Paralympic Games for blind athletes. Summer sports in the Paralympic Games that can be played by visually impaired people

Signs of heart problems cannot be ignored, even if it seems to you that the pain has already passed and you can live with it. Heart disease is the number one cause of death worldwide, especially in developed countries. The insidiousness of cardiovascular pathologies is that the first signs are almost imperceptible or can occur in a latent form.

Mild discomfort most people choose to ignore. Although in the early stages it is possible to treat and avoid irreversible complications. It is much more difficult to cope with sharp pains that indicate the development of life-threatening diseases: myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, heart attacks and others. In total, there are about 60 types of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The first signs of heart problems: what should arouse suspicion

Chest pain does not always indicate a heart problem. This does not mean that you can relax and not go to the doctor. Most likely, these symptoms will not go away on their own and can threaten serious health complications. An accurate diagnosis can only be established by a doctor.

But since our health is in our hands, all signs of heart problems should be taken seriously and sign up for an examination.

You can suspect something is wrong by the following first signals of the body:

Chest pain

The most alarming sign that may indicate heart disease. This is one of the first symptoms of a heart attack, so with any severe pain in chest urgent need to seek medical attention. You should also be alerted by short-term, pressing pains in the sternum, which are accompanied by sweating, pallor, lack of air. The pain can radiate to the shoulder, left arm and even the jaw.

With different diseases of the heart, pain can be of a different nature. For example, with angina pectoris, the pain is severe, has a pressing, squeezing character. Accompanied by profuse sweating and fear of death. It lasts 1 to 15 minutes. With pericarditis, the pain is constant, which is aggravated by coughing and breathing. With myocarditis, the pain is long and aching.

Chest pain can indicate not only heart disease, but also other organs. It requires a mandatory visit to the doctor for any character and intensity.


Expressed in lack of air, easy suffocation. It can manifest itself when a person is working, with physical activity and in the supine position. The fact that you have shortness of breath in calm state Or in situations where it was not there before.

Dizziness and fainting

With heart disease, the blood supply to the brain worsens, so a person may feel dizzy and faint. Fainting in heart failure is very dangerous, as it can lead to cardiac arrest.

Fatigue and weakness

Due to the lack of oxygen and other nutrients in heart disease, the whole body suffers. A person feels overwhelmed and tired at the slightest physical exertion. Often, fatigue is accompanied by pallor, absent-mindedness, poor sleep and anxiety.


Normally, we hardly notice it. With pathologies of the cardiovascular system, frequent arrhythmia is one of the signs of heart problems. With arrhythmia, the heart either jumps out of the chest, or freezes and is characterized by a rapid heartbeat and an increase in pulse.


Edema of the lower extremities indicates the development of heart failure. They appear on the feet and legs in the late afternoon. If you press on this area, then the dent will remain for 30-40 seconds. Edema requires treatment, as it spreads higher and fluid can accumulate in body cavities. Edema in heart disease is often accompanied by pain in the right hypochondrium.

Common signs of heart problems include:

    Dry cough is manifested in most heart diseases. With a pulmonary infarction, it can be streaked with blood.

    Weakness in the arms and poor grip.

    Increased body temperature.

    Nausea, vomiting.

    Bruising under nails.

    Blueish fingers and toes indicate clogged blood vessels or heart defects.

Heart hurts: who to contact and who is at risk

Some heart diseases are difficult to prevent, but most of them are associated with an unhealthy lifestyle. The following factors belong to a special risk group in the development of cardiovascular pathologies:

  • Congenital disorders of the cardiovascular system.

    Diets and malnutrition.

    Infections, bacteria and viruses.

    Not healthy lifestyle life: alcohol and drugs.

    Sedentary and sedentary lifestyle.

Experts warn that there are no simple heart diseases. For any of the symptoms discussed in the article, it is worth undergoing a diagnosis. Timely detected pathology has a good chance for treatment. While serious heart disease is difficult to treat, it is expensive and it is not always possible to predict a positive outcome.

If you have any of the signs of a heart problem, see your family therapist or cardiologist. The doctor will select the most suitable examination methods for you to clarify the diagnosis.

