Upper body - what is it in fitness, workouts and classes, video. Description of the training program Upper body Upper body exercises

"- top and" body»- body) is a group workout related to the power fitness class. As the name suggests, the Upper Body workout focuses on working out muscle groups upper body. These muscles include the pectoral, biceps and triceps, deltas, the latissimus dorsi, and the abdominal muscles. Therefore, if you consider your stomach, flabby arms or eternal stoop to be your main “trouble”, feel free to sign up for upper body. It is believed that training is suitable for people with any level physical development and is aimed at teaching the beginner the basic exercises for the "top".

Upper Body Workout Features

group workout Upper Body should be visited in order to work out the primary skill of technically competent execution. basic exercises for the body, hands and shoulder girdle.

Classes in the group are conducted under the instruction of a professional fitness trainer in the "endurance" mode. Each exercise is performed for one to two minutes, with a large number of repetitions: you will have to work hard and without a break. Actively involved in training sports equipment: dumbbells, bodybars (or barbells, for experienced ones), step platforms, shock absorbers and medicine balls. Weights are taken, as a rule, small.

  • At the start of a workout a warm-up is carried out, which is a set of exercises for the whole body and light stretching: this is how the muscles, joints and ligaments warm up.
  • Main part training takes place with heavier working weights and includes exercises for the large muscles of the back and chest. Next, the shoulders, biceps and triceps are worked out.
  • At the end of the program the abdominal muscles are trained: the rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen - what we call the "abs".
Unlike aerobic classes strength training, Upper Body is shorter in time because it does not include an aerobic workout. The duration of the lesson is 45 minutes.

Exercises in the Upper Body Training Program

basis upper programs Body in a fitness club is a set of the following exercises:
  • Belt pull;
  • Pushups;
  • Traction to the shoulders in a standing position;
  • Reverse push-ups;
  • Extension of dumbbells from behind the head.
You can perform this set of exercises on your own, but remember that in this case you are your own coach, so all responsibility for wrong technique and the effectiveness of the classes lies solely on your shoulders.

Who is Upper Body Training for?

Upper Body is a universal workout for those who want to “dry out”, tone their muscles and create a noticeable relief. Suitable for both men and women, but more popular with the fair sex. Suitable even for people with entry level physical training.

Any serious deviations in the state of health or chronic diseases in the acute stage can become a contraindication to Upper Body classes.

Upper Body Benefits

By practicing this program regularly, you will be able to achieve:
  • Strength Endurance. Many representatives of the weaker sex may object that the girls, supposedly, do not need it. But dear ladies, your men are not always with you, and strength and endurance are needed in many areas of our lives. Like other workouts in the group, Upper Body increases physical capabilities and the body's ability to endure any load.
  • Atimproving the external characteristics of the body- posture, press, shoulders and arms.
  • sports habits. It is best for a beginner to take the first steps in fitness or under supervision personal trainer or in a group. This disciplines, helps to develop a healthy habit of the training process.
  • self-confidence, stabilization of the emotional state, increase in mental energy. Sports loads contribute to the production of the hormone of happiness - this is a proven medical fact.

What is the best weight to train with?

The optimal weight of the projectile is selected based on the exercise to be performed and the level of physical training of the trainee. As a rule, large muscle groups (chest, back) require heavier weights. For a deadlift or bench press, it makes no sense to use a bodybar - such a load for giant muscles will be imperceptible and will not give the desired effect. The weight of the equipment also depends on the specific situation - if the trainees have just done push-ups, then for the subsequent bench press from the chest, a lighter weight should be taken.

Disadvantages of Upper Body Training

In the Upper Body, the main focus is on the development of muscle groups related to the upper body, and the muscles of the legs, hips and buttocks are practically not involved. You should not expect explosive muscle growth from the Upper Body alone: ​​training is needed rather in order to hone the mechanics of performing basic exercises to automatism.

What workouts are best combined with

As you know, each muscle group must be trained at least 2 times a week and at least once every 5 days - this approach is considered the most effective for muscle growth. At the same time, it is more reasonable to divide not by actual muscle groups, but to conduct separate workouts for the upper and lower parts of the body. Therefore, the Upper Body workout should be attended twice a week, and the other two training days should be devoted to classes. lower body. In this case, you will qualitatively and fully work out the muscles of the whole body and achieve impressive results.

You should refrain from monotonous training programs in one day, but cardio training will be very helpful.

Upper Body Workout Video (in English)

Watch and repeat: training on upper part body at home.
Simple, clear and minimal inventory!

