Material and technical base of the branch “Physical culture and sports. Logistics of physical culture and sports Logistics of the subject of physical culture lectures

Attachment to the letter

Ministry of Youth, Sports and Tourism of the Donetsk People's Republic

20.02.2017 № 01-21/609

Logistics of the subject

"Physical culture" according to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Donetsk People's Republic No. 408 dated August 18, 2015 *

* Do not add or delete anything in the Name column. Do not modify the table!


Actual Quantity


Planned acquisition in 2017

1. Gymnastic equipment

Crossbar (low and high)

Crossbar of different height

Hinged crossbar

Bars (parallel and uneven)

Horse, vault goat

vault bridge

Hanging rope for climbing with a fastening mechanism

Rope for pulling

Balance beam

Universal gymnastic bench (log floor)

Gymnastic benches

Gymnastic wall (number of sections)

jump ropes

Gymnastic sticks

balls tennis

Gymnastic mats in covers

Gymnastic foam mats

Mirror (size 2x3 m.)

fitness equipment

Step platform

Rubber shock absorbers

Fitness mats

Belt weights


2. Track and field equipment

Starter pads

Pomegranates (weighing 500g, 700g)

Kernels (weighing 3kg, 4kg)

Pistol starting

Referee flags

Electronic stopwatches

Two-hand stopwatches

Metal racks

High jump meter

Roulette metal (1-100 m)

Relay poles

Barriers l / a training

Small ball for throwing

Finishing racks

Cloth "START", Cloth "FINISH"

3. Ski equipment

Cross-country skis with bindings

ski poles

Ski ointments for different temperatures

4. Equipment for sports facilities


Antennas with mesh pocket (pair)

Handballs (1,2,3)

Soccer balls (3,4,5)

Volleyball nets

Ball nets

Volleyball net height gauge

Handball gate

Ball pumps

Referee whistles

Referee flags

Referee tower (for each volleyball court)

Gymnastic benches (for each sports ground)

Stroke stands

Clock-stopmeter wall

chess clock

Chess, checkers

Table tennis tables

Table tennis rackets

Table tennis balls

badminton rackets

Badminton nets

shuttlecocks for badminton

Board information magnetic-marker

Portable folding table with a set of chairs

flip board


Compressor for inflating bicycle tires, sports balls, etc.

Portable first aid kit for sports grounds

5. Tourist equipment

tourist tents

Sleeping bags

Pillows rubber inflatable

Inflatable rubber mattresses

Aluminum pots with lids

pouring spoon

Tourist hatchets

Buckets made of iron

Utensils for cooking (a set of tourist cauldrons)

Needles, threads - sets

Tourist rope

A set of entrenching tools

Marking polymer tape 1000m

camping lantern

6. Indicative list of gym equipment

Wellness equipment:

Disks "Health"

Exercise bikes


Trainer "Water"

Expanders, rubber bands

Foot trainers

Trainer "Health"

Gymnastic benches

Collapsible dumbbells

medicine balls(1.3.5 kg)

Prophylactor Evminov

Cardio equipment (exercise bikes, bicycle ergometers, Treadmills, orbitreks, elliptical trainers, mni steppers, rowing machines)

bench press

7. Sports uniform for the combined teams of the educational institution

(The number depends on the composition of the teams and their availability)

Football uniform

Basketball uniform

Volleyball uniform

handball uniform

Shirts in two colors

Chest numbers

8. Technical means learning

TV with universal stand

Audio center with sound system for sports halls and playgrounds (amplifier, mixer)

radio microphone

multimedia computer

Laser printer

Copy machine

Digital video camera

Digital camera

multimedia projector

Screen (on a tripod or hinged)


drill techniques

Technique of running, jumping, throwing

Technique gymnastic exercises

Technique acrobatic exercises

Technique and tactics of playing volleyball

Handball technique and tactics

Technique and tactics of playing football

Basketball technique and tactics

Rhythmic gymnastics

Athletic gymnastics

Technique ski runs

Technique sports facilities swimming

10. Sets for outdoor games

Hockey with a ball

mini tennis

ring toss

Small signal cone

Cone with bushing

Plastisol ball with a diameter of 13 cm

Plastisol ball with a diameter of 17 cm

Foam rubber ball with a diameter of 9 cm

Foam rubber ball with a diameter of 25 cm

Target "darts" for children (with Velcro)

Plastic gymnastic stick, 1.06 m long

Rubber rope

"Fishing rod"

Vests in two colors

Site marking tape

Inventory bag

Toolkit with a description of the games

The material and technical base of physical culture and sports, being part of the national wealth of society, includes sports facilities, enterprises that manufacture sports goods, as well as equipment and other sports property that is at the disposal of economic, trade union, physical culture and other organizations or is owned individual citizens.

