Nutrition for Alena Vodonaeva. Diet of Alena Vodonaeva

Alena Vodonaeva took part in the filming of the popular television project Dom-2 for three years, and for the very first time appeared to television viewers in 2004. After participating in the filming of the show, Alena did not go into the shadows, but rather showed new facets of her acting talent when, together with the Plazma group, she recorded the song Paper Sky. Then she returned to television screens as the host of the Reality Girl program together with the scandalous journalist Otar Kushanashvili. In addition, Alena Vodonaeva is also in great demand as a model, she regularly participates in fashion shows and her photographs periodically appear on the pages of popular glossy magazines Maxim and Playboy.

Of course, such spectacular talented girl, there are ideal body shapes that allow Alena Vodonaeva always be on top. Talent fans beautiful girl Always worried about which observes V Everyday life their idol.

In fact, Alena is trying to monitor her properly balanced diet, she always eats well and believes that each element of food in its own way is very important for proper functioning human body. She is not a passionate supporter of grueling long training in gyms . The only rule that Alena tries to adhere to is everyday control over the amount of food consumed, that is, over the size portions eaten. She is absolutely sure that it is necessary to eat food in moderation and in no case arrange late meals for yourself. According to the beauty, you can eat everything, including not only fruits and vegetables, but also foods containing proteins and carbohydrates, bakery products should also be included in your diet.

Only use all of the above products should be in small quantities, only in order to replenish your body with useful missing substances. It is by adhering to such a rational, healthy composition of products included in the diet that you will always look great and feel rested and healthy.

In the case when, before some important event or participation in the next show, Alena Vodonaeva needs to get rid of several kilograms excess weight , she is on three four days tries to comply with the requirements, which has a curious attractive name "Yummy".

An exemplary diet menu for the Vkusnyatinka diet by Alena Vodonaeva


  • one serving of oatmeal cooked in water with the addition of one teaspoon of natural honey;
  • a serving of fresh fruit salad of apricots, peaches, cherries, strawberries with the addition of two to three tablespoons of natural yogurt.


  • two or three green apples baked in the oven with the addition of a small handful of any chopped nuts and one teaspoon of natural honey;
  • 200 grams of fat-free yogurt.

Afternoon snack:

  • one cup of natural black unsweetened coffee;
  • one large peach or orange.


  • 200 grams of any chopped dried fruit or candied fruit.
  • 200 grams of low-fat kefir.

The drinking regimen while following the “Yummy” diet should be supported by a sufficient amount of unsweetened drinks consumed, such as natural black coffee, green and herbal tea, melt water, still mineral water.

Diet of Alena Vodonaeva"Yummy" contains certain indulgences, so Alena sometimes allows indulge in some culinary delights such as a few slices black chocolate, a small cake, a slice of hard cheese or a small piece of cake.

Fans have asked Alena hundreds of times about the foods and dishes that help her be in such great shape. She promised and ... fulfilled, but not just told, but showed in the program of the First Channel "Conspiracy Theory" what is in her refrigerator.

Recall that just a couple of days ago, Alena made happy the subscribers of her Instagram with a video from the dressing room. To which the fans wrote to her that the star has not just a collection of shoes, but a whole shoe store! There are just no shoes there, dear mother ... But let's get back to the refrigerator.

Of course, Alyona didn’t show the bedroom and other interesting places of her house to the TV people, but they and millions of viewers were able to see her kitchen, and the star has a big one. Here you can only envy white envy. The walls are finished with brick, the suite itself is wood-like. At the beginning of the kitchen is a large two-door refrigerator. There is nothing superfluous on the table - perfect cleanliness, a blender, a vase of fruit in a niche.

I don’t have vegetables for a long time,” Alena admitted to the presenter Mikhail Mamaev. - All the sweets, Mish, I ate before your arrival. Of course, you said that I watch my diet, I watch it, but sometimes I eat sweets.

So, in the star's refrigerator, the film crew found eggs, smoothies, soy milk, greens in a glass of water, pickles, jars of jam and vegetables.

The expert praised Alena for her ability to handle greens. Vodonaeva put the parsley and dill in a glass of water, as it should be, but the star did not unpack the arugula in vain, moisture forms in the sealed container in the salad, and it deteriorates.

