Sandow how to become strong. The founder of bodybuilding Sands and his dumbbell gymnastics

There are many techniques focused on increasing strength and growth. muscle mass. But the first set of exercises that made it possible to build beautiful body, was the system of the famous athlete Evgeny Sandov.

Who is Eugene Sandow

Before talking about what is good about the Sandow system, it is worth paying attention to its author, who, without exaggeration, was a legendary person.

Evgeny Sandov was born in 1867 in Konigsberg, now Kaliningrad. Thanks to his achievements, he gained fame as the strongest man on the planet. Moreover, he was the first to start competent propaganda of athleticism and bodybuilding. The audience has repeatedly experienced delight from those that he showed.

As an example, the following trick can be cited: a platform was installed on Sandov's chest, with the help of which he held a piano or three horses. He was an excellent wrestler, gymnast and rider, which allowed him, in addition to athletic tricks, to fight even with a lion.

Later, Sandow's system "Strength and how to become strong" appeared, which became very popular at the beginning of the 20th century. To create it, the author used the experience gained under the guidance of his trainer and medical knowledge. The system included a number of which, according to Sandow, were relevant not only for men, but also for women and children.

The essence of the system

The effectiveness of a set of exercises developed by the father of bodybuilding and bodybuilding is difficult to overestimate. The main advantage that the Sandow system has is its versatility. The exercises are thought out so well that they can be used by people of any build, regardless of physical potential.

According to the author of the system, its success lies in the acquired ability to produce conscious muscle contractions during exercise. In fact, it was about the ability to focus on the work of the muscles during exercise and influence their condition. In addition to using dumbbells, Sandow recommended spending time throughout the day on targeted muscle tension.

Modern fans of the exercises developed by the legendary athlete have the opportunity to evaluate his personal recommendations. So the system physical development Eugenia Sandova is based on the following principles:

1. There is no need to set a strictly defined time for classes. You need to do it when it's convenient. But at the same time, it is important to ensure that the load is carried out no earlier than 2 hours after eating.

2. Like a growing child, the body needs competent education, the role of which can only be performed by correctly designed exercises. In addition to muscle development, they also have a beneficial effect on health.

3. It is necessary to perform exercises in front of a mirror - this will allow you to monitor the correct execution of the technique. It is important that the movements are calm. At the same time, each exercise should take an average of 2 seconds.

4. Do not force the number of repetitions and increase the weight of the dumbbells.

5. The essence of the system is the above-mentioned control of muscle work, carried out through concentration. If you master this technique, then, even with modest physical data, you can achieve significant results in both strength and physical form.

The role of hardening

The system of Evgeny Sandov also implies hardening, which comes down to taking a cold bath after exercise. But before moving on to such a practice, you need to prepare the body for it. Preparation involves bathing, which begins in the summer and continues daily throughout the year. This method of hardening, according to Sandov, is the least risky and at the same time quite effective.

If for some reason you can’t take a cold bath, you need to wipe yourself with a damp towel. After that, you need to quickly rub the skin using a dry towel. This technique will strengthen the body and prepare it for new loads.

How to determine the current weight of dumbbells

As mentioned above, the Sandow system is universal, but the weight of the shells must be selected correctly, taking into account the physical data and age of a particular person.

Friedrich Wilhelm Müller (real name Sandow) was a fairly experienced athlete and recommended not only weight training, but also using his own body weight. But if we return to the topic of dumbbells, it is worth noting that, according to the recommendations of the author of the system, it is better for teenagers aged 12 to 14 to use dumbbells weighing 250-500 g. For those who are 14 years old, but not yet 18, weights within 1.5-2.5 kg. In essence, such exercises can be defined as

At the same time, the Sandow system implies an increase in the weight of shells every 30 days of stable training. For adolescents under 14 years of age, this figure is 250 g, young men under the age of 18 can increase their weight by 0.5 kg every month, while those who have already reached the age of majority can add 1 kg each.

Static exercises

Also, the Sandow training system implies an additional effect on the muscles during the day (after or before training). This refers to tension without the use of dumbbells. We are talking about muscle contraction, say, while reading or relaxing in a chair. Moreover, the cuts must be constantly intensified.

Such a load system, which can be defined as isometric or static, was used in China, but when it began to be practiced in Europe, it caused a real boom.

Evgeny Sandow himself, applying the principles of static tension of tendons and muscles during training, achieved a significant development of strength indicators. This effect is complemented by the fact that body weight does not increase when using isometric tension, but endurance and strength increase greatly.


Because the Sandow system - This is a set of specific exercises, it is worth considering specific examples:

1. It is necessary at shoulder level to stretch your arms apart with dumbbells, turning them inside up. After that, you need to bend your arms so that the dumbbell is above your shoulder, without lowering them at the same time. Moreover, the arms themselves must be stretched out strongly enough for a noticeable muscle tension.

2. The same exercise, only the arms are bent at the same time, and not in turn.

3. Stretch the inner side of the arms forward and, tensing the muscles, bend them in turn so that the dumbbell is at shoulder level. The upper part of the limb should be adjacent to the sides. Shoulders and elbows are down. During extension, the arm should be completely straight. This exercise trains the biceps.

8. The arms are extended to the sides at shoulder level and at the same time quickly rotate on the axis of the forearm. In order to diversify the load, you can bend the brushes back and forth. The muscles of the hands and forearm develop.

9. The same exercise, only in this case you need to take the dumbbells by the ends and rotate them from left to right.

10. Dumbbells must be placed on the floor so that they are along the outer sides of the feet. In this case, the handle will approach the toe. Next, you need to bend over and lift the dumbbells, and then take an even position of the body. The next movement is to turn half a turn to the left and raise the right forearm at a right angle to the body at waist level. From this position, you need to make a strong lunge with your right hand and left foot. After that, the starting position is quickly taken. Such an exercise helps to stretch the muscles and develops wide dorsal, large pectoral, deltoid muscles and also the legs.

11. The same exercise, only you need to turn to the right. This means that the left forearm will have to be raised to the waist, and the lunge is made right foot and left hand.

12. Push-ups. In this case, we are talking about an exercise familiar to many, during which in a horizontal position with an emphasis on socks and hands, you need to lower and rise. The whole body in this case (from head to heels) should be a straight line. The knees, respectively, cannot be bent either. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the chest and knees do not touch the floor surface.

The Sandow system, whose exercises are not focused on working with a lot of weight, makes it possible to get amazing results in magnification. The main thing with this approach is the quality of the execution technique.

Current page: 17 (total book has 18 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 12 pages]


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"Strength and how to become strong"
(The system of physical development of Evgeny Sandov)

At the beginning of our century, the system of physical development of the athlete Evgeny Sandov “Strength and how to become strong” was very popular. Sandow, using his medical knowledge and experience under the guidance of his trainer Attila (L. Durlacher), developed a system of physical exercises with dumbbells and recommended it not only to men, but also to children and girls, for whom a special dosage of exercises was provided. An anatomical table was attached to the system, in which the main human muscles were indicated, the contraction of which is performed by this or that exercise.

