Full arms exercises for weight loss. Effective Arm Slimming Exercises

Many girls have excess weight tends to gather in the upper body: in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe biceps and shoulders. Effective exercises for weight loss of hands that can be performed at home, without visiting the gym, will help get rid of the problem.


First of all, you need to warm up. For this, the most ordinary mill is suitable. Stand up straight, elbows straight and start swinging in different sides within 5 minutes. So you will save yourself from possible sprains.

The most effective for tightening the muscles of the arms and losing weight are exercises that involve the frequent repetition of certain exercises. In particular, this push ups. During this technique, not only biceps and triceps are tightened, but the back relief is noticeably improved, cubes appear on the press. There are two implementation options:

  1. For the trained - with full emphasis on the hands;
  2. For beginner athletes - kneeling, and the weight of the upper body is transferred to the hands.
Photo - hand exercises

Naturally, the first option is considered more effective, but without prior preparation it is quite difficult to do it right. You need to lie on the floor, emphasis on the hands and toes of the feet. Trying to keep the body parallel to the floor, bend your elbows at a right angle. Be careful not to bend your back, otherwise you can overload the spine too much. Repeat 10 times for 2 sets. One will suffice to get started. To alleviate the severity, you can tighten the abdominal muscles, then the load is distributed more evenly.

If you chose the option with knees, then the technique is slightly different. You need to kneel and rest on your hands, then lower yourself to the floor, keep your back straight. It requires 15 times in 2 sets.

Photo - Push-ups on your knees

To strengthen the effect, you can perform exercises on the triceps, it is on them that fat is most often collected, because in Everyday life they are underutilized. You will need two stable chairs. They need to be placed at a distance of 1 meter from each other (this length depends on height, so you can reduce or increase it when performing). Sit on chairs in this position: elbows on one, and legs on the other. Then lower your body down. The goal is to reach the floor. It is advisable to do 10 times, but the best effect will be from 15 or more exercises.

For fast weight loss hands must be used exercises with equipment. Not everyone has dumbbells at home, but they can be replaced with improvised means. For example, extension can be performed using a water bottle. Type in a bottle with a capacity of 1-2 liters of water, hold it over your head. The elbows should, as it were, lie on the ears so that they do not “walk” in different directions. It is necessary to lower the bottle behind the head almost to the wings. Repeat 10 times for 3 sets.

You can make up a whole range of exercises with dumbbells or bottles for weight loss. No less effective swing to the side and wiring. Sit on a chair with a back and rest your feet on the floor. Hold the bottle in your fingers, the angle of the elbows is 90 degrees. Raise the bottles up, as if drawing a semicircle, try to fully extend the elbow joints. Repeat 20 times.

Photo - Push-ups on the knees

For triceps and upper arms - forearms, actively used chin lift technique. Of course, it is more convenient to perform it in gym, because here, ideally, a barbell is needed, but in principle, you can do it at home. Take the weighting agent in your hands, elbows are even, lift it to the chin, while transferring the load not to the biceps, but to the shoulders. To accurately control this process, look in the mirror. Repeat as many times as possible.

Photo - Lifting dumbbells to the chin

Just great from fullness helps hammer exercise. Its feature is dynamism. Here, not only the execution technique is important, but the speed, which does not change from beginning to end. Take a pair of dumbbells or a bottle in your hands, one bent at the elbow and the other straightened. Alternately, you need to lower and raise your hands, changing their positions. Repeat as many times as possible. Do at least 3 sets.

Video: exercises for quick weight loss of arms

Exercises in the gym

Working from home is very convenient in terms of saving time, but best exercises slimming arms are always performed in the gym. This is due to the large number of various installations and devices for weighting.

For inside hands used basic lessonfrench press for women. It is quite dangerous, so it should be performed only under the strict guidance of the master. You need to lie on a bench, elbows bent, barbell behind your head. Take your elbows up, grab the bar with your hands and straighten your arms at a right angle. Such a lift contributes not only to pumping and losing weight of the triceps, but also to the creation of a general relief. Do at least 5 times.

