Fitness for fat people where to start. Fitness for the fat: its own territory, its own rules

Do you want to get in shape and lose weight? The best means to achieve this goal will be fitness - effective technique recovery of the body. Exercising under the guidance of experienced trainers of the Swim & Gym fitness club, you can not only get the desired shape, but also improve your health and improve your mood. The main thing is to work hard.

How to achieve results?

Fitness for obese women in Moscow provides for a whole range of measures aimed at correcting the figure:

Only thanks to a combination of these three factors will it be possible to normalize body weight and permanently consolidate the result.

Experts advise to follow a number of simple rules:

    regularly attend classes - three to four times a week;

    work on the body in a complex way - to give loads on all muscle groups;

    increase physical activity gradually, avoid sudden changes in its types;

    exclude fatty, sweet, fried foods, alcohol from the diet;

    do not eat a couple of hours before and after classes;

    take a shower, relax after training.

The most efficient way to create beautiful figure- visiting gym where fitness classes include both fat-burning and fat-building exercises muscle mass. It is recommended to train different groups muscles on different days. After a couple of months of intensive work, you can lose weight by 5-6 kg.

Benefits of classes

In addition to burning excess fat cells, fitness for weight loss (Moscow) has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. With this healing technique, you will be able to:

    speed up metabolism;

    improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system;

    strengthen capillaries;

    normalize blood pressure;

    tighten muscles;

    develop joint flexibility;

    increase endurance and psychological stamina;

    get rid of chronic fatigue;

    boost self-esteem.

Train at Swim & Gym!

Thanks to highly qualified trainers, each client of our fitness club can count on a rapid improvement in their appearance And physical form. Productive work on the construction of muscle mass of the body is facilitated by the ultra-modern simulators that Swim & Gym has.

To become a member of the center and purchase a club card, please contact our managers or fill out a special form on the website. We are waiting for you!

Motor activity contributes to the normalization of metabolism, increases blood circulation, muscle tone. Regular physical activity is especially important for fat people: in combination with proper nutrition help get rid of excess weight, which means it will increase mood, vitality and heal the whole body.

For whom is exercise dangerous?

Reasonable physical activity has a beneficial effect not only on the figure, but allows the internal organs and body systems to work well. Some doctors believe that sports are contraindicated for overweight people, but not for everyone. First you need to determine how much weight is more than normal and choose the appropriate set of exercises.

Gymnastics is contraindicated for full under the following conditions:

Obesity 4 degrees;

The manifestation of a rare pulse, less than 60 beats per minute;

An increase in blood pressure more than 1 - 2 times a month above 200 to 120, the presence of heart problems.

People with obesity of 2 - 3 degrees need to choose gymnastics without a strong load on the spine and joints in order to avoid injuries. If during classes there is shortness of breath, increased sweating, the inability to perform any exercises - this is not a reason to stop charging.

7 Rules for Starting a Healthy Workout

1. Decide on motivation. It is very important to answer the question: why do I need it? The goal of gymnastics for the overweight is to gain a dream figure, get rid of a serious illness, find a new job or life partner, and other reasons. If the motivation is weak, you can hang a photo of a beautiful slender girl on the refrigerator, or vice versa, an unsightly fat woman. Along with motivation, impact force will. It is better to train it with small things. When motivation is high, volitional reserves turn on full force and help you achieve your goals.

2. Start classes gradually. When the understanding came that physical exercise needed like air. It is necessary to start with a small load, gradually increasing the intensity and time of work. The ideal option there will be a consultation with a professional instructor who will help you choose exercises depending on the degree of obesity, the presence of chronic diseases, the time for training. Can be done at home or gym. Each method has its pros and cons.

3. Practice regularly. Physical activity from time to time will not bring benefits and the desired result. The best option to start would be training 2 times a week to a state of mild pleasant fatigue and sweat. In the future, you can increase the load up to 3-4 times a week.

4. Avoid heavy loads. running, jumping, power training, high-intensity exercise big weight- may cause injury.

5. Moderate force load contributes to rapid burning fat. During training, the muscles consume a large amount of energy and recover up to 48 hours, even after the end of work, weight loss occurs.

6. Choose suitable species sports: walking, swimming, cycling, yoga, pilates, stretching, functional training.

7. Eat right. Gymnastics for the full must be combined with a diet. Otherwise, all the calories spent will return. Fatty, starchy, sweet foods are prohibited. After an intense workout, a brutal appetite can wake up, which needs to be tamed with water and low-calorie food in a small amount.

