Autogenic training exercises to manage your condition. What does autogenic training give

Autogenic training includes a set of exercises aimed at increasing the possibility of self-regulation of the initially involuntary functions of the body. Autogenic training is a self-hypnosis method proposed by the German scientist I.G. Schultz. With this method, initially, by self-hypnosis, relaxation of muscle tone is achieved - relaxation, then in this state self-hypnosis is carried out, aimed at certain functions of the body.

This method is simple and can be mastered by most people. Under its influence, the higher nervous activity, the emotional sphere are normalized, the volitional abilities of a person are strengthened. Autogenic training techniques are acquired in the process of systematic exercises, which gives this technique a training character. Given that such training strengthens willpower, it can also be considered an activating personality. It should be noted that the main element of autogenic training is training in muscle relaxation (relaxation). The ability to relax will help employees of the internal affairs bodies to relieve or reduce emotional stress, as well as get a good rest in a short period of time.

The time to master autogenic training depends on the individual characteristics of each individual person, but on average it is about 3-4 months with daily two to three times a day for 10 minutes.

Before proceeding to the study of special exercises of autogenic training, it is advisable to master some preparatory exercises.

The most important preparatory step is breathing exercises, which consists in the development of rhythmic full breathing. The most important condition for the regulation of breathing is the control of its rhythm. It must always be remembered that in order to breathe correctly, it is necessary to accurately count the established rhythm. To determine the optimal breathing rhythm, it is convenient to use the pulse rate before classes (this rhythm serves as the basis for counting when breathing). Before mastering the so-called full breathing, it is necessary to master its constituent elements (abdominal, middle and upper breathing).

Abdominal (diaphragmatic) breathing - performed standing, sitting or lying down. To perform it, you need to focus on the navel area. Pulling in the abdominal wall, exhale. Then we slowly inhale. The abdominal wall bulges outward during inhalation and the lower part of the lungs is filled with air. The chest during abdominal breathing remains motionless and only the stomach makes wave-like movements, filling and releasing lower part lungs.

Medium breath - performed standing, sitting or lying down. You need to focus on the ribs. After exhalation, we slowly inhale, stretching the ribs on both sides. Exhaling, we squeeze the ribs. With this type of breathing, the middle part is filled with air, while the stomach and shoulders remain motionless.

Upper breathing - also performed standing, sitting or lying down. Attention is focused on the tops of the lungs. After exhaling, we inhale, slowly raising the collarbones and shoulders. Exhaling, lower your shoulders and collarbones. With upper breathing, the abdomen and front of the chest remain motionless.

Full breathing - just like its components, is performed standing, sitting or lying down. After a complete exhalation, it is necessary to slowly stand up, counting 8 beats of the pulse, alternating and connecting all three types of breathing described above in one continuous wave-like movement. First of all, the stomach protrudes, then the ribs expand, and finally the clavicles and shoulders rise. At this point, the abdominal wall is slightly pulled up. Exhalation is performed in the same sequence as inhalation: first, we retract the abdominal wall, then we squeeze the ribs and lower the collarbones and shoulders. At the same time, the entire Breathe-helping machine is in constant motion. Between the exhalation and the next inhalation, you can hold your breath until the natural desire to inhale arises. Breathing is through the nose. One of the important goals of breathing exercises is to teach concentration, which will be of great importance for the successful mastering of autogenic training exercises. However, it should be noted that even the application of only one full breath (without special exercises autogenic training) relieves (or reduces) emotional stress, calms the nervous system, fills a person with a sense of calm and self-confidence. Do this exercise 5-6 times with maximum concentration. It is advisable to start autogenic training after doing this. breathing exercise. It should be borne in mind that, having mastered "full breathing", there is no need to perform its components (abdominal, middle and upper breathing).

After mastering the techniques of breathing exercises, you can proceed to the study and mastery of the exercises of autogenic training directly. In the initial period of studying this technique, it is advisable to use the time immediately after waking up and immediately before falling asleep for classes, since during the period of natural drowsiness it is much easier to achieve the sensations provided for by the exercises. In the future, for the development of autogenic training, you can use any time of the day. The first workouts are preferably carried out in a warm, quiet room, with dim light. In the future, the trainee is able to ignore the noise and, with sufficient mastery of the training technique, can conduct sessions even while sitting on a train or bus.

During classes, it is important to give the body a comfortable position, excluding any muscle tension. It is proposed to take one of the following three postures, the most convenient for practice.

1. sitting position- coachman's pose. To take it, you need to sit straight in a chair, straighten your back, and then relax all the skeletal muscles. To prevent the diaphragm from pressing on the stomach, do not lean forward too much. The head is lowered to the chest, the legs are slightly apart and bent at an obtuse angle, the hands are on the knees, not touching each other, the elbows are slightly rounded - in a word, the characteristic posture of a coachman dozing in anticipation of a rider. The eyes are closed. This pose is active and can be taken almost anywhere: at home, at work, in transport, etc.

