Exercises with fitness dumbbells. Dumbbells are our everything

Unfortunately, not all subscribers of our blog have the opportunity to visit the fitness center. Guys, this circumstance should not become an insurmountable barrier to healthy lifestyle life. I assure you that the result can be achieved even at home!

An expensive subscription to an elite fitness center cannot guarantee the achievement of the desired effect - it all depends solely on the morale of the person.

If you are ready to relentlessly move towards your cherished goal, without turning off the intended course, then you will definitely become the owner of an ideal figure without leaving your apartment. Ask me: How? The answer is pretty simple: Workout with dumbbells at home. ?

A time-tested method that is relevant for both professional athletes and beginner athletes. The main thing is to want. Can't believe it? I invite you to read the article-instruction, which will become a formula for you toned body at home.

Features of the training system

A feature of the training program is the basic study of all muscle groups. For classes, we do not need a variety of equipment and modern equipment. sport equipment XXI century - you need two dumbbells, the design of which involves an increase in weight.

We will not get involved in power loads, we will focus on three days a week - Monday, Wednesday and Friday. For each lesson, determine the muscle groups that you will pump - you do not need to load the entire body at once. free from strength training you can devote time to aerobic exercises that will help you burn subcutaneous fat, hiding the treasured relief.

Current advice: “The training system is effective for both girls and men - only the “working” weight changes. Such exercises can be done together, morally supporting the partner and providing the necessary insurance in some classes.

Simple exercises with dumbbells for home

I propose to analyze in detail the exercises that are best suited for performing at home. Some I do myself. ? Basic training program, relevant for rooms of any size:

  • Classic squat.

We get up in the starting position - the legs are set shoulder-width apart, we hold the dumbbells in our hands, tightly fixing the neck in the palms. We take a deep breath, starting squats and gradually bending the legs at the knees. The knees should not go beyond the toes of the feet. At the same time, the hands remain motionless and are located vertically relative to the floor. In this lesson, the muscles of the thighs, cortex and buttocks are involved. It is recommended to do 3-5 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

  • Hammer.

Feet are set shoulder-width apart, hands are lowered with palms to the body. After a deep breath, as you exhale, we begin to slowly bend the arm at the elbow, raising the projectile to the shoulder.

It should be noted that the body and pelvis remain motionless during the exercise - the biceps are pumped. Competent instructors suggest doing 3-5 sets of 8-10 reps.

  • Dumbbell bench press.

For training, you will need equipment - a bench well fixed to the floor, located at an angle of 30 o -40 o. Lie down on your back with your feet shoulder-width apart.

The lesson is identical to the bench press: hands, palms directed away from you, slowly raise from the chest, and then lower. The dumbbell bars are on the same line (for convenience, you can connect the ends of the shells). The range of motion should be as deep as possible.

  • Dumbbell pull.

For this activity, you will also need a bench located horizontally to the floor. Reps are performed alternately for each hand.

With the knee and hand of the right leg and hand, we lean on the bench. In the palm of the left hand, lowered to the floor, a dumbbell bar is fixed. Slowly pull the projectile to the belt,
bringing the shoulder blades together.

After a full approach, we do the same number of repetitions for the other hand, changing the supporting position on the bench. It will be enough to do 3-5 approaches for each hand for 12-17 repetitions.

  • Pumping the biceps.

We take the starting position - we get up, placing our feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered along the body, palms up. At the same time, we bend our elbows, bringing the dumbbells to the shoulder section. Such exercises work out the biceps and are performed in 3-5 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

  • Triceps.

We take the same stance as in the previous workout for biceps, only we hold the projectile in front of us at shoulder level, clasping the bar with our palms facing us. Raise your arms up, then slowly lower them behind your back and return to the starting position.

It must be taken into account, dear friends, that such an activity can be carried out simultaneously on both hands or for each separately. It will be enough to do 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

  • Back and shoulders.

We get up, the back is straight, the legs are together, and the arms are lowered down, located along the body with the palms facing us. Slowly we begin to raise and lower the dumbbells with the help of the strength of the shoulder section and muscles upper belt back. The recommended number of approaches is 4, repetitions are 8-12.

  • Shoulder girdle and posterior deltoid muscles.

The legs are shoulder-width apart, the body is tilted forward at a right angle, hands with dumbbells are lowered down with palms inward. Slowly raise the shells to the polar sides, without unbending the elbows and torso. Training involves 3-5 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

  • Muscles of the upper back.

We occupy the usual, starting position - we stand, legs apart shoulder-width apart, the vultures are fixed near the shoulder section in the palms located away from us.

Alternately or simultaneously (two options are provided), we raise our hands up, and then slowly lower them. We perform 3-5 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

  • Shoulders and some chest muscles.

We get up to the starting position, legs apart shoulder-width apart. Grab the bar of one dumbbell in front of you with both hands. We raise the projectile up to a position vertical to the floor, then slowly lower our hands to the starting position. It is recommended to perform 3-4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

  • Quadriceps femoris and buttocks.

We put the right foot forward, leaning with both hands, in which the neck is fixed, on the right thigh. At the same time, the left leg is laid back, the toe rests on the floor, and the knee is on weight.

Accentuated, slowly and maintaining the amplitude, we perform lunges forward on the right knee. After 3-5 sets and 8-12 repetitions, we do the same exercise on the left thigh.

