Children's breathing exercises for cough. Breathing exercises for a child

How to get rid of a cough quickly? How to cure bronchitis? These questions are traditionally popular in the demi-season, especially now, when spring beriberi is in full swing. Many people suffering from bronchitis agree not to get rid of a cough very quickly, if only to get real relief and cure bronchitis.

Almost everyone knows how little medicine helps even from a banal, it would seem, but a strong cough against the background of a common cold. One gets the impression that sputum has already developed a stable immunity against a variety of syrups and tablets. If you have not tried all of them yet and continue to hope to find your magic syrup, then I will have to disappoint you: there is no effective drug for treating cough today.

Prominent pharmacists have repeatedly admitted in various reports that all products from the pharmacy counters act as a placebo at best, despite the wide range of pharmacological active substances. However, this is no reason to give up! There are simple and natural ways to solve this problem. So: how to cure bronchitis and get rid of cough quickly?

Simple breathing exercises to get rid of a cough quickly

When we cough, we lose too much CO 2 . It should be noted that carbon dioxide is extremely important for the healing of our respiratory tract. Its deficiency irritates nerve cells, including receptors that provoke coughing. At the same time, the oxygen content in the brain and throughout the body decreases. Neither contributes to the task of curing bronchitis or getting rid of a cough quickly.

In addition, coughing fits cause numerous pathological effects that accumulate and reinforce each other, as a result of which we cough even more. How to break this vicious circle and quickly cure bronchitis or other diseases respiratory system?

For people with severe, persistent, and even chronic coughs, simple breathing exercises.

First you need to learn cough only through ... the nose! Yes, the mouth is closed. In the next step, on the contrary, try coughing only through your mouth , while the nostrils are clamped with fingers.

Finally, we combine the two previous exercises and learn to cough, closing both the nose and mouth . With such breathing, a normal concentration of CO 2 is maintained in respiratory tract, and the cough-producing receptors are calmed down.

Besides, you have to learn to breathe less air than we usually do to increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the airways, and at the same time improve the supply of oxygen to cells. Thus, the level of oxygen in our body will increase. Out of habit, this is not a very pleasant exercise, but it will help to cure bronchitis and get rid of cough quickly.

Attention: Before mastering this technique, consult your doctor!

So, when you feel like your next coughing fit is on the way, find a comfortable spot where you can sit with your back straight, relax, and work on getting rid of the cough quickly. After exhaling, closing your mouth and pinching your nose, hold your breath until you feel the urge to inhale. Free your nose. Breathe in through your nose using your diaphragm and abdominal muscles (what is called belly breathing). But! Your breath should be smaller and shorter than you want and than you usually do. Then relax all the muscles in your body and exhale. Then again take a short breath into your belly and exhale, relaxing your whole body. Continue in the same spirit.

Your task is to maintain a feeling of moderate oxygen hunger, a desire to inhale more air throughout the exercise. In other words, you are suffocating, causing yourself to suffocate. By doing this, you increase both the level of CO 2 in the airways and the oxygen content in the cells of the body.

On average, 2 minutes of such breathing is enough for the coughing fit to stop. Now you know how to cure bronchitis and how to get rid of a cough quickly. you can really get rid of a cough quickly, including at night, during sleep. By the way, if nocturnal coughing fits are relevant for you, then you need to monitor the position of the body during sleep. Sleeping on your back is highly undesirable, as this position further exacerbates cough problems. To prevent or stop coughing, it is best to sleep on your left side or on your stomach.

This breathing exercise is part of the Buteyko system, known since Soviet times. Breathing according to the Buteyko system has repeatedly shown its effectiveness in the treatment of chronic and prolonged cough. It has been tried by thousands of patients with colds, asthma, cystic fibrosis, emphysema, bronchitis, tuberculosis, lung cancer, and even AIDS. More than 90% of people with chronic cough testify that with its help they can really get rid of the cough quickly.

But breathing according to the Buteyko system has many critics. I do not plan to analyze this dispute in this article. The method really helps to cure bronchitis and get rid of coughing quickly - it has been tested, as they say, on yourself.

Of course, from the point of view of even an ordinary person without a medical education, the question arises by itself: how will sputum come out if you do not cough up? Firstly, the proponents of this method claim that as soon as the oxygen content in your body reaches the norm and stabilizes at this level, the causes of coughing will disappear by themselves along with the symptoms that have exhausted you. And secondly, this process can be accelerated with the help of certain asanas and yoga exercises.

How to cure bronchitis? yoga for asthma

If you have not practiced yoga before, then colds and more serious respiratory diseases are not the best time to start practicing this complex system of development of the body and spirit. But there are simple exercises that, nevertheless, will allow you to massage the spine and chest, causing abundant and rapid discharge of sputum.

Perhaps, the most accessible and most pleasant to do simple “rollers” - rolls on the back to the right and left and back and forth(unless, of course, you have spinal problems that are a contraindication to this kind of back pressure). Make sure your back is rounded, move smoothly. Such a massage of the spine will not only help cure bronchitis and get rid of cough quickly, but also heal the whole body, since the nerve roots from spinal cord disperse throughout the body, ensuring the functioning of various organs and systems. And in the morning, the videos will help you wake up and quickly wake up the whole body!

