Korpan breathe and lose weight. Marina Korpan Breathe and lose weight

Many are convinced that in order to lose weight, you need to regularly torture yourself with hard, long hours of training, but often this approach not only does not lead to results, but also causes all sorts of health problems. But there are more gentle methods that help you get in shape, only improving your health, and one of them is body flex with Marina Korpan. The complex takes only 15 minutes but still gives amazing results.

Little is known about the author of the bodyflex exercise complex, Marina Korpan. But at one time she herself faced the problem of excess weight and tried a lot in an attempt to get rid of it. At some point, she became interested in the author's technique of the American Greer Childres - a set of exercises that includes aerobic exercise and breathing techniques for weight correction and the figure in general. Therefore, Korpan cannot be considered the direct author of bodyflex - she adapted the technique and created a large number of video tutorials on it, which found immense popularity among Internet users.

Marina Korpan has already written several books about the practice of Bodyflex, including the following:

  • "Bodyflex: breathe and lose weight." The book is about how to reduce weight by 10-20 kg at home and without strict diets. Offers a description of available recipes and exercises that everyone can do on their own, without an instructor and additional equipment. The author advises to allocate only 10-30 minutes for loads, which is very convenient for those who do not have enough time.
  • Okisayz: lose weight without holding your breath. Another popular and affordable benefit that offers to help your body and figure only through the correction of the respiratory process.
  • Bodyflex for the face: how to look 10 years younger. Breathe and be young. The book tells how to rejuvenate without resorting to injections and without visiting surgeons. Just do it regularly simple exercises. The book shows detailed gist the work of the muscles of the face, explains in what sequence the exercises should be performed. It also talks about what results can be obtained: correct the oval of the face, reduce nasolabial folds, get rid of health problems.

Bodyflex with Korpan: the essence of technology and efficiency

Rapid weight loss with Marina Korpan on bodyflex requires devotion to classes for only 15 minutes in the morning between waking up and breakfast. Through a combination of proper breathing and exercise, you can achieve the following results:

  • Fat burning by saturating the muscles with oxygen.
  • Strengthening the muscles of the body, filling the body with vigor and energy.
  • Normalization of the digestive tract and cardiovascular system.
  • Improving complexion and skin condition.
  • Elimination of edema, getting rid of shortness of breath.
  • Improve mood and combat fatigue.

In comparison with other methods of contraindications, bodyflex has quite a few contraindications, but they exist. So, it is not recommended to perform such exercises at high temperature, pressure surges, exacerbation of diseases, pregnancy.

There are no other contraindications, but to increase efficiency it is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • eat in small portions and often;
  • try to exclude from the diet flour, fried, sweet;
  • do not eat food 2.5-3 hours before bedtime.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Try to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Bodyflex breathing exercises with Marina Korpan are based on the following components:

  • Breathing is five-stage, with the obligatory participation of the diaphragm.
  • Aerobics, that is, a direct set of exercises. Their correct implementation is the key to success. All of them are described in detail in the corresponding videos.
  • Fitness, that is, the shape of the body and the level of preparation for adaptation to stress. This also includes proper nutrition, which, according to bodyflex experts, is very important.

For the implementation of the complex to work, It is also important to consider the following recommendations:

  • You need to do it exclusively in the morning and on an empty stomach. If you do not have such an opportunity, then it is necessary that at least three hours have passed since the last meal.
  • Lessons involve controlled breath holding. To avoid negative consequences, do not exceed the time recommended by the instructor. You can not devote more than an hour to the exercises. In the process of losing weight, perform complexes every day, and in the future, to maintain shape, it is enough to do this 2-3 times a week.

Bodyflex includes 8 best lessons with Marina Korpan. The following is worth knowing about them:

  • They help to work out the stomach, hips, neck, arms, and also the face.
  • A special "physical education for the cheeks" allows you to replace Botox, fillers and other similar procedures.
  • Each lesson begins with an introduction to the system itself and its key elements. You will learn how to work out breathing, the instructor also corrects the mistakes of his assistants in the video. At the same time, you do not need special shells and clothes - a small piece of the room and 15 minutes a day are enough.
  • Each complex is aimed at accelerating the processes of fat burning. It provokes an active release of carbon dioxide into the blood during breathing, therefore it has contraindications, which were mentioned above.
  • All lessons are available online and you can watch them for free. In fact, there are more than 8, but this selection includes the most popular ones.
  • Bodyflex reviews, which are almost always positive, are noted as additional benefit the fact that exercises do not force you to leave your comfort zone, because many overweight people are often embarrassed to work out in groups, to jog in front of other people. Not everyone can afford a personal trainer, but absolutely everyone can spend 15 minutes a day in the morning if they wish.

We offer you to watch a video demonstrating the implementation of the exercises.

Lesson 1.

First, the trainer introduces us to the technique of correct breathing, which involves exhalation, sharp inhalation, noisy exhalation and holding the breath. After showing a small set of exercises aimed at different groups muscles: abs, chest and biceps, legs, back, quadriceps and large gluteal muscles. The complex ends with a kind of “rinsing of the intestines”, suggesting a pose on the floor with an emphasis on the knees and hands. It is necessary to alternately draw in and relax the stomach on the second exhalation at a fast pace. The exercises are repeated three times.

Lesson 2

Starts with gradual development diaphragmatic breathing. After the muscle exercises begin shoulder girdle, arms, press, oblique abdominal muscles and all muscles (exercise "cat").

Lesson 3

It involves training the lower body and includes six exercises: lateral stretching, side crunches, kneeling, Seiko exercise for the upper leg and quadriceps, two exercises for the press.

These exercises already require certain skills, because for them correct execution It's important to take control of your body. If difficulties arise during the execution, you can simplify the complex until the muscles are completely ready for the load. Since when working out the muscles of the legs, we rely on only one point - the palms and knees, it is important to control the balance of the body and not lose balance. It is also important to keep balance in mind when first doing exercises for the obliques, otherwise they will be ineffective.

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

In addition to the basics of proper breathing, the author shows a set of seven exercises for different muscle groups: arms (“diamond”), triceps (“parallel arms”), hips (with support on the arm and knee, simultaneous stretching of the arm and leg from the opposite side), press ( similar exercises that are based on lifting the body from the floor).

Marina Korpan - the only certified specialist in Russia for weight loss and body shaping using Bodyflex and Oxysize breathing techniques

Parting words from the "Grandmother of Russian Aerobics"

Dear reader! If you are holding this book in your hands, then the problem of excess weight is familiar to you firsthand. Finally! Finally, you will be able to benefit from a weight loss program that is backed by real scientific biomedical evidence.
The author's program of Marina Korpan, presented in this book and brilliantly proven in practice, has been researched on the basis of the Russian State University of Physical Culture and Sports (GTSOLIFK) and the All-Russian Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sports in Moscow and can guarantee the safety and effectiveness of use.
The most prominent scientists and experts in the field of sports and fitness took part in the development of the methodology for the impact of the Marina Korpan method on solving the problem of excess weight: Doctor of Sciences, Professor Evgeny Shirkovets and your obedient servant, professor and "grandmother of Russian aerobics" Marina Rostovtseva. Results of the scientific research published, reported at scientific conferences and received the full approval of the scientific community.
The Problem of Perfection human body exists as long as humanity itself exists. The 21st century has exacerbated the diseases of civilization associated with the ever-increasing consequences of physical inactivity and mental stress. The situation is constantly aggravated, and in such conditions, naturally, there are many panaceas, both true and false. In recent decades, the whole world has literally rushed to fight against overweight. On this wave, the market is filled with lists of all kinds of recommendations on how to get rid of this scourge.
Having caught a brilliant commercial idea in this direction, manufacturers of all kinds of medical nutrition, food additives, means for weight loss "lying on the couch". All of them convincingly prove that you will get rid of the kilograms of fat accumulated over the years (nowadays fashionably referred to as "cellulite") simply by magic. You probably believed more than once and experienced disappointment just as many times, suffering from a lack of willpower. One miraculous powder replaces another, anti-cellulite shorts replace anti-cellulite breeches, and accumulated over the years body fat safely flaunt in their places. They become immune to this kind of “things” and even, sometimes, swell by leaps and bounds, acquiring a new, additional volume instead of the muscles lost as a result of destructive diets. A person (and an emotional woman in particular) develops despair and disbelief that something can be done about the problem of excess weight.
We bring to your attention a book in which summary a program is presented to get rid of years of accumulated fat in your favorite "stores", especially in the place where they are most often present - in the abdomen.
The author of this book is undoubtedly an unsurpassed specialist in the field of correction of the female figure. The results in weight loss in women from 17 to 75 years old who attend the "Marina Korpan Studio" in Moscow exceed all expectations and are not short-lived! Most importantly, they do not require the selfless patience of hunger and spoiled health, everything happens naturally, because Marina Korpan's method works in such a way that it not only removes extra centimeters in volume, but also regulates appetite.
This book is unique in that it demonstrates a professional approach to the problem of weight loss. This is natural, because its author is a truly certified specialist in the field of wellness. physical education and, like any professional, she did the research on herself first, with excellent results! Read, they are presented in the book and, perhaps, will help you to believe in yourself as well.
Take a step towards your own health and beautiful appearance!