The following poses are passive and are used, as a rule, when practicing at home.

2. Half sitting position. The trainee sits freely in easy chair, comfortably leaning on his back; the whole body is relaxed, both arms are slightly bent in elbow joints, lie with your palms on the front of the thighs or on the armrests, legs freely apart, socks slightly apart. If the toes are pointed straight or raised, then the stage of relaxation has not yet arrived.

3. Lying position. This pose is used when exercising before bedtime or immediately after it. The trainee lies comfortably on his back, head slightly raised, resting on a low pillow. The arms, slightly bent at the elbow joint, lie freely along the body, palms down. For evening workouts, it is advisable to take the position in which the trainee is used to falling asleep.

After the student accepts one of the indicated positions, the performance of special exercises begins. For greater focus on the task, it is recommended to perform exercises with your eyes closed.

To achieve the necessary sensations for the trainee, 6 basic standard exercises have been developed that are performed by mentally repeating the corresponding self-hypnosis formulas.

Fig.2. Complex of autogenic training.

1. An exercise aimed at causing a feeling of heaviness. It is recommended that, having taken the starting position in one of the three postures, mentally calmly say: "I am completely calm." Then slowly, with a calm concentration of attention, mentally pronounce the formula 5-6 times: "My right hand is very heavy" (for a left-hander: "My left hand is very heavy"), after which they mentally say once: "I am completely calm." The formula is repeated simultaneously with the exhalation phase. It is necessary to imagine many times that what has been said actually takes place. The relaxation of the muscles of the right hand is felt by the trainee as heaviness. To enhance the effect, you can try to imagine that there is a weight in the right hand, or that something heavy is pressing on it, etc.

Sometimes, for control, you can try to slightly raise your hand to make sure that a feeling of heaviness appears. Gradually, as a result of training, a feeling of heaviness is evoked in the opposite hand, in both hands at the same time, in both legs, in the arms and legs at the same time, throughout the body. The first exercise is considered mastered when the trainee is able to quickly and easily achieve a feeling of heaviness throughout the body. After that, you can move on to the second exercise.

2. An exercise aimed at inducing a sensation of warmth. Preliminarily cause a feeling of heaviness and having received a clear feeling of heaviness in the whole body, slowly with a calm concentration of attention 5-6 times in a row mentally pronounce and imagine: "My right hand is warm" and once: "I am completely calm." To enhance the effect, imagine that the heavy right hand is immersed in warm water, etc. As you train, the feeling of warmth, as well as the feeling of heaviness, spreads to both arms, legs and to the whole body. To get a clearer feeling of warmth throughout the body, it is also necessary to use vivid figurative representations. An exercise is considered mastered when the sensation of warmth is evoked easily and distinctly. Having mastered this exercise, you can move on to the third.

3. An exercise aimed at mastering the rhythm of cardiac activity. When performing the exercise, it is recommended that you first learn to mentally count the pulse or heartbeat. At first, this exercise is performed in the supine position, while the right hand is applied to the region of the left radial artery or to the region of the heart. To reduce muscle tension in the right hand, a soft object (pillow) is placed under the elbow. First cause a feeling of heaviness and warmth as mentioned above. Then they proceed to a mental 5-6-fold repetition of the self-hypnosis formula: "The heart beats calmly and evenly" and mentally say once: "I am completely calm."

This exercise should be done very calmly without any concentration of attention on the activity of the heart. No need to strive to feel the work of your heart. For people who are nervous, impressionable, prone to increased concern for their health, it is better not to do this exercise at all.

An exercise is considered mastered when the ability to arbitrarily change the rhythm of cardiac activity is developed to one degree or another.

4. An exercise aimed at mastering the regulation of the rhythm of breathing. Previously, they cause a feeling of heaviness, warmth and inspire themselves that the heart beats calmly, evenly. After that, they mentally repeat 5-6 times: "I breathe completely calmly" and once: "I am completely calm."

An exercise is considered mastered if the ability to breathe calmly and rhythmically during training is developed. This exercise is simple and learn quickly.

5. An exercise aimed at causing a feeling of warmth in the abdominal cavity and in the solar plexus. This exercise is the most difficult. The solar plexus is the most important node of the autonomic nervous system - the "abdominal brain" and is located behind the stomach. Its place can be determined quite accurately if you find the middle between the lower end of the sternum and the navel. In this place, behind the stomach, there is the most important center of the nerve plexuses, which controls the activity of the abdominal organs and through them the essential components of our well-being and mood.