The heart is the engine of the whole organism. The global ecological catastrophe, the modern pace of life, unbalanced nutrition and an increased level of daily stress lead to a disruption in the functioning of this vital organ. In most cases, heart disease leads to poor quality of life, dependence on medications or devices. And in some cases - to disability, in difficult situations - to the death of the patient. In this article we will talk about what heart diseases are known: a list and symptoms, modern methods treatment of official and traditional medicine.

General symptoms

We will tell you what heart diseases exist: a list and symptoms, treatment - nothing will be left without attention. There are many types and subspecies of heart disease. Each case has its own characteristics and specific symptoms. But for the convenience of identifying the problem in medical circles, it is customary to classify heart diseases based on common signs. Therefore, it is possible to identify symptoms characteristic of most heart problems, in the presence of which a person should immediately contact a cardiologist for further examination:

  1. Fatigue and fatigue. Unfortunately, this symptom occurs in almost every second person living in a metropolis. It is unlikely that anyone will pay attention to such a slight malaise. But if for you such a condition was not previously the norm, but appeared completely unexpectedly and dragged on for a long time, this is a serious cause for concern about heart health.
  2. and heartbeat. This condition is normally observed during physical exertion, experiences, fear or excitement. But if the arrhythmia manifests itself daily or even several times a day for no apparent reason, be examined by a specialist.
  3. Shortness of breath - difficult breathing, a feeling of lack of air. This symptom occurs in 90% of people suffering from one or another heart disease.
  4. Dizziness, nausea, loss of consciousness, sweating, swelling. Such signs in some patients appear regularly, while in others they are completely absent.
  5. Chest pain often warns of an approaching symptom. The symptom has various manifestations: the pain can be sharp, short-term or prolonged “squeezing”, there are sensations of heaviness, stiffness in the chest. Unpleasant sensations may spread to shoulder girdle, left arm or leg.

It is worth noting the fact that people often do not pay attention to most body signals. In addition, there is not always a pronounced pain syndrome of a particular heart disease. The list and symptoms in each case are individual. Neglect of one's own health worsens medical statistics: about 40% of all deaths are the result of heart disease.


Why do heart diseases appear? The names, the list of such problems is getting longer every day. The causes of heart disease are varied. First of all, the hereditary factor influences, as well as various disorders of a woman's pregnancy, which contribute to the formation of pathologies in the development of the fetal heart muscle.

Acquired heart problems appear due to not proper nutrition. Doctors are discussing which foods lead to disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system. Some believe that excessive consumption of fatty foods and simple carbohydrates adversely affects health. While other luminaries of science argue that just the absence of animal fats, the oversaturation of the body with polyunsaturated acids leads to problems with the heart muscle. One way or another, we can conclude that for prevention, one should adhere to the golden mean in nutrition and saturate the body with various useful substances.

Lack of physical activity, alcohol and nicotine abuse adversely affect the health of our internal natural motor. Nervous heart disease is common. The list of such health problems is growing daily.

Concomitant ailments can also lead to heart disease. For example, metabolic disorders, hematopoiesis and blood flow.

Heart diseases: list

Syndrome of palpitations occurs in almost every third inhabitant of the planet. Jumps in the pulse and heart rate for no reason are called arrhythmia or a violation of the pace of the heartbeat. Such a condition is not a disease in itself, but has unpleasant symptoms and is considered a pronounced sign of heart problems of various origins: from impaired blood supply to the toxic effects of drugs.

Arrhythmia treatment

To fix the problem, you need to identify the root cause and deal with it. There are also medications to reduce the rhythm of the heartbeat, for example, "Disopyramide", "Timolol", "Verapamil", "Magnesium Sulfate" and others. They differ in the method of action and have a number of adverse reactions, contraindications. Self-administration of drugs against arrhythmias is unsafe for health.

Decoctions and infusions of herbs are widely used to normalize the heart rate. You can learn more about them in the corresponding chapter.

Heart failure

A condition such as heart failure, as well as arrhythmia, is not considered a disease, but is a consequence of improper heart function. At the same time, a person is concerned about the symptoms of heart problems, most often shortness of breath and rapid unusual fatigue. Also, there is a cyanosis of the nail plates and the nasolabial triangle due to a violation of the blood supply to the tissues.