Remember, guys: “The given numerical indicators of approaches and repetitions are the recommendations of professionals. When doing exercises, be sure to take into account the physical capabilities of your own body. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, increase the load or start a complex workout with less weight.

Guys, in order to properly develop muscles at home, you must follow some rules identified by professional athletes:

  • Finish every set.

Choose only lifting weight for your body. In performing the exercises, no one will observe, help, or advise you - it is important to do not many repetitions, but the optimal number of high-quality approaches.

Keep the amplitude, keep an eye on the position of the elbows and knees, because every nuance of the training process matters to achieve the result.

  • Do not overload the body to muscle failure.

Regular strength training helps not only build muscle mass but also have a fat-burning effect.
Each exercise should target a certain muscle group as much as possible.

However, the choice of weight and the number of repetitions should be approached with special responsibility - the result of an incorrect approach can be muscle failure, which will knock you out of the training regimen for a single week.

We understand that the relief will not appear after 2-3 sessions, right? Remember, the main thing is a rational approach to choosing loads. ?

  • Gradually increase the "working" weight.

Over time, as the exercise seems easy to you, the “working” weight must be increased in order to increase the level of impact. strength training to muscle groups. The addition of loads should be gradual so as not to shock the body and avoid muscle failure.

  • Eat right.

Even if you train at home with dumbbells for weight loss, in order to get rid of extra pounds, you need to eat quite a lot. Choose healthy foods, replace junk food with healthy counterparts, gaining muscle mass, rather than returning fat deposits expelled from your body.

secrets sports nutrition: “Creatine, which improves strength performance, becomes an actual assistant in gaining muscle mass. Also take a complex of beneficial vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids that speed up the metabolic process.

Do not forget that you can share your personal achievements in the comments under each article - the writing procedure does not take much time, and constructive advice will undoubtedly be useful for beginner athletes. ?

See you soon on the web pages of our blog, dear like-minded people!

Many beginners are sure that home workouts do not allow you to pump up your arms, that is, they consider going to the gym a must. This misconception is due to a lack of awareness about working with sports equipment such as dumbbells. A correctly designed program and without visiting the gym allows you to pump your biceps well. The main thing is to approach the issue with knowledge of the case.

Dumbbells are a basic multifunctional projectile that is immediately ready for use, does not take up much space and does not require any additional settings. This Sports Equipment allows you to pump almost all muscle groups, including arms, and you can work with it not only in the gym, but also at home.

The biceps is a biceps muscle responsible for turning the wrist and flexing the arms. Triceps is a triceps muscle that is responsible for extension upper limbs. Visually, the volume of the arms is 70% dependent on the triceps and 30% on the biceps. To pump these muscle groups, it is enough to understand the basic principles of their training and what exercises help to achieve the goal. This will help you plan the right training program.

Muscles begin to grow exclusively in a state of stress. It is necessary to shock the muscles, but only in such a way that the classes take place as safely as possible. If precautions are not followed, there is a risk of injury. To avoid such adverse effects, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Always start your workout with a warm-up. Stretching increases the elasticity of the muscle and reduces the likelihood of injury. In addition, the first approach after a warm-up is recommended to be done not with full working weights, but with half
  2. Practice at the right frequency. To avoid overtraining, it should be borne in mind that biceps and triceps are also involved in other exercises on shoulder girdle, chest and back. The optimal frequency for muscle training is once every 4-7 days. If you exercise more often, the muscles will get overworked. The number of approaches should vary from 3 to 4 times with 8-12 repetitions in each.
  3. Do basic exercises. It is necessary to start pumping the muscles of the arms with dumbbells from mastering and performing basic movements. This is especially true for the first months of training.
  4. Perform the training technically correctly. If you do not follow the correct movements, it is impossible to achieve muscle contraction and stretching. Without this aspect, the muscles do not develop and are not pumped.
  5. Dedicate a separate day to hands-on activities. This will allow the biceps and triceps to grow much faster and more intensely. Splits on opposite muscles (biceps-triceps) allow you to get the effect of stretching and contraction. This method training is most effective.

Having familiarized yourself with the main rules, you can go directly to the exercises.

The best exercises with dumbbells for biceps

In order to make rapid progress and good result need to focus solely on the best moves with dumbbells.

They are carried out according to the following scheme:

  • The legs are placed shoulder-width apart, and the elbows are kept near the body, and not taken to the sides.
  • On inhalation, the arms are bent at the elbow joints, and on exhalation, they are unbent.
  • Be sure to linger for a second when the muscles are maximally contracted, but do not press the dumbbells to the shoulders.

Do not allow sudden movements or bend the hands.

Curls with dumbbells for biceps should be done first in the training. You can perform the exercise both alternately and simultaneously. You need to decide on the load yourself. The main thing is to prevent excessive rocking and jerking of the body.


  • Sit on a bench or other similar device.
  • Resting on inside elbow hips.
  • Bend and bring the arm to the chest.
  • No body movements. They work only by hand.
  • The arm is raised with an exhalation, and lowered with an inhalation.
  • Do not allow sudden movements. All concentration is solely on the exercise.

Such lifts are good at exploding muscles.


  • The bench is set at an acute angle. If there is no such device, a similar position, placing something under lower part backs, occupy on an ordinary chair.
  • Bend the arm in such a way that the movement takes place exclusively in the elbow joint.
  • Without any delay at the extreme point, the hand is immediately lowered.
  • With inhalation, bending is done, and with exhalation, extension is done.