Sandow owns the invention of "spring dumbbells", which are still being produced.

Acquaintance with this system began with the following recommendations:

- The body, like a child, needs education, and such education can only be given by a series of exercises, with the help of which not only muscles develop, but health improves.

- Do not set a strictly defined time for classes. Choose the part of the day that is convenient for you. But in any case, exercise should be done no earlier than two hours after eating.

– Exercises should be performed in front of a mirror and follow the correct movements, which should be calm. Each exercise should take 2 seconds.

- Do not force an increase in the weight of the dumbbells and the number of repetitions.

- Take a cold bath after exercise. But first you need to prepare the body for these procedures by hardening (bathing), which must be started in the summer and continued all year round, day after day, in the morning. If it is not possible to take a bath, then after exercise you need to wipe the body with a towel dipped in cold water and then quickly rub the body with a dry towel.

- The “nail” of the Sandow system lies in the conscious contractions of the muscles during exercise. "One must acquire the ability to concentrate one's mind on the muscles and subordinate them to his absolute influence."

– In addition to the basic system with dumbbells, Sandow recommends exercising in muscle tension throughout the day. For example, when you rest while sitting, try contracting your body muscles more and more.

Sandow addressed his students with the following words: “Do not give in to seeming difficulties; if you want success, then go forward, never back down.

The dosage of these exercises is intended for the age group of 17 years and older. For initial classes, you need to use dumbbells weighing 2 kilograms, after every six days of classes, the number of repetitions increases by 3, after six months (1st course) the weight increases by 1 kg, and again the exercise should be performed from the original dosages. (In some editions of the Sandow system, the dosage of repetitions is slightly different.)

1. Standing, arms with dumbbells along the body, palms facing forward (grip from below), look straight ahead.

Alternately bend and unbend your arms at the elbow joints. The elbows must remain motionless.

Repeat the exercise 50 times. Breathing is uniform, arbitrary. Exercise develops biceps shoulder (biceps) (Fig. 316).

2. The same exercise, but keep the dumbbells with an overhand grip. Repeat the exercise 25 times.

3. Standing, arms with dumbbells to the sides, palms up, look straight ahead. Alternately bend and unbend your arms at the elbow joints. During the exercise, do not lower your elbows. Breathing is uniform, arbitrary. Repeat the exercise 10 times. This exercise develops the biceps brachii and triceps shoulder (triceps) (Fig. 317).

4. Standing, arms with dumbbells to the sides, palms up. Simultaneously bend and unbend your arms at the elbow joints. Bending your arms, inhale, unbending - exhale. Repeat the exercise 10 times. Exercise develops biceps and triceps (Fig. 318).

5. Standing, arms with dumbbells raised forward, palms inward. Spread straight arms to the sides and inhale, quickly return to the starting position - exhale. Repeat the exercise 5 times (Fig. 319).

6. Standing, hands with dumbbells to the shoulders, turn your shoulders, look straight ahead. Alternately raise and lower your arms. Breathing is even. Repeat the exercise 15 times. Exercise develops the triceps muscles of the shoulder, deltoid and trapezius muscles (Fig. 320).

7. Standing, arms with dumbbells along the body, the back is slightly bent. Alternately raise your straight arms forward to shoulder level.

Raising your right hand, inhale, raising your left - exhale.

Exercise develops the deltoid muscles (Fig. 321).

8. Standing, arms with dumbbells to the sides, palms down. Simultaneously and quickly turn the brushes up and down, then back and forth. Breathing is even. Exercise to perform before the onset of fatigue. Exercise develops the muscles of the forearm and strengthens the wrist joints (Fig. 322).

9. Take dumbbells at one end and raise your arms to the sides. Without bending your elbows, rotate your hands back and forth. Breathing is even. Exercise to perform until the onset of fatigue. Exercise develops the muscles of the forearm and strengthens the wrist joints (Fig. 323).

10. Standing, arms with dumbbells raised up. Without bending your legs, lean forward and touch the floor with your hands - exhale. Return to the starting position - inhale. At first, do the exercise without dumbbells. Repeat the exercise 10 times. Exercise develops back muscles and mobility in lumbar spine (Fig. 324).

11. Standing, arms with dumbbells along the torso. Lunge forward with your left foot, raise your right hand in an arcuate motion to chest level - inhale. Return to the starting position - exhale.

Then lunge forward with your right foot, and raise your left hand forward. Repeat the exercise 10 times. Exercise develops the deltoid muscles and leg muscles (Fig. 325).

12. Push-ups lying on the floor. The torso and legs should form a straight line. Bending your arms, inhale, unbending - exhale. Bending your arms, touch the floor with your chest. Exercise develops the triceps muscles of the shoulder, pectoral muscles and muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Sandov himself could do 200 push-ups within four minutes (Fig. 326).

13. Standing, arms along the body, look straight ahead. Raise straight arms through the sides up - inhale. Lower to the starting position - exhale. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Exercise develops the deltoid muscles and trapezius muscles (Fig. 327).

14. Standing, arms with dumbbells along the torso. Tilt your torso to the left side, bend your right arm so that the dumbbell touches the armpit. Then tilt to the other side, the left arm is bent. Bending down, exhale, returning to the starting position - inhale. Repeat the exercise 25 times. Exercise develops lateral muscles abdomen, biceps, trapezius and deltoid muscles (Fig. 328).

15. Lying on your back on the floor, arms with dumbbells raised up. Sit down and bend forward - exhale. Slowly return to the starting position - inhale. The first time the exercise can be performed without dumbbells. Repeat the exercise 3 times. Exercise develops muscles abdominals(Fig. 329).

16. Lying on your back on the floor, hands behind your head. Raise straight legs up - exhale. Slowly lower your legs to the starting position - inhale. Repeat the exercise 3 times. Exercise develops the abdominal muscles and quadriceps femoris (Fig. 330).

17. Standing, heels together, socks apart, arms with dumbbells lowered along the body. Slowly rise on your toes - inhale, then, sinking onto your heels, sit down - exhale. Repeat the exercise 25 times. Exercise develops the calf muscles and quadriceps femoris (Fig. 331).

18. Standing, arms with dumbbells lowered along the body. Bend and unbend the brushes in wrist joints. Breathing is even. Repeat the exercise 25 times. Exercise develops the muscles of the forearm and strengthens the wrist joints (Fig. 332).

Sandov claimed that by the end of the eighth year, when the weight of the dumbbells reached 8 kg, those who practiced according to his system would have the same muscles as his.

About the training of famous strongmen

It will be interesting for lovers of athleticism to get acquainted with the training of famous strongmen and use the most useful advice in your studies exercise.

How did Samson train?

