Don't sit still for long. Why does the tailbone hurt when you sit: reasons for what to do

Responsible professor, doctor of medical sciences, kinesitherapist Sergey Bubnovsky:

I always say that osteochondrosis is not a disease, but a punishment for a wrong attitude towards your body.

This is a kind of rust of the spine and joints that accumulates over the course of life due to lack of movement. The point is that all vascular system located inside the muscles that help transport blood and lymph to their destinations (brain, heart, internal organs, intervertebral discs and joints). Muscles are pumps, without the full work of which blood circulation is impossible. Non-working muscles weaken and atrophy over time, and with them the vessels and nerves passing through these muscles also atrophy. The blood flow and nutrition of the joints worsen.

Dying, muscles ache. These pains make you run to the radiologist to take pictures of the bones. The doctor says: osteochondrosis or disc herniation, prescribes painkillers, a corset, rest - in a word, everything that continues to kill muscles. It turns out a vicious circle. To break it, you need to act. Muscles cannot be cured by rest - only by movement.

What to do if you cannot stand or sit due to back pain?

"Walking on all fours"

I.P. - kneeling, resting your hands on the floor, start moving around the apartment on all fours according to the principle: right leg- left hand. There is no axial load on the spine, only the arms and legs work.

You can move around by wearing gloves and knee pads (or wrapping elastic bandage knees), from 5 to 20 minutes, at the same time removing children's toys rolled in there from under the bed and wiping the baseboards. Anything is better than lying down and moaning and swallowing pills.

"Back Press"

I.P. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, heels on the floor, hands clasped behind the head. As you exhale “ha-a”, try to simultaneously tear your shoulder blades off the floor and pull your bent knees to your stomach so that your elbows touch your knees. Pull your belly in towards your spine.

This exercise allows you to gently stretch the muscles of the entire spine, especially in the lumbar region.

Many people have a habit of spending a lot of time in the bathroom. However, not everyone thinks that it can be harmful to the body. Proctologists advise to abandon such "pastime" for the sake of maintaining intestinal health.

Why is it bad to sit on the toilet for a long time?

The act of defecation is a process that involves straining. It is based on an increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity, which leads to a number of biological effects, for example, to a change in the state of the veins in the rectum.

A short increase in pressure is a physiological process, the vessels of the body are adapted to it. However, with a long stay in a state of straining on the veins, it turns out overload. If this process becomes a habit and persists for a long time, then vascular disorders may occur. These include, including thrombosis of altered veins.

Many people say that when they stay in the toilet for a long time, they do not push, but "just read." However, these words are not always true. Our body reflexively reacts to the usual situation, and muscle tone still remains elevated, even if the patient does not independently stimulate this process.

What to do if the bowel movement is prolonged?

A bowel movement that lasts longer than the prescribed time cannot be considered normal. This condition is associated with a violation of intestinal peristalsis. The patient is diagnosed, which can be triggered by various factors. These include both obvious causes (insufficient fluid intake, overeating) and some intestinal pathologies.

The danger of this condition lies in the fact that usually the patient does not pay attention to the symptom for a very long time. Many people do not associate the occurrence of constipation with possible diseases of the digestive tract. It is easier for them to attribute this condition to dietary errors.

In what cases should you see a doctor?

  • prolonged lack of bowel movements;
  • permanent (chronic) constipation (see);
  • violation of the nature of the chair;
  • the appearance of pathological impurities in the feces - blood,

“Ilya Muromets lay on the stove for 33 years ... and stood up to cleanse Rus' of enemies ... But that’s a fairy tale ... And after 33 years of sitting at a computer, you won’t get up at all,” they joke on the Internet over a seemingly simple question from teenager Artem Danelian “Why can’t you sit at the computer for a long time?”

Everyone knows that from sitting for a long time (not only at the computer, but also behind the wheel, for example), blood circulation worsens. In particular - in the pelvic region. The spine also suffers.

The muscles of the eyes are constantly tense. As a result, visual acuity weakens.

Therefore it is necessary:

Keep a distance from the monitor of about 50-60cm

Try to find the right (comfortable) chairs and chairs

They will stretch and see what's going on outside the window, and eventually brew tea. Basically take a break.

We foresee that these short, simple, even banal tips had absolutely no effect on you. Perhaps the stories below will convince you.


Most of the time at the computer is spent by avid gamers - gamers. One of them shared a story about the sad consequences of excessive computer addiction.

“I started playing at the age of 7, played until I was 18, sat at the computer every day for at least 3 hours, rested only 2 months in the summer at sea.

There have been significant successes in games on the world stage, but now I don’t play games anymore and never will, read below why:

1. Eyes, of course. So far, in my entire life, I have seen only one IT nickname whose eyesight has not deteriorated in any way, others have been wearing glasses for a long time.

