Brief rules of the game of volleyball. Basic volleyball rules point by point

So, consider the rules of the game of volleyball. The game is played on a rectangular area measuring 18x9 meters. The volleyball court is divided in the middle by a net. The height of the net for men is 2.43 m, for women - 2.24 m. The game is played with a spherical ball with a circumference of 65-67 cm, weighing 260-280 g.

Each of the two teams can have up to 14 players, and 6 players can be on the field at any given time. The goal of the game is to hit the ball to the floor with an attacking blow, that is, to the playing surface of the court of the opponent's half, or to make him make a mistake. The game begins by putting the ball into play by serving according to the lot.

After the ball is put into play by a serve and a successful rally, the serve goes to the team that won the point. The site is conditionally divided into 6 zones according to the number of players. After each transition, the right to serve passes from one team to another as a result of a point draw, the players move to the next zone in a clockwise direction.

Serve in volleyball

It is made from the service zone, which is located behind the back line of the playing court. The player who serves cannot touch the playing court with any part of the body. This is especially true for jump serves. In flight, the ball may touch the net, but it must not touch the antennas or their mental continuation upwards. If the serving player violated the rules or threw the ball out of the playing area (out), then the point is counted to the receiving team. If the ball touches the opponent's field, then the point is given to the serving team. In a row, the second serve is carried out by the same player, there is no transition.

Reception of the ball in volleyball

Any player can take the pitch, but most often the hit falls on the players standing on the back line. Players of the receiving team may throw the ball to each other, but after three touches the ball must be in the opponent's court. You can also receive the ball with any part of the body, but it is not permissible to hold it.

Attack in volleyball

A standard example of an attack looks like this: the ball is received by the back row player (touch 1), brought to the setter (touch 2), in turn he passes the ball to the attacking player (touch 3). On an attack hit, the ball must fly within the two antennas and over the net. Front line players can attack from anywhere. And the back row players must be behind a special three-meter line. It is forbidden to hit the ball above the line of the top edge of the net, only the libero. Eat different types attacking blows: direct (on the move) and side, blows with translation to the right or left and deceptive blows (discounts).

Blocking in volleyball

A play in which the defending team prevents the ball from being transferred to their own side by blocking its movement with any part of the body, usually with the hands transferred to the opponent's side within the rules. That is, when blocking, the hands should not interfere with the opponent before his attack or other game action. Only front row players are allowed to block. They can do it with one touch or several. Touching a block does not count as one of the three touches.

Libero in volleyball

Players who cannot participate in the serve are in the block and serve, so he is on the back line, changing position with players who are beneficial to keep on the front line, for example, with a central blocker. The Libero can be replaced an unlimited number of times without informing the referee. The uniform of the libero is different from that of the other players on the team.

Volleyball regulations

The game continues up to 25 points, the time of the game is not limited, and if the difference in points between the opponents does not reach 2, the game will continue until this happens. The winners are those who win three games. In the fifth game (tie break) the score goes up to 15 points. In each set, the coach may ask for two time-outs of 30 seconds. In the first 4 games, technical timeouts of 60 seconds are additionally assigned when one of the teams scores 8 and 16 points. After four games, as well as when one of the teams reaches 8 points in the fifth game, the teams change sides of the court. The coach has the right to make 6 substitutions in each set, except for the libero.

Violations of the rules in volleyball

The most common errors of the players and the coach are listed below.

When applying

The player stepped on the court space with his foot.

The player tossed and caught the ball.

After 8 seconds have elapsed after the whistle of the referee, the ball is transferred to the opposing team.

Touching the antenna with the ball.

He served before the whistle of the referee.

When drawing

Made more than three touches.

Touching the top edge of the net by a player performing an active game action.

Spade by the player of the back line of the three-meter line during the attack.

Receive error: double touch or holding the ball.

Touching the antenna with the ball on impact.

Spade on the playing half of the opponent.


Alignment violation.

Unsportsmanlike behavior of one of the players or the coach.

Touching the top edge of the grid.

Volleyball is one of the ball games, the action of which takes place on a special area between two teams. The goal is to send the ball over the net in such a way that it touches the opponents' court. But in addition to this, a similar attempt by a rival team must be prevented. Anyone who loves this sport is interested in getting to know the history of volleyball and the rules of the game. It is known that the founder of the game was William J. Morgan. At that time he worked as a teacher in one of the American colleges, this happened back in 1895. Since then, the game has gone through a number of changes and now the whole world knows it.