If we trace the life path of Alexander Zass, we can say that it was based on constant purposeful work combined with a strict regime. On one of the photographs, where "Samson" is depicted sitting at a table by the samovar, there is his entry: "5 minutes of rest." But he was then 74 years old, and he continued to work, training animals.

In adolescence, Alexander Zass tried on himself many systems of physical development. He started, like many at that time, with the Sandov system of physical development, then, on the recommendations of Dmitriev-Morro and Pyotr Krylov, he began to include exercises with kettlebells and a barbell in his workouts.

He performed juggling with weights, squeezed, pulled out and threw them upside down, squeezed two-pound weights on his little fingers. With a barbell, he did bench press in a soldier’s stance, squeezed the barbell from behind his head, twisted it with one hand, squeezed the barbell while standing on the wrestling bridge. But still, Alexander was more attracted to the power tricks that he saw in the circus. And here it is Sports Equipment began to change, starting to look more like the props of a circus athlete: metal rods of different thicknesses and lengths, chains, horseshoes, forged nails with caps of a larger diameter than usual, all kinds of devices for “dental numbers”, etc.

It should be said that Zass had home-made all sports equipment, except for weights, and he constantly updated and improved it. So, with the help of a familiar blacksmith, a ball bar was made, such as Alexander saw in circus athletes. The balls were hollow and could be filled with sand. So the weight of the bar changed. The bar of the bar did not rotate, which made it difficult to perform some exercises, for example, lifting the bar to the chest. Bulldogs were also homemade (the so-called dumbbells weighing more than 16 kg). Alexander had a whole set of them: 16, 24, 40 kg.

Zass paid much attention to the development of finger strength. In addition to the usual exercises in winding the cord with weight on a stick, he constantly carried with him a dense "Arab" ball, which he squeezed with his fingers. He trained the extreme phalanges of the fingers with self-resistance exercises and twisting the chain links with his fingers. In the future, breaking the chains with his fingers was constantly included in his repertoire.

While working in the circus, he continued to study the methods of work and training of all the strong men with whom he had to meet. He studied their data, sought to understand why different exercises affect muscle growth and results in different ways. As a result, he determined for his training a combination of dynamic exercises, with exercises of an isometric nature, which, as he believed, helped him develop the strength and endurance necessary for a professional strongman.

Samson paid great attention to breathing exercises, which contribute to the development of the muscles involved in the breathing process, and increase the mobility of the chest. Excursion of the chest (the difference between the circumference of the chest between inhalation and exhalation) in "Samson" was 23 centimeters. Colossal chest excursion, strong intercostal muscles and latissimus dorsi backs allowed "Samson" to break the chains tied around his chest.

Training day of world champion Nikolai Vakhturov
(From an article by Vakhturov in the Hercules magazine, No. 12, 1915)

“I get up at 8 o’clock. I play for an hour. I come home and drink four glasses of sweet tea. I rest, lying in bed, for about half an hour. Then for an hour I work out with four-kilogram dumbbells according to the I.V. Lebedev. running in place with deep breathing 15 minutes. I wipe my body with a wet towel and go for a walk for an hour and a half. Arriving home, I pull the rubber for about twenty minutes and squeeze myself on the chairs about 50 times in a row, and then jump over the chairs for five minutes. I take an air bath, sitting on a chair, and wipe my whole body with cologne. I dine, mostly only greens (I don’t eat boiled meat at all). I play for about an hour. I sleep for an hour and a half. When I wake up, I read newspapers. I drink four glasses of tea. I go to the circus where I wrestle. The next day, getting up, I immediately begin to train in wrestling for an hour and a half. I pull the enemy up with the back belt 20–25 times. Then I run and go for a walk. That's my whole "system", in which, by the will of fate, my whole life fit in.

Jan Krause's Method of Life for Champion Athlete
(Journal "Hercules" No. 13, 1915)

“The main secret of my success in weightlifting is that I once and for all set myself the goal of leading a harsh, strictly defined lifestyle, from which I never deviate. I also never deviate from the method of training and distribution of the day that I have adopted. This is how my day goes. I get up at eight o'clock in the morning. I drink two glasses of sweet tea and eat a roll with butter and two eggs. I'm going to the service. I return home and have lunch: very little meat, a lot of greens, fruits and usually buckwheat. I have a good appetite, but I don’t eat my fill, but I get up from the table with such a feeling that I could still have a snack ... I rest. I drink milk with black bread. I go for a walk - at least 4-6 versts. Arriving home, I train twice a week from 8 o'clock to 11 o'clock in the evening, and I spend an hour and a half on gravity and the same amount on free movements. Of kettlebell exercises, I mainly train on jerky movements (I don’t like push-ups) and I try to do all the movements once a week. I don’t train with dumbbells at all and I consider them completely unnecessary for a kettlebell champion. I go to bed at 12 o'clock at night, and so - day after day.

Views on the training of world wrestling champion Ivan Spool

“His name in Paris and Madrid is a guarantee of full fees. Strong infinitely and accurately cast in steel. If he only defends himself, there is no such force that could break him. When he was still a student at the School of Athletics I.V. Lebedev, - and even the strongest professionals did not know what to do with the "spool". Now the iron Spool is the storm of all championships ... ”(Album“ Wrestlers ”, edition of the Hercules magazine, Petrograd, 1917)

“In my opinion, everyone should develop a separate training system for themselves, in accordance with their habits, with the characteristics of the body. Here is my training day: I get up at twelve o'clock. I take an air bath for 10 minutes. I do push-ups, lying on the floor or on chairs, 100 times (at random, of course). I do ten minutes of eight-pound dumbbells. Letting the body cool down, I take a cold shower. I rub my body red with a fluffy towel. I'm getting dressed. I drink two bottles of hot milk with cream and sugar. I eat a hearty breakfast of eggs, vegetables, flour and fruits, and I chew very slowly.

I play for about two hours. I walk at a fast pace, sometimes I turn from a walk to a run. When I get home, I train for 5 minutes with 8-pound dumbbells. I pull the rubber for 5 minutes. I train in wrestling for 30-40 minutes. After a 5-minute rest, I do 100 jumps in place. I run 10 minutes. I take a shower. I rub my whole body with cologne. I go for a walk for 15-20 minutes. I have lunch: vegetables, flour, very little meat, fruits. I play for half an hour. I play billiards. Then I wrestle in the circus. After the struggle, I wash my body with water and rub it with alcohol. I have supper: greens, eggs. I drink two bottles of milk with cream and sugar. I walk for half an hour and go to bed no later than two in the morning, so that I have at least 10 hours for sleep. (From the sixth issue of Hercules, 1915)

Recommendations I.V. Lebedeva ("Uncle Vanya") for beginner athletes
("Weightlifting", 1916)

