Famous nutritionist. Urgently famous Russian nutritionist A.V.

Many people dream of losing weight and often do it incorrectly, following the advice of friends or acquaintances. Each person is individual and everyone may have their own reasons for the appearance of excess weight. It is better if a specialist provides assistance in these matters. In order not to harm the body, it is useful to find out the recommendations of nutritionists for losing weight.

A consultation with a doctor will help you start the process of losing weight correctly, who will individually find out the reason for weight gain and suggest a suitable method of losing weight. There are a number of tips that many nutritionists adhere to. The following rules must be followed:

  • give up fast food;
  • eat fruits and vegetables;
  • be sure to have breakfast;
  • Eliminate soda from your diet.

Experts recommend Special attention pay attention to drinking water, which is necessary to speed up metabolism, break down fats, and remove toxins. It is advisable to drink one liter for every 30 kilograms of weight. Here are some healthy eating tips:

  • limit the consumption of sweets;
  • exclude flour and fatty foods;
  • arrange fasting days;
  • remove late dinner.

It’s good when a person has motivation to lose weight - this greatly helps the weight loss process. In its absence, a qualified psychologist will help you decide on the task. To start the process correctly you should:

  • know what result you want to get in kilograms or reduced centimeters;
  • combine weight loss techniques with the capabilities and characteristics of the body;
  • draw up an action plan and decide on deadlines.

Tips for proper nutrition for weight loss prescribe:

  • keeping the calorie content of food to no more than 2500 kcal per day;
  • exclusion of large amounts of vegetable fats;
  • removing alcohol from the diet;
  • limiting potatoes, porridge;
  • increased physical activity;
  • consumption of fermented milk products, natural juices;
  • introduction of vegetables to the menu;
  • use of rye bread.

To reset correctly excess weight, it is important that prescriptions are given by professional doctors. Here's what nutritionists think about losing weight:

  • reasonable weight loss - no more than a kilogram per week;
  • you cannot exhaust yourself with hunger - you can quickly restore what you have lost;
  • it is important not to overeat;
  • reduce the calorie content of food through cooking technology - eliminate frying, prefer steamed or boiled dishes.

The following tips for losing weight are relevant:

  • eat often, in small portions;
  • a third of the diet should be proteins, the rest should be slow carbohydrates;
  • eat foods that help break down fats - grapefruit, celery;
  • use bran for food - fiber promotes the effect of saturation and helps remove toxins;
  • use fermented milk products;
  • walk daily;
  • replace sugar with honey;
  • exclude fast carbohydrates - porridge, potatoes, flour products.

A doctor with many years of experience in nutrition suggests not going to extremes when deciding to lose weight. You can’t suddenly start the process of getting rid of extra pounds– you can upset the balance of hormones, which will lead to serious problems. She recommends using these weight loss tips:

  • eat healthy at work, taking healthy food with you from home;
  • eat more greens and vegetables;
  • use vitamin complexes;
  • During the holidays, don’t eat everything – try no more than 3 dishes.

It is advisable to implement the following advice from nutritionist Ksenia Selezneva:

  • use quality products for food;
  • eat meat and cereals for lunch;
  • in the evening eat baked vegetables, omelettes, seafood;
  • exclude sausages, sweets, and mayonnaise from the diet;
  • limit salt and foods containing it;
  • use pumpkin and flaxseed oil in cooking;
  • eat protein foods - fish, lean meat, poultry;
  • don't eat stress.

She can often be seen giving interviews on television programs. Famous people dream of losing weight in the clinic of a celebrity nutritionist. Margarita Koroleva knows the secrets of approaching solutions to weight loss problems, and the results are visible to everyone. She gives the following recommendations for weight loss:

  • never go hungry;
  • eat healthy foods;
  • cook meat without oil;
  • move more;
  • If you want sweets, brush your teeth.

An effective diet from nutritionist Margarita Koroleva prescribes:

  • do not lose weight quickly;
  • instead of sugar there is honey;
  • after meals – 2 slices of grapefruit;
  • exclude sausages;
  • eat little, but often;
  • chew well for better satiety;
  • spend fasting days;
  • have light snacks;
  • if you want to eat, drink water first;
  • use fat-burning spices;
  • be sure to have breakfast;
  • limit salt.

