business card. Bate-bgu


First Rival Russian team- a club from the fraternal republic of Belarus, a sensational silver medalist of the championship, BATE-BGU from Borisov. A few details about the team entering the fight on the European arena for the first time.

Among the BATE players there are a number of well-known names: Dmitry Likhorad and Roman Aplevich, Artem Goremykin, Oleg Mikhnyuk - ex-players of the national team, Vyacheslav Cherepovich - in the national squad and now. Lihorad is the best libero in Belarus, an experienced and skillful person, and, according to BATE coach Sergei Chesnovitsky, was the main goal of the team's breeders in the off-season.

By the way, we managed to see the vice-champions of Belarus in action - at a friendly tournament in St. Petersburg dedicated to the memory of Zinovy ​​Cherny, and the first one who drew attention to himself was just Dmitry Likhorad - forty-year-old, early gray-haired libero BATE was still the same jumpy, plastic and performed small feats in defense. This team generally plays defensive volleyball, and their opponents had some problems with finishing the balls to the floor.

Protection, one might say, is our crown element, - says Sergey Chesnovitsky. - Such growth data, like most Russian players we don’t have it, so we need to get something, to have our own trump cards. Before Torch we will play two or three rounds of our championship, we still have opportunities to work out interactions, we will not force anything, we will gain momentum along the distance. We have stepped up this offseason. It’s not enough, I think, it would be possible to take a couple more players, but in any case, now it’s a completely different story - we played the last championship of Belarus with one seven, and the replacements were completely unbeaten youth.

- Strengthened for European competitions or for the championship?

For the championship. We decided to win the domestic championship, to make a stack for him, especially when we saw who we got at the start of the Challenge Cup. For BATE, this is the first experience in European competitions, and to get your team as rivals .... We are very upset. When asked what are my preferences? I answered: "Anyone, but not" Torch ".

- Why? Do you think there is no chance?

There are always chances, but Fakel is the worst option for us. Still, we consider him the main favorite of the entire tournament. But this does not mean that my team will not fight - no, we will give everything to the end. We have experienced guys, tournament fighters, who have played in European competitions more than once and showed results. So we are not going to see the northern lights in Novy Urengoy.

*At the moment, six rounds have been played in the Belarusian Championship - the leader is BATE, which has not lost a single match and has not lost a single point.

Command structure:

Binders: Artem Goremykin, Oleg Mikhnyuk

Players: Pavel Kuklinsky, Roman Aplevich, Vladislav Rak, Artem Zaiko, Alexander Shklyanko

Blockers: Ilya Burov, Konstantin Panasenko, Evgeny Voinov

Diagonal: Vyacheslav Cherepovich, Vladimir Zhigmont

Libero: Dmitry Likhorad, Petr Lazuko

O. Bychenkova; Press Service of VK "Fakel" Novy Urengoy

17.02.14| Comments to record "Pramen" - BATE-BGU - 2:3; 0:3 disabled

The first match of the 9th round of the national volleyball championship took place in the Mogilev sports complex "Olympiets". Competed "Pramen" and BATE-BGU. The game was very tense. The first three games were held in an equal fight, the opponents were constantly going point for point. All finished with a score 25:23 . The hosts took the start and the second, the Borisovites took the third. In the fourth set to its equator, everything was the same. After the account has become 11:11 , the guests made a rapid breakthrough. The result is a confidently won game in favor of the Borisov volleyball players. At the tie-break there were "swings" again, but still, on the falling flag, BATE-BGU pulled out the victory.

"Pramen" - BATE-BGU - 2:3

In the next bout, BATE-BSU volleyball players played much more confidently and stronger. After more or less equal first halves of the games, the Borisovites invariably broke away in the second and calmly brought them to victory.

"Pramen" - BATE-BGU - 0:3

Official site volleyball club"BATE-BSU"

STROITEL or Shakhtar? For several years, the intrigue of the Belarusian volleyball championship was limited to these two teams. Yes, and that one was invented for lack of an alternative: the Minskers defended their championship without big problems. But this season, it seems that it will not be easy to extend the "Builder's Day". Firstly, the crisis has thinned out the roster, secondly, the team has to fight on two fronts — the semi-finals of the Challenge Cup will certainly take a lot of energy, and thirdly, a team has appeared in the championship that has already won three matches out of four against Minsk during the season , completed the regular part of the tournament in first place and, apparently, does not plan to stop there. That is why Borisov BATE-BGU guaranteed itself the title of the opening of the tournament and increased attention in any way.