At first, the exercises cause sensations corresponding to the four indicated exercises. Then they mentally repeat 5-6 times: "My solar plexus radiates warmth" or "The stomach is warm with pleasant warmth" and once mentally say "I am completely calm." When performing this exercise, attention should be focused on the area of ​​​​the solar plexus. To get more distinct sensations, it is necessary, as in the previous exercises, to use figurative representations (for example, imagine that some warm object lies on the surface of the abdomen in the solar plexus area, etc.). Gradually, the practitioner has a clear feeling of warmth in the abdominal cavity, and then the exercise is considered mastered.

6. An exercise aimed at causing a feeling of coolness in the forehead. Having done all the above exercises of autogenic training and having received all the necessary sensations, you need to mentally repeat to yourself 5-6 times: "My forehead is pleasantly cool" and once mentally say: "I am completely calm." This exercise is quite difficult to master. When it is performed, attention is concentrated on the forehead and temples. To enhance the effect in this case, it is also necessary to use figurative representations (for example, imagine that the forehead is pleasantly blown by a cool breeze or that there is a cool bandage on the surface of the forehead, etc.). An exercise is considered mastered if the practitioner causes a slight, distinct sensation of coolness in the forehead.

When these six exercises are sufficiently well mastered, it is proposed to replace long self-hypnosis formulas with shorter ones: "Calmness ...", "Heaviness ...", "Warmth ...", "Heart and breathing are calm ...", " The solar plexus is warm...", "Forehead is cool...".

It must be emphasized that the concentration (concentration) of attention in all cases has a calm "passive" character. No need to spend energy on concentration. Autogenic training exercises should be performed calmly, without undue stress. They should be pleasant for the trainee, and not tire him.

Each new exercise is repeated for 2 weeks 2-3 times daily and only after the previous one has been mastered. Thus, it takes 12 weeks to master all six exercises. Of these, the first exercise is performed for 12 weeks, the second - 10, the third - 8, the fourth - 6, the fifth - 4, the sixth - 2 weeks.

The greatest period of training thus falls on the first exercises. The usual duration of training is from 2-3 minutes (at the beginning) to 5-6 minutes or more.

The above six exercises are called "standard", and Schulz refers to them as the lowest level of training. To the highest level, or autogenic meditation (introspection), he refers to exercises that allow you to learn how to cause a vivid visualization of ideas and immerse yourself in a state of "nirvana". They have not found their wide distribution, so we will dwell on them briefly.

1) exercises in which it is proposed, with closed eyes, to take the eyeballs up and, as it were, look, without opening the eyes, at one point located approximately in the middle frontal part of the scalp;

2) exercises in the visualization of representations: evoking the representation of a solid color, images of specific objects. This exercise is performed for 30-60 minutes and is recommended only for those who have been training regularly for at least 6 months - one year. The task is considered completed if the trainee can evoke a vivid representation of any color, as well as the image of objects and, finally, the image of another person;

3) inducing in oneself a dream-like state ("state of intense immersion"), during which such abstract concepts as, for example, beauty, happiness, justice, would evoke the corresponding visual images;

4) inducing a peculiar state of dream splitting of consciousness (deep immersion), during which the practitioner asks himself questions (for example, "What am I doing wrong?", "What is the meaning of the work?") and receives answers to them in the form of visual dream images .

Mastering the method of autogenic training allows a person not only to arbitrarily regulate certain functions of the body (which in itself plays an important role in self-regulation), but also with the help of self-hypnosis, which is used at the end of the session, after inducing a state of relaxation, to induce the necessary states in oneself, allowing effectively cope with a difficult task, master oneself in a tense situation, relieve excessive stress, increase a sense of self-confidence, etc. In the activities of employees of the internal affairs bodies, it is advisable to use autogenic training in the following areas:

1. Reducing feelings of anxiety, excitement, emotional tension. While sensations and perceptions reflect the properties of things that exist independently of us, emotions reflect our attitude to the environment. They allow assessing what is happening in terms of its significance for the body and perform a regulatory function in relation to it. In a situation associated with a threat to human health or life, emotions such as fear, anxiety, fright, etc. arise. These emotions do not allow a person to continue acting in these conditions, force him to change them, block his normal activity. And this is quite normal, since in this way emotions protect a person from the negative consequences of activities in such conditions. But employees of the internal affairs bodies, on duty, constantly have to face situations involving risk, a threat to security, and not only that - they must act in these conditions, fulfill their professional duty. Autogenic training can help an employee in such situations. It can be used to relieve excessive emotional stress: feelings of anxiety, anxiety, fear, excitement (for example, associated with the detention of a criminal). At the same time, it is important to be able to cause a state of muscle relaxation (relaxation), for which it is enough to master the first and second standard exercises. In the state of relaxation, self-hypnosis commands are used, which in this state achieve their goal faster: "I am absolutely calm. I have nothing to worry about", "I am confident in myself and can easily cope with this task", "There is no reason for worry and anxiety. I have good control themselves and the situation" and the like.