Inflammatory diseases: pericarditis, myocarditis, endocarditis

There are heart diseases, the list and symptoms of which are listed below, which are inflammatory in nature:

  1. Pericarditis- inflammation in the pericardial cavity. The cause of such a problem is other diseases of the body, in particular, autoimmune and infectious. Also, pericarditis can develop after an injury. There is a stagnation of fluid in the specified section of the heart, which leads to difficulty in contracting the muscle, disrupting its work. Such a complication within just a few hours develops to a serious form - cardiac tamponade. Pressure in the pericardial region caused by increased fluid and inflammation of the walls can limit the ability of the organ to contract, up to its complete stop. Pericarditis is not immediately symptomatic, which also adversely affects the medical prognosis for the patient. This disease is deadly.
  2. Myocarditis- inflammation of the myocardium. The disease develops under the influence of viruses, fungi and bacteria. Often resolves without significant symptoms. Recovery in this case occurs independently. According to the indications, antiviral, antibacterial, immunomodulating therapy can be used. This disease is dangerous with the possible development of cardiomyopathy (stretching of the inner region of the heart muscle).
  3. Endocarditis- inflammation of the endocardium, internal disease of infectious origin. It can form even after a seemingly insignificant surgical intervention, for example, when a tooth is removed. Symptoms are quite pronounced:
  • fever;
  • high body temperature;
  • pain in the joints;
  • grayish color of the skin;
  • thickening of the phalanges of the fingers;
  • enlargement of the liver and spleen;
  • development of kidney problems;
  • heart murmurs when heard with a stethoscope.

The disease is dangerous not only because it violates, but also the possibility of developing complications in other organs. Such heart diseases are eliminated with the help of broad-spectrum antibacterial agents. Symptoms and treatment depend on the severity and general condition patient. The course of taking antibiotics is at least two weeks. With a timely visit to the doctor, the prognosis for the patient is 70% favorable. But deaths from this disease are regularly recorded. Moreover, often a fatal outcome occurs not only due to disruption of the heart, but also from the failure of the liver and kidneys.

Problems of an inflammatory nature in the tissues of the heart muscle lead to complications, hearts develop. The list of such pathologies is regularly updated.

Ischemic disease

Atherosclerotic heart disease is widespread. The list and methods of their treatment are determined depending on the symptoms. So, coronary heart disease is an extremely dangerous condition. A characteristic feature is a violation of blood flow in the large vessels of the body, including in the coronary arteries that supply blood to the myocardium. Ischemic disease accounts for 90% of all heart diseases. Contribute to the formation of such a problem genetic predisposition, elderly age patient, excess weight, diabetes, taking certain medications, bad habits and an unhealthy lifestyle.

This disease is dangerous by the development of such pathological conditions that can lead to death:

  1. Heart failure.
  2. Arrhythmia.
  3. Angina.
  4. Myocardial infarction - necrosis of the inner lining of the heart muscle.
  5. Heart failure.

Treatment of coronary disease

Since this disease is a common problem, we turn Special attention to modern methods of treatment coronary disease heart muscle. Depending on the symptoms, the doctor selects an adequate treatment, but general recommendations such:

  • reduction of physical activity;
  • diet (reducing the amount of water and salt consumed).

Medical preparations

These heart diseases are treated medically. The list of drugs that help improve blood flow and promote the breakdown of cholesterol plaques is as follows:

  • antiplatelet agents "Trombopol", "Clopidogrel";
  • adrenoblockers "Coronal", "Betalok", "Dilatrend";
  • nitrates;
  • anticoagulants;
  • diuretics.

Surgical methods

The following surgical methods are used:

  1. Coronary bypass.
  2. The introduction of a medical balloon.

Unfortunately, it is currently impossible to completely eliminate this disease. Treatment methods are used to prevent the development of complications, including heart attack and slow the progression of coronary disease.

congenital ailments

There are congenital heart diseases. Names, list, symptoms depend on the nature of the pathology. During the period of intrauterine development of the fetus, in the presence of adverse factors, the development of various disorders in the formation of the heart muscle and adjacent arteries is possible. Such birth defects are the main causes of death in newborns and infants. Often, babies with congenital heart defects remain profoundly disabled.