The most significant part of the material and technical base is sports facilities. Depending on the purpose and use, sports facilities are divided into universal (for several sports) and specialized (for one sport).

Athletic facilities designed to meet the needs of the population in physical culture and sports. They should take into account the needs for sports services for various segments of the population (by age, gender, social and professional groups, sports interests and so on.

Each sports facility should be created taking into account the prospects for the development of the settlement. So, for example, the prospects for the growth of a large city should take into account the prospects for the expansion of sports facilities, their recruitment and distribution throughout the territory. At the same time, the construction of sports facilities should take into account not only the increase and change in the needs of the population, but also the availability and efficiency of the use of existing sports facilities.

The development of the system of sports facilities in populated areas should be determined by the master plans for their development in accordance with the building codes and rules of the State Construction Committee.

In accordance with these norms, the master plan for the development of a settlement should provide for land plots for the placement of sports facilities, both for the coming years and for the future period.

The reality of plans to create sports facilities largely depends on the correct economic justification of all calculations, as well as the availability of funds for capital investments.

The cost of planar structures of the micro-district level is included in the estimate of housing construction and practically does not exceed the cost of simple landscaping of the same area. It is significantly lower than the average cost of landscaping a residential area. The cost of planar structures will increase significantly with the use of modern, higher quality coatings.

The cost of the urban sports network reaches approximately 1.5% of the total cost of housing. The book value of stadiums increases not only as the number of seats in the stands increases, but mainly due to the saturation of stadiums with indoor and outdoor sports facilities that are outside the main sports core.

An integral part of the material and technical base of physical culture and sports is the equipment of sports facilities (projectiles, devices, durable equipment, etc.).

The growth of the network of sports facilities, and specialization, increasing the technical equipment of the training process and competitions every year impose new requirements on the equipment of sports facilities with modern equipment, devices, equipment.

Studies show that the cost of sports facilities equipment is on average about 8% of their total cost, which corresponds to a similar rate in other industries. Knowing the total cost of sports facilities (fixed assets) and the amount of investment in sports construction (republic, region, city), it is easy to calculate the total cost of equipment.

Ministry of Sports Russian Federation

Bachelor must be proficient in:

Analysis skills health systems, methods by the nature of their influence on the body of disabled people and the skills of the practical implementation of physical exercises;

Skills of rational organization and conduct of physical culture and health-improving classes with disabled people;

The theory of planning, management and control of the processes of implementation of professional pedagogical activities in the field of rehabilitation of people with limited mobility;

Special terminology, professional speech in the process of classes, communication, educational and advisory work with people with disabilities.

1.5. List and volume of active and interactive forms of training sessions

In the process of conducting the course "Material and technical support of adaptive physical culture" the following are applied:

Active forms of study:

Interactive forms of classes (total 12 hours):

2. Game simulation - 8 hours. PZ.

Lesson 1. Mastering a set of exercises and compiling a set of exercises for training upper limbs to prosthetics

Lesson 2. Mastering a set of exercises and compiling a set of exercises for training lower extremities to prosthetics

Classes 3. Mastering a set of exercises for education in the rehabilitation of visually and hearing impaired children

2. Standardized test - 4 hours. SZ.

2.1 The volume of discipline and types of educational work.

Table 1 - Composition and volume of discipline

2.2 Sections of disciplines

In accordance with the requirements laid down in the content of the block of disciplines of the professional cycle (B1.V. OD.19) of the state educational standard of higher professional education of the third generation for the direction - Physical culture for persons with disabilities in the state of health (adaptive Physical Culture), the discipline "Material and technical support of adaptive physical culture" includes two didactic units (sections):

1.Section 1. Sports facilities for the disabled.

2.Section 2. Technical means of MTO.

3.Section 3. Simulators for the disabled.

4.Section 4. Funds for the rehabilitation of the disabled.

Section 4. Inventory, equipment, outfit in MTO AFK

2.3 Themes and their summary

Table 1 - Topics and their summary


Section 1.