“My teacher, Dr. V.F. Kraevsky, to the assurances of many opponents of development with heavy weights that “you can overstrain”, answered this way: “If you can lift a weight, then you will not overstrain; and if you can’t lift it, then you won’t overstrain either, because you won’t lift it. ” It was quite witty, but not entirely true, because, doing heavy weights without knowing the basic laws of weightlifting, you can overstrain and spoil your health. Meanwhile, the basic laws of weightlifting (weightlifting) are very simple. Here they are:

1. Do not lift weights impetuously (especially do not lift them abruptly from the ground) and you will not overstrain; 2. Do not hold your breath while lifting the kettlebell (and approaching it); 3. Do not strain other muscles in vain, except for those that perform the necessary “work”: for example, when pushing and pushing with both hands, you do not need to firmly squeeze the barbell at all; with any movement with weights, tension is required only for lifting, while lowering the weight should be quite easy without any muscle tension; 4. "Work" constantly smoothly, without sudden movements, even when pushing, all the pace of movement should be smooth; 5. Do not be nervous either during the “work” or when starting it, that is, do not be afraid of the kettlebell, assure yourself that you must lift the kettlebell, that you cannot but lift it. If you learn these rules for yourself, then there will be no harm from weightlifting, but you will get an undoubted great benefit: increase in strength, development of muscles and awareness of one's own strength.

Each person can become two or three times stronger, and heavy weights are one of the most powerful ways to make a person stronger. When lifting weights, a distinction must be made between record lifting and training lifting. In striving for records, you need to be very careful. Beginners are best off for a year or two to discard any thought of records. Strengthen and temper your body with training in several sports - a wide variety, and only then proceed to record training. If the “record is not going”, do not be upset and do not give up training: in essence, nothing in the world will change from the fact that you have not lifted 10 pounds more, and the benefits of training will still be great for you.

Regarding the mode of life: "the human body does not tolerate constraints, but every excess is harmful." As for food, I definitely do not advise eating meat: it introduces putrefactive decomposition products into your body and forms uric acid, which poisons the body. The basic rule for eating: chew as slowly as possible. Drinking alcohol and smoking is not advised at all. Sleep - 7-8 hours. Dress without wrapping and without wearing warm underwear. Fresh air and water (souls or baths) are necessary for every person who wants to be strong and healthy.

Here is a training scheme for an amateur weightlifter, assuming he is free all day. Get up at 8 o'clock in the morning. Air bath 5-10 minutes. Free movements - 5 minutes. Dumbbells light - 10 minutes. Stretching rubber - 10 minutes. Free movements - 5 minutes. Running (at least in place) - 3-5 minutes. Air bath (until the heart calms down), shower (pouring or wiping the whole body). Lie in bed, covering yourself with a warm blanket to sweat. Get up and wipe yourself with water at room temperature with cologne or alcohol. Eat 2-3 soft-boiled eggs and drink 1-2 cups of hot milk with sugar. Chew slowly, and drink milk in small sips, holding it in your mouth. Get dressed and go for a walk. Walk quickly, but with a distinct, even step. Sometimes go for a run. The walk lasts 1-2 hours. Arriving home, do, if there are rings or bars, gymnastics on them, and if not, then squeeze yourself on chairs. Increase the number of repetitions every 1-2 days. Training with rubber - 10 minutes. Jumping - 5 minutes. Air bath - 3 minutes. Wiping the whole body. Breakfast. Two hours after breakfast - training with heavy weights, and devote one day to pushing and pushing, the other to pushing and pulling, the third to one pushing. It is imperative to add to these movements every day: push-ups lying down at times, squats on toes with a barbell on the shoulders behind the head and pulling on the biceps. Then, holding the bar with a grip from below, bend and unbend your arms at the wrist joints. Weight training is done with very little weight; example: an athlete can squeeze 72 kg with both hands - he must start training with 32 kg and finish with a weight of 56 kg. Kettlebell training continues - one hour. Dumbbells - 15 minutes. Running - 5-10 minutes. Wiping the whole body. Walk. Go in for other sports: swimming, football, rowing, cycling, and in winter - skating or skiing. Lunch - a lot of fruits - raw and boiled. 2 hours after lunch - training in the fight against a partner: first, strength, then - to receptions. It lasts 1 hour, with breaks. Then gymnastics on apparatuses (simulators) or free movements - 5-10 minutes. Wiping the body with cologne. Walk. Arriving home - drink hot milk with sugar, but do not have dinner. At 12 o'clock - to sleep.

At the same time, to engage in heavy weights - three times a week: every other day. The best weight training separate weight. If it is possible to take boxing lessons, then take up boxing on your free days. One day a week - a complete rest from any training, except for other sports on fresh air: football, etc.

Needless to say, there are very few lucky athletes among athletes who would have the opportunity and leisure to devote their entire day to training. But free time, in a smaller or larger size, every person has in the morning, in the afternoon, and in the evening.

Make yourself, according to the above model, a brief training scheme so that it is no less versatile. In two years you will be a strong and well-rounded athlete and then you can start special training.”

How Georg Hackenschmidt trained
(Journal "Hercules" No. 14, 1915)

“Georg Gakkenshmidt owes his strength, his muscles, his records and his entire career exclusively to training ... Among Russian athletes, there is not one who devoted all his leisure time to training as diligently as the Russian Lion. The original "work" of Hackenschmidt, before his arrival in Petrograd in 1897, was not rational. True, he raced a bicycle, was a good gymnast, already twisted 240 pounds (96 kg) with one hand and, speaking in small Baltic circuses under the name "Lenz", amazed the audience with the development of his muscles. But real workout for him began from the day when Dr. V.F. Kraevsky. At almost three months, Gakkenshmidt was heard in the chest by almost 10 centimeters and began to give the impression of Hercules Farnese. This was achieved by Dr. Kraevsky with his enhanced nutrition; for Hackenschmidt, a remarkably strong broth was brewed, and a bowl of broth was boiled down from 6-7 pounds of meat. Kraevsky fed Gakkenshmidt exactly for slaughter, at the same time forcing him to train with weights - average weight - at times for 2-3 hours twice daily: in the morning and in the afternoon. At the same time, training on the rings was mandatory. Body hygiene was very important - after training, a cold bath and a walk followed. Gakkenshmidt then did very little dumbbells. But much attention was paid to exercises in separate weights (with bulldogs and with weights) and squats with a barbell behind them. That was how Gakkenshmidt's weightlifting training went on at that time, things were worse with wrestling then - there was no one to train seriously with, they had to limit themselves to friendly training in the Kraevsky circle and in the Athletic Society, running and jumping. The time for real wrestling training came for Hackenschmidt from his American tour, when he began to train with Dr. Roller - the best representative freestyle wrestling. Every day, every morning, Hakkenshmidt and Roller, dressed warmly, ran for about an hour without rest, until they were sweating. Wrestling training followed, followed by a massage. After the massage, free movements according to the system of the Dane Müller and a bath.

