Waltz training. How to organize a prom the right way How to learn to dance at a prom

Traffic will be limited on several streets in the center of the capital on June 21, 23 and 24 due to graduation parties. This was reported by the press service of the Department of Regional Security and Anti-Corruption. .

On June 21, from 15:00 to 18:00 and June 22, from 09:30 to 12:30, traffic will be impeded in the passage of Maiden Field from Plyushchikha Street to Novokonyushenny Lane. Overlappings will be installed at the time of the prom of the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces. At this time, the route of buses No. 64 and No. 132 will also partially change. Instead of Elansky Street, Plyushchikha and Maiden's Field Drive, they will proceed along Bolshaya Pirogovskaya.

On June 23, from 15:00 to 07:00 on June 24, traffic will be limited in Rybny Lane. From 20:00 to 23:59 it will be impossible to drive along Ilyinka Street from Birzhevaya to Red Square.

Also on June 23, from 15:00 to 20:00, restrictions will be introduced on the extreme right lane of Mokhovaya Street. From 21:00 June 23 to 01:00 June 24, travel will be difficult in the far right lane of Krymsky Val opposite the entrance to Gorky Park.

/ Wednesday, June 21, 2017 /

Topics: Movement restriction Garden Ring road Prom

From June 21 to June 24, in connection with the preparation and holding of graduation parties, traffic will be limited on a number of streets in the center of the capital. This was reported on the website of the Moscow Department of Regional Security and Anti-Corruption.
. . . . . For the period of the event, the route of buses 64 and 132 will partially change, instead of Elansky Street, Plyushchikha and Maiden's Field passage, buses will proceed along Bolshaya Pirogovskaya Street.
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Also, traffic will be difficult due to the organized arrival and disembarkation of graduates to participate in holiday events. . . . . . Motorists are asked to plan their route in advance, taking into account the restrictions imposed.

Moscow. In connection with the preparation and holding of graduation parties in the capital, traffic will be limited, they said. Interfax ” in the press service of the Department of Regional Security and Anti-Corruption of Moscow.

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"A number of restrictions are associated with the holding of school graduations in Gorky Park and Gostiny Dvor (with a solemn part in the Kremlin Palace)"- said the source of the agency.

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In Moscow, the movement of cars will be limited due to graduation parties for schoolchildren. On Wednesday, June 21, TASS reported.

. . . . . June 24 will block Ilyinka from Birzhevaya to Red Square from 20:00 to midnight.

The Moscow traffic police asks drivers to plan their route in advance and choose alternative routes.

According to the estimates of the Moscow government, more than 50,000 graduates will gather for graduation celebrations.

In Moscow, traffic will be limited in connection with the preparation and holding of school graduation parties, NSN reports.

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On the days of preparations for proms, traffic restrictions will also be introduced.

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Traffic on several metropolitan streets will be limited in connection with the preparation and holding of graduation parties.
. . . . . There they will prepare for the graduation ceremony of the Combined Arms Academy of the Russian Armed Forces. At this time, the routes of buses No. 64 and 132 will partially change: instead of Elansky, Plyushchikha streets and Devichye Polya passage, they will run along Bolshaya Pirogovskaya street.
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On June 24, traffic will be hindered in the extreme right lane of Krymsky Val Street in the area opposite the entrance to Gorky Park.

The Department of Regional Security and Anti-Corruption of the city of Moscow announces temporary restrictions on the movement of vehicles in connection with the preparation and holding of graduation parties according to the following schedule:
On June 21, from 15:00 to 18:00 and June 22, from 09:30 to 12:30, traffic will be limited on the Devichy Pole passage in the section from Plyushchikha Street to Novokonyushenny Lane in connection with the preparation for the graduation of the Combined Arms Academy of the Russian Armed Forces. For the period of the event, the route of buses No. 64 and No. 132 will partially change;
On June 23, from 15:00 to 07:00 on June 24, traffic will be restricted in Rybny Lane;
On June 23, from 20:00 to 23:59, traffic will be limited along Ilyinka Street in the section from Birzhevaya Square to Red Square;
On June 23, from 20:00 to 05:00 on June 24, traffic restrictions will be introduced along Ilyinka Street in the section from Birzhevaya Square to Staraya Square.
The city authorities draw the attention of motorists that the movement of vehicles will be difficult due to the organized arrival and disembarkation of graduates to participate in festive events:
On June 23, from 15:00 to 20:00, the extreme right lane of Mokhovaya Street will be occupied;
On June 23, from 21:00 to 01:00 on June 24, the movement of vehicles will be impeded in the extreme right lane of Krymsky Val Street in the area opposite the entrance to the Gorky Central Park of Culture and Culture.