If you have some experience in the practice of yoga, then many asanas will help you cure bronchitis, get rid of coughs quickly, remove mucus from the lungs, relax the muscles of the lungs, and then restore the health of the entire respiratory system. During the recovery phase, you will also need pranayama - yogic breathing techniques.

This approach is used not only to cure bronchitis and / or get rid of cough quickly, but also to treat more serious respiratory diseases. In particular, yoga has worked well for asthma.

For example, backward bends open the chest, improving the functioning of both the lungs and the heart. By the way, during asthma attacks, backbends in the upper spine help to exhale. If it is difficult to inhale, forward bends and arches in the lower back will help (if the latter are not contraindicated for you).

Inverted poses- your true allies if you need to get rid of a cough quickly. Standing on your shoulders or headstand will allow excess mucus to drain from your lungs and balance your immune system. Sarvangasana (shoulderstand) also corrects disorders in the circulatory system.

I will name some specific poses that will help cure bronchitis, get rid of coughing quickly, and are also used as part of yoga complexes for asthma.

Ushtrasana or Camel Pose: activates facial tissues, nasal passage, pharynx and lungs.

Simhasana or Lion Pose: treats inflammation of the throat, tonsillitis, activates the tissues of the larynx, trachea and bronchioles. This pose also strengthens the thyroid cartilage.

And prevents complications of the disease breathing exercises when coughing in children or adults. It is also considered a good prevention of respiratory diseases. Therefore, regardless of age and season, it is recommended to conduct daily breathing exercises.

What are the benefits of cough breathing exercises? Firstly, ventilation of the lungs and tissue oxygenation are improved. internal organs. Secondly, rejection and withdrawal of sputum is accelerated. This reduces the course of taking medications, as well as the duration of exposure to their substances on the gastrointestinal mucosa, liver.

Task therapeutic gymnastics with a dry cough, it consists in accelerating the process of secretion formation in the bronchial trunk. This advancement of pathogens to the lungs prevents irritation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, trachea and other tracts.

Respiratory gymnastics when coughing in adults or children prevents the development of bronchitis, pneumonia, and other complications. The dynamic movements of the intercostal muscles help to forcefully push out the air along with the secret and pathogens. This prevents stagnation of sputum in the bronchi, does not allow infection to enter the lungs. In addition, in young children, such gymnastics helps to strengthen vocal cords and development of clear speech.

During breathing exercises, when coughing, the mucous membrane of the organs of the respiratory system is also massaged and the process of restoring its cells is activated. at the expense correct execution gymnastics improves in the nasopharyngeal, tracheal, pulmonary, and other tissues, the microcirculation of lymph, blood. This quickly removes infections from the upper respiratory tract, lower organs and helps to treat the symptoms of the disease: cough, runny nose. Treatment of children prescribed by a doctor will be more effective if their action is supplemented with gymnastics with a properly selected set of exercises.

Children's cough breathing exercises with a quick effect

For babies, simple breathing exercises are used when coughing. Children's exercises are a game imitation of the surrounding mechanisms and living beings. Together with the child, you need to repeat the movements and pronounce the sound that they make.

A simple set of breathing exercises for children over a year old:

  1. "The brave boys are marching." You need to walk with a straight back, alternately raising your legs and bending your elbows.
  2. "Let's chop wood". The child becomes even, spreading his feet shoulder-width apart and raising his arms to the ceiling. Then he connects his palms, interlocks his fingers into the lock, imitating an ax. Next, you need to stretch well, rising on your toes, and take a deep, strong breath. At the extreme point, the baby needs to bend down sharply, while exhaling and hitting the “log” with closed brushes.
  3. "Buzzing Beetle". Breathing exercise is done while sitting with arms outstretched in front of you. On inspiration, the baby turns the body to the right along with the handle, trying to look further behind the back. Then he begins to continuously pronounce the letter "g" during the entire exhalation, until he returns to his original position. The task is repeated on the left side.
  4. "Wind". When performing this breathing exercise, the child stands freely. The baby breathes in through the nose full chest but exhales through pursed lips. It is allowed to “disperse the clouds” with your hands, swinging in a circle, back and forth. An adult tells the children in which direction the “wind blows”: to the right, to the left, to the ceiling, similar tasks.
  5. "Bubbling Geyser". Children will be interested in creating bubbles in a half-liter jar for a long time. A cocktail tube is inserted into the container, water or juice is poured to create a colored geyser. The baby first inhales through his nose, and then blows into the tube, squeezing out bubbles in the liquid with air.
  6. "Haymaking". The child needs to raise his hands at the level of the abdomen, legs slightly apart. On inspiration, he turns his body to the right, and on exhalation - back, turning the invisible braid further to the left, making the sound “zzuuuu”.
  7. "Flying Owl". The child is allowed to stand or walk while doing this breathing exercise. Starting position of the arms: hanging down relaxed along the body. The kid begins to depict the flight of a bird. He spreads his arms to the sides, raises them up, at the same time inhaling through his nose. On exhalation, the child lowers them down, lingeringly pronouncing the letter “y”.
  8. "The talkers were talking." Breathing exercise improves ventilation of the lungs, develops the speech apparatus. An adult asks how an animal, bird or mechanical object “speaks” (names everyone he remembers). The child, exhaling through his mouth, pronounces their sounds.