Photo - french press

We must not forget about power techniques. considered one of the most famous among them. This is an exercise during which the barbell is held on weight with the help of the fingers, and the woman lowers and rises with her (the best option for complex weight loss). The main advantage is considered to be a large number of muscles involved - this is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shoulders, waist, back of the hips and back.

Photo - Deadlift

Instructions on how to do the deadlift:

  1. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, bar on the lower rack (ideally, it should lie on the floor);
  2. Bend over, grab the barbell and straighten your back;
  3. Slowly place the bar on the ground without arching your back, then lift it up again;
  4. Repeat up to 10 times, preferably in several sets.

We must not forget about physical exercise for hands on laying and rowing. These are unique options that are easy for even beginners to train. The wiring is performed on a chair, you need to rest your feet on the floor and at the same time pull the handles of the simulator towards you. Watch for the uniformity of movements, because any person has one arm stronger and the other weaker. The load on each should go the same. Repeat as many times as possible.

Photo - rowing machine

During intense exercise, a fairly large number of calories are burned, so the effect will be noticeable very soon. It is recommended to do it 3-4 times a week, after about a month you will either need to increase the load, or make the exercises more intense, loaded.

Photo - Orbitrek

Before the beginning strength training you definitely need to loosen up. Best Option- This orbitrek, which will not only warm up the respiratory and circulatory system, but also help prepare the muscles for work.

Hands are the part of the body that is often left without special attention girls who want to lose weight. Many start an arm lift when they get rid of cellulite on their legs, as well. If you also made this insidious mistake - it does not matter. Women's arm slimming exercises will make you perfect in a short time.

Choose for yourself the best hands at home, presented below.

List of effective exercises

Exercise #1

It's called "The Mill". It is necessary to rhythmically lean to the left and right, while touching with the left hand right leg and then the right hand of the left foot.

Exercise #2

This exercise has some similarities with the previous one, but here you do not need to lean forward. At the expense of one - turn left. Count two - turn right. During turns, you need to spread your arms to the sides.

Exercise #3

Position - standing. Do eight times circular motions brushes in one direction, then eight in the other. After that, repeat the exercise again.

Exercise #4

Legs shoulder width apart. Join your hands in the palms, while the elbows need to be separated. Start squeezing your palms. Relax after five seconds. Repeat about four to five times.

Exercise #5

Stand with your back to a chair. Lean on it with your hands, thereby making a support for the body. The legs should be relaxed. Start bending your elbows as if doing push-ups. Do the exercise twenty times for a better effect.

Exercise #6

Circular swings with hands also showed themselves effectively. Just rotate with straight arms, first forward, then back.

Exercise number 7

The exercise is similar to the usual "Mill", but this time you do not need to bend over. Rotate your body to the left and right while extending your arms to the sides.

All of the above standing exercises will quickly make your arms taut and thin, thereby giving them elegance and tenderness. However, exercises with dumbbells for weight loss of arms have even greater power, which, in combination, will bring results in a couple of weeks after the start of classes, or even less.

Exercises with dumbbells

Exercise #1

So, the list opens with a dumbbell exercise called "Elevator". Its essence is as follows.

  1. In a standing position with dumbbells, raise your arms up, bending them at the elbows.
  2. Next, you need to spread your arms to the sides.
  3. Return to starting stance.

The main thing in this exercise and in all the others is not to overdo it, because as a result, the joints can hurt for a considerable time.

Exercise #2

Take a standing position again.

  1. Stretch your arms forward.
  2. Then lift up.
  3. After that, fold back your head to the maximum.

Exercise #3

Starting position - squatting. Start slowly bending your elbows. The optimal number of repetitions is twenty times.

Exercise #4

Sit on the mat. Spread your arms out to the sides. Slowly raise your arms up about fifteen times.

All girls want to have a beautiful and slim figure. Frequent attention is paid to problem areas - chest, abdomen, hips and buttocks. But let's not forget about the arms and shoulders, because beautiful taut arms make the whole figure slim, attractive and harmonious.