Important! If the weight exceeds the norm by more than 20 kg, it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting a workout.

It is good to start playing sports with Have a good mood having a high degree of motivation and self-discipline. Training "through strength" will not be effective and will not contribute to weight loss. The optimal time for gymnastics is from 11.00 to 13.00 and from 17.00 to 19.00. Positive dynamics from training is observed during the first month, then the body gets used to the loads and weight loss does not occur. This means that you need to increase the intensity and change the set of exercises.

Important point - Fight a sedentary lifestyle. In addition to home or training in the gym, you need to organize your schedule involving outdoor games in the air: in winter - skiing, skating, in summer - walking, swimming, cycling. For overweight women, belly dancing will be an alternative to monotonous power loads. Its smooth movements will not create a large load on the body, and the high intensity of execution will ensure uniform training of the muscle corset and active fat burning.

Gymnastics for the obese: training technology at home

If the choice fell on homework, then you need to remember that you need to train in natural clothes that do not restrict movement, put on sneakers on your feet. The load should be carried out at least 2 hours after eating. Be sure to start with a short warm-up of 10-15 minutes, as a result of which the muscles are warmed up and prepared for further work.

A warm-up usually consists of:

Walking in place with high leg raises;

Rotations of arms, hands, shoulders, head;

Tilts and rotations of the body.

Then we move on to the main set of exercises. A great many have been developed. Because the overweight, as a rule, is deposited on the stomach, hips, shoulders, it is very important to carry out the load on problem areas. Here are some exercises for various groups muscles.

Complex for pectoral muscles:

1. Sitting on your knees, gently raise your straight arms up, while lowering, hold them horizontally with your palms up. You can use dumbbells.

2. At chest height, put your palms together and press hard, elbows parallel to the floor.

3. Standing straight or sitting on your knees, spread your arms to the sides, as far as possible behind your back, wiggle slightly. Good with dumbbells.

In the presence of varicose veins 1 and 3, perform the exercise while standing. Each repeat up to 10 times.

Waist complex:

1. In a standing position, legs apart slightly, hands on the belt, tilt to the sides, alternately changing hands. Up to 10 times.

2. Standing, feet apart, hands on the back of the head, elbows to the sides, tilt down, touching the left knee with the right elbow and vice versa. Do up to 10 times.

3. Sitting on the mat, hands behind your head, lean down touching your knees with your elbows. Swing in this position up to 15 times.

4. Standing, legs apart, hands behind the head. Gentle turns left and right. Do up to 15 times.

Complex for the abdomen

1. Lying flat on your back, slowly raise straight legs, lower, then bent legs pull to the stomach, lift up and lower. Do up to 10 times.

2. Exercise "Cycling".

3. Lying on your back, hands are fixed on the back of the head, legs are bent, tear off upper part body up to 10 times.

4. Wheel. Lying on your stomach, grab your ankles, raise your torso with your head thrown back, sway in this position up to 15 times.

5. Sitting, with the emphasis on the hands behind the back, the legs are straight, hold the ball between the feet, lift the legs off the floor up to 20 times.

Gymnastics for full hips

1. Sitting on the floor, one leg is bent and fixed with your hands, raise the second straight leg up to 10 times. And with the other leg.

2. Sitting on your knees, take turns moving the pelvis to the right, to the left, and straight arms in the opposite direction up to 15 times.

3. Sitting on the floor, lean on your hands from behind, raise your straight legs up, spread them apart, connect and lower again 10 times.

4. Standing, on knees slightly apart, lower the torso back 10 times.

One of the unique exercises without active movements is the plank, during the execution of which all muscle groups function intensively. Take a position as when pushing up from the floor, the back is straight, the stomach is tense, we stand on straight arms from 30 seconds, gradually adding time to 5 minutes. Experts recommend ending the workout with walking in place and stretching exercises available.

To maintain a positive attitude towards training, perform the exercises, if possible, in several sets throughout the day.

It makes sense to do gymnastics for the full at home according to ready-made videos - lessons, which are very numerous on the Internet. The choice is made in accordance with taste preferences, level physical fitness and the ability to perform specific exercises.

A diet for very fat people is not very different from diets for those who lack 2-3 kg for complete happiness. Of course, there are nuances that do not allow the process of losing weight of the first and others to occur in the same way.

For example, they often cannot run, as well as perform even the most primitive physical exercises. Therefore, in the early stages of the process of transformation from a pig into a human, they have to limit themselves only to diet.