These breathing games are repeated 5 times at least twice a day. Gymnastics is not carried out at elevated temperatures or if the baby feels unwell, lethargic, complains of dizziness. In this case, training starts no earlier than 3 days later, provided that his condition has stabilized.

Exercise "drop the load"

When coughing in children, the “drop the load” exercise will accelerate the rejection of sputum of medium complexity. The starting position of the baby: the fists rest against the belt, the legs are slightly apart. “The load is dropped from the shoulders” on a noisy breath, sharply straightening the arms down to the floor, spreading the palms and spreading the fingers like a fan. muscles upper limbs and the neck should be strained as much as possible. On a soft exhale, return to the starting position. The exercise is repeated with the child five to six times in one approach. It is advisable to do 12 circles.

When performing the task “let's drop the load”, the action of breathing is enhanced by the movement of the muscles of the hands. Therefore, at the end of all approaches of the exercise, you need to relax the muscles. shoulder girdle, neck, brushes. Muscle tension will be relieved if you stand up straight, put your palms on your stomach and press your chin to the hole between the collarbones. This pose is recommended to be taken after the completion of each respiratory gymnastics workout.

Exercise "eight"

With bronchitis, the light exercise "eight" improves the rejection of sputum and their withdrawal. The child stands or sits down "in Turkish", slightly tilts the body forward and inhales sharply. You need to hold the air in your chest and mentally count to eight. On exhalation, the child straightens his back. The exercise is repeated up to 10 times with a 15-second break after each exercise. It is impossible to suppress and swallow back the rejected secret.

Breathing exercises Strelnikova

Often, doctors with asthma, chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, bronchi and lungs recommend a system of breathing exercises developed by A. N. Strelnikova. Total in basic complex includes 11 exercises. When coughing, it is advisable to apply three tasks. The main feature of the training: inhale briefly, quickly, and exhale gently, without effort. Between sets take breaks for 15 seconds.

Gymnastics exercises by A. N. Strelnikova for coughing in school-age children:

  1. "Pump". Starting position (ip): stand straight, lower your hands down. Next, they imitate the movement of working with the pump: while inhaling, they bend to the ground with a straight back, without touching its surface, while exhaling they rise, but not completely unbending their backs. One hundred such short movements are made in one minute.
  2. "Palms". I. p .: stand straight, legs together, press your hands to the body and bend them at the elbows, turning your palms up. Then, on a sharp breath, clench your fists, while exhaling - unclench your hands. In one approach, 4 breathing exercises are performed, then the arms are relaxed. In one training session, the task is repeated 24 times.
  3. "Pendulum". I. p: become even, hands hang freely along the body. But this exercise is allowed to be performed while sitting. On inspiration, they bend over, trying to touch the floor, then unbend upwards on the exhale, while hugging their arms around their shoulders, and return to and. n. Perform at least three times 4 times per approach.

Having mastered these tasks, the training is gradually supplemented with hugging, shoulder straps, ears, rolls, step, pendulum and head turns, a cat. Strelnikova's gymnastics is used on the recommendation of a doctor.

Contraindications for breathing exercises

It is necessary to temporarily abandon training when coughing, if a child or an adult has a fever, or more than 37.5-38 ° C. Breathing exercises with tilts and turns should not be done in case of increased pressure, injuries of the spine or head. It is forbidden to do this gymnastics for people with internal bleeding, acute thrombophlebitis, severe cardiovascular pathologies. In other cases, breathing exercises begin with the permission of the attending physician.

The kid needs to be interested so that he completes the whole range of tasks. Therefore, an adult is recommended to do gymnastics with a child and pick up nursery rhymes thematic for the exercises.

A mandatory rule is that they train only after wet cleaning, followed by airing the room. The air must be fresh, saturated with oxygen. After gymnastics, it is also recommended to open the window so that the exhaled infection does not remain in the room and does not get back into the body again.

  1. Gymnastics is done after the removal of acute symptoms of the disease.
  2. Exercises are selected according to the age of the baby so that the child can complete the task. Start with simple tasks moderate pace, each time complicating the workout.
  3. Gymnastics is performed 60 minutes before a meal or 2 hours after a meal.
  4. When performing exercises, be sure to inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth.
  5. During gymnastics, an adult should be next to the child. In case of sudden dizziness, you need to have time to pick up the baby so that he does not fall.
  6. In the event of a coughing fit, gymnastics is stopped until sputum comes out and breathing is restored.
  7. When performing exercises, you need to systematically tell the baby what sound to make, when to exhale, start another task, and so on.
  8. If the baby is tired, the training is interrupted for at least 15 minutes. In case of poor health, classes are resumed after stabilization of health.
  9. For the prevention of respiratory diseases, gymnastics is performed daily for fresh air. This improves the clearance of the respiratory tract from infections and allergens. During illness, exercise in a ventilated clean room.