Today on the site For-Your-Beauty.ru we will look at effective exercises for losing weight on the arms and shoulders, which will help your figure become perfect.

Do not be afraid to perform exercises where the muscles of the arms and shoulders are involved, expecting that you will have a noticeable relief, like in men. Without heavy weight dumbbells and barbells, sports nutrition And hard work it will not work.

This set of exercises helps to reduce subcutaneous fat and muscle strengthening. For training, you will need dumbbells weighing 1-2 kg. If there are no dumbbells - we take plastic bottles with water (1 liter = 1 kg). When performing all exercises, the muscles of the chest and back are also involved in the work, which is an indisputable plus.

Warm up

Any physical training necessarily begins with a warm-up. This allows the muscles to warm up well, prepare for more strong exercises and avoid injury. Perhaps the warm-up exercises will remind you of physical education classes at school.

  1. Mill. We stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. We begin alternate rotation of the hands in a circle - the right hand rises up (through the back), the left one below. The right hand descends (in front) and then the left hand rises (through the back). Hand rotation in a circle is performed at a fast pace for 30 seconds.
  2. Move your arms to your back. We stand straight, arms bent at the elbows at the chest, elbows look to the sides. We reduce the shoulder blades and with our elbows we make a movement to the back 2 times, then the arms straighten and stretch to the sides, performing a similar movement 2 times. We perform the exercise 10 times.
  3. Swing jumps. Legs together, arms lowered along the body. Jump - legs to the sides, arms up (hands rise with breeding to the sides). We jump quickly for 30-40 seconds.

Exercises for weight loss of arms and shoulders without dumbbells

1. The most effective and simple exercise is push-ups. We rest our hands on the floor, the palms should be exactly under the chest and do push-ups, lowering the body parallel to the floor by bending the arms at the elbows. The exercise can be facilitated and the legs supported not with socks, but with knees. We do push-ups 10-15 times in 2 sets.

2. Push-ups on a hill. We take 2 chairs to help, with one hand we rest on the seat of one chair, with the other hand on the seat of another chair. Feet rest with toes on the floor, back is straight. We push up from chairs 20-25 times in 2 sets.

3. Push-ups in reverse. Can be performed both from the floor and from a hill. We rest our palms on a chair behind our backs, arms straight, knees bent. We bend our elbows - inhale, rise to exhale. From the floor: we sit on the floor, knees bent, hands rest on the floor behind our backs. We raise the pelvis and begin to do push-ups - we bend our elbows at a right angle and straighten our arms again. 15-20 times in 2 sets.

Exercises for arms and shoulders without dumbbells: video

Arm and shoulder exercises with dumbbells

1. Push-ups on dumbbells with a raise of the hand. Take dumbbells in your hands, take a push-up position (with emphasis on socks or knees). The back is straight, the stomach is tucked up. As you exhale, bend your arms and lower your body parallel to the floor. Inhale - raise the body, arms straight. On the exhale, we pull one hand from the dumbbell to the chest, on the inhale we put our hand on the floor and again on the exhale we do push-ups. We change hands in turn. We do 10-15 times in 2 sets.

2. Pulling up dumbbells in an incline. Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, body tilted forward, back straight. We lower our hands with dumbbells down to the knees while inhaling. We pull the dumbbells to the stomach - exhale. Again, slowly lower your hands down (inhale) and sharply pull the dumbbells to your stomach (exhale). We repeat the exercise 25-30 times in 2 sets.

3. Triceps exercises. Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, body tilted at an angle of 45 degrees. The elbows are bent at a right angle and hold the dumbbells near the stomach. As you exhale, straighten your arms and wind them behind your back, hold in this position for 3-4 seconds. Bend your arms while inhaling. We perform the exercise 25-30 times in 2 sets.

4. Pulling dumbbells to the chest. Starting position standing, dumbbells parallel to the floor, together we pull our hands to the chest as we exhale. Inhale - lower and straighten your arms. Perform 25-30 times in 2 sets.