A temporary traffic restriction will be in effect on a number of central streets of the capital on June 21, 23 and 24 in connection with the preparation and holding of the graduation ceremony of the Combined Arms Academy of the Russian Armed Forces. This was reported in the Department of Regional Security and Anti-Corruption of Moscow.

. . . . . Plyushchikha to Novokonyushenny Lane. "For the period of the event, the route of buses No. 64 and No. 132 will partially change, instead of Elansky St., Plyushchikha St. and Devichye Pole Passage, buses will proceed along Bolshaya Pirogovskaya St.", added the department.

. . . . . Ilyinka on the section from Birzhevaya Square to Red Square. In addition, on June 23 from 20:00 to 05:00 on June 24, traffic restrictions will be introduced on the street. Ilyinka on the section from Birzhevaya Square to Staraya Square.

In addition, in connection with the organized arrival and disembarkation of graduates to participate in the festive events, there will be a traffic restriction on June 23 from 15:00 to 20:00 on the far right lane of the street. Moss. And from 21:00 on June 23 to 01:00 on June 24, the movement of vehicles will be difficult in the extreme right lane of the street. Krymsky Val on the site opposite the entrance to Gorky Park.

The department urged car drivers to take these restrictions into account when planning routes.

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Streets will be closed to both private and public transport. Therefore, the route of buses will change in some sections.

According to the press service of the Department of Regional Security of the capital, in connection with the preparation and holding of graduation parties, traffic will be limited.
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Some streets will be partially blocked to transport graduates to festive events.
So, on Friday, June 23, from 15:00 to 20:00 Moscow time, the extreme right lane of Mokhovaya Street will be occupied. . . . . .

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According to mos.ru, on June 21, from 15:00 to 18:00 - during the preparation for the graduation ceremony of the Combined Arms Academy of the Russian Armed Forces - traffic will be restricted in the Devichiy Pole passage from Plyushchikha to Novokonyushenny Lane. . . . . . The same mode of operation of public transport is introduced on June 22 from 09:30 to . . . . .

Changes in traffic will occur on June 21 at the buses following the route No. 64 and 132. The reason is the graduation parties in the capital.

. . . . . This site will be used to prepare for the graduation ceremony of the Combined Arms Academy of the Russian Armed Forces.

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Browser column “ VM ” Ekaterina Roshchina

Five minutes to adults

The twentieth of June is the most glorious time of the year. Poplar fluff, the foliage is still so young and joyful, the nights are short, the days are long. The sky is blue and high. Emerald grass. White-pink porridge blooms - such a small clover. And, most importantly, almost the whole summer ahead. And not only summer, but all life. Let you not finish school yesterday, and not the day before yesterday. Doesn't matter. But how could it be otherwise, when there is such a sky, and bird trills at night, and dawn begins immediately after the sun finally sets behind a black strip of forest...

This is the time for graduations in schools. It's time to jump from one step to another, higher. Yesterday's schoolchildren are already big, but still children. After the magical prom, they will wake up different. More serious, perhaps. Full of strength and plans for the future.

It's amazing how differently they feel their " high school graduation " status. There are those who are already quite adult. Someone, for example, is going to get married. Already has a boyfriend whom she proudly calls " my " and makes plans - to fly with "his" somewhere in the Costa Brava. Five minutes to the wife, mother, and the eyes behind thickly made-up eyelashes are already completely feminine, not girlish. And her yesterday's lop-eared neighbor on the desk dreams of rushing to the pioneer camp after all these exams and receipts. There are no pioneers there now, but still fun. Volleyball, lightning and morning line. And contests. And by age he, this kid, is still “ passes” to the pioneer camp. And in the autumn he can already go to military service (more...).

