The fattest people on earth. The fattest (very full) man in the history of planet Earth

Terrifying photos of the fattest people in the world! They are clearly unlucky...
Fat celebrities...

So let's get started... In the history of mankind, the heaviest man on earth was John Brower Minnock from Benbridge Island, Washington... He was 183 cm tall and weighed 630 kg when he entered the hospital at the age of 37 with congestive heart failure. He was in the hospital for 2 years and received a diet with a calorie content of 1200 kcal ... At discharge, his weight was 150 kg ...

The heaviest woman was Mrs. Percy Pearl Washington from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, whose height was 180 cm, weight 400 kg. She died in 1972.

Walter Hudson from New York, 175 cm tall, whose heaviest weight was 570 kg, had a waist size of 300 cm.

Here is the coffin in which he was buried.

Another celebrity of past years is Carol Yeager ... With a height of 170 cm, she weighed almost 600 kg in her worst years ... But this weight was not officially recorded ... In the photo, Carol has already lost 235 kg. This achievement of hers was just recorded by doctors.

And this woman from Iraq weighed 457 kilograms ... She died at the age of 43.

Billy and Benny McCrery from Hendersonville, North Carolina.

The heaviest twins in the world... They developed like normal children until the age of 6 and began to put on a lot of weight after they had been ill with rubella measles.

And this is Walter Hudson from New York ... He weighed more than 540 kg.

For all his unfortunate appearance, it was this man who managed to make a real show out of his life ... In order to remove this colorful fat man, the publications laid out very tidy sums.

However, the previous story is more an exception to the rule than the rule ... The life of fat people is often truly tragic, and most of them have to overcome terrible difficulties ... And Patrick Dewell is a living example of this ...

He grew up as a perfectly normal, slightly chubby child ...

And by the way, he was very sociable and friendly.

However, when 42-year-old Patrick was taken to Avera McKennan Hospital in Sioux Falls, with a height of just under 180 centimeters, he weighed about 482 kilograms.

By that time, he had not left his bed for about six months ... The League for Human Dignity, a public organization, arranged for Dewell to be transported to a local hospital to be weighed. And… the doctors refused to treat him…

Dewell's treatment costs more than a million dollars, but the hospital administration paid for it. Local authorities had to find a special ambulance to transport the patient to the hospital.

“Then I was very depressed. I did not see any light at the end of the tunnel, ”Dewell himself admits ...

And then everything got better, and there was even a wedding ...

Manuel Uribe... A Mexican who never left the television screens a couple of months ago...

He went out for a real walk ... True, 41-year-old Manuel Uribe is still quite heavy - he still cannot walk and in order to seat him in the back of a truck, a crane was needed.

The inhabitants of the city welcomed Uribe ... The history of his struggle with overweight became a local sensation!

His girlfriend is sure that everything will be fine!

But all these stories are almost nonsense compared to the life of this child.

A girl from Chicago at 7 years old weighs over 200 kg ...

Every day, her mother feeds Jessica kilograms of fast food and five liters of soda to drink. Otherwise she cries...

Thus, the girl receives 10 thousand kcal per day, while the daily need for a child of this age is 1800 kcal... to this state...

“There should be a lot of a good person”, “While the fat one dries, the thin one dies” - this is how people joke about fat people. As long as the weight is slightly above the norm, such jokes are appropriate, but when it comes to obesity, which poses a real threat to human health and life, there is no time for jokes. Everything that is not a problem for ordinary people becomes difficult for fat people: it is difficult for them to serve themselves, find a job, and ensure a normal level of health and existence. The stories of the fattest people on the planet confirm this rule.

Psychological discomfort, social isolation, problems in personal life- these are just a few factors that all fat men and women face. But some of them try to break the vicious circle and live a life filled with bright emotions and impressions, become happy people and realize themselves.

Fat Country

Many believe that the largest percentage of fat people in the world live in the United States, but this is not true. According to official UN data, the country of fat people is a country that few people have heard of - Nauru. This is a dwarf state with a population of just over 11 thousand people, located on a coral island near the equator.

Obesity has become a scourge of the local population not so long ago: after the active importation of Coca-Cola into the country and the increased fashion for Western fast food, most Naurtuans began to abuse high-calorie, affordable foods. Almost all the fat people of Nauru became overweight due to the unreasonable consumption of fried chicken and canned meat. The situation is complicated by the lack of a developed structure of medical care, so the island lacks qualified doctors who can treat obese patients, and only a few can afford to go to Australia for treatment.