How you want to look great! So that not only acquaintances, but he himself could admire his figure and posture. There are many and one of them is Upper Body. What is it in fitness? This is what we'll talk about now.

A little about training

The name of the system already speaks for itself. Upper body workout. Most of the time in the classroom is aimed at strengthening the muscles: chest, arms, abdomen, neck and shoulders. Special equipment for weighting is used. It includes dumbbells and bodybars.

Let's move on to the tasks of the Upper Body system. The exercises used in the classes help to improve, restore and strengthen motor function limbs. Solve problems associated with the spine.

Basically, the Upper Body is different from other activities aimed at getting a beautiful figure. Only one thing unites them:

  • Proper nutrition. A minimum of sweet and starchy foods.
  • Compliance with the regimen of classes and the need for rest after them.
  • Always and everywhere follow the recommendations of a sports instructor.
  • Physical activity after training.
  • Drink more water.

Upper Body exercises will help to make your figure a dream figure, and your posture - stately and graceful.

What will we come to?

Starting to play sports, each person knows approximately what result he wants to get. This system is no exception. That's why now let's talk about what Upper Body will lead us to - a workout that many have heard about for the first time.

  • will improve general state organism. The spine is the backbone of the entire body. If there are problems associated with it, they immediately affect the entire body.
  • You will have a beautiful posture.
  • Shoulders will not appear full.
  • Feel the strength in your muscles.
  • Blood circulation in the tissues will improve.
  • Figure deficiencies will be corrected. The waist will be thin, and the stomach will be flat.
  • Do beautiful muscles arms and body, strengthen your back.

How tempting? It remains only to gain willpower and find a good instructor. By the way, you will also need: dumbbells, medicine balls, step platform.

We sorted out a little with the question of Upper Body - what is it, and now about how ...

Lesson in progress

Let's start with the fact that in the classroom you will use Sports Equipment. By the way, it was mentioned above. Thanks to special devices, the training will be more intense, the muscles are well developed. The duration of the lesson is forty-five minutes. No aerobic warm-up, just basic exercises using special equipment. To whom what weighting agent depends on the individual characteristics of the person. For beginners, it is best to use dumbbells, experienced athletes can take equipment that has a lot of weight.

Upper Body classes - what is it and where else can they be done? That this is already known, but in addition to the fitness club, they can be carried out at home. Of course, it is best to do the exercises under the supervision of a professional, but this is not always possible. If you decide to work out at home, then you will need dumbbells and a special diary. In it you will write down the schedule of classes.

Training Frequency

This is also an important factor that affects the result. Experts advise doing classes three times a week. But this number can be reduced or increased. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the person. Muscles recover after training for two weeks. During these fourteen days, it is advisable to give a load to the lower body: legs and buttocks.

Upper Body - what is it in fitness? These exercises are for: triceps, biceps, pectoral and deltoid muscles.

To work out each muscle group you will need dumbbells. Several approaches are being taken. One approach - ten repetitions. With each lesson, their number increases.

Let's take a look at a few exercises below. Before starting them, consult your doctor. It is important. After all, no one wants to harm their health. We proceed to the implementation of the complex.

Upper Body Exercises

Let's move on to the workout. Performing these exercises, you can practically understand that this is the Upper Body.

  • Working out the biceps.

Starting position - standing. Heels together, toes apart. Hands are located along the body. Take dumbbells. Alternately bend the right and then the left arm in elbow joint. The exercise is done at an average pace. The number of repetitions is from twenty to thirty.

  • Muscles of the forearm and triceps.

Stand, heels together, toes slightly apart, upper limbs located along the body. Dumbbells in hands. The limbs are raised to the shoulders. Then they are lifted up, lowered again to the shoulders and returned to their original position. The pace of the exercise is medium. The number of repetitions is from fifteen to thirty-five.

  • Pectoral and deltoid muscles.

Starting position, as in the first two exercises. Only hands with dumbbells are directed forward. They are at shoulder height. Rise on your toes and spread your upper limbs to the sides. The number of repetitions is from eight to twelve times.

A few exercises and more

  • We work out the muscles of the back.

The legs are shoulder width apart. Hands with dumbbells are raised up. As you exhale, lean forward. The legs cannot be bent. On the inhale, straighten up. The pace of the exercise is medium. The number of repetitions is ten.

  • Gymnastics for the press.

