What you need to know about running technique and its effect on the body. Rocking the hardest

A great excuse for running (and cycling in general) is sometimes heard from the lips of girls who claim that training makes legs thick due to growing muscles. At the same time, we are talking about replacing running or cycling with some other form. physical activity does not go. That is, sports for health and weight loss are not considered in principle. It is understandable. Laziness.

But there are those among them who really would like to start running or even do a triathlon, but are seriously afraid of increasing the volume of the hips and calf muscles. The most amazing thing is that in order for such illusions to instantly disappear, just look at any marathon or triathlete, advanced or pro level.

Nevertheless, this question arises with enviable regularity among the beautiful half of humanity, looking for a way to maintain (or restore) a slender figure and health. Even among those, it is really ready to run.


The structure of the body, the amount of muscle mass, and even the optimal places to store fat reserves are all determined by genetic characteristics. We are too individual. Therefore, the processes occurring in the body differ in speed and responsiveness. But the principle of functioning of body systems is the same for everyone.


To increase the volume of the quadriceps, lovers of iron and fashionable T-shirts consume huge amounts of proteins and gainers, and then sweat for months and years in the gym, doing only power bench presses on machines and squats with a barbell. And it's the only one effective option get indecently large and embossed legs. The introduction of chemistry into the body significantly reduces the body-building process, but this is not for everyone. Which, however, abound.

Muscle tissues that work with a large amplitude and weight that go beyond the limits laid down by genetics initially are forced to quickly adapt to their duties and increase their volume, which is successfully facilitated by enhanced nutrition, including the timely supply of amino acids for the construction of cells of the structural units of muscle tissues - fibers .

Muscle fibers

Muscle fibers, as you know, are also not all the same. They differ in the metabolic pathways used to produce ATP. Some fibers use the oxidative pathway, while others use the glycolytic pathway.

How ATP is made determines the peak rate of contraction muscle fibers, as a result of which they are usually divided into slow (oxidative) and fast (glycolytic). There are also intermediate types of fibers, but we will leave the details to physiologists, for us this is not so important.

The difference in the speed of contraction between the two types of muscle fibers for human temporal perception is negligible and is measured in milliseconds (100 ms for slow and 25 ms for fast). However, a holistic picture determines the genetic propensity of an individual to a particular species. sports activities: stayer or sprint. Although this is likely to be subject to adjustment.

Red and white

Conditionally slow fibers are called red because of the corresponding histochemical coloration due to the content in these fibers of a large amount of myoglobin, a red pigment protein that delivers oxygen from the blood capillaries deep into the muscle fiber. Fast fibers are called white because they have less myoglobin and they look lighter.

Muscle Endurance

To lift a heavy barbell, fast white muscles are immediately included in the work, capable of developing strength 10 times greater than their capabilities. slow type fibers. At the same time, glycogen stores will melt before our eyes, which is completely unacceptable for a runner on long distances.

At the same time, these glycolytic muscles cannot work for a long time, they get tired instantly, they require rest and protein to repair damaged tissues and create new cellular structures for the future.

In contrast, red slow muscles can work for an incomparably longer time, since the aerobic system of energy production is not so demanding on resources and is mainly in the region of 20-25% of maximum effort. And their structure, which includes a developed network of capillaries, allows you to supply an increased amount of oxygen with the blood.

But at the same time, "oxygen" fibers that use the oxidation of carbohydrates and fatty acids cannot boast of the explosive power that requires a fast rate of contraction. And yes, by force.


The division of muscle fibers into different types does not mean at all that only one fiber works on an ultramarathon, and others work when lifting the bar. Not at all. Moreover, under normal conditions they work together. But, of course, when conditions change, priority will be given to a certain type.


Building muscle mass in the gym occurs due to working with large weights, making it impossible for a large number of approaches and repetitions. There is a full activation of fast white muscle fibers, their injury and the start of the recovery process along with tissue growth. A necessary condition is the intake of a sufficient amount of protein and carbohydrates with food.