The official record holder, whose doctors recorded the most big weight in the history of mankind, was John Brower Minnock, born in 1941 in America. At what age he began to suffer from obesity, it is not known exactly, but at the age of 12 he was an incredibly fat boy, weighing 132 kg.

Every year, body parameters continued to increase, but he tried to lead a normal life, worked as a taxi driver and actively communicated with people. At the age of 37, John had a serious complication in which he developed heart and respiratory failure. To save a life, urgent hospitalization was required, but the delivery of such a patient to the clinic is a very difficult task. Minnock was transferred to a special stretcher by more than ten firefighters and rescuers, after which the fat man was taken to the ferry. After being transported to a Seattle hospital, John was placed on two beds put together. It took 13 paramedics to change bed linen.

At the time of admission to the hospital, Minnock's weight was a record 630 kg. It took a year and a half of the strictest diet, and during this time the patient lost 420 kg.

This was facilitated by a strict diet, the calorie content of which did not exceed 1200 kcal per day. This weight loss has become the most significant on the planet, for which John Minnock was among the champions of the Guinness Book of Records.

At the time of admission to the hospital, weighing such a fat patient was problematic, as he was not able to move independently. Unfortunately, immediately after discharge, John returned to his previous diet, so a year later he again ended up in a hospital bed. New attempts to lose weight were unsuccessful, and the doctors decided to stop the treatment. Minnock died two years later due to suffocation caused by the huge volume of the body. Death came at the age of 41.

The title of the fattest person on the planet, according to unofficial data, belongs to the American Carol Yager, whose largest weight reached 727 kg. Impressive dimensions began to appear already in early childhood. The pathological passion for food appeared after a strong mental shock associated with the sexual harassment of an older relative. Trying to "seize" stress, a girl at the age of 20 lost the ability to walk on her own, because the leg muscles could not withstand the body.

Care for Carol fell entirely on daughter Heather and several nurses caring for the woman. It became clear that incredible obesity urgently needed to be addressed, as it posed a threat to life. The treatment needed a lot of money, so Yager took part in the famous show, and instead of the fee, the woman was provided with treatment from a nutritionist. Alas, it did not bring results.

But the woman did not lose faith in the best and was looking for a clinic where she could be helped. It was difficult to transport Carol to the hospital, so many people and special equipment were involved each time. Due to severe edema, the fat woman suffered from kidney failure, because the kidneys did not have time to remove excess moisture from the body. To alleviate the condition, I had to go to the clinic 9-10 times a year. The width of the body reached 1.5 m. The doctors tried to help the fat patient win excess weight, and she managed to lose weight naturally by 236 kg in three months, but upon returning home, the scale mark crept up again. During the next hospitalization, Yager's body could not stand it, and she died at the age of 34 with a weight of 545 kg.

This Mexican became the fattest man on the planet who lost the most weight naturally with the help of proper nutrition. At the age of 22, Manuel Uribe weighed over 130 kg, and the weight continued to increase daily.

At 36, he was bedridden because his legs could not withstand the 587 kg that Manuel weighed. When the weight mark exceeded 500 kg, Uribe appeared on television and became famous. He received many offers of surgical help for weight loss, but Manuel decided for himself that he would bounce back with the help of physical activity and rational nutrition.

Such a miracle became possible thanks to a fateful meeting. A year before the miraculous transformation, the fat man met a woman who periodically came to provide him with hairdressing and manicure services. The young people became friends, and soon their relationship grew into mutual sympathy. After two years of communication, Manuel made an offer to his chosen one, to which she agreed, despite the protests of her relatives. The wedding took place at home. Since the fat groom could not stand, they performed the first dance of the young, holding hands and waving them to the beat of a slow song.

Love inspired Manuel to work on himself. A low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet helped Uribe drop to 381kg, and after lying in bed for six years, he was able to go out on his own for the first time. Then the fat man began to periodically lose weight and get better again. His goal was to lose weight to 150 kg in order to be able to play football with his adopted son. The dream of Manuel Uribe was not destined to come true, since at the age of 48 he died from complications. His wife stayed with him until the last day, supported her husband and looked after him.

The title of the fattest child in the world went to Jessica Leonard. In 2007, her story stirred the whole world after people learned about the girl from a TV show.

The story of this fat girl is an example of blind parental love. Mom fed Jessica high-calorie foods, the basis of the diet was pizza, french fries, hamburgers, sugary sodas, fried turkey and chicken - all that children are not recommended to eat. Immediately after finishing the meal, Jessica felt hungry and begged her mother to feed her again, and the mother's heart could not stand her daughter's requests. The diet of the child instead of the prescribed 1800 kcal consisted of 10,000 kcal.