Yesterday's students with trepidation choose an evening dress and freeze in anticipation of how they will amaze everyone around with their beauty and femininity, and every girl is sure that she will be the first prom queen.

The funny thing is that in the pursuit of outfits, many at the last moment remember that at the prom it is customary not only to show off, but to dance. What to do if there is no time left to attend a dance school?
It remains almost the only way out - watch movies. Let's learn to dance like they do in the movies!

Let's gather our strength and start rehearsals!

It's time to start rehearsals! First you need to familiarize yourself with the main dance of the evening - the waltz.
This graceful dance is a classic in the dance world. The waltz has been danced for more than one century in a row, and at the present time it also does not give up its positions.

Since we decided to learn from films, let's find out in which film there is a waltzing couple. It is worth noting such famous films as "Masquerade" and "War and Peace". It would not be superfluous to review the film "School Waltz" - it is the best fit for the event. If you prefer Hollywood films, the film "Kate and Leo" will help you, it shows the moment when Leo teaches Kate to dance.

Many of you have probably watched the feature film "Let's dance?". With it, you can learn the basics of the waltz - Jennifer Lopez very sensibly, throughout almost the entire film, taught Gere how to properly present yourself in the dance.

Remember also the chic tandem of the beauty Kate Winslet and the romance of Leonardo DiCaprio in the film "Titanic" - you will definitely appreciate the waltz lesson from Kate.

Now let's work on our image. The main rule is beauty and maximum comfort. Do not forget that the holiday will drag on all night, and the graduates will meet the dawn together. You can choose a long evening dress for the waltz or a dress just below the knee, which will not hinder your dance movements.
Remember that your outfit should be very feminine. By the way, romantic asymmetrical cut dresses are now in fashion.

Pick the right shoes for the prom. It is better to visit a specialized dance store and buy suitable shoes there - you will find shoes in which you can dance all night and until dawn! Shoes or sandals must have at least a small heel.

Get ready for the fact that at the prom they will not only waltz. Almost certainly, you will have to dance an energetic dance at least once. Let's see what kind of dances we can consider energetic?

First, it is, of course, swing. Naturally, no one expects that in a few independent lessons you will be a professional in this dance, but still, you can quite learn a few simple but spectacular elements in front of a mirror. This is how you can immediately see all your strengths and better work out not entirely successful movements.

What movie will teach you how to swing

Here you will come to the aid of the film that has become a favorite for many - "Dirty Dancing" with the legendary Patrick Swayze in leading role. You just need to reconsider the scene where the guys and girls danced enthusiastically in the club - their movements quite accurately convey the nature of the swing.
Take some dance elements and try them out with a classmate. The main thing is not to overdo it and not choose too frank movements - it is unlikely that parents or teachers will be delighted.

Now you need to figure out which image will best match the swing:
Forget prim, intricate formal looks. Swing does not welcome this, because it is a dance of youth and freshness! If you don't want to make a mistake - choose a look in retro style. The heyday of this dance happened in the 30s, so dresses below the knee will look organic; The waist line should be underlined, and the skirt should be fluffy and light.
Note that in the 20s this dance was just beginning to gain popularity - then fashionable women dressed in dresses with an open back. Already in the 30s, swing confidently occupied its niche in the dance world - then black outfits with snow-white collars were in fashion. Today's designers have successfully combined the fashion accents of yesteryear, and now you can get a dress with a V-neck on the back, to which a white collar is attached.

Perhaps you do not consider yourself a supporter of the classics and you like modern rhythms and motives? In this case, you will most likely enjoy dancing R&B.

It is unlikely that everyone will want to say goodbye to the school walls to R&B motives. There are also positive aspects in this: if you are able to interest several classmates in this dance and in their person you find like-minded people, you will be able not only to surprise others with your extraordinary dance, but also stand out from the crowd.

What movie will teach you how to dance R&B?