Creates similar conditions for muscles sprint run, suggesting explosive effort and a large amplitude of movements that only fast muscles while consuming a huge amount of glycogen. The development of these muscles is a priority for the runner on short distances, so working in the gym with weights is part of the training process.

In the first case, when it comes to bodybuilders, increasing muscle mass is the ultimate goal of exercise, while in the case of a sprinter, this is just a side effect in the pursuit of speed. But both cases involve long and narrowly focused training of one type of fiber.

Neither one nor the other is absolutely characteristic of a long-distance runner due to the difference in the processes that occur in the predominant types of working muscles. Damage to structural tissues is not so extensive, and their restoration does without an increase in the transverse volume.

Muscle mass in distance running does not need continuous growth, since the priority is to increase the duration of continuous work, and this is achieved by optimizing metabolic and catabolic processes during the adaptation of the body. But the most important thing is to increase the ability to enrich the muscles with oxygen in a timely manner.

So will your legs get fatter from running?

In some cases, of course. After all, for any physical activity you need muscles, without it in any way. And for someone, muscle mass can only be enough for walking to the car in the yard.

But most likely, those who ask such a question are far from having muscles on their hips, so it’s more appropriate to talk about losing weight here. Thinking that running will provoke muscle growth that will add ballast to fat is, to put it mildly, naive.

At the beginning of classes, there may be a slight increase in the volume of the hips, lower leg and other areas, but this is not at all due to muscle growth, but to the fact that the body does not understand what has come into your head this time, and just in case it stores water in the body . Soon everything will be back to normal.

Today we do not have exact data, but we can talk about the transition of one type of muscle fiber to another. Geneticists tend to assume that the ratio of the number of cell types is laid down from birth, but studies show the possibility of at least 10 percent variation.

That is, being a sprinter, you can radically change your qualifications. At the same time, there is even a possibility that the volume of your hips will decrease significantly.

Of course, you won't win an ultramarathon around Monblan, but you can run long trails quite successfully, and having developed fast fibers will come in handy in short steep sections in skyrunning or when jumping over logs in the forest.

Running and sexy legs

According to the French, Italians and other Europeans who took part in some survey of a sports magazine, runners and cyclists have the sexiest legs. And among the most harmonious and beautiful people swimmers unconditionally took the first place. So, everyone in the triathlon, friends.

An excellent start to the day will be a short run, aimed at starting all body systems. Jogging can energize a person for the whole day. There are many reasons for such runs - the desire to maintain and prolong health and youth, to get rid of excess weight without harm to the body, as well as improve well-being and relieve emotional stress.

Jogging (jogging) is suitable for both young people and the elderly, due to moderate speed 7 to 9 km per hour on average. The duration of the run, as well as the speed, can be chosen by the person himself, choosing the optimal conditions for himself. This type of aerobic exercise will be useful for both a novice athlete, a housewife, or even an elderly person, and professional athlete, an employee of a special unit, a person with excess weight.

Duration, speed and conditions can be changed at the request of the runner. So, for example, by inserting the player's headphones into the ears, and slowly heading along the cobbled path of the sleeping area, a person can receive a daily charge of vivacity, strengthening all body systems.

Another thing is jogging in the army, when, having risen before dark, the company begins to move in heavy rain and heavy wind, hiding behind a mountain pass at an altitude of two and a half kilometers above sea level. With noticeably rarefied air and a constant rise with full gear. Both the first and second examples will be the same jogging.

With shortness of breath, pain in the side and general fatigue, the speed can be reduced or switched to walking. After restoring strength, you can again increase the pace.

Also under these loads you can change the angle, running uphill or on uneven surfaces, the number of calories burned will increase, and body weight will decrease faster, even at a low pace.

