River fish with a green back. List of river fish

The perch family is distributed in freshwater and slightly saline rivers, ponds and lakes around the world and includes more than 200 species. But among such a variety, one can single out the dominant one - river perch, or common perch, which has several subspecies and is a popular object of recreational fishing. Like other family-forming fish species, perch are easily recognizable by their characteristic body shape, dorsal fin structure, and coloration. In order to successfully catch a predator, in addition to appearance, it is important to know its habits, preferred diet and habitat.

Most of the features of the predator's exterior can be easily traced by common and local names: perch (obsolete - eye), sailor or minke whale, humpback. These definitions are enough to represent a tall striped fish with large eyes. The hump behind the head is especially clearly visible in large individuals due to growth not in length and width, but in height.

Features of the body structure

A high, laterally compressed and relatively short body shape (proportions 1:3) is determined by the main method of hunting a predator that prefers not to pursue prey, but to hide in cover, select a target and perform a short throw at high speed, which is why even trophy specimens weighing up to 3.5 kg do not exceed 50 cm in length. Another well-known representative of the perch family is pike perch, which loves to catch up with nimble small fish, with such length dimensions it weighs only 1-1.5 kg.

The average size of a perch is 15-20 cm with a weight of 200-300 g. Large individuals are 30 cm or more in length. An outwardly similar sea bass, in the description of which representatives of over 20 kg and more than a meter are mentioned, cannot influence the indicated statistics, since it belongs to the Scorpaenidae family, not perches.

Our planet has been inhabited by many different animals for millions of years. Among them, a special type stands out - fish. They filled rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. These animals play a large role in the natural food chain as well as in the human habitat. Both marine and river fish serve as a source of food for people, medicines and fertilizers for agriculture, as well as raw materials for light industry. What are these inhabitants of the rivers of our country, how do they survive and what do they eat? This issue deserves due attention, because all living organisms on Earth are essential parts of nature.

Fish of the rivers of Russia

The most common fish living in the rivers of Russia are beluga, pike, burbot, catfish, sturgeon, stickleback, crucian carp, salmon, carp, perch, carp, rudd. And this is not a complete list of them. The fastest river fish include salmon, dace, podust, asp and sabrefish, and the most nimble - rudd, bream, roach, scavenger, tench and crucian carp. These aquatic vertebrates are divided into predatory and peaceful inhabitants. What river fish eat directly depends on this division. The former feed on smaller representatives of this class, while the latter spend most of their time looking for plankton and plant foods. In the reservoirs of Russia, especially in summer, various algae grow rapidly, which are a haven for crustaceans and mollusks. And this is not just food, but a kind of delicacy for fish. Predators (for example, pike, pike perch, perch), in turn, feed on smaller fish.

The largest representatives of river fish

Nowadays, any river fish with a length of more than 1.80 meters and a weight of at least 90 kg is considered a large individual. Record holders in size are several species of these aquatic vertebrates. One of them is a beluga. Its weight reaches 1400 kg, and its length is about five meters. Not far behind the size of the beluga and pike. Its largest representatives are found in the northern rivers of Russia.

European (ordinary) catfish weighs about 350 kg and is up to 4.5 meters long. It lives in almost all large rivers of both Russia and the CIS. The catfish is unusual in that its body consists of a huge head and a huge tail.

The most valuable freshwater fish

River fish of Russia have their most valuable specimens. The most expensive of them is the Russian beluga. So, for example, a female caught in the Tikhaya Pine River, weighing 1227 kg, produced 240 kg of very high quality caviar. Its value today is about two hundred thousand dollars.

The second most expensive is carp. It belongs to the category of especially valuable commercial fish. For example, in the seventies in the delta of the Volga River, the catch of carp was at least ten thousand tons per year.

Fish of the rivers of Primorye

Russia has a huge territory, in the reservoirs of which many different species of fish live. So, considering the inhabitants of fresh water bodies of the Primorsky Territory, one can count about one hundred and fifty of their varieties. Some, such as the Sakhalin taimen, are even listed in the Red Book. Other river fish of Primorye can boast the most unusual names - for example, snake catcher, gubar horse, yellow-cheeked and skygazer. In addition to the mentioned fish, Amur pike, catfish, crucian carp, carp, salmon, lenok, kuzhda and grayling live in local fresh waters. One of the most unpretentious and common fish of the Primorsky Territory is the rudd. And although many locals consider it too bony, but in terms of taste, it is magnificent. There are two types of rudd: small-scaled and large-scaled. Usually this fish grows up to half a meter in length and weighs up to one and a half kilograms.