Alena Vodonaeva and Mikhail Mamaev

The girl put the cauliflower in the refrigerator correctly - without a bag (if you pack it, it will begin to produce a ripening hormone, which accelerates the spoilage of the product). And Alena missed with tomatoes. It is understandable why they disappear from her! Who keeps tomatoes in a bag? This is how cucumbers will live longer, and tomatoes need to be freed from packaging, and in general they can be stored for several days outside the refrigerator.

Vodonaeva also miscalculated with carrots, her place is not in a dark box under the sink, but in the refrigerator and without a protective film. In general, according to the results, it turned out that in 70% of cases the star was right and you can call her a good hostess.

Alena was pleased with the visit of the TV people. Now she knows what to do so that the salad and tomatoes do not disappear, that only onions, potatoes and garlic are afraid of the cold, and everything else has a place in the refrigerator.

The beauty, grace and slender figure of Alena Vodonaeva is her main "key" to success. Once a participant in the popular TV show "Dom 2", and now a successful model, singer and TV presenter, she always looks perfect. To numerous questions about slim figure Alena Vodonaeva used to coyly refer to good genetics. However, recently Alena Vodonaeva nevertheless revealed the secret of her amazing figure, saying that she periodically follows a diet, which she calls “Yummy” with a grin.

The principles of losing weight Alena Vodonaeva

In everyday life, Alena Vodonaeva adheres to a balanced diet - proper nutrition. According to the star, it is this diet that is the key to good shape and good mood. It is important that the last meal was no later than three hours before bedtime.

Based on the principles of proper nutrition, the menu of Alena Vodonaeva is strictly prohibited:

  • Fatty, fried, smoked dishes;
  • Flour products, sweets;
  • Sausage;
  • Carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

All of the above products are high in calories and deal a powerful blow to beauty and harmony.

And yet, before important performances, a fashion show or participation in a TV show, Alena Vodonaeva goes on a weight loss diet, which she calls “Vkusnyatina” with humor. The TV diva herself developed the diet, based on personal taste preferences. It lasts 7 days and helps to lose weight by 4-5 kg. Vodonaeva's weight loss diet includes: vegetables, fruits, chicken, fish, low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt, oatmeal, herbal tea.

The principles of losing weight Alena Vodonaeva:

  • Strictly adhere to the diet menu for 7 days;
  • Actively engage in sports. The star performs physical activity five times a week for at least two hours in a row. The set of exercises also contains strength training;
  • Drink plenty of water - at least two liters of water a day. Water cleanses the body, normalizes metabolism, removes toxins;
  • Never lose heart. Cheerfulness of spirit, high spirits every day will be a pleasant bonus to any diet.

How long can it take to lose weight?

Alena Vodonaeva adheres to proper nutrition every day. A balanced diet is a kind of diet that helps the star to maintain its normal shape. Also, proper nutrition is a harmonious way out of an emergency diet for weight loss, which the TV diva resorts to if she urgently needs to lose a couple of extra pounds.

The standard course of the Vkusnyatinka diet from Alena Vodonaeva lasts 7-10 days. During this time, you can lose weight by 4-5 kg.

A proven diet helped Vodonaeva quickly recover from childbirth, getting rid of the extra pounds gained during pregnancy. However, in addition to a properly selected diet for weight loss, you need to pay attention physical activity. Best to visit Gym and work under supervision experienced trainer. However, if it is not possible, you should do exercises at home, the main thing is to be systematic.

Grocery list

Products for the emergency diet of Alena Vodonaeva:

  • Oatmeal, muesli;
  • Fat-free cottage cheese, natural yogurt, kefir 1%;
  • Fruits (cherries, grapefruit, oranges, peaches, apricots, apples) are used both raw and in fruit salads;
  • Dried fruits: candied fruits, dried apricots;
  • Chicken fillet without skin;
  • Fish;
  • Vegetables;
  • Honey, nuts;
  • Herb tea.

The menu of the 7-day diet consists exclusively of the above products. You can use them in different variations according to your taste. Alena Vodonaeva has long been a hardcore coffee fan. I could use it up to five times a day, but for the sake of a slender figure I had to give it up. Herbal teas and mineral water without gas became an alternative.