World champion, athlete and wrestler Stanislav Zbyshko-Tsyganevich about his training

“I sleep ten hours. I get up at 5 am. I take an air bath for 5-10 minutes. Then I train for half an hour with 5-pound dumbbells, do free movements and exercise with rubber. I take a shower and eat something light. In general, I do not eat any meat - I even feel some kind of disgust for it. My food is fruits, greens, flour and a lot of cakes. I don't drink wine or beer. I love milk and very sweet tea (6 pieces per glass). I go for a walk, and from time to time I switch to slow run. Arriving home, I begin to train in wrestling, usually with 3-4 wrestlers in a row, and I especially practice lifting them from the ground with a reverse belt for several times.

Wrestling training takes about an hour. Then massage and shower. Breakfast. Walk again and then run (I run for 1.5 hours with breaks). After running, I switch to walking, and I try to breathe deeply and strongly. Then - lunch. After dinner I read something, I do correspondence. Two hours after lunch again training. I do dumbbells, rubber, which I stretch from behind my back, play handball and jump rope. In Europe, jumping rope is child's play, but practical Americans have long realized that jump rope is an excellent workout for breathing, against obesity, etc. All American wrestlers and boxers must use jumping rope in their training. After training again massage, then a bath. I have supper and go for a walk at a slow, quiet step. Then a good, deep sleep. I do weightlifting once a week, and I push the 104 kg barbell 25 times in a row, taking it the same number of times at one pace on the chest.

On days when I have a particularly difficult fight, my training is limited to running and jumping rope. These days I try not to be nervous and not think about anything, but mostly I read the novels of my favorite writer Heinrich Sienkiewicz. As if alive, the images of our Polish heroes created by him and that hero-young man, whose name I took and whom I set as a prototype for myself, stand before me - Zbyshko from the "Sword-bearers". When I go to the fight in the evening, these inspired images seem to inspire me - I experience an inexpressible uplift of spirit. After the struggle, I wash first with warm water with soap and a brush, then with cold water and rub myself with some kind of alcohol so as not to get boils. I eat and walk.

This is the lifestyle I follow. I am often asked which contractions were the most difficult. In French wrestling - with Poddubny, in free American wrestling - with the Indian Gamma.

Anthropometric data height - 175 cm, weight - 120 kg, chest circumference during inspiration - 130 cm, biceps - 52 cm, forearm - 38 cm, thigh - 78 cm, lower leg - 46 cm.

Recommendations of the Honored Artist of the RSFSR, professional athlete Valentin Dikul for athletics

1. Systematic medical supervision is required.

2. You can proceed to the development of special strength qualities only after a year of athletic gymnastics.

3. Before weight training, a thorough warm-up is necessary to warm up the muscles.

4. Every week you need to change a number of exercises, the order in which they are performed, in order to avoid the “addiction” of the muscles to loads in repetitive movements.

5. Even trained athletes should be engaged in a purely power complex for no more than 30-40 days.

6. When exercising with large weights Special attention give to the joints, avoid their overload.

7. Perform all exercises in 5 sets of 6 times. For the abdominal muscles - 3 sets of 30-40 times.

8. Do not in any way strive to “eat up” weight, which weightlifters of heavy weights once aspired to. weight categories and circus strongmen.

My strength is the result modern methods workout.

Daily regime

“I get up at 8 in the morning, do light exercises. I have breakfast. I spend two hours writing letters from the sick. Then I train for 4 hours with full dedication of strength and always with shells heavier than those during the performance. Resting. I give two more hours to the sick. And finally, I begin to prepare for the performance at the arena. I don't use a special diet. Eat a little. But the basis of the diet is protein foods, fruits, vegetables. In winter, I definitely add multivitamins. ”

Personal records of V. Dikul: bench press - 240 kg, squats - 340 kg, deadlift- more than 500 kg. Without special training in triathlon he had a result of 547 kg (bench press with two - 182 kg, snatch with two - 157.5 kg, push with two - 207.5 kg).

Anthropometric data: height - 175 cm, weight - 108 kg, biceps - 50 cm.

V. Dikul addresses the lovers of athleticism with the following words: “Be faithful to the end of athleticism, do not rush from side to side, love your wonderful sport, which will give you good health, physical beauty, and expand your spiritual world.”

Recommendations for beginner athletes from the book "Athleticism" by G. Tenno and Y. Sorokin

In 1968, the Young Guard publishing house published the book Athleticism, which immediately became a bestseller among fans of strength. Judge of the international category in weightlifting Georgy Pavlovich Tenno, using his rich knowledge of the history of world athletics, developed sets of exercises with weights and gave guidelines which have not lost their relevance to this day.

“Athleticism is a system of exercises with weights: barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, shock absorbers, block devices. Often this system is called miraculous. We will not dissuade you. Everything is correct. Every person can hope for a miracle. On one condition. A miracle will not happen by itself, at the behest of a pike or due to other fabulous reasons. It originates in the objective laws of physiology and biochemistry. It is generated by will, perseverance and diligence. If these qualities are not highly developed in you, you have the right to hope only for a small, discreet and modest miracle. But if determination and will are in the very essence of your character, the miracle will be huge, fantastic and will shock not only yourself, but also thousands of other people.

Health is everything

Sometimes you hear such a conversation. We live in the 20th century. We do not need to go to the mammoth with a heavy club or to catch a mountain goat by the tail on our own two feet. Now technology does everything. Say, a crane will lift much more than a whole team of weightlifters. And the most ordinary "Volga" is much faster than Armin Hari - the world record holder in the hundred meters - and much more enduring Vinila - the winner of the marathon at the Tokyo Olympics. So what's the point of wasting so much time on sports? Indeed, why? Let's better solve scientific problems, design machines, write poetry and compose music. And everything else - all sorts of gymnastics, games, light and weightlifting - to the side. And now, shrouded in clouds of bluish tobacco smoke, unfortunate theorists do not get up from the table for days on end. Little by little their muscles become flabby, feeble. The figure swims with fat. Climbing the stairs, they increasingly clutch at the heart. The work doesn't stick. Head hurts. Weakness sets in. And this Business Cards future diseases, which usually do not take long to wait. How many wonderful undertakings remained unfinished only because people did not have enough health for that. And vice versa. How many examples there are of how physical culture has served people as a good helper in great accomplishments and deeds. Remember. The philosopher Plato participated in wrestling competitions. Academician Ivan Petrovich Pavlov regularly played towns. Leo Tolstoy plowed the land and rode a bicycle. Such examples are innumerable.

1. Standing, heels together, toes apart. Hands with dumbbells along the body and pressed to the sides, palms facing forward, shoulders straightened, look straight ahead. Alternately bend and unbend your arms at the elbow joints. Elbows must be motionless. Breathing is uniform, arbitrary.
Exercise develops the biceps of the shoulder (biceps).

2. The same exercise, but the hands with dumbbells are turned with the knuckles forward (overhand grip).
This exercise develops the biceps and extensor muscles of the forearm.