The main risk factor is genetic. The secondary factors are the following: environmental, viral and infectious diseases suffered by a pregnant woman, chemical poisoning, nicotine and alcohol abuse, drug use by the expectant mother.

When pathologies of the development of the heart muscle are detected in a newborn, surgical intervention is often prescribed according to indications. But such a cardinal method has high level risk. Unfortunately, the forecasts are disappointing, the probability lethal outcome or disability is very high when diagnosing a serious pathology.

Folk remedies for the treatment of heart disease

Treat and folk remedies unpleasant symptoms of heart disease. The names (list) of herbs and fruits that will help normalize the pulse, reduce pressure on the heart muscle, remove stagnant fluid, improve blood flow and metabolism, soothe, improve sleep and increase immunity, are as follows:

  • peppermint;
  • Melissa;
  • hawthorn;
  • rose hip;
  • valerian;
  • calendula.

Prevention of heart disease

Unfortunately, no one is immune from genetic and hereditary factors. Therefore, it is impossible to prevent congenital heart disease. Everyone should know the list and symptoms of such diseases, and at the first suspicion, you should contact a cardiologist for a professional examination. This significantly increases the chance of a full recovery.

In addition, a healthy lifestyle will help reduce the risk of developing heart disease. Eat right, watch your weight, be active in your leisure time, get regular medical check-ups, especially pay attention to diagnosing blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Watch your body's signals - a timely visit to a doctor can not only improve the quality of life, but in many cases save such a valuable gift.

Unfortunately, heart problems can appear not only in adults - every year cases of cardiac abnormalities are increasingly common in infants and children. childhood. Even careful and scrupulous observation during pregnancy and compliance with all the recommendations of an obstetrician-gynecologist does not guarantee a favorable cardio anamnesis for the unborn baby - ultrasound diagnostics cannot always reveal minor deviations that will indicate the presence of problems, therefore, 100% exclude cases of congenital anomalies in the heart area impossible. And acquired problems with the cardiovascular system are not at all uncommon in modern pediatrics: frequent colds, tonsillitis, flu and other seemingly completely unrelated diseases can put a serious strain on the heart muscle, causing all kinds of deviations in children.

Therefore, it is extremely important to determine in time how well the baby’s heart works and, at the slightest suspicion of a violation that has arisen, seek help from an experienced cardiologist in order to exclude the possibility of serious anomalies. What to look for when evaluating the work of the cardiovascular system of a child? What symptoms are considered "wake-up calls" for a heart problem? The basics of self-diagnosis of children's cardiac disorders will help to deal with these exciting issues.

Risk factors contributing to the development of heart problems in infants

Heart disease can also occur on its own - it is not at all necessary that they be preceded by any violations. However, you should be especially wary if the following situations were observed in the anamnesis during the mother’s pregnancy and in infancy:

  • The presence of chronic diseases in the mother. Pregnancy is a huge stress for a woman's body, so it is not surprising that in these 9 months everything, even hidden problems, are exacerbated. Such pathologies affect not only the well-being of the expectant mother, but also the developmental features of the child, and one of the first to suffer is the cardiovascular system.

  • Infectious processes during pregnancy. A heavy viral load directly affects the heart of the fetus, so expectant mothers should be careful during the period of seasonal morbidity and when in contact with the sick, especially in the first trimester, when the laying and formation of the baby's organs is underway.
  • Bad habits of the mother. The use of alcohol, drugs, smoking while carrying a baby can be a "trigger" in the development of heart problems, so all negative effects should be excluded - only in this way can you increase the likelihood of having a healthy baby.
  • Difficult childbirth. Heart problems in newborns associated with complications during childbirth reach 40% of the total number of cases. Moreover, it is quite difficult to insure against such a turn of events: the only thing that can be done is to visit the gynecologist regularly, undergo all planned examinations and properly prepare for the delivery process.
  • Bad environmental situation. Statistics show that children living in polluted industrial areas are much more likely to experience heart disease than their peers from rural areas.
  • Social environment. Babies from intrauterine life begin to feel the stress and nervous shocks that are happening around. If an unfavorable psychological situation reigns in the family, the mother during pregnancy, and then the newborn experience stress, it is not surprising that later the baby will face heart ailments.