Sports facilities for

disabled people

Features of the architectural and planning organization of physical culture and sports facilities for the disabled

Parameters of zones and spaces for the disabled. Pedestrian paths. Buildings and constructions sports purpose, General requirements. Swimming pools.

Design, construction and equipment of sports halls, swimming pools, playgrounds in order to facilitate access to them for the disabled.

Specialized buildings and structures, specialized residential buildings. Specialized institutions for the rehabilitation of the disabled. Premises for physical education, music and special classes.

Features of the design and equipment of premises and structures for the disabled.

Section 2

Technical means for disabled people with upper limb defects: devices for cycling, for swimming, for holding ski pole, for using dumbbells, for playing table tennis, for playing badminton, for playing golf, for playing baseball, for archery, for using single-bladed and double-bladed oars in rowing.

Technical means for disabled people with lower limb defects: prosthetic equipment for running; prosthetic technique in cycling, swimming, skiing, in sports games ah, in weightlifting. Types of sport wheelchairs Design features sports wheelchairs. Weight, dimensions of sports strollers.

Brief description of groups and subgroups of funds used to improve the quality of life of people with disabilities

Section 3

Simulators for the development of various competitive sports by the disabled motor actions, development and improvement of their physical qualities

Classification of simulators and their characteristics. Technical features of simulators for various groups disabled people.

Table 1 continued

2.4 Scroll control questions and assignments for independent work

1. Creation of optimal living conditions for the adaptation of disabled people in the social environment.

2. Organization of premises, furniture, household appliances for the optimal life of the disabled.

3. Rational design and equipment of residential premises for disabled people moving in a wheelchair.

4. Issues of designing sports buildings and structures in accordance with the needs of disabled people of various nosological groups.

5. Features of the design and equipment of premises and structures for the blind and visually impaired.

6. The procedure for implementing the requirements for accessibility for the disabled to social infrastructure facilities.

7. Analysis of the development of physical culture and sports clubs for the disabled in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

8. A sport for the disabled that does not require changes in the main parameters of public facilities.

9. Urban planning preconditions for designing and standardizing facilities for the disabled.

11. Sports that do not require the use of special structures, prostheses for the disabled.

12. Sports facilities that provide access to sports with the disabled.

13. Simulators used to develop and improve the physical qualities and abilities of disabled people.

14. Technical means for improving prostheses used for sports activities for disabled people.

15. Design features of wheelchairs for sports.

2.5 Indicative list of questions for the test

1. Domestic and foreign experience in organizing physical culture and sports work with disabled people.

2. Practice of design, construction and operation of sports facilities for the disabled.

3. The problem of "construction barriers" and security.

4. Requirements for the material and technical support of classes with the disabled.

5. Sociological aspect of the study of the problems of designing physical culture and sports facilities for the disabled.

6. Methodological and sports-technical basis for the organization of places for classes.

7. Determination of the main types of structures and compositions of physical culture and sports complexes.

8.Modernization of existing physical culture and sports facilities.

9. Places for spectators for the disabled in stadiums.

10. Dressing rooms for disabled athletes.

11. Equipment of sanitary facilities for disabled athletes.

12. Equipment for swimming pools for disabled athletes.

13. Main dimensions and training areas for disabled athletes at stadiums.

14. Playgrounds for disabled athletes.

15. Classification of means and devices for physical culture work with the disabled.

16. Classification of simulators used in the restoration of motor functions.

17. Technical means for disabled people with upper limb defects

18. Technical means for disabled people with defects of the lower extremities.

19. Technical aids for the visually impaired

20. Technical means for the hearing impaired and the deaf.

21. Technical means for disabled children, oligophrenics, etc.

22. Structure of prosthetic and orthopedic enterprises.

23. Classification of wheelchairs for the disabled, depending on the disease.

24. Design features of sports strollers.

25. Basic models of sports strollers.

26. Leading firms for the production of equipment, devices, prostheses for disabled athletes.

27. Sports strollers for extreme species sports.

28. Logistics of AFC as a system of conditions for the organization and implementation of sports and recreational work among the disabled and people with health problems

29. Forms of constructing classes, features of means, methods of logistical support of AFC.

30. Equipping facilities for sports purposes in order to ensure the availability of sports and recreational work with the disabled

31. Classification and characteristics of the means used to equip sports facilities for sports and health work with disabled people.