Let study guide for you will be a relatively new film "Honey", which starred the seductive Jessica Alba. You will not be indifferent to this picture, rich in rhythmic R&B. Undoubtedly, you will be amazed how professionally the actors demonstrate their skills in dancing, and what energy their every movement is filled with. You will also have a great opportunity to learn some of your favorite dance elements.

How to choose the right image? We all know that R&B is mostly danced in an oversized T-shirt and comfortable jeans, but it's too bold to show up in such clothes to prom. A long dress will not work either - you will just get confused in it. The ideal option would be a dress with a knee-length hem, however, it should not be tight-fitting - this will prevent you from dancing R&B naturally.
The closest attention should be paid to shoes! There should not be any "studs" - only a stable heel, platform or wedge.
Ideally, pay attention to the style of Beyonce - This wonderful performer prefers the style of R&B.

Now let's plunge into the world of Latina! You have heard more than once about samba, cha-cha-cha or rumba, but do not know how these dances differ? The answer is this: if you want fun on your prom night - give preference to latina! Surely, the movements of these dances, at one time, were honed by your grandmother. Latina will be ideal for you if you are incendiary and plastic.

Let's try to determine which film is suitable for learning Latin

Once again we return to the dynamic picture "Dirty Dancing". It will be useful for you to look through the numbers with samba - so as not to be mistaken, watch the passage where the main characters are preparing for the competition.
In addition, we can adopt a lot of dance elements from the heroes of the film "Romeo + Juliet" or "Moulin Rouge" - in these films there is such a rich variety of Latin rhythms that you cannot tear your admiring glance away! In addition, you will watch with interest how the love of the main characters breaks out on the dance floor!

Let's try to choose the right image! It is advisable to choose a dress that is bright, with various decorations and interesting prints. The length, approximately, should not fall below the middle of the ankle, the outfit itself should fit your waist, and the hem should be wide and flowing.

Let's get acquainted with such a type of dance as "Hustle" and let's try to understand what it is:

Do not confuse Hustle with Latin dances, although many elements have something in common with Latin. If you can't understand what "Hustle" is, then just try to imagine the fusion of Latin rhythms with disco - this will be the nature of the hustle. "Hustle" - relatively the new kind dance, he appeared in the late seventies. Demonstrate this type of dance and your classmates will be captivated by your grace! Moreover, the dance itself does not contain too complex movements.

Choose a movie as a teaching aid:

Although many believe that the main couple of "Dirty Dancing" danced "Hustle", but this is a deep delusion! Although, the truth is near - get ready to watch the film "Dirty Dancing - 2: Havana Nights".
It is known that at first "Hustle" began to dance in discos and clubs - so you need to pay attention to those scenes where the main characters dance in the club. Do not forget that Hustle is danced in pairs, so it will not hurt you to start rehearsing with your partner.

Let's pay attention to the details of the image.
This dance is good because you can put on almost any outfit during its performance. The dress can be of any style: long or short, tight or spacious. The main thing that you should remember is that your image should be associated with lightness.

With shoes, too, you can give free rein to your imagination - the heel may be high, or it may be completely absent - it's up to you!

Graduation party: past and present

Do not be discouraged if you have not been able to learn how to dance any particular type of dance. You can view other paintings, and in the end - find for yourself perfect option.

Let's watch the movie "Dandies":

The film describes the events of the 50s. It was at this time that the West breathed upon us and much became new for us - the same can be said about dancing! At first, jazz, rock and roll and boogie-woogie captured the whole of America with their rhythms, and soon the Soviet youth was fascinated by them. It didn't even hurt that at that time these new trends in dance were banned in the USSR.

At your prom, you can now easily perform elements of boogie-woogie, unlike the youth of that time - they could only afford such liberties at house parties.

Take a look at the film "Back to the Future":

And again the 50s! In this film, you can also watch the incendiary and dynamic rhythms of rock and roll. And trust me, you won't be able to sit still either!

If you want to leave just an avalanche of positive memories after the prom, dance rock and roll. This dance is for everyone! It is worth noting the film itself: if you like to delve into fantastic and comedic stories, this film is especially recommended for you to watch.