Any negative emotion, tension and negativity affect the baby's sensitive vessels, so the primary task of parents is to eliminate all irritating factors that can provoke cardio disorders.

Signs indicating congenital heart disease

Babies who have just been born cannot yet complain of characteristic chest pain, arrhythmia attacks and other symptoms associated with childhood heart pathologies. However, attentive parents and experienced pediatricians can recognize the presence of problems by the characteristic signs that will be observed in the crumbs:

  • Low weight gain. Many congenital anomalies of the cardiac system manifest themselves primarily as a delay physical development, the most obvious factor of which is adequate weight gain. If a child with good nutrition in the first months of life adds less than 400 grams, looks lethargic, weakened and exhausted, you should urgently visit a cardiologist - in this case, only a thorough examination will help confirm or refute an exciting diagnosis.

  • Blueness of the skin. Poor blood supply to the peripheral vessels and various vascular anomalies lead to a low supply of oxygen to the skin, due to which it acquires a pronounced purple-cyanotic hue. Cyanosis can cover the entire body, or it can only appear in the most sensitive areas (nasolabial triangle, on the lips, under the nails, etc.), but in any case, having noticed such a symptom, it is worth checking the condition of the child's heart.
  • Dyspnea. The frequency and depth of breathing will also help to recognize cardiac problems. If the baby breathes superficially, shallowly and often, but at the same time he does not have respiratory and catarrhal diseases, it is worth paying attention to the cardiovascular system - in some cases, this is how cardio disorders manifest themselves.

  • Tachycardia. The most obvious sign that helps to understand if the crumbs have abnormalities in the work of the heart is heart rate (heart rate). Normally, the pulse of a newborn up to 3 months varies in the range of 100-150, decreasing to 90-120 beats per minute by six months. By measuring this indicator in dynamics, one can assess how well the heart copes with the function assigned to it.
  • Fast fatiguability. If the baby sucks sluggishly at the breast, does not show interest in food, looks tired and does not want to actively move (naturally, in accordance with age norms), you should think about the upcoming visit to the pediatrician. Such behavior may be a characteristic feature of the child's psychotype, or it may signal the presence of heart problems.
  • Noise in the heart. During the examination, each pediatrician must listen to the work of the heart and blood vessels in order to exclude the presence of noise and other pathological sounds. At the slightest suspicion of a pathology, echocardiography is prescribed, which can more thoroughly determine the nature of the noise that has arisen. Organic sounds help to recognize serious malformations, and functional sounds indicate the rapid growth of the body, so they should not frighten parents.

Symptoms of diseases of the cardiovascular system in children of preschool and school age

Older children can already tell their parents what discomforts bother them, so it becomes easier to understand whether the cardiovascular system is working normally. In this case, the following may be a cause for concern:

  • Discomfort, soreness in the chest. If a child complains that he has pain behind the sternum, heaviness and pressure are felt, you should definitely contact a cardiologist. Do not forget that the child still cannot clearly articulate his feelings: some say that it hurts in the chest, others describe the pain as a burning sensation, others complain of heaviness and discomfort, and it can manifest itself both during exercise and in a state of absolute rest. Therefore, for any of the possible problems, vigilance must be exercised.

  • Stomach problems. Often children confuse heart pain with stomach upset. If the baby complains of heartburn, bloating, nausea, and attacks occur quite often and are not associated with a change in diet, this can serve as an indicator of cardiopathology.
  • Frequent bouts of dizziness. In principle, weakness and dizziness are absolutely not related to vascular anomalies - perhaps the child simply ate badly or reacted too violently to the change in weather. However, often recurring cases, especially those that are prolonged or accompanied by fainting, should alert attentive parents - this may indicate that the heart cannot cope with the blood supply to the body.