This exercise allows you to stretch the muscles well, which contributes to a better pumping of the biceps, so after it there is a sharp influx of blood. Lifts are done on each hand in turn.


  • Dumbbells take neutral grip.
  • The projectile, avoiding jerks and swings, is raised.
  • Hands should be held along the body.
  • At the highest point, they linger for a second.
  • It is important to monitor the evenness of breathing and keep the right pace.

This exercise works the brachialis. This muscle is located under both heads of the biceps, giving them more volume.

The best exercises with dumbbells for triceps

The movements below are great for pumping arm muscles outside the gym.

It is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • They take dumbbells in their hands and lie down either on the floor or on a bench, that is, a stable horizontal surface.
  • Squeeze out and deploy projectiles in parallel.
  • Hands are lowered along the body to the lower part of the chest or upper abdomen with inhalation. Elbows should not be moved to the side.
  • Be sure to ensure that the hands are perpendicular to the plane of the floor, and the elbows move exclusively next to the body.
  • No delays. Dumbbells immediately squeeze and exhale air from the lungs.

This exercise is a classic for working out the triceps. It requires careful execution and complete control over every movement made. Thanks to such presses, the triceps becomes more prominent, and, most importantly, increases in volume.

It is done using the following technique:

  • They take a comfortable lying position, when the main emphasis falls on the legs. It is most convenient to do the bench press on a bench or other surface that allows you to take the correct emphasis.
  • Squeeze projectiles in front of the face. Dumbbells are slowly lowered along the sides of the head to the level of the forehead and inhale the air.
  • Arms up to the elbows should be perpendicular to the floor surface.
  • Unbend the arm with an exhalation.
  • All work should be carried out only thanks to the movements of the elbows and the effort of the triceps.

The exercise can be performed simultaneously on both hands or separately on each. Everyone chooses the best option for himself. Such a bench press gives the hands an aesthetic appeal.

To do this exercise, you must adhere to the following technique:

  • Dumbbells are held perpendicular to the floor above the head.
  • The projectile is lowered behind the head and brought to the level of the cervical vertebrae, thereby stretching the triceps.
  • You can't move your elbows. They must remain motionless.

Similar to the previous exercise, this bench press is done either simultaneously or separately. The latter option is considered more preferable.

An example of an effective dumbbell training program

The starting point when compiling your own training program is that the biceps and triceps are best pumped on different days. The best option for each exercise is as follows:

Standing dumbbell raise3-4 8-12 1,5-2
Dumbbell bench press3-4 8-12 1,5-2
Concentrated Lifts3 10-14 1,5
3-4 10-12 1,5
Climbing incline bench 3 8-12 1,5
Bent over arm extension3 8-10 1,5
3-4 10-12 1,5
3-4 10-12 1,5

It is not necessary to follow the given order. The main thing to remember is that basic exercises should always be performed first. Of course, we must not forget that you can go directly to the training only after a good warm-up.

Dumbbells - universal sports equipment: With their help, you can work out literally any part of the body, they fit perfectly into the training programs of men and women, in addition, they are much safer than many simulators. In addition to these obvious advantages, exercises with dumbbells can be done anywhere: in the gym, at home, even in nature (as an option: if you have your own car).

General recommendations and motivation for training at home

Workouts at home, whether it be cardio workouts or strength exercises with dumbbells, are no less effective than exercising at home. gym.

The only problem hindering our progress is laziness masquerading as a lack of motivation. People are looking for ways to lose weight fast, build muscle fast: no one wants progressive development, because in this case, in order to achieve the goal, you will have to sweat in training, do cardio and constantly monitor nutrition.

So the magic formula is: If we want something, we just have to work hard to get it.. How long does it take for a child to learn to walk? Does it matter: he will just try until he succeeds, despite endless falls and failures. If an adult learns this a simple circuit he will achieve his goal.

Let's put aside laziness and go to the goal ...

Loads must be progressive

Since training at home requires sufficient willpower, it’s worth “heating up” your interest day by day: having a competition with yourself yesterday.

The most important thing in training is not to stay too long in the "comfort zone":

  • Never be lazy to do a warm-up before a workout and always end it with a hitch;
  • Try new exercises, combine them with an old program, or add them to supersets;
  • Reduce the rest time between sets, or perform more sets;
  • Gradually increase the working weight of the shells;
  • Add jogging, cycling, skating, skiing, etc. to your regular workouts. Any physical activity will do.

Proper nutrition

Novice athletes overestimate the importance of effort in lifting weights during training and underestimate the importance of proper nutrition.

Muscles do not build up during physical activity, but on the contrary, they are most injured. An increase in size, an increase in speed and strength indicators occurs exclusively in the process of recovery after a load.

Nutrition plays the most important role in this process: first of all, the saturation of muscles with amino acids (the constituent elements of protein and the building blocks of muscles). Without sufficient protein intake, training productivity is extremely low.

The optimal ratio of nutrients for gradual muscle building: 35% protein, 15% fat (of which 80% unsaturated fat and 20% saturated), 50% carbohydrates.

It is important not to starve during the day: the entire daily calorie intake can be divided into 5-6 meals. It is advisable to eat every 3 hours in small portions that satisfy the body's needs for protein and carbohydrates.