Participants and lineup

According to the official rules of the game of volleyball, up to 14 players can be recorded in the protocol, they will also participate in the match. The maximum number of participants on the field is six. Also provides coaching staff, massage therapist and doctor.

One or two players are assigned a libero, that is, a defender, his form is different from the others. This participant is on the back line, has no right to block or attack.

One player in the protocol must be marked as the captain. If he is absent from the court, the coach must appoint a game captain. It can be any participant, except the libero.

It is also worth getting acquainted with other roles of players:

  • doigrovschik - attacks from the edges of the grid;
  • diagonal - attacks from the back, does not take part in the reception, usually these are the most powerful players;
  • binder - determines the game;
  • central blocker - attacks from the third zone, blocking the blows of opponents.

An important part of the rules of the game of volleyball is the positioning of the players. The initial arrangement must indicate the order in which the participants move around the court, it must be maintained throughout the game. Those who are not included in the line-up (except for the libero) are substitutes. Before each serve, the players must form two broken lines.

The three players closer to the net are the front row players, those farther away are the back row players. Athletes change positions strictly clockwise, while the numbering goes counterclockwise. In this case, the role of the player does not change.

The success of the game depends on the coherence of the team, the skill of the players. Athletes must be able to anticipate typical situations and use different countermeasures. For example, when a team takes an offensive hit, the following common variations can be used:

  • forward with a ledge, with insurance by the player of the sixth zone (a);
  • back with a ledge, when belaying the blocking players of the fifth or first zone (b).

You can also give an example of a scheme when receiving a feed.

Here is the decoding of the symbols:

  • PZ - right back;
  • TsZ - central defender;
  • TsN - central forward;
  • LN - left forward;
  • LZ - left back;
  • PN - right forward;
  • c - binder.

Basic rules and technique of playing volleyball

The game is played through a net, the height of which for men is 2.43 m, and for women - 2.24 m. The ball is spherical in shape, its circumference is about 65-67 cm, and its weight is from 260 to 280 grams.

It all starts with the introduction of the ball with a serve, according to the draw. After a successful rally, the service must go to the team that won the point.

You can briefly highlight the points of the rules of the game of volleyball:

Since the game is not only loved by professionals, its rules may vary, depending on the situation. This will allow participants to get maximum pleasure. For example, the rules for playing volleyball for schoolchildren or may differ from those provided for professionals.

Volleyball - sport game in which two teams participate. It is held on a special platform, divided into two parts by a grid. Thanks to simple rules and the availability of equipment, volleyball is a common form of recreation that both adults and children love. There are various variants of volleyball that have emerged from the main form: mini-volleyball, Beach volleyball, pioneerball and others.

We pay attention to the basic form of volleyball and to the rules of the game of volleyball, in which each team seeks to throw the ball to the opponent's side so that it lands on his court, or the player makes a mistake.

Volleyball Court:

The volleyball court is a rectangle with a length of 18 meters and a width of 9 meters. When playing volleyball indoors, the ceiling should be 5-6 meters high, and the size of the court can be reduced in length to 15 meters and in width to 7.5 meters. The site must be outlined with lines: short lines are called front, and long lines are called side. Another straight line is made, it is called the middle line, which connects the midpoints of the side lines and divides the court into two equal halves. On each of these halves, at a distance of 3 meters from the center line, and parallel to it, draw a line of attack.

Volleyball stands:

The posts that support the net must be installed at a distance of 0.5-1 m behind the side lines, without stretch marks. They must be adjustable, 2.55 m high.

Volleyball net. Volleyball net height:

Above the center line across the site, stretch a rope net 9.5 meters long and 1 meter wide.

Net height in volleyball: for men - 2.43 m, for women - 2.24 m.

Volleyball net height for kids:

11-12 years: for boys - 2.2 m, for girls - 2 m;

13-14 years old: for boys - 2.3 m, for girls - 2.1 m;

15-16 years old: for boys - 2.4 m, for girls - 2.2 m.

The height of the grid should be measured in the middle. The height of the net along the side lines must be the same and must not exceed the height in the middle by more than 2 cm.


Circumference volleyball should be 65-67 cm, and the weight of the ball should be 250-280 g.