Simultaneously with non-drug treatments, children are given medications prescribed by a doctor to eliminate the cause of respiratory diseases. Gymnastics also helps the child get rid of cough by removing sputum from the body. Only correct technique performing exercises in combination with medicines and physiotherapy eliminates the disease.

Bronchitis is a serious disease of the lower respiratory tract, especially dangerous for a child. There is no vaccine against this disease, because it has an extensive etiology. Simply put, bronchitis is a consequence of diseases such as influenza, SARS, etc. The treatment of bronchitis is long, massage, breathing exercises and gymnastics play an important role in it.

Basic principles for the treatment of bronchitis in a child

Almost all diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, including bronchitis, are transmitted by airborne droplets. Such diseases cannot be treated on their own, all drugs and recommendations for treatment of your child should be prescribed by a general practitioner.

To combat bronchitis, complex therapy is needed

First of all, it is important to remember that during an illness, parents should provide the child with peace - at least for the first few days. This does not mean that you need to force the baby to lie in bed all the time, but also to engage in exercise, running and jumping is also not worth it. It is also necessary to provide the baby with plenty of fluids.

In 90% of cases, the therapist prescribes antibiotic treatment to avoid possible complications, recommends mucolytic drugs that ensure sputum discharge. However, not only medicines can help a small patient - to alleviate his condition, massage, breathing and physical exercises should not be neglected.


Massage during bronchitis promotes sputum discharge. You can do it at home - any parent can master the technique of execution.


Lay the child on your knees and perform tapping in the area of ​​the bronchi

The most famous is vibration massage, it is advised by almost everyone. This type of massage is especially effective in the acute form of bronchitis - it helps to expel sputum, which can accumulate in large quantities in the bronchi. The essence of vibration massage is the rhythmic tapping of the child on the back in the area of ​​the bronchi.

Vibration massage can be performed even in the acute stage of the disease, but you should still refrain from the procedure if the child's body temperature is very high.

  1. You should put the child on his knees with his stomach in such a way that only the head and legs hang down, the torso should lie completely on the knees.
  2. It is necessary to create a slight tilt towards the head. That is, put your foot, which is farther from the head of the child, on some kind of hill. In this case, sputum during massage under the influence of gravity will not accumulate in the lower sections of the bronchi, but will naturally tend to the outside.
  3. Tapping must be done with the lower back of the hand clenched into a fist. Only the area of ​​​​the bronchi is tapped, there is no need to knock the child on the back idle. In no case should you touch the spine. This scheme is preferable for children older than one year.

If the child is breastfeeding, then you need to knock even more carefully. For the baby, massage is performed as follows:

  1. The position of the baby on his knees remains the same.
  2. You should put your left hand on the area of ​​​​the bronchi of the child and with two fingers right hand(middle and index) gently tap on your hand.
  3. You need to knock rhythmically, but not very hard. The procedure lasts about a minute, then you need to let the child cough. If the patient's health allows, you can repeat the procedure up to three times.

Master class from Dr. Komarovsky - video


Lay the child on a soft roller or pillow and rub the area of ​​the bronchi with rubbing movements.

Drainage massage is performed in acute and obstructive forms of bronchitis. It has a positive effect on sputum discharge and relieves coughing.

  1. It is necessary to put the child with his stomach on a soft roller (you can make it from a blanket or take a long narrow pillow) and rub your back well until redness, the main thing is not to injure the skin. You need to rub the area of ​​the bronchi, without touching the spine.

    To reduce pain, it is better to spread baby cream on your back.

  2. Then, with the pads of your fingers, walk along the intercostal cavities from the bottom up.
  3. After that, with your hand, compressed in the shape of a boat (palm inward), tap the area of ​​the bronchi for a minute. Give the child a good cough and repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

Procedures should be started no earlier than 4 days after feeling better, so as not to provoke additional inflammation. If the child has a fever, then the sessions should be stopped.

Massage technique - video


It is better to entrust acupressure to a specialist, since it is quite difficult to determine the right points.

Acupressure is based on the principle of influencing certain points on the human body. In acute and chronic disease, the zones of influence are slightly different. They are located almost all over the body: on the neck, behind the ears, under the knees and so on. It is better to entrust this type of massage to a specialist so as not to harm the baby.


Honey massage can not be carried out in the acute form of the disease and at high temperature

Honey is a natural antiseptic, while it has an anti-inflammatory, soothing and immunostimulating effect. Honey massage resembles drainage - it has a similar principle of execution.