32. Simulators for the disabled people to master certain competitive motor actions, develop and improve their physical qualities and abilities.

33. Basic means of prosthetic equipment for physical culture and sports.

34. Means of prosthetic equipment when practicing various sports

35. Participation of persons with handicapped in the Paralympic Movement.

36. Prosthetic technique for running.

37. Prosthetic technique in swimming.

38. Prosthetic equipment for skiing.

39. Prosthetic technique in cycling

40. Prosthetic technique in weightlifting

41. Technical means of transportation for the disabled

42. Wheelchairs for sports and movement in everyday life

43. Design and equipment of sports buildings and facilities for the disabled

44. Creation of optimal conditions for disabled people to live, visit and use sports halls, swimming pools, stadiums and other facilities.

3 Distribution of course hours by topic and type of work

3.1 Thematic plan of lectures

Table 4 Thematic plan of lectures

section number

Name of lectures

Volume, hour.

8 semester

1. Sports facilities for the disabled

1. Sports facilities for the disabled,

The main elements of the environment, buildings and structures.

2. Parameters of zones and spaces for the disabled. Pedestrian paths. Buildings and facilities for sports purposes, general requirements. Swimming pools.

3.Specialized buildings and structures, specialized residential buildings. Specialized institutions for the rehabilitation of the disabled. Premises for physical education, music and special classes.

2. Technical means of logistics

4. Technical means for disabled people with upper limb defects.

5.Technical means for disabled people with defects of the lower extremities.

3. Simulators for the disabled

6. Simulators for the development of certain competitive motor actions by the disabled, the development and improvement of their physical qualities and abilities. Wave trainers.

4. Inventory, equipment, outfit in MTO AFK

7. Means of rehabilitation within the framework of the federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services provided to a disabled person.

8. Technical means of rehabilitation for restoring the ability to move and self-service, Support canes, crutches, supports, handrails, Prostheses, including endoprostheses, and orthoses, Wheelchairs,

9. Upper limb prostheses, Lower limb prostheses, Orthopedic shoes,

10. Technical means of rehabilitation for care, contributing to the observance of the rules of personal hygiene and maintaining the integrity of the skin, anti-decubitus mattresses and pillows


3.2 Thematic plan of practical exercises

Table 4 Thematic plan of practical classes

No. p / p

section number/


Name of practical classes

Volume, hour.

8 semester

Sports facilities for the disabled

Specialized institutions for the rehabilitation of the disabled.

Technical means for disabled people with upper limb defects.

Technical means for disabled people with defects of the lower extremities.

Wheelchairs for practicing various types of adaptive sports.

Fitness equipment for the disabled

Sports simulators for people with disabilities of various nosologies

Prosthetic equipment and means of transportation in everyday life and during the classes of FC and C.

Means of prosthetic equipment for physical culture and sports:

Inventory, equipment, outfit for a disabled athlete.

Types of prosthetic and orthopedic equipment for people with disabilities of various nosologies


3.3 Thematic plan for independent work of students

Table 5 Thematic plan for independent work of students

No. p / p

Didactic unit/section

Type of SIW (task name, topics for SIW)


Forms of control

Volume, hour.

Report (topic in the list of topics for independent work)

According to the curriculum

Preparing presentations

According to the curriculum


independent study of theoretical material

According to the curriculum


4 Forms of control (current, intermediate and final)

The following methods are used to determine the level of formation of a student's competencies when studying the discipline "Material and technical support of adaptive physical culture":

To determine the level of formation of student competencies in the study of the discipline "Material support for the disabled", the following methods are used:

- standardized test with additional creative task. This test contains tasks, both with the choice of the correct answer, and includes a creative task;

- developing cooperation method. It includes the solution of tasks that are difficult to perform individually and for which cooperation is needed, the unification of students with the distribution of roles in the group. This type of work may be appropriate when, for example, preparing videos, presentations, etc., conducting sets of physical exercises;

- portfolio(collection of educational achievements of the student). It is presented in the form of a workbook containing brief messages on certain topics, complexes of physical exercises, etc.;

- module rating system allows you to evaluate the work of a student during the semester by the sum of points (rating) that he scored on the basis of certification (test, colloquium, test, portfolio, etc.).

Current control on topics is carried out with the help of tests during the seminar and colloquium.

Intermediate control with seminars (for all sections) and portfolio checks.

The form of the final control of students' knowledge is credit in 8th semester.