Fishing in the suburbs

For those who like to go fishing for many years, the Moscow region has been a favorite place for a relaxing holiday. Amazing nature, quiet evenings, clean air and plenty of fish in the reservoirs - all that is needed for Russian fishing. The rivers Pakhra, Severka, Ruza, Istra, Nerskaya, Protva, Nara, Besputa, Dubna, Sestra and others hide various popular and tasty fish in their waters. These are perch, and carp, and crucian, and roach, and pike, and gudgeon, and bream, and chub, and bream, and asp, and bleak. River fish of the Moscow region are caught both with the help of fishing rods and with the help of spinning, fly fishing, boat and bale.

Pike - the queen of Russian rivers

Speaking about the fish that are found on the territory of Russia, one cannot fail to mention the heroine of Russian fairy tales - the pike. It lives not only in the reservoirs of our country, but also in the rivers of Europe, as well as Asia and the United States of America. The size of the pike is predetermined by the food base: the larger the average size of the fish in the river, the larger the pike can grow. It is rightfully considered one of the most predatory freshwater fish. Her appearance fully testifies to this: a long flattened head with a huge mouth and a lot of sharp teeth looks intimidating. Many river fish have become prey for this agile predator. The color of pike is mostly gray-green, with speckles. Thanks to the slippery cylindrical body, they move quickly and swiftly. Pike feed mainly on smaller fish (roach, perch and others), but there are often cases of eating individuals of their own species. In addition, the diet of these predators includes amphibians, and reptiles, and large insects, and various garbage, and small mammals, and even chicks of waterfowl.

Rare and endangered fish

Today, on the territory of Russia, many river fish need human participation and care, the list of which is increasing every year. These include the Azov beluga, sterlet, Volga herring, Volkhov whitefish, black carp, Baikal grayling, Baikal sturgeon, sculpin, Kamchatka salmon and others. All these fish are on the verge of extinction. Take, for example, the Volkhov whitefish, which earlier, before the construction of the Volkhov hydroelectric power station (1925), played a large role in fishing and was found in large quantities in the Volkhov, Syaz, Svir rivers.

The catch of the Baikal sturgeon in the nineteenth century reached three thousand centners, and in the nineties of the twentieth century it was reduced to two hundred centners. Today, most often these river fish are found in Lake Baikal and the rivers flowing into it - the Angara, Kitoy, Belaya, Selenga, Barguzin and Khamar-Daban. A similar fate befell the Baikal grayling, also previously widespread in these waters.

Another endangered species is the black carp. Due to a sharp decrease in the number of this fish in the seventies of the last century, a ban on its catch was established. Today, black carp is found in Lake Khanka, as well as in the Amur and Ussuri rivers.

Impact of the environmental situation

Unfortunately, today the ecological situation affects many river systems. Quite often there are cases of river pollution by emissions from factories and industrial enterprises, storm sewage containing various hazardous chemicals. River fish, crayfish, turtles and other inhabitants under such circumstances not only change their habitual way of life, but also become victims of mutations or disappear altogether. And it's not a secret for anyone that an insufficient amount of attention from the human society can lead to an irreparable ecological disaster.

In this article, I would like to analyze the most coveted and significant fish of Siberia, fish of northern rivers, mountain taiga streams with cold water and rocky rifts, lakes. Freshwater ichthyofauna of Siberia and the Urals. Ichthyofauna of the entire taiga zone of Russia. I will not mention the fish that are abundant in the southern strip, and will focus only on the fish of the taiga, the fish of the north. Noble species of fish that are hunted by amateur fishermen in pursuit of a big trophy, tourists traveling through the taiga, and indigenous people of the north, for whom fishing is a way of getting food, and not a sport, entertainment and trophy pursuit.


valuable commercial fish from the whitefish genus and the salmon family, lives in the rivers of Siberia, in particular, in the basins of the Ob, Irtysh, Lena, Yenisei rivers. It is valued for its taste, as well as nutritional value and the presence of essential substances. It is well used in lightly salted form. It is enough to stand the muksun in salting for about 9 hours, and only then it will be possible to eat it. The meat is fatty and melts in your mouth. The calorie content of meat is about 90 kcal per 100 g. It is also widely used for making stroganina.

Fishing methods: in many regions of the country, fishing for whitefish is prohibited, in others it is caught with nets, and whitefish can also be caught with a fly, having a varied supply of baits with you.


Valuable commercial fish of the whitefish genus, reaches a weight of 50 kg. It lives in the rivers of Siberia, in the basin of the Arctic Ocean. It is considered one of the most delicious fish in Russia, and any a fish dish it always comes out amazing. Just like muksun, nelma is good in lightly salted form and as a sliced. It is an endangered species.

