Ski slopes with cross-country ski rental. Hire and rental of cross-country skis

You can go cross-country skiing in Moscow in almost any park - there is enough snow. But if you need prepared ski Track and ski rental, it is worth getting to one of the nearest ski lodges Moscow region. In places like Krasnogorsk, Bitsevsky Forest, Romashkovo, you will definitely enjoy cross-country skiing. We have collected several verified addresses.

The track in Krasnogorsk can formally be divided into two parts. The first is a two-kilometer circle around the local Zorkiy stadium with perfect snow (which, in case of shortage, is brought up and rolled away). Behind the stadium there is a pond, where they also make a ski track and where beginners can learn to ride.

To get to the second, forest part of the route, you need to overcome a high and steep climb. In the forest there is a wide track with circles of 2, 5 and 7 km. Accordingly, the longest lap down to the stadium takes approximately 9 km.

Although beginners will be comfortable on a flat pond, the track is still more designed for professionals or, at least, amateurs who feel confident on the track.

In front of the stadium there is a large and free parking lot, there is a locker room with a toilet (on weekends it is open from 9 to 18), in which for 100 rubles. you can rent a locker. Around the corner - ski rental for 300 rubles. at one o'clock. Near the track there is a shop with all the equipment necessary for a skier. Of the minuses - there is no constantly working cafe: in the parking lot on weekends you can find a mobile coffee shop, hot tea is sometimes poured by the highway, but there is no need to talk about regularity.

Address: Krasnogorsk, st. Pioneer. Distance from MKAD: 6 km.

Route difficulty: 6/10.

Ski track: skate and classic.

This year, "Bitse" was cut off 10 km of the track due to construction, but the total length of the track is still decent - 14.8 km. The distance starts on the pond, and this is its only flat part, since the track almost immediately goes into the forest. The track is winding and gentle, you have to be ready to dodge often, unexpectedly collide with people from around the turn and run into small climbs. The smallest circle in Bitsa is 5 km, but since different distances constantly intersect with each other, the circle can be "designed" independently. And any length.

The ski track is part of the large Bitsa recreation area, and the infrastructure here is perhaps the best in Moscow: a huge free parking lot, comfortable changing rooms, and toilets. Right next to the track there is a tent where you can buy necessary inventory, as well as a service center where ski preparation costs around 1000-1500 rubles. In a separate house you can rent skis - the first hour costs 300 rubles, then the price drops to 100 rubles. A cafe with hot drinks and barbecue is open near the highway during the season.

Bitza is a gift for lovers of evening skiing: there are reflectors on the track, so you can ride with a headlamp even in the dark. And although the usual locker rooms are open until 6 pm, lockers in the ski rental house (the rate in all locker rooms is 50 rubles) are rented until 10 pm.

Address: Moscow Ring Road, outer side, 37th km - entrance, 36th km - exit.

Route difficulty: 5/10.

Ski track: skate and classic.

It is no coincidence that Romashkovo holds ski marathons 30+ km - the track boasts a 17 km lap. There is a serious elevation change here - long plains give way to steep climbs with no less steep descents - beginners better be careful or ride somewhere else. However, the track is wide, with two tracks for the classics. Also in Romashkovo, the ski track immediately goes into the forest, there is no starting plain as such.

The infrastructure is in place - parking for the whole day costs 100 rubles, there is a cafe, changing rooms and toilets. There is a service center - skis will be prepared for about 1000 rubles. Those wishing to rent skis will have to move a little further away - 2 km from the track, inside the Moscow Ring Road, there is the Medic FCS (you can also get to it and from it along the ski track, but there is almost nowhere to park near it), where skis for rent cost 200 rubles. at one o'clock.

Address: Romashkovo village, st. Soviet. Distance from MKAD: 4 km.

Route difficulty: 8/10.

Ski track: skate and classic.

The track in the small village of Golovino is popular among professional skiers and biathletes up to the level of participants in the World Cups. They love it for its excellent preparedness (the track belongs to the SDYUSSHOR "Truth"), the absence of people and suitable terrain - the hardest ascents and descents, plus about 2 km of plain (the whole circle is 15 km). After several accidents in the summer on roller skates, it is strictly forbidden to appear on the track without a helmet - in winter the danger is less, but you still need to be careful.