Rest and recovery

To progress in training, rest is as important as yourself. exercise stress. Most post-workout recovery muscle fibers happens during sleep.

The optimal duration of sleep for quality rest after heavy loads is 7-8 hours. It is also useful to devote 1 hour of daytime to sleep.

Muscle recovery time after exercise varies depending on its severity and the level of training of the athlete. Even professional athlete it takes at least 2 days to restore: in accordance with these data, you need to build your own training process.

Home workout program with dumbbells

You should not train the same muscle group for several days in a row: they need a good rest. The dumbbell training program at home should be divided into several parts: separate days for training only the upper body and days for training the legs.

This is just one of the possible load sharing strategies: you can also set aside days for combined training of the muscles of the upper and lower body, the main thing is to train in isolation individual muscles. In addition, it is reasonable to separate the days of cardio and strength training. This approach allows you to train as intensely as possible: while alone muscle groups will be restored, others will be involved in the work and vice versa.

Exercises with dumbbells for the muscles of the chest and back

Note for men: if you have dumbbells at home, you can use them to train your chest, no less effective than with a barbell.

To perform a basic exercise with dumbbells for the pectoral muscles - chest press, you only need a stable bench. Exercise technique:

  • We lie down on the bench, placing both feet on the floor on one side and the other. Elbows on the same level with the bench;
  • Raise your arms with dumbbells up as you exhale. On inspiration, we return our hands to their original position: you can lower your elbows slightly below the bench.
  • Visually, the exercise is indistinguishable from the bench press. The main thing is that the hands rise and fall flush, without distortions.

One of the best exercises with dumbbells for women - bench press with a raised head end (at home, you can replace the bench with an armchair or a sofa with an adjustable back). Exercise perfectly works out the upper beams pectoral muscles by tightening the mammary glands.

A complex exercise for working out the pectoral muscles, biceps and shoulders - wiring with dumbbells. Technique:

  • The starting position is the same as for the bench press;
  • Hands with dumbbells are perpendicular to the floor, slightly bent at the elbows, palms looking forward;
  • With a slow movement, we spread our arms to the sides in the maximum amplitude. When they are below chest level, the arms return to their original position.

Triceps exercises

The classic triceps exercise is the dumbbell french press. It can be performed different ways: lying on a bench, sitting and standing. Execution technique french press lying down:

  • We lie down along the bench, we hold dumbbells in bent arms, palms look at each other;
  • We press our elbows on both sides of the head (they should not wag during the exercise) and, unbending our arms, raise the shells up;
  • We return to the starting position.

The bench press from behind the head is done in much the same way. It is more convenient to work out each triceps in turn. During the exercise, we strain all the muscles of the body, maintaining balance: swinging and helping the body is unacceptable.

Biceps exercises

Exercises for biceps with dumbbells are extremely diverse:

  • Hammer Curls: Starting in a standing position, arms with dumbbells down and palms facing the body. We alternately raise our hands towards the shoulder, tightly pressing the triceps to the sides;
  • Bending the arms while sitting: from a sitting position, we raise our arms with dumbbells simultaneously or alternately, turning them across at the top point (palms facing the shoulders);
  • isolated flexion arms with triceps support on an inclined surface.

Shoulder exercises

Classic exercises with dumbbells on shoulders:

  • Standing press;
  • Raising the arms to the sides (2 positions: standing straight and tilted): we spread our arms slightly bent at the elbows, lingering at the top point;
  • Pull to the chin: performed with one or two dumbbells from the “standing” position (the palms holding the projectile must be raised to the very chin, lingering at the top point);
  • Pullovers.

Pullovers with dumbbells involve the entire shoulder girdle and chest. Technique:

  • We lie down across the bench, bend our legs at the knees;
  • We take a dumbbell from the floor (it is necessary to start with small weights to stretch the chest and feel the technique) and slide down so that top part back rested on the bench with shoulder blades. The loin "hangs" in the air;
  • We grab the dumbbell by one side with both hands, raise it in front of the chest and lower it behind the head, stretching the muscles.

Exercises for the trapezius and latissimus dorsi muscles

One of the most effective exercises for the trapezius muscles of the back is shrugs with dumbbells:

  • The starting position is “standing”, hands with dumbbells are lowered at the seams;
  • We raise the shoulders (as if shrugging them) up to the ears, lingering in this position for a few seconds;
  • The arms do not bend at the elbows, we keep the body straight and do not sway.

Exercise for the latissimus dorsi muscles - traction in an incline:

  • Exercise can be performed on a bench, or just resting against a wall. We put the knee of the left leg and the right hand on the support, the right leg rests on the floor;
  • We take a dumbbell with our left hand and pull it to the belt, while bringing the shoulder blades together (the movement is similar to sawing with a one-handed saw);
  • We perform several repetitions and change hands.

Perfect figure at home

The concept of perfect figure- individually: men want to build up large relief muscles, for women, weight loss is a priority. However, at the time of the complete "shock" excess fat under it there should be a strong muscular frame, because the desired curves of the body depend on it: strong buttocks, flat, toned belly, slender sides.

Fitness for girls

To strengthen muscles and at the same time burn excess subcutaneous fat, women should perform exercises at an intense pace: supersets, circuit training.

Since girls cannot exercise with large weights (we do not take into account professional athletes), the scheme is suitable for them. circuit training with dumbbells with an emphasis on the hips and buttocks.