3. Standing, arms with dumbbells raised to the sides, palms up, look straight ahead. Alternately bend and unbend your arms at the elbow joints. During the exercise, do not lower your elbows. Breathing is uniform, arbitrary.
The exercise develops the deltas, biceps and triceps of the shoulder (triceps).

4. The same as exercise 3, only now bend and unbend your arms with dumbbells at the same time. Bending your arms - inhale, unbending - exhale.

Exercise develops deltas, biceps and triceps.

5. Standing, arms with dumbbells raised forward, palms inward. Spread straight arms to the sides and inhale, quickly return to the starting position - exhale.

Exercise develops the pectoral muscles, muscles of the back and shoulder girdle.

6. Standing, hands with dumbbells to the shoulders, turn your shoulders, look straight ahead. Alternately raise and lower your arms. Breathing is even.

Exercise develops the triceps muscles of the shoulder, deltoid and trapezius muscles.

7. Standing, hands with dumbbells on the hips, the back is slightly bent. Alternately raise your straight arms forward to shoulder level. Raising your right hand, inhale, raising your left - exhale.

This exercise develops the deltoid muscles.

8. Standing, arms with dumbbells to the sides, palms down. At the same time and quickly turn the brushes up, down - forward, backward. Breathing is even. Exercise to perform before the onset of fatigue.

Develops the muscles of the forearm and strengthens the wrist joints.

9. Take dumbbells at one end and spread your arms to the sides. Without bending your arms, make circular rotations with your hands back and forth. Breathing is even. Exercise to the point of exhaustion.

10. Standing, arms with dumbbells raised up. Without bending your knees, lean forward and touch the floor with your hands - exhale. Return to the starting position - inhale. Hands should not lag behind. The first time the exercise can be performed without dumbbells.
Exercise develops abdominal muscles, back muscles and biceps femoris.

11. Standing, arms with dumbbells along the torso. Raising the right forearm to the waist, at a right angle to the body, make a strong lunge with the left leg and straighten the right arm - exhale. Quickly return to the starting position, bringing the elbow back - inhale. Then lunge with your right foot and left arm.

This exercise develops the deltoids and leg muscles.

12. Standing, arms with dumbbells along the torso, look straight ahead. Raise straight arms through the sides up - inhale. Lower to the starting position - exhale.
Those who experience discomfort in the joints when performing this exercise we recommend that you temporarily perform it, raising your hands to parallel with the floor.
Exercise develops the deltoid and trapezius muscles.

13. Push-ups lying on the floor. The torso and legs should form a straight line. Bending your arms, inhale, unbending - exhale. Bending your arms, touch the floor with your chest.
The technique of this exercise has been disassembled.
The exercise develops triceps, pectoral muscles and muscles of the shoulder girdle.

14. Standing, arms with dumbbells along the torso. Tilt your torso to the left side, bend your right arm so that the dumbbell touches the armpit. Then tilt to the other side, bending your left arm. Bending down, exhale, returning to the starting position - inhale.

Exercise develops the lateral abdominal muscles, biceps, deltas and trapezius muscles.

15. Lying on your back, legs are fixed to a fixed support, arms with dumbbells are extended behind your head. Sit down and bend forward - exhale. Slowly return to the starting position - inhale. We hold our hands in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe head. At first, the exercise can be performed without dumbbells or not put them behind the head in the lower position. On large scales, the dumbbells behind the head to the floor can not be brought - this will facilitate the repetition of the exercise.
This exercise develops the abdominal muscles.

16. Lying on your back, hands under your head. Raise straight legs up - exhale. Slowly lower your legs to the starting position - inhale.
During the exercise, it is advisable not to fill up the legs on yourself, a light touch of the floor is allowed, the back is pressed to the floor (we do not help with the back, we work with the press).
This exercise develops the abdominal muscles and quadriceps femoris.

17. Standing, heels together, socks apart, arms with dumbbells along the body. Rising on your toes, sit down - inhale, return to the starting position - exhale.
Ideally, the entire exercise is done on toes. Beginners at first can perform normally and even without dumbbells. Watch your well-being!
Squats are recommended to be done at an angle of no more than 90 degrees, but it is better not to squat to the very bottom - the joint goes to a break, and the muscles are no longer loaded. The knees do not go beyond the socks. The technique of the exercise has been disassembled.
This exercise develops the calf muscles and quadriceps femoris.

18. Standing, arms with dumbbells along the torso. Bend and unbend the hands at the wrist joints. Breathing is even.

The exercise develops the muscles of the forearm and strengthens the wrist joints.

A set of exercises develops strength, muscles, endurance.
The whole complex is performed non-stop, in 20-30 minutes.

Eugene Sandow(1867-1925) - an outstanding athlete of the XIX century, the founder of bodybuilding. He grew up as a weak and sickly child. As a medical student, he became passionately interested in anatomy and physical exercises in order to get rid of weakness. I began to train regularly and the problem was solved: tone, health and strength came. Soon he became a circus athlete, demonstrated an athletic physique, power tricks, mastered acrobatics, horse riding, and wrestling. And then he reaches a phenomenal level of development of strength and body, becomes the strongest man in the world, setting several world records.

Sandow's coach was Louis Durlacher, referred to as a professional strongman who brought up many famous weightlifters. The success of his coaching work was progressive increase in burdens, at the time it was a revolutionary training technique. Sandova applied this principle to strength gymnastics, gradually increasing the number of repetitions, then the weight of the dumbbells. He advertised his power achievements as the achievements of advanced science and the revival of the ancient Greek ideal.

Anthropometric data:
Height - 170 cm
Weight - 75 kg
Biceps - 43 cm
Forearm - 33 cm
Thigh - 63 cm
Calves - 40 cm

Sandow developed a social movement for, created institutions in England physical education, as well as physical culture salons - prototypes of gyms, promoted his system of exercises for gaining strength and health. In 1911, King George V of England awarded Sandow the title of Professor of Physical Development. The following year, Sandow wrote his the best book"Strength and Health: How Disease Can Be Successfully Conquered by Physical Culture".

Force numbers by Evgeny Sandov

1 . In 4 minutes, I did 200 push-ups from the floor.
2 . For several seconds, he held weights of 27 kg on his arms extended forward.
3 . Leaning with his heels on one chair, and with the back of his head on another, he held two people on his chest, and in his outstretched arm a weight of 22 kg.
4 . Holding in each hand 1.5 pood weights (25.4 kg each), he stood on a handkerchief, jumped forward and did a somersault back, as if landing again on the handkerchief. And so several times.
5 . With one hand, he squeezed a barbell with huge hollow balls, inside of which one person was sitting. The weight of the unusual bar was 122 kg.
6 . During the American tour, he fought with a lion - in a muzzle and shod in mittens. The lion rushed at Sandov, who caught him, held him and threw him away, threw him over himself, pressed him to the arena.
7 . With his right hand, he squeezed a barbell weighing 115 kg, then shifted it to his left hand, lay on his back, and without lowering the barbell, inserted it.