Fishing methods: In all southern regions of Siberia, nelma fishing is prohibited; it is caught by artels in an industrial way in the northern part. Yes, and it is quite difficult to catch it on spinning in the southern part, which cannot be said about the Ob or Yenisei delta, where the nelma likes to live. The fish are very cautious and shy. Nelma takes well on various turntables, spoons, most often ordinary, silvery in color, the same color as smelt and vendace fry.


Chir (or Shchokur) is a representative of the whitefish genus. Valuable commercial fish lives both in fresh and semi-fresh water at the confluence of large Siberian rivers with the Arctic Ocean. Also available in Kamchatka. Chir serves as a bonus for commercial fishermen when catching white salmon and whitefish. It also lives in freshwater lakes.

Fishing methods: Just like muksun, chir is mined with nets, but, unlike it, chir bites quite well on bait and spinning. As bait, various insects, larvae, the meat of mollusks living along the seashore are used, and, of course, artificial baits.


Valuable commercial fish of the whitefish genus. Small sizes, up to 6-8 kg. Baikal omul lives only in Lake Baikal and in nearby rivers, in which it spawns. In the river basin of the Arctic Ocean lives arctic omul . It is well used in salted, smoked forms, as well as stroganina.

Fishing methods: omul is mined at any time of the year. Fishing is possible both from the shore and from a boat. Omul takes well on small bright fixed and moving baits, including spinning ones. Locals use pieces of foam rubber, fresh meat or a piece of fish as bait. At the height of winter, the omul descends to depths of more than 200 meters, and appropriate gear is needed to catch it.


The Siberian whitefish lives in the rivers of the European north and Siberia. Weight up to 5 kg. Length up to 80 cm. Possesses good taste qualities, is an object of both amateur and commercial fishing. It has a characteristic transition from the head to the body. Pyzhyan feeds on mollusks, larvae, and various insects.

Fishing methods: Fishing takes place by casting seines and the installation of nets. Amateur fishing takes place on ordinary gear and lures. Best bait is a chiromanid, also caviar, mollusk, fly, bloodworm.


A small commercial fish of the whitefish genus. Also known in the Urals as Sosvinskaya herring . The fish of the northern rivers lives in the basins of the Ob and its tributaries (in particular, the Northern Sovva, Pur, Taz, Nadym, etc.), on the Yenisei, Lena, etc. Length up to 100 cm, weight up to 100 g. The taste of tugun meat gives off fresh cucumber, the meat is tender, fatty. Tugun is smoked and consumed in a salty form.

Fishing methods: tugun is mined with seines; fishing with a bait or spinning rods is ineffective. Fishing most often occurs during the spring flood, when the fish goes to fattening, they are also caught in the summer.


A genus of fish in the salmon family. It lives in freshwater reservoirs and rivers. Most often in fast cold rivers of a mountainous nature, on rifts. It lives in Siberia and the Far East, as well as in China, Mongolia, West Korea. In the European part of Russia, west of the Ural Mountains is not found. Predator, feeds on various insects, mollusks, worms, flies. It has other names: Russian - lenok, Turkic - uskuch, Evenki - maigun, Yakut - byyyt and literary - Siberian trout. It is an endangered species.

Fishing methods: Commercial fishing is not carried out, in amateur lenok is one of the most popular fish for sport and amateur fishing. Fly fishing and spinning tackle is used. Young lenok is caught on a fly, similarly to grayling, larger specimens are caught on lure, various turntables, wobblers, etc.


A popular fish of the northern rivers of the salmon family. It is an object of sports and amateur fishing, valued for its excellent taste. There are Siberian, European and Mongolian grayling. Reaches a weight of 2.5-3 kg. It feeds on various larvae, mollusks, insects that have fallen into the water: midges, leafhoppers, grasshoppers, gadflies, etc.

Fishing methods: The most popular way to catch grayling is fly fishing. It is also caught on spinning and on a regular fishing rod. Most often, grayling is caught on a fly. There are 4 places where the grayling takes well: on the riffles, on the thresholds, immediately after the stones, stands facing against the current; near fallen trees; at large stones (standing at a depth); on the rift, on the side of the main stream. If fishing is done on spinners and spinners, then, as a rule, light baits are selected, but large graylings can also be taken on heavy ones.


Fish of the salmon family, is listed in the Red Book of Russia, in some reservoirs it is grown and catching is prohibited. It is a coveted trophy for any taiga fisherman. It can reach a weight of 70-85 kg and a length of up to 2 meters. It lives in fresh cold water, does not go out to sea. It lives throughout the taiga zone. The further north his habitat is, the more comfortable he becomes.