The benefits and harms of jogging

Like any run, it is aimed at strengthening and developing such body systems as cardiovascular and respiratory. With this aerobic exercise, all the muscles of the body are involved. Running stimulates the production of testosterone in both men and women, which has a positive effect on libido, mood and general emotional state. Jogging improves the metabolic processes of the body and is considered a great way to fight excess weight.

Heart rate below 120 beats will not give much benefit from running, metabolic reactions do not start in the right mode for fat burning, calorie consumption is lower.

To strengthen the heart and reduce weight, you should keep your heart rate in the range of 120-160 beats per minute. Such a heart rate will allow you not to overload the cardiovascular system, the main thing is not to exceed the maximum rate.

Benefits for weight loss

If you follow a diet aimed at reducing excess weight, kilograms will evaporate before your eyes. A runner can lose up to 13 calories per minute at a speed of 8-9 km per hour. In order to reduce weight, you can do two runs - in the morning and in the evening. Important do not forget about replenishing the fluid that a person spends twice as much when running.


  • Jogging puts a load on the musculoskeletal system and has a moderate effect on the cardiovascular system. Also, any load on the legs is contraindicated in varicose veins.
  • People with diabetes or hypertension should consult their doctor before running.

In the absence of problems with the heart, blood vessels and joints, jogging will great option body support.

What muscles are working?

Running involves all the muscles of a person, but the muscles of the lower part, namely the pelvis and legs, work most actively.

Who Should Jog and When?

Athletes use this species jogging as or after a hard workout in order to restore breathing and heartbeat. Jogging is used during rehabilitation in the post-traumatic period. Such a load in combination with stretching and health training will speed up the regeneration process.

This type of aerobic exercise can be a great way to achieve the goals of any person, even those with problems with the cardiovascular system, since such activities maintain a moderate heart rate.

Jogging technique

Jogging, first of all, is a workout aimed at improving, not implying a heavy load. Therefore, for this type physical training medium pace and short stride length are required. When jogging, you need to move your feet in short steps.
Video source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-3hYvfZdqY

A good option would be to push the toe of the foot up from the surface, this technique will consume more calories. However, with this technique, the load will be focused on the calf muscles. And also, when running slowly, short steps are taken with lowering the entire foot to the ground.

  • It is imperative to control the position of the spinal column, in no case should the pelvis be retracted or tilted forward.
  • Pay attention to breathing, when jogging it should be calm and easy, if the runner feels a load on the respiratory organs, shortness of breath appears, the pace should be reduced, or even go to the step.
  • If thirst appears while running, it cannot be ignored. Drink while running in small sips if necessary.


Jogging is a great way to introduce yourself to a regular physical activity. Starting with jogging, gradually increasing the load, a person in a short time will reach new levels of training and begin to strive for new sports horizons. Running is a great way to start your day at work. Also, such an aerobic exercise is suitable for a person who has a basic sports training, and gradually improve his physical data. Running can be an addition to strength training. Jogging just once a week will help keep you fit and prevent the accumulation of excess subcutaneous fat.

Correct jogging technique in video format

Running is becoming more and more popular among urban residents, this is an indisputable fact. Nevertheless, not everyone knows about the physical, chemical and biological processes that take place in the body during running. Today we decided to look into this issue and asked researcher Ivan Sorokin to talk about the main scientific terms related to running.

lung capacity

Several interrelated parameters that allow you to estimate how much gas can fit the lungs of a single person. Lung capacity should not be confused with lung volume: volume is an instant parameter that changes depending on the mode and phase of breathing, while capacity is an average parameter, which, in turn, is made up of averaged volumes. The most popular method of measuring lung volume is called spirometry and is associated with the detection of the volume of gas exhaled by the patient.

The consensus in the field of the connection between lung capacity and the speed of running over medium and long distances has existed for quite a long time - moreover, this connection is considered proven for other sports related to endurance (in particular, cycling and, of course, swimming - they are also called cyclic species sports). Of course, genetic predisposition plays a significant role here (for example, tall people have more lung capacity by definition), but training and living in highlands can increase this parameter for any runner. By the way, the outstanding Olympic success of Kenyan stayers belonging to the Kalenjin ethnic group, whose representatives live on the plateau, is often associated with a combination of genetic and geographical factors.