This was the reason that already at the age of four, Leonard crossed the 100-kilogram mark and continued to get fat. With tears in her eyes, the girl recalls how the children called her fat, and even adults often said that Jessica was fat. At the age of four, the child experienced difficulties with movement, as the fragile children's leg bones began to deform from heaviness, and excessive body fat on the face and neck led to a deterioration in diction.

By the age of seven, Jessica Leonard had stopped walking and had already realized the seriousness of the problem herself. At this age, she weighed 222 kg. After her appearance on television, people flooded the channel with letters asking them to help the fat child return to normal life. Doctors prescribed her a strict diet, which helped to get rid of 140 kg. Then Jessica continued to eat rationally and get in shape at home. To return to normal life, she had to undergo a series of operations on the joints of her legs and to remove excess skin.

Now a pretty young girl is very responsible about her diet and physical health, she found friends and meets a young man who supports her in an effort to control her parameters.

Another record holder of the Guinness Book of Records is Khalid ibn Mushen Shaari. On this moment he is the owner of the title of the fattest person on the planet of all those living today. When the fat man turned 21, the king of Saudi Arabia took care of his fate, ordering to organize transportation young man to a clinic where he can receive appropriate treatment. The king provided a free plane that delivered Shaari to a medical facility.

Several days were being prepared for the transportation. Several dozen people were involved in this, including doctors, the military and the police. Since the fat man could not be taken out through the door, part of the wall of the house had to be dismantled. Since Khalid lived on the second floor, a crane was brought down to lower him instead of an elevator. Until that moment, the man had not gone outside for more than two years.

Upon arrival at the hospital, doctors determined Shaari's weight - it was 610 kg. The man was immediately operated on and 80 kg of fat was removed from the abdominal cavity. I managed to lose another 240 kg thanks to the diet. At the moment, this person's lungs and heart are recovering, muscles are gradually getting stronger. At first, after treatment, he moved with the help of a wheelchair, but he hoped that he would soon be able to walk on his own. In 2016, his dream came true.

As paradoxical as it sounds, not all fat people dream of returning to normal parameters. Such an example is demonstrated by the mother of two children - Suzanne Eman. At 36, she weighs 350 kg, but dreams of increasing her parameters to 500 kg.

At a conference with media representatives, she announced the planned stages of gaining kilograms: monthly you need to gain a little more than 4 kg. To do this, you need to eat ten times more food daily than is considered the norm for people of this age. In an effort to increase obesity, Suzanne is supported by her beloved husband Parker, who works as a cook.

For the wedding of young people, a dress was sewn, which required 14 m of fabric. The bride's outfit was so heavy and large that the dressing process lasted about half an hour. In order to walk normally in it, Suzanne had to ask for help from three women.

Eman claims that he feels better than before his first pregnancy and does not experience health problems. The only inconvenience that overshadows the pleasure of a puffy beloved is that she cannot do housework, so all household chores are assigned to Parker.

Suzanne wants to prove by her example that fat people can also be beautiful and cheerful, in no way inferior to others. If her dream comes true, she will become a Guinness World Record holder, which portends great popularity and good profits.

Who is the most big man in the history of our planet?

The fattest person on our planet (and in the history of the planet):

Manuel Uribe


The year of his birth is 1965. Around 2001, he was already five hundred kilograms, and in 2007 his weight was five hundred and sixty kilograms. Thanks to this weight, Manuel was listed in the Guinness Book.

It was very difficult for him. And he begged the surgeons to make him an operation to truncate the stomach. He promised that if the surgeons helped him, he would go on a very strict diet and lose weight. Lose weight so that it will be impossible not to notice.

The "record holder" kept his promise. He lost two hundred kilograms.

He was able to move independently. The first thing he did when he lost weight was an offer to the woman who had helped him for fourteen days.

The wedding ceremony also took place in bed. The dance of the newlyweds was like this: they held hands and simply moved to the beat of the music. Nothing is known about the couple's wedding night.

The biggest mexican

Jose Luis Garza

By the way, thanks to losing weight, Manuel "gave" his "fat title" to the forty-seven-year-old Mexican Jose Luis Garza. Photo. He recently died of a heart attack.

The fattest (newborn) baby in the world

The fattest baby (newborn) weighed almost eleven kilograms. He was born in America in 19879. The baby lived only eleven days.