Fishing methods: Taimen is a predator and fishing methods are the same as for other predators. In those rivers where there are many small fish, such as grayling, various types of whitefish, taimen also lives. Taimen fishing most often takes place under a special license or only for trophy photography, then the fish is released. They take on various spinners, turntables, wobblers and other spinning gear.


Valuable commercial fish of the sturgeon family. Body length reaches 130 cm, weight - up to 20 kg (in rare cases). Large specimens live mainly in northern rivers. Feeds on invertebrates, eats eggs of other fish. It lives in the basins of many Siberian and European rivers in Russia, as well as in the seas. It is an object of fishing and spearfishing. It has excellent taste qualities. Disappearing view.

Fishing methods: is subject to poaching. Anglers amateurs extract sterlet under license. The most common tackle is a bottom bait with a bait in the form of a worm.


A fish of the cod-like order, the only one that lives only in fresh water. It occurs almost throughout the taiga zone, most common in the rivers of the Arctic Ocean basin. As a rule, the weight of burbot does not exceed 1 kg.

Fishing methods: The best periods for catching burbot are winter and early spring. The best tackle- Donka, as well as a float fishing rod. Live bait, fry, frog, leech should be used as baits. It goes well at night, because at night it comes out of its holes and lies in wait for prey near snags. It is also effective to put burbot zherlitsy in winter at night.


Not a species, but a whole family of pike. It lives both in Siberia and throughout Russia, almost everywhere. The most popular predator of our waters. The length of the pike reaches 2 meters, and the weight is 35 kg, but in rare cases.

Fishing methods: on a live bait, on a frog, on a tadpole. When using spinning, any bait goes well, depending on the reservoir and the situation, be it all kinds of turntables, wobblers imitating a wounded fry, vibrotails, etc. This bloodthirsty predator is best caught in the spring, before its spawning, and in the fall - during the zhora, late August to mid-October (in the north - until September)


A small fish of the carp family. Yelets lives in clean flowing rivers, both with sandy and pebble bottoms, as well as in lakes. Feeds on small insects, plankton invertebrates, plant shoots.

Fishing methods: like all cyprinids - a float rod with bait on a hook. Also bottom gear and fly fishing. From the bait - bloodworm, maggot, porridge, bread, worm.

Rainbow trout

Other name Mikizha . Fish of the salmon family. Small size, length up to 55 cm, weight up to 1.5 kg. It lives in cold water, loves clean mountain rivers, lakes. Predator, feeds on fry of other fish, minnow, verkhovka, insects, etc.

Fishing methods: fly fishing or spinning. Small trout are caught on a fly, like the Siberian grayling, larger individuals will peck on baubles and other spinning gear.


Minnow is a small representative of the carp family. On the right photo lake minnow , on the left - river . The length of the fish is up to 15 cm, weight - up to 90-100 g. It feeds on mosquito larvae, flies, small insects. The body is covered with small scales. The minnow is usually used as bait for larger fish, but can be eaten.

Fishing methods: minnows are caught during the day in calm, calm weather; at night, the fish do not bite. Worms, bloodworms, maggots are used as baits. The minnow is caught in early autumn, later it hibernates.


A small freshwater fish of the whitefish family. Sizes of the Siberian vendace: up to 35 cm in length and weight up to 1 kg. Semi-anadromous fish, i.e. lives both in the salt water of the ocean and in the fresh water of the Siberian rivers flowing into the Laptev Sea. Vendace is consumed fresh, salted and smoked. Rich in nutrients and omega-3 fats.

Fishing methods: commercial fish. It is caught mainly by nets, because the effectiveness of ordinary fishing rods on it is low.


Fish from the carp family. The young are called braces . It lives in the taiga zone everywhere. In Siberia it is found up to Yakutia. Reaches a weight of 3 kg and a length of 55 cm. Lives up to 20 years. Omnivorous fish. Lives in rivers, lakes, ponds. Avoids fast cold water and mountain rivers. It prefers more reach rivers with calm water and great depth.

Fishing methods: ides are caught on ordinary types of gear. Float fishing rods, donks, spinning rods, with various turntables, spinners. The ide takes well at dusk, because at this time it is fed. The bait is worms, bloodworms, maggots, bread, bran, etc.


From the perch family. It lives throughout northern Eurasia. Reaches a size of 44.7 cm and weighs more than 2 kg. Predator, very voracious. It is eaten as a basis for fish soup, in fried, smoked, dried forms. It is an object of sports, amateur and commercial fishing.

Fishing methods: like all predators, the perch takes well on baits of animal origin. Live, worm. It takes well on spinning tackle, on wobblers (right figure), turntables, vibrotails, and various spinners. It usually lives in pairs with pike, in places with a large number of small fish.