5 Educational and methodological support of discipline




Kurdybailo on the logistics of adaptive physical culture. M.: Soviet sport, 2009. 256 p.

Evseev - technical support of adaptive physical culture: textbook. Moscow: Soviet sport, 2007. 308 p.

Theory and organization of adaptive physical culture: textbook. In 2 vols. T. 1-2 / under the general editorship. prof. .- M .: Soviet sport, 2005.

Total Copies


Physical rehabilitation and sport for the disabled: regulatory legal documents, implementation mechanisms, practical experience, recommendations / Author-compiler. 2005 - 592 s

Material and technical support of adaptive physical culture: Textbook. allowance / Edited by prof. . - M .: Soviet sport, 2000. - 152 p.

Table 6 continued

5.3 Information and reference systems (addresses of electronic libraries)

http://razym. en

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

"Volgograd State Academy of Physical Culture"




(course "Economics of FKiS")



Perfilieva I.V.

Volgograd - 2013

Lecture plan

1. Material and technical base

2. Funds for sports facilities,theirstructure and turnover

3. Sports equipment and gear

    Material and technical base

The material and technical base of any branch of the national economy is characterized by a combination of various material and technical means that ensure its functioning.

The material and technical base of physical culture and sports includes sports facilities, enterprises that manufacture sports goods, and tain addition, inventory and other sports property at the disposal of economic, trade union, sports and other organizations or in the ownership of individual citizens.

The most significant part of the material and technical base is sports facilities.

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation" (2008) physical culture and recreation, sports and sports and technical facilities- these are objects intended for the occupation of citizens exercise, sports and sports entertainment events.

Physical culture and sports facilities are a network (system), which is understood as such a combination of them, which ensures the satisfaction of the needs of the population in physical exercises and sports. The modern network includes sports facilities for more than 160 sports and active leisure activities. In this regard, it is considered one of the most complex and diverse among public service systems.

According to the functional purpose, there are three basic groups of sports facilities:

- main (intended directly for physical exercises and sports);

- auxiliary (used for additional maintenance of those involved, storage of inventory, equipment);

- intended for spectators (tribunes, etc.).

Main physical culture and sports facilities are classified:

    in relation to the natural environment - indoor and outdoor (summer and winter);

    in terms of spatial organization - planar (open areas) and volumetric (indoor sports facilities);

    by the nature of use - universal and specialized (cycling track).

Auxiliary buildings are classified into two groups:

    facilities for serving students and spectators (lobby, cloakroom, changing rooms with showers and sanitary facilities, a medical unit, catering, consumer services, etc.);

    buildings for administrative purposes ( service premises for administration and staff, garages, workshops for repairs).

Facilities for spectators are divided into permanent or stationary (tribunes) and transformable (collapsible).

The development of the system of sports facilities in populated areas should be determined by the master plans for their development in accordance with the building codes and rules of the State Construction Committee.

The cost of the urban sports network reaches approximately 1.5% of the total cost of housing.

Integral part the material and technical base of physical culture and sports is the equipment of sports facilities (shells, devices, information devicesucontrols, non-expendable inventory, etc.).

Equipment for sports facilities cost is on average about 8% of their total value, which corresponds to a similar rate in other industries. Knowing the total cost of sports facilities (fixed funds) and the amount of investment in sports construction (republic, region, city), it is not difficult to calculate the total cost of equipment.




Annotation The article gives the structure of the material and technical base of sports highest achievements and outlined the main directions for the development of the material and technical base of elite sports; the provision of sports of the highest achievements and sports training of athletes with sports facilities and equipment has been determined. Abstract In article the structure of material base for elite sport is given and the main directions of development of material base of an elite sport are stated; security of an elite sport and sports training of athletes by sports constructions and the equipment is defined.

Key words: elite sport, material and technical base, sports facilities and equipment. Key words: elite sport, material base, sports constructions and equipment.

One of the foundations of elite sport, one of the foundation stones on which it relies perspective development, is the availability of an appropriate modern material and technical base (MTB) that meets modern requirements and international standards for organizing and conducting sports activities, training and competition, prepare athletes for international sports competitions, for the European and world championship, prepare for the Olympic Games.

The strategic goal of the state policy in the field of physical culture and sports is to increase competitiveness Russian sports in the international sports arena, for which it is necessary to improve the system of training the sports reserve and ensure the training of sports and Olympic reserve, sports of the highest achievements of the corresponding MTB, including physical culture and sports facilities of the modern level.

