What is the name of the program 25 frame. healthy eating

It is believed that human eye sees and distinguishes only 24 changing pictures on the video within 1 second. If 25 frames are shown during the same period, one of them will immediately penetrate into the subconscious and inspire a person with any thought. The idea is used in the method of losing weight "for the lazy", where it is important to choose the right words for an effective impact on the psyche.

The concept of "frame 25" is conditional, since today there are several methods for demonstrating video. In cinema, the global standard is 24 images per second, in television - 30 or 60, it depends on the color rendering system - Pal, Secam or NTSC. In fact, the hidden picture is 25, 31, 61 frames in a video sequence with different durations.


The use of frame 25 for advertising purposes was invented in the USA in the middle of the twentieth century. Businessman James Vikeri asked the theater owner to install an additional projector. With its help, while watching the film, the public was shown slogans calling for buying Coca-Cola and popcorn. According to Vaikeri, sales of advertised products have increased.

A little later, James admitted that the success of hidden advertising was exaggerated - the public, after watching the films, did not buy Coca-Cola with popcorn more than usual. However, the myth about the effective impact on the psyche of the twenty-fifth frame has already captured the minds of the townsfolk. This technique came to Russia 40 years after its appearance in the United States, caused a lot of controversy and won fans.

Operating principle

To start the process of losing weight, a video is shown to a person, where from time to time there are inscriptions or images that motivate the viewer to become slimmer. IN different options phrases appear in the video, stimulating to reduce portions, change nutrition. Affirmations that describe the result of losing weight have a strong effect - “I have slender body, slim stomach" etc.

The way this information is presented (blinking phrases) triggers the body's reserves. The body itself can burn fat by speeding up the metabolism, reducing or increasing the absorption of certain substances from food. The subconscious directs the work of the body without the participation of its owner. Supporters of the methodology believe in this, and many confirm the hypothesis by demonstrating good result.

Scientific rationale

Each frame of the video sequence is perceived by a person, but due to the inertia of vision, it merges with the previous and subsequent ones, without standing out from the general stream. That is, a person sees a frame longer than it is shown by a film projector. At that moment, when the eye has not yet had time to “reset” the received information in order to tune in to the next picture, the viewer is shown an additional frame with a hidden meaning.

There is a subliminal perception that picks up data subconsciously. The hidden picture, bypassing the consciousness of the viewer, is imprinted in the subconscious and the brain receives the message in an unconventional way. The results of experiments aimed at proving that such information will push the consumer to purchase a product are mixed. The effectiveness of the 25 frame technology has not been proven.

Slimming with 25 frames

Advertising products with this method of influence did not increase sales, but the technique of the 25th frame became the basis of weight loss technology. There are many licensed and free programs that offer Internet users to try out simple and effective tactics. Before choosing an available option, you should find out the advantages and disadvantages of the method, as well as the rules of application.

Advantages and disadvantages of the technique

Most of those who have already tried this method of weight loss, note a lot of its advantages. The frame 25 technique has the following advantages:

  • no need to exhaust yourself exercise- run, go to the gym, etc.;
  • the method of psychological influence does not require a person to change the diet, to refuse favorite dishes;
  • you can choose a free program;
  • You do not need to allocate a lot of time to watch the video - from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours daily.

Some users note that this technique has disadvantages. Common claims are:

  • Monotony. In free versions, you have to watch the same type of video.
  • The 25 frame method helps only suggestible people, for the rest the technique is not always effective.

How to use 25 frame for weight loss

As a rule, you need a home computer to work on yourself. The following options for the 25-frame weight loss technique are popular:

  • Viewing videos online, where inscriptions with affirmations (settings with the coding method formula) appear for milliseconds - “I'm losing weight”, “I don't feel like eating”, etc.
  • Views from the monitor of clips previously downloaded to the computer with embedded pictures or phrases for weight loss.
  • Disk with special program, superimposing phrases programmed by the user on any video sequence - you can watch frame 25 along with the film and at the same time lose weight.