Lactic acid

A water-soluble carboxylic acid - quite weak, like most organic acids, but stronger than, for example, acetic acid. A natural product of glucose metabolism that can accumulate in muscles during intense exercise. Fermentation of lactic acid contained in food is widely used in industry - for example, for the production of fermented milk products, kimchi and sauerkraut.

Running short and long distances are fundamentally different activities in terms of metabolism. In the case of long distance running, the intensity of the exercise is not so great as to cause the accumulation of excess lactic acid in the muscle tissue(this type of exercise is called aerobic - that is, associated with a high consumption of oxygen). The intensity of metabolism in sprinters, whose sport is classified as anaerobic (that is, largely calculated on the energy that is not directly involved in the production of inhaled oxygen - in other words, associated with the breakdown of the same glucose), in turn, often leads to the occurrence of the body of the aforementioned excesses. For decades it has been believed that lactic acid is the main source of the condition known as acidosis, which contributes to muscle fatigue and is associated with increased acidity in the muscles. However, in last years everything has changed: it was possible to demonstrate that patients often complain of fatigue in the muscles a few days after training, while excess lactic acid is removed from the body within a few hours. Now lactic acid is not demonized by physiologists: one of the hypotheses says that these excesses protect the body from even greater fatigue.


She's a quadriceps. Massive muscle system located on the front side of the thigh and attached to the femur.

The quadriceps is the main muscle responsible for propulsion. knee joint And patella forward - thus, this is one of the key muscles involved during running (as well as actually walking). As you might guess, in order to avoid knee injuries, it is extremely important to develop quadriceps regularly; You can do this with squats or leg presses. However, you should not focus only on the quadriceps: nevertheless, many muscles are involved in running (and not only in the legs) - better time from time to time to give some attention to each of them.

Nitrogen-containing carboxylic acid. It is used to store energy in various tissues of the body, but primarily in the muscles. It enters the body exclusively with animal food (which is why creatine levels are usually lower with a vegetarian diet), but can be produced from several essential amino acids: glycine, arginine and methionine. Is an antioxidant.

Creatine nutritional supplements actively used by bodybuilders and runners (as well as vegetarians who want to maintain muscle mass): these powders and tablets allow you to build muscle volume without resorting to hormone therapy. The issue of improved performance with creatine use by runners is still debatable (however, the popularity of this trend does not wane), but one fact is reassuring: serious side effects the use of creatine supplements does not seem to cause. True, you should pay attention to the manufacturer: the purity of the drug in this case is very important, because in some cases it is enriched with creatinine, a breakdown product of creatine - and this, to put it mildly, is not good.

Women's sports triad

A diagnosis with an innocent name, which is a very unhappy combination of eating disorders (primarily anorexia or bulimia), amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) and osteoporosis.

The female sports triad, as you might guess from the name, is typical for professional athletes - but it can also manifest itself in those involved in non-professional sports as a result of excessive training. In principle, it is not something specific and characteristic only for running: unfortunately, such conditions are found in many athletes, figure skaters and gymnasts (as well as in representatives of other sports in which low body weight is of great importance). The most frightening thing about the triad is this: any one of the three disorders almost inevitably leads to the other two. So please don't forget to eat, don't try to cheat the scale, and don't overdo it.

Water-electrolyte balance

The required concentration of salts of certain metals in the body (in this case, electrolytes are understood primarily as salts, and specifically, salts of sodium, potassium and calcium). Differences in the concentrations of these metals provide the existence of so-called membrane potentials, due to which, among other things, electrical signals are transmitted from one cell to another - if anything, this is how your muscles know that they need to contract.