2. Sleep regulation. Autogenic training can be useful for those employees who are on duty for relatively short periods, often changing each other, and have the opportunity to fall asleep between shifts, posts. You need to complete the first two exercises of autogenic training (causing a feeling of heaviness and warmth in the body) and begin to mentally inspire yourself with a desire to sleep and try to make yourself feel sleepy. To do this, you can use something like the following formula: "I am completely relaxed. I am resting. I want to sleep. My eyelids close, fill with lead weight. My head is filled with a light mist. I fall asleep. I sleep ...", etc. There is no standard formula; general principle is to instill a state of drowsiness. If this requires awakening at a certain time or in response to a certain signal, an appropriate auto-suggestion is made.

3. Short rest. In those situations when it is necessary to get a good rest in a short period of time, it is recommended to dive into a state of relaxation for 5-15 minutes with self-hypnosis of the subsequent feeling of cheerfulness ("I had a good rest, I am cheerful ...", etc.).

4. Activation of the body. Autogenic training can be used to eliminate drowsiness, activate the body, prepare for action, and mobilize internal resources. This gives reason to recommend it for emergency mobilization of the body, in particular in extreme situations of the activities of employees of the internal affairs bodies. For these purposes it is possible:

Self-hypnosis of sthenic effects (anger, rage) by evoking, for example, appropriate figurative representations ("protection from attack", etc.) - they mentally pronounce and try to feel: "muscles tense ... hands clench into a fist ... jaws tighten ... breathing is frequent...";

Calling figurative representations associated with this employee with vigorous activity ("detention of the offender", "duel" during interrogation, etc.);

Self-hypnosis of sensations arising from the introduction of adrenaline (feeling of chills, goosebumps, cold, etc.). By mechanism feedback they have an adrenaline-like activating effect;

Direct self-hypnosis of a feeling of cheerfulness at the end of an autogenic training session.

5. Strengthening the will, correction of certain forms of behavior and character traits, mobilization of intellectual resources. Often people lack the will to carry out their intentions. To strengthen this side of volitional activity, one can resort to self-hypnosis, in particular, in the process of autogenic training. In a state of relaxation (especially in the morning, after waking up), self-hypnosis is carried out, aimed at strengthening volitional activity. Self-hypnosis formulas are purely individual. They should be short, preferably built in an affirmative form: "Intentions are firm ...", "I will carry out the planned ...", "Concentrated!". Similarly, one can resort to self-hypnosis to combat bad habits and correct undesirable characterological features. At the same time, depending on the target settings, you can, for example, inspire yourself: “I speak in a low voice” (with the habit of speaking very loudly), “I am calm, easily restrain my emotional outbursts” (with emotional excitability), “I can easily do without smoking. Cigarettes disgust me" (if you want to quit smoking), etc. The use of autogenic training allows you to speed up learning, increase the stability of attention, better use your intellectual capabilities due to increased ability to concentrate, facilitate the processes of reminiscence, as well as free operation of figurative representations.

The emotional sphere of a person, his will, self-consciousness and even character traits as a result of self-education can undergo significant changes. And this means that almost any employee of the internal affairs bodies, if desired and systematically self-improving, can learn to successfully overcome difficult (and even life-threatening) situations, prevent overwork and avoid various diseases associated with nervous stress. Regular autogenic training will help him in this.

Autogenic training is a very effective tool for improving character and programming. Find out how to use it!

The human subconscious¹ has enormous potential. It is known that people use only 3 percent of the mental potential of the brain, and the remaining percentages are hidden in the bottomless "ocean" of the subconscious!

How to learn to use more? Use the powers of the subconscious to improve your character, qualities, develop superpowers, and thereby life itself?

This article discusses such an interesting concept as autogenic training (auto-training), the impact on the subconscious with the help of self-persuasion. This is of great importance both for the development of various qualities of one's personality, and for strengthening psychic abilities man!

What is autogenic training (autotraining)?

Autotraining (AT) is a combined system borrowed from various ancient teachings. AT methods are based on the techniques of self-hypnosis, raja yoga², body relaxation techniques and immersion in altered states of consciousness.

The founder of autogenic training (AT) is the German psychiatrist Johann Heinrich Schultz.

How is self-training done?

In order for auto-training to effectively influence the subconscious and the qualities of a person, it is necessary to develop in oneself:

  • the ability to enter an altered state of consciousness or trance, to stay in it for the time necessary for work;
  • the ability to self-suggestion. Learn to feel new qualities or properties now, to create a complete immersion effect. As a result of this, the skill of managing all the processes of the body and the surrounding reality is acquired.