Snow in Golovino appears very early - by the end of November, snow cannons begin to work. The trail is also lit 24/7. However, the track cannot be attributed to a “tourist” place in any way, so the only amenities here are a small parking lot before the start and toilets on the street.

Address: Istra district of Moscow region, Golovino village. Distance from MKAD: 66 km.

Route difficulty: 9/10.

Ski track: horse, classic.

Ski track on Planernaya (OCC "Planernaya")

The track on Planernaya is known, first of all, for its width. Located in a lowland and sheltered from the wind, the starting glade is a space of several hundred meters - at least once a year, several tens of thousands of people start from this clearing during the Moscow Ski Track (in 2017 this will happen on February 5). With the track itself, the story is the same - five people can go along it in parallel. For different competitions, different circles are made on Planernaya, but from the "regulars" - 5, 10 and 20 km. During the "Moscow ski track" a marathon of 50 km is held on the track.

The distance is varied: winding plains give way to long gentle descents and steep ascents. Beginners can always find a flat area.

The infrastructure really “comes to life” only during competitions and events that take place a couple of times a month during the season: mobile kitchens, service centers and equipment stores appear. At the usual time, the locker rooms and toilets of the local sports club Planernaya, which is open from 9 to 21, are at the service of skiers.

Address: Khimki, st. Glider. Distance from MKAD: 9 km.

Route difficulty: 7/10.

Ski track: skate and classic.

Troitsk, ski base "Lesnaya"

Troitsk is suitable primarily for family holidays - the track is mostly a plain without serious elevation changes, there is a large ice hill nearby. The ski track is quite narrow and more suitable for the classics, but if you wish, you can run up and skate. The longest lap, however, as “for adults” is 10 km. Troitsk is also suitable for those who like to ride in the dark - circles for 1 and 2 km are illuminated around the clock. True, some lights stand right in the middle of the ski track, you need to be careful.

On weekends from 11 to 20 for 150 rubles. per hour you can rent skis (for children - 100 rubles) or even tubing for an ice slide. There is a locker room and a toilet, you can warm yourself with tea near the track.

Address: Troitsk, microdistrict "B". Distance from MKAD: 20 km.

Route difficulty: 3/10.

Ski track: skate and classic.

The local track is clearly divided into two parts - this is the simplest and small flat circle (municipal and district competitions are held on it among students of secondary schools), which is perfect for beginners, and the "steep", almost "flatless" second part, on which either flying down, or climbing up. The longest lap is 5 km.

Since the track is not very popular with a wide range of skiers, the infrastructure leaves much to be desired - there is no special parking lot (although you can park along the entire track without interference), service centers or cafes. Near the highway there is a swimming pool "Azure" (on weekends it is open from 8 to 22), where there are toilets and changing rooms. On the days of the competition, many change clothes in special trailers.

Address: st. Vilis Latsis, 26.

Route difficulty: 4/10.

Comment on the article "Where to go cross-country skiing: 7 addresses in the suburbs"

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So that there was a ski track and maybe some kind of cafe or a place for barbecue and skis were built right from the platform, there through the field into the forest. Very nice, in the forest But if you need a prepared ski track and rental Where to go skiing in March.

The ski run in the Bitsevsky Forest is located in close proximity to the Moscow Ring Road, as well as. In our opinion, the Romashkovskaya track is in many ways better and more interesting than the Bitsevsky one, with one exception - the ski track in the Bitsevsky Forest boasts the best infrastructure of all that we have seen before.

How to get there?

By car. To enter the parking lot, you will need to exit from outside MKAD on the 37th kilometer, immediately after the pedestrian crossing, before reaching the stop "Recreation area" Bitsa ". Exit GPS coordinates: 55.5874N 37.5452E
If you pass this turn, then go to the next one. True, there you will have to go “under the brick” at your own peril and risk. The traffic here is one-way. On the 37th kilometer we enter, on the 36th we leave.

Public transport. From the metro station "Yasenevo" by bus No. 165 or No. 202 to the stop "Recreation Zone Bitsa".

Parking. Parking in the Bitsevsky forest is very large and free. And it even looks guarded, at least there are booths and a barrier at the entrance. The only downside is that they don't seem to clean the snow on it. We advise you to calculate your capabilities if your car has Velcro tires.