Health to you and success!
M.Yu. Rostovtsev,
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Gymnastics, Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Director of the Marina Rostovtseva Fitness Studio School

Do you want to lose weight? Convince yourself to really want it!

In order to start and, most importantly, triumphantly complete the process of losing weight, you need to pay attention to several psychological points. Everyone can start, and not turn off the intended path - the lot of the strong in spirit.
First you need to clearly and honestly answer yourself the question: “Do I really want to lose weight and stay slim for life?” No one except yourself (even I, with all my charisma and authority) can push you to lose weight. You and only you must understand for yourself the desire to become healthy and slim. We must clearly decide and set a specific task - to change ourselves. You will be lazy or initially do not believe in future success - you will never lose weight, you can not even take it and not waste time. Self-hypnosis is a very serious thing. Everything that happens to a person, he creates himself and programs himself for success or failure. What is happening to you that you are most afraid of? So stop being afraid! If you do not believe in the positive outcome of your weight loss process, then none of the most famous and advanced methods will help you. You will doubt that Bodyflex or Oksisize will not help - you can breathe 24 hours a day and you will not lose weight even by 1 cm. Therefore, you should have only positive attitudes in your head and full confidence that it is the breathing techniques that will help you be slim and healthy. Decided to change your life? Read on to find out what attitudes helped me and what stereotypes and prejudices you need to get out of your head.

Important Settings

(1) You are only losing weight myself.
When you lose weight and it takes a long time, friends often ask the same question: “For what or for whom are you exhausting yourself like that?” You need to lose weight only for yourself. I had a cherished dream to come to the store and buy myself everything I want, and not what fits me in size from the range presented. And loudly tell the seller that I have the 46th size. Lose weight for yourself, you deserve to be beautiful.
(2) Daily activities are like brushing your teeth.
When women come to the studio, you can immediately determine which of them has already decided to lose weight and will do it successfully, and who will never achieve the result. This is understandable by the questions the ladies ask at the beginning of classes. The women who will never lose weight are the ones who ask, “What, am I going to have to do breathing techniques all my life?” And how did you want? After breathing for a month and losing a certain number of centimeters, you can’t stop exercising. Unfortunately, miracles do not happen. Such a weight loss system, which does not require any physical effort, no strict food restrictions, takes only 20 minutes a day, cannot be limited in time. Breathing techniques are a way of life. You will forever remain the same as now if you do not understand this. Why did you allow yourself to dissolve yourself in such a way and acquire so many extra pounds? After all, you do not allow yourself, your beloved, to go to work with a dirty head, without makeup, slovenly dressed. So why are you allowing yourself to be fat?

Thanks to breathing practices, you can forget about being overweight forever, all you need- This just deal with it. In the first months - every day, and as soon as you lose weight, you can reduce the number of workouts to 3 times a week. Do not look for excuses and excuses, move forward.
(3) Don't feel sorry for yourself.
More than one woman, like me at one time, cries quietly from everyone and feels sorry for herself, sitting on a diet: “How unhappy I am, I can’t afford anything extra! Others are lucky - they eat everything, but I can’t ... ”There is no need to feel sorry for yourself. You won't be happier for eating an extra piece of cake. Self-pity is the lot of weak people. Think of food as a source of nutrients that your body needs, and eat exactly those foods that will be useful to you. Waste food, in the form of sweet or fatty, does not give anything useful, but is only deposited as a vile load on your stomach, thighs or pope.
(4) Never berate yourself.
Even if you ate something forbidden, then in no case do not dwell on it. No need to think, let alone scold yourself all day or evening for what you ate. Our thoughts are material, and as soon as you start thinking that you have eaten something completely unnecessary, this harmful one will surely be deposited in the wrong place. Therefore, they ate - and forgot, crossed it out of their heads.
(5) Fear of getting better.
Develop a fear of gaining weight again after losing weight. Get it into your head that you are losing weight for the last time in your life and forever! And more you should not have -10-15 kg, then +1 0-15 kg! That's it, you've lost weight and should stay that way for the rest of your life!

Myths that prevent you from losing weight

(1) Good man there should be a lot.
When these words are spoken, the only word that comes to mind is "loser." And this is not rudeness, but a harsh reality. Such statements are excuses for complete man. Inside, it is very difficult and embarrassing for him for his fullness, and such wonderful words relieve the fat man of responsibility for his weight. When they say that thin people are evil, it sounds like complete nonsense. A person cannot be good or evil just because he is fat or thin. It depends on the character with which he was born, and on his life beliefs.
(2) My husband loves me like this.
I will never, ever, trust anyone. It is unlikely that you married full. Even if this is so, then believe me, every man wants to see a beautiful, slim and self-confident woman / wife next to him. There is no doubt that a person is loved for his inner world, and not for thinness. But the harmony modern life plays an important role. The worst thing is that we, women, are to blame for this ourselves, having made a cult of weight loss. We talk about it all the time in front of men. We approach our husband and ask: am I fat? oh, and at me the cellulite is strongly visible? etc. Sometimes it seems that men are no longer worse than women knowledgeable about weight loss. Opening magazines and turning on the TV, our men everywhere come across a hype around weight loss. And looking at well-groomed, slender, athletic women around them in transport, at work, on the street, on a subconscious level, they begin to compare beauties with you. Maybe your loved one will not tell you that it is time to lose weight, but sooner or later this thought will settle in his head. No matter how much a person loves and adores you, no one has canceled such a thing as “aesthetic pleasure”. No one will be pleased to feel in the arms of the body fat of another person when making love. A man is initially set to compare and evaluate women in his environment. Imagine how he and you feel when you meet friends whose wives and girlfriends are slim and you are obviously different. You will inevitably be shy. My dear women, don't believe your husbands when they say they love you for who you are, unless, of course, you are a beauty pageant winner.

Surprise your man by appearing in front of him as beloved, wonderful, but also slender. And only then ask him: “Darling, which one do you like better?” I am 100% sure that he will like the new you much more.

The thorny path to harmony: the story of Marina Korpan in the first person

little bbw

For as long as I can remember, I have always been fat. To be more precise, I don't remember ever being skinny.
The history of fullness began in childhood.
In the eighties, our family - mom, dad and a three-year-old daughter - went to live in Latin America. At home, it was customary to feed everyone to satiety. Mom always offered a choice of two first courses, two second courses, not to mention sweets. You can imagine: in the 80s, after our hungry, poor in terms of nutrition Union, to enter a country with an abundance of varied, beautiful and delicious food. In Peru, I discovered a huge world of various sweets: Snickers, Mars, lollipops, chips and chewing gum. All this was eaten with incredible speed and in huge quantities.
We often went to restaurants, palons (they cook amazing chicken on fire), sibicheri. Sibicheria are local restaurants that serve the national Latin American dish Sibichu: raw fish drenched in lemon juice. I really wanted to try all this.

Of course, the parents tried to limit the child, but dad had great love for me and thought: let the girl eat. So I began to approach the extra pounds.
In June 1990 we returned to Russia and in September I went to school. How terrible that First of September was: I go to the first class in an incomprehensible prickly brown dress, a white apron, with a bow on my head, flowers, and even in pantyhose. But the nightmare didn't end there.
When we were taken to some “BUFFET” for breakfast, I cried because I did not understand this word. On the way, I thought what it was, probably something like a restaurant. But, when she saw what the children would be fed, she simply lost the power of speech.
The first week was a real shock, so when I ran home, I swept away everything that came in my way. But some time passed, and the child adapted a little. I just found in my "favorite" buffet, something that after 10 years will be so hard to refuse. There were favorite pies with potatoes and cabbage, rum women, muffins and glazed curds. You could easily eat five of them in one sitting. A huge amount of calories, not counting everything that was absorbed per day besides this.

Upon returning from school, a full lunch was waiting for me. The idea that I look much larger than my classmates, of course, arose, but it was comforting that there were two girls in the class who were fatter than me.
When you remember the food in those days, the hair stands on end. Every summer I was sent with Aunt Valya to the Tver region, to the village.
A typical day started like this. For breakfast - a full plate of porridge with a "doctor" or "amateur" sausage bite. For some reason, porridge was recognized only with sausage. Then there were a couple of sandwiches and stuff, five small pancakes with sour cream.
In good weather, my friends and I ran away to swim and sunbathe on the lake, taking seeds, sweets and soda with us. At 3 p.m., the turn of a full-fledged lunch came with the first and second, which ended with tea with a cake, cookies and sweets.
They ate whenever they could. My mother (a very hospitable nature) always invited all my friends to tea. The guys knew that in the evening Marinka would have gatherings with large white bagels, butter and delicious jam. In the evening we ran out into the street - burned a fire, sat around it, fried bread and baked potatoes. My God, how wonderful it was!

Thus began the path to 75-80 kilograms.
But it was not my option: they loved the way they are, and excess weight never been a barrier to flirting with boys. Of course, they said that I was plump, but somehow in the form of a joke and not with malice.
I can’t say that I didn’t think that I looked somehow wrong, but I didn’t do anything about it. Just keep eating and enjoying life. Visually large did not look due to sufficient physical development and the absence of dangling and shaking fat.
At the end of the first grade, a classmate invited me to go to dance classes together. Why not? And on the same day I went to the first lesson.
The classes were a mix of folk dances and choreography 2-3 times a week. Quite often the band performed at various concerts and events. The choreographer was always surprised: how with such a large build you can easily, freely dance and have an amazing stretch. At all performances, I stood in the first line. Adorable dances predetermined the future profession of a coach.