  1. It is necessary to put the child with his stomach on a soft roller, warm up his back with his hands, then apply bee honey to the bronchial area and rub his back already with honey.
  2. As you grind, the honey will thicken. When it becomes very sticky, and it will be impossible to continue rubbing, you need to switch to the technique of sticking-unsticking hands from the body.
  3. The procedure lasts 5-7 minutes. After its completion, you need to wash the child with warm water.

Any type of massage is best done 30 minutes after taking expectorants.

A contraindication to such a massage is an acute form of bronchitis. In addition, parents should remember that honey is a highly allergenic product, so it is worth doing an allergy test before using it.

Breathing exercises

In the fight against bronchitis, breathing exercises are very helpful. During the period of exacerbation, they should not be carried out, the child may cough. But on the 3-4 day of the disease, these exercises can and should be done.

One of the most famous and most effective methods is gymnastics Strelnikova. It consists of inhaling quickly through the nose and slowly exhaling through the mouth. Each inhalation-exhalation should last approximately 1 second. The exercise can be performed standing, sitting or lying down.

Basic exercises:

  1. The exercise is performed while standing. Feet shoulder width apart, arms relaxed. Inhalation should be short and sharp - through the nose, exhalation long - through the mouth. While inhaling, we clench our hands into fists, while exhaling we slowly relax our fingers. Take a break for a few seconds and repeat the exercise.
  2. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Hands are clenched into fists and lie on the waist. As you inhale, relax your arms and lower them down. As you exhale, return your arms to the starting position. It is recommended to perform the exercise 12 times.
  3. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered along the body. While inhaling, we lean forward, round our shoulders, while exhaling we return to the starting position. Perform 12 sets of 8 tilts with a break of 10 seconds.
  4. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. While inhaling, lean forward, bringing your hands in front of you to the level of your knees, while exhaling, rise. Slightly bend at the waist, putting your hands behind your back. Take a quick breath. Return to the starting position while exhaling air.
  5. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms relaxed, shoulders straightened, back straight, abdominal muscles tense. On inhalation, turn the head to the left side, on exhalation, return to the starting position. Inhale sharply and turn your head to the right, exhale calmly and take your starting position.

It is best to do exercises in a playful way so that the child is interested.

Performing a set of exercises - video

Charging and exercise

For a speedy recovery and strengthening the immune system of the child, it is necessary to perform a set of gymnastic exercises. The load must be calculated according to the age of the child. It is best to exercise in the morning.

A set of exercises:

  1. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms relaxed. We perform forward bends, arms and torso should be parallel to the floor. After 3 inclinations, we return to the starting position. Before the exercise, we take a breath, during the slopes we exhale 3 times.
  2. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. We perform side bends. We raise one hand up and reach for the body. After 3 inclinations, we return to the starting position. Before the exercise, we take a breath, during the slopes we exhale 3 times.
  3. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. We tilt the head forward, backward, left and right.
  4. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. Describe the circle with the hips. 10 times one way, 10 times the other.
  5. Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms relaxed. We pull each knee to the chest in turn.
  6. Fitball exercises are suitable even for the smallest

    For kids under the age of two years, charging on a fitball is suitable. It can be purchased at any sports store. It is better to take the ball without handles - they are not needed for exercises with a child.

    1. Fitball jumping while standing. We hold the child by the armpits and let him jump on the ball on his own.
    2. We lay the child on the fitball with his stomach and roll the ball back and forth, supporting the baby.
    3. A similar exercise in the supine position.
    4. We put the child sideways on the fitball. With one hand we take the forearm, the second - for the outer part of the thigh. We roll the fitball in the direction from the child's head to his feet and back.
    5. We put the child on the fitball with his stomach, put toys in front of him, roll the ball back and forth and give the child the opportunity to grab the toy.
    6. We put the child on the floor and let him push the fitball with his hands. If the baby can stand on his own, you can roll the ball from yourself to the child and back.

    Such gymnastics can be carried out in combination with children's massage.

    It is very difficult to completely cure bronchitis in children without drug therapy. But when using medicines, one should not forget about additional measures that can significantly improve the patient's condition and speed up recovery. This fully applies to massage. This procedure does not require financial costs and can be done at home. The effect is felt after the first session.

With the help of certain simple breathing exercises, you can improve the child's health, improve his mood and well-being. Regular breathing exercises have a positive effect on the health of the baby and relieve him of many problems, including colds and coughs.

Such exercises are especially indicated for weakened children who often have bronchitis, tracheitis and other infectious diseases of the respiratory system, as well as during the recovery period after pneumonia and bronchial asthma. Of course, breathing exercises cannot replace the main treatment, but it will be wonderful additional means, which strengthens the protective function of the body and improves the functioning of the respiratory system.

Children are much more likely than adults to suffer from coughing. This is due to a more developed cough center. Regular strengthening of the respiratory tract, which is better to start with early age. For these purposes, you can use ordinary toys or come up with simple games. For example, blow on a dandelion or a feather, you can also buy a whistle or a pipe for your baby. Many children like to blow through a straw into a glass filled with liquid, causing the water to bubble. This game develops well Breathe-helping machine In addition, it has a positive effect on the development of the speech center. Older children can be offered to inflate a balloon. The main thing here is not to overdo it, because breathing exercises make a person very tired, they can even cause dizziness and other symptoms of poor health. Therefore, after 5-10 minutes, you should take a break.