The famous doctor, who has tested the method on himself, helps those who want to lose weight in his own clinic, and gives recommendations on the official website. He believes it is important to take into account the sensitivity of fat cells to insulin, which helps reduce the risk of diabetes. The doctor draws attention to the dependence of weight on the hormone testosterone. To get rid of extra pounds forever, you need to listen to the advice of nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov.

The ever-relevant question “How to lose weight?” For many, it becomes especially acute on the eve of the holidays.

The first step many of us take to achieving the ideal shape and body like a star is the decision to go on a diet. And her choice, good or bad, is often dictated by fashion, as well as the fame of the author of the weight loss technique. Everyone knows about the Dukan diet, Margarita Koroleva, and Harley Pasternak’s “Five Factors” diet, beloved by Hollywood. They are not the newest, but still top-end, which are kept at the peak of fashion thanks to celebrities. How did the stars lose weight this year? Which nutritionists have been in the spotlight? Our review includes the five most popular author's techniques of 2011!

Diet of Margarita Koroleva

Dr. Margarita Koroleva is Russian nutritionist No. 1. She runs her own center for aesthetic medicine, publishes books on proper nutrition, and hosts television and radio projects about healthy way life. And Margarita Koroleva is the “master of skeet” among the stars of domestic show business. Under her leadership, Valeria, Nikolai Baskov, Andrei Malakhov, Nadezhda Babkina, Zhanna Friske, Philip Kirkorov, Natasha Koroleva and our other celebrities are getting slimmer. She herself does not like the word “diet” and calls her methods “nutrition programs”, which are compiled taking into account many characteristics of a person. “I take into account the client’s diet, daily routine, taste preferences, and medical indicators. Therefore, all my preparation consists of examination and strengthening motivation.”

In his book “The Easy Path to Slimness. “Lose weight forever,” the nutritionist writes: “No one has yet come up with a magic capsule that would allow you to eat and not gain weight... Yes, first you need to stay on a strict diet for some time. After I teach the patient the rules for selecting his diet, he himself determines what he can eat and what he should refuse.”

The popularity of Margarita Koroleva’s diet is explained by her individual approach and stunning results. In addition, it was tested by the author from his own experience.

Protein diet of Pierre Dukan

French nutritionist Pierre Dukan is a world-famous specialist with almost 40 years of experience and the bestseller “I Don’t Know How to Lose Weight.” Among his celebrity clients are Gisele Bundchen, Jennifer Lopez, Penelope Cruz, who used the Dukan method to lose weight for her wedding, and the main bride of 2011, Kate Middleton.

The Dukan diet attracts many people because it is easy to follow. The author himself calls this principle “eat and lose weight,” that is, those following this diet do not need to starve or count calories. It includes four stages: “attack”, “alternation”, “consolidation” and “stabilization”. The basis of the diet is protein products, while eliminating carbohydrate-containing foods as much as possible. However, many of Dukan's colleagues are skeptical about his diet and consider this method of losing weight very controversial, if only because Dukan does not prohibit the consumption of low-calorie Coca-Cola. In addition, it is believed that large amounts of protein can harm the body. Nevertheless, this does not stop those who want to lose weight: the Dukan diet has a lot of fans and followers, however, there are also many opponents.

Robert Atkins Diet

In the early 1970s, problems with overweight forced Robert Atkins to develop a diet that is still popular today. With its help, many Hollywood stars lose weight: Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Aniston, Renee Zellweger and others.

“Carbohydrates are the bad guys,” proclaimed Dr. Atkins and advised cutting down on them. In his opinion, it is not the amount of food, but a metabolic imbalance, especially carbohydrate metabolism disorders, that leads to excess weight. The Atkins diet consists of two phases. The first lasts 14 days and rebuilds metabolism, teaching the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates - at this stage weight loss occurs, and the second should ideally last a lifetime, maintaining ideal weight at the right level. This diet, like the Dukan diet, is a protein diet, and therefore causes no less controversial reviews.