Volleyball rules:

1. Team composition in volleyball. How many people in volleyball:

The game is played by two teams of 6 people. In addition to them, each team must include substitute players. Each team must consist of 12 people, no more.

2. Substitutions in volleyball:

The reserve player replaces the main player of the team. The substituted main player can return to the court 1 time again, instead of the substitute player who replaced him, but on condition that at least one ball was played with the participation of the substitute player.

3. Location of players in volleyball:

Players of both teams, before each ball, stand 3 people in two broken lines within the court. Three players stand at the net - they are called front row players, the other three players are back row players. All players of both the front and back lines during the game can be on their court anywhere. Before serving the ball from the back line, the players must stand behind the front line players.

4. Party in volleyball. How many games in volleyball:

The game consists of 3 or 5 games. A game of 3 games ends when one of the teams has won 2 games; A game of 5 games ends when one of the teams wins 3 games.

5. Playing volleyball. Side change:

Before the start of the game, the referee draws lots to choose the side of the court or serve. If one team drew lots for the right to choose a side, then the other team chooses the serve. After the first game of the game, the teams change sides and serves. And so after each game of the game, the order of innings and the change of sides are made.

6. Playing volleyball. Breaks:

There are 3 minute breaks between games. Before starting the decisive game, a break of 5 minutes is mandatory, and then a draw is again held for the right to serve or choose a side. In the decisive set, if one of the teams has reached 8 points, then the change of sides is carried out without interruption. Between the second and third sets, the break can be extended up to 10 minutes.

7. Serve the ball in volleyball:

After the referee's whistle, the ball is served. If the serve occurred before the whistle, then the ball is replayed. The player serving the ball stands on the “serving place” behind the court, throws the ball up and directs it to the opponent’s side with a hand stroke. The serve is counted when the player touched the ball with his hand, if he missed after tossing and the ball fell to the ground, then the serve is repeated.

The ball is served by the player until he or his team makes a mistake.

8. Movements in volleyball:

When the ball is changed, the right player of the front row performs the serve. All other players move clockwise one space. Such a move is always made if the team wins the innings.

9. How to hit the ball in volleyball, hitting technique in volleyball:

The ball in volleyball is beaten off by hands in any way. If the ball touches the body above the waist, then this is equal to a hit.

The team must hit the ball in no more than 3 strokes, preventing the ball from falling to the ground. Hitting and passing the ball are made with a jerky touch.

If two players of the same team touch the ball at the same time, it counts as 2 hits, and none of these players has the right to a third hit.

If one player touched the ball, and another player of the same team collided with him or hit his hands, but did not touch the ball, then this is considered as 1 hit.

10. Volleyball Blocking:

Blocking in volleyball is an attempt to stop an opponent's attack or stop the ball from passing over the net. Only front row players have the right to block. If the ball touches the hands of the blocking player, then the blocking is considered completed.

11. Volleyball. Ball out of play:

If the ball flew over the side or end line of the court, then it is considered out of play only if it touched any object or ground.

If the ball is out of play, the team that last played the ball loses 1 point or service.

12. Volleyball scoring:

The team that scores 15 points and has an advantage over the opponent by at least 2 points wins the game.

If the score is 14:14, then the game must be continued to 16 points, if it is 15:15, the game continues to 17 points, etc.

Brings victory to the team by winning 2 games out of 3 or 3 games out of 5 in any sequence.

If the receiving team made a mistake, the opposing team gets a point.

If the serving team makes a mistake, it loses the serve.

The basic rules of volleyball were invented by the creator of this game (William Morgan) in 1895. He borrowed some elements of tennis, handball, baseball and basketball. The first net for this game was borrowed from tennis, its height is 1970 millimeters. Instead of a ball, the players used a basketball camera. In domestic open spaces, this sport also quickly gained popularity.

The basic rules of volleyball briefly for schoolchildren

If we describe the rules of this game as abbreviated as possible, we can highlight the following points:

  • Athletes are divided into two game groups of six people.
  • The victory is awarded to the team with 25 points.

One point is awarded in such cases:

  • After the ball touches the territory of the opponent's court.
  • If an unsuccessful serve by the opponent is carried out into the net or out.
  • When touched by an athlete from another team on the grid.
  • If the opponent made a spade on someone else's half of the site.
  • When crossing the end line while serving the ball.
  • In the event of a fourth or more touch by the opposing team or a double by one player.