In terms of creating comfortable conditions for cross-country skiers, the track in Bitsa probably has no competitors. There are a lot of buildings for various purposes, belonging to the Alfa-Bitsa sports club.

Right on the starting glade, they sell the equipment necessary for skiers, lubricants, ointments and even clothes.

Near a small cafe with barbecue and hot drinks. You can eat without taking off your skis.

A little further away is the rental and service center. The rental of a set (skis, boots and poles) will cost an adult from 300 rubles for the first hour and 100 rubles for each next hour. For children 100 and 50 rubles respectively. A locker and changing rooms are provided free of charge to store your belongings. The rental is open daily from 9 am to 6 pm.

Professional ski lubrication in a ski service will cost from 1000 rubles. On weekends, the service is open from half past eight in the morning until late in the evening.

Changing rooms are open from morning to 10 pm. In the evening, you will have to pay 50 rubles for the services of the locker room.

I would like to note the presence of gazebos, next to which there are barbecue facilities. After a good skiing run, it is quite possible to arrange a good winter picnic.

They did not forget to create a sports complex and a playground. While one adult is riding, the other can keep the kids entertained on the playground.

Starting glade

The place to start skiing begins with a large clearing. In fact, this is not a clearing at all, but the frozen surface of the Upper Znamensky Pond on the Bitsa River. Therefore, the starting glade is located, as it were, in a lowland, and here you can ride the slides from the heart.


We tested on ourselves a five-kilometer section of the Bitsa ski track. The route is quite winding and runs along the hillside. The ascents and descents are gentle, in our opinion this section is ideal for those who are already bored with riding on the plains, but it’s still scary to meddle on steep hills.

In addition to the smallest one at five kilometers, there are several longer routes in Bitze. Judging by the scheme of the same confusing. The maximum length of the distance is 24 kilometers.

The authorities have plans to create a large multi-sport park on the territory of Bitsevsky Forest, which will appeal to fans of cross-country, cross-country skiing, biathlon, trail running and other sports. But, as usual, part of the territory will have to be sacrificed, it is planned to be given for development.

But back to the present. It is very crowded here, due to the proximity of the highway to Moscow. Due to the presence of rather gentle slopes, young athletes learn to slide down the hills.

On the track there is a track for both classic and skating. Routes are laid by Buran and sometimes by a snowcat. In Bitsa we met a lot of athletes, in tight suits and professional skis, boots and the like, but there is also a place for amateurs. Nobody bothers anyone.

All types of trees typical for the Moscow region grow in the Bitsevsky forest. Some fir trees in the forest are over 100 years old. In Soviet times, the Bitsevsky forest park belonged to the southwestern forest protection belt of Moscow. Then each district of the capital had its own “sponsored” recreation areas. Bitsa was considered a recreation area of ​​the Moskvoretsky and Soviet district councils.

As we have already noted, the route is winding, the ascents end with a U-turn and a descent. Unfortunately, there are no markings on the ski track in Bitsa. Therefore, in order not to get confused, we recommend that you be careful. And there are a lot of people riding here, you can always ask about the way back.

Every year, an evening ski race in memory of Vasily Smolyanov is held in Bitsa. A prerequisite participation is the presence of a headlamp. In the event that the lantern ceases to shine, the participant must leave the track.

Vasily Smolyanov was the creator and manufacturer of the Vasko headlamp. Organizer and judge of many competitions in skiing, cycling and orienteering. In 2012, Vasily was hit to death while riding a bicycle.

Sometimes the track leaves the forest and enters clearings and edges overgrown with cow parsnip. It’s not as cozy here as in the forest, the wind is blowing, you can see the smoke and steam from the Moscow chimneys.

Yes, and Moscow itself is visible quite well, if it were not for the high-rise buildings of sleeping areas, the whole city would be clearly visible from here. After all, the route runs along the Teplostan Upland. Here, a few kilometers away, in Uzkoy, is the highest point of our capital - 255 meters. The ski track in the Bitsevsky forest passes through the Vysokaya mountain (235 meters above sea level).

But the most beauty, of course, is in the forest. Young Christmas trees covered with snow are guarded by tall ash and linden trees. They are gaining strength, it will take several years and the spruces will already rise above other trees. And then a hurricane will fly in and knock them down to make way for the young growth. The main thing is that a person does not destroy, does not interfere.