Duration of use

Videos using 25 frames for weight loss need to be watched daily for a month to get the effect. According to the assurances of the developer, during this period, the viewer loses from 6 to 10 kg. However, the first results can be seen after two weeks of applying the technique. For the effect to be noticeable, the duration of one session should be at least half an hour a day.

zoya | 13-11-2014, 22:53
I also tried it as a supplement. great option, took on the site on request in Yandex: 25 frame success

www | 18-06-2014, 15:36
The result is excellent when viewed 3 times a day instead of meals.

Elena | 8-06-2014, 02:21
Read here. And it will be clear why the program does not always work. http://25kadr-master.ru/articles/tehnologia_25_kadra.html

Victoria | 26-03-2014, 21:14
Dear ladies! I ordered the program 25 frames via the Internet. Maybe my self-hypnosis is too strong, but using it for only 3 days for 45 minutes, I began to feel lighter, more optimistic, for me I started to lose weight) It all depends on you, on your self-hypnosis

Marina | 10-03-2014, 09:19
let's see how this works. downloaded here for free. I just didn’t understand how to correctly set the installation so that it works. what to choose? where do you get the background from?

Marina | 10-03-2014, 09:05
girls bought a program from a fitness trainer. True, I have here it is said that I watch 5-10 minutes three times a day. and probably a little different from what they offer here on the site ... I watch a video with relaxation music and a pleasant background (a rainbow with a waterfall or sprouts sprout ...) and there the figures of beautiful girls and installation phrases flash. maybe I’m very impressionable, but I began to eat less, forget to have dinner, and if my hand reached for a cookie, I put it off (which I didn’t have time before !!)))) but at the same time I do body flex and callanetics. by weight in two months it took only 2.5 kg. but the body tightened up and the dresses somehow hang on me. my hand easily fits into jeans (and before they barely converged ... of course, I attribute all the results to sports, but the brain control over nutrition is a disk with a program. It’s really easier for me to deny myself food, which was not there before

Elenv | 11-02-2014, 01:26
I downloaded via torrent, watched every day for a whole month, the result was 6-7 kg dropped.

Marina | 9-02-2014, 11:40
People! Read Wikipedia before spending money on this program! The man who invented the 25th frame effect in the 1950s later admitted that he falsified the results. And whoever itches, download for free via torrent and try it. It won't be all that embarrassing. Of course, the operators will tell you that only their original disc will have the effect, etc., but the 25th frame is visible to what is called the naked eye. (My result - I watch 2 weeks, the effect is 0. Downloaded via torrent)

Polina | 9-02-2014, 10:15
On this site below offer to download this program for free!!! Who downloaded?

Maria | 7-02-2014, 11:43
Yesterday I ordered SLENDER, read the reviews there, and of course the fool believed it ... and now I read it and understand that it will not work for me. I ordered, they called me and clarified, they said the conversation was being recorded. Now, of course, I don’t even want to go to the post office, who had such a situation and who refused it?

Natalia | 3-02-2014, 13:22
I bought the "Mom's School" program, they sent a gift "Slender +" along with it, probably these are partner companies for pumping money from those who are concerned about losing weight. I don’t see the result yet, because I’ve been looking for 5 days so far. I feel like eating less, but I think that along with watching, you need to take care of yourself. Maintain a certain diet, move and so on. Stupidly looking and losing weight is unrealistic. It also depends on the subconscious mind. Some people are strongly affected, and others may not be at all. I also drink tea with ginger (by the way, another panacea) and twist the hoop.