Science has proven that the human subconscious does not distinguish real events and imaginary. Thus, you can learn to influence reality with the help of imagination!

The magical powers of man!

Words and imaginary images affect various mental functions that are not amenable to the conscious control of a person: with the help of auto-training and imagination, you can influence the work internal organs and the course of neural processes in the human brain. The first can change the work of the organism, the second - the processes in the surrounding space.

Example for understanding

Imagine that you are cutting a large, juicy piece of a sour green apple. On the cut, droplets of sour apple juice are visible. Put a piece of apple in your mouth and chew it.

Did you feel? You involuntarily salivate. The subconscious did not distinguish between a real apple and an imaginary one. With the help of suggested images, a salivation reaction was induced, usually not controlled by the human mind.

In what state does autogenic training work at its maximum?

In this state:

  • the outside world is "forgotten";
  • increases;
  • the criticality of consciousness decreases.

In this state, all self-hypnosis easily penetrates into the subconscious. Autogenic training plants seeds in the subconscious field that germinate and sprout.

So many esoteric practices for developing superpowers and controlling reality are based on this. In order for this practice to bring results, continuous and regular practice is required.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ The subconscious is a term used to refer to mental processes that occur without displaying them in consciousness and in addition to conscious control (Wikipedia).

² Raja yoga ("royal yoga"), also known as classical yoga- one of six orthodox schools in the philosophy of Hinduism, which is based on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (

Autogenic training - exercises that are used to restore the working capacity of a tired body, to normalize the emotional background, fight stress, eliminate depression and insomnia.

Autogenic training is carried out under certain conditions: low light, the absence of extraneous sounds, in the morning or evening. It is believed that the exercises are most effective immediately after sleep and before bedtime, but they can also be performed during the daytime.

Poses for training

During the training, exercises are performed based on the use of the following postures:

  • lying position;
  • reclining posture;
  • sitting posture.
  1. Lying posture. It is necessary to find a low pillow, putting it under your head, lie on your back, close your eyes. In this case, the arms should be kept slightly bent at the elbow joints, placing them along the body so that the palms are pressed to the floor.
  2. Reclining posture. This pose is suitable for practicing during the daytime. Having taken a comfortable reclining position in the chair, the muscles are relaxed, the arms are bent at the elbow joints. Place them on the armrests, or on the hips. Feet are freely placed on the floor, socks are turned outward. When reached correct position, you need to loosen the belt, unbutton the jacket and shirt collar, after which you can close your eyes.
  3. Sitting posture. You need to sit on a chair, without touching its back, put your soles on the floor, while spreading your legs (a right angle should form between the lower leg and thigh). It is necessary to bend over to the hips, placing the forearms on them so that the hands are between the hips in a suspended position at some distance from each other. Tension in the trunk and muscles should be completely absent. It is important that there is no overbalance forward, and the head freely touches the chest. Having taken the required position, you can close your eyes.

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Autogenic immersion, mastering the first exercises

Auto-training is based on calm breathing. It will be useful to convince yourself of absolute calmness. The main thing is to try to relax. There are six basic exercises, you can learn how to perform each of them correctly in about two weeks.

First exercise. There should be no feeling of heaviness in the arms and legs. Thus, relaxation is subjectively perceived when the muscles of the limbs are maximally relaxed. To achieve this goal, self-hypnosis must be applied.

First you need to ensure the relaxation of the hand that is used most often when performing various actions.

It is necessary to visualize with all clarity how the arms relax one after the other, then the legs. Eliminate emotional overtones and concentrate on the task at hand.

Exercise is practiced for two weeks, at least twice a day, until relaxation occurs reflexively.

Second exercise. The essence of this exercise is the need to feel the warmth in the legs and arms. It is started only after mastering the previous exercise.

It is necessary to imagine how heat diverges along one hand, then along the second, both hands are warm, the heat spreads to the legs.

It is worth remembering that in the process of performing the second exercise, heaviness in the limbs should not be observed.

When the first exercises are brought to automatism, it will be possible to achieve a state of autogenic immersion, when there is complete peace, both mental and bodily.

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Exit from the state of autogenic immersion

To get out of a relaxed state, it is necessary to apply special formulas, the content of which is the opposite of those formulas, according to which the immersion into such a state was carried out.

It is necessary to imagine tension in the hands and give yourself the command to stretch them out, then bend, breathe deeply, open your eyes.

First, the muscles tighten, breathing intensifies, and only then the eyes open. When the exit procedure is implemented decisively and efficiently, the desired effect can be quickly noticed.

Third exercise. The exercise provides for the restoration of the respiratory rhythm and the possibility of its regulation. Many people notice changes from the very first time.