This is where our walk came to an end. We again returned to the starting point, to the pond on the river Bitz. The reservoir is formed by a five-meter dam, even in winter the water on the dam does not always freeze, forming a small waterfall.

Bitza river. It originates from the springs of the Teplostan Upland in Moscow, crosses the Moscow Ring Road and flows into Pakhra. The length of the river is 24 kilometers. The origin of the name Bitsa is unclear. One of the versions believes that from the Russian word "bitsy" - a place of a fight, murder, slaughter. According to another version, this word has roots in the Baltic languages ​​and means "bee".

Skiing is gaining popularity in Russia with great force. And Moscow, as a flagship, makes a big contribution to the development skiing among the population. And since a person who loves skiing became the mayor of the capital, ski parks and slopes began to be updated and rebuilt in the city.

There are many places in Russia where you can go cross-country skiing with the onset of winter. And in particular in Moscow - a large number of parks where you can ski. Consider the most popular ski parks in Moscow.

Ski track in Izmailovsky park

The park is ideal for those who are just getting acquainted with this sport. Beginners can easily train and hone their skills ski walking. The park is also suitable for the calm. ski trips.

The park has a large territory. There are two ski rentals.

The ski track in Izmailovo Park is laid for classic move. Meets all the requirements of lovers of skiing for fun.

Fili park cross-country skiing track

There is a good ski run in Fili park in Moscow. This popular park has a classic track. There are ski tracks with a length of five, three and one and a half kilometers.

Ski rental is also available in the park.

Cross-country skiing in Bitsevsky Forest

In Bitsevsky Park there are tracks for every taste, where both beginners and experienced skiers ski. Ski slopes are prepared for both classic and skating.

The total length of this Moscow ski run is 24 kilometers. There are trails located on the plains, and there are trails with ups and downs. Thanks to the fact that skiers can choose the track that suits their level of training, Bitsevsky Park is the most popular place for cross-country skiing.

Bitsa Park often hosts ski competition.

There are no ski rentals in the park.

Aleshkinskoe forest ski run

Aleshkinsky forest is a good, wide, illuminated ski track with a length of the main circle of 7.5 kilometers. The park is equally popular with experienced skiers and lovers of a quiet ride.

If you are looking for where you can go skiing when there has been no snowfall for a long time, you are here. Snow cannons are used here - accordingly, fresh snow is constantly present on the entire track.

On the territory of the park there is a rental, a cafe, a first-aid post.

Olympic village for skiers

It is considered the best park for skiers within the Moscow Ring Road, despite its small size.

The length of the main circle of the track is 3.5 kilometers. The ski run is ideal for intensive training. Steep descents and ascents and trails for flat training have chosen professional athletes.

For residents of the microdistrict, rental is free and without a deposit. There are cafes, changing rooms and a first-aid post on the territory of the park.

Go skiing in Sokolniki

The Moscow Sokolniki Park has a total length of the ski run of 45 kilometers. Partially the track is illuminated, which makes it possible to ski at night. detailed map a ski run is installed on the premises. You can learn more about the exact location of the illuminated trails here.

There are snowmobiles and a snowcat to improve the quality of the ski tracks. There are also several cross-country ski rentals available.

As you can see, for those who are not afraid of the winter cold and love cross-country skiing, the Moscow ski track is ready to give you many pleasant moments. ski parks and ski slopes of Moscow every winter are waiting for lovers of skiing. So stock up on good cross-country skis, because now you know so many places where to ski!

The most traditional and interesting winter fun in our area is cross-country skiing. Why?

  1. Available. Cross-country skiing is the most accessible sport for everyone. You don't need to start skiing. special training, expensive equipment, instructors.
  2. Relief. In the suburbs there are no mountains, foothills, and the relative elevation changes, to be frank, are not suitable for lovers of alpine skiing.
  3. Journey. When snowboarding, skiing, you are like a squirrel in a wheel rolling down the same slope. It's boring. And each ski trip is a small journey with its own discoveries and finds.

Your attention is invited to an overview of the ski slopes in the suburbs.

We invite readers to complete the list of places for cross-country skiing. We will be grateful if you share your favorite places, photos, descriptions and tracks. Write to us, we are sure you know a lot of interesting things!

Where to ride?