Inga | 16-12-2013, 21:54
Hello dear readers. I ask you not to fall for this scam. Since you contribute to the swindlers, they will get rich at the expense of you. Their system is simple - send money (of course, before that, the "consultant" is talking to you nicely), and in return you get an empty burnt disk. There is no point in calling the number, they will not answer you. Yes, I have a request to respond to all those who fell for this scam. [email protected]

Aigerim | 4-12-2013, 09:31
complete crap. didn’t help much, I’ve been watching it for 4 months. dear women do not see such divorces

Maria | 22-10-2013, 18:22
For the sake of interest, I ordered a disk 25 frames - complete crap)

Natalia | 18-10-2013, 13:02
Dear people!!! You can lose weight only with the help of a balanced diet and physical activity, and for this a sufficiently long time must pass, at least 1 year! It's all a money scam!

Victoria | 15-10-2013, 07:21
I ordered this technique for my mother, about 4 months ago, I seem to like it, I didn’t say anything bad.

Olga | 15-10-2013, 07:17
Hello! I bought this technique on a site with a picture of a beautiful, thin girl, it became interesting. I won’t say that I was plump, but it didn’t hurt to lose 4-5 kg. I decided to try (the main thing is that it doesn’t get worse) I ordered it, the girl called me kindly and told me about the technique and sent my order. After a couple of weeks, maybe a little more, I took my order at the post office. At home, I downloaded it on a PC and started browsing as the girl from the company told me (15 minutes). And just shocked! I didn’t think that such a good result would be, of course, I didn’t lose 5, but 4 is for sure, even a little more, and this is in 1.2 months. So I realized that the desire and regular review of this technique still helps someone ... Laziness in GYM's walk, at least in this way they came up with)))

Torba | 13-10-2013, 20:19
I will say one thing, the program not only did not help me, but also aggravated my addiction to food. After watching the videos, I wanted to eat even more!

Olga | 10-10-2013, 12:00
Girls, is someone cheating on you? Is my disc called Slender? There is one disc, there is no advertising on it. There is also a bonus described different diets and exercise complexes. I watch a week, great relaxation, the stories are short, but they go without interruption so that it does not bother. I am a realist, I understood that this is not the magic of Navatsky))) and I won’t wake up like a princess in a day. It works, I felt calmer in the evening, I began to eat less, minus 2 kg, but I still walk a little every day and twist the hoop a little. Everyone will be rewarded according to his faith and efforts, if nothing will help you lying on the couch with a cake.

Alena | 9-10-2013, 19:48
Hello! What kind of naive girls and women we are. I ordered, bought, a month of daily views, no changes happened, but how hard it was for me to make it look three times a day. All this is complete nonsense, one and a half thousand to the wind, it would be better if I bought nail or hair care products. And after all, I initially read the comments, there were both positive and negative ones, I believed the positive ones, of course. As a result, I bought a treadmill, I pump the press 10 times a day, since I don’t have enough willpower for more times, I’m lazy about this. I want to lose weight, but I don’t want to do anything, it doesn’t happen. As for “you need to eat less” and “do not eat after 18:00”, I don’t eat much anyway, but I have always been inclined to be overweight, and after 18:00 it’s impossible not to eat, because I work on a 12-hour night shift on the legs and in the workshop it smells very sweet of sweets, and if you don’t eat, then you start to feel sick. The treadmill saves, not 5-10 kg per month, of course, but I lose 1-2 kg each. Nothing happens without your own efforts. Alena, 19 years old, height 166 weight on this moment 71, three months ago was 75 until I started running at home and pumping up the press. You might think treadmill this is chic, not many people can buy it, they can! I bought it on credit and pay 620 rubles a month for 2 years, in theory, these pennies go to the store once and do not buy anything. I feel better, my mood is more fun, my young man rejoices with me :) "Dear girls, tie it up with beer, your stomach will pump up like a ball, and to blow it off you will have to sweat oh how!" (By the way, constant sex also keeps fit and cheers up;) ) Good luck to everyone, work on yourself!

Free application for influencing the subconscious. Helps to quickly memorize words, phrases or formulas. The effect is achieved by the periodic appearance of a picture or text on the screen.