You should suggest to yourself that the breath is perfectly calm. Volitional effort in this case is not required.

It is useful to imagine swimming on your back, when the whole body is immersed in water, except for the eyes, nose and mouth, or walking through a pine forest.

Breathing reflexively should be calm and easy. As usual, self-hypnosis should be performed several times.

The way out of a relaxed state is carried out according to the following formula: the hands are in a tense state, the breathing is deep, the eyes open, then the hands relax.

Fourth exercise. At this stage, the work of the heart is normalized. You should give yourself the installation that the heart beats strongly and evenly. This option is suitable for people who often have low blood pressure, and young people.

For other people, there is another option: the heart beats calmly and evenly. Again, self-hypnosis of calmness is carried out several times.

During the implementation of the exercise, various phrases can be used, for example, that the heart works like an automaton or a motor and performs its function measuredly, pulsing evenly and rhythmically, while the general state of health is excellent.

Again, you need to get out of the state of calm according to the inverse formula. When it is possible to mentally influence the heart rate, then this exercise can be considered completed.

At the root of the concept of "autogenic training" is a mechanism inherent in every person - self-hypnosis. And it doesn’t matter who and how relates to hypnosis in general, whether someone thought about the possibility of using it for any purpose, everyone has the opportunity to hypnotize themselves, and this happens not so rarely, albeit subconsciously.

But about everything in order: first, an excursion into history - how autogenic training was created. At the very beginning of the 20th century, the German neurologist Oskar Focht drew attention to the ability of some of his patients to independently enter a state of hypnosis. Without further ado, he called this phenomenon self-hypnosis. According to Focht's observations, people with this ability were less prone to fatigue, overstrain and the occurrence of psychosomatic syndromes (for example, migraines) than others.

The German psychotherapist Johannes Heinrich Schulz, who used the introduction into a hypnotic state in his methods, drew attention to Vocht's observations and in the early 30s of the 20th century developed a new technique called autogenic training based on them.

According to Schultz's own observations, the most striking sensations of the patients he introduced into a hypnotic state are warm waves circulating through the body and a pleasant heaviness in the limbs. The principle of autogenic training consists in a set of exercises, the result of which will be the recreation of these sensations and, as a result, a state similar to hypnosis, but only achieved independently, that is, self-hypnosis.

If we consider these sensations at the physiological level, then “warm waves” are the result of the expansion of blood vessels, due to which blood actively enters all organs, also actively saturating them with oxygen; "heaviness" is the result of relaxation of muscle tissue. Considering that such physiological processes are an integral part of relaxation, this has led to the most intensive use of autogenic training as a relaxation technique, as an aid in various stressful situations.

The creator of this technique himself described his offspring as "a method of therapy for neurotics with psychosomatic disorders." But the use of this technique is not limited only to treatment, psychologists and psychotherapists advise its use as a way of self-adjusting one's psycho- and physiological state. A special role in the popularization of autogenic training was played by one of the students and co-authors of Schultz, W. Lute.

Important! Performing exercises from the complex of autogenic training, you should not constantly strain, trying to achieve a result. The most appropriate definition for this technique is detachment. No matter how strange it may sound, but in order to relax, you need to relax. You just need to do the exercises.

If we compare the method under consideration and meditation, they will have a common result - relaxation, but the methods for achieving this state are their differences. The mechanics of meditation is to use the mind to relax the muscles and the body as a whole. Autogenic training comes from the opposite: the relaxed state of the body achieved by the exercises is transferred to consciousness through visualization. For an unenlightened person, this may sound quite complicated, but after understanding the mechanics and practicing a little, everything becomes clear.

Again, returning to the comparison of meditation and autogenic training: the choice of relaxation technique depends entirely on the person. Some prefer meditation, based on the ease of learning it and the ability to use it almost anywhere, leaving the mind fairly free. After all, the fundamental principle of meditation is to focus on something cyclic (a mantra or melody) or unchanging (a picture on a wall or other surface).

Other people characterize meditation as a dreary and boring activity. It is this category of people that will like autogenic training, in which relaxation requires a change of objects of attention ( various sections body) and the presence in the process of such a component as visualization. A person is free to choose what he likes.

It is possible to sum up an intermediate result based on the above: autogenic training is a technique for relaxing the mind, which includes a set of exercises through which physical relaxation is achieved, and visualization that plays the role of transferring physical relaxation to the mind.

The benefits of the technique

Morphologically, the word "autogenous" consists of two words of Latin origin: "auto", which means "self" and "genos" - origin. Thus, in the context of the phenomenon under study, the meaning of the word will be approximately as follows: an action performed for oneself, self-regulation.