The Federal Law "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation" refers to the need for logistical support for elite sports, including the provision of appropriate facilities and facilities.

Federal target program "Development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation for the period 2006-2015" includes the main directions for solving the problem of providing elite sports with an appropriate material and technical base, including the construction of new sports facilities, the modernization of existing sports facilities and measures to reconstruct existing and create new sports bases and centers to ensure the development of elite sports.

The main component of the material and technical base of physical culture and sports, incl. elite sports are sports objects and structures.

The network of facilities and facilities for elite sports is formed taking into account the limited, high

sports qualification of the contingent of athletes, training of athletes-rankers and the Olympic reserve, a large volume and intensity of training work, as well as holding games and competitions, incl. all-Russian and international class in elite sports and Olympic sports in the presence of a large number of spectators (see figure).

The entire array of sports facilities and facilities, their entire network, are combined into blocks, on the basis of which the structure of the material and technical base of elite sports is formed.

The structure of the material and technical base of elite sports is formed in accordance with the functional form and purpose of the sports facilities and facilities included in it.

All objects and structures of elite sports are combined into two groups:

Educational and training;


Educational and training facilities are sports facilities consisting of:

Training centers and bases;

Federal State Institution of Higher Physical Education and Sports Education;

Educational institutions of secondary physical culture and sports education: technical schools, colleges, schools of the Olympic reserve (UOR), schools of higher sportsmanship (ShVSM);

Specialized Children's and Youth Schools of the Olympic Reserve (SDYUSHOR);

Children and Youth Sports Schools (DYUSSH).

Demonstration - these are sports facilities with seats for spectators, designed both for holding sports games, competitions, competitions, matches, and for sports and training sessions and sports training of athletes:


Sports arenas and arenas;

Ice arenas;


10 Theory and methodology of elite sports

Tennis stadiums and courts; facilities for snowboarding and freestyle;

Palaces of sports; bobsleigh complexes;

Universal and multifunctional sports and biathlon complexes;

game rooms; hockey stadiums and courts;

Swimming pools; shooting ranges, shooting ranges;

Velodromes, cycle tracks, bike trails; rowing bases and channels;

Ski resorts and tracks; sailing centers and bases, yacht clubs;

ski jumps; equestrian sports complexes, bases, hippodromes.





Sports facilities including:

Training centers and bases

Federal State Institution of Higher Physical Education and Sports Education

Educational institutions of secondary physical culture and sports education:

Technical schools


Olympic Reserve Schools (URS)

School of Higher Sportsmanship (ShVSM)

Specialized children's and youth schools of the Olympic reserve (SDYUSHOR)

Children and Youth Sports Schools (DYUSSH)

Sports facilities with seats for spectators:


Sports arenas, arenas

ice arenas

Tennis stadiums and courts

Sports Palaces

Universal and multifunctional sports and game halls

Swimming pools

Velodromes, cycle tracks, bike trails

Hockey stadiums and courts

Ski slopes and bases

Ski jumps

Snowboard and freestyle facilities

Sledding and bobsleigh complexes

Biathlon complexes

Shooting ranges

Rowing bases and channels

Water bases

Sailing centers and bases, yacht clubs

Equestrian sports complexes, bases, hippodromes

The structure of the material and technical base of elite sports

It should be noted that the listed sports facilities of the demonstration group are at the same time the material and technical base of elite sports and mass sports.

One of the most important issues in the preparation of athletes for international competitions and the Olympic Games - this is the logistics of the national teams of Russia, including the availability of training centers and bases.

Therefore, it is necessary to dwell in more detail on the analysis and characterization of the existing network of training centers and bases.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, many training centers and bases ended up abroad, and therefore the problem of creating sufficient conditions for the training process of national teams and sports training of athletes of the highest sportsmanship became more acute.

For a long time, there were only five federal training centers and bases in the country: Novogorsk, Ozero Krugloye, Ruza, Oka, Yuzhny, which provided the material base, i.e. corresponding

existing sports facilities only 12 sports federations.

Then, in 2012, federal training centers were built winter views sports: "Toksovo" (Leningrad region), "Tchaikovsky" (Perm region).