A set of exercises (perform at least 3 circles, performing one circle, do not rest between exercises):

  • lunges;
  • Push-ups from the floor on dumbbells (you can do push-ups from your knees);
  • Standing dumbbell press;
  • Squats;
  • Deadlift with dumbbells;
  • Bench press;
  • Dumbbell curls for biceps (for example, in the style of "hammer");
  • Hand layout;
  • Pullovers;
  • Plie with one dumbbell;
  • Bent over pull (on latissimus dorsi back).

In each exercise, you need to do at least 15 repetitions.

The main feature of the girls is the weaker muscles of the upper body in comparison with the legs, hips and buttocks. Therefore, it is worth choosing the weight of dumbbells individually for each exercise: for this you need to have 2 sets of stacked dumbbells available. If this is not possible, it is better to swap the exercises by doing all the sets with heavy dumbbells first and then move on to exercises with lighter dumbbells.

Bodybuilding for men: how to achieve maximum effect

To get the most out of your classes, you need a holistic approach: regular workouts, good rest, protein-rich food.

If you can’t get the required amount of protein from regular food, you can drink protein shakes or a gainer (suitable only for training during the mass-gaining period, should not be used by people prone to weight gain).

By regularly working out all muscle groups, increasing the load as you get used to it and restoring damaged fibers with high-protein nutrition, you can achieve excellent results even at home, having only dumbbells in your inventory.

Let's say that you don't have the opportunity to go to the gym, but you have dumbbells at home. Most of the exercises presented here can be performed at home. All you need is a pair of dumbbells. The bench can be safely replaced with an ordinary chair or stool.

Keep in mind: with a conscientious approach to business, the result will be no worse than what you would have achieved in the gym. Combine strength training with cardio and flexibility training, and then you will be successful.


To strengthen the chest muscle, 3 things are needed: concentration, control and contraction. You need to concentrate and know which muscles work in the exercise. Control means that you monitor the movements and speed of the exercises. The slower you do them, the more you load the muscle fibers. slow pace also reduces the risk of injury. When you focus on the muscles being trained, the effectiveness of the exercise increases.

Great chest workout. It can be performed on horizontal bench, inclined, or bench with a negative slope. Thus, you can shift the load to the middle, top, or bottom of the pectoral muscles. Try to lower the weight slowly so that you feel the same muscle tension as when lifting the weight. Lifting dumbbells too fast can lead to injury shoulder joint. It is also important to choose the right dumbbell weight. The resistance should be enough for you to feel how your chest muscles work.

An excellent exercise for the development of the pectoral muscles. Its value lies in the fact that it makes it possible to exclude all auxiliary muscles from work and the load on the chest will be concentrated. Reduction of hands with dumbbells can be performed on a horizontal bench, an inclined one, and a bench with a negative inclination. This will allow you to better work out different parts of the chest. To perform the exercise, take dumbbells and lie down on a bench. The shoulder blades are brought together. Deflection in the lower back. Legs firmly rest on the floor. Hold the dumbbells at arm's length above your chest, palms facing each other. As you inhale, begin to spread your arms to the sides, slightly bending them at the elbows. As you exhale, bring your hands together, returning to the starting position.

With this exercise, you can increase the volume of the chest. To do this, lie on your back on a bench. Feet firmly rest on the floor. Hold the dumbbell in front of you at outstretched arms. As you inhale, lower the dumbbell behind your head (in the final phase of the movement, you can slightly bend your arms at the elbows). As you exhale, return to the starting position.


IN Everyday life we use the muscles of the front of the body more, so the back muscles are often underdeveloped, which leads to a stoop. Your goal is to develop your entire body evenly. The exercises we offer with dumbbells will help you with this.

Bent over dumbbell row - excellent basic exercise for the development of the central and upper back. When performing this exercise, a special stand is used, which makes it possible to completely turn off the lower back from work in order to avoid injury. The value of the exercise is that it can help even out the imbalance of the back. To do it, do the following: put your left knee on the bench. Then bend down and rest your hand on it. The body is almost parallel to the floor. Deflection in the lower back. Right leg stands on the floor. Hold the dumbbell with your right hand in a neutral grip. As you exhale, pull the dumbbell to the lower abdomen, by contracting the back muscles. On an inhale, slowly lower the dumbbell to the starting position. Repeat the exercise on the other side.

This is an exercise for working out the muscles of the back. The main load here is received by the latissimus dorsi. The main advantage of this exercise is that when it is performed, the load is removed from the lower back. Therefore, this exercise is suitable for people who cannot load the lower back. to perform it, take the dumbbells and lie face down on an incline bench. Hold the dumbbells with a neutral grip, with your arms straight on the sides of the bench. As you exhale, raise the dumbbells by bending your elbows. On an inhale, lower the dumbbells to the starting position.

Shrugi is an exercise that is aimed at training the trapezius muscle. Shrugs are performed with both dumbbells and a barbell. The advantage of dumbbells is that the movement of the exercise becomes more natural and the amplitude of the execution increases. To do this, take dumbbells in your hands and stand up straight. Stretch your arms at the seams. As you exhale, pull your shoulders up as high as you can. Hold this position for a second and return to the starting position.