As part of an emergency diet, Alena Vodonaeva offers the following simple recipes:

Fruit salad:
Strawberries, peaches, cherries, apricots are seasoned with sugar-free yogurt and mixed. Such a salad can be consumed at any time, whether it is breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Fish Soup:
Sliced ​​carrots, zucchini and onions, send them to stew, then add garlic and salt. The fish is cut into medium pieces and added to vegetables, stewed until tender. Then the fish is taken out and whipped to the consistency of mashed soup.

Baked apples:
A recess is made in apples, in which nuts and honey are put. Everything is baked in the oven for 20 minutes.

The recipes offered by Vodonaeva are healthy and tasty, so feel free to include them in your weight loss menu.

Menu for every day

Menu for every day for the diet of Alena Vodonaeva (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner):


  • Oatmeal with honey. Herb tea;
  • Bouillon. Boiled chicken breast;
  • 2 apricots;
  • Baked apple, a glass of kefir.


  • Fat-free cottage cheese with cherries.
  • Vegetable stew with chicken;
  • Peach;
  • Fruit salad dressed with natural yoghurt.


  • Muesli. Strawberry;
  • Fish soup-puree;
  • Cherry juice;
  • Candied fruit. Herb tea.


  • Fruit salad;
  • Chicken broth with pieces of meat;
  • Dried apricots;
  • Baked vegetables.


  • Wheat porridge. Strawberry;
  • Bouillon. Steamed fish with vegetables;
  • Baked apple;
  • Natural yogurt. a glass of kefir.


  • Skim cheese. apricots;
  • Vegetable soup. Boiled chicken fillet;
  • Freshly squeezed carrot juice;
  • Fruit salad.


  • Oatmeal with honey. Yogurt;
  • Vegetable stew. A piece of fish for a couple;
  • Peach;
  • Cottage cheese. Candied fruit.

A diet for every day from Alena Vodonaeva will help you lose 4-5 kg ​​in just a week. With an aggravated feeling of hunger, it is allowed to drink a glass of purified water or herbal tea without sugar. The star notes that in everyday life she indulges herself with some indulgences. For example, she can afford to eat one cake or a small bar of dark chocolate. Such small liberties improve the mood and well-being of Alena Vodonaeva. However, while following a diet for weight loss, you should refrain from high-calorie sweets.

April 13, 2018

Show business stars earn on their popularity by opening their own business - this is not a secret for a long time. A favorite niche for artists is gastronomy: restaurants, cafes, cookbooks, food delivery services - the latter are becoming more and more popular. How much does a healthy diet from Malysheva, Valeria, Vodonaeva cost and what do celebrities feed their fans, the site says.

Photo:, Globallook

Diet of Elena Malysheva

Elena Vasilyevna, although a doctor of medical sciences, was not always guided by the logic of a scientist in matters of nutrition - like many women, the TV presenter experimented with her body. For example, about ten years ago, together with Tatyana Ustinova, she went on a strict diet: the menu included water with glucose and ... that's it. The women lasted three days, after which they ate themselves to the point of fainting. “This experience was remembered forever,” Elena said. The most ineffective diets are restricted diets. Therefore, starting to develop my own nutrition system - Elena Malysheva's Diet, I learned one thing: no restrictions! Now it is officially proven by medicine.”

For those who want to get in shape, Malysheva wrote a book (as she herself says - the best on this topic) about healthy food - a food designer and figures - and also launched a food delivery service. All diets are called “diet”, but, as the TV doctor assures, you won’t have to starve: for breakfast - cereals, muesli, cereals; for lunch - turkey with bechamel sauce with broccoli and cauliflower or, say, spaghetti with meatballs and tomato sauce; for dinner - again meat with a side dish or soups that look like you are not going to lose weight. Yes, and dessert is provided - soufflé, nuts, bars. The menu varies depending on gender, goal (weight loss or maintenance) and human health - for hypertensive patients, their own diet has been compiled. A box of food for a month will cost the client an average of 15-20 thousand rubles, the price of the most expensive set is 21,500. profit - 100 million rubles, and in the following years, according to the media, income only grew.