Exercises for weight loss of arms and shoulders with dumbbells: video

Relaxation and stretching

Relaxing exercises will help reduce or completely eliminate pain after a workout.

  1. Clasp your palms together, raise your arms above your head and stretch well.
  2. Take the forearm of the other hand with one hand and gently, slowly press the forearm to the chest. Change hands and repeat.
  3. Clasp your hands behind your back, stretch and raise your arms as high as possible.

Regular exercises 2-3 times a week will give a quick positive result and the hands will become beautiful and toned.

Have you already done exercises for arms and shoulders? Share in the comments!

But he does not always remember the importance of taut, slender arms in giving a chiseled silhouette. It is not necessary to use the services of a fitness trainer - in the absence of free time and financial limitations, you can train at home.

Hand exercises without dumbbells for women and girls are presented in different options and levels of difficulty.

Such workouts perfectly work out the muscles hands, well visible on the surface (triceps, biceps, brachialis), and also involve deep-lying muscles.

With regular active exercise in combination with proper nutrition you can see the first noticeable changes fairly quickly, after 2-3 weeks.

Warm up before workout

Before doing the exercises, you should warm up the muscles well and prepare them for a more serious load:

  • Mill. From a straight position with legs shoulder-width apart, it is necessary to alternately rotate the arms in a circle: the right hand is brought up through the back, and the left down, then the right hand lowers in front and at the same time the left hand rises through the back. Do the exercise in an accelerated rhythm for 30 seconds.
  • Jump swing. Take the starting position: connect your legs and lower your arms down. During the jump, spread your legs at shoulder level, while your arms rush up with a spread to the sides. Another jump is to return to the starting position. Repeat at an accelerated pace for half a minute.
  • Mahi hands. Stand in a straight position and bend your arms in front of your chest so that your elbows rush in different directions. Bring the shoulder blades together and perform 2 movements to the back, then straighten the arms to the sides and perform the movement in the same way. Exercise to do 10 times.

An effective set of 5 hand exercises

The training complex for hands at home should be performed regularly and approach each exercise responsibly. Strength training should be done per week no more than three times if the emphasis is on stretching the muscles of the hands, then it is allowed to practice every day.

Excessive load on the muscles of the hands, especially those who are physically unprepared, can cause pain that will not allow you to continue further exercises and cause significant discomfort. Increase the load gradually, and exercises should move from simple to more complex.

So, training for hands without dumbbells is presented in the form of a complex of 5 exercises.

Important! No need to beware of the appearance of huge "male" hands. Without training equipment with a lot of weight, special sports supplements and patient labor will not do it.

1. Narrow stance push-ups

Push-ups are the most effective arm exercises without the use of dumbbells. For people who are just starting to exercise, it is better to do the exercise from the bed or sofa. For relief, you can also rest your knees on the floor. Among other things, this movement is excellent.

  1. Initial position- emphasis lying. Straight legs together with the body create one line, while the socks rest on the floor. Spread your hands on the floor so that the fingers do not leave the imaginary line of the shoulders;
  2. Distance between palms equals shoulder girdle arms almost perpendicular to the floor. Gently bend your arms at the elbows, dropping down;
  3. Immediately rise up, without spreading your elbows to the sides and keeping them along the body.

For more information on how to pump up arms without dumbbells for a girl using push-ups, see the video:

It is necessary to perform 3-4 sets in the range of 10-15 times.

2. Reverse push-ups

A simple and effective exercise that strengthens the weak muscles of the triceps and makes the area behind the shoulders taut and elastic. It also develops the biceps and forearms, the muscles of the upper chest and deltoid muscles, Great .

  1. Initial position- sit on the edge of a bed or sofa and place your hands on the side of your hips, elbows slightly bent;
  2. Move the body forward and lower the buttocks down, while the gaze is fixed in front of you, and the chest is straightened;
  3. Bend your elbows and push up until your shoulders are in a position parallel to the floor (the angle between the forearm and shoulders is 90 degrees);
  4. Return to starting position.