Tired of being fat

Life without complexes and thoughts about appearance continued.
The very first impulse to lose weight arose during a trip with my mother and our friends on vacation to Greece. With us was a girl Lena, very thin and slender. I remember my feelings and the uncomfortable state next to her: I looked at her, then at myself and was horrified. In their 1 5 For years, she wore very stylish and fashionable things, and I understood that it was simply unrealistic for me to fit into them. Then came the realization of one's own fullness.
A few more years passed, approaching prom. In 1st grade I wanted to change something in myself, I went to the hairdresser and got a short haircut. She was good, but even more emphasized the fullness with a round and plump face. __ Putting on my prom dress and looking in the mirror, I said to myself: “Yes, Marinka, you look great, but it would be great to remove the excess here and here. Well, in general, and so nothing.

The ceremonial part of the graduation was over, and we went to celebrate in a restaurant. Everyone had a lot of fun, but it was at this evening that the second bell rang that it was time for me to lose weight and change.
I love to dance very much and without modesty I can say that I dance really well. At all parties, I was always the ringleader in dancing. We arrived at the restaurant, raised a toast, talked, laughed. I look - everyone is sitting sour and no one is going to dance. I decided to take the initiative, as usual, into my own hands and began to pull everyone out onto the dance floor, but this time the idea was not successful. Everyone was embarrassed by the teachers and worried that, God forbid, they would do something wrong.
A friend who was sitting next to me said: “Marinka, go call our history teacher, he loves to dance. You are brave, come on, otherwise we will sit all evening like this. Was not! I got up and invited him. True, she was very worried: what if she refuses? Thank God he agreed.
It was a complete success. There was a chain reaction, everyone started to get up and dance with us. When the music ended, a teacher in her favorite subject - physical education - came up and said that I was just a good fellow, that none of the teachers had ever come off like that at graduation. But then she added ill-fated words, saying that if I were 15 kilograms less, it would be generally ...
Can you imagine my state after such words? At that moment, I just wanted to fall through the ground. There was no desire to have any more fun.

Many years later, I can say thank you so much for those hurtful words. Otherwise, there would be no story about the history of weight loss, and there would never have been a collection of techniques that so easily help to say goodbye to unnecessary fat.
Graduation was in June, in the summer I again went to the village and for the first time tried to do something. I started running, it seems, I ate less, but my patience didn’t last long, so not a single kilogram went anywhere.
September 1 crept up unnoticed, and a new adult life began.
One day, after lectures, I decided to visit my school friend Anya, who entered the Institute of Physical Education of the Russian State University of Physical Culture. It was funny: Anya was always overweight, in addition, she did not go to physical education due to a dislocation hip joint, and here oops! is such an institution.
Ironically, a few years later I also graduated from this institute and I really regret that the first education was not sports. Who then would have thought that life and favorite work would be connected with fitness?
But back to the story. We drank tea, talked about studying and there were tears in Anya's eyes. She told how she, a fat woman, is treated in a group - they laugh and insult. A friend decided to change - go on a diet and do fitness. There was a magazine on the table, where the methods to choose from were presented. This magazine and Anya's story became the starting point in my struggle with extra pounds.

Weight loss and disease...

Weight loss started on October 5th. I can’t explain to you why it was on October 5th - probably, on this day, something happened in the Universe for me. I clearly remember that, waking up in the morning, I said to myself: I will never be the same as now.
I came to the kitchen, gathering all my will into a fist, and announced to everyone that I no longer eat from a common boiler, but eat separately, and the path to slim figure has begun.
I honestly stayed on a diet for 2 weeks, managed to lose about 5 kilograms, and after that I seemed to have been replaced. Yes, I forgot to say that the starting weight was 75 kg with a height of 160 centimeters.
I started throwing myself into all the diets, buying up all the books on nutrition. I went shopping with my mother, and while she was choosing products, she ran like crazy to the racks with glossy magazines and watched what was new about nutrition, diet and training.
How much money was spent on these magazines ... horror.
The understanding came about the need to connect training. Here the matter was more complicated. To be honest, I, like many other people, was not particularly aware of what they do in fitness clubs and what it is in general. My brother's wife came to the rescue. She went to Gym and somehow offered to join.
It was kind of sad to see how huge men lift weights, and women pump the press to the point of insanity.

After learning that I want to lose weight, the coach told me to lie down, pump the press and lift my legs up from a prone position as much as I can, and then pedal on the exercise bike.
I went to the fitness club three times, and that was it. From then until today, the gym has not seen me.
A little later, my brother's wife got a job as a massage therapist in a fitness club and invited me to come to step aerobics classes.
What an interesting thing this step is! .. I liked the classes very much, the chords caught on the fly - the dancing past helped. But it was scary to fall or stumble on the platform. True, this also did not last long, but not because it was hard or did not like it, but because I was unlucky with a mentor.
No energy came from the coach. There was a complete feeling that she was training only to admire herself for the whole hour. We (there were a lot of chubby ones in the group) were complete nonentities for this woman.
This behavior taught a very good lesson for life about how you should never treat people who come to your classes. Becoming a coach, I made a vow to myself that I would never in my life be like this lady: I ​​would only look at the people who came to me for training, and not in mirrors.

On uh volume group training the end has come. There was nothing left to do but start studying fitness disciplines herself.
The main criterion for choosing a particular workout was the number of calories that can be lost during classes. If it was an impressive figure, the option was accepted. Purchases of various fitness, aerobics and shaping discs have begun.
I can’t explain why and how, but, without understanding either anatomy or physiology, or fitness itself, I managed to feel and understand what needs to be done in order to pump this or that muscle. No wonder they say that we live several lives. Everything seemed so familiar, as if I had done something like this somewhere in the distant past.
When training on my own, I had to imagine myself as a coach who leads the class. It helped to push myself. Especially favorite was the shaping disc, where there was only one trainer, and not three, which gave different load. The program was for the advanced: complex and difficult. But no one was going to give up.
The coach - her name, by the way, was also Marina - was just a stone face. There was a feeling that she did not get tired of what she was doing at all. And that spurred on even more. I told myself: I will be like her, I will achieve my goal, I will be as thin and I will be able to perform all the exercises just as easily.

Colossal efforts were expended on shaping, changes took place with the body, but it was very difficult. I had to start monitoring my diet, but it was hard to imagine where it could lead in the end.
Something switched in my head, and I just started to go crazy with counting calories, with products, with labels on jars. Life has been a real hell. Having practically stopped eating, she began to rush from one extreme to another, from one diet to another: in a word, the roof really went.
Now I don’t remember exactly how many kilograms a month I managed to lose, but the weight loss was quite rapid. Coming to the institute, I so wanted to pounce on all these pizzas, pies, rolls, I had to persuade myself that I should not do this.
Probably the only thing that was easy to deny yourself was chocolate and sweets - rare luck not to love them. Things were more complicated with cookies.

Marina Korpan - the only certified specialist in Russia for weight loss and body shaping using Bodyflex and Oxysize breathing techniques

Books of the series "Slender body with Marina Korpan"

"Bodyflex: breathe and lose weight"

For the first time, the special breathing technique Bodyflex Marina Korpan is presented in the book. Only in this book is correct technique breath Bodyflex for fast weight loss. The technique has been tested on the basis of RGUFKSMiT and the All-Russian Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sports in Moscow and can guarantee the safety and effectiveness of the application.

Bodyflex for the face: how to look 10 years younger. Breathe and look younger

In the new book, Marina Korpan gives a special set of 19 mimic-breathing exercises and BF. The order of the exercises is shown in large drawings, and the anatomical diagram of the face shows which muscle is involved and which area of ​​the face and neck is improving.

"Bodyflex 2nd effect: lose weight and be healthy"

In the new book of the presenter Russian specialist according to the breathing techniques of Marina Korpan, the safe Bodyflex technique is presented. Special BF breathing and 14 new exercises with a rubber bandage will effectively reduce volumes, get rid of excess weight and at the same time solve problems women's health. The 10-day weight loss plan includes BF and nutritional advice for every day.

"Oxysize: lose weight without holding your breath"

Oxysize gives positive effect in 95% of cases and allows you to: start losing weight after 7 days after starting classes for 15 minutes a day; lose weight without cellulite and sagging skin of the face and body; make the stomach flat, especially after childbirth; tighten the skin of those who have lost weight using other methods.

"Bodyflex for face and body"

A complete gift edition of exercises for the face and body includes all the ingredients for success: BF simple breathing, complexes for a slim figure and oxygen gymnastics for the face, illustrated recipes for healthy dishes.

Parting words from the "Grandmother of Russian Aerobics"

Dear reader! If you are holding this book in your hands, then the problem of excess weight is familiar to you firsthand. Finally! Finally, you will be able to benefit from a weight loss program that is backed by real scientific biomedical evidence.

The author's program of Marina Korpan, presented in this book and brilliantly proven in practice, has been researched on the basis of the Russian State University of Physical Culture and Sports (GTSOLIFK) and the All-Russian Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sports in Moscow and can guarantee the safety and effectiveness of use.