One match lasts three games, each up to 25 points. If the teams have 24 points each, the game lasts up to two points advantage.

Let's start with the features of the site. Unlike basketball, in this game it has strict boundaries. The obligatory size observed up to a few millimeters is 1800 x 900 centimeters. This is due to the fact that often it is the minimum distance that separates the hit from the out-of-bounds from the earned point. The height of the net for men and women in this sport is different. For the weaker sex, it is 2240 mm (for volleyball players - 2430 mm).

Scoring Features

Initially, the basic rules of volleyball provided for the conduct of the game up to 15 points. With the exception of the fifth round, it was possible to score points only after your submission. The modern version of the game allows you to score points in any way allowed, with any mistake being treated in favor of the opponent. A winning result is achieved with 25 points in one set. Winnings are awarded based on the results of three sets. If it is impossible to determine the winner in four games, a shortened round is played up to 15 points.

About lineups

Each team of volleyball players can enter up to 14 athletes for the match (previously - 12). No more than six players can be on the court at the same time.

Another interesting point is the libero position. It appeared in the basic rules of volleyball at the end of the last century. This player is dressed in a uniform that is different from the equipment of his teammates, has the right to replace any volleyball player of the back line. However, he cannot take part in the attack. More about this position in the next section.


To make it clearer to beginner volleyball fans, the libero is focused on high-quality ball reception. Not all tall athletes can quickly group and boast the desired degree of coordination. Liberos often take the position of the central blockers, since they are the most dimensional and slow-moving. He can also act as a diagonal or connecting player.

Attacking actions

Mostly, the main attack goes on the third touch of the ball. The first stage is the reception and transmission to the connecting player. The second stage is the choice of a partner for carrying out attacking actions. Completion - directly blow.

If the opponent allowed a poor-quality reception of the ball, it is quite possible to perform a one-touch attack. Fraudulent blows also have the right to exist when, instead of passing to his partner, a volleyball player sends the ball to the opponent's side.

As a rule, the attack involves a diagonal player, a finisher and blocking players. The main kick is carried out in a jump over the net. In this case, the ball must pass between two control antennas placed strictly on the boundaries of the site.


Let's continue to study briefly the basic rules of the game of volleyball. In a duel, it is not enough to achieve success just to approach the net and send the ball harder to the other side. Defense plays an important role in this sport. The main task in this case is to bring the ball to the connecting player. This must be done as efficiently as possible in order to ensure the subsequent development of a new attack.

All volleyball players of the team can receive the serve, observing rationality and accuracy. Holding the ball or placing the hands incorrectly when receiving is fraught with a point for the opposing team. There have been attempts to introduce a rule about the first touch when receiving exclusively with hands from below. However, this recommendation did not take root. In addition, players can receive the ball with their head or foot.

Zone distribution

During rallies, each athlete on the court must be in a certain area, making transitions during the match. For non-compliance with this rule, the referee will penalize the team by one point. The basic rules of volleyball provide for six zones. At the starting arrangement, they are distributed among the participants in the fight. During the game, athletes must move after each transition of the ball from a larger to a smaller area (for example, a player from zone No. 6 moves to fifth, and from first to sixth, and so on).

Simply put, every volleyball player must complete all six positions. But there is one caveat here. Mandatory placement is performed only for the time the opponent's ball is served, then players of different lines can enter each other's zones. Blocking defenders usually move to the familiar third zone when receiving, just as the setter to transfer the pass moves to a convenient part of the court.

How is the submission made?

The serve must be completed within thirty seconds of the point being scored. Another eight seconds are given to the player to carry it out after the referee's whistle, otherwise the right will be transferred to the opposing team. When serving, it is not allowed to catch the ball or make a spade on the playing part of the court. If the blow was made before the whistle, it is taken again. When the ball hits the net, own territory, out of bounds or antenna, a point is awarded to the opponent.


Studying briefly the basic rules of the game of volleyball, attention should be paid to the draw. This moment has many nuances, as in many game types sports. Among them, we highlight the following features:

  • Neither team has the right to perform more than three touches during the rally (the block is not considered a violation).
  • Any contact with the grid is not allowed.
  • Back row volleyball players can only attack from their zone, otherwise a foul is counted.
  • One team member is not allowed to make more than two touches of the ball.
  • You can not take the ball in your hands, go over to the side of the opponent, distract the referee with conversations or gestures.
  • Striking and other physical contact with an opponent is strictly not allowed.