The fattest newborn baby weighs almost eight kilograms. Doctors, as they can, are fighting for weight loss. Otherwise, the girl may die due to huge heart problems.

Do you think that this is the end of the list of the fattest people on the planet?

As you can see, no. It is impossible to mention only one person, since there will be no comparison in weight class, there will be no "satisfaction" of curiosity.

The fattest American president

The fattest American president is considered: (twenty-seventh president). Despite the fact that he weighed only a hundred and fifty extra pounds, people said that he was stuck in his own bathroom, and had to take action. They called a crane to "remove" it from there.

William Howard Taft

In the UK there is a man who weighs a lot, but is not going to go on a diet. He eats eight times a day, while consuming more than twenty thousand calories. It weighs four hundred and fifty kilograms.

There was such a heavyweight Peter Yarnall

He weighed three hundred and seventy-four kilograms (height - 178 centimeters). He spent the last few years in bed because he couldn't get up because of his weight. Peter died when he was 34 years old (in 1984).

The most complete twin brothers in the USA

Benny and Billy Leon McReary

(Carolina, USA) - the most complete brothers - twins. Until the age of six, they had the most usual weight, but after six they were seriously ill with measles and began to gain terribly in weight. Benny weighed three hundred and twenty-eight kilograms, and Billy weighed three hundred and thirty-seven kilograms.

The fattest American

The most spectacular fat woman is an American:

Percy Pearl Washington

She weighed almost four hundred kilograms. She wore clothes of the sixty-two size (height - 183 centimeters). Percy died at the age of forty-six, in a hospital.

The fattest weight gain record

John Minnoch

Record holder for weight gain. See photo. In a week he managed to gain ninety kilograms. He worked as a taxi driver as long as his health allowed. He died when he was 42 years old. Then his weight was three hundred and sixty-two kilograms.

Not just fat, but only full

Walter Hudson

Walter Hudson's name 'lit up' when he got stuck in a door own house. The firemen rescued him. This man weighed about five hundred and forty kilograms. He just ate as much as he wanted, without limiting himself in anything.

The fattest, since the school bench

Michael Edelman

When Michael Edelman was ten years old, he left school, as he could not fit at any desk. He spent the rest of his life in bed. By the way, he weighed five hundred and forty kilograms. The mother, who lived with him, did not persuade him to eat less, since she herself weighed a lot (about three hundred kilograms). Mike corresponded with Walter. When Walter died, Michael immediately developed an abnormal fear of food. He stopped eating completely, losing weight perfectly. Unfortunately, he died 1 year after the death of a friend. Michael's weight was two hundred and seventy-two kilograms.

Reviews of the fattest people in the world


Horror! How can you love food so much that you go crazy over it like you do with love? Never, apparently, I will not be able to understand such people. And they do not need my understanding, I guess. It's hard to live with such a "heavy" weight! I would not be able to endure it.


I myself am complete. But not so much! So many kilograms that my head is spinning when I read about their number! Scary. And pity the people. They are destroying themselves. And they die, as you noticed, at a relatively young age. I really wonder how you can eat so much. I do not take into account cases of obesity and birth weight.


I understand people who love to eat. I myself am the same. But I, of course, am lucky in terms of the constitution. I am very thin, but I eat a lot - a lot. It's imperceptible to me, of course. And I'm happy with that. Girlfriends and acquaintances envy me so much that I beg you not to envy, because all this envy reflects badly on a person. Not only on me alone, but on all those who are envied by others.


I have a girlfriend. They wonder how I can eat so much. My body is so demanding! And I can't deny him the pleasure. I never went on diets, because I would die without my favorite buns and other goodies. And my mom is a very good cook. Tries for the only daughter! And that, in your opinion, I'm crazy that I will refuse her "creations"? Yes, for nothing!


I will lose weight! The weight bothers me. I already weigh eighty-three kilograms. I want to "get" to forty-six. They say that it will suit me more. And then I already look like some kind of pig! I can't look in the mirror! And how do those who have so many extra pounds in their bodies not complex? I would talk to them….. Maybe they would reveal their secrets. I am very interested in these people as individuals.

Do not miss. . .

In this article we will talk not about those who need to lose a couple of pounds. And not even about those who need to lose a couple of dozen of them. We will look at life from the side of those whose weight is "well over a hundred."

"You are fat!"

Completeness causes many inconveniences in Everyday life its owners. These are problems with clothing, and problems with movement, excessive sweating, and movement in transport. Clothes for fat people (especially women) are more difficult to find, but are sold more expensive, public transport seats are designed mainly for slender people, and you need to buy stronger chairs.