2. Hemorrhoids, no matter how terrible it sounds ...

The fact is that our entire butt is permeated with blood vessels (fragile enough), and if you do not disperse the blood, then it stagnates there and blood clots form, which subsequently begin to bleed, hurt, etc.

I had almost chronic, constant pain, etc., I even lay in the hospital because of this.

3. Problems with bones and joints. I am being treated for osteochondrosis, it all started at the end of my path as a gamer, when my left hand began to go numb...

Terrible experience, trust me. Also posture suffers capitally.

4. Problems in personal life etc. Gradually, you will start to move away from society, your circle of friends is the same nerds as you, you have never had a girlfriend, etc.

When you realize this, it becomes very sad. Add to this also problems with studies, you get a good hodgepodge and just a miserable life.

Bottom line: quit sitting at the computer for a long time, especially with games, they won’t bring you to good, proven in your own skin.

If the profession forces you to sit at the computer for a long time, then you need to do exercises for the eyes, back and priests at least every hour.

Now I work out in the gym, I have a girlfriend. And in general I feel like a man.


An experienced system administrator also shared his advice.

“In addition to the health problems described in detail (by the way, please note that the eyes strain most of all in toys: bright graphics and increased attention), there are a couple of other problems that teachers are very well aware of today.

1. If a person at the age of 5-10 sits down at a PC, then in 99% of cases he sits down to play. The computer is not perceived in any way, except as a toy.

I studied with such people (I myself sat down at the PC at the age of 16), they thought that they were ACS. In fact, they only knew how to play.

It is very, very difficult to teach and retrain such people, the psyche in a technical school is no longer broken.

Practically, any IT job will already be practically closed for such people. Hundreds of confirmations are now being issued from technical schools: show-offs are darkness, and there is zero sense.

2. If a person sits down at the age of 5-10 still NOT to play, then by the age of 20-25 he already has time to get enough of both programming and computers in general.

There should be an attempt to change the type of activity, and cardinal. I saw this too.

According to my observations and according to the observations of teacher friends, it is best not to give a PC to a child at all until the age of 15.

And then he himself will figure out whether he should play or do something useful. Do not be afraid, all the "experience" of those sitting from 5-10 years old, a fifteen-year-old catches up in 4-6 months.

Why waste health? Well, if you really pull so hard, then you can afford an hour a day: reading Wikipedia, some classes, fast typing skills - it's not bad!

But it’s better to be on the street more, sit and earn hemorrhoids in time.

One more thing about health. Together with me, 30 people entered the technical school. Approximately half are bespectacled playboys.

29 people graduated, of which only 2 did not have glasses (including me, I don’t know why, but “one” is still). 2-3 people continued to move in their specialty.


By the way, if it seems to you that the problems of a teenage gamer do not concern you, then you are mistaken. The only difference is that he was sitting in front of the computer playing computer games, and you were at work.

In addition, you may not even realize that you have become addicted to the computer, like a smoker - to nicotine.

Eyes reddened, swollen, complaints of pain ...

Spring conjunctivitis?

Unlimited Internet...

So, signs of addiction:

Worry if there is no access to a computer or the Internet

Constant desire to spend significant time in front of the computer

Disregard for other needs and responsibilities, for the sake of one goal - to sit at the computer

Refusal of social activity in real life, in favor of virtual

Feeling of emptiness, irritability, depression in the absence of access to a computer

Denying other pleasures in life

If you agree that the above is true for you, then it's time to change something.

By the way, sitting in front of a computer for a long time does not lead to blood changes - this is a myth to scare children.

Also, it is not a matter of radiation, but of a long stay in one position with tension in the muscles and eyes.

Among young people, the biggest problem with sitting at a computer for a long time is mental - as it is written in the gamer's story.

Use - but in moderation. And spend more time with your family, communicate more live, do fitness, in short, live real life!

I am sure that after reading the article, if you didn’t get up and walk around the office, then at least you tried to stretch yourself in your chair. Already good.

And remember: the computer needs rest too :).

If after that you do not want to throw your computer out the window, read about how to properly clean it.


For many people office work involves prolonged sitting at the table, sometimes even throughout the day.

Of course, today you can find various ergonomic products that make working in the office more comfortable.

In addition, some companies offer their employees free hours, for example, in gym or swimming pool.

Do not forget about those who work at a distance - a sedentary lifestyle also affects those who work from home.

Yet scientists believe that many of those who often have to sit at the table, already damaged your body, and it will take more than one day to fix these problems.

Here's what Peter T. Katzmarzyk, PhD, says:

"Even those who lead an active lifestyle have a high risk of harming their body. Sitting for a long time cannot just be compensated by physical activity."

Sitting position

It is hard to imagine that such an action as sitting can be so harmful to our health.

In fact, prolonged sitting can have many adverse effects.

Why sitting is bad

Here is a list of 12 side effects long stay in a sitting position:

1. Slow metabolism

Prolonged inactivity reduces the rate at which fat is burned, which slows blood flow, and reduces the effectiveness of insulin.