More on video:

Carefully! When performing the exercise, you can not spread your elbows and round your back, otherwise the load will go to shoulder joints, which is fraught with dislocation. It is also forbidden to go too low - this can provoke damage to the capsule of the shoulder joint.

3. Burpee

The most effective exercise for burning fat, involving all the muscles at once and extremely loading upper part body. It handles all muscle group hands, includes both superficial muscles (biceps, triceps, wrist extensor, brachiradialis) and deep muscles. Effectively.

  1. Initial position- take a squat position, while the palms are located in front of you;
  2. Jump with your feet back and take a position as in push-ups;
  3. Push up and jump back to the squat position;
  4. Jump as high as possible and take the starting position.

Learn more about how to remove fat from the arms without dumbbells using burpee, you will learn from the video:

Exercise should be performed at an accelerated pace, as far as possible. physical fitness. It is recommended to perform 12-15 repetitions.

Due to the high intensity, the exercise perfectly burns excess fat in the arm area, develops strength and gives the arms an elastic sporty look. Exercising improves metabolism, which helps in the process of actively getting rid of unnecessary calories.

Carefully! Burpees are very difficult exercise and can cause great difficulty for a beginner to perform. Even in a sports developed person, after 5-6 times, the supply of oxygen is blocked, the legs begin to burn.

4. Plank

This is a universal exercise that works out all muscle groups, including manual ones. When performing a handstand, the muscles begin to contract, activating processes in the vessels, cells and lymphatic ducts.

Holding the bar involves transferring half of the body weight to the arms, which allows you to work out the biceps and triceps perfectly. It's pretty difficult exercise will not give relief to the hands, but will make them more elegant and stronger.

  1. Initial position- the palms are folded into a fist, the hands are rested on the floor with the forearms, the legs and back are even and form a straight line, the stomach is tucked up, the buttocks are in tension;
  2. Legs at shoulder level and rested on the floor with toes. Hands are located strictly under the shoulder joints;
  3. The loin during the entire exercise is straight without rounding. To figure out what position the lower back should be, you need to lie on your back and press your lower back to the floor. It is in this state that it should be when performing the bar.
  4. The whole body is pulled back with the heels.

For detailed technique, see the video:

At the first performance, beginners have a state of trembling in the upper and lower limbs, which is a consequence weak muscles. Over time, the muscles will get stronger, and the shaking will significantly decrease or disappear altogether.

5. Squeezing the palms

The exercise, which came from the practice of yoga, includes not only the muscles of the arms (biceps, triceps), but also improves the shape of the chest. Squeezing the palms is easy to perform and accessible even to a beginner.

  1. It is necessary to raise your hands and connect your palms with each other so that your elbows are bent at a right angle and looked to the side;
  2. With all your strength, start pressing on your palms for about one to two minutes;
  3. Release pressure and take a break for 10 seconds;
  4. Repeat the exercise, changing the position of the hands, stretching them over the head.

To increase efficiency, a rubber ball can be placed between the palms. Exercise should be performed 10 times for each position of the hands.

Stretching (hitch) after training

After active classes may arise minor pain symptoms, which are eliminated by special stretching exercises:

  • Connect the palms into the castle, and raising them above the head, carefully stretch.
  • Clasp your hands in the lock behind your back, and trying to raise your hands as high as possible, stretch.
  • Place one hand behind the head, and with the opposite hand, take it by the elbow and pull it towards the head for about 5-10 seconds.

Useful Tips

Effective correction of the arms and forearms involves not only exercises for weight loss of arms without dumbbells, but also the implementation of simple recommendations:

  • Proper nutrition. You can talk endlessly about the dangers of sweets and fast food. In the struggle for a slim figure, a properly selected diet plays a huge role. Eating another bun and drinking a glass of soda, it will not be possible to achieve graceful forms, even with regular training.
  • Sufficient fluid intake. Drinking 1.5-2 liters of water a day can significantly improve metabolic processes, which will affect the rate of breakdown of excess fat.
  • Regularity. Expose problem areas You need to exercise regularly, at least three times a week. It is important to accustom the body to constant loads, and long breaks in classes will reduce all results to zero.
  • Patience. Don't expect from training complex instant effect. The first fruits in strengthening and tightening the muscles can be seen after 2-3 weeks of regular training.