The most prominent scientists and experts in the field of sports and fitness took part in the development of the methodology for the impact of the Marina Korpan method on solving the problem of excess weight: Doctor of Sciences, Professor Evgeny Shirkovets and your obedient servant, professor and "grandmother of Russian aerobics" Marina Rostovtseva.

The results of the scientific research carried out have been published, reported at scientific conferences and received the full approval of the scientific community.

The problem of the perfection of the human body exists as long as humanity itself exists. The 21st century has exacerbated the diseases of civilization associated with the ever-increasing consequences of physical inactivity and mental stress. The situation is constantly aggravated, and in such conditions, naturally, there are many panaceas, both true and false. In recent decades, the whole world has literally rushed to the fight against excess weight. On this wave, the market is filled with lists of all kinds of recommendations on how to get rid of this scourge.

Having caught a brilliant commercial idea in this direction, manufacturers of all kinds of medical nutrition, nutritional supplements, and weight loss products “lying on the couch” perked up. All of them convincingly prove that you will get rid of the kilograms of fat accumulated over the years (nowadays fashionably referred to as "cellulite") simply by magic. You probably believed more than once and experienced disappointment just as many times, suffering from a lack of willpower. One miraculous powder replaces another, anti-cellulite shorts replace anti-cellulite breeches, and over the years accumulated fat deposits safely show off in their places. They become immune to this kind of “things” and even, sometimes, swell by leaps and bounds, acquiring a new, additional volume instead of the muscles lost as a result of destructive diets. A person (and an emotional woman in particular) develops despair and disbelief that something can be done about the problem of excess weight.

Your attention is invited to a book that briefly presents a program to get rid of years of accumulated fat in your favorite "stores", especially in the place where they are most often present - in the abdomen.

The author of this book is undoubtedly an unsurpassed specialist in the field of correction of the female figure. The results in weight loss in women from 17 to 75 years old who attend the "Marina Korpan Studio" in Moscow exceed all expectations and are not short-lived! Most importantly, they do not require the selfless patience of hunger and spoiled health, everything happens naturally, because Marina Korpan's method works in such a way that it not only removes extra centimeters in volume, but also regulates appetite.

This book is unique in that it demonstrates a professional approach to the problem of weight loss. This is natural, because its author is a truly certified specialist in the field of health-improving physical culture and, like any professional, she first conducted a study on herself, getting excellent results! Read, they are presented in the book and, perhaps, will help you to believe in yourself as well.

Take a step towards your own health and beautiful appearance!

Health to you and success!

M.Yu. Rostovtsev,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Gymnastics, Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Director of the Marina Rostovtseva Fitness Studio School

Do you want to lose weight? Convince yourself to really want it!

In order to start and, most importantly, triumphantly complete the process of losing weight, you need to pay attention to several psychological points. Everyone can start, and not turn off the intended path - the lot of the strong in spirit.

First you need to clearly and honestly answer yourself the question: “Do I really want to lose weight and stay slim for life?” No one except yourself (even I, with all my charisma and authority) can push you to lose weight. You and only you must understand for yourself the desire to become healthy and slim. We must clearly decide and set a specific task - to change ourselves. You will be lazy or initially do not believe in future success - you will never lose weight, you can not even take it and not waste time. Self-hypnosis is a very serious thing. Everything that happens to a person, he creates himself and programs himself for success or failure. What is happening to you that you are most afraid of? So stop being afraid! If you do not believe in the positive outcome of your weight loss process, then none of the most famous and advanced methods will help you. You will doubt that Bodyflex or Oksisize will not help - you can breathe 24 hours a day and you will not lose weight even by 1 cm. Therefore, you should have only positive attitudes in your head and full confidence that it is the breathing techniques that will help you be slim and healthy. Decided to change your life? Read on to find out what attitudes helped me and what stereotypes and prejudices you need to get out of your head.

Important Settings

(1) You are only losing weight myself.

When you lose weight and it takes a long time, friends often ask the same question: “For what or for whom are you exhausting yourself like that?” You need to lose weight only for yourself. I had a cherished dream to come to the store and buy myself everything I want, and not what fits me in size from the range presented. And loudly tell the seller that I have the 46th size. Lose weight for yourself, you deserve to be beautiful.

(2) Daily activities are like brushing your teeth.

When women come to the studio, you can immediately determine which of them has already decided to lose weight and will do it successfully, and who will never achieve the result. This is understandable by the questions the ladies ask at the beginning of classes. The women who will never lose weight are the ones who ask, “What, am I going to have to do breathing techniques all my life?” And how did you want? After breathing for a month and losing a certain number of centimeters, you can’t stop exercising. Unfortunately, miracles do not happen. Such a weight loss system, which does not require any physical effort, no strict food restrictions, takes only 20 minutes a day, cannot be limited in time. Breathing techniques are a way of life. You will forever remain the same as now if you do not understand this. Why did you allow yourself to dissolve yourself like that and acquire so many extra pounds? After all, you do not allow yourself, your beloved, to go to work with a dirty head, without makeup, slovenly dressed. So why are you allowing yourself to be fat?

Thanks to breathing practices, you can forget about being overweight forever, all you need- This just deal with it. In the first months - every day, and as soon as you lose weight, you can reduce the number of workouts to 3 times a week. Do not look for excuses and excuses, move forward.

(3) Don't feel sorry for yourself.

More than one woman, like me at one time, cries quietly from everyone and feels sorry for herself, sitting on a diet: “How unhappy I am, I can’t afford anything extra! Others are lucky - they eat everything, but I can’t ... ”There is no need to feel sorry for yourself. You won't be happier for eating an extra piece of cake. Self-pity is the lot of weak people. Think of food as a source of nutrients that your body needs, and eat exactly those foods that will be useful to you. Waste food, in the form of sweet or fatty, does not give anything useful, but is only deposited as a vile load on your stomach, thighs or pope.

(4) Never berate yourself.

Even if you ate something forbidden, then in no case do not dwell on it. No need to think, let alone scold yourself all day or evening for what you ate. Our thoughts are material, and as soon as you start thinking that you have eaten something completely unnecessary, this harmful one will surely be deposited in the wrong place. Therefore, they ate - and forgot, crossed it out of their heads.

(5) Fear of getting better.

Develop a fear of gaining weight again after losing weight. Get it into your head that you are losing weight for the last time in your life and forever! And more you should not have -10-15 kg, then +1 0-15 kg! That's it, you've lost weight and should stay that way for the rest of your life!

Myths that prevent you from losing weight

(1) There must be many good people.

When these words are spoken, the only word that comes to mind is "loser." And this is not rudeness, but a harsh reality. Such statements are excuses for a complete person. Inside, it is very difficult and embarrassing for him for his fullness, and such wonderful words relieve the fat man of responsibility for his weight. When they say that thin people are evil, it sounds like complete nonsense. A person cannot be good or evil just because he is fat or thin. It depends on the character with which he was born, and on his life beliefs.

(2) My husband loves me like this.

I will never, ever, trust anyone. It is unlikely that you married full. Even if this is so, then believe me, every man wants to see a beautiful, slim and self-confident woman / wife next to him. There is no doubt that a person is loved for his inner world, and not for thinness. But harmony in modern life plays an important role. The worst thing is that we, women, are to blame for this ourselves, having made a cult of weight loss. We talk about it all the time in front of men. We approach our husband and ask: am I fat? oh, and at me the cellulite is strongly visible? etc. Sometimes it seems that men are no worse than women in matters of weight loss. Opening magazines and turning on the TV, our men everywhere come across a hype around weight loss. And looking at well-groomed, slender, athletic women around them in transport, at work, on the street, on a subconscious level, they begin to compare beauties with you. Maybe your loved one will not tell you that it is time to lose weight, but sooner or later this thought will settle in his head. No matter how much a person loves and adores you, no one has canceled such a thing as “aesthetic pleasure”. No one will be pleased to feel in the arms of the body fat of another person when making love. A man is initially set to compare and evaluate women in his environment. Imagine how he and you feel when you meet friends whose wives and girlfriends are slim and you are obviously different. You will inevitably be shy. My dear women, don't believe your husbands when they say they love you for who you are, unless, of course, you are a beauty pageant winner.

Surprise your man by appearing in front of him as beloved, wonderful, but also slender. And only then ask him: “Darling, which one do you like better?” I am 100% sure that he will like the new you much more.

The thorny path to harmony: the story of Marina Korpan in the first person

little bbw

For as long as I can remember, I have always been fat. To be more precise, I don't remember ever being skinny.

The history of fullness began in childhood.

In the eighties, our family - mom, dad and a three-year-old daughter - went to live in Latin America. At home, it was customary to feed everyone to satiety. Mom always offered a choice of two first courses, two second courses, not to mention sweets. You can imagine: in the 80s, after our hungry, poor in terms of nutrition Union, to enter a country with an abundance of varied, beautiful and delicious food. In Peru, I discovered a huge world of various sweets: Snickers, Mars, lollipops, chips and chewing gum. All this was eaten with incredible speed and in huge quantities.

We often went to restaurants, palons (they cook amazing chicken on fire), sibicheri. Sibicheria are local restaurants that serve the national Latin American dish Sibichu: raw fish drenched in lemon juice. I really wanted to try all this.

Of course, the parents tried to limit the child, but dad had great love for me and thought: let the girl eat. So I began to approach the extra pounds.