  • Pain radiating to the left arm. Such a symptom indicates serious and protracted heart problems, which, nevertheless, occur not only in adults, but also in babies. If discomfort affects the sternum, left shoulder and arm, it is urgent to sound the alarm.
  • Cold sweat. Severe sweating is most often associated with a decrease in immunity, but if cold, sticky sweat appears for no apparent reason, you can suspect a heart problem in a child.
  • Snore. Normally, the child should not make loud sounds during sleep. If he snores, sniffs or whistles, but nasal breathing is not difficult, you may need to pay attention to the state of his cardiovascular system, undergo an additional examination and take tests.

  • Coughing. Most often, cough syndrome accompanies colds, but if the virus is defeated, and the cough does not want to go away, you should think about whether the lungs get enough oxygen - this condition can be directly related to cardiac or vascular abnormalities.
  • Puffiness. The appearance of edema is more typical for adults who are accustomed to malnutrition, while in babies such a symptom is a clear sign of ill health. If the heart does not pump blood as intensively as a growing body requires, fluid begins to stagnate in the limbs, which leads to swelling.
  • Fatigue. Usually, the amount of children's energy can only be envied - little "energizers" are ready to jump, run and jump around the clock. If the baby refuses outdoor games, suffers from shortness of breath or weakness even with little physical exertion and tries in every possible way to avoid activities that require a certain activity, it is worth considering - is this a feature of his character or an alarming symptom?

Diseases associated with cardiac activity occupy one of the leading positions among childhood pathologies. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the heart from infancy, carefully monitor its health and, at the slightest suspicion, visit the attending physician - such foresight can save you from more serious cardio disorders!

Every year, heart disease kills up to 18 million people of all ages. The lion's share of these deaths could have been prevented if the impending problem was noticed in time and a doctor was consulted.

Unfortunately, it's not that easy. Cardiac failures are often disguised as a slight malaise or features of the body. Here is a list of not always obvious symptoms that indicate possible heart disease.

Especially vigilant should be people over 60 years old, as well as those who are overweight, have diabetes, hypertension or high cholesterol.

Discomfort in the chest

It is impossible to describe the feeling clearly. Someone feels a slight pain, someone feels pressure or tightness, others complain of a burning sensation or tingling. In any case, if you feel something unusual in your chest from time to time, you should contact your doctor and get a referral for an electrocardiogram and an ultrasound of the heart.

This is how vascular diseases that supply our main organ with blood, or a developing heart attack, make themselves felt.

If the pain is severe and lasts longer than a few minutes, call an ambulance immediately.

The good news is that 80-90% of chest pain is not related to the heart. But to make sure of this, it is better to visit a doctor as soon as possible.

Loss of appetite, nausea, stomach pain or heaviness

Of course, indigestion can be for many reasons that are not related to the heart. However, sometimes problems with digestion are provoked by the fact that digestive system receives less blood than usual. And the worsened blood flow is a sign of poor heart function.

If you feel nauseous for no apparent reason, and especially if you observe chest discomfort and other symptoms from this list, a visit to a therapist is a must!

Pain radiating to the left arm

The nerves from the heart and the nerves from the left hand send signals to the same area of ​​the brain. As a result, the brain does not always correctly understand what exactly hurts - the heart or the limb.

If you overstressed your left arm in training, hit it, or simply waved unsuccessfully, the discomfort is completely predictable. But if severe pain occurs for no apparent reason, this is a cause for alarm. Doctors call it a classic symptom of a heart attack.

The American Heart Association recommends calling an ambulance if a sudden pain in the left arm does not go away or worsens within a few minutes.

If the sensation is more brief but familiar, be sure to see a doctor.

Pain in the teeth or lower jaw

Another example is when the brain is not able to accurately identify what exactly hurts - the heart or the teeth. Fortunately, in most cases, tooth or jaw pain has a relatively harmless origin: tooth decay, or you have pulled your jaw, or you have been blown out. But if there seems to be no reason, and the teeth are regularly whining, it is worth checking with a cardiologist.

In clinical practice, cases have been recorded when people were removed tooth after tooth, trying to save them from pain, which was actually a sign of cardiac disorders.