Home exercises for hands without dumbbells do not take much time and do not require special equipment. With constant performance, the arms will acquire beautiful outlines and embossed triceps. You can safely wear dresses and sundresses with bare shoulders and enjoy the graceful shape of your own arms.

Today, it is extremely important to monitor your health and weight, so classes are interesting not only for caring for the waist, but also exercises for losing weight. However, not every modern woman has time to go to the gym, so exercises for weight loss of hands at home are in particular demand.

We train hands at home

Hands are always in sight, especially in the summer. If wide hips or an extra couple of kilograms in the waist area can be hidden, then full arms will only emphasize the features of the figure.

Particularly problematic is rear surface hands and sagging skin on it. This happens due to insufficient muscle mass and excessive body fat. You can get rid of this problem by doing hand slimming exercises at home.

How to start exercises for weight loss of arms?

Before starting any physical activity check the requirements:

You must be healthy, if there are any deviations in health, then a consultation with a doctor is required;

You should not eat food earlier than an hour before the start of the workout;

Don't jump in after a hard day's work.

Any physical training should start with warm-up complex. A warm-up is necessary to warm up and bring the body into a state of tone. After warming up, it will be easier for you to perform exercises that will be more effective. Start with the simplest warm-up:

1. Take this position: legs should be in a comfortable and stable position, arms bent at the elbow joint at the level chest. At the count of one, we turn to the side and spread our arms, at the count of two, we return to the starting position, at three - we turn in the opposite direction. And so ten repetitions.

2. Before starting exercises for weight loss of the hands, it is necessary to “stretch” the joints rotational movements brush, then in the elbow joint and in the shoulder. This will help to avoid injury and dislocation.

3. Before training, be sure to stretch the muscle being trained. To stretch the triceps muscle, place your hand in a bent position behind your head, grab your elbow with your other hand and pull slightly until you feel tension in the triceps. Hold your hands in this position for up to 5 seconds. Repeat for each hand at least 5 times, alternately.

Exercises for slimming arms at home

At the end of the warm-up sessions, proceed to the main part of the workout:

Exercise number 1. To start classes, as well as possible, an exercise is suitable, which is performed as follows: legs shoulder-width apart, hands folded in front of you in the chest area. On the count of one, begin to rest your palms against each other, on the count of two, relax your hands. You need to do ten repetitions.

Exercise number 2. Great exercise for weight loss hands are carried out using dumbbells. You should not choose dumbbells over 1.5 kilograms, at least while you are a beginner. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, take dumbbells and place your outstretched arms in front of you. Next, very slowly lower the dumbbells down and lift the back to chest level. Do ten repetitions.

Attention! Don't overstress. If you feel a strong burning sensation or pulling pain, then do the exercise less than the recommended amount. At the end of each workout, you should feel a pleasant tension.

Exercise number 3. To tighten not only your arms, but also to make your shoulders beautiful and embossed, you should perform exercises for this zone. Set your feet shoulder-width apart, hold your arms with dumbbells along the body at your sides, slowly raise your arms until an angle of 90 degrees is formed with the body. Hold your hands in this position for a couple of seconds. Then slowly lower your arms back to the starting position. You need to do ten repetitions.

Exercise number 4. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, place your hands with dumbbells in front of you, turn your hand with a dumbbell to the top. Hands in relation to the body should be located at a certain angle, and not hang along the body. Slowly, bending your arm at the elbow joint, raise the dumbbells in front of you and also slowly lower them to their original position. Do ten reps

Exercise number 5. Standing on the floor, raise your hand with a dumbbell above your head. Next, holding elbow joint With your free hand, bend your arm at the elbow and bring it behind your head. On the count of times, straighten your arm, on the count of two, bend to the starting position. This is a wonderful exercise for slimming arms and tightening sagging skin.