Diet of Rimma Moysenko

Rimma Moisenko is a nutritionist, physiotherapist with more than 20 years of experience in the field of dietetics, physiotherapy and aesthetic medicine, head of the Rimmarita Aesthetic Medicine Center. Moysenko – favorite nutritionist Russian politicians and businessmen, however, these clients, unlike pop stars, do not advertise their names.

“The correct diet at a fixed time with approximately equal time intervals between meals is a physiologically justified system. And the very fact of eating is a necessary physiological process that brings into harmony all systems, providing maximum saturation for each cell,” comments Rimma Moisenko. – A healthy diet, one of the criteria of which is the eating pattern, cannot have any disadvantages. This is the basis of nutrition culture, the basis of correctly developed eating behavior, and therefore the key to health and prosperity.” Frequent meals in small portions and calorie restriction give quick results without weight gain, which is very important for everyone who wants to lose weight, which is why many people love Rimma Moisenko’s diet.

Harley Pasternak and his Five Factor Diet

Harley Pasternak is a Hollywood fitness trainer and author of a diet that is very popular among stars. His clients are Halle Berry, Lady Gaga, Alicia Keys, Jessica Simpson, Hilary Duff and other divas of the “dream factory”. For several years now, the technique has been leading the list of fashionable diets, although many experts believe that there is nothing new in it.

The Five Factors system, created by Harley Pasternak, combines proper nutrition And sports loads, which allows you to lose 5–10 extra pounds in five weeks. “You don’t need to sweat for hours in the gym or stand at the stove preparing a special meal,” Pasternak urges. – 25 minutes of training a day and light meals made from healthy ingredients that can be prepared in half an hour are enough. Ideally, the Five Factors approach is designed to become your healthy lifestyle.”

Photo: Shutterstock.com, margaritakoroleva.ru, atkins.com, rimmarita.ru, 5factor.ca, dukandiet.co.uk

According to statistics, 8 out of 10 women are unhappy with their weight, especially on the eve of important events, one of which is a wedding.

Is there a “lose… kilograms” item in your wedding preparation program? Then our article is for you. We offer 5 weight loss techniques from famous nutritionists.

Paul Bragg Diet

Paul Chappius Bragg is a famous American nutritionist, founder of the American healthy eating movement, developer of original breathing techniques, fasting, dieting and body conditioning. He became widely known after the publication of the book “The Miracle of Fasting.”

The basis of Paul Bragg's teachings about healthy eating- fasting and raw food diet. According to Bragg, intermittent fasting (one day a week, one week a quarter) is very beneficial for the body. During fasting, toxins are removed and the body's hidden reserves are used.

Bragg advises drinking only distilled water, as it dissolves toxins and does not contain harmful salts. Bragg also categorically did not recommend using table salt in food. According to Bragg, 60% of a person's diet should consist of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Robert Atkins Diet

Robert Atkins is a famous American nutritionist, author of a popular diet that has won many fans. The Atkins diet is a low-carbohydrate diet.

The main essence of the diet comes down to radically limiting the amount of carbohydrates in the diet. The diet consists of three stages.

The first, stimulating, usually lasts 2-3 weeks. It is necessary to limit the amount of carbohydrates in food to 14-20 g per day. During this time, the body must readjust and get used to the new way of life. It is during this phase that the most significant weight loss occurs - on average from 2 to 6 kg.

At the second stage, you can slightly increase the amount of carbohydrates in your diet to 30-100 grams per day. This stage can last as long as you like until the desired weight is achieved.

The last stage is supportive, it is needed to ensure that the lost kilograms do not return. You can gradually increase the amount of carbohydrates, but monitor your weight and volume.

Bichner-Bonner diet

Bichner-Bonner is a famous Swiss nutritionist who developed the fruit and vegetable diet. It has not only healing, but also rejuvenating properties. The diet lasts about three weeks, during which you can lose 3 to 5 extra pounds.

In composition, this is a low-calorie fruit and vegetable diet, the main emphasis of which is on the consumption of specially prepared fruit and vegetable dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. For example, in the evening, 1-2 hours before bedtime, you can eat some fruit.