2. Wrong posture

Staying in a sitting position puts pressure on the lumbar intervertebral discs.

In this position, the head is tilted forward, forcing the shoulders to compensate for the weight transfer.

3. Injuries of the back and spine

A long sitting position creates constant pressure on lower part back, including muscles and ligaments.

4. Decreased social skills

In addition, sitting at a computer for a long time means less going out to Fresh air, and lack of sunlight leads to a lack of vitamin D. According to scientists, a lack of this vitamin significantly increases the risk of developing diabetes or cancer.

6. Metabolic syndrome

Long sitting leads to weight gain visceral fat tissues become resistant to insulin. This, in turn, leads to hormonal and clinical disorders, and eventually to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

7. Chronic pain

Improper seating at the table for a long time leads to increased pressure on the lower back. Pain that eventually occurs can become a symptom of chronic diseases.

8 Obesity

Due to the fact that during sedentary work, the main muscle groups of a person work less, calories are burned more slowly. Over time, this can lead to overweight or even obesity.

9. Diabetes

Inactivity reduces the body's ability to maintain normal blood sugar levels, which reduces insulin sensitivity.

10 Cancer

Reduced activity increases the chances of developing cancer. According to one study, sedentary work has a bad effect on women, which contributes to development of breast, uterine and ovarian cancer.

11. Heart failure

Long sitting at the table, behind the wheel and / or in front of the TV just as much harms men. According to a study, a sedentary lifestyle can lead to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, and sometimes to lethal outcome. The risk of developing such diseases, according to scientists, increases by 64%.

12. Lethal outcome

After several studies, scientists have found that a long sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of overall mortality among men and women by 6.9%

The total lethality is the ratio of the number of people who died from any diseases and/or injuries to the number of those who had this disease, expressed as a percentage, over a certain period of time.

Simply put, if you have health problems, then a sedentary lifestyle can make those problems worse.

Useful tips for those who can't avoid a sedentary lifestyle

This advice comes from James A. Levine, MD, Mayo Clinic, one of the largest private medical centers in the world.

Periodically move/move in your chair

Get up when talking on the phone or having a snack

Use a desk (standing table)

Take regular breaks while you work

To talk with colleagues, do not arrange conferences, but walk with them a little; Simply put, during the conversation, wind circles.

Many of us, if not most, have a sedentary job. If you are reading this right now, then you are sitting in a chair more or less motionless. Half an hour, an hour, then it becomes uncomfortable, not comfortable. Even if you have a good expensive chair. But this post today on the site is not about chairs, but about why it is harmful for any person to sit for a long time.

The first reason, it is also the main one - stagnation of blood in the legs and pelvic area. Blood supplies the organs and muscles of our body with oxygen and nutrients for tissue growth and renewal. On the way back, the blood carries away the accumulated toxins, products of work, waste, in short. If even microscopic inflammation is present somewhere - The best way to cure it - to provide a good flow of blood there.

What about the seated person? Blood stasis begins in the lower part of the body. It hardly breaks through the motionless, clamped muscles. The body begins to numb, you become uncomfortable. Organs cease to receive the necessary substances. The consequences of this are prostatitis in men, female diseases in women. Let's add here hemorrhoids, a flat ugly ass. Not fun.

When you are motionless, the body stores resources

Girls, think about your waist! You will sit a lot, you will not find it on your body, in the end you will have to look for and torture your body with methods. It would be funny if it weren't so sad! This also applies to men, of course, although to a lesser extent - they have their own sources of obesity.

In general, education provokes a lot of things in life. excess weight. Modern food, drinks, . Therefore, you need to try to minimize all these factors in life.

Why not sit still? Posture distortion!

The spine is the conductor of your body's energy. He is like a trumpet. And if this pipe is curved, has turns and "knots", the energy starts to flow worse. You get tired faster, it becomes more difficult for you to enjoy life. Not to mention the fact that the back hurts, the lower back hurts, the muscles are clamped. It's scary to move fast.

If you do have to sit still for a long time, at least try to keep your back straight. Also, don't cross your legs. This point is more related to the first point, but not the point. Crossed legs - a complicated movement of blood, we have already mentioned the consequences.

Need more reasons? OK.

Life passes you by if you sit too long. Here we are talking primarily about sitting at a computer or watching TV. "The soldier is sleeping - the service is on." In our case, life goes on. The sun is moving, the weather is changing, something is happening, and you are in contact. Get out, get outside, get some fresh air!

I hope you received the answer to the question “why it is harmful to sit for a long time”. How can you make life easier for your body? Make a rule for yourself - get up from your workplace every half hour for 1-2 minutes. And every two hours for 10-15 minutes. And not just get up, but actively move, warm up, jump,. Well, at least walk! By doing this, you will render an invaluable service to your beloved body, and it will definitely thank you ...

Avoid all harmful, and good health to you!