Now let's look at "Blast from the Past":

The film is about young man- Adam. You will be captivated by the sight when this guy dances in a disco to the tunes of the song "Flying Neutrinos". According to the script, this guy breaks into the nineties unexpectedly for himself, because before that he spent more than 30 years in a bunker that his father built, fearing a nuclear explosion. This film will be of particular interest to you, because you will understand how, without being a professional dancer, you can improvise at a disco. And, believe me, you will also succeed in dancing like this - the main desire and mood!

Let's get acquainted with the "School Waltz":

The title of this movie already speaks for itself. The film describes the events of the 70s. At that time, schoolchildren did not wear luxurious clothes to the prom, and even more so - in everyday school life. Judging by the film, restraint reigned everywhere and the main dance of farewell to the school years was, after all, a gentle waltz.

It does not hurt to plunge into the world of Indian cinema and watch the movie "Disco Dancer":

It is impossible not to mention this film. You will see how the Indians, who rarely allow themselves a strong display of emotions, are simply embraced by incendiary disco!
The film fell on the period of the 80s, and then almost everyone was fond of watching Indian cinema. The leading actor, Mithun Chakborty, was adored by all the girls not only in the USSR, but throughout the world. Therefore, no one is surprised that in those years, graduates from all over the country danced disco with enthusiasm. View this iconic picture and the disco rhythm will not leave you indifferent!

Let's move on to watching the movie "Step Up":

This movie has connected many dance styles. The film itself is about street dance, but you can appreciate the different styles of dance. Despite the fact that in the film the main niche is occupied by the most modern movements, the classics were not forgotten either.

The events of the new millennium are shown. What styles are not mixed in this film: break dance, strip plastic, waltz, even elements that are often used by ballet dancers - the combination turned out just great! Surely, in this film you will find something interesting for yourself.

In conclusion, let's look at the picture "Twilight":

Shown is our time. The main dance of the film is a slow dance. Everyone knows that the waltz requires some preparation, so the characters in this film just dance the way they feel. Maybe this option will be relevant for you? You will see that without professional training, you can perform simple, but sensual elements. Let your body move the way it likes - this will be your best and most natural dance.
If you wish, you can review more films such as: "Keep the Beat", "Flash Dance", "Pulp Fiction", "Dancer" and much more. You are sure to discover something for yourself and really become a prom queen!

The prom dance king is waltz. In the video lecture, we will show you how to learn how to dance the Viennese Waltz. Many do not know how to dance this dance at all. Let's start with the simplest - with steps.

  1. We become a couple with a partner, take her hands and just stand comfortably, keeping our back straight. It is very important that the partners are in their own balance and do not step on each other's toes. The partner - on the right foot, and the lady - on the left, learn to keep the rhythm of the waltz, stamping their feet in place. One-two-three, two-two-three ... Let's change the position: the partner starts with the left foot, the lady - with the right. One-two-three, two-two-three... We connect the movements. It is available to everyone and very simple. This is where the waltz begins. Try again!
  2. Next, we start moving. The partner on the left foot goes forward, the lady, respectively, on the left foot - back 3 counts. Then we change position and move vice versa. Connecting movements. Try again!
  3. We get closer to each other. The partner holds the lady with his left hand by the right hand, right hand puts the lady on the shoulder. The lady puts her left hand on the partner's shoulder. At first, not very close to see how the legs work, we dance the waltz. The partner steps forward from the right foot, the lady, respectively, back - from the left.
  4. Let's add rotation to this movement. The partner steps forward, rotates slightly to the right, takes a step under the body and the stand. Steps should not be made large, it is necessary to move carefully so as not to knock the partner or partner off their feet. Try again, rotating around the axis! Don't forget to count: one-two-three, two-two-three...
  5. Now you can, feeling the partner's body, move a little more actively, but at the same time observe the following rule: do not try to teach dancing with the legs, try to combine the movements of the body with the legs. It is important to keep the body level in order to move beautifully and comfortably relative to each other.

This is the main movement of the waltz, but for greater solemnity of the graduation ball, we will learn a few more figures.