Legs and buttocks

Although barbell exercises are considered the most effective for the muscles of the legs and buttocks (due to the possibility of using large weights), nevertheless, with the help of dumbbells, these muscle groups can also be worked out with sufficient quality. To achieve what you want, the main thing is to do the exercises correctly. All movements must be clear and precise. And as a result, in addition to impressive external results, you will get strong legs and buttocks, which will allow you to noticeably improve your performance in other sports, such as running and jumping.

1. Straight Leg Row with Dumbbells

IN this exercise the muscles of the buttocks receive the greatest load, rear surface hips and waist. The hands during the dumbbell row are in a more comfortable position than the fixed bar of the bar. Due to this position of the hands, it is possible to shift the center of gravity, due to which the load on the extensors of the back is reduced and the load on the back of the thigh is more concentrated. To perform this exercise, take dumbbells and stand up straight. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. While inhaling, pulling the pelvis back and leaning forward, slowly lower the dumbbells down. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Squat is a basic exercise for strengthening the muscles of the front and back of the thighs and buttocks. By doing it, you also engage the muscles of the internal and external surfaces hips. To perform this exercise, take dumbbells in your hands and stand up straight. Feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly apart. Hands with dumbbells are lowered along the body, palms look inward. Keeping your pelvis in a neutral position, expand your chest. Inhale, hold your breath and draw in your stomach. Squat down as if you want to sit on the edge of a chair. Don't lift your heels off the floor. Lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Return to starting position. At the moment of maximum effort, exhale.

Lunges with dumbbells are one of the best exercises for training the legs and buttocks. In this exercise maximum load get hamstrings and gluteal muscles. To do this, take dumbbells in your hands and stand up straight. Legs shoulder width apart. Connect the shoulder blades, lower your shoulders, tighten your abs. Hands with dumbbells are lowered along the body, palms are turned inward. Take a wide step forward with your left foot and lower into a lunge so that your left knee is over your ankle and your right knee is facing the floor. The right leg rests on the toe. Straighten your legs and take a step forward and lunge with your right leg. Keep alternating legs required amount once.


As with any strength exercise, when training biceps with dumbbells, it is very important correct technique and concentration. Also try to avoid common mistakes doing biceps exercises. For example, many do not fix the shoulders and the body in a fixed position, which takes some of the load off the biceps. Only muscles that support elbow joint, while the shoulders, wrists and body remain motionless.

1. Curls with dumbbells

The dumbbell curl is one of the best exercises for training the biceps. The advantage of dumbbells over the barbell is in the increased amplitude of the turn of the hand, which provides a better study of the biceps muscle. This exercise can be performed standing or sitting on a vertical or incline bench. To perform it, take dumbbells and stand up straight (or sit on a bench). The elbows are pressed to the sides of the body and remain motionless throughout the movement. As you exhale, bend your elbows. On an inhale, straighten your arms back to the starting position.

2. Bending the arms with dumbbells with a grip "hammer"

Hammer - an isolating exercise aimed at development shoulder muscle(brachialis), the muscle that is located under the biceps and which gives it such a peak for all athletes. Perform the exercise standing or sitting on a bench. To do this, take dumbbells with a neutral grip and stand up straight or sit on a bench. The arms are extended to the sides of the body. As you exhale, raise the dumbbells to shoulder level. On an inhale, lower the dumbbells back to the starting position.

The peculiarity of this exercise is a large range of motion and a powerful peak contraction at the top point. The biceps receive the maximum load in this exercise. For correct execution Exercise Sit on a bench and place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Take a dumbbell, bend over a little and rest your right elbow on inner part right leg. As you exhale, lift the dumbbell to your upper chest. On an inhale, return to the starting position. Perform the required number of times and repeat the exercise for the other hand.

4. Bending the arms with dumbbells on the Scott bench

The Scott Bench Dumbbell Curl is a targeted biceps workout. The advantage of this exercise is that it excludes the use of cheating, therefore biceps shoulder receives the maximum load. To perform it, sit on the Scott bench and take dumbbells in both hands, palms facing up. You can also take dumbbells with a hammer grip (palms facing each other) - to work out the shoulder muscle (brachialis). As you exhale, straining your biceps, bend your arms as much as possible, lifting the dumbbells to your shoulder. Lower the dumbbells as you inhale.


When you train triceps, as well as any other muscle groups, you need to use various equipment, including dumbbells, in order to diversify the load as much as possible. Try to feel the work of the triceps and always follow the technique. Keep in mind that when you focus on how your muscles are working during your workout, you recruit more muscle fibers. Therefore, each repetition and approach is more effective, and you get the desired results much faster.

The French Press is a unique exercise for training the triceps. This exercise allows you to work out the triceps along its entire length. When performing this exercise, the emphasis is on the load of the long head of the triceps. This exercise can be performed lying down or sitting. We propose to consider the option of performing the French bench press. Lie down on a bench and grab the dumbbells with your palms facing each other. As you inhale, bend your arms and lower the dumbbells to your ears. As you exhale, extend your arms at the elbows, returning to the starting position.

Another exercise with dumbbells for pumping triceps. This exercise may not be the best for training triceps, but doing it diversifies your arm training, which will undoubtedly benefit you. It is performed as follows: take a dumbbell in your right hand and rest your left knee on the seat of the bench. With your left hand, also rest against the back or seat of the bench. Bend your working arm at a right angle - this will be your starting position. Now straighten your arm at the elbow to full extension, hold for a split second and return to the starting position. Perform the required number of times and repeat the exercise for the second hand.