Video replays

The development of digital and information technologies allowed the athletes to verify the correctness of the decision of the arbitrator by viewing the moment on the monitor in the recording. These introductions, even briefly in the basic rules of volleyball, do not have a single format. The best option is still under development. In each country, the moment happens in its own way.

For example, in Russia each team has the right to two reviews in each game. If the replay shows that the referee made a mistake, it remains valid. Otherwise, the team loses the right to one review. If two attempts are burned out, all controversial points in the game are interpreted in favor of the arbitrator's decision.

About violations

  • Touching the ball more than three times during a rally by players of the same team.
  • Similar violation by double touch by one participant.
  • Grid clinging.
  • Spade by a volleyball player of the back line when attacking.
  • Holding the ball or double-touching it when receiving.

The following violations are most often encountered during filing:

  • Foot step on the territory of the site (serving is made outside its boundaries).
  • Tossing and then holding the ball in the hands.
  • Serving before the referee's whistle.
  • Failing to maneuver within eight seconds of the signal (the right to perform passes to another team).


The team that starts the match is determined by lot.

The serve is carried out not by one player, but by all athletes in turn (after the transition). The purpose of the serve is to complicate the game process for the opponent, sending the ball to his territory as efficiently and strongly as possible.

If the team scores a point after the kick, the same player serves. To achieve victory will allow preliminary coordination of attack and defense tactics.

Volleyball (from the English volley - "volley" and ball - "ball") - one of popular types sports. It is played in many countries around the world. Those who are just starting to learn this sport are advised to get acquainted with its history, features and main provisions.


Volleyball comes from the American city of Holyoke. In 1895 the director of physical education W. Morgan YMCA (Youth Christian Association) came up with a new sport called Mintonette. It was originally intended to be played by older members of the association.

William Morgan

The sport had a lot in common with basketball, but the nature of the competition was softer. Played in the hall, pulling tennis net at a height of 6 feet (198 cm). The match consisted of nine innings with three innings for each playing team in each inning and no limit on the number of ball contacts for both teams. Hitting the ball into the net was considered a foul, except on the first try.

In 1896, observer A. Holster noticed the intricate nature of the sport and named it volleyball. The charter of the sport was amended and competitions began to be held throughout the country. Big changes in volleyball took place in the period 1915-1925. Basic instructions were developed, some of which have survived to this day and are still played on.

Volleyball: rules and technique of the game

Competitions are held on a platform measuring 18x9 meters, which is divided into equal squares by a grid one meter wide. The height of the net depends on who is playing: for men's competitions - 2.43 m, for women's - 2.24 m. In volleyball, the time of the match is not regulated, they play until one of the teams scores 25 points. It is played with a ball that complies with the FIVB (International Volleyball Federation) regulations.

For volleyball competitions, balls made of natural or artificial leather are used, with a circumference of 65-67 cm, a weight of 260-280 g and an internal pressure of 0.30-0.325 kg / cm²

Each team has up to 14 people, but only 6 play directly. The goal of the game is to drop the ball onto the court in the opponent's zone with an attacking blow. Which team will throw in the ball is determined by a coin toss. Players must be proficient in volleyball techniques, among which the main ones are:

  • Serve from the back line. The goal is to land the ball on the opponent's field. The players use different types of serves: under the arm, on top (topspin), floating, jumping and others.

jump serve
  • A pass is an attempt by a team to correctly parry an opponent's serve or other form of attack. Moreover, it is not easy to repel, but to create a threat to the enemy.
  • The attack consists in throwing the ball to the side of the opponent. The player makes a series of approaches, jumps and touches the ball. Ideally, there should be contact with the ball when the attacker is in a jump.
  • Blocking is the prevention of an attack by the opponent, as a result of which the ball remains on the side of the attacking team. Several players can be involved in a block.
  • Dig - the ability to prevent the ball from touching the court. Sometimes a jump player lands on his chest in an attempt to save the ball. But usually this is only played indoors, in beach volleyball the uneven surface limits the chances of timely contact of the hand with the ball.