The effectiveness of this technique has not yet been proven, but it has not been refuted either. Therefore, everyone can decide for themselves whether to use such a method or not. The free 25 frame utility for Windows allows you to try this method of memorization and decide whether it suits you or not.

Features of the program 25 frame:

  • very simple Russian-language interface;
  • manual adjustment of the interval for the appearance of the image on the screen;
  • installation does not require registration, completely free;
  • compatible with any version of Windows operating system;
  • can be easily removed from a computer or laptop if it is no longer needed.

In the program settings there are parameters where you can specify the frequency of the appearance of the object and the duration of the display. All parameters are set in milliseconds. Allows you to center the image on the screen - the image will appear in the corners of the screen or in the center. Psychologists advise periodically changing the place where the picture appears.

Attention! Absolutely identical programs are sold on the Internet and cost a lot of money. The described application fully supports the 25 frame exposure technique, but is distributed on a completely free basis. Get it right now by simply clicking the "Download" button.

Frame 25 can be downloaded for free for learning foreign languages, memorizing formulas, or for an experimental method of losing weight.


The frames of a movie are merging into continuous motion for us because of the speed of the retina's reaction: at the moment when the next image appears on the screen, we still see the previous one, and they are superimposed on each other for us. But because of the same phenomenon, the “inserted” frame will be clearly visible - you will see it superimposed on one or two of the next frames. Therefore, if at the cinema you catch that strange or inscriptions flicker over the image, be aware that they are trying to use the mysterious “25th frame” against you.

Despite the slow reaction of the retina, the human eye is incredibly sensitive - it is able to capture even individual photons (light quanta). Therefore, the interstitial image can be seen even if the frame rate is much higher than twenty-four or twenty-five per second.

The refresh rate of a typical or TV is from 50 to 100 hertz, that is, the sweep beam (or the signal that creates a dot on the liquid crystal display) passes through all the pixels of the screen and returns to its original point 75-100 times per second. It would seem that at such a speed it costs nothing to insert as many hidden frames as you like into or transmit.

However, here the role of the retina is played by the matrix of the screen itself. Its pixels continue to glow for some time after the beam or signal has left them. Therefore, on the screen, any "latent image" will be noticeable quite clearly.

But even if for some reason you missed the twenty-fifth frame without realizing it, there is still nothing to be afraid of. It will affect your behavior no more than anything else in the movie you watched.

The main idea of ​​the twenty-fifth frame method is Vaikeri's words that a subliminal message (too short to be aware of) bypasses conscious perception and goes straight into the subconscious. In fact, what biologists and psychologists have long known is that any information from the outside first goes through subconscious processing, and only then what has passed through these filters is transmitted to consciousness. There is no point in making the hidden message so short.

Thus, the twenty-fifth frame from the point of view of the subconscious is the same picture as all the others. It does not possess any hidden magical power, and its use is very easy to notice and recognize.

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Despite the fact that the method of the twenty-fifth frame does not work, there are still ways to influence a person's behavior through signals to his subconscious. For this, however, it is not at all necessary to use hidden images - information for the subconscious always lies in plain sight. But you can also learn to recognize it, and you can easily find information about this in the books of modern psychologists.


  • Club of skeptics - 25 frame

With the help of the 25 frame program, you can, as its developers assure, learn languages ​​​​and master many others. teaching materials. How to install it correctly so that it really works?


Buy a disc with the 25 frame program and install it in your computer drive. Wait for the autorun system to work. If this does not happen, open the disk through "My Computer" and find the autorun.exe file. Click on it and start installing the program manually.

Familiarize yourself with the menu offered by the autorun program. It contains the following items: "Install", "Instructions", "Run the program", "Uninstall the program", "Exit". Click on "Install". Enter the necessary parameters in the installation wizard: the path to the file, the section in the Start menu, etc. Click next. Wait while the program installs on your computer.

Check if you installed the program correctly and if there are any problems with its launch. To do this, either click on its shortcut on the desktop, or select "Run a program" from the autorun menu, or open it through "Start".