Fish of the carp family. Chebak is a subspecies of roach, distributed mainly in the Urals and Siberia. In Siberia, the chebak lives almost everywhere. It is found in large numbers in the Kolyma, Indigirka, Lena, Yenisei and other Siberian rivers. Basically it is a small fish, but reaches a weight of up to 3.5 kg. In many reservoirs, the chebak is the simplest and most popular fish. They eat it themselves and feed cattle, dogs and cats. Fish soup is boiled from it, fried, dried and smoked. In my opinion, chebak is especially good in the ear, boiled.

Fishing methods: chebak, like all carp fish, is omnivorous. It bites both on baits of animal origin and vegetable origin. Takes well on bloodworms, maggots, worms, dough, bread crumbs, corn. Classic fishing for chebak takes place on a simple float rod.


A species of fish from the perch family. In Siberia, it lives everywhere up to the border of the tundra. A small fish, reaching only 30 cm in length, and weighing up to 250 g. An unpretentious fish that can adapt to living conditions. Schooling fish. It lives both in fresh water and in slightly brackish waters. Predator, nocturnal.

Fishing methods: bites best in spring, autumn and early winter - at this time, he begins to eat. Fishing time is morning and evening. In summer, it is caught at night, in cool weather. Pecks at bloodworms, worms, maggots. Tackle - float fishing rod.

For millions of years, our planet has been inhabited by a large number of various fish. Numerous lakes, rivers, seas and oceans became their habitat. Since ancient times, both river and marine inhabitants of the underwater kingdom have been a source of food for people, rich in a huge amount of useful substances, such as a variety of amino acids, protein and various vitamins. Fish farming products are widely used in the manufacture of medicines and nutrient fertilizers for agriculture, as well as raw materials in light industry.

Features of the inhabitants of the rivers

We all know that fishing on the rivers - an exciting and varied activity. Therefore, any fisherman, before proceeding with the equipment for fishing gear, needs to accurately answer the question of what kind of fish are found in the river. And of course every angler should know physiological features hunting object:

Depending on the nature of the food taken, river fish can be classified as:

  • predatory;
  • herbivores;
  • omnivores.

river predators

Predatory individuals feed on other fish, some may eat animals or birds. Large-mouthed species swallow so much prey at a time that it lasts for several days. active life, but fish with a small mouth need to hunt constantly, since their prey is small.

The most common predatory river fish in the waters of Russia. The maximum size of a pike reaches up to 1.5 m with a weight of up to 30-35 kg, but specimens weighing up to 60 kg and longer than human height are known. The average life expectancy is up to 25 years, although there are individuals with an age limit of 35 years.

The fish is very strong, tireless and agile thanks to its slippery cylindrical body.. The shape resembles an underwater torpedo with a long flattened head and a huge mouth filled with a large number of sharp teeth.

The pike is so predatory that sometimes it even rushes at its relatives. True, he prefers more often cyprinid fish for food: crucian carp, bleak, roach, rudd. But he treats prickly species (perch, ruff) with great caution, even if he catches such a fish, he does not immediately swallow it, but keeps it in his mouth until it stops moving. During the hunt, it misses very rarely, but if it fails, it returns to ambush and waits for other prey.

The spotty coloration of the body of the pike allows it to perfectly camouflage among the vegetation of the reservoir. In rivers, it lives in not very deep places, with a weak current and grassy banks.

Pike meat contains little fat, therefore it is considered dietary.. It contains a lot of protein, which is easily absorbed by the human body.

spiny perch

This predatory fish, as well as pike, is widespread in the water bodies of Russia and almost all European countries. It has a laterally compressed body, which has a kind of hump with dark stripes. The tail fin and eyes are highlighted with an orange tint. The color of the perch depends entirely on the transparency of the water. Individuals living in a dark environment with a muddy bottom have a more saturated color than fish living in light water.

The fish is quite large in size, there is evidence that perch can reach a weight of up to five kilograms and a length of up to half a meter. The average life expectancy is about 17 years.

By extraordinary gluttony and predatory greed, it is not inferior to a pike. Having swallowed one fish, it can immediately continue hunting for another. There are cases when a perch caught in the stomach had several fry. It feeds on any fish of a suitable size, while being active both in summer and in winter.

Prefers to stay at depth, but not at the very bottom. During the hunt, it easily rushes to the prey located in the upper layers of the reservoir.

The largest predator - catfish

It is the largest fish living in the rivers. Its body length can reach five meters, and its weight is over 300 kg. According to scientists, such specimens are 80-100 years old. In most cases, the color is brown with a brownish-green tint, the belly is white. Color change can be almost to light yellow depending on the place of permanent habitation.