This is not to mention the health problems that arise from overweight. Shortness of breath, problems with the cardiovascular system, high level blood cholesterol, etc. - these are the consequences of excessive fullness.

But these are not the most "terrible" problems associated with high obesity. Much more often, fat people are brought to the hospital not by health problems due to excess weight, but by social complexes. Fat people are often ashamed of their fullness. They do not like their reflection in the mirror, they are embarrassed to undress on the beach or get acquainted with the opposite sex.

The constant fear of becoming the object of jokes and ridicule, or problems in their personal lives, make them starve for days, spend money on, or sit on all sorts of strict diets.

Often, such methods (due to the fact that they are done spontaneously, without consulting with specialists) do not bring the desired result. Which further exacerbates the psychological problems of obese people. In the West, fat people often become clients of psychologists and psychotherapists. In Russia and other countries of the former CIS, this practice is still not widespread, as a result, a person keeps all his problems and complexes in himself, which is even worse.

Why do people get fat?

Extreme cases of the fattest people on the planet are usually associated with endocrine system disorders in total with an indefatigable appetite and consumption of a huge amount of calories. According to statistics, the most obese people planets consume from 10,000 to 20,000 kcal per day, at a rate of 2000-3000 kcal. It is not strange that even after liposuction and stomach reduction operations, most of them quickly regain their previous weight due to their indefatigable appetite. Obesity is also often found among fast food lovers and.

Obese people usually lead an inactive lifestyle and/or have sedentary work. A little physical activity contributes to a significant predominance of calories coming from the diet over those spent during the day. Such a diet and lifestyle slows down the metabolism, making fat gain even more accelerated.

Biographies of the fattest people on the planet

(1960-1994) - has the unofficial title of "the fattest man in history." According to some reports, the peak of her mass reached 727 kg with a height of 170 cm. Her weight at death (at the age of 34) was 544 kg. However, there is no reliable data documenting its record mass.

The fattest woman in history

Carol could not walk or stand on her own, so doctors, friends, and daughter Heather took care of her. According to Carol, she suffered from an insatiable appetite since childhood after experiencing sexual abuse. Although, in the future, she claimed in an interview that this was far from the only reason that determined her taste habits and, ultimately, her fate.

Several times they tried to treat her famous nutritionists however, all attempts ended in failure. Yeager very often had to go to the hospital, which required the efforts of 15-20 firefighters for one hospitalization. Ultimately, the cause of death was several reasons at once: kidney failure, high blood sugar, and heart failure. Carol was buried in a private cemetery, the ceremony was attended by 90 friends and family members.

(1941-1983) - officially holds the title of "the fattest man on the planet" (Carol Yeager's weight has not been documented). He weighed 635 kg with a height of 185 cm in 1979. It took 13 people to just turn him over in bed. Minnoch suffered greatly from severe edema inherent in all extremely overweight people - with maximum weight in his body was at least 400 kg of water!

John Minnoch is officially the fattest man in history.

Already at the age of 22, Minnoch weighed 181 kg. While he was still able to move around, John worked as a taxi driver. One of the hospitalizations allowed him to lose weight to 216 kg in 1981 (mainly due to fluid loss). However, in the same year, he was re-admitted to the hospital after gaining 91 kg in a week. Despite the efforts of doctors who treated him with a low-calorie diet, John passed away in 1983. His age at that time was 42 years. By the way, his wife Janet weighed only 50 kg.

The fattest man in the world

Mexican Manuel Uribe Garza(born in 1965) is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as "the fattest man in the world" (of the living). The peak of his weight reached 560 kg. According to him, he suffered from overweight in childhood, but the problem was far from global. By the age of 18, his weight was 121 kg.

In 1987, he moved from Mexico to Dallas (USA), where he got a job as an auto parts sales manager. The work was sedentary, and life was more than comfortable. This lifestyle led the already obese Manuel to the fact that he began to rapidly gain weight. At 30, his body weight was 245 kg. Realizing the global nature of the problem, Manuel turned to the doctors. He underwent liposuction and removed excess skin. As a result, he lost weight up to 160 kg.

Manuel Garza - former holder of the title "the fattest man in the world alive"

But, as a result of complications after the operation, the lymph nodes on his legs became inflamed and he was bedridden for three whole years. During this time, he recovered to 560 kg and got into the Guinness Book of Records. Currently, he is again engaged in losing weight (with the help of doctors, diet and elementary exercise) and has already lost weight to 300 kg. He lost weight thanks to a low-carbohydrate diet developed by physicians. According to his doctor, Manuel was lucky that he avoided diabetes, kidney or heart failure - typical diseases that affect very fat people. The doctor also assured that in 2 years Manuel will weigh "only" 150 kg.