Here are some recipes for dishes included in the Bichner-Bonner diet:

Nut dish. Mix 2 tablespoons of grated apples and oatmeal, pre-soaked for two hours in water, 50 g of crushed nuts, add juice from half a lemon, sugar to taste, season with 2 tablespoons of sour cream.

Plum dish. Pass 200 g of soaked prunes through a meat grinder, add 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, soaked and rubbed through a sieve, juice from half a lemon, season with sour cream and sugar.

A dish of oatmeal. Dilute 2 tablespoons of soaked oatmeal with water until a paste forms (do not cook), add a third cup of finely chopped walnuts, juice from half a lemon. Mix all.

Blackcurrant puree. Soak 2 tablespoons of semolina in 4 tablespoons of boiled cold water. Put half a glass of black currants, pureed with sugar, into this mixture. Mix all.

Raspberry puree. Soak 2 tablespoons of semolina in four tablespoons of water. Put a tablespoon of honey into this mixture and mix with 150 g of raspberry puree, sprinkle with grated walnuts on top.

Apple and carrot dish. Mix 2 grated apples, 2 tablespoons of soaked semolina, 2 tablespoons of grated carrots and the same amount of finely chopped walnuts, season with sour cream. You can add a teaspoon of sugar.

The drinking regime with this diet is not limited; on the contrary, it is recommended to increase the volume of liquid drunk to 1.5-2 liters per day.

Michel Montignac diet

Michel Montignac is a famous French nutritionist who took up nutrition in order to get rid of the excess weight he inherited from his father. Author of more than 20 books on weight loss, including the famous book “I Eat, So I Lose Weight.”

The Montignac method does not limit the amount of food consumed. It involves a balanced diet and an informed choice of the highest quality products from each category: carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It teaches you to choose foods based on their nutritional value and ability to prevent unwanted weight gain that leads to diabetes and the risk of heart failure.

Tests and Scientific research showed that even in people already suffering from these pathologies, in most cases, significant improvement is possible with weight loss using the Montignac method.

Diet of Margarita Koroleva

Margarita Koroleva is a famous Russian nutritionist with more than 20 years of experience. One of the first in Russia to begin creating individual comprehensive programs for body weight correction and figure modeling.

The diet combines the basic principles of separate nutrition and mono-diet; contains a large amount of carbohydrates, protein and fiber - all of these substances contribute to weight loss.

Margarita Koroleva's diet provides for frequent split meals - up to five times a day. Meat, fish or chicken can only be eaten steamed once a day. The nutritionist advises to exclude: sugar, bread, flour, pasta, sauces, alcohol.

Drinking regimen: 2-2.5 liters of clean still water (can be replaced with green tea). Be sure to have a glass of water before eating. The Queen’s diet does not allow drinking during or after meals, as many are accustomed to.

Probably every woman knows what excess weight is and how to fight it. However, the effectiveness of the chosen methods is often quite low. Even if you lose weight, you have to pay a fairly high price for it. These include digestive problems, fatigue and malaise, and in the most severe cases even hormonal disbalance. As a result, as soon as you stop adhering to the chosen system, the kilograms come back, and even more so. That is why we decided to discuss the advice of a nutritionist today. Where to begin proper weight loss How to develop a rational nutrition plan for yourself that will take into account the characteristics of your lifestyle and provide the body with everything it needs - this is the topic of our article today.

Two whales, or the key to a slim figure

We probably won’t reveal a big secret if we say that the basis slim figure is proper nutrition and exercise. If you develop a system for yourself that you stick to constantly, then you will forever forget about being overweight. We can justify our obesity year after year by the lack of time and money to visit the gym, but this will be of little use. In fact, you can effectively part with life-spoiling obesity at home; you just need to study the advice of a nutritionist. Where to start losing weight properly, let's figure it out together.

Let's start with planning

Indeed, without a clear algorithm of action, it is very difficult to go the whole way without turning off and achieve the desired result. First of all, honestly answer yourself the question of how many kilograms and centimeters from your waist you want to get rid of. This will be the starting point from which the algorithm of actions will be built. Moreover, this way you can plan approximately how much time it will take to achieve the result.