Don't forget dumbbells. Sit on a chair. The toes of the legs rest on the table or sofa, the arms are raised to the shoulders. Tilt your body back and return to the starting position. The pace of execution is slow. Repeat the exercise at least ten times.

Like any physical activity, Upper Body has contraindications too. These should include:

  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Diseases associated with the cardiovascular system.
  • Problems with the spine.
  • hypertension and pregnancy.

That is why, before you start exercising, you should consult with your doctor.


You already know what this is - Upper Body. But a few extras for you. Apart from physical activity, during classes, trains and respiratory system. The exercise does not require intense movement. They are slow but very tense. The whole complex is aimed at reducing the volume of the stomach, accelerating metabolism, burning calories.

If you cannot achieve the desired result for a long time, then you are doing something wrong. Namely:

  • Don't watch your calories. A lot of them enter the body, but little is consumed. Stick to proper nutrition.
  • You do not increase the load. Of course, no one forces you to carry huge shells, but you need to progress. The efficiency will be better.
  • You are doing the exercises incorrectly. Do not keep up with the instructor and make mistakes.

Much has been said about the Upper Body complex. It remains for you to think it over well, find a professional instructor and start training. Don't forget to consult a doctor and gain willpower. She will be very useful to you.

Usually we come to the gym with a specific goal: some want to pump up the buttocks, others are haunted by the lack of beautiful press, someone's dream is melting about embossed hands ... One way or another, in order to achieve the desired result as soon as possible, you need to choose the right training program. To correct a certain part of the body, it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of time and effort on circuit training. You can focus specifically on what you don't like.

For those whose problem areas are located above the waist, the Upper body program is perfect. This is a power class for the muscles of the upper body: shoulders, arms, chest, back and abs. Ilya Yudin, instructor of the Planet Fitness international network of sports and health clubs, spoke in more detail about the program.

How is the Upper body workout going?
- In our club, the lesson lasts 45 minutes and takes place using all kinds of equipment. These are dumbbells, bodybars, rubber shock absorbers, medicine balls, step platforms. The most prepared can also use the pump bar, a power type of lesson.

The workout is somewhat shorter than a standard session because, unlike, for example, AWT (lower body strength training), there is no aerobic warm-up. We warm up immediately with the help of equipment. We take light weight and do several complex exercises for all muscle groups to warm up the joints and stretch the tendons. The warm-up is followed by a light pre-stretching during which we stretch the muscles of the back and arms. Then we take more heavy weight and proceed to the main part of the training. First, we work on large muscles - the back and chest. Then we move on to smaller ones: shoulders, biceps, triceps. The workout ends with exercises for the press.

- What is the effect of training?
- Of course, gaining muscle mass in such a workout is difficult. But you can strengthen the muscles, acquire the necessary tone. Those who seek to “dry out”, get the cherished relief, should also pay attention to the upper body. Since the training is based on the use of low weight, but a high number of repetitions, it contributes to the development of muscular endurance. If in the gym they mainly work with a lot of weight, but perform only 8–12 repetitions, then the opposite is true here. You have to work 45 minutes without a break. In addition, in addition to standard repetitions, we use various techniques: springs, static springs, fast down and slow up, multi-count up and down… There are so many options. Thus, the muscles do not have time to get used to a particular type of load. They are constantly under some physiological stress, which is necessary to achieve the best result.

- Whom would you advise to apply Special attention on the upper body?
- Of course, such activities are more popular with women - they are usually more enduring and do not aim to build muscle mass. The level of preparation does not play a role here. If you choose the right weight, the lesson is suitable for everyone. This activity is very useful for people who have a weak body - back muscles and abs. Strengthening them is especially important, these muscles support the spine. And the spine, as you know, is the core of our body.
The same is true for the press - it supports the spine in front. Not without reason in Pilates, which was originally developed as physiotherapy, the main emphasis is on strengthening the back and the press. But for those who already have problems with the spine, classes are contraindicated. In this case, any strength training is excluded.

- How to choose the right weight for training?
- It depends on the exercise, on the level of training of the client, on the situation. To work with large muscle groups - the chest and back - you need a heavy weight. Deadlift or bench press from the chest it makes no sense to perform with a light bodybar. In addition, you need to understand that some can easily hang weights of 10 kg on each side on the bar, and for others, even 5 kg is already difficult. And, of course, do not overload the muscles. If, for example, before doing the bench press, we performed push-ups, the weight can be taken less.