If the child is more than two years old, then when a cough appears, you can perform a special set of breathing exercises for coughing with him. The exercises included in it contribute to the formation of correct rhythmic breathing, and also develop the muscles of the respiratory system, the speech apparatus, which improves the pronunciation of sounds. In addition, the muscles of the arms, back, and spine work. It is advisable to perform breathing exercises early in the morning before meals or in the evening, a couple of hours after dinner. Before starting the exercises, it is worth ventilating the room well.

Exercise number 1. bubbles

The child should inhale deeply through the nose, after which, strongly inflating the cheeks - “bubbles”, exhale slowly through the covered mouth. This exercise is repeated several times.

Exercise number 2. Pump

The child's hands should be placed on the belt, then light squats are performed. Breathing is maintained so that the breath falls on the squat, and the exhalation - on the straightening. Gradually, the exercises become more difficult with deeper squats, and, accordingly, longer inhalation and exhalation. Repeated about 4 times.

Exercise number 3. conversations

The baby is asked simple questions, to which he answers with various sounds. For example, “How does a hedgehog puff?” - "Puff-puff-puff." "How does the locomotive hum?" - "Tu-tu." You can also draw any vowel sounds.

Exercise number 4. Airplane

A poem is read, and at this time the child performs certain movements:

Takes flight (holding the breath)

Zhu-zhu-zhu (turn right)

Zhu-zhu-zhu (exhale)

I will stand and rest (hands fall along the body, the back straightens)

I'll fly to the left (you need to raise your head and take a deep breath)

Zhu-zhu-zhu (turn left)

Zhu-zhu-zhu (exhale)

Stand and rest (arms down, back straight).

You can repeat the exercise several times.

Exercise number 5. Bear and mouse

Just as in the previous one, when reading a poem, the baby performs a certain sequence of actions and maintains the rhythm of breathing.

The bear has a big house (you need to straighten up and stretch up well, standing on your toes, at this moment a breath is taken)

The mouse has a small one (you need to squat down, clasping your knees with your hands and lowering your head, exhale well with the sound “sh-sh-sh”)

The mouse goes to visit the bear (the child rises on his toes)

He won't get to her.

The exercise is carried out 4 times.

Exercise number 6. Wind

I am a strong wind, I fly

I fly where I want (put feet shoulder-width apart, arms down at sides, inhale through nose)

I can blow to the left (you need to turn your head to the left, squeeze your lips with a tube and slowly blow)

I can blow to the right (the head turns straight, inhale, and then head to the right and exhale through the lips compressed with a tube)

I can go up (the same actions, just blow straight)

And into the clouds (chin pressed to chest, exhale through mouth)

And disperse the clouds for now (hands make circular movements)

Repeated from beginning to end several times.

Exercise number 7. Hen

Hands hang freely at the sides, the head is lowered. You need to get up and bend over, while slapping your knees and saying: "Ta-ta-ta." An exhalation is made. Then, straightening up and raising your arms up, a breath is taken. The exercise is performed 5 times.

Exercise number 8. Bee

The child should sit up straight, arms crossed over the chest, head down.

The bee said: “Zhu-zhu-zhu” (while exhaling with the sound “zh-zh-zh”, arms spread apart, shoulders straighten)

I’ll fly, buzz, bring honey to the children (the child gets up, walks around the chair and sits down).

It is necessary to ensure that the breathing is deep, and the breath is taken through the nose. Repeats 5 times.

Exercise number 9. Mowing

The kid stands up straight, legs slightly apart, arms down. At the sounds of “zu-zu”, the child waves his arms. Breathing is aligned in the following rhythm: hands to the right - inhale, hands to the left - exhale.

Zu-zu, zu-zu,

We mowed the grass.

Zu-zu, zu-zu,

I'll swing to the left.

Zu-zu, zu-zu,

together very fast

We mowed the grass.

In addition to the above, there are many more different breathing exercises in a playful way. Of these, you can make a complex, alternating and conducting in different ways.

Boiling porridge

The child sits down, one hand is placed on the chest, the other on the stomach. Inhale - the stomach is drawn in, exhale - protrudes. When exhaling, a loud sound "f-f-f" is pronounced.


In a sitting position, hands should be folded into a tube and raised up. A slow exhalation is made with the sound "pf-f".


The child stands up straight with a gymnastic stick in his hands and begins to walk, while trying to raise his knees high. The rhythm of breathing is maintained in the following rhythm: 2 steps - inhale, 7-8 steps - exhale. The duration is about 1.5 - 2 minutes.


The legs are slightly apart, the arms are along the body, the back is straight. Swings are made back and forth with straight arms, saying "tick-tock, tick-tock." The exercise is repeated about 10 times.

flying balls

The child stands up straight, takes the ball in his hands and presses it to his chest. On exhalation, the ball is thrown forward with the sound “uh-h-h”.