Catfish is considered an active nocturnal predator, which prefers to rest in snags or holes during the daytime.

The diet of this large predator is very diverse. Easily eats frogs, shellfish or large fish. Sometimes geese, ducks, water rats and other animals and birds can be in the mouth of a catfish.

The meat of this inhabitant of the river depths contains some bones and fat. It is very nutritious and beneficial for the human body.

A predator reaching a length of up to one meter and a weight of up to 10 kg. There is pike perch in the clear water of large rivers and lakes. Life expectancy up to 15 years. It is a relative of the perch, has the same vertical stripes on both sides.

An adult tries to stay near stones at a depth or in pits, but young animals, on the contrary, prefer shallow sections of rivers. The fry mainly feed at the beginning of life on zooplankton, insect larvae and small things of other fish.

Pike perch actively hunts for prey, while trying to avoid areas with thickets, where he himself can become food for pike. However, its location is very unstable. Where pike perch was well caught the day before, the next day it may not be found.

Among freshwater fish, burbot is the only representative of the cod family. It is sharply distinguished from other fish by the peculiar shape of the body. The body is strongly elongated and compressed on the sides, especially in the tail. The head is flattened, similar to a catfish. The back is grayish-green in color with stripes and spots of dark color, but the belly is whitish.

Burbot is a voracious and extremely greedy predator whose diet includes insect larvae, frogs, mollusks and small fish. Sometimes, when an adult is opened, a large number of small perches, minnows or ruffs are found in the stomach. Despite his lethargic and lazy appearance, he swims dexterously and quickly. At the same time, it is especially active in winter, when other fish are more sleepy and motionless.

Burbot can reach a length of up to one meter and a mass of up to five kilograms, although there are also specimens weighing up to 24 kg. Life expectancy is quite high - up to 22 years.

There are also predatory fish of smaller sizes, such as:

  1. Bersh - very similar to pike perch, however, reaches a size of up to 50 cm.
  2. Chop - less common, in the Danube or Dnieper rivers.
  3. Ruff is a widespread fish, often called a thorn by fishermen, because it has sharp, prickly fins.

herbivorous fish

This species includes fish that spend most of their time looking for plant foods and various river plankton. Grows in ponds and rivers different kinds algae, especially in the warm summer, which are an excellent haven for various mollusks and crustaceans. They are the perfect delicacy for herbivorous fish.

Common fish - crucian

It is the most common fish in almost all reservoirs and rivers of Russia. The fish is quite unpretentious, preferring shallow sections of the river, warmed by the rays of the sun and overgrown with vegetation of all kinds. Poorly reacts to lack of oxygen and water quality in habitats. In the winter season, crucian carp is able to freeze into ice and not even die at the same time.

It belongs to the family of cyprinids, appearance very similar to carp, but has no antennae. Weighs approximately 0.5 kg. It feeds mainly on zooplankton, various aquatic plants, worms and larvae.

Allocate silver and gold carp. It is most active during the warm season.

Carp and its types

Belongs to the family of carp fish and is the most desirable prey for anglers in central Russia. There are individuals of a rather large size, weighing up to 10 kg. According to scientists, life expectancy can reach 100 years.

There are the following types of carps:

  1. mirror;
  2. scaly;
  3. naked;
  4. framed carp and others.

Among themselves, all these representatives differ in the shape of the body, the type of scales and habits. It can eat bread crumb, undercooked potatoes or oilcake.

The fish is very strong, so experienced fishermen are more likely to catch it, using reliable and powerful gear.

The main types of carps

Bream and its use in cooking

This schooling, inconspicuous fish lives more often in places with a calm current and a muddy bottom. Life expectancy is up to 20 years, but the growth of bream is very slow. Only by the age of ten is he able to gain weight up to 4 kg.

It feeds mainly on crustaceans, mollusks, insect larvae, worms and algae. The coloring of the bream is dominated by a dark silver hue. Spawns at a water temperature of 13 degrees.

The meat of this fish is characterized by excellent taste. It is used boiled, salted, fried, dried or smoked.

Small representative - roach

This fish is found in almost all rivers and lakes. It leads a flock of life and prefers to hide from predators in quiet sections of rivers overgrown with grass and algae.

In appearance, it is very similar to the redfin. The color of the body depends on the composition of the water in its habitat. The fish is small in size (15-20 cm), however, there were also specimens up to half a meter in length and weighing up to two kilograms.

Roach spawns at a temperature of plus ten degrees, and after this period it is particularly active. The best time to catch this fish is early morning or late evening.