- How often should I include the upper body in the training regimen?
- The optimal amount is 3 times a week. It is logical to combine upper body exercises with ABT. And best of all with intensive cardio training. For example, with tai-bo. This allows, firstly, to evenly distribute the load on the body, and secondly, to improve breathing and heart function. Many people, unfortunately, do not breathe well. A correct breathing is an important part of training. The main thing is to self-organize yourself and attend classes regularly. Very often, people begin to actively train, achieve the first results and, to celebrate, abruptly quit. Then all the work goes down the drain, soon you have to start over. Even a week-long break makes itself felt - the muscles start to hurt, it is much more difficult to work out after a break.

What exercises can you do at home to keep fit between workouts?
- These are standard, well-known exercises: push-ups, all kinds of twists for the press, lifts for the back. And a little stretch. Such exercises can be performed at home, without special equipment, so that the muscles do not lose their tone and do not forget the load.

- How effective are exercises with the use of additional equipment?
- With the equipment, the variability of exercises becomes greater, respectively, the effect is more noticeable. For example, a muscle such as triceps cannot be worked out with one exercise. You need at least three. You can do exercises without equipment: push-ups wide and narrow grip, fulfill reverse push-ups. But still, the desired load will not work, since these are general strengthening exercises that involve several muscle groups. Optional equipment allows you to work out each muscle separately exactly as much as you need it.

Text and photo by Olga Fomina

Upper Body is a power fitness class aimed at developing the muscles of the upper body. IN this complex selected exercises from the simplest to very complex, depending on the level of training, for the muscles of the abdomen, back, arms, pectoral muscles. They will help to effectively correct problem areas. As a result regular workouts your hands will gain nice shape, the back will become flexible, the waist will be thin, and the stomach will be flat and elastic! To perform the exercises, you will need a step platform, body bar, dumbbells and a mat.

have a strong healthy body- this means that you not only look good, but also take care of your body throughout your life. It is important not only to develop and strengthen your cardio system, to maintain a healthy normal weight, but it is important to build and strengthen muscle mass, which helps to strengthen and maintain the entire body as a whole. The Upper body class helps in achieving these goals through daily training. Because when you have weak muscles, you are more prone to joint pain and various diseases (such as osteoporosis). But thanks regular classes With the Upper Body fitness class, you can prevent diseases, strengthen and build muscle mass, develop and maintain a strong and healthy body throughout your life. Power classUpper Body (Upper Body) is one of the most effective fitness classes, because after a few weeks of classes, the result is already visible.

When you decide to start an Upper Body strength class, you should consider factors such as age, general health, and current fitness level.

If you are a beginner and have never done strength training before, it is better to start with lightweight strength equipment (dumbbells, etc.), which will be productive and useful for you.

For people who are experienced in strength training, you should use exercises and weights of strength equipment that take into account your personal fitness level.

If you are over 60 years old, you should consult a doctor to determine the optimal load for your health in this fitness class in order to minimize possible risks to the body.

In the fitness club, in addition to Upper Body classes, the trainer may advise you to do additional exercises in the gyms. Then be sure to consult with the trainer about each simulator you need to complete the exercises:

How to perform correctly on each exercise machine,

With what weight

The number of approaches performed

how to properly operate the simulators (how to change the weight, etc.),

How to breathe properly while exercising.

If you intend to visit Gym, it is advisable to form a plan of your training with the trainer, which you will adhere to for several months to obtain the desired results.

To practice Upper Body at home, you will need to purchase dumbbells (the weight of the dumbbells depends on your level of fitness and load). Be sure to put the dumbbells in the room in a place where they will always be in your field of vision, as you will constantly see them and remember that you need to perform the exercises. It is desirable that they lie in the same place, and then, gradually, exercising at home with dumbbells will become your habit. It is necessary to mark the schedule of classes at home on the calendar and mark the day of classes bright color, in order for your visual memory postponed that you have to do some important work - and you will definitely remember about the classes. After all, the most important thing in Upper Body is regularity, then there will be a guaranteed effect !!!

The following exercises are designed for training both in a fitness club and at home.


Rest between sets should not exceed 2 minutes;

Muscles must rest for 48 hours after training for full recovery;

Training should combine exercises for the muscles of the arms, abdomen, back and pectoral muscles.

Upper Body Dumbbell Exercises:

1. Alternate flexion hands in the elbow joints (for biceps). Starting position (I.p.) - heels together, socks slightly apart, arms straightened along the body, palms forward. 1 - bend the left hand, 2 - lowering down the left, bend the right hand. The pace is medium, repeat 20-30 times with each hand.