In the regions of the Russian Federation there are also sports facilities for various types sports of the subjects of the Russian Federation, i.e. regional and municipal. But, as shown by selective studies in individual regions, they are also not enough, they do not fully meet the preparation sports teams and highly qualified athletes and for the most part do not have the necessary composition of sports facilities.

Therefore, it is necessary to build new training centers and bases (both federal and regional) in the regions of the Russian Federation, as well as modernize existing ones, taking into account the introduction of new methods of sports activities and training, technological innovations in modern international sports.

Since 2006, within the framework of the implementation of the "FTP for 2006-2015" with the participation of FSUE "Sportengineering" at the expense of the federal budget


Theory and methodology of elite sports

construction and reconstruction of sports facilities were launched at all five existing federal training centers and bases.

The largest reconstruction and modernization was carried out in the Novogorsk training center and included the construction of new sports facilities (ice arena, hall rhythmic gymnastics, indoor and outdoor track and field arenas, swimming pool). The reconstruction of the Novogorsk training center made it possible to create conditions for the training process of national teams, junior teams at a high sports level and in accordance with international requirements, to hold international competitions.

Employees of VNIIFK also took part in the development of project proposals for the reconstruction of the Novogorsk training center.

Simultaneously with the reconstruction of the existing ones, new construction of training centers and bases was also carried out.

To prepare athletes for the Winter Olympics 2014 in Sochi, a regional ski and biathlon center was built in Saransk (Republic of Mordovia), the construction of the Center for training skiers for international competitions and winter Olympic Games in the city of Aldan in Yakutia.

In 2008, the construction of the Paramonovo International Luge and Bobsleigh Complex in the Moscow Region was completed, which made it possible for our athletes and national teams to hold international competitions.

In the future, by 2014, it is planned to create and build a federal training center "Paramonovo" for winter sports, including a ski stadium, a ski and biathlon complex, freestyle facilities with versatile halls and a swimming pool.

The material base of elite sport is also sports facilities within higher educational institutions (universities) of physical culture and sports. In Russia, there are only 14 FCS universities.

The provision of universities with sports facilities is insufficient both in terms of quantity and types of facilities. Many universities of the FCS do not have the full range of physical culture and sports facilities necessary for the organization and conduct of the educational process, the training and formation of teachers, the training of coaches and teachers in various sports, as well as the training of rated athletes as part of students.

Currently, as part of the implementation of the "FTP for 2006-2015" in 11 universities of the FCS, construction and reconstruction of sports facilities are underway.

Educational institutions of secondary physical culture and sports education - technical schools, colleges, schools of the Olympic reserve (UOR), schools of higher sportsmanship (SHVSM), available in the Russian Federation, are not enough to train the necessary coaching and teaching staff of the middle level and sportsmen. Educational institutions of secondary

physical culture and sports education are unevenly distributed across the regions of the Russian Federation and for the most part are not provided with the necessary specialized sports facilities.

As a result of preliminary studies carried out as part of the research, the percentage of shortage of sports facilities in the composition of the RBM was established, which ranges from 45 to 70%.

Of great importance in the preparation of highly qualified athletes for elite sports and the preparation of the Olympic reserve are specialized children's and youth schools of the Olympic reserve (SDYU-SHOR). However, the existing network of SDUSHOR does not fully meet the requirements for the training of sports and Olympic reserves. They are not fully provided with the necessary sports facilities. Many sports schools in the regions of the Russian Federation do not have specialized sports facilities and are forced to rent them (from 40 to 65%) from educational institutions, as well as municipal (city) and departmental facilities (stadiums - 40%, indoor ice arenas and skating rinks - 58%, gyms - 65%, swimming pools- 60%, sports grounds - 50%, ski resorts- 42%, water stations and rowing channels - 63%, shooting ranges and shooting ranges - 62%).

But the rented sports facilities do not always fully comply with the requirements of the training process of specialized, specialized sports schools, methods of training the sports and Olympic reserve.

Further formation and development of the MTB of elite sports in the group of "training sports facilities and facilities" should be aimed at the creation and construction of new training centers and bases, sports schools, schools of the Olympic reserve, schools of higher sportsmanship, universities and secondary educational institutions of the FCS, for the construction of new additional and missing sports facilities in their composition, for the reconstruction and modernization of existing facilities both at the federal, and at the regional, municipal levels.