We must not forget about intermediate results, since these numbers will help maintain motivation to achieve success. And already at this stage you really need the advice of a nutritionist. Where to start First of all, by replacing carbohydrates and high-calorie foods in your diet on vegetables and fruits, healthy sources of protein and fiber. Emphasize to yourself that what is needed is a smooth replacement, accustoming the body to a new diet, and not a sudden hunger strike, which in itself is a great stress for the body. Gradually, you will come to the point that you will completely remove flour, fried, sweet and spicy foods from your diet. Believe me, your life will not get worse from this.

Proper nutrition: what it should be

It is with this information that a consultation usually begins with a person who suffers from excess weight and who needs advice from a nutritionist. Where to start with proper weight loss? From a schedule and Sharply restricting calorie intake causes the body to slow down its metabolism or begin to destroy muscle mass in order to extract the necessary proteins. All this has an extremely negative impact on your well-being. Therefore, doctors, in particular Ksenia Selezneva (nutritionist), recommend drawing up a meal plan in which the entire volume daily ration will be divided into 4-5 servings. Between them, you can drink water, but do not have a snack, so that the food can be completely digested and absorbed.

Carbohydrates are your enemy

This statement is not entirely correct; in fact, the body really needs them - they are a source of energy. But while you are losing weight, especially if you are overweight, you should avoid sources. All foods with a high glycemic index (this only includes buns and cookies, beer and dates, potatoes, donuts, rice and millet porridge) will have to be excluded from the diet , since consuming them leads to rapid weight gain.Only when you get your figure in order, can you occasionally eat foods from this list.This includes all fast food, breaded chicken, and sweets.

Sports - yes, pills - no!

This opinion is shared by all professional doctors, for example, Ksenia Selezneva, famous in Moscow. A nutritionist knows firsthand about the effectiveness of various weight loss products. In most cases, these are just dummies that do not give results, but at the same time they are quite expensive. Even if the drug suppresses appetite and stimulates weight loss, you will not be able to take it regularly. This means that immediately after the course the weight will begin to increase and return to its previous levels. And all because the problem was not solved, you did not change anything in your power system.

The only drug that can give positive dynamics is Xenical. The drug blocks the absorption of approximately 30% of fats coming from food. However, the downside is that with an abundance of fatty foods in your diet, you will become acquainted with side effects, namely uncontrolled waste of feces. This is very disciplined, and as a result, a person begins to control his diet, and during the diet he loses the habit of eating harmful products. Many nutritionists in Moscow recommend taking this drug for initial stage to make it easier and faster

Exercise stress

Of course, without physical activity you will not be able to acquire beautiful figure. However, don't despair; you won't have to spend all day in gym. To improve metabolism, even lungs are enough physical exercise. Doing morning exercises every day and a set of light exercises before dinner, you won’t even notice how much slimmer you will become. Walking is the best way to lose weight. It won't take much effort from you, just walk back from work. This way you will warm up after a hard day and put your thoughts in order, as well as create a stable base for weight loss.

Let's be patient

The best nutritionists never tire of repeating that losing weight should not be rapid. The faster you lose weight, the faster you will gain it back. The result of debugging your nutrition system, balancing your calorie intake and expenditure, will be a slow decrease in fat reserves. Even with great overweight this figure should not exceed 0.5 kg per week. The closer you are to perfect size, the slower the weight loss will be.

The most common mistakes

Nutritionists never tire of repeating the same postulates, but the number of people willing to step on the usual rake is not decreasing. Therefore, we will once again bring together all the advice from nutritionists for losing weight. So, the first mistake of all those who lose weight is food restriction. Portions and diet composition are reduced. As a result, this leads to the fact that a person is constantly hungry, the body is stressed, and only food is on the mind. Doctors advise you to forget about express diets, you need to change your eating habits, change your lifestyle.

The second myth is that you should not eat after 6 pm. In principle, this is true, but only for those who go to bed at 22:00. If you are a night owl and go to bed long after midnight, then the break in food will be very long, and therefore there is a high chance of eating something harmful. Any professional nutritionist will confirm that eating at night is harmful, but if you arrive home from work late, it is recommended to make dinner as light as possible. Replace meat with fish, eliminate porridge.