G. Hopkins, who lived at the end of the 18th century in Wales, weighed 445 kg (according to medical encyclopedia 19th century). He made a living performing at the fair. Hopkins was shown to the public in a stall next to the prize pigs, which were so fat that they could not stand up. The huge Welshman amazed everyone with his inhuman appetite and phenomenal body weight. One day, after a hearty meal, Hopkins tried to pick up a piece of food that suddenly fell on his cart. As a result, the fat man fell on a nursing sow, killed the poor animal and flattened her piglets like a herring. Through the efforts of 15 people managed to return it back to its place. This was done with great difficulty, since his stomach was so full of food that the skin on his stomach was tighter than on the drum, and no one could grab hold of his belly. Hopkins' weight (measured on a scale for weighing loaded wagons) was 445 kg. Unfortunately, his photo has not survived.

Joselina da Silva(1959-1996) - this Brazilian woman weighed 406 kg with a height of 160 cm. Like many fat people, began to gain weight as a child, eating huge amounts of pies, sweets and soda. She eventually became so heavy that it took the help of a dozen firefighters to keep her body clean. When her weight became known to the press, the local Chakara obese fitness center offered to help her lose weight in exchange for using the results of the weight loss program for promotional purposes.

Joselina Da Silva is another extreme weight gainer

Silva was subjected to surgery and a strict diet. As a result of liposuction and diet, she lost weight to 159 kg. However, a few months after the end of the program, she gained 90 kg. In September 1996, she was hospitalized and died in the hospital from bilateral pneumonia.

fat celebrities

Some fat people, despite their weight, succeeded in life and became famous. Moreover, they did it in a discipline that would seem to be incompatible with being overweight - sports.

Eric Butterbean Ash - famous boxer and MMA fighter.

Eric "Butterbean" Ash. A boxer and a mixed-style fighter, with a height of 182 kg, weighs 170-200 kg (during the weigh-in, before the fight with Mariusz Pudzyanovsky, his weight could not be measured, because the scales, designed for a maximum of 200 kg, broke down). He spent 89 fights in the professional ring, of which he won 77. Despite the huge weight for a fighter, Butterbean has good manual speed and a strong knockout blow. Ash has now ended his boxing career, focusing on MMA performances.

Summer is rapidly approaching, ahead of sunny days and relaxing on the beach, where it will immediately be clear who and what was doing in the winter. For those who want to lose weight, we have made a powerful motivational photo selection. The heroes of these pictures pulled themselves together and incredibly changed! See for yourself.

The progress of this guy is minus 77 kg in one year.

I ran for a year and a half and lost 56 kg.

This is my sister before and after losing 76 kg.

This is how I look after losing 70 kg.

I lost weight from 145 kg to 54 kg and I feel great!

Having lost excess weight, I look much better.

This man was told that he would die if he did not lose weight. He lost 150 kg.

A young mother lost 45 kg after she found out that her husband was cheating on her and called her a fat cow behind her back.

This guy was homeless, every day he ate only fast food - 10,000 calories. Since then, he has lost 140 kg and found his love.

Three years ago, this woman weighed 272 kg, now her weight is about 100 kg

I worked hard and here is my result.

Lost almost 40 kg, acquired a new life and a cool hobby.

The photo shows that now I close only a third of the refrigerator.

This girl was an alcoholic. Having coped with addiction, she was able to lose 75 kg.

Before - 144 kg, after - 64 kg.

We lost weight together. The before and after photos clearly show the difference.

The bride has lost 90 kg since her wedding day. Now, on her 16th birthday, she can wear her wedding dress with her husband.

This couple weighed 350 kg for two. By engaging in physical activity, they lost half their weight.

I'm wearing the same shorts. Then I weighed 122 kg, now - 61 kg

A year ago, I made a promise to myself that I would stuff two legs into one leg of my trousers. I kept my promise!

One year has passed since my weight loss.

In 2007 I weighed 156 kg, today my weight is 84 kg.

Slowly but surely. In seven years I lost 50 kg.

It was - 124 kg, now - 81 kg.

This is what the fattest man in the world looks like after losing 317 kg.

My transformation from 120 kg to 52 kg.

My fiancé lost almost 65 kg in a year.

After losing weight from 84 kg to 62 kg, only my smile remained the same size.