In most deltoid exercises, you hold the dumbbells at a considerable distance from the body, so they seem heavier than the barbell. Therefore, in order to properly work out the muscles, start exercising with not very heavy dumbbells. The following exercises will improve the shape of the shoulders by developing and strengthening the deltoid muscle.

This exercise strengthens the middle and anterior bundles of the deltoid muscles. To do this, set the back of the bench at a right angle. Take dumbbells and sit down. The knees are bent, the feet are flat on the floor. Bend your arms at a 90-degree angle and spread them apart so that your shoulders are parallel to the floor. The palms are facing forward. Tighten your press. The back is straight, the lower back is tightly pressed against the back of the bench. Holding the position of the torso, raise your arms with dumbbells above your head. Slowly return to the starting position.

The Arnold press is a basic exercise for the development of the deltoid muscles. In this exercise, all three beams are involved, but the main focus is on the middle and front beam. Due to the turn of the arms, the rotator muscles of the shoulder are also included in the work: coracobrachial, supraspinatus and infraspinatus. The technique for doing this exercise is as follows: stand up straight or sit on a bench. Take dumbbells in both hands and fix them at neck level, while pointing your palms towards you. Inhale and holding your breath squeeze the dumbbells up while rotating your hands at the wrists. Exhale at the end of the movement. Inhale and lower the dumbbells along the same path.

Breeding dumbbells in an incline is the most effective exercise for the posterior deltoid muscle. This exercise is the only one that allows you to qualitatively work out the back head of the delta. To perform it, take dumbbells and lean forward, slightly bending your knees. Hands with dumbbells are lowered down. As you exhale, spread your arms out to the sides at the same time. On an inhale, lower your arms to the starting position.

4. Breeding dumbbells to the sides

This is an isolation exercise for working out the middle bundles of the deltoid muscles. You can do it standing or sitting on a bench. To do this, take dumbbells with a neutral grip, palms facing each other. Stand up straight or sit on a bench. The arms are slightly bent at the elbows. As you exhale, spread the dumbbells to the sides without changing the angle at the elbows. On an inhale, lower your arms to the starting position.

Exercises with dumbbells have been a hype since the Soviet years, when every self-respecting man had a treasured box with this uncomplicated sports equipment on his balcony. The main reason for the prevalence of this projectile is ease of handling. You can train with dumbbells anywhere: in the gym, at home, on the balcony or on fresh air. In the article, we will consider the types of these sports equipment, and also talk about some basic exercises.

For men, dumbbells are a weighty steel "bread" for the body. We decided to give an additional load on the muscles and budge fatty layers? Aside a fragile figure, tears and blues. You give cheerfulness and a beautiful relief. It remains only to correctly compose a training regimen.

Cast dumbbells vs collapsible

Before purchasing dumbbells, you need to decide on the tasks that are set for them. For example, if you plan to constantly increase muscle mass, then you should take collapsible dumbbells and increase their weight over time. For fitness training, sports equipment with a fixed weight is suitable, which will allow you to maintain a given muscle tone.

Weight gain dumbbells are versatile. Using cast models, after a certain time you will be faced with the need to purchase a new, heavier pair, as the muscles will require further growth. Homemade dumbbells are inferior in convenience compared to store-bought ones: for full-fledged training, you need to cast a dozen shells or pancakes, the weight of which will also have to be increased over time.

Choosing the right dumbbells for the home

When choosing collapsible dumbbells, pay attention to the following points:

  • What is the limit Weight Limit dumbbells. Here again, the convenience of collapsible models is manifested. For example, if one fully assembled projectile pulls 20 kilograms, this will allow you not to return to the store for new pancakes for a long time.
  • weight step. For inexperienced users, it is important that the weight of the dumbbells is increased gradually (no more than 1 kilogram). For example, a weight step of 5 kilograms will have a beneficial effect only on the training of professional runners and athletes. Remember the rule of scales and coins, add the load gradually.
  • The dumbbell bar must be rubberized or knurled (sections that prevent slipping). It is more practical to purchase necks with a diameter of 25-30 millimeters. This size will allow you to freely buy more pancakes over time.
  • Pancakes. If classes are held in the apartment, and there is no desire due to sports training break the silence, take a closer look at the rubberized pancakes. Such a device will not damage the laminate or parquet. Chrome-plated pancakes differ from others only in brilliance, but there is no practical use in them. The minimum weight of sports "coins" starts from 500 grams, and the maximum weight reaches 10 kilograms.
  • Mounts. It is important that the fastening of pancakes on dumbbells is comfortable and reliable. The easiest way to handle spring clips or "lugs".

As an additional accessory for dumbbells for beginners, weightlifting gloves can be purchased.

They are needed not only so that the dumbbells do not slip out of the palm of your hand, but also to fix the wrist. Gloves will be a good anti-corn agent, protect the skin on the palms from roughness.

Age and workout at home

When choosing exercises with dumbbells, it is important to consider not only their weight and your own physical training, but also age features. For example, after 50 years of age, coaches and doctors remind men that due to hormonal changes, joints and ligaments lose their strength, which means that training should be a little less intense.

Young men under 50 are recommended to exercise with dumbbells at least three times a week. This mode will allow you to keep the muscles in the right tone, while arranging for the body fasting days. In the complex of strength training, all men, regardless of age, must include cardio training, which is more expedient to perform in the morning or before strength exercises. This will prepare your motor for hard work.