Horizontal bar

Feet together gymnastic stick held with both hands in front of the chest, then it must be lifted up, stretching with the whole body and standing on the toes. Stick up - inhale, down behind the head - exhale. On the exhale, the sound "f-f-f" is pronounced.


Feet shoulder-width apart, arms first lower along the body, then rise to the sides, slap on the hips, and on the exhale, “ku-ka-re-ku” is pronounced.


The legs are apart, one arm is up, and the second is taken to the side, the back is straightened. Inhaling through the nose, the position of the hands changes, at the moment of exhalation it says: “rrrr”. You need to repeat the exercise 8 times for each side.


Hands need to be bent at the elbows and, walking around the room, carry out alternating swings with them. You can add "choo-choo-choo" sounds. The duration of the exercise is about half a minute.


The back is straightened, while inhaling, the arms rise to the sides, while exhaling, they slowly lower.


The child stands straight, legs are closed, arms hang along the body. Tilts are made to the sides, in which the arms move along the body. When exhaling, pronounce "s-s-s".

swinging pendulum

The legs are shoulder-width apart, a gymnastic stick is clamped in the hands, which should be lowered behind the head. The child leans alternately in both directions, with the tilt itself - exhale.

Swan geese

The child walks slowly, raising and lowering his arms to the sides. At the same time, breathing is maintained: hands up - inhale, down - exhale. The duration of the exercise is about 2-3 minutes.


Carry out movements similar to skiing for 2 minutes.

growing big

Legs are placed together, arms are raised up. You need to stretch, rising on your toes, and at the same time take a deep breath, then the hands go down, the legs stand on a full foot - an exhalation is carried out. Repeat about 5 times.

Breathing exercises for preschoolers can be done twice a day. Walking in the fresh air is best suited for such gymnastics.

complexes physiotherapy exercises should be carried out for approximately 3 months. Respiratory gymnastics courses are most often prescribed for preschool children suffering from frequent respiratory diseases, chronic sinusitis, rhinitis, laryngitis or tracheitis. Therapeutic exercises help the baby get rid of diseases more quickly and a short recovery period. In addition, breathing exercises are an excellent measure to prevent re-infection with infectious diseases and prevent exacerbations in the presence of a chronic pathology of the respiratory system.

Exercise should be done twice a day, excluding 1-1.5 hours after meals and 2 hours before bedtime. The total duration of gymnastics is about 10-15 minutes. Before proceeding directly to the exercise, the room in which they will take place should be well ventilated, and it is better to also carry out wet cleaning in it. The window is left open throughout the course.

The complex begins with walking around the room, combined with hand movements. On inspiration, they rise to the sides, on exhalation they fall to their original position along the sides of the body. In this case, you should breathe through your nose, your mouth should be completely closed. Steps gradually accelerate and turn into slow run, in which inhalation-exhalation is carried out for 3 counts.

Exercises, each performed several times:

  1. The child stands with his legs apart. When inhaling through the nose, the arms rise up, then, when exhaling through the mouth, the body leans forward as low as possible.
  2. The child is standing, legs together. Hands rise up, a breath is taken, rises on toes and stretches well, then, together with the exhalation, the hands fall and the baby stands on a full foot.
  3. The child sits with his hands on his belt. Straightening your legs, you need to try to reach the back of the foot with outstretched hands.
  4. Sitting on a chair, pressing your back against its back, raise your arms up and cross over your head, then slowly lower them to their original position.
  5. Lying on your back and stretching your arms along the body, bend at the knees and raise your legs, pulling them to your chest, and then return to the starting position.
  6. Lie on your stomach, hands on your belt. rises top part chest, shoulders and head, the whole body is extended, and then lowered to its original position.
  7. Sitting on a chair, lower your arms along the body. Taking a deep breath, straighten the back, with a slow, smooth exhalation, the shoulders lower.
  8. In a sitting position, breathing is performed first through one nostril, then through the other, and then through two at the same time. In this case, you need to ensure that the mouth is closed.

They finish the gymnastics by walking, accompanied by clapping their hands. Breathing is voluntary through the nose.

How to quickly cure bronchitis and get rid of an annoying cough - these questions concern many, especially in the spring and autumn, when the body is weakened and needs vitamins. A lot of people don't try to find quick ways get rid of cough, and use various techniques to feel at least some relief, even if only for a short time.

Everyone knows that drugs sometimes do not have a special effect. Severe coughs are difficult to treat with pills and syrups, and the sputum seems to have developed a strong immunity to the drugs. If you still hope to find a drug that can quickly relieve you of a cough, then we have to disappoint you, to date there are no effective medicines to quickly resolve this issue.

Even leading experts in the field of medicine have repeatedly voiced that absolutely everything pharmaceutical preparations act like a placebo. But this is not a reason to give up, yet there are some techniques that can alleviate a person's condition during the period of illness. It is quite possible to cure bronchitis and get rid of an annoying cough if you perform some breathing exercises.