Of course, within the framework of one article, it is very difficult to describe all the representatives water world. There are many more types river fish:

  1. Rudd - beautiful fish, similar to a roach.
  2. Gustera is a distant relative of the bream, silver in color with reddish fins.
  3. Carp - is considered a freshwater fish, but is also found in the Caspian Sea basin.
  4. Tench is a royal fish with excellent taste characteristics.
  5. The chub is a freshwater fish found exclusively in fast-flowing rivers.
  6. Bleak is a ubiquitous fish known to almost any angler.

Other types of river fish

Unfortunately, many river systems are adversely affected by the unfavorable environmental situation, which is caused by various emissions from industrial enterprises and factories. The inhabitants of many rivers and reservoirs become victims of such a human attitude to the environment.

There are a huge number of rivers on the territory of the countries of the former CIS - only in Russia there are 78 largest of them. The number of freshwater fish species living in them is more than 60. We list only their most significant species.

Distinctive features of freshwater fish

Unlike marine, freshwater (river) fish can only live in a fresh environment with a low degree of mineralization. Suitable for its habitation are flowing waters, the waters of most types of lakes and even some swamps.

Some river fish are predators, but they are dangerous only for the inhabitants of water bodies - their diet includes small fish or fry. Predatory freshwater include burbot, catfish, pike, perch, grayling, etc. Carp, crucian carp, roach, gobies, carp, minnows, bream and many other freshwater feed on plant foods.

List of fish - names, description, features of fishing

Sturgeon (Acipenser)

In Russia, they are found in the Pechera and the basins of the Ob, Amur and Yenisei. The body of this royal fish is elongated and resembles a spindle, and the head is small, with an elongated snout. Distinctive feature are a skeleton consisting only of cartilaginous tissue, without vertebrae and a complete absence of scales.

The sturgeon, which always keeps closer to the bottom, does not bite on the bait. It is allowed to extract its Siberian and Russian species only in paid reservoirs using bottom or float gear or float rod. Sturgeon prefers steamed millet, corn porridge or dough. He also pecks at nozzles of animal origin: fry or pickled herring.

Perch (Perca fluviatilis)

This predatory fish lives throughout Eurasia and in the north of Russia - it is found even in the Kolyma region. Perch size, number and color of fins can vary depending on the species. A distinctive feature is the shape and structure of the dorsal fin, prickly in the anterior part, pinkish pelvic fins, small scales and small stripes throughout the body, which in some species may be hardly noticeable.

Although the perch hunts during the day, it bites best in the evening or in the early morning hours in cool weather - it does not like the heat and hides from it. You can catch it only at a depth of maggot, bloodworm, mosquito larvae and the traditional dung worm.

Ruff (Gymnocephalus cernuus)

Another fish of the perch family. It occurs both in the rivers of the Baltic Sea, and in the Trans-Urals and in the north of Russia at depth or near the coast with a sandy bottom or gravel. Its food is mainly benthic invertebrates, small animals and plants, but it readily bites on bloodworms, maggots, fish eyes, and dung worms. They catch it with fishing rods with thin - up to 0.2 mm in diameter - fishing line with a small hook and a small float, so that small twitches are better visible.

Roach (Rutilus rutilus)

A small flocking fish of the carp family in the Urals is called a chebak, in Baikal, the Yenisei, in Siberia, the Nenets district, Vologda, Arkhangelsk - a soroga. Roach subspecies have their own names - for example, roach and ram.

This species differs from the rudd in larger scales, eye color - they are not blood red, but orange, with a small red speck at the top. The back of the roach is dark, with a slight greenish or blue tint. Caudal fins reddish-gray-green, pectoral yellow, ventral red.

The roach refuses to peck only in the dead of winter and during spawning, in the rest of the year it can be safely caught with a bait. In summer, in the heat, it is more difficult to catch it, you need to look for it only at a depth, but in autumn the bite improves. Best time for fishing - spring, when it comes to the shore in flocks. At this time, the roach is fattening. Active biting happens both during periods of first ice and during last ice- at this time she lives at a depth or in thickets.

In winter, roach prefer animal baits, in summer worms, bread, corn and peas. In the spring, she is more shy and fastidious, and the nozzle has to be selected empirically.

Pike family (Esox lucius)

The pike genus combines 5 species of fish with small scales, a dorsal fin shifted back, a large mouth and an elongated snout. Another characteristic feature is the slightly forward lower jaw. Pike activity varies depending on the season - at least it bites all year round, more actively looking for food after wintering, in March-April, and from mid-September until frost. catch her better at night, in the morning a couple of hours before sunrise and in the afternoon before sunset.