During running, a disproportionate amount of sodium and potassium ions are released with sweat. Violation of the water and electrolyte balance can lead to disorders digestive system and dehydration, swelling and excessive fatigue. In general, do not forget to drink - and water, and mineral.

Achilles tendon

Located on the back of the foot in the heel area. Very elastic, powerful structure: withstands loads corresponding to seven times the mass of the human body.

The Achilles tendon takes the lion's share of the load when running - and this load is only increased by improper foot placement. Its rupture is an extremely serious injury that can put an end to any jogging (to be fair, this usually happens during overload - for example, at the starts of professional sprinters). Despite the relative rarity terrible injuries Achilles tendon, any runner should take care of its fate - which can be done, for example, without pushing off the ground with too much force.

neural connections

A kind of "routes" in the brain, showing the interaction between its various centers. Some of them were known to natural scientists many centuries ago (they are laid down by the very structure of the human brain), some were discovered relatively recently.

There are some studies that cautiously suggest that cycling sports lead to new neural connections - roughly speaking, neurons lay new routes to communicate with each other. In theory, this should lead to better cognition and slower aging, which is supposed to be one of the main long-term effects of running (along with a widely documented reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease).


Glucose-based polysaccharide, the second most important way of storing energy in the human body after adipose tissue. Produced by the liver, stored in it and in the muscles. Violation of the production and decomposition of glycogen is observed, in particular, in diabetes.

Glycogen is the main fuel of the runner, and the sharp onset of fatigue over a distance of very large numbers cases occurs precisely as a result of the production of almost all of the glycogen accumulated in the body. There are several ways to avoid this situation: either by eating high-glycemic foods immediately before or during a run, or by a kind of systemic "reconfiguration" of the body in order to force it to break down more fat during exercise. The fact that many marathon runners eat a huge portion of pasta just before the race is not at all accidental.

Runner's Euphoria

Quite a serious medical term that describes the effect reported by a considerable number of runners: a feeling of invulnerability, similar to drug intoxication, which the respondent occasionally detects in his body after a long and strenuous run. Periodically, this effect is compared with a prolonged orgasm.

Runner's euphoria has been seriously analyzed as the source of the peculiar addiction to constant exercise seen in some runners. The nature of the effect is unclear to this day: it has long been associated with the action of endorphins (known in popular culture as hormones of happiness), but after studies that have demonstrated the presence of euphoria in runners injected with endorphin antagonizing substances, this theory seems dubious. There are many candidates for the position of substances responsible for euphoria; in particular, dopamine is often mentioned.

Workshop on the topic "Energy Exchange"

Designed by S.R. Khabibrakhmanova, teacher of biology, MAOU secondary school No. 115, Perm



Subject:Providing cells with energy

Biology. General biology. Grades 10 - 11: a textbook for general education. institutions: profile. level, P.M. Borodin, L.V. Vysotskaya, G.M. Dymshits and others.

Lesson topic:Solving problems on the topic "Energy metabolism in the cell"

Lesson Objectives:

Equipment: texts, task cards.

Lesson - workshop on the topic "Energy metabolism in the cell"

1 option

Target: to systematize knowledge about metabolism and energy conversion in the cell, to learn how to apply knowledge on the topic "Energy metabolism in the cell" in solving problems.

Tasks for "3"

1. Oxygen-free cleavage of 5 mol of glucose has occurred. How many moles of ATP were formed?

2. In the process of oxygen-free splitting, 10 mol of lactic acid was formed. How many moles of glucose have been broken down?

3. How many moles of ATP were formed as a result of the complete oxidation of 3.5 moles of glucose?

4. How many moles of glucose were consumed if 2 moles of lactic acid and 12 moles of CO were formed 2 ?

5. How much energy and in what form is accumulated if 15 moles of ATP are formed as a result of splitting.

Tasks for "4"

1. How many moles O 2 consumed during the breakdown of 6 mol of glucose, if 4 mol of lactic acid was formed?

2. In in the process of energy metabolism, 7 moles of glucose were split, of which only 2 underwent complete. Determine: 2 was it formed? ATP molecules?