In June 1990 we returned to Russia and in September I went to school. How terrible that First of September was: I go to the first class in an incomprehensible prickly brown dress, a white apron, with a bow on my head, flowers, and even in pantyhose. But the nightmare didn't end there.

When we were taken to some “BUFFET” for breakfast, I cried because I did not understand this word. On the way, I thought what it was, probably something like a restaurant. But, when she saw what the children would be fed, she simply lost the power of speech.

The first week was a real shock, so when I ran home, I swept away everything that came in my way. But some time passed, and the child adapted a little. I just found in my "favorite" buffet, something that after 10 years will be so hard to refuse. There were favorite pies with potatoes and cabbage, rum women, muffins and glazed curds. You could easily eat five of them in one sitting. A huge amount of calories, not counting everything that was absorbed per day besides this.

Upon returning from school, a full lunch was waiting for me. The idea that I look much larger than my classmates, of course, arose, but it was comforting that there were two girls in the class who were fatter than me.

When you remember the food in those days, the hair stands on end. Every summer I was sent with Aunt Valya to the Tver region, to the village.

A typical day started like this. For breakfast - a full plate of porridge with a "doctor" or "amateur" sausage bite. For some reason, porridge was recognized only with sausage. Then there were a couple of sandwiches and stuff, five small pancakes with sour cream.

In good weather, my friends and I ran away to swim and sunbathe on the lake, taking seeds, sweets and soda with us. At 3 p.m., the turn of a full-fledged lunch came with the first and second, which ended with tea with a cake, cookies and sweets.

They ate whenever they could. My mother (a very hospitable nature) always invited all my friends to tea. The guys knew that in the evening Marinka would have gatherings with large white bagels, butter and delicious jam. In the evening we ran out into the street - burned a fire, sat around it, fried bread and baked potatoes. My God, how wonderful it was!

Thus began the path to 75-80 kilograms.

But this was not my option: they loved the way they are, and being overweight has never been an obstacle to flirting with the boys. Of course, they said that I was plump, but somehow in the form of a joke and not with malice.

I can’t say that I didn’t think that I looked somehow wrong, but I didn’t do anything about it. Just keep eating and enjoying life. Visually, she did not look large due to sufficient physical development and the absence of dangling and shaking fat.

At the end of the first grade, a classmate invited me to go to dance classes together. Why not? And on the same day I went to the first lesson.

The classes were a mix of folk dances and choreography 2-3 times a week. Quite often the band performed at various concerts and events. The choreographer was always surprised: how with such a large build you can easily, freely dance and have an amazing stretch. At all performances, I stood in the first line. Adorable dances predetermined the future profession of a coach.

Tired of being fat

Life without complexes and thoughts about appearance continued.

The very first impulse to lose weight arose during a trip with my mother and our friends on vacation to Greece. With us was a girl Lena, very thin and slender. I remember my feelings and the uncomfortable state next to her: I looked at her, then at myself and was horrified. In their 1 5 For years, she wore very stylish and fashionable things, and I understood that it was simply unrealistic for me to fit into them. Then came the realization of one's own fullness.

A few more years passed, graduation party was approaching. In 1st grade I wanted to change something in myself, I went to the hairdresser and got a short haircut. She was good, but even more emphasized the fullness with a round and plump face. __ Putting on my prom dress and looking in the mirror, I said to myself: “Yes, Marinka, you look great, but it would be great to remove the excess here and here. Well, in general, and so nothing.

The ceremonial part of the graduation was over, and we went to celebrate in a restaurant. Everyone had a lot of fun, but it was at this evening that the second bell rang that it was time for me to lose weight and change.

I love to dance very much and without modesty I can say that I dance really well. At all parties, I was always the ringleader in dancing. We arrived at the restaurant, raised a toast, talked, laughed. I look - everyone is sitting sour and no one is going to dance. I decided to take the initiative, as usual, into my own hands and began to pull everyone out onto the dance floor, but this time the idea was not successful. Everyone was embarrassed by the teachers and worried that, God forbid, they would do something wrong.

A friend who was sitting next to me said: “Marinka, go call our history teacher, he loves to dance. You are brave, come on, otherwise we will sit all evening like this. Was not! I got up and invited him. True, she was very worried: what if she refuses? Thank God he agreed.

It was a complete success. There was a chain reaction, everyone started to get up and dance with us. When the music ended, a teacher in her favorite subject - physical education - came up and said that I was just a good fellow, that none of the teachers had ever come off like that at graduation. But then she added ill-fated words, saying that if I were 15 kilograms less, it would be generally ...

Can you imagine my state after such words? At that moment, I just wanted to fall through the ground. There was no desire to have any more fun.

Many years later, I can say thank you so much for those hurtful words. Otherwise, there would be no story about the history of weight loss, and there would never have been a collection of techniques that so easily help to say goodbye to unnecessary fat.

Graduation was in June, in the summer I again went to the village and for the first time tried to do something. I started running, it seems, I ate less, but my patience didn’t last long, so not a single kilogram went anywhere.

One day, after lectures, I decided to visit my school friend Anya, who entered the Institute of Physical Education of the Russian State University of Physical Culture. It was funny: Anya was always overweight, in addition, she did not go to physical education due to a dislocation of the hip joint, and then oops! is such an institution.

Ironically, a few years later I also graduated from this institute and I really regret that the first education was not sports. Who then would have thought that life and favorite work would be connected with fitness?

But back to the story. We drank tea, talked about studying and there were tears in Anya's eyes. She told how she, a fat woman, is treated in a group - they laugh and insult. A friend decided to change - go on a diet and do fitness. There was a magazine on the table, where the methods to choose from were presented. This magazine and Anya's story became the starting point in my struggle with extra pounds.

Current page: 1 (total book has 7 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 2 pages]

Marina Igorevna Korpan
Bodyflex: Breathe and lose weight

Marina Korpan - the only certified specialist in Russia for weight loss and body shaping using Bodyflex and Oxysize breathing techniques

Parting words from the "Grandmother of Russian Aerobics"

Dear reader! If you are holding this book in your hands, then the problem of excess weight is familiar to you firsthand. Finally! Finally, you will be able to benefit from a weight loss program that is backed by real scientific biomedical evidence.

The author's program of Marina Korpan, presented in this book and brilliantly proven in practice, has been researched on the basis of the Russian State University of Physical Culture and Sports (GTSOLIFK) and the All-Russian Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sports in Moscow and can guarantee the safety and effectiveness of use.

The most prominent scientists and experts in the field of sports and fitness took part in the development of the methodology for the impact of the Marina Korpan method on solving the problem of excess weight: Doctor of Sciences, Professor Evgeny Shirkovets and your obedient servant, professor and "grandmother of Russian aerobics" Marina Rostovtseva. The results of the scientific research carried out have been published, reported at scientific conferences and received the full approval of the scientific community.

The problem of the perfection of the human body exists as long as humanity itself exists. The 21st century has exacerbated the diseases of civilization associated with the ever-increasing consequences of physical inactivity and mental stress. The situation is constantly aggravated, and in such conditions, naturally, there are many panaceas, both true and false. In recent decades, the whole world has literally rushed to the fight against excess weight. On this wave, the market is filled with lists of all kinds of recommendations on how to get rid of this scourge.

Having caught a brilliant commercial idea in this direction, manufacturers of all kinds of medical nutrition, nutritional supplements, and weight loss products “lying on the couch” perked up. All of them convincingly prove that you will get rid of the kilograms of fat accumulated over the years (nowadays fashionably referred to as "cellulite") simply by magic. You probably believed more than once and experienced disappointment just as many times, suffering from a lack of willpower. One miraculous powder replaces another, anti-cellulite shorts replace anti-cellulite breeches, and over the years accumulated fat deposits safely show off in their places. They become immune to this kind of “things” and even, sometimes, swell by leaps and bounds, acquiring a new, additional volume instead of the muscles lost as a result of destructive diets. A person (and an emotional woman in particular) develops despair and disbelief that something can be done about the problem of excess weight.

Your attention is invited to a book that briefly presents a program to get rid of years of accumulated fat in your favorite "stores", especially in the place where they are most often present - in the abdomen.

The author of this book is undoubtedly an unsurpassed specialist in the field of correction of the female figure. The results in weight loss in women from 17 to 75 years old who attend the "Marina Korpan Studio" in Moscow exceed all expectations and are not short-lived! Most importantly, they do not require the selfless patience of hunger and spoiled health, everything happens naturally, because Marina Korpan's method works in such a way that it not only removes extra centimeters in volume, but also regulates appetite.

This book is unique in that it demonstrates a professional approach to the problem of weight loss. This is natural, because its author is a truly certified specialist in the field of health-improving physical culture and, like any professional, she first conducted a study on herself, getting excellent results! Read, they are presented in the book and, perhaps, will help you to believe in yourself as well.

Take a step towards your own health and beautiful appearance!

Health to you and success!

M.Yu. Rostovtsev,

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Gymnastics, Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Director of the Marina Rostovtseva Fitness Studio School

Do you want to lose weight? Convince yourself to really want it!

In order to start and, most importantly, triumphantly complete the process of losing weight, you need to pay attention to several psychological points. Everyone can start, and not turn off the intended path - the lot of the strong in spirit.