Brief dizziness or feeling like you are losing your bearings

There are many reasons that can cause instant weakness. For example, you haven't eaten in a long time. Or getting up too quickly from the couch after sitting for a long time.

But if such sensations occur regularly, try to get to the doctor as soon as possible. They talk about the fact that the heart can not cope with pumping blood to the brain. This may be a symptom of an impending stroke.

Constant fatigue

A weak heart cannot provide adequate blood circulation. Because of this, organs and tissues begin to experience a lack of nutrients and oxygen. In order to survive, the body reduces the blood supply to less important organs - primarily the limbs, and directs blood to more important ones - the heart, brain, lungs.

It becomes difficult for you to perform the usual activities - for example, you don’t have the strength to take a shower, it’s hard to wash the dishes, it seems incredibly difficult to climb stairs. And even rest does not bring cheerfulness.

If this situation is familiar to you and has been going on for several days or longer, consult a cardiologist so as not to miss the growing heart problems.

Edema of the legs

Due to impaired blood circulation in the limbs, the lymph flow is disturbed - the removal of fluid from the tissues. The legs are especially affected by this, fluid accumulates under the skin, swelling appears.

If swelling of the legs has become your constant problem, a consultation on this topic with a therapist or cardiologist is required.

Protracted cough

In most cases, a cough is a common companion of a cold. But if you safely got rid of it a couple of weeks ago, and this symptom does not go away, this is a clear indication to see a doctor.

A prolonged cough can be a companion of allergies or bronchitis. But sometimes it is also provoked by heart failure, which makes it difficult for the outflow of moisture from the lungs.

A characteristic sign of a "heart" cough is pinkish or white mucus. If you notice something like this - run to the cardiologist!

Unmotivated shortness of breath

Shortness of breath is the first sign that there is little oxygen in the blood. Most often the cause is physical exercise. Muscles need a lot of oxygen to work, and they literally suck it out of the blood. To compensate for this loss, the brain instructs the lungs to breathe faster.

Excess weight, a sedentary lifestyle, stress, and being in a stuffy room can also lead to shortness of breath. But if such a symptom appears for no apparent reason and more often than before, and especially if it is accompanied by constant fatigue, chest discomfort and other signs from our list, you definitely need to see a cardiologist.

There is a strong possibility that the lack of oxygen is caused by poor blood circulation, which in turn is caused by irregularities in the work of the heart.

Loud snoring

If you snore too loudly, it may be a sign of sleep apnea - a short pause in breathing during sleep.

Sleep apnea has a devastating effect on the cardiovascular system. First, it leads to hypoxia of the heart muscle. Secondly, sleep apnea increases the risk of developing hypertension (high blood pressure), which further complicates the work of the main human organ. As a result, an overloaded cardiovascular system can fail at any time.

Hello friends!

Must be everyone in modern world knows how dangerous heart disease is. And I will not discover America if I say that they occupy the first place among all causes of death. These statistics terrify me. I try to take care of myself and my loved ones, I think that it is easiest to prevent the disease, and start treatment at the earliest stages. Therefore, today I have thoroughly familiarized myself with what are the first signs of heart disease, and what you should always pay attention to. I share with you!

The enemy sneaked up unnoticed

What makes diseases of the heart and blood vessels so insidious is their quiet, inconspicuous beginning. A heart attack develops for a very long time, and then it can sting. And it's good if you meet your relatives in the hospital room, and not somewhere else.

Such diseases mask the symptoms for a long time in such a way that it will not be clear to a simple hard worker that he is not just tired and does not get enough sleep, but he must - legs in hand - run to the doctor. After all, most often you can avoid a heart attack, pay a person their attention to well-being in time.

So let's get started.