3. As a result of energy metabolism in the cell, 5 mol of lactic acid and 27 mol of

d) How many moles of oxygen went into oxidation?

Option 2

Target: to systematize knowledge about metabolism and energy conversion in the cell, to learn how to apply knowledge on the topic "Energy metabolism in the cell" in solving problems.

Tasks for "3"

    There was an oxygen-free splitting of 20 mol of glucose. How many moles of ATP were formed?

    In the process of oxygen-free cleavage, 3 moles of lactic acid were formed. How many moles of glucose have been broken down?

    How many moles of ATP were formed as a result of the complete oxidation of 0.75 moles of glucose?

    How many moles of glucose were consumed if 8 moles of lactic acid were formed and 12 moles of O were consumed 2 ?

    How much energy and in what form is accumulated if 24 mol of ATP is formed as a result of splitting

Tasks for "4"

    How many moles of CO 2 was formed during the breakdown of 7 moles of glucose, if as a result 5 moles of lactic acid were released.

2. In in the process of energy metabolism, 10 mol of glucose were split, of which only 5 were completely. Determine:a) how many moles of lactic acid and CO 2 was it formed?b) how much ATP is synthesized in this case?c) how much energy is stored in these ATP molecules?

3. As a result of energy metabolism in the cell, 3 mol of lactic acid and 48 mol ofcarbon dioxide. Determine: a) how many moles of glucose were consumed in total? b) how many of them underwent complete cleavage, and how many underwent glycolysis? c) how much energy is stored?

Lesson of independent problem solving on the topic "Energy metabolism in the cell"

3 option

Target: to systematize knowledge about metabolism and energy conversion in the cell, to learn how to apply knowledge on the topic "Energy metabolism in the cell" in solving problems.

Tasks for "3"

1. Oxygen-free cleavage of 13 mol of glucose has occurred. How many moles of ATP were formed?

2. In the process of oxygen-free splitting, 6 mol of lactic acid was formed. How many moles of glucose have been broken down?

3. How many moles of ATP were formed as a result of the complete oxidation of 1.25 moles of glucose?

4. . How many moles of glucose were consumed if 2 moles of lactic acid and 12 moles of CO were formed 2

5. How much energy and in what form is accumulated if 18 mol of ATP is formed as a result of splitting

Tasks for "4"

1. How many moles of CO 2 was formed during the breakdown of 11 mol of glucose, if as a result 16 mol of lactic acid were released.

2. In in the process of energy metabolism, 4 moles of glucose were split, of which only 3 underwent complete. Determine:a) how many moles of lactic acid and CO 2 was it formed?b) how much ATP is synthesized in this case?c) how much energy is stored in these ATP molecules?

3. As a result of energy metabolism in the cell, 9 mol of lactic acid and 36 mol ofcarbon dioxide. Determine: a) how many moles of glucose were consumed in total? b) how many of them underwent complete cleavage, and how many underwent glycolysis? c) how much energy is stored?

4. How many moles of oxygen went into oxidation?

Answers to "3":

    10 moles of ATP 40 moles of ATP 26 moles of ATP

    5 moles of glucose 1.5 moles of glucose 3 moles of glucose

    133 moles ATP 28.5 moles ATP 13, ATP

    3 moles of glucose 6 moles of glucose 47.5 moles of glucose

    600 kJ 960 kJ 720 kJ

Answers to "4"

1 option:

1) 24 O 2

2) 10 moles of lactic acid 12 mol CO 2 86 ATP 3440 kJ 18 CO 2

3) 7 mol glucose 2.5 mol incomplete, 4.5 mol complete 176 mol ATP (7040 kJ) 27 mol O 2

Option 2:

1) 27 CO 2

2) 10 lactic acid 30 CO 2 200 mol ATP 8000 kJ;

3) 9.5 mol CO 2 1.5 mol incomplete, 8 mol complete 307 mol ATP (12280 kJ) 48 mol O 2

3 option.