If the program stops responding, check the codecpack (K-Lite Mega Codec Pack) and, if necessary, reinstall it. To do this, go to the "Control Panel", select "Add or Remove Programs" (or "Programs and Features") and click "Remove". After that, download K-Lite Mega Codec Pack again, and during the installation process, uncheck the MPEG splitter item. Restart your computer. After resolving problems with the K-Lite Mega Codec Pack, you may need to reinstall the 25 frame program.

If after launching the program asks you to insert a disc, even if it is already in the drive, then try disabling / enabling the drive. To do this, go to the "Control Panel", select the "System" section, then - "Hardware" and call the "Device Manager". In the tree of connected devices, select the drive, right-click on it and temporarily disable it. Then turn it on by right-clicking and selecting "Enable". If your computer has more than one drive, you can do the same with the one that is not currently in use so as not to overload the system.

Everyone in their life at least once heard about the 25 frame technology. Her opinion is not clear. Some believe that the use of this technique is always bad and leads to irreversible processes in the minds of the masses and the movements of society, others make it dependent on the field of application, and others insist on the futility of the impact. However, this topic has remained relevant for almost a hundred years.


The film is (), lined up linearly and replacing each other in time. Scientists have proven that the optimal impact of the image on the subconscious lasts 0.08-0.12 seconds. Movie equipment reproduces at a frequency of 1/24 - this is the minimum amount per second. An additional frame will allow you to achieve the optimal time of exposure to the brain and be completely unnoticed by the eye. With each appearance of the “invisible” frame, the brain tracks, analyzes and assimilates information without realizing it. That is why the technique was called frame 25.

The opening has gained popularity. It was used to simultaneously influence the consciousness and subconscious of a large number of people. For example, during the election campaign. The party using frame 25 in its commercials gained an advantage over the party of its competitors. Film producers sought deep emotions and impressions from the audience. Businessmen - increase profits. It ended in a big public scandal. Since the mid-seventies, the use of the 25 frame technique has been prohibited.

But scientists continued to study the effects on humans. Invented devices that capture "unauthorized information" in the television signal. There have been improved individual programs to achieve results in education, psychotherapy, medicine. Today, a person can consciously use this discovery, it helps in the fight against overweight, smoking and other addictions.

Surely any woman at least once in her life thought about how to lose a couple of extra pounds. There are many ways to lose weight now, one of them is the technique of the 25th frame.

One way to lose weight

Each era has its own requirements for the beauty of the female body. Once they were chic and lush, but now they are slender, thin, toned body which is considered perfect. Women always strive to follow fashion. To get rid of extra pounds, some devote a lot of time physical activity(fitness, aerobics, jogging, dancing), the second go on the strictest diets, the third are looking for miraculous teas and pills, others use unconventional methods (conspiracies, coding) and even surgery. Computers and the Internet have now become an integral part of human life. All of you spend enough time at the monitor screen. So why not take advantage of this and offer a weight loss option using a technique called “frame 25”?

Method "25 frame"

What is frame 25? It is known that the human eye during perception can only respond to 24 frames per second, and the notorious 25th frame is perceived only at the subconscious level. The 25 frame method is as follows: a program is installed on your computer, configured and launched, which acts psychologically on your subconscious. This technique can be compared with encoding or. But, unlike the above, you can work on the computer during the session, type texts, play games, view.

All you can notice is the flickering of the monitor. But these are trifles.

The program includes certain phrases that promote weight loss. You can replace them with ones more suitable for you and customize the program. In addition, this system can be configured, for example, to quit smoking, purchase some good habits. The time of work with the program is again individual. Usually it is 1-3 hours.

You can set the “25 frame” to a certain weight, because the number of extra pounds is different for everyone: someone wants to get rid of 20-30 kilograms, while 2-3 is enough for someone.

