman protect herself from a physically strong criminal.

The video provides an overview applied techniques, not typical for the ring and tatami, but helping in extreme situations.

Self-defense on the street and in a fight

Five of the most basic strikes that can be used when defending against street hooligans and in a fight. The complex is effective for self-defense.

Combat Sambo. Best Tricks

The name of the martial art invented in the USSR "sambo" stands for "self-defense without weapons." The complex includes a set of effective techniques, captures and sweeps. The effectiveness and applied nature of sambo made this species martial arts is an obligatory element of training future policemen and security officials.

Sambo is divided into two types: sports and combat. The video is dedicated to the second type of "self-defense without weapons." Unlike sports sambo, in the applied, punches and kicks, painful techniques and suffocation techniques are used. All techniques are demonstrated by professional sambists, champions of Russia and the world.

Chinese police. Self defense techniques

The 11-minute video lists more than sixty techniques to neutralize an opponent. Basic strikes, blocking, sweeps and ways to hold the opponent are demonstrated. The technique is successfully applied in the Chinese police.

The information in the video is presented clearly and concisely, without unnecessary comments.

Self defense for kids

Egor Chudinovsky does not forget about another unprotected category of the population - about children. The author demonstrates techniques for schoolchildren and preschoolers who are not involved in sections and are not yet able to master complex techniques.

The instructor divides the techniques into two types: “protection from peers” and “protection from adults”. The child does not have the physical ability to strike an adult or neutralize him. The author talks about pain points, hitting which helps to temporarily stop the attacker and run away from him. All techniques and blocks listed by the instructor are related to palm strikes. Punching can do more harm to a child than to a criminal.

Yegor Chudinovsky also pays attention to psychological methods of defense: screaming, screeching, asking for help. Criminals often stop an attack on a “correctly” screaming child.

Knife protection

Martial arts master Yury Kormushin talks about the defense against the "sewing machine" - a series of stabbing attacks by the enemy. This tactic is common among criminals and very dangerous for defenders. The strokes of the "sewing machine" are effective, sharp and invisible.

In such a situation, any movement is important. The video lists ways to quickly block strikes and rebounds in the right direction. An analysis of common errors is given. Proper defense deprives the opponent of the opportunity to deliver a killing blow.

Karate techniques for beginners

President of the Ukrainian Karate Association Sergey Lukyanchikov demonstrates a standard karate lesson for beginners. The author shows all the main parts of the lesson: warm-up, basic exercises, basic techniques. The video shows how to block various types strikes, defense against direct hit foot. Responses are shown.

All karate techniques cannot be shown in one video. The rest of the basic techniques are described in other videos of the author. Video demonstrates the basics martial arts. Karate has its own aesthetic. The video will demonstrate the beauty of this sport, will interest many viewers and give an incentive for more serious activities.

Self-defense for a student

Unlike an adult, an unprepared student cannot master complex self-defense methods. The lack of physical fitness and the necessary knowledge makes the child vulnerable. The author of the video takes into account all the nuances and demonstrates simple techniques that are understandable even to a child who is not involved in martial arts.

The teacher shows the techniques of capturing the head and ways to make the opponent fall. The author does not forget about the methods of getting out of the most common captures. Having learned the basic techniques, the student will be able to defend himself even from an adult man.

Knife Defense Lessons. Advanced level

The knife is the most dangerous weapon in the world. It is to them that largest number wounds. Due to the availability and legality, any criminal can arm himself with cold steel. The knife is often used during domestic quarrels. On channel T24, the instructor talks about the basic defense techniques against a person armed with a knife.

The specialist considers ways to lull the opponent's vigilance, knock out or take away his melee weapons. The show talks about different types knives and the features of defense against them, about how to deal with an attack from behind. Mastering the technique does not guarantee saving a life in the fight against a man armed with a knife, but it clearly increases the chances of survival.

Protection for girls from rapists

Yegor Chudinovsky, a karate instructor, talks about the methods of female self-defense. The author of the video talks about the struggle against the favorite tactics of rapists - grabbing the hair. The trainer demonstrates all options for getting out of the grip. The author teaches to strike in the groin and in the eyes.

Egor Chudinovsky is sure that his method is more effective than protection with gas cartridges. In a state of shock and with a lack of time, girls often do not have time to get a spray can from their bag.

We live in a society where every person must clearly know how to protect themselves in an emergency. And this applies not only to adults, but also to small children, who very often become victims of criminals. By teaching a child effective self-defense techniques, you can prepare him to repel aggressive actions from one or several opponents at once. After completing a personal self-defense course, the child will receive a set of knowledge and skills that will help him make informed decisions in an extreme situation. Thanks to this, he will feel much more confident on the streets of Moscow, in everyday communication with peers and older guys.

Features of teaching children self-defense techniques:

  • Increased agility and reaction speed. During the course of education, the child is given physical exercise aimed at the development and strengthening of the body. In the future, this helps him in mastering various types sports, including martial arts.
  • Effective Retreat Skills. Self defense in real life does not always consist in carrying out some strikes or throws. Children need to know how to fall properly, break through several opponents, and also get away from the pursuit.
  • Rapid assessment of the level of danger. In a good section, children are explained in detail how to adequately assess their own strengths. Gradually, the child, visiting the section, learns to control any situation, acting in extreme conditions deliberately and calmly.


The main goal of our course is aimed at teaching the child the ability to protect himself in a dangerous situation and be confident in his abilities.

Much attention in the classes on children's self-defense is paid to general physical training (GP): the development of dexterity, speed, flexibility, coordination of movements, physical strength and endurance. These qualities are the basis for further teaching children self-defense and need to be worked out in the first place.

The basis of the self-defense course for children is a combination of developing and special exercises on general physical training and a complex of practical and psychological classes aimed at teaching children the basics of personal safety.

We pay special attention in our classes to the development of such qualities as: self-discipline, responsibility for oneself and others, development of logical and tactical thinking when the result is important.

The course of children's self-defense is designed for children from 6 to 14 years old. The program of classes is differentiated depending on the age of the child, where we have developed methodological and technical approaches for each age group.

Self defense course includes:

  • striking technique with arms and legs
  • release from grips and girths
  • pain and suffocation techniques
  • elements of throwing technique
  • effective self defense exercises
  • the basics of safety, the basics of a proper fall
  • general physical training development of speed-strength qualities.

Self Defense for Kids is an active self defense system experience adapted for children from 6 to 14 years old.
Self-defense for children is a combined exercise aimed at the physical preparation of the child. Tactical exercises allow you to keep the child's interest and motivate children to study.

In the classroom, they play up real dangerous situations that can arise in a modern metropolis and allow the child to learn how to be prepared for them and know how to react in this situation.

The course of children's self-defense offers various methodological and technical approaches for children of different ages.

Come to our center "Grossko", in Moscow, for a self-defense course for children, and you will be calm for your child.

Our advantages:

1. Availability of training!
2. Psychological preparation - increasing self-confidence (without illusions)!
3. Self defense without weapons! Effective Actions against weapons.
4. Using tools and items for self-defense!
5. hand-to-hand combat, percussion techniques, grabs, throws, lying fight (in the stalls!).
6. The most effective techniques and defenses are practiced to automatism!