How to play volleyball for beginners: rules

For most people, the first acquaintance with volleyball occurs at school. The teacher makes a brief release of the key points, so only those who know and adhere to them play well.

teaching sports discipline At school

Key provisions:

  • There are 2 teams, 6 people each. The first three (near the net) attack, the second provides a defensive line. The essence of the competition is to move the ball in order to lower it to the floor in the opponent's zone.
  • The ball cannot be caught and held, only beaten with hands. But if it bounces off another part of the body, this is not considered a violation. One athlete cannot touch the ball 2 times in a row, the exception is a block.
  • Beginners and amateurs are allowed to receive the serve with the lower reception, in professional sports, only the upper one.
  • Play until one of the teams scores 25 points. Beginner matches consist of 3 games. The winner is the team that wins 2 games.
  • Each participant is in his own zone. Move clockwise after one of the teams earns a point. They play within the boundaries of their field, going out of bounds or stepping over the center line is considered a violation, and they add a point to the opponent.
  • Each team of participants will take 2 short breaks (time outs) of 30 seconds. Time is usually used to make a substitution.
  • Serve with one hand no later than 8 seconds after the referee's whistle. If the serve is completed before the whistle, a second attempt is given.

The most important 5 rules of volleyball

Since its founding, major changes have taken place in volleyball. The sport was constantly developing and in 1964 entered the Olympic Games. At sports competition many fans around the world. Volleyball starts professionally at the age of 8. In Russia, youth teams that win citywide tournaments twice a year already at the age of 11 receive the 2nd youth category. But regardless of who plays where, they adhere to the following rules:

  • Regardless of the level of the tournament, athletes play on a court with standard dimensions (18x9 meters). The surface must be flat and horizontal. This does not give any of the participants an advantage, everyone always plays under the same conditions. Each of the participants takes his position, which they can change only after a goal is scored.

Volleyball field dimensions
  • Scoring features. To win, you need to score 25 points 2 times. However, in this sport, points are also awarded for opponent's mistakes.
  • A tough fight goes on throughout the fight. There is no such thing as, for example, in football, they scored a goal at the beginning of the game and roll the ball around the field until the end of the second half, occasionally delighting the fans with short sharp moments. The ball is constantly in the air, and you can’t leave it only on your own field (team players must touch the ball no more than 3 times).
  • Innings. There are several types of submissions. Serve at hand, tossing and hitting the ball from above or in a jump, touching with fingers. By serving, it is easy to determine the level of the players.
  • Libero is a defensive player. Always takes attacking blows from the opponent.

The uniform of the libero must be different from that of the members of his own team, but must not be the same as that of the opponent.

Competition Rules

Volleyball matches are held according to the rules established by the FIVB, where all the subtleties of the competition are considered in detail. A brief overview of significant provisions:

  • The competition involves 2 teams playing within their own field. 6 volleyball players play at the same time - 3 in the front row and 3 in the back. The goal is to send the ball over the net so that it lands on the opponent's side and prevent the same from the opponent's side.
  • Matches consist of sets, the number of which depends on the level of the tournament. Points are awarded for landing the ball on the opponent's side when the opponent makes a mistake and receives a reprimand. Matches of 3 sets are 2 sets of 25 points and the third set of 15. Matches of 5 sets are 4 sets of 25 points and the last of 15. A team must win 2 sets, unless otherwise specified by the competition.
  • Any contact between a volleyball player and the ball is considered a hit. According to the rules, the team has the right to 3 hits. One athlete cannot hit the ball 2 times in a row. Several athletes may touch the ball at the same time. If 2 opponents, while playing over the net, touch the ball at the same time, the team that received it can count on 3 more hits.

Simultaneous touching of the ball by opponents
  • Breaks in volleyball are time outs and substitutions. Each of the playing teams can request no more than 2 time-outs and 6 substitutions. In World competitions, technical breaks are appointed if the team that leads in the score gains the 8th and 16th points.
  • After the participants have played the game, a short 3-minute break is given. During it, the players change platforms, and who and what positions will be recorded in the protocol.
  • Athletes must respect the opponent, adequately respond to refereeing decisions. During the match, communication between athletes is allowed. Harsh, offensive or hostile behavior carries sanctions up to and including disqualification.

On the field, each player takes his position: setter, outside hitter, left hitter, front hitter, right hitter and libero. Each of the positions plays a specific key role in achieving victory.