Effective Arm Slimming Exercises

One of the most effective exercises for keeping the whole body in good shape and arms in particular is an exercise called the “bar”: it is performed in the “lying emphasis” position on outstretched arms. You get into this position and freeze as much as you can. The body should be tense, absolutely straight, look straight ahead at the floor. At first it will be no more than 10 seconds, you should perform this exercise constantly and reach 2 minutes, at least.

In order to have beautiful embossed hands, you should constantly perform push-up exercises. To do this, you need to rest your hands on a sofa, bed or any other suitable surface, rest your feet on your socks. To facilitate the implementation this exercise try to get on your knees. Bending your arms at the elbows, we go down for two times we rise. At the same time, make sure not to overstrain the lower back, so keep your back straight. Repeat at least ten times per set.

Dynamic exercises for slimming arms

It has been proven in practice that in order to improve appearance the most highly effective are dynamic exercises. It is dynamic exercises that help to disperse the metabolism and burn as much adipose tissue as possible. The most popular are:

Exercise number 1: Stand up straight, take small dumbbells. Keep your arms bent in front of you at chest level. As quickly as possible, alternately straighten and bend your arms again. Continue driving for at least a minute.

Exercise number 2: Set your legs in a comfortable stance, arms with dumbbells along the body. When jumping, spread your legs apart and raise your arms up. Then return to the original position. Movements should be sharp and dynamic. At least 10 jumps in one approach. At least three approaches.

Exercise number 3: Stand up straight, take dumbbells. Lunge in front of you on one leg, the other must also be bent in knee joint. In this case, it is worth remembering a few rules:

Both legs should be bent 90 degrees;

The body should be clearly in the center;

Do not transfer the center of gravity to either of the legs.

After the lunge, return to the original position, the next lunge should be on the other leg. With each movement, the arms must be raised without bending them at the joint, 90 degrees relative to the body.

Exercise number 4: To perform this exercise, you need to purchase a rope. Jumping rope not only improves the tone of the whole body, burns more calories than when running, but also copes well with the problem. hands full. If on this moment Sports Equipment missing, imagine it and jump on an imaginary rope. Stretch your arms and clench into a fist.

Exercise number 5: heavy artillery in the battle for beautiful hands- These are complex exercises for losing weight. Stand in the “bar”, which is described above, you need to stand for ten seconds, then do ten push-ups from your knees from the floor, return to the bar again. There should be no breaks between position changes, as this reduces the effectiveness of the entire training complex. Continue exercises until "I can't." Ideally, this should be ten “bars” for ten seconds and the same number of push-up sets for ten times.

The final set of exercises for slimming arms

At the end of the workout, it is imperative to carry out the final complex to relax the muscles that we strained.

1. To begin with, shake your hands, the more intensely you do this, the more blood and lymph flow will be. Your tissues will receive maximum nutrition at the same time, which will increase fat burning and muscle building.

2. Grab the hand with the other hand and take it as far as possible to the opposite shoulder, thus stretching it.

3. Lock your hands behind your back and pull them down, this action also stretches the muscles, but a different group of them.

It will also be great to take a warm shower at the end and rub your hands. All these actions are aimed at alleviating pain the next day after training, as well as in order to make your body more flexible and plastic. All this will positively affect the general and emotional state.

desire to have perfect body and beautiful hands are a natural desire of a woman, but a systematic approach to this issue is very important to achieve the maximum result. By doing a set of exercises for losing weight on your hands daily, you can enjoy the achievements in a month. If your intentions are serious, then you should reconsider your diet, because beauty comes from within and, exercising daily, without stopping eating fatty, fried and flour foods, you will not be able to get beautiful and toned body.

A person who is satisfied with his appearance can achieve more, because he is confident in himself and his abilities, he knows that he can do anything.