Pasta, bread and potatoes are considered to be the worst enemies of the figure. However, doing without these products sometimes seems difficult. This is far from the biggest evil. If you eat fast food and sausage, add mayonnaise, then it doesn’t matter at all whether you eat pasta. Nutritionists say that it is not at all necessary to give up these foods. Just reschedule their appointment for the first half of the day.

The biggest blow for those losing weight is giving up sweets. In fact, such a drastic measure is not needed. Even on a diet, in the first half of the day you can allow yourself a spoonful of honey or 20 g of marmalade (chocolate). The most important thing is to enjoy the taste, savor it long and carefully.

And most importantly, any advice on diet should only be given by a professional doctor. If this nutrition system helped your friend or neighbor, then it is not a fact that it will help you. If you want to change your lifestyle and become slim once and for all, then do not experiment on yourself. It is much better to go to a specialist once. He will take into account your individual characteristics and develop a system that is optimal for you.

You need to chew your food very thoroughly. Count to 30 every time you put a small piece of food in your mouth. If you are going to a banquet, eat two soft-boiled eggs. You will notice that it is much easier for you to stay within the boundaries of what is permitted. If you can’t refuse desserts, switch to cottage cheese with berries and grated fruit.

Practice fasting days: vegetable and curd days, be sure to eat fresh vegetables every day. If you can't resist cheese, sausage and bread, cut them into transparent slices. It is very useful to have a rice day once a week. It binds liquid and contains a lot of potassium. This allows you to cleanse the body well.

Take only the smallest plates for yourself. Be sure to drink water, at least one and a half liters a day. As a reward for endurance, you can allow yourself a little sweets every day (a couple of dates, a candy). Treat yourself to a fish day once a week. If you feel hungry, then dried fruits will help you. Keep dried apples or prunes on hand. Before eating, you can eat a large apple; it calms your nerves and fills your stomach. Eat more often, but little by little, optimally 5 times a day. And skip the salt.

The most famous metropolitan doctors

Choosing a real professional is not so easy. Today everyone is simply obsessed with a healthy lifestyle and slim body, which means that the demand for doctors in this field is growing day by day. Accordingly, a large number of incompetent specialists appear who are ready to openly fool people and extract money. So be sure to make inquiries before asking for help. Let's see which nutritionists in Moscow are worthy of your trust.

This is a nutritionist and sports doctor, a medical psychologist. She uses neuro-linguistic programming with great success. The cost of consultation is 5200 rubles.

Anatoly Volkov is no less famous. This doctor takes a close look at your blood tests as well as your current diet. A nutritionist identifies foods to which the blood gives an increased reaction, much like allergens. After that, he makes a red list of foods, that is, those that cannot be consumed for 3-4 months. A green list is then developed. For example, in the morning you eat fruits and cereals, in the afternoon - cottage cheese, eggs, nuts and fish, and in the evening - baked meat. A consultation including tests will cost approximately 15,000 rubles.

Popular weight loss clinics

In Moscow, this is the “Weight Loss Clinic” on Varshavskoe Highway. Nutritionist Alexey Kovalkov receives treatment here. He pursues the goal of normalizing metabolism using traditional, nutritional methods. Strongly does not recommend taking various supplements for weight loss. The consultation will cost 5,000 rubles.

A consultation with a nutritionist is also possible at the Aesthetic Medicine Center. Margarita Koroleva, famous in the capital, works here. She recommends drinking plenty of water and not eating too much at night. In addition, she recommends not replacing the joys of life with food. A visit to the center turns into a real holiday, with amazing chocolate wraps and fantastic “caskets” with dietary salads and carrot-nut cutlets, which are prepared in one of the restaurants.

The story is told by a famous nutritionist, psychotherapist, author of a unique method for weight loss, author of popular books on this topic, candidate of medical sciences Mikhail Gavrilov.

Genetics or traditions?

Lidia Yudina, AiF. Health": Mikhail, among Russians there are people with overweight much more than among Europeans. It is believed that Russian obesity is genetically determined and therefore irresistible. This is true?