Proposals for the development of MTB sports of the highest achievements

Proposals for the development of MTB of elite sports are developed on the basis of an analysis of the state of MTB of elite sports, taking into account the applications of regional sports committees for the creation and construction of new sports facilities for specific sports and the requirements of sports federations for various types of sports facilities and facilities, as well as for the composition and specialization training centers and bases, sports schools and schools of the Olympic reserve.

Proposals for the development of high-performance MTB sports for individual regions have been developed taking into account the List of basic sports developed in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as taking into account a number of factors, such as


Theory and methodology of elite sports

as natural and climatic conditions, relief features and territorial capabilities of the regions, financial and material support for the construction of new sports facilities and facilities, reconstruction and modernization of existing ones.

In accordance with the requests and requirements of winter sports federations, it is proposed to build 22 federal and regional training centers and bases.

For winter sports, taking into account the requirements of sports federations, it is proposed to create and build:

Biathlon stadiums and complexes in Arkhangelsk (Onega), Pskov (Ostrov), Novosibirsk, Omsk (Muromtsevo), Moscow (Krasnogorsk, Dmitrov, Klin), Sverdlovsk region, in the Far East, Komi Republic, Altai Territory , Tatarstan;

Ski jumps, freestyle facilities in Valdai, in Nizhny Novgorod, in the Urals (N. Tagil), in Siberia (Irkutsk, Chita, Novosibirsk, Omsk), in the Perm Territory (Chusovoi), in the Murmansk, Pskov regions;

Skating rinks with 400-meter skating tracks, in the Far East, in Siberia (Irkutsk, Chita), in the Volga region (N. Novgorod), in the Urals (Yekaterinburg), in the Central District (Moscow, Vladimir, Ivanovo, Kostroma, Smolensk, Yaroslavl regions .);

Federal and regional training bases for figure skating in the years Samara, Perm, Kirov, N. Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg;

Alpine skiing and snowboarding centers and bases in Moscow, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk regions, in the Perm Territory, in the republics of Khakassia and Bashkortostan, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory;

Equipment for curling skating rinks in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk and other cities.

By summer species sports in accordance with the approved List of basic sports to be developed in the regions of the Russian Federation for the preparation of a reserve of national teams of the Russian Federation, and the requests of sports federations, it is proposed to create federal and regional training

training centers and bases: according to athletics, artistic and gymnastics- in Ivanovo, Kostroma, Kaluga, Tver, Tula, Murmansk regions, in Yakutia; in weightlifting - in the Komi Republic; cycling - in the Tver, Tula, Yaroslavl, Leningrad regions; By rowing- in Moscow, Moscow, Leningrad, Tver, Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara regions, Tatarstan; in equestrian sports - in Adygea, Altai Territory, Moscow and the Moscow Region, in the Rostov Region.

To ensure the basic sports of the highest achievements and Olympic sports sports of the corresponding MTB, it is also necessary to build specialized sports facilities that meet international standards.

Thus, to ensure the appropriate MTB for the development of tennis, it is proposed to create and build tennis centers and complexes with indoor and outdoor courts in Moscow (construction of a tennis complex in Izmailovo, the National Tennis Center in the park near the River Station), in the Moscow Region, St. Petersburg, Leningrad, Penza, Samara regions, Krasnodar Territory, Tatarstan.

To provide football with the material and technical base, it is necessary to reconstruct the existing ones in the regions football stadiums, construction of new stadiums with a capacity of more than 5 thousand spectators using the latest building technologies and materials, taking into account recommendations for the design and construction of stadiums and standards developed by the British Royal Institute of Architecture. It is also required to form specialized training bases in the regions, UOR and SDUSHOR in football with the mandatory inclusion of football fields in their composition.

Implementation of proposals for the development of MTB sports of the highest achievements, incl. Olympic sports, at the subsequent stages of work will be carried out by the development of projects for specific training centers and bases, various types sports facilities that meet modern international standards and requirements.


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2. Federal target program "Development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation for 2006-2015". Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 7 of January 11, 2006

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Theory and methodology of elite sports

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1. The Federal law “About physical culture and sport in the Russian Federation” No. 329-FZ. Moscow, on December 4, 2007.

2. Federal target program “Physical Culture and Sport Development in the Russian Federation for 2006-2015”. Approved as the resolution of the government of the Russian Federation No. 7 of January 11, 2006.

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8. Mutko V.L. It is necessary to change sports policy / V.L. Mutko // Sports constructions and industry. - 2008-2009. -No. 4(10) - 1(11). - P. 8-9.

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