The use of the technique is beneficial for both physiological and psychological state. This is what determines the fairly widespread use of this relaxation method in European countries.

Physiological effects

When using autogenic training, the effects of a physiological nature practically do not differ from similar results of other relaxation techniques - the launch of recovery processes in the body. In the process of autogenic training, there is a decrease in cholesterol levels and muscle tone, breathing recovery and heart rate. Saturation of the extremities with blood and brain activity, especially in the alpha wave spectrum, on the contrary, increases. Due to the improved process of blood circulation in the limbs with this technique, it is used as an additional treatment for Raynaud's syndrome, which is just characterized by a violation of such blood circulation.

In addition, autogenic training has proven itself well.

Another group that will benefit from this particular physiological feature autogenic training - people suffering from hypertension. Autogenic training will help get rid of headaches and insomnia. An increase in brain activity in the alpha wave spectrum indicates a relaxation of consciousness, which will be very useful for people who are predominantly engaged in mental activity.

Feedback from people involved in relaxation according to the method under consideration speaks of its beneficial effect on the course of many somatic diseases: asthmatic diseases, problems with gastrointestinal tract, occupational convulsions (for example, writing spasm), diabetes, pulmonary diseases, rheumatoid processes. Recently, the use of auto-training in antitumor therapy has been advised. In the case of diabetes, in insulin-dependent patients practicing this relaxation method, a partial recovery of Langerhans function was seen, saying plain language Decreased daily insulin requirement.

Attention! Such patients need to constantly measure the level of sugar, since in case of improvements there is an opportunity to “earn” an insulin overdose.

Effects of a psychological nature

The main psychological effect of auto-training is to help in overcoming psychological trauma and the consequences of physiological damage. An example of the strength of the influence of consciousness on the bodily shell can be a common example when a person, after auto-training, endures severe pain or great physical stress.

One of the main goals pursued by such training is to get rid of anxiety, depression, reduce fatigue and increase a person’s stress resistance.

As mentioned above, this relaxation technique allows you to effectively cope with the psychological consequences of serious physical injuries, for example, after suffering a car accident.

Also, good results were observed when using the technique in military hospitals, in people after the loss of limbs. Thanks to this training, you can get rid of such disorders of the vestibular system as motion sickness.

Statistics also indicate a decrease in pain in parturient women, who for some time before giving birth were engaged in relaxation according to the method under consideration. Systematic exercises according to this technique are recommended for athletes to reduce the level of anxiety before the competition.

As a method of getting rid of anxiety and stressful conditions, another method of “Jacobsen relaxation” can be used. This technique is based on the connection between anxiety and its physical manifestation (muscle tension). Jacobson took into account that muscle tension is always present in the body during stressful situations, as a response, preparing the body for flight or resistance. Simply put, Jacobsen's muscle relaxation involves releasing tension in the muscles with the help of exercise and, as a result, getting rid of the feeling of anxiety and the emerging panic attack.

Exercises for autogenic training

Before proceeding directly to the exercises of the chosen relaxation technique as a treatment, it is imperative to consult with a specialist, such as a psychotherapist. It should always be remembered that the harm from self-treatment in case of failure is always higher than the intended benefit. In general, such procedures are desirable to be carried out in a clinical setting. Even if all the recommendations are followed, it can take a long time, up to a year, to achieve positive results.

The founders of such training determined the following factors when using it as absolutely necessary to achieve the planned result:

First step - exercises

The manipulations performed at this stage are designed to help restore the body after hard work or overwork, to control one's emotional background. Ensuring proper rest, combating stress, depression and their consequences are also included in a number of exercise goals.

If we talk about serious training, the so-called higher form, the goal of such procedures is to open the psyche, destroy internal barriers, complexes and shortcomings associated with them, accept one's own uniqueness and realize one's individuality. Therefore, such auto-trainings are popular in the sports environment, among people whose work is directly related to mental and psychological overstrain, as well as among people who seek to know themselves and push the boundaries of their thinking. In addition, it should be remembered that no one is immune from breakdowns and serious stressful situations.


For the effective use of auto-training, it is necessary to perform its exercises in the most calm environment, giving the body the most relaxed position. The most suitable position for this is considered to be “lying on your back”. It should be supplemented with slightly spread legs (no more than 30 cm), slightly bent elbows, with palms facing down with the front side. This position can be replaced by a sitting one, but in this case you need to be on a chair with the most optimal shape for the body and comfortable armrests.

If the conditions do not allow the use of either one or the other pose, you can use the so-called “coachman” pose. It consists in the location on a chair, straightening the back completely and relaxing the entire musculoskeletal system. You should also close your eyes and lower your head to your chest, your legs should be slightly apart and bent at about 90 °, while your hands should just be placed on your knees.