2. Simultaneous and alternate squeezing of dumbbells (for the muscles of the forearm and triceps). I.p. - the main stance (heels together, toes apart (no more than 45 degrees), arms without tension lowered along the body, back straightened, chest raised, head held straight). 1 - bend your elbows until the dumbbells touch your shoulders, 2 - raise your hands up (squeeze), 3 - lower your hands to your shoulders, 4 - lower them down. The pace is medium, repeat 15-35 times.

3. Hand movements, as in crawl swimming (for biceps, triceps, deltoid and trapezius muscles). I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, slightly bent at the knees, torso slightly tilted forward, left arm pulled back and slightly bent at the elbow joint. The right arm is raised forward to the height of the head and also slightly bent at the elbow joint. 1 - arcuate movement right hand top - down - back, 2 - the left hand moves back - up - forward - down. The movements are performed alternately with the right and left hand and resemble the movements of a swimmer when swimming in the crawl with the outstretched arms. The pace is average. Repeat 15-30 times with each hand.

4. The same, but in the opposite direction. Copy the movements of the swimmer in the crawl on the back. The pace is average. Repeat 10-15 times.

5. Breeding straight arms to the sides (for the deltoid and pectoral muscles). I.p. - legs, in the main stance (see exercise 2), arms raised forward to shoulder height, palms inward. 1 - spread your arms to the sides and rise on your toes, 2 - bring your hands forward. The pace is average. Repeat 8-12 times.

6. Torso forward (for back muscles). I.p. - legs are wide apart, arms are raised up. 1 - tilt the body, without bending the legs, forward (exhale), 2 - straighten up (inhale). The pace is average. Repeat 10-12 times.

7. Roundabout Circulation torso (for the oblique muscles of the abdomen and lower back). I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, arms raised up. Circular rotation of the body to the right and left side. The pace is slow. Repeat 5-8 times on each side.

8. Circular movement of the torso while sitting (for oblique and rectus muscles abdominals). I.p. - sit on a chair, hook your toes on a table, bed or other object, hands to your shoulders. Circular rotation of the body to the right, then to the left, the pace is slow. Repeat 3-5 times on each side.

9. Tilt of the torso, sitting on a chair (for the abdominal muscles). I.p. - Same. 1 - torso tilt back, 2 - take ip. The pace is slow. Repeat 8-10 times.

Slide and step aerobics are excellent forms of cardio fitness that help reduce problem areas, fat burning, slim legs and buttocks. But with the type of figure "pear", according to trainers, it is necessary not only to lose weight in the lower body, but also to build up the muscles of the upper. Strength training in the upper body gym combines weight loss and muscle strength training. The name itself is translated from English as "upper body".

Load level: medium, high.

Preparation: must have fitness experience, willingness to intense training.

Upper body benefits

The upper body helps to make the figure proportional, working out the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, which are more difficult for girls to pump up. The back and abdominal muscles are also strengthened. Hands become beautiful, strong, shoulders are rounded. It has a lot of exercises to strengthen pectoral muscles, tighten the chest, making it taller and younger.

Because it power view aerobics, then not only step platforms are used, but also weights: bodybar, dumbbells. But no one will force you to work with large weights right away: a phased increase in load with the optimal number of kilograms, based on the level of training, is expected.

A feature of such strength training in the gym is a warm-up, which takes small weights to warm up the muscles. Next, the student proceeds to the main complex with the usual weight. Due to the high intensity, the fitness lesson can be shortened for 40-50 minutes.

Girls may not worry, thinking that they will receive watermelon volumes, like men. Serious muscle growth should not be expected, first of all, classes are aimed at increasing endurance. Count on the effect of fit, a feeling of strength, the absence of shaking muscles.

Advantages of the upper body:

- the tone of the body increases,

- drawn chiseled muscle relief,

- blood circulation is accelerated,

- removes stoop of the shoulders,

- formed thin waist,

- melt body fat on the sides

- the volume of the abdomen decreases,

- the press is pumped up.

An example of an upper body exercise

Take dumbbells in your hands. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and bend your knees slightly. Lean forward. Hands with dumbbells hang along the body. On the count of "one", bending your elbows, pull them to your hips. At the same time, we exhale. On the count of “two”, we straighten our arms and inhale (palms with dumbbells are behind). On "three" we exhale and bend our elbows, the palms are again near the hips. Further on "four" we lower the handles down to the starting position.

During the movement, the back, hips and legs remain fixed. This exercise strengthens the biceps and triceps of the arms.