Do not forget that different people have different susceptibility to suggestion: someone responds well to influencing the subconscious, someone will not notice a tangible effect, and for someone such an impact will cause rejection. Therefore, the effect of the "25 frame" technique can be quite unpredictable. You should take into account these features or choose for yourself another way to deal with excess weight.

Representatives of the weaker sex, suffering from an excess of extra pounds, dream of an easy and simple method of losing weight, in which there is no need to do anything, and the kilograms themselves disappear from the body. This problem is especially acute in women who have recently given birth to a child.

Does not help . And if physiology does not want to help, psychology can come to the rescue. Currently, there are many methods of losing weight that can, by influencing the human subconscious, help overweight men and women lose weight without any extra effort and worries. One of these methods of losing weight is the "25 frame" method.

The principle of operation "25 frames"

According to scientific interpretation, frame 25 is a method of directly influencing the subconscious of people by mounting an additional frame in a video sequence. The principle of operation of this method of combating excess weight is very simple. The vision of any person is capable of distinguishing 24 frames per second - this is the normal frame rate in the film. In this case, an additional frame, which can be shown for less than 1/24 of a second, is able to bypass consciousness and act immediately on the subconscious.

For the first time, the 25 frame technique was applied more than 50 years ago, as a marketing ploy - to increase sales of some American brands. Further, the technology was used to combat alcoholism and tobacco smoking and gave good results. Now it's time for the treatment. overweight.

There are many positive feedback from people who lost weight using this technique.

What is the essence of the "25 frame" system

The first thing you need to do in order to lose weight is to order a DVD in an online store or purchase it from authorized dealers. At the moment, there are a lot of these offers on the Internet. So, there will be no problems with buying a disk.

After purchasing the disc, carefully read the proposed instructions. It is recommended to watch the program every day for 30-40 minutes. The full course is three weeks, after its completion it is necessary to take a break, then three weeks of continuous daily viewing of the program follow again.

This technique helps people not only lose weight. It all depends on what exactly the disk is programmed for. With 25 frames, you can even quit smoking.

And do not forget about one very important point. Whatever method of losing weight you choose, one of the main factors for its success is confidence in victory. And for this, you need to set yourself up for a 100% positive result every day.

The effect of frame 25 is known to many, although it has not yet been confirmed by scientists. To date, you can read a huge number of articles about the theory of frame 25, which describes the impact and influence on the human brain. If you want to inspire a person with something, then there is no better method than a kind of hypnosis through this method. Of course, this is quite difficult to do, however, a certain effect will always take place. Also, frame 25 can be used when teaching various foreign languages, for example, English. If you succeed, then you can quickly learn a huge number of foreign words, their pronunciation and spelling.

Downloading the free 25 frame program is very simple, and there are a huge number of versions of such an application on the Internet. It is recommended that you download several programs and test them out for yourself to see which software is best for you. At the same time, it is worth remembering that most frame 25 utilities are designed exclusively for the Windows operating system, so you should carefully select the application. If you have installed Linux system or Mac, then you should give preference to the free software that can be used specifically on your OS. After downloading and installing the application, all that remains is to launch it and move on to learning English.

Naturally, there are not very many functions and opportunities here, because the main purpose of the free 25 frame application is to quickly learn foreign languages. In most programs, there is a choice between ways to display information - text or picture with text. Each user who managed to download the free 25 frame program independently determines what exactly to choose. best choice is a picture and text, because in this case you will see the name of the word and its visual display, with the possibility of its visualization, of course. For this reason, users with a well-developed visual memory will be able to quickly and easily memorize all the proposed words as quickly as possible.

Popular program 25 frame download for free on a computer

Another important point that all users should remember is the spacing between words. Here you need to be very careful, because if you download frame 25 for free and set the interval too large, then psychological effect will be minimal. The same will happen in the case of a short time period, since the brain will not have time to absorb all the information provided.

Thus, it remains only to download the free program 25 frame, with it you can learn new languages ​​in the shortest possible time.