First you need to clearly and honestly answer yourself the question: “Do I really want to lose weight and stay slim for life?” No one except yourself (even I, with all my charisma and authority) can push you to lose weight. You and only you must understand for yourself the desire to become healthy and slim. We must clearly decide and set a specific task - to change ourselves. You will be lazy or initially do not believe in future success - you will never lose weight, you can not even take it and not waste time. Self-hypnosis is a very serious thing. Everything that happens to a person, he creates himself and programs himself for success or failure. What is happening to you that you are most afraid of? So stop being afraid! If you do not believe in the positive outcome of your weight loss process, then none of the most famous and advanced methods will help you. You will doubt that Bodyflex or Oksisize will not help - you can breathe 24 hours a day and you will not lose weight even by 1 cm. Therefore, you should have only positive attitudes in your head and full confidence that it is the breathing techniques that will help you be slim and healthy. Decided to change your life? Read on to find out what attitudes helped me and what stereotypes and prejudices you need to get out of your head.

Important Settings

(1) You are only losing weight myself.

When you lose weight and it takes a long time, friends often ask the same question: “For what or for whom are you exhausting yourself like that?” You need to lose weight only for yourself. I had a cherished dream to come to the store and buy myself everything I want, and not what fits me in size from the range presented. And loudly tell the seller that I have the 46th size. Lose weight for yourself, you deserve to be beautiful.

(2) Daily activities are like brushing your teeth.

When women come to the studio, you can immediately determine which of them has already decided to lose weight and will do it successfully, and who will never achieve the result. This is understandable by the questions the ladies ask at the beginning of classes. The women who will never lose weight are the ones who ask, “What, am I going to have to do breathing techniques all my life?” And how did you want? After breathing for a month and losing a certain number of centimeters, you can’t stop exercising. Unfortunately, miracles do not happen. Such a weight loss system, which does not require any physical effort, no strict food restrictions, takes only 20 minutes a day, cannot be limited in time. Breathing techniques are a way of life. You will forever remain the same as now if you do not understand this. Why did you allow yourself to dissolve yourself like that and acquire so many extra pounds? After all, you do not allow yourself, your beloved, to go to work with a dirty head, without makeup, slovenly dressed. So why are you allowing yourself to be fat?

Thanks to breathing practices, you can forget about being overweight forever, all you need- This just deal with it. In the first months - every day, and as soon as you lose weight, you can reduce the number of workouts to 3 times a week. Do not look for excuses and excuses, move forward.

(3) Don't feel sorry for yourself.

More than one woman, like me at one time, cries quietly from everyone and feels sorry for herself, sitting on a diet: “How unhappy I am, I can’t afford anything extra! Others are lucky - they eat everything, but I can’t ... ”There is no need to feel sorry for yourself. You won't be happier for eating an extra piece of cake. Self-pity is the lot of weak people. Think of food as a source of nutrients that your body needs, and eat exactly those foods that will be useful to you. Waste food, in the form of sweet or fatty, does not give anything useful, but is only deposited as a vile load on your stomach, thighs or pope.

(4) Never berate yourself.

Even if you ate something forbidden, then in no case do not dwell on it. No need to think, let alone scold yourself all day or evening for what you ate. Our thoughts are material, and as soon as you start thinking that you have eaten something completely unnecessary, this harmful one will surely be deposited in the wrong place. Therefore, they ate - and forgot, crossed it out of their heads.

(5) Fear of getting better.

Develop a fear of gaining weight again after losing weight. Get it into your head that you are losing weight for the last time in your life and forever! And more you should not have -10-15 kg, then +1 0-15 kg! That's it, you've lost weight and should stay that way for the rest of your life!

Myths that prevent you from losing weight

(1) There must be many good people.

When these words are spoken, the only word that comes to mind is "loser." And this is not rudeness, but a harsh reality. Such statements are excuses for a complete person. Inside, it is very difficult and embarrassing for him for his fullness, and such wonderful words relieve the fat man of responsibility for his weight. When they say that thin people are evil, it sounds like complete nonsense. A person cannot be good or evil just because he is fat or thin. It depends on the character with which he was born, and on his life beliefs.

(2) My husband loves me like this.

I will never, ever, trust anyone. It is unlikely that you married full. Even if this is so, then believe me, every man wants to see a beautiful, slim and self-confident woman / wife next to him. There is no doubt that a person is loved for his inner world, and not for thinness. But harmony in modern life plays an important role. The worst thing is that we, women, are to blame for this ourselves, having made a cult of weight loss. We talk about it all the time in front of men. We approach our husband and ask: am I fat? oh, and at me the cellulite is strongly visible? etc. Sometimes it seems that men are no worse than women in matters of weight loss. Opening magazines and turning on the TV, our men everywhere come across a hype around weight loss. And looking at well-groomed, slender, athletic women around them in transport, at work, on the street, on a subconscious level, they begin to compare beauties with you. Maybe your loved one will not tell you that it is time to lose weight, but sooner or later this thought will settle in his head. No matter how much a person loves and adores you, no one has canceled such a thing as “aesthetic pleasure”. No one will be pleased to feel in the arms of the body fat of another person when making love. A man is initially set to compare and evaluate women in his environment. Imagine how he and you feel when you meet friends whose wives and girlfriends are slim and you are obviously different. You will inevitably be shy. My dear women, don't believe your husbands when they say they love you for who you are, unless, of course, you are a beauty pageant winner.

Surprise your man by appearing in front of him as beloved, wonderful, but also slender. And only then ask him: “Darling, which one do you like better?” I am 100% sure that he will like the new you much more.

The thorny path to harmony: the story of Marina Korpan in the first person

little bbw

For as long as I can remember, I have always been fat. To be more precise, I don't remember ever being skinny.

The history of fullness began in childhood.

In the eighties, our family - mom, dad and a three-year-old daughter - went to live in Latin America. At home, it was customary to feed everyone to satiety. Mom always offered a choice of two first courses, two second courses, not to mention sweets. You can imagine: in the 80s, after our hungry, poor in terms of nutrition Union, to enter a country with an abundance of varied, beautiful and delicious food. In Peru, I discovered a huge world of various sweets: Snickers, Mars, lollipops, chips and chewing gum. All this was eaten with incredible speed and in huge quantities.

We often went to restaurants, palons (they cook amazing chicken on fire), sibicheri. Sibicheria are local restaurants that serve the national Latin American dish Sibichu: raw fish drenched in lemon juice. I really wanted to try all this.

Of course, the parents tried to limit the child, but dad had great love for me and thought: let the girl eat. So I began to approach the extra pounds.

In June 1990 we returned to Russia and in September I went to school. How terrible that First of September was: I go to the first class in an incomprehensible prickly brown dress, a white apron, with a bow on my head, flowers, and even in pantyhose. But the nightmare didn't end there.

When we were taken to some “BUFFET” for breakfast, I cried because I did not understand this word. On the way, I thought what it was, probably something like a restaurant. But, when she saw what the children would be fed, she simply lost the power of speech.

The first week was a real shock, so when I ran home, I swept away everything that came in my way. But some time passed, and the child adapted a little. I just found in my "favorite" buffet, something that after 10 years will be so hard to refuse. There were favorite pies with potatoes and cabbage, rum women, muffins and glazed curds. You could easily eat five of them in one sitting. A huge amount of calories, not counting everything that was absorbed per day besides this.

Upon returning from school, a full lunch was waiting for me. The idea that I look much larger than my classmates, of course, arose, but it was comforting that there were two girls in the class who were fatter than me.

When you remember the food in those days, the hair stands on end. Every summer I was sent with Aunt Valya to the Tver region, to the village.

A typical day started like this. For breakfast - a full plate of porridge with a "doctor" or "amateur" sausage bite. For some reason, porridge was recognized only with sausage. Then there were a couple of sandwiches and stuff, five small pancakes with sour cream.

In good weather, my friends and I ran away to swim and sunbathe on the lake, taking seeds, sweets and soda with us. At 3 p.m., the turn of a full-fledged lunch came with the first and second, which ended with tea with a cake, cookies and sweets.

They ate whenever they could. My mother (a very hospitable nature) always invited all my friends to tea. The guys knew that in the evening Marinka would have gatherings with large white bagels, butter and delicious jam. In the evening we ran out into the street - burned a fire, sat around it, fried bread and baked potatoes. My God, how wonderful it was!

Thus began the path to 75-80 kilograms.

But this was not my option: they loved the way they are, and being overweight has never been an obstacle to flirting with the boys. Of course, they said that I was plump, but somehow in the form of a joke and not with malice.

I can’t say that I didn’t think that I looked somehow wrong, but I didn’t do anything about it. Just keep eating and enjoying life. Visually, she did not look large due to sufficient physical development and the absence of dangling and shaking fat.

At the end of the first grade, a classmate invited me to go to dance classes together. Why not? And on the same day I went to the first lesson.

The classes were a mix of folk dances and choreography 2-3 times a week. Quite often the band performed at various concerts and events. The choreographer was always surprised: how with such a large build you can easily, freely dance and have an amazing stretch. At all performances, I stood in the first line. Adorable dances predetermined the future profession of a coach.

Tired of being fat

Life without complexes and thoughts about appearance continued.