  1. The partner takes the partner's right hand with his right hand, lifts it above his head, the lady will do the rotation under the arm. Beating the rhythm of the waltz, the lady rotates. It will be better if the free hand of the partner at this time is behind his back. The lady must make a full turn on the count: one-two-three, two-two-three.
  2. Then the partner can move forward in the rhythm of the waltz, and the lady, respectively, back. We combine the movement of the partner forward and the rotation of the lady in place.
  3. The next figure is as follows: the partner removed his hand behind his back, the lady is holding the dress. On the right leg, both the partner and the lady step towards each other and raise their hand. One-two-three ... They move back from each other back from the left leg. Two-two-three... Repeat the exercise!
  4. Add a change of place. We move towards each other, slowly turning, and then, on the contrary, away from each other.
  5. After that, the lady will again rotate at hand. One two Three…
  6. Next, the partner offers the lady his hand, they stand in pairs and begin to spin on a strong musical beat in the waltz (see the first exercise).
  7. The dance must end with a beautiful bow. We start moving away from each other. We are opening! One-two-three... We're closing! Two-two-three... We open again, and the lady makes a rotation under the partner's hand. With his left hand, the partner takes the lady by the right hand and rotates it in front of him. Then we open on the other side. We move towards each other. One-two-three ... Two-two-three ... and bow. Repeat the bow again!

Now you can collect the entire dance from beginning to end. You can arrange waltz figures in different sequences, repeat many times.

Of these, you can make any waltz solemn, feel confident, and, perhaps, even become king and queen bala.

The material was prepared with the support of the Bosanova Dance House.

IN last years The flash mob is gaining more and more popularity. Translated from English, this word means "instant crowd". This action involves many people who jointly perform previously planned movements, and then scatter to the sides, as if nothing had happened. To date, similar events are being held in last call. If desired, classmates can get together and think about options for holding a flash mob, and we, in turn, will give you some interesting ideas and help organize it!

How to organize a school flash mob?

Try to find a coach to help you come up with dance moves.

First you need to think about the idea and theme of the event. Try to plan something light and interesting so that you spend as little time as possible on rehearsals, but at the same time surprise everyone around you with your uniqueness. After that, go to the school administration and provide her with your script. If the head of the educational institution is satisfied with everything, he will definitely allow you to use the site or assembly hall. That's all. Now the main thing is to make a calendar of rehearsals and attract as many like-minded people as possible. And then - train, train and train again.

Flash mob ideas for the last call

Dance of dudes

Beautiful and bright costumes are the main attribute of the boogie-woogie dance

The image of dudes performing a dance called “boogie-woogie” is an eternal symbol of the stormy and full of energy of youth. Bright patterned dresses, plaid shirts and trousers, colorful accessories - believe me, these costumes can create a festive atmosphere. In a similar format, you can hold a flash mob both inside the school and outside it, on the sites.

Buddhist hand dance

Beauty performed by professionals

Remember how teachers, checking homework and not seeing those who wanted to answer, they said the following: “Oh, 11th grade, as always, a forest of hands ...” Well, it's time to answer in the dance. The idea is quite simple: the dance movements should resemble East style when the dancers portray the Buddha - a many-armed deity. Stand one behind the other so that only the first member of the column is visible. And then improvise and create illusions. Such a flash mob will be very symbolic, since the Buddha is a symbol of enlightenment - his image will become your expression of gratitude to the teachers.

Perfect black and white dance costumes

Quite interesting is another spectacular dance called "Black and White". The main highlight in his production is the use of black and white costumes. The dancers should line up and hug each other very tightly. The dance moves look simple, but the color scheme of the costumes will look so ridiculous that you will literally “tear” the hall. Improvisation in such a flash mob will not be superfluous: try to come up with interesting options costumes, background, music, dance elements and tempo.

Class battle

"Dance battle" is a fairly popular flash mob even among the smallest

Very often in schools, classes competed with each other and found out who should receive the title of “best”. Well, the time has come when you can have the final dance battle and determine the winner. Choose street style, get ready, and then surprise each other! Of course, the organization of such an event cannot be done alone. Teachers, parents and other classes must definitely help students and take part in judging. But imagine how interesting the last call will turn out!