Secret of strength

1. Comprehensive muscle development: exercises with light dumbbells, exercises with weights, static load.

2. Conscious muscle contraction:"One must acquire the ability to concentrate one's mind on the muscles and subordinate them to his absolute influence."

3. Don't waste time- exercise with dumbbells and train in muscle tension throughout the day. While reading, during a simple rest, in moments of waiting ..., try to contract the muscles more and more.

4. Step load increase- number of repetitions, weight of dumbbells.

“The body, like a child, needs education, and such education can be provided by exercises that help develop not only muscles, but also improve health” - Eugene Sandow.

Focus on exercise- Sandow sincerely and persistently stated that this is the key to success in gymnastics. By tensing the muscles, the student must concentrate the mind and willpower when working with weights or in any muscle exercise. Exercise, of course, must also be systematic, persistent (not backing down when you feel tired in a hard exercise or workout), and thorough.

The secret of strength is in conscious muscle contraction. Dumbbells only help to better feel the work of the muscles.

* The weight of the dumbbells should be light, for beginners they can be made of wood. For women and children 1-2 kg, for adult men from 2 kg.

* A set of exercises with light dumbbells lasts 30 minutes, if you can not do it continuously, you can 15 minutes, or twice a day for 15 minutes.

* Exercises are performed until muscle pain.

* There must be a concentration of will in the exercises, dumbbells must be held and used not passively.

* What part of the day should you devote to exercise? It depends on the student himself: some find early morning the best and most convenient time, others in the afternoon, others in the evening. Therefore, I do not set a strictly defined time. Choose the time that is most convenient for you. But best time for training, I think - early morning.

* Exercise should be performed no earlier than 2 hours after eating.

* It is advisable to exercise in front of a mirror, so you can follow the movement of the muscles.

* Gradual progress - don't rush to increase dumbbell weights and reps, beware of doing too much, adapt to your personal requirements. After 50 years, you should follow the tables for ages 15 to 17.

* Success depends not only on physical constitution, but also on the degree of participation of their will in the exercises. Muscles are developed by the brain, which can do as much and more than dumbbells.

* Practice muscle contraction whenever you are sitting idle, and by contracting them every day you will find that this will work just as well as using dumbbells or other vigorous exercise.

* Alternating movements in exercises - in this way one muscle group rests for a moment while the other moves. It also results in freer blood circulation than with the simultaneous execution of movements.

*Before 7 years, these exercises should not be practiced.

* One should beware of overworking, and most importantly, do not exercise too vigorously. It will be convenient to give each hand 1 second to move. Thus, in the first exercise, 10 movements with each hand will take 20 seconds. Do not make sudden movements either, but exercise with ease and grace.

* After exercise, take a cold bath, after preparing the body for water procedures(hardening).

Date: 2010-04-18

I am often asked how long does it take to become strong? The answer is up to you.

The German athlete Eugene Sandow at the end of the 19th century was one of the most strong people in the world* After moving to England, he did a lot to spread his system of training. She from his books "Strength and how to abtain it" was translated in Russia and was very popular.

The dignity of this system, like any other, can only be assessed in practice. But the fact that, thanks to her, Sandow himself, who was a frail and sickly young man, became one of the first strong men in the world, and that numerous followers spoke very well of her, speaks for itself.

The Sandow system is designed for people of different sex and age and is intended as a means of improving health. At the same time, it is noted that it can also be used for those who want to become a famous athlete in the future.


1. Strict gradualness in increasing loads

Exercises, with some exceptions, are the same for everyone, but each gender and age corresponds to a certain weight of dumbbells and the number of repetitions. The sequence in increasing loads is also determined.

It is recommended that these instructions be observed with all accuracy, because the fidelity and strength of success depend on this. In pursuit of "early" success, you should not prematurely increase the weight of the dumbbells and the number of repetitions. This is more likely to bring harm than good (especially to a young, fragile body). Moreover, those who are infirm or in poor health are advised to proceed with the exercises according to the table, one step below their age.

2. The predominant importance of conscious muscle contraction during exercise

This is the "nail" of the Sandow system, which is the basis for the successful development of strength. Performing each exercise, you should focus not on its result, not on the weight of the dumbbells, but on the very process of muscle contraction. Necessary consciously contract muscles, dumbbells serve only as an additional regulator of strength and uniformity in movements.

According to Sandow, the brain can do as much or more than dumbbells. It is precisely because of the great importance of this side of the system that the explanations for the exercises provide the main muscle groups, the conscious contraction of which performs one or another movement.


When they start the system of exercises set out in the attached tables, the very first question arises: "What part of the day should I devote to training?" I do not set a strictly defined time. Golden Rule is to choose the part of the day that is most convenient for you. If possible, do not start exercising earlier than 2 hours after eating. Also, don't exercise just before bed if you find it makes you sleepless. Many of my students find that they sleep much better after exercise, but for some, the exercise has the opposite effect.

It is advisable to exercise in front of a mirror, undressing (at least to the waist). In this way, you can follow the movements of different muscles. And to see their work and to observe their gradual, even development is in itself both a help and a pleasure.

Students should not lose heart if after the first days of training they feel tired. To them I strongly recommend that you do not give in to seeming difficulties; if you want success, then go ahead and never back down. This fatigue, moreover, becomes a very pleasant feeling. You will like it soon. Personally, I can say that it is one of the most pleasant sensations that I have ever experienced.

I am often asked how long does it take to become strong? The answer depends on yourself, but not only on your physical constitution. The main thing is the participation of your will in the exercises. Muscles are developed by the brain, which can do as much if not more than dumbbells. For beginners, the most difficult part of my system is learning to focus my thoughts so strongly on my muscles that I gain absolute control over them. The ability for such control is acquired gradually. The brain sends an order - the nerves receive it and transmit it to the muscles. With regard to the willpower used in this, it should be remembered that tensions can be achieved by simple contraction of the muscles, without lifting weights.

You may notice that in my exercises I insist on alternating movements. In this case, one muscle group is resting while the other is working. This ensures freer blood circulation than with simultaneous exercise.


1. Turn the inside of your arm forward and, tensing your muscles, bend your arms alternately, bringing the dumbbells to your shoulder. Shoulders and elbows should be at the same time lowered, and top part arms - close to the sides. Lowering the dumbbell, you should straighten your arm quite straight. Develops biceps (biceps muscle).

2. Turn the outer side of the arm forward and do the movements as in # 1, but in this exercise, bringing the back of the hand to the shoulder. Develops biceps and triceps (triceps muscle).

3. Stretch your arms apart, at shoulder level, turning the inside of the arm up, and alternately bend your arms so that the dumbbell falls on your shoulder. At the same time, it should be observed that the arms do not fall below shoulder level. Straightening your arms, you should stretch them to their full length, stretching the muscles. Develops biceps, triceps and a wide dorsal muscle.