The very first impulse to lose weight arose during a trip with my mother and our friends on vacation to Greece. With us was a girl Lena, very thin and slender. I remember my feelings and the uncomfortable state next to her: I looked at her, then at myself and was horrified. In their 1 5 For years, she wore very stylish and fashionable things, and I understood that it was simply unrealistic for me to fit into them. Then came the realization of one's own fullness.

A few more years passed, graduation party was approaching. In 1st grade I wanted to change something in myself, I went to the hairdresser and got a short haircut. She was good, but even more emphasized the fullness with a round and plump face. __ Putting on my prom dress and looking in the mirror, I said to myself: “Yes, Marinka, you look great, but it would be great to remove the excess here and here. Well, in general, and so nothing.

The ceremonial part of the graduation was over, and we went to celebrate in a restaurant. Everyone had a lot of fun, but it was at this evening that the second bell rang that it was time for me to lose weight and change.

I love to dance very much and without modesty I can say that I dance really well. At all parties, I was always the ringleader in dancing. We arrived at the restaurant, raised a toast, talked, laughed. I look - everyone is sitting sour and no one is going to dance. I decided to take the initiative, as usual, into my own hands and began to pull everyone out onto the dance floor, but this time the idea was not successful. Everyone was embarrassed by the teachers and worried that, God forbid, they would do something wrong.

A friend who was sitting next to me said: “Marinka, go call our history teacher, he loves to dance. You are brave, come on, otherwise we will sit all evening like this. Was not! I got up and invited him. True, she was very worried: what if she refuses? Thank God he agreed.

It was a complete success. There was a chain reaction, everyone started to get up and dance with us. When the music ended, a teacher in her favorite subject - physical education - came up and said that I was just a good fellow, that none of the teachers had ever come off like that at graduation. But then she added ill-fated words, saying that if I were 15 kilograms less, it would be generally ...

Can you imagine my state after such words? At that moment, I just wanted to fall through the ground. There was no desire to have any more fun.

Many years later, I can say thank you so much for those hurtful words. Otherwise, there would be no story about the history of weight loss, and there would never have been a collection of techniques that so easily help to say goodbye to unnecessary fat.

Graduation was in June, in the summer I again went to the village and for the first time tried to do something. I started running, it seems, I ate less, but my patience didn’t last long, so not a single kilogram went anywhere.

One day, after lectures, I decided to visit my school friend Anya, who entered the Institute of Physical Education of the Russian State University of Physical Culture. It was funny: Anya was always overweight, in addition, she did not go to physical education due to a dislocation of the hip joint, and then oops! is such an institution.

Ironically, a few years later I also graduated from this institute and I really regret that the first education was not sports. Who then would have thought that life and favorite work would be connected with fitness?

But back to the story. We drank tea, talked about studying and there were tears in Anya's eyes. She told how she, a fat woman, is treated in a group - they laugh and insult. A friend decided to change - go on a diet and do fitness. There was a magazine on the table, where the methods to choose from were presented. This magazine and Anya's story became the starting point in my struggle with extra pounds.

Weight loss and disease...

Weight loss started on October 5th. I can’t explain to you why it was on October 5th - probably, on this day, something happened in the Universe for me. I clearly remember that, waking up in the morning, I said to myself: I will never be the same as now.

I came to the kitchen, gathering all my will into a fist, and announced to everyone that I no longer eat from a common boiler, but eat separately, and the path to a slim figure began.

I honestly stayed on a diet for 2 weeks, managed to lose about 5 kilograms, and after that I seemed to have been replaced. Yes, I forgot to say that the starting weight was 75 kg with a height of 160 centimeters.

I started throwing myself into all the diets, buying up all the books on nutrition. I went shopping with my mother, and while she was choosing products, she ran like crazy to the racks with glossy magazines and watched what was new about nutrition, diet and training.

How much money was spent on these magazines ... horror.

The understanding came about the need to connect training. Here the matter was more complicated. To be honest, I, like many other people, was not particularly aware of what they do in fitness clubs and what it is in general. My brother's wife came to the rescue. She went to the gym and once offered to join.

It was kind of sad to see how huge men lift weights, and women pump the press to the point of insanity.

After learning that I want to lose weight, the coach told me to lie down, pump the press and lift my legs up from a prone position as much as I can, and then pedal on the exercise bike.

I went to the fitness club three times, and that was it. From then until today, the gym has not seen me.

A little later, my brother's wife got a job as a massage therapist in a fitness club and invited me to come to step aerobics classes.

What an interesting thing this step is! .. I liked the classes very much, the chords caught on the fly - the dancing past helped. But it was scary to fall or stumble on the platform. True, this also did not last long, but not because it was hard or did not like it, but because I was unlucky with a mentor.

No energy came from the coach. There was a complete feeling that she was training only to admire herself for the whole hour. We (there were a lot of chubby ones in the group) were complete nonentities for this woman.

This behavior taught a very good lesson for life about how you should never treat people who come to your classes. Becoming a coach, I made a vow to myself that I would never in my life be like this lady: I ​​would only look at the people who came to me for training, and not in mirrors.

On uh that group training came to an end. There was nothing left to do but start studying fitness disciplines herself.

The main criterion for choosing a particular workout was the number of calories that can be lost during classes. If it was an impressive figure, the option was accepted. Purchases of various fitness, aerobics and shaping discs have begun.

I can’t explain why and how, but, without understanding either anatomy or physiology, or fitness itself, I managed to feel and understand what needs to be done in order to pump this or that muscle. No wonder they say that we live several lives. Everything seemed so familiar, as if I had done something like this somewhere in the distant past.

When training on my own, I had to imagine myself as a coach who leads the class. It helped to push myself. Especially favorite was the shaping disc, where there was only one coach, and not three, which gave different loads. The program was for the advanced: complex and difficult. But no one was going to give up.

The coach - her name, by the way, was also Marina - was just a stone face. There was a feeling that she did not get tired of what she was doing at all. And that spurred on even more. I told myself: I will be like her, I will achieve my goal, I will be as thin and I will be able to perform all the exercises just as easily.

Colossal efforts were expended on shaping, changes took place with the body, but it was very difficult. I had to start monitoring my diet, but it was hard to imagine where it could lead in the end.

Something switched in my head, and I just started to go crazy with counting calories, with products, with labels on jars. Life has been a real hell. Having practically stopped eating, she began to rush from one extreme to another, from one diet to another: in a word, the roof really went.

Now I don’t remember exactly how many kilograms a month I managed to lose, but the weight loss was quite rapid. Coming to the institute, I so wanted to pounce on all these pizzas, pies, rolls, I had to persuade myself that I should not do this.

Probably the only thing that was easy to deny yourself was chocolate and sweets - rare luck not to love them. Things were more complicated with cookies.

Before I started losing weight, I never paid attention to how slim people eat. But during the diets, it is not clear where the feeling of anger towards the thin ones came from because they eat so little.

The first time this feeling appeared in my head was when my close friend and I went to dinner at the institute. Hungry like a wolf, I really understood that I could not afford anything except vegetables. And out of all the abundance of food, she chose a small cutlet and stewed cabbage. For such a choice, with unlimited possibilities, you can simply kill.

The case ended with a cry: “What, you can’t eat properly!” The answer was surprising: “I don’t eat much, but I eat what I want. That's enough for me."

It was a shock: I am starving myself, I don’t eat anything, I’m doing fitness like crazy, and my friend just eats a little bit of what she wants, all her life, without making any cult of food, without doing fitness, and at the same time looks like everything one hundred.

A friend helped me a lot to get through the diet. She said, “Is food really that important to you? Why eat so much? You can eat a little, and then, if you want, eat more.

Olya often came to visit, and when we sat down at the table, she was always surprised by the volume of dinner. I justified myself by the fact that my mother cooks well, so soup alone is not enough for dinner. But then it was time for tea, and then her friend's eyes widened even more. A huge amount of sweets, cookies, jams, etc. were laid out on the table. Yes, how can you not get better here when there are so many delicious things!

At the beginning of the process of losing weight, the most difficult thing was to abandon the curd mass with dried apricots. My God, how I loved her and still love her! I could eat 250 g and catch up with sandwiches.

I remember how Olya beat off the desire to abuse this yummy for the rest of her life. We sat down to drink tea, and I almost began to meditate on this pack. She looked at me and said: “Yes, Marinka, well, you are a weakling.”

Am I weak? My eyes literally bled at that moment. And she continued: “Can't you not eat this rubbish? She's so fat. Imagine how you swallow spoon by spoon this mixture of cottage cheese with the fattest butter and sugar, and all this fat is deposited on your body. You know, Olya didn’t seem to say anything special, but I got up, took a pack of this mass and threw it out of my life forever.

This is how stereotypes about food slowly began to break. To be honest, it was very hard. I had to take a container with chopped vegetables to the institute. She sat and gnawed carrots, cucumbers, cabbage, Peking salad with bran in a bite from under the desk.

Diets and fitness were delayed. When you watch all these programs about girls who are losing weight without a head and they are going crazy, you think that this is complete nonsense and this does not happen. But when you plunge into this weight loss environment, you understand that you can become even worse than these unfortunate people.

So much literature about weight loss, diets, the right lifestyle, workouts was shoveled! .. The entire home library turned into a collection of books on diets. A reference book of caloric content of products was memorized. The inscriptions on the packages and food labels were easy to understand, as if they were being read by a nutritionist. All diets have been tried on myself.