Mikhail Gavrilov: It is a myth. Yes, Russia survived the famine of the 30s, the war, the blockade, but these are epigenetic factors (that is, caused by environmental conditions). Changes in genes do not appear over 3-4 generations.

Russian obesity is rather determined by the attitudes that we inherited from our grandfathers and great-grandfathers who survived the years of famine - to eat up for future use, to finish off everything that is on the plate... Therefore, Russian obesity is as surmountable as any other.

- Is it possible, looking at children, to understand whether they will face the problem of excess weight?

Excess weight is often caused by family food traditions. If a child has been eating high-calorie foods since childhood (porridge with milk, pancakes, chips, candy bars, sweet soda) and sits in front of the computer instead of walking, he will become overweight - not in childhood, but later.

Peaks of fullness

- What age is the most dangerous for gaining weight?

Problems usually arise when hormonal changes occur in the body. This is adolescence (gaining excess weight is possible in both boys and girls), in women - the period of pregnancy and lactation (gaining excess weight is often promoted by the belief that at this time you need to eat for two) and the period of perimenopause (45-53 years ), when the hormones responsible for slimness in the female body decrease, and the function of the “reproductive” hormonal organ is taken over by adipose tissue.

In men, there is also an age-related decrease in hormones, and with a sedentary lifestyle after 40-45 years, they are in danger of becoming fat.

- Are there people who cannot lose weight?

It is most difficult for people with serious endocrine disorders and multiple genetic damage to get rid of excess weight. But this combination is extremely rare. My experience shows that people with such problems can also lose weight, but they need specialist supervision.

Hold result

- Doctors have a universal formula for losing weight: “Eat less and move more”...

This advice doesn't always help. My observations of patients have shown that only 30% of people can lose weight through dietary restrictions and intense physical activity. The remaining 70% with intensive physical activity they don’t lose weight, but “square up” (increase in volume even more).

How do you feel about diets based on blood type, color, and mono-diets? Some achieve fantastic results with their help...

Any diet helps to get rid of excess weight due to the fact that a person begins to monitor what, how much and when he eats. But no diet can be followed for the rest of your life. And, according to WHO, 95% of people regain excess weight after completing the diet.

Only a new nutrition philosophy, which is individual for each person, allows you to maintain results. The specialist’s task is to give a person the opportunity to understand what he really needs.

Do no harm!

- Why did psychotherapists take up problems with excess weight?

Often, with obesity, the protective mechanisms of the psyche are triggered, and a person finds many arguments why he cannot lose weight. Often, with the help of “food alcoholism,” a person hides from the need to start a family, go to work after giving birth... When you manage to deal with the problem, the excess weight quickly goes away. And only a psychotherapist can do this.

Your patients lose 30, 40, 50 kg in a short period of time. The most impressive result that the diet brought was minus 90 kg in a year. It is believed that losing weight so suddenly is dangerous...

Typically, patients with initially large body weight (150-170 kg) lose weight sharply (by 15-18 kg per month). If body weight is not so critical, men lose 5-9 kg in the first month, women - 4-7 kg.

It is dangerous when a person suddenly and quickly loses weight on his own. After all, losing weight is comparable to a surgical operation in which all organs are subjected to medical intervention at once. The body is dramatically rebuilt. Doctors should monitor possible adverse reactions in this situation.

To lose weight you need:

  • limit calorie intake, create a deficit of energy supplied with food (to do this you need to know the energy value of each product);
  • eat in fractions, at least 4 times a day, and for some diseases - 5-6 times;
  • avoid fasting (it slows down metabolic processes and subsequently provokes weight gain);
  • eat natural, high-quality food with high nutritional value - this way you will get maximum benefits with a minimum volume;
  • avoid prohibitions- otherwise you will be faced with a neurotic need for “forbidden fruits”. Your goal is to avoid a negative attitude towards the weight loss process. Therefore, indulgences (in the form of cakes and pastries) are necessary if desired;
  • drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water, move as much as possible (10,000 steps per day), sleep 7-8 hours;
  • take multivitamins and omega-3 for weight loss;
  • have at least 7 actionable goals associated with normal weight.