4. The exercise is the same as number 3, but the bending of the arms is done simultaneously, and not alternately. Develops the same muscles.

5. Stretch both arms forward, at mouth level, straightening your elbows and tilting your head. From this position, spread them back to the line of the shoulders, then quickly return them to their previous position. Develops muscles: deltoid and pectoralis major.

6. Bend both arms to the shoulders, palms inward and alternately straighten them above the head, in a vertical direction. Lowering the hand, the elbow should touch the side and be brought back a little; stand at the same time should be straight, with shoulders thrown back and protruding chest. Develops biceps, triceps, deltoid and broad spinal muscles.

7. Slightly bend your back and lower your hands to your feet, above your knees, with the back side outward, slightly concave your chest. Alternately raise your arms in full length, forward and up, to shoulder level. Develops the deltoid muscle.

8. Stretch your arms apart, at shoulder level, and at the same time quickly turn them on the axis of the forearm. Diversify the exercise by bending the brush back and forth. Develops the muscles of the forearm and hand.

9. The position of the hand is the same as in number 8. Taking the dumbbells by their ends, turn them from right to left, rotational movement hands Develops the same muscles.

10. Exercise is the same as number 9, but the dumbbells, taken by the ends, rotate from left to right. Develops the same muscles.

11. Place the dumbbells on the floor, along the outer sides of your feet, with the center of the handle toward your toes. Bending down, pick them up, standing at attention!, and make half a turn to the left on your heels. Raising the right forearm to the waist, at a right angle to the body, make a strong lunge with the left leg and right arm. Quickly straighten up to the original position, bringing the elbow back. Stretches muscles. Develops muscles: deltoid, wide dorsal, pectoralis major and leg muscles.

12. The same as in No. 11, but in the opposite direction, i.e. a half-turn is made to the right, the left forearm rises to the waist and the lunge is made with the left hand and right foot. Develops the same muscles as in #11.

13. Push ups. Leaning on the hands and on the toes, alternately lower and rise (by bending and straightening the arms). It should be kept completely straight, the head, torso and legs should be in a straight line, the knees should not be bent; descending, you should not touch the floor with either your torso or lower limbs. This exercise does not use dumbbells. Develops biceps, triceps, muscles: deltoid, pectoralis major, wide dorsal, quadriceps (extensor leg) and oblique abdominal.

14. Tilt your torso to the right and left without moving your lower limbs. At the same time, alternately bend your arms, turning your hands with dumbbells into the armpit. Develops muscles: arms, shoulder and oblique abdominal.

15. Lie on your back with your arms outstretched at your sides. Alternately rise to a sitting position, leaning towards your toes, and lower yourself back to horizontal position. This exercise is done first without dumbbells. Subsequently, you can first take one dumbbell in both hands, and even later, one in each hand and, stretching your arms behind your head, do the exercise, as described above. Develops abdominal muscles.

16. Lie on your back (with your arms behind your head). Raise both legs at the same time, with toes extended and knees straight; bring it from farther forward and then slowly lower it to its original position. Develops muscles: abdominal, inguinal and quadriceps (extensor leg).

17. Slowly rise up onto your toes and then back down onto your heels. Develops leg muscles.

18. Keep your arms parallel to your sides and turn your hands in and out. Develops the muscles of the forearm and hand.


For boys and girls ages 7 to 10 (use 1 lb dumbbells only)

exercise number Increase in the number of movements*
1 10 One every three days
2 5 Same
3 5 Same
4 4 One every five days
5 4 Same
6 10 One every three days
7 6 One every five days
8,9,10 Not recommended
11 5 One every five days
12 5 Same
13 2 One every two weeks
14 5 One every three days
15 3 One every two weeks
16 (boys only)3 Same
17 10 One every three days
18 10 Same

Similar programs are offered for boys and girls aged 10 to 15. Two pound dumbbells (ages 10-12) and 3 pounds (ages 12-15) are recommended.

For girls aged 15 to 17 (use 3 lb dumbbells only)

exercise number Number of repetitions for each hand Increase in the number of movements
1 15 One every three days
2 8 Same
3 6 Same
4 6 One every five days
5 4 Same
6 10 One every three days
7 8 One every five days
8,9,10 Not recommended
11 5 One every five days
12 5 Same
13 2 One every two weeks
14 8 One every three days
15 3 One every two weeks
16 Not recommended
17 15 One every two weeks
18 15 One every three days

For boys aged 15 to 17 (use 4 lb dumbbells first)

exercise number Number of repetitions for each hand Increase in the number of movements*
1 30 One in a day
2 15 One every two days
3 10 Same
4 8 Same
5 5 One every three days
6 12 One every two days
7 8 One every three days
8,9,10 Not recommended
11 5 One every two days
12 5 Same
13 2 One in a week
14 15 One in a day
15 3 One every three days
16 3 One every two weeks
17 25 One every three days
18 25 Same

For girls aged 17 and over (use 4 lb dumbbells only)

exercise number Number of repetitions for each hand Increase in the number of movements
1 20 One in a day
2 10 One every two days
3 7 Same
4 7 Same
5 4 One every three days
6 10 One every two days
7 8 One every three days
8,9,10 Before fatigue
11 5 One every two days
12 5 Same
13 2 One every week
14 10 One every three days
15 3 Same
16 Not recommended
17 20 One every three days
18 20 Same

For boys aged 17 years and over (use only 5 lb dumbbells at first)

exercise number Number of repetitions for each hand Increase in the number of movements
1 50 five every day
2 25 two every day
3 10 One every day
4 10 One every three days
5 5 One every two days
6 15 Same
7 10 Same
8,9,10 Before fatigue
11 10 One every two days
12 10 Same
13 3 One every three days
14 25 two every day
15 3 One every two days
16 3 Same
17 25 two every day
18 25 Same

After increasing the number of repetitions in the first exercise to 120, and in other exercises - in proportion to this, it is recommended to train at the achieved level for 6 months. Then you should increase the weight of each dumbbell by 2 pounds and start again, focusing on the table. Similarly, it is recommended to increase the load in the future. The author claims that after completing a training course with dumbbells, each of which weighs up to 20 pounds, the practitioner will become as muscular as he is ****

* One of the records of E. Sandov is given: he squeezed 325 English pounds = 358 Russian pounds (8 pounds 38 pounds) with his right hand.

** The maximum increase in movements in exercise No. 1 is proposed to be increased to 120. In other exercises - in proportion to this. There is no information about the subsequent regulation of loads.

*** At this age, young men who have increased the number of movements in the first exercise from 30 to 120, and in others - in proportion to this, are recommended to take the course again, but with dumbbells of six pounds.

**** According to D. Gudkov (1967), E. Sandov had the following anthropometric indicators: height 170 cm, weight 78 kg, biceps 41 cm, rib cage 122 cm, waist 80 cm, thigh 60 cm, lower leg - 40 cm.