It must be said that it does not matter in what position such training begins, the main thing is to make sure that the body is completely relaxed.

First stages

Below are the first 6 stages of the methodology under consideration, preceding the second stage - visualization:

  • focusing on the feeling of heaviness in the upper and lower extremities (you need to start with the dominant ones, for example, right-handers from the right arm or leg);
  • focusing on the feeling of warmth in the upper and lower limbs (similar to the previous method);
  • focusing on the feeling of warmth in the area chest(starting from the heart);
  • concentration on breathing;
  • focusing on the feeling of warmth in the abdomen;
  • focusing on the feeling of coolness in the forehead area.

These stages follow strictly one after another and it is necessary to fully master one before taking on the next one. During concentration, a verbal formula such as "my right leg heavy”, and the meaning of this formula must be visualized, feeling how the muscles relax, one after another. If imagination allows, you can imagine how the leg turns into lead.

Ideally, a state is reached when the limb is completely relaxed and cannot move. This verbal formula should be repeated several times, preferably at least 5. An important detail will be remembering the sensations that have arisen as clearly as possible. However, when a feeling of relaxation appears, it should not cause discomfort. If they have arisen and are repeated, you need to replace the word “heavy” with “relaxed” in the key phrase.

Over time, all 6 stages can be completed in just 5-10 minutes. But it should be remembered that this is not a matter of one day or even one month, everything takes time and perseverance, but it's worth it. Training should be regular, ideally - 5 times a day for 10 minutes minimum. Such training does not tolerate fuss, it will only hurt, you need to do everything thoroughly.

Speaking about the exercises themselves, it should be noted that their use is useful, both as an independent psychotherapy, and in combination with other methods of treatment, even medicinal ones. There is also no limit on the number of people simultaneously engaged in auto-training - alone or as part of a group.

It should be remembered that success when using auto-training directly depends on confidence in own forces, potential, as well as the desire to perform exercises in accordance with all recommendations, not "hackwork". According to statistics, each exercise takes at least 2 weeks to fully assimilate and this is based on three daily workouts of 10 minutes each.

Second step - visualization

This stage is about creating rainbow pleasant images for the process of transferring the feeling of relaxation from the body to the mind. And here there can be no advice, everything depends on the person himself, his passions and hobbies. But for this not to be, it must carry a positive message to the mind, whether it's riding a pony or a cup of coffee on Everest while playing chess with a yeti in a top hat and a monocle.

The following questions can help you determine your “relaxation picture”:

  • preferred weather;
  • who must be present;
  • preferred colors;
  • sounds that should be present in the background;
  • what actions take place besides the main one;
  • own state.

The picture created in the imagination for training must be alive - this is a requirement for any type of meditative relaxation. Its approximation to reality is carried out by using absolutely all available senses to create it.

You need to smell, experience tactile sensations, listen to surrounding sounds and even taste if there is something edible in the picture. It is visualization that is responsible for getting rid of feelings of depression, anxiety and the emergence of a sense of self-confidence and one's abilities.

Jacobson relaxation exercises

As mentioned above, Jacobson relaxation is one of the methods of muscle relaxation, designed to reduce the feeling of anxiety, help with recovery by setting the mind in a calm way. This technique intersects with auto-training by methods of influencing consciousness. Both relaxation methods appeared at about the same time.

The exercises used in this muscle relaxation method are designed to completely relax the muscles. This is achieved by alternating tension and relaxation of the muscles, in the following order: the tension of the selected muscle or muscle group gradually increases, followed by a sharp relaxation. The most suitable objects to start with are the hands. An approximate sequence of actions for this method of relaxation is as follows:

  1. Take the pose of "coachman". The back touches the back of the chair, the legs are slightly apart, the hands are on the knees.
  2. It's better to close your eyes. This will help you quickly focus on the right actions.
  3. Start with the dominant hand. Within 5 seconds, while counting, gradually increase the tension in the muscles of the hand.
  4. At the last count, you should sharply relieve tension, completely relaxing the muscles. Both states, both tension and relaxation, should be remembered in order to compare them. The forearm is attached to the hand, and all muscle manipulations are repeated.
  5. Next, the muscles of the shoulder, the muscles of the other arm and the muscles of the back are connected in series. As a result, all the muscles of the arms and back are tensed.

After bringing the training with the muscles of the hands to automatism, you should switch to the department lower extremities and so on. Neck and facial muscles"mastered" last. The only condition when performing an exercise for any muscle group is that the back in a sitting position should be straight.

To increase the relaxing effect, you can include a visualization technique in the process, similar to autogenic training. In addition to enhancing the effect, this will allow you to concentrate more strongly, not paying attention to surrounding stimuli. The exercises are not tied to a place, which allows them to be used at any opportunity or feeling of emerging anxiety.