No Secret by Valeriya

Apparently, tired of answering the question: “What is the secret of your harmony?”, Valeria went into business and, together with Emin Agalarov, created the No Secret project. The menu is more ornate than that of the previous businesswoman: in addition to a set for a balanced diet and weight loss, the singer offers fans of the Vegan series, Lactose-Free Muscle Building and Lactose-Free Drying. In early April, the service officially began its work - before the start, the artist tested the menu on her spouse, children and friends. “So far, I’m happy,” Valeria shared. Those who set a goal to lose weight have already begun to do so. Food is suitable for everyone - both energetic business people and housewives. If products can suit everyone, then the price is a different story. A personal set of food for one day costs from 3.5 to 5 thousand rubles, for delivery for a month you will have to pay 100 thousand or more, depending on the menu. For example, clients who adhere to vegetarianism will pay 98 thousand rubles for a diet without fish with a daily calorie content of 1100 kcal, and increase muscle mass using the service will be able for 146,300.

Valeria's dishes, of course, sound and look beautiful: green buckwheat with almond milk and apple, swordfish with soy-sesame sauce and bok-choy cabbage, bird-cherry flour pancakes with maple syrup. For many, the six-figure price tag crosses out all the advantages and benefits of such nutrition. : "24 thousand a week for food, guys, well, this, of course, is unrealistic for ordinary mortals ..."; “This is a wallet slimming project”; “4500 per day for food is very prohibitive prices, I agree with the above: only stars can eat like this, ordinary people cannot afford this ...”. The project team has already responded to criticism: in the near future, a slightly more budget line will appear - for 2-2.5 thousand per day.

Menu from Alena Vodonaeva

The Doma-2 graduate has been preparing for the launch of her own edible project for almost a year: she didn’t just think and plan, but ate, ate and ate again. Vodonaeva ate "boxes" from Moscow and St. Petersburg delivery services, looking for all the possible pros and cons. As a result, towards the end of last year, she presented her healthy menu under the motto “Eat. Slimmer. Love." “Minus three and a half kilograms in a week. I returned to my usual eating schedule.<…>All containers and bottles that you see in the photo are a diet for one day. We will certainly never go hungry. Plus, a low-calorie dessert is included. How proud I am of my effective project that really works, and the mirror is proof of this, ”Alena presents her brainchild in the microblog, signing personal pictures in a short top. Subscribers in the comments are much more interested in Vodonaeva's forms than her business - but back to the menu.

What do they offer and for how much? 1500 kcal packs for 2 or 5 days, daily delivery from chefs, meals for 5 meals: breakfast, snack, lunch, dinner and light dinner. The menu includes the usual fried eggs, rosehip broth and cottage cheese casserole, as well as quinoa porridge with baked pumpkin in coconut milk or salad with salmon slices with lime dressing. 3 thousand for a set for 2 days, 7125 rubles for a five-day diet. Plus, a preliminary consultation with a nutritionist is free.

Photo: Mint Group (Tanya and Sergey Mint)

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Alena Vodonaeva about a healthy lifestyle. About the figure, nutrition and health.

Santosh: In your opinion, how important is it for a woman to maintain her appearance, figure and health?

Alyona: In fact, this is a very important aspect of our female life. And you need to start first of all with nutrition. I'm not talking about diets in any way. I'm just talking about proper nutrition.

The fact that the morning should still not start with sandwiches with butter and cheese for the series, but with oatmeal on the water - this is what I start my day with.

My son and I eat the simplest, most ordinary food: chicken soups, chicken cutlets, salads, buckwheat, cereals.
In general, I really like simple food, as far as Russian cuisine is concerned. Of course, I love going to restaurants, I always order something tasty for myself in Italian or Indian restaurants, but in everyday life and on the family kitchen table, there should be simple food without super fats and wrong carbohydrates. The daily routine is just as important. I have been living in Moscow for 15 years, I don’t go to clubs, I don’t hang out anywhere at night, I’m always at home in the evening, it seems to me that a woman’s lifestyle still affects appearance and on the face. Plus I don't drink alcohol, I don't smoke cigarettes.

And sports, 3-4 times a week sports at home with a trainer. Plus, as you saw today, I threw knives. I can fence and I do it very well, but I have always been interested in how knives are thrown and how swords are used. Now I found out, and it's very cool, another plus in my piggy bank. As for the figure and nutrition, I am a disciplined person. It is clear that I, like any earthly woman, sometimes give myself some indulgences, sometimes I want to get wet, sometimes I want to eat something tasty and harmful. I don’t limit or forbid myself, but after I’ve allowed myself a cake, for example, or some kind of fried potatoes, you just pull yourself together and eat right the next week.