1) 18 mol CO 2

2) 2 mol lactic acid 18 mol CO 2 116 mol ATP 4640 kJ

3) 10.5 mol glucose 4.5 mol incomplete 6 mol complete 237 mol ATP (9480 kJ) 24 mol O 2

Tasks for "4" (USE)

    How many ATP molecules will be synthesized in eukaryotic cells at the preparatory stage of energy metabolism, during glycolysis and during the complete oxidation of a starch molecule fragment consisting of 220 glucose residues?

    How many ATP molecules will be synthesized in eukaryotic cells at the preparatory stage of energy metabolism, during glycolysis and during the complete oxidation of a starch molecule fragment consisting of 150 glucose residues?

    How many ATP molecules will be synthesized in eukaryotic cells at the preparatory stage of energy metabolism, during glycolysis and during the complete oxidation of a fragment of a starch molecule consisting of 360 glucose residues?


    0, 440, 8360 ATP molecules

    0, 300, 5700 ATP molecules

    0, 720, 13680 ATP molecules

Tasks for "5" No. 1

The muscles of the arm during floor exercises consume 12 kJ of energy in 1 minute. Determine: a) how many grams of glucose will the leg muscles use in 10 minutes if oxygen is delivered by blood to the muscles in sufficient quantities?b) will lactic acid accumulate in the muscles? c) how many liters of carbon dioxide will be released?


X 12 10

WITH 6 H 12 ABOUT 6 + 6 O 2 → 6 CO 2 + 6 N 2 O + 38 ATP

180 38 40

X \u003d 120 180: 1520 \u003d 14.2 (g)

Answer: a) 14.2 g. b) no, because ABOUT 2 enough

X \u003d 10.6 liters of oxygen

Tasks for "5" No. 2

Leg muscles when running average speed consume 24 kJ of energy in 1 minute. Determine: a) how many grams of glucose will the leg muscles use in 25 minutes of running if oxygen is delivered by blood to the muscles in sufficient quantities? b) will lactic acid accumulate in the muscles? c) how many liters of oxygen will be absorbed in this case?


Х 24 25

WITH 6 H 12 ABOUT 6 + 6 O 2 → 6 CO 2 + 6 N 2 O + 38 ATP

180 38 40

X \u003d 600 180: 1520 \u003d 71 (g)

Answer : a) 71 g

X = 53 liters of carbon dioxide

Tasks for "5" No. 3

A skier when running long distances consumes 28 kJ of energy in 1 minute. Determine: a) how many grams of glucose in total will he use up in 30 minutes of running, if oxygen is delivered by blood to the muscles in sufficient quantities? b) how many liters of carbon dioxide will be released during this time? c) will lactic acid accumulate in the muscles?


Х 28 30

WITH 6 H 12 ABOUT 6 + 6 O 2 → 6 CO 2 + 6 N 2 O + 38 ATP

180 6* 22.4 38 40

X \u003d 840 180: 1520 \u003d 99.5 (g)

Answer : a) 99.5 g

X \u003d 99.5 * 134.4: 180 \u003d 74.3 l

Tasks for "5" No. 4

A boxer in the ring expends 16 kJ of energy in 1 minute. Determine: a) how many grams of glucose in total will he use up in 15 minutes of a continuous fight, if oxygen is delivered by blood to the muscles in sufficient quantities? b) how many moles of carbon dioxide will be released during this time? c) will lactic acid accumulate in the muscles?


X 16 15

WITH 6 H 12 ABOUT 6 + 6 O 2 → 6 CO 2 + 6 N 2 O + 38 ATP

180 6 38 40

X \u003d 240 180: 1520 \u003d 99.5 (g)

Answer : a) 28.4 g

X \u003d 28.4 * 6: 180 \u003d 0.95 moles of carbon dioxide