"Unexpected turn"

And in a few seconds all the students will enter the playground ...

The very name of this flash mob briefly describes its essence. The graduates beautifully dance the waltz, and then, quite unexpectedly, completely different music is turned on, to which the whole school begins to dance. Just imagine the look on the faces of parents and teachers when they see such chaos!

Dance on the water

Do not forget to prepare a change of clothes for this flash mob

Such a flash mob is ideal for graduates of cities that have rivers, lakes or seas. For example, you are walking along the promenade, it is already quite warm outside, and suddenly one of the participants runs up to the water and begins to perform dance movements to the music. After a while, classmates approach him and all together begin to amaze others.

"Looking to the Sky"

Participants must stand strictly along the drawn lines.

Another fairly popular flash mob for the last call is the so-called “look at the sky”. All students stand in a square, after which some students simultaneously take out sheets of A-4 format and lay out numbers or letters with them. At this time, the operator shoots everything on video, which will become part of the final film. At the end of the shooting, all participants should quickly scatter in different directions.

It doesn’t matter at all whether you make the flash mob rehearsed or improvised, because the main task of such an event is to have fun and a lot of emotions, as well as to charge positive teachers, parents and friends who will follow your performance. And we wish good luck and inspiration to all graduates!

The king of prom dances is the waltz. In the video lecture, we will show you how to learn how to dance the Viennese Waltz. Many do not know how to dance this dance at all. Let's start with the simplest - with steps.

We become a couple with a partner, take her hands and just stand comfortably, keeping our back straight. It is very important that the partners are in their own balance and do not step on each other's toes. The partner - on the right foot, and the lady - on the left, learn to keep the rhythm of the waltz, stamping their feet in place. One-two-three, two-two-three ... Let's change the position: the partner starts with the left foot, the lady - with the right. One-two-three, two-two-three... We connect the movements. It is available to everyone and very simple. This is where the waltz begins. Try again!

We get closer to each other. The partner holds the lady with his left hand by the right hand, puts his right hand on the lady's shoulder blade. The lady puts her left hand on the partner's shoulder. At first, not very close to see how the legs work, we dance the waltz. The partner steps forward from the right foot, the lady, respectively, back - from the left.

Let's add rotation to this movement. The partner steps forward, rotates slightly to the right, takes a step under the body and the stand. Steps should not be made large, it is necessary to move carefully so as not to knock the partner or partner off their feet. Try again, rotating around the axis! Don't forget to count: one-two-three, two-two-three...

Now you can, feeling the partner's body, move a little more actively, but at the same time observe the following rule: do not try to teach dancing with the legs, try to combine the movements of the body with the legs. It is important to keep the body level in order to move beautifully and comfortably relative to each other.

This is the main movement of the waltz, but for greater solemnity of the graduation ball, we will learn a few more figures.

The partner takes the partner's right hand with his right hand, lifts it above his head, the lady will do the rotation under the arm.

Beating the rhythm of the waltz, the lady rotates. It will be better if the free hand of the partner at this time is behind his back. The lady must make a full turn on the count: one-two-three, two-two-three.

The next figure is as follows: the partner removed his hand behind his back, the lady is holding the dress. On the right leg, both the partner and the lady step towards each other and raise their hand. One-two-three ... They move back from each other back from the left leg. Two-two-three... Repeat the exercise!

Add a change of place. We move towards each other, slowly turning, and then, on the contrary, away from each other.

After that, the lady will again rotate at hand. One two Three…

The dance must end with a beautiful bow. We start moving away from each other. We are opening! One-two-three... We're closing! Two-two-three... We open again, and the lady makes a rotation under the partner's hand. With his left hand, the partner takes the lady by the right hand and rotates it in front of him. Then we open on the other side. We move towards each other. One-two-three ... Two-two-three ... and bow. Repeat the bow again!

Now you can collect the entire dance from beginning to end. You can arrange waltz figures in different sequences, repeat many times.

Of these, you can make any waltz solemn, feel confident, and, perhaps, even become the king and queen of the ball.