A sedentary lifestyle is very conducive to weight gain.

To begin with, let's decide who to call very fat. This category includes women tall, weighing over 100 kg, medium or tall, weighing over 120 kg, as well as men whose weight is 140+ kg with the same waist circumference, only in centimeters. In general, if your weight in numbers is not very different from height, congratulations - you are in the favorites category! The super prize for you is a ticket to a normal life. So let's get started.

Hormonal system

Often, in such overweight people who have been carrying this burden for more than a year, a bouquet of small and not very sores looms, associated with pressure on the heart, joints, and blood. Once you lose weight, most of them will go away on their own, but first visit your doctor, get tested and make sure that you do not have diseases that can interfere with weight loss.

When permission to lose weight from a doctor is received, you can proceed to the actual diet. But remember, while your weight is very large, the body is in a state of severe stress, therefore, if you experience ailments during weight loss, immediately consult a doctor. We have warned you.

Diet for very fat people

Rigid diets are forbidden for you, because you may have to diet for 2-3 years (what did you want? You probably didn’t gain fat in a month either) and the diet should have enough nutrients and calories to survive during this time. Be patient and get ready to lose no more than 4 kg per month at first and no more than 2 in the future.

Being overweight creates many problems in everyday life.

This is the only way to lose weight with a very large weight, without harming the body. In addition, too fast weight loss will cause severe sagging of the skin. Of course, to some extent, the skin will sag in any way. But over time, everything will return to normal.

Our weight loss will take place in stages. Each step will get more difficult. Think of it as a quest.

Stage 1

  • Eliminate all sweets from your diet. Sugar in tea and coffee also counts. None "one chocolate a week". Do it "Jerk", removing in one fell swoop all cookies, bars, pastries and sweet soda from the diet. If you really want something sweet, drink it. Infrequently.
  • The second exception is fast food. Hot dogs, shawarma, McDonald's food, crackers, nuts and other rubbish should be forgotten.

For a start, these restrictions are enough. Follow the conditions of the first stage for two months. During this time you will be able to If the weight is large, weight loss at first goes very quickly. Then the process slows down, this is normal.

Stage 2

  • We continue to exclude junk food from the diet. We limit all flour. Bread and pastries should be a thing of the past.
  • Stop eating potatoes.
  • We exclude rich broths, soups and borscht from the diet. Soups - only dietary, without fat.

Everything got a little more complicated. This phase will continue for another two months. How much you lose weight during this time depends on the individual characteristics of the body. At the expiration of this period Let's assume that you are ready for more serious restrictions.

Stage 3

  • Stop eating pasta. We replace them with oatmeal.
  • We exclude milk from the diet. Eat cottage cheese instead of milk. Fat free.
  • Bring your daily diet to mind: before 14:00 any cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, etc.) with something protein (fish, meat, poultry, eggs,), after 14:00 - only protein foods.
  • Vegetables and fruits can be eaten in unlimited quantities.

It seems to you that there is nowhere to complicate your life? You just seem to. After 3 months, we move on to stage 4.

Stage 4

  • We cook all food without fat.
  • We limit the amount of fruit in the diet.
  • We drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  • Don't eat 3 hours before bed.

We follow this diet until the weight returns to normal. When that happens, you may find that it's been over a year since you started it, and if you haven't snapped yet, dietary restrictions won't bother you as much anymore.

Physical exercise

When you turn from a very fat person into just a well-fed person, you can add a little physical education to your daily routine for more effective weight loss. For starters, try just walking more.

Then you can go to light exercise from exercise therapy complex: swinging arms, tilting the body, swinging legs lying down. In the future, you can connect a more intense aerobic exercise - a stepper, an exercise bike, possibly running (carefully with your knees!), Swimming.

Don't give up and you will succeed. The time will come and you will not recognize yourself in the mirror!

Fitness is considered one of the most effective ways lose weight. Therefore, it seems logical that the more extra pounds a woman has, the more often and more intensely she needs to train. However, some doctors believe that sports are contraindicated for overweight people. So where is the truth?

Yoga is among the allowed activities for overweight people.

The truth is that full people cannot refuse sports: physical activity is useful not only for the figure, but also for work. internal organs. However, if you have a lot of extra pounds, some activities can really harm your health - for example, disable the cardiovascular system or lead to joint problems. How to be? First, understand how much your weight is more than normal, and then choose the safest types of activities for yourself.

Estimate your waist size: if it is more than 80 centimeters, you have at least 5-6 extra pounds. Waist circumference more than 87 cm? There are all signs of obesity, an urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary.