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Trekhgorka: 55.704870 , 37.338238

Romashkovo: 55.739288, 37.362099

Krasnogorsk ski track: 55.842820 , 37.311716

55.699792 , 37.254767

Troitsk: 55.489207, 37.287791

Ramenskoye: 55.597553 , 38.229675

55.667904 , 37.396345

55.584833 , 37.543674

: 55.447480 , 37.477756

Ski track in the Gorensky forest: 55.812857 , 37.905579

Bitsevsky forest

The ski track in the Bitsevsky Forest should be to the taste of lovers who feel confident on skis winter sports. Lots of gentle slopes. Mixed forest with an abundance of firs. Excellent infrastructure created by the Alfa-Bitsa sports club and excellent transport accessibility. Professionals will like the variety and length of routes. The minimum route is 5 kilometers, perfect for children and lovers of skiing. The maximum is 24 kilometers, passing through the top of Vysokaya Mountain.

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Gorensky forest

The route in the Gorensky Forest will be the easiest to reach for residents of the east of Moscow, Balashikha, Reutov and nearby places.

Skiing in the forest near Balashikha is a great place for lovers healthy lifestyle life. There is a prepared track of 5 kilometers, a high and gentle slope, many routes through the Gorensky forest (10 or more kilometers). All family members will find something to their liking here. Skis, slides and skates are at your disposal. Good infrastructure, the availability of ski and skate rental, a cafe with Wi-Fi will make your stay comfortable.

  • .
    In the article you will find detailed information about the ski track, travel, parking, infrastructure, the history of Lake Mazury.


The track in Dubrovitsy will be of interest, first of all, to residents of the southern regions of Moscow and the Moscow region, Podolsk, Troitsk. The track is not very difficult, but has excellent terrain (the highest descent is 20 meters). The ski track is located in a very beautiful place, in the interfluve of Pakhra and Desna. There is no such developed infrastructure as with the routes located in close proximity to the Moscow Ring Road, but the beautiful nature and many attractions around fully compensate for this shortcoming.

The route is marked, distances from 1 to 5 kilometers. There is parking. The track is being prepared for skating and classics. We recommend this route to all skiers from amateurs to professionals.

  • .
    In the article you will find detailed information about the ski track, travel and parking.

Krasnogorsk ski track

In Krasnogorsk there is a ski stadium where various competitions are regularly held. Immediately behind the stadium, the forest begins, where a ski track is laid, suitable for both skating and classic skiing. The length of the ski track is 9 kilometers. There are no sharp elevation changes - smooth descents and ascents. There is a ski rental, locker rooms, and a mobile coffee shop arrives on weekends.

  • .
    In the article you will find detailed information about the ski track, travel, parking, infrastructure.

One of the best and most famous in the Moscow region. It passes near the northern bypass of Odintsovo. Official name: Ski-roller track named after Lazutina. It is named after one of the most famous skiers in the world, a five-time Olympic champion, eleven-time world champion and a resident of the city of Odintsovo - Larisa Lazutina.

The route passes through the territory of the Podushkinsky forest. It is characterized by an abundance of rather steep slides and good infrastructure. Opened in September 2002. In summer, rollerblading, roller skiing and cycling are enjoyed here. And in winter - only skis and nothing but skis.

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The ski track in Meshchersky Park is not very well known among ski lovers. It runs along an almost flat terrain without steep ascents and descents, it is good to learn to ski here. The track is well knurled, suitable for lovers of the classic course and skating. Distances are not large from 1 to 5 kilometers.

  • .
    In the article you will find detailed information about the route, travel, parking, infrastructure.


Near the city of Ramenskoye, a large forest is conveniently located in which every year amateurs and local sports clubs trample good quality forest ski track. The length of the route is about 30 kilometers. A wonderful place for lovers of skiing in the south-east of the Moscow region.

  • .
    In the article you will find detailed information about the route, travel and parking.


The ski track in Romashkovo is inferior in pathos and complexity to Lazutinka, but pleases with an abundance of different routes suitable for skiers of all skill levels. There is good infrastructure here. The track is preparing sport Club Romashkovo. It hosts various competitions throughout the winter. Skiers are offered several circles in length from one and a half to 17 kilometers.

  • .
    In the article you will find detailed information about the route, travel, parking, infrastructure.


The ski track in Trekhgorka