Can you imagine how stressed my body was? Every week or two he had to go on some kind of diet. The worst thing is that all this even gave pleasure. In magazines, eyes looked for information on how many kilograms can be lost on a particular diet.

But for maximalists, the matter is not limited to diets alone: ​​they finish themselves to the end. And I started, like a fanatic, to increase physical activity.

The day began like this: rise at 6.00 in the morning. From 6.00-7.00 - aerobics and shaping, 7.30-7.45 - jumping rope. Before leaving for the institute, fat-free cottage cheese was eaten - thank God, even though I ate it every other day! - and low-calorie cheese or oatmeal on the water. After class, I cycled the exercise bike for 40 minutes, then ran up the stairs from the first to the seventh floor for 30 minutes.

There was even a specially designed stair running program to pump all the leg muscles. All the neighbors in the entrance knew about this running around. After the stairs, an hour-long workout followed by a cassette with your favorite trainer. After all this, it was hard to even say “moo”. I only had enough strength to fall on the bed and fall asleep.

After a couple of hours, having recovered a little, she sat down for dinner. A plate of lean vegetable soup and a salad with lemon. From such food, the body began to lack many vitamins and minerals. The body just demanded lemons. They were eaten like apples, 3-4 per day.

Problem fat people in that they eat huge portions. Salads were prepared simply in bowls. I ate low-calorie food, but ate as much as a normal person is not able to digest.

Mom always said: “Yes, it would be better if you ate a piece of chicken and ate than a whole bowl of salad, because you still go hungry. You're just stretching your stomach." I had dinner with lentils and again salad. While my parents were watching TV, I put on headphones and danced to the music. This is how I tortured myself day after day.

3 months passed, I lost a lot of weight, I was happy, but to the cherished 55 kg has not reached yet. And then the first bell rang that something was going wrong in the body - menstruation began to be delayed. Didn't give it much importance. Well no and no. There was nothing to be afraid of. It didn’t even occur to me that this could be due to minimal nutrition and large physical activity. Then the hair began to fall out. Always long and thick - gradually not even half of the braids remained.

Another month has passed, and Great Lent has come. I decided to try fasting for the first time in my life. What is a post? This is no meat, poultry, cottage cheese, milk, fish. Sitting on a diet, I even ate cottage cheese and allowed myself a piece of boiled chicken or fish 2 times a week. With the beginning of fasting, this minuscule amount of protein was excluded from the diet.

Oxysize is a unique complex consisting of a special breathing exercises, stretching elements and static strength exercises, which is aimed at reducing subcutaneous fat deposits and general strengthening of the human body. This system originated in the USA, and it became popular in the CIS countries thanks to a professional trainer and instructor Marina Korpan, whose training videos are becoming more and more popular every year.

A bit of history and the principle of operation of the oxysize technique “Breathe and lose weight”

This breathing technique was developed by an American schoolteacher Jill Johnson, who built her complex on special breathing techniques, step-by-step deep muscle stretching and holding static postures. The program includes some elements of body flex, yoga, callanetics and Pilates, but in general it is a unique and original technique.

The principle of operation of the Oxysize complex is based on the participation of oxygen in the metabolic processes of the body. Since fat cells are made of carbon, with appropriate breathing exercises they can be oxidized, thereby reducing body volume in right places. This technique does not require special skills or additional equipment and takes very little time - about 20 minutes every day.

The benefits of oxysize exercises

The principle of this system consists in the sequential execution of certain steps of diaphragmatic breathing, which, in addition to two well-known points (inhalation-exhalation), also includes such concepts as inhalation and exhalation. It is due to the fact that there is no period in this technique that it is considered more useful than other similar techniques.

The advantage of this respiratory program is not only the ability to get rid of excess body fat, but also a qualitative improvement in human health. Due to the active saturation of the body with oxygen, the “Breathe and Lose Weight” oxysize technique is perfect for those who suffer from hypertension, diabetes, problems with the musculoskeletal system and a number of other diseases. Breathing exercises normalize blood pressure, improve blood circulation and help restore damaged body tissues.

Strengthening major muscle groups

Although oxysize exercises are built on proper breathing, a huge number of muscles are involved in the process of their implementation. constant tension and active saturation of tissues with oxygen allow you to build up a decent muscle mass, which, in turn, accelerates the metabolic processes of the body.

This entails additional and reduction of volumes in problem areas. In addition, strong muscles are the key to the smooth functioning of the cardiovascular system, as well as excellent prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Precautions and contraindications

Although the Breathe and Lose Oxysize system seems relatively easy and simple to use, it is not for everyone. Firstly, it is more effective for those people who are trying to get rid of fat deposits in the abdomen, arms and back, since it is precisely top part body. Secondly, there are a number of restrictions - pregnant women and people who have recently undergone any operations should not do it. This breathing exercise is also contraindicated in those who suffer from diseases such as cysts, epilepsy, various tumors, increased intracranial pressure, diseases of the kidneys and respiratory organs. It is also undesirable to use this technique during the period of infectious and viral diseases.

The real effect of using the technique

The oxysize technique for weight loss is really effective only in combination with proper nutrition and the absence of bad habits. If you abuse fatty and sweet, then you should not expect a result from this breathing technique.

But with the proper organization of your diet, as well as with sufficient fluid intake and the nutrients and vitamins necessary for the body, the Oxysize technique will be an excellent assistant in the fight against extra pounds and volumes. It is also good to take regular walks, and if health allows, then other adequate physical activity will not interfere.

To achieve the desired result, classes should be regular. The best option is at least 20 minutes every day. Performing the technique from time to time, even for a longer time, will not bring the desired effect.

You should also adjust the daily diet - minimize the use of artificial products, as well as foods with a lot of flavors, preservatives, stabilizers and other similar additives. The menu should be varied with vegetables, fruits, cereals and dairy products. It is also important to drink enough water daily - this will significantly speed up the metabolism and help remove excess body fat.

Basic oxysize breathing technique and technique for its implementation

Before proceeding directly static exercises and elements of stretching, you need to master the breathing technique of the oxysize technique. How to breathe correctly is one of the first points of mastering this program, without which the subsequent stages are impossible. This item should be brought to automatism, which usually takes about two weeks.

Education correct breathing consists of several stages:

  1. You need to stand straight, take your shoulder blades back and bend your knees a little. After that, you should draw in the stomach, but not very much, and slightly push the pelvis forward.
  2. Now you need to take a deep breath through your nose, tighten your abdominal muscles and capture even more air with three quick breaths.
  3. Next, you should take a deep breath through your mouth, relax your muscles and move your pelvis back.
  4. At the end, three quick exhalations follow to completely get rid of the air.

Such a sequence is mandatory in the Oxysize technique “Breathe and lose weight”. Exercises are performed in a static form and consist of four cycles of the specified breathing method. For those who are just starting to master this technique, the number of repetitions of this procedure should be at least 10 times.

Basic exercises of the oxysize system

To date, there are several different sets of exercises for oxysize, but the most common are the following:

Lateral stretch

To do this, you need to stand straight, take your shoulders back, bend your knees slightly, raise right hand up and lean to the right behind it, without falling forward or backward. Hold this pose for 4 breaths. The exercise should be repeated three times on each side.

Wall squat

You need to stand against the wall, lean against it with a straight back and sit down. When the thighs are parallel to the floor, you need to stretch your arms, squeeze their palm into palm in front of chest and perform 4 respiratory cycles. The exercise should be repeated three times.

Push ups

You need to turn your face to the wall and lean on it with your hands, exposed directly in front of your chest. Next, you should wring out and, at the point of greatest tension, stand on your toes and line up the body in one straight line. linger in such static posture needed for 4 respiratory cycles. Repeat three times.


You should stand up straight, sit down slightly and start pressing your feet into the floor as hard as possible. Stay in this position for 4 breathing cycles. The exercise must be repeated three times.

The listed exercises are far from complete, and every year there are more and more of them. Oxysize lessons may also differ depending on the level of difficulty, the state of health of the person and the sequence of movements. The best option is to study the exercises of this technique under the supervision of professional trainer and subsequent independent implementation of them at home.

Oxysize with Marina Korpan

Oxysize technique in the Russian-speaking territory became popular thanks to the famous fitness instructor and trainer Marina Korpan. The girl tried this unique technique on herself and amazingly quickly returned to great shape after childbirth. In his complexes, the trainer tries to choose the most optimal exercises and step-by-step explanations available for everyone. This is especially important for those who do not work with personal trainer and for some reason can not visit the fitness room. The trainer has his own studio, where he has been practicing this technique for several years. Marina Korpan is also the author of numerous sets of exercises for self-study at home. There are more and more people wishing to master the technique of oxysize with Marina Korpan as a coach every year.

Oxysize - a complex technique for everyone

The Oxysize Breathing and Losing Weight technique is an amazing complex technique that combines elements of breathing exercises, stretching and strength static exercises. The technique allows you to get rid of excess body fat, tighten the skin, strengthen muscles and raise the overall tone of the body.

This technique has many advantages: it does not take much time, does not require additional equipment or special skills, and can be used by people, regardless of their age or level. physical training. A properly selected diet and an optimal diet will be a great addition to the Oxysize “Breathe and Lose Weight” method. The reviews left on various thematic web resources of the World Wide Web testify to the effectiveness and efficiency of this complex technique.