More accurate figures on the number of unnecessary kilograms can be found using simple arithmetic. For women up to 165 cm normal weight is calculated by the formula height in cm minus 100. For women with a height of 166 to 175 cm - height minus 105, and for those who are above 175 cm: height minus 110. For example, a lady with a height of 168 cm and a weight of 79 kg has 16 extra kilograms.

Are you overweight by 12-13 kilograms? Do not forget about the rules of sports for the full ones, in this case you will lose weight effectively and without harm to health.

Excess weight is not a hindrance to fitness, but an indication for it

Rule #1: Start easy

The first mistake that many people make when they decide to lose weight is to start training intensively and a lot: if you have already decided to run, then by all means a five-kilometer one. If you went to Gym, then by all means for 2-3 hours a day. This path is inefficient (such a fuse will not last long) and unsafe ( excessive loads lead to health problems). Coaches recommend to master gradually. Start easy, with something that brings you joy (say, brisk walking or dancing, not running or aerobics) - this way you will quickly get satisfaction from the work done and prepare the body for harder loads. By the way, they should be gradually increased only after the first 12 weeks of classes.

Rule #2: Don't skip workouts

Most overweight people are not friends with sports, this is a fact. Therefore, too frequent classes (even your favorite kind of fitness) will do more harm than good. The optimal schedule is two workouts per week. It makes no sense to go in for sports for overweight people: only regularity brings results. Do not forget that you should train in fat burning mode (60-75% of the maximum heart rate - such a pulse rateat which you are already sweaty and tired, but you can talk and not choke).

Rule #3: Eliminate Shock Loads

For overweight people, shock loads on the spine and major joints, including running and jumping, are strictly contraindicated. “Because the body weight is greater than the musculoskeletal system is designed for, high-intensity impact exercises - step aerobics, interval training, or heavy weight training - can lead to injury.”, - warns Ruslan Panov, coordinator of group programs of the federal network of X-Fit fitness clubs.

Rule number 4: do not be afraid of strength exercises

The standard power load is generally not contraindicated for overweight women. Therefore, when exercising on simulators or doing exercises, focus on heart rate and general well-being. By developing muscles, you will lose weight faster. “Muscles are a versatile, 24/7 energy consumer. After one good workout, muscles recover up to 48 hours. At this time, the body consumes more energy than usual. No muscles - no additional energy consumption, the process of weight loss is slower. ”, - says Ekaterina Soboleva, personal trainer, fitness director of the ZUPRE club.

Power loads help us lose weight even when the workout is over

Rule number 5: choose calm workouts

Walking, cycling, swimming, various programs to strengthen the muscle corset, as well as neat individual sessions With personal trainer. Edward Kazarian, X-Fit group fitness instructor, recommends starting with remedial classes- yoga, pilates, stretching. Take some yoga exercises (asanas) and work with them for a certain time.

According to the combination of safety and high efficiency, functional training is suitable for overweight people - a set of exercises for flexibility, strength, coordination and balance. In a global sense, it can be compared to what we do every day - climbing stairs, swimming, gardening, playing with children, cleaning, etc. functional training very variable - there are cardio exercises, a strength effect, work with balance and the inclusion of deep muscles, in total this increases the energy exchange of the body.

In general, plump girls will feel comfortable in absolutely all types of “light fitness”: after all, physiological feature fat people is a great mobility of the joints. “Many wiry thin women will envy the ease with which you sit on the twine! There are no exercises in yoga or Pilates that would be contraindicated for women with overweight. There are exercises that are difficult or uncomfortable to do, but then it’s up to you to train your body or give up. ”, - adds Ekaterina Soboleva.

Rule number 6: eat right

No form of fitness will help you lose weight if you continue to indulge in buns or overeat: all the calories spent in the gym will return very quickly due to the wrong food. So that training is not in vain, nutrition should be balanced, with a minimum of fat (or better to exclude them altogether), without starchy foods and sweets.

Rule #7: Find Your Motivation

You must understand that only regular work on yourself will help bring you closer to ideal weight. A lot depends on personal motivation, and even how quickly you can lose weight. If you try hard, you will be happy with the result. long years: you will not only lose weight, but also strengthen your ligaments and joints, form a muscular corset, improve your posture and improve your well-being. And in order to visualize your goal, hang photos of slender girls on your refrigerator. Or, on the contrary, find on the Internet and print out a photo of the most terrible, in your opinion, fat woman. This can also motivate.