  • Are you tired. One day did not get enough sleep, another. OK. Well, it's been a busy week, who doesn't. But if you feel weak every day, and, it would seem, you try to sleep normally, and you don’t drag bags of cement at night, this is the very first call. Is there something wrong. If you, just getting out of bed, dream about the moment when you come home in the evening and lie down, this may indicate circulatory failure, and heart disease may develop. Usually this diagnosis is made in men over 40 and in women over 45. Problems in the blood supply to the brain and lungs may also appear at first, they should also be checked.
  • You have mood swings. Yes, you can be the most calm and balanced person, but with a gradually increasing heart attack, there is a strong excitement, panic attacks, fear of death. And this does not mean that you have become hysterical. The problem is much deeper.
  • You have shortness of breath, arrhythmia. Arrhythmia is a violation of the rhythm of the heart, most often manifested (frequent pulse). These signs (shortness of breath + tachycardia) usually go hand in hand. They can also appear after completely insignificant loads, which used to be easy for you. For example, climb the stairs. Or walk up a small hill. And also, they can appear at night, wake up during sleep. Sometimes there may be bradycardia (the pulse is slow, weak), and then the person may not even feel the problems that have arisen on their own.
  • You are worried about chest discomfort. Perhaps this is the most obvious manifestation of heart problems. Here anyone will suspect something was wrong. The pain can be either weak, tingling, or quite sharp, with a feeling of severe weakness, when even a mug is hard to lift. This can make itself felt angina pectoris, and the transition to a pre-infarction state can begin. And here you may need to provide emergency assistance.
    It is important to know how angina pectoris differs from a heart attack. With angina pectoris, pain can be relieved with nitroglycerin. With a heart attack, no.
  • You feel numb. This feeling can spread to the hands (often the left), chest, jaw. Yes, similar symptoms can disturb the spine. However, such a feeling of chill in the chest or abdomen may be a sign of an aortic aneurysm or the onset of a heart attack.
  • you have swelling. Often, with morning swelling, faces can sin for heart problems, and evening swelling of the legs can be attributed to. There is such a criterion: what is farther from the problem organ swells, to which the blood reaches longer and worse. In the case of the heart, blood reaches the legs more slowly from it to the legs. Therefore, they swell first lower limbs. This can be seen by the appearance of traces of socks, stockings, slipping shoes. Hands can also swell, for example, if it is difficult to clench your fingers into a fist or remove the ring.
  • Dizzy. Dizziness may be accompanied, while the condition may be up to fainting. These symptoms often appear with increased blood pressure. And this increases the chance of adding to heart disease and even a stroke.
  • Fever, bluish cheeks. And so, in combination with retrosternal pain, an inflammatory heart disease can manifest itself. For example, chronic, in which, after suffering acute inflammation, the valves of the heart seem to be soldered.
  • Blue nasolabial triangle in children. Sometimes this can happen after a long cry in babies. Or just the skin of the face is thin and pale. However, if the area around the lips and nose has a pronounced cyanosis, it may even be in a calm state, this may indicate problems with the heart or with the respiratory system. Therefore, exercise maximum vigilance.

What to do?

Of course, if you find one of the symptoms, the first thing we do is go to the doctor. However, what to do if acute pain, shortness of breath, palpitations, weakness, nausea, numbness, dizziness appear at the same time? How to help a loved one or yourself if overtaken by a heart attack?

  1. We call an ambulance.
  2. We seat the person. Or lay half-sitting, raising your head. So we will reduce the load on the heart and reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage.
  3. We provide air access. We open the window, unbutton the shirt that constrains clothes, even a bra for women.
  4. Aspirin + Nitroglycerin. Aspirin is preferably crushed and mixed with a spoonful of water, and Nitroglycerin is placed under the tongue and absorbed. If after this relief did not occur, everything points to a heart attack.

However, if you decide to help an unconscious complete stranger in this way, you must be 100% sure that he has high blood pressure.

If you are unsure, nitroglycerin should not be given because it lowers blood pressure and can get worse, even death. So we are waiting for an ambulance.

If you are just starting to have the first symptoms of heart disease, it is very important at this moment to contact a competent specialist. It will be very helpful if you undergo treatment in a special clinic with a cardiology focus.

Periodic trips to sanatoriums of a cardiological profile are also well maintained.
And, of course, we need to look for provoking factors.

Give up bad habits, eat right, have a good rest, do not be nervous over trifles, make sure that there is enough in your life.

See you soon!