Head coach of the team Sergei Chesnovitsky

in training

“YES, I’m surprised that we are going so well!” - not yet accustomed to the attention that fell on him and the team Main coach volleyball BATE Sergei Chesnovitsky is a little modest. Borisov team initially set the task to excite the championship, which was fairly protracted by mud. And not just to excite, but to win. True, it turned out to be more difficult to live up to ambitions than it seemed:

We assembled the team right up to the start of the championship. No preseason. Until the last day, we did not know what budget we could count on. Yes, volleyball enjoys all the benefits of the system created at BATE: salaries are paid on time, we have everything we need at the training camp - equipment, food ... But all the expenses are at the club, and there, besides us, there is also football and its beach version. And for the region and the city, it’s as if we don’t exist at all - you won’t get help. And so the financial question remained open until the last day.

The team was put together anyway. Moreover, to help the “pulled out” almost because of the UOR desk, the guys managed to persuade at once three players of the national team level, who had recently played in the “Stroitel”. When asked why the leaders were lured, Chesnovitsky smiles: ask the guys, they say. According to Artem Goremykin, he and the team “just found each other”:

I had an injury last year. Recovery dragged on until October, and suddenly I was not needed. Later they called me to Stroitel, but didn’t want to. After all, they took a passer-legionnaire, the bench “shone” for me. Roma Aplevich has a similar situation - we were in the hospital together. And in BATE we have a good line-up, we know the coaches, we set ambitious goals...

With Chesnovitsky, Goremykin and Aplevich still, it seems, quite recently played together. Therefore, it was not difficult for the coach who accepted the levers of command to persuade his comrades. The main thing in such a case is to find the right motivation. And Sergei Alexandrovich knows how to motivate:

We are BATE. This is the level! Yes - a volleyball club, but it's still not serious if standings BATE will trail behind. Therefore, our task is simple - at least the final. And there - how it goes.

Volleyball player


"Go" can be different. "Stroitel" is the most likely opponent of BATE in the decisive battle - a titled and serious team. But Borisov players already know how to beat Minskers. And, according to Chesnovitsky, they remember the stakes very well: they will have to play for their own future.

Until recently, no one took our club seriously. That's why they don't meet us halfway, they don't support us. They do not believe that BATE volleyball is for a long time and seriously. If we become champions, I'm sure the situation will change dramatically. Yes, and Anatoly Kapsky said that he would not offend, although even at the beginning of the season there was no talk of any bonuses in our team. The guys themselves said: let's win something first.

The future in volleyball BATE is treated no less thoroughly than the present. They have already proved that it is possible to win the championship of Belarus without the now fashionable passion for legionnaires. There is a reserve for amplification, according to the coaches. And therefore, being carried away, Sergey Chesnovitsky begins to draw in his imagination the future club pyramid.

We want to create a school. So that there is a base, a boarding school, as it should be. Interest, I think, will be. A couple of years ago, no one seemed to be interested in volleyball in Borisov at all: the whole city lived only for football. And now the matches are always noisy, they support us, get sick.

Despite the Borisov “registration” of the club, all BATE players are from Minsk. Finding in Borisov a sufficient number of rented apartments or places in hotels, as practice has shown, is impossible. And Artem Goremykin, like any Belarusian gamer, can talk about the problem of the capital with gambling halls for a long time:

In fact volleyball hall there is only one international level in the country - in Mogilev. Because the team is constantly playing there. Even the Chizhovka-Arena does not fulfill the new European requirements. After the adoption of the new regulations, the balcony above the site will interfere there. But we don’t even aim at such a level - it would be where to play and train at all. Last year, for example, every day we went to training in Borisov. We loaded onto the bus at 8 am and arrived home at 8 pm. Sleep. The schedule is still...

BATE volleyball club training

This season, life on suitcases at BATE was abandoned for a quite prosaic reason: it turned out to be too expensive for the club to ride a bus to Borisov every day. And therefore, the guys appear on the home court only on the day of the match or during the training camp. On the rest of the days, the battered Minsk hall with the appropriate name "Petrel" became their home. Aplevitch grimaces: “It's cold here. And the walls are close - you constantly crash. And yesterday it was a sunny day - it’s impossible to train at all: it’s just blinding from the windows. Roma tactfully keeps silent about the frankly crooked boardwalk, which the guys have not driven themselves into splinters so far only by a lucky chance. They don't complain about conditions at all. They just work.


In the championship of Belarus in volleyball - the time of the semi-finals. Tomorrow, long-time rivals - Minsk Stroitel and Soligorsk Shakhtar will enter the court in Minsk. And on Saturday, Borisov BATE-BGU and Zapadny Bug from Brest will decide the fate of the second place in the final. On March 28, BATE-BSU will play the first return match in Brest, while Stroitel and Shakhtar will continue the battle only in early April due to the participation of Minskers in the Challenge Cup. The semi-final series of the championship of Belarus will last up to 3 victories of one of the teams.