In early spring, pike are not particularly cautious and rush to most baits: spinners, twisters, blanks, Urals, etc. In April, it is better to use noise baits, and in May, turntables and wobblers with a bright game. In winter, it bites mainly on live bait.

Bream (Abramis brama)

A fish from the carp family, which in the south of Russia is called chebak and kilak, has a characteristic high body, a small head and a mouth ending in a retractable tube. The back of an adult has a gray or brown tint, the abdomen is yellow. Between it and the anus is a scaleless keel.

Breams keep in groups at a depth overgrown with plants. In winter, on the Volga, they can go to sea. Experienced fishermen know that a good bait for bream is steamed barley, brand, corn or peas. Suitable and standard bait - dung worm. The bloodworm is very effective in the spring - at this time it simply does not go for another bait. Although a lot depends on the habitat - perhaps it is better to replace it with dragonfly larvae, caddis flies, clepsin leeches, pieces of lard or cut toothless.

Carp (Cyprinus carpio)

Find this freshwater fish possible in the basins of the Aral, Black and Caspian Seas, the Far East, Kamchatka, Amur and rivers flowing into Pacific Ocean. Especially a lot of it in the lower reaches. It has a massive head with short whiskers on the upper lip, a thick, slightly elongated body with large scales. The back is slightly darker, and the sides are golden, although their color may vary from habitat. Each of the scales at the base has a darker spot, and along the edges it is outlined by a dark stripe.

They catch carp on a "running" tackle with a reel and rings. This fish is omnivorous, and due to the lack of a stomach, it feeds without interruption. Both aquatic plants and caviar of frogs and fish, mollusks, insects, worms, leeches, etc. are used. As a nozzle, you can use potatoes boiled with a strong-smelling bay leaf and dill, millet, dough, peas and corn, bread, berries. If there is nothing at hand, you can even use the core of the reed. In the spring or on clear, fine days, it is better to catch maggots, worms, wasp and bee larvae or artificial baits imitating small fish. Active zhor carp begins from the first days of spring and lasts until early July. She bites well in August and September. The best time is morning, evening or night.

Carp (Cyprinus)

Carp is a domesticated subspecies of carp. Thanks to selection, it is distinguished by its large size - among the carps there are larger individuals. The head of this species of carp is much smaller. A naked carp may not have scales at all, a mirror carp has it only on the body and near the dorsal fin, but a scaly carp is covered with it, just like carp, evenly.

Carp is the most voracious fish that can grow to huge sizes. But, if the carp grows only in length, then the carp also increases in width. The tackle used to catch carp is also different - he needs not a “running” tackle, but a float rod.az

Carp (Carassius)

Common fish of the genus Cyprinidae. Common (golden) crucian carp is found in the European part of Russia and the CIS countries up to the Lena River basin. In Belarus, his name is crucian zalaty. Silver carp is found both in Europe and Siberia. Outwardly, both of these species are similar, except for the shade of the scales and the shape of the head - in gold it is more rounded, and in silver it is pointed.

For fishing at any time of the year, a dung worm is suitable, which attracts fish with a rich color, maggots (they can be used together with a worm). By the way, fishermen often paint fly larvae to make them brighter and more noticeable. In spring and summer, the crucian becomes more capricious, so it is better to offer him a bloodworm, and use it as a bait.

Tench (Cyprinidae)

Another fish of the carp family. It differs from crucian carp in a thicker body, thick skin, small mucous scales, rounded fins and a shortened tail. At the corners of a small mouth is a short antennae.

Tench does not like silted water bodies - the bottom must be solid. If crucian carp goes aground only for spawning, then tench stays at the boundaries of vegetation at a depth only during the period of ice melting until May. In summer, it prefers the shallows and the thickest grass. Fishermen often even mow it down to get to the tench habitat.

Strong individuals can easily break telescopic rods - it is better to take a short match rod with a thick fishing line and a short leash. In order to lift this fish out of the thicket, you need a constant movement of bait in order for it to notice it. Only after that they throw a fishing rod with bait from snails, worms, leeches and insect larvae. The tench is very attracted to red maggot.

Walleye (Sander lucioperca)

This big fish with large canine-shaped teeth of the perch family lives in Eastern Europe, the rivers of the Baltic, Azov, Aral, Black and Caspian seas. It is a typical predator and feeds on fish and invertebrates. Since it is sensitive to the oxygen content in the water, it lives only in swampy water bodies.

At night, it is best to look for it in shallow water or near the surface of the water. During the day it goes to the depth under snags and stones. For fishing, bait is used in the form of fish with a narrow body - gobies, bleaks, minnows - these are the species that are their main food.