How to train at home correctly

Exercises with dumbbells should begin with a warm-up. This will warm up the muscles and prepare them for the load. As a basis, you can take the same school workout (head tilts, arm jerks, lunges, stretching exercises).

For a visible effect, it is important to develop an individual training schedule. It should include not only the exercises themselves, but also days of rest. Beginners are advised to take 1-2 day breaks between workouts. During this time muscle will recover, and the level of glycogen (contributing to the production of "lactic acid") will reach the optimal level for a new jerk. But the mistake of all beginners - work for wear - can give a boomerang effect, reducing the muscle volume gained.

If you train at home without a coach, then you will have to deal with the control of achievements or inhibitions on your own. To accurately track your progress, regularly record your weight and girth in a diary or app on your phone. Men over 50 years of age should record their heart rate and blood pressure in a diary. blood pressure. All measurements must be made before the start of the exercises.

Basic complex for men - video

Before proceeding with the set of relief, you need to master basic complex exercises with dumbbells, which includes a number of fundamental exercises, on the basis of which other types of power loads are built. It includes:

  • Classic squats with dumbbells. Feet shoulder width apart, arms along the body. Inhale on the squat, exhale on the rise. Repeat 10-15 times for 3 sets.
  • "Hammer" - an exercise for the muscles of the forearm. The starting position is the same as for squats. While inhaling, we bend the right arm, lifting the weight to the shoulder. Exhale - starting position. The same exercise is performed for the left hand. For each arm, lifts are performed at least 20 times. This exercise can be done while sitting.
  • Dumbbell pull to the belt - training big muscles back. For the exercise, you need to prepare a bench, a stool is also suitable. Put your right knee on the bench, grab its edge with your right hand. The left leg stands on the floor slightly bent at the knee, the left arm is lowered down, the shoulder blades are separated. As you exhale, pull the dumbbell in your belt, bring your shoulder blades together. Inhale - starting position. For each arm, 10-15 repetitions of 3 sets.
  • Shrugs with dumbbells - an exercise for the upper (clavicular) trapezius muscles. Feet slightly wider than shoulder width, hands down. As you exhale, raise your shoulders up, arms straight with dumbbells down, the shoulder blades smoothly come together. Inhale - starting position. The exercise is performed 10-15 times in 3 sets.
  • Breeding dumbbells - training the deltoid muscles of the chest. If there is no inclined gymnastic bench at home, a fit-ball can replace it. Lying spread your arms to the sides, hold the dumbbells with a direct grip. The arms should be bent at the elbows, and the dumbbells should be located at chest level. Raise your arms up and return to the starting position. Perform 10-15 times.
  • Leg workout. We do lunges. We bend the left leg at the knee, hold the dumbbells in the hands located along the body. The right leg is straight, laid back and rests with the toe on the floor. We do 10-15 lunges on each leg.

Exercises with dumbbells are performed without jerking. Each is repeated in several approaches. Breathing (inhalations and exhalations) are the basis for the correct distribution of the load. Overcoming the weight (power jerk) should be carried out only on exhalation.

You need to stop the repetition before muscle failure occurs. If you feel that the next repetition will be fatal, the exercise should be stopped. At the end of work with dumbbells, the muscles can be pulled a little by performing several lunges and tilts.

Strength exercises with dumbbells, it is desirable to accompany with aerobic (respiratory) loads - jogging, cycling, exercise bike. Otherwise, heart problems may occur.

Five easy exercises for older men

Most workouts for older men are aimed at maintaining muscle and heart tone. They are performed at an arbitrary pace, if shortness of breath occurs, you need to take a break:

  1. Exercise for the muscles of the forearm and chest. Legs are wider than shoulders, arms are spread apart, dumbbells are held with a direct grip. We turn the hands forward and back. Breathing and pace are arbitrary.
  2. Exercise for the muscles of the back and shoulder blades. Hands with dumbbells are behind the head, legs are wider than shoulders. On inhalation we spread our arms to the side, on exhalation we return to the starting position. You can do it while sitting on a bench or fitball.
  3. Exercise for the muscles of the legs, chest and upper key belt. Legs wider than shoulders, dumbbells clasped in hands. Exhale - lunge to the right, hands rise in front of you, inhale - starting position. Next - on the exhale lunge to the left.
  4. Stretching exercise for the back muscles. Feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider than shoulders. Dumbbells - on the floor between the legs. We bend over and exhale, take the dumbbells in our hands and straighten up. Inhale - put the dumbbells on the floor without bending your back.
  5. Exercise for leg muscles. Legs slightly wider than shoulders, dumbbells in hands along the body. We exhale and squat, we try to touch the floor with dumbbells. On inspiration, we return to the starting position.

Each exercise is repeated 6-8 times. With normal health, the number of repetitions can be increased to 10.


Dumbbell exercises are a training that allows men to achieve various goals: losing weight, building sculpted muscles, and simply maintaining the body in optimal condition. physical form. The last point is of particular interest to anyone who spends most of their lives sitting in the office. The number of exercises with dumbbells is very large. With this projectile, you can work out quadriceps, deltoid muscles chest and back and other muscle groups. It’s not easy to fall in love with dumbbells, but it will also be impossible to give them up, drawn into the training schedule.