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Many people are interested in knowing what exercises for obese women should be performed. Experts recommend performing such a complex for obese people who have a certain degree of obesity and there is a health risk. But if you have no more than 10 extra pounds, then training program should be completely different. There are a large number of exercises that improve the metabolic process, metabolism, mood and are safe for the joints. If you wish, you can train at home.

General rules for exercises for obese ladies

Physical activity is contraindicated for people with the 4th degree of obesity, but there are other factors in which it is forbidden to engage in:

  • Often there is a rare pulse. That is less than 60 beats per minute.
  • For cardiac problems.
  • If several times a month the pressure exceeds 200/120.

In this case, not only can not be engaged, but it is necessary to seek help from a medical institution. And if it is difficult for you to bend over, increased sweating, shortness of breath appears, then this is not a contraindication to physical activity.

The program for obese women does not include exercises that load the joints and spine. Overweight people are recommended to engage in the following sports:
Nordic or regular walking

With such loads, you should control the frequency of your steps and heart rate. If being overweight puts a lot of pressure on knee joints, it is recommended to purchase a special retainer at a sports outlet. You also need to use a belt that fixes the stomach and lower back. This will avoid stretching.


You can spend half an hour every day doing this. physical activity. They are absolutely safe, as the joints and bones are not overloaded. Any water resistance is useful for overweight women, as it allows you to burn fat.

Winter sport

Such loads are very useful for full young ladies. In order not to overload the joints, it is recommended to stop at the cross-country skiing in the classic style. The pace is not important here, the main thing is the duration of the classes.


Purchase Mountain bike where you can change gears. Thus, you can choose a load for yourself, taking into account the characteristics of your body.

Good exercises for obese women is belly dancing. Perform smooth movements and do not hesitate to anyone.

WITH experienced coach you can do oxysize, body flex, pilates, hatha yoga and other types of fitness.

Exercises for women with big weight

All exercises should be performed three times a week, let the body rest. On free days, you can take a walk in the fresh air.

First you need to do a warm-up (about 10 minutes): walk a little, breathe deeply, do rotational movements hands.

After that, you need to walk at a fast pace for about 3 kilometers. You should definitely sweat well.

As a hitch, a ten-minute slow walk is suitable.

As a warm-up, walk around the room a bit and breathe deeply.

Workout on any cardio machine you have at home. Pick up average load and do about half an hour, moderate pace. A stapler is suitable for overweight people, treadmill, exercise bike.

As a hitch, a ten-minute walk.

Exercises for very large women

Before each workout, be sure to do a warm-up to avoid various injuries. To do this, you can walk a little, even on the spot, rotate your arms, legs, head, raise your knees. The exercises below should be done in 2-3 sets 5-10 times.

1. Traction of the spine

To do this, you need to lean your back against the surface of the wall, draw in your stomach, and then take deep breaths in and out with your chest several times. When focused, raise your arms up and stretch your shoulders up to the ceiling, while the stomach should be pulled in. This exercise is designed to develop abdominal muscles and to unload the column of the spine. Hold this position for about 15 seconds and repeat three times.

2. Hand movements

Take light dumbbells in your hands (1kg is enough), they can be replaced with a regular bottle filled with water. After that, perform various movements: imitate a blow, lift weights through the sides, do scissors. All movements should be repeated three times.

3. Push-ups

For obese women, there is a lightweight version of the exercise. To do this, you need to lean on the bench with your palms and wring out at least 4 times. If this is difficult for you and shortness of breath appears, then push up mono from the wall.

4. Squats
Do incomplete squats. To facilitate the exercises, you can stretch a belt under the sofa and hold on to it during squats.

5. Lunges.

Do backward lunges, that is, step back with one foot, while holding on to the belt, as in squats. Try to bend the leg to reach an acute angle. Complete required amount repetitions for one leg, then proceed to the other.

6. Swimmer.

Starting position on the stomach. Then lift your legs, arms and chest. Try to imitate the movements while swimming. To begin with, half a minute will be enough, then you need to achieve a three-minute performance.

7. Exercise for the press

For the starting position, you need to sit on the floor, then you should pull in your stomach and slowly lean back, if possible, while tightening your abdominal muscles and rounding your back a little. Try to hold out for at least a minute.

After completing the entire program, it is necessary to perform muscle stretching movements.

All these exercises are quite safe and affordable for overweight women. To achieve the best effect, you need to eat a balanced diet. As a result, you will be able to lose weight and favorably affect your own health.