Effective ways to eliminate cough

During a cough, our body loses a lot of carbon dioxide, which is essential to maintain a normal airway. An insufficient amount of CO2 causes irritation of nerve cells and their receptors, which provokes coughing, at the same time, oxygen levels decrease not only in the brain, but throughout the body as a whole. A persistent strong cough can cause pathological effects, the accumulation and intensification of which, in turn, provokes even more attacks. How to break this chain, cure bronchitis or any other respiratory diseases?

Effective exercises for severe or chronic cough

Initially, you need to learn how to cough through your nose, do not be surprised, but this is true, your mouth should be closed at this time. You also need to learn to cough with your mouth, while holding your nose with your fingers. These two simple exercises allow you to normalize the concentration of carbon dioxide in the body and calm the irritated receptors.

It is also necessary to learn how to inhale less air in order to increase the level of CO2 in the respiratory tract and enrich the cells of the body with oxygen. Such manipulations can cause some discomfort, but, nevertheless, this is a reliable way to quickly eliminate a cough.

Note! The use of these techniques requires prior consultation with your doctor!

As soon as you get the feeling that an attack is coming, you need to find a comfortable place, sit down, relax and straighten your back, and then perform several simple exercises to help normalize breathing. Take a good breath, close your mouth and pinch your nose with your fingers, briefly holding your breath. The first short breath must be taken through the nose, connecting the abdominal muscles and the diaphragm, after which you need to exhale smoothly. Then repeat the exercise until you feel relief. The main task of this technique is to support moderate oxygen starvation, that is, throughout the time you should feel the desire to inhale more air. A short breath hold will enrich the cells of the body with oxygen and increase the level of carbon dioxide in the respiratory tract.

To stop a cough, it is enough to perform such exercises for only two minutes, this is really the most effective way alleviate your condition. These techniques allow you to suppress even nighttime attacks, and to feel maximum relief, you need to monitor the position of your body when you go to bed. To suppress the urge to cough at night, you need to lie on your left side or on your stomach, but not on your back.

The above exercises are included in the Buteyko system, which has been known to everyone since the days of the Soviet Union. Such breathing techniques are effective not only for the treatment of prolonged, but also chronic cough, and this has been confirmed by many patients who have experienced serious diseases (bronchitis, asthma, fibrosis, tuberculosis, lung cancer, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). Almost all patients who regularly suffer from coughing confirmed that such exercises really helped them. Despite this, the Buteyko system has been criticized more than once, so it’s your right to believe in the effectiveness of this technique or not, but it’s better to do the exercises yourself and feel the result.

Of course, even a person who does not have a higher medical education may have a question - how is sputum removed from the body if the coughing process is hindered? It must be understood that the Buteyko technique allows you to normalize the oxygen balance in the body, thereby eliminating the cause of coughing and, accordingly, reducing the amount of sputum produced by the body. And you can speed up recovery with the help of additional exercises.

An effective method of getting rid of bronchitis. Asthma Control Exercises

This complex will strengthen not only the body, but also restore health. It is better not to start practicing during the period of colds or more serious illnesses. But you can still perform several exercises that will help relax the spine, as well as the chest, thereby accelerating the process of sputum discharge.

The simplest exercise and, perhaps, the most enjoyable is the “rollers” (rolls lying on your back in different sides and back and forth), you need to move slowly and at the same time make sure that the back is as rounded as possible. But this exercise is recommended only for those who do not have any problems with the spine. By using this massage it will be possible not only to reduce cough, but also to completely heal the entire body, since in the process of rolling there is pressure on the nerve roots of the spinal cord, which are responsible for the normal functioning of all organs and systems. "Rollers" allow you to improve your well-being and help you wake up in the morning in a good mood.

Just a few exercises will help your body get rid of serious ailments:

  • deflections. Performing backward bends of the body, disclosure occurs chest, there is an improvement in the functioning of the lungs and heart. By bending the upper spine during an asthma attack, the process of exhalation is facilitated. On the contrary, if it is difficult to take a breath, then it is necessary to lean forward and bend in the lumbar region (if such movements are not contraindicated);
  • inverted poses. To ensure a good outflow of mucus from the lungs, you need to stand on your head or shoulders, and in the latter case, you can also improve blood circulation and activate the immune system;
  • "camel". This posture allows you to free the nasal passage, clear the pharynx and lungs, and also activate the facial tissues;
  • "a lion". With help this exercise it is possible to activate the tissues of the larynx, bronchioles and trachea, get rid of tonsillitis, reduce inflammation in the throat, and also strengthen the cartilage of the thyroid gland;
  • "fish". This posture helps to restore breathing, as well as improve the functioning of all respiratory organs (pharynx, larynx, nasal passage).

For achievement maximum effect exercises must be done comprehensively, while not forgetting about relaxing techniques, for example, about the “corpse” pose. If you are seriously concerned about your health, we advise you to take a closer look at the exercises, sometimes this is the only way to solve the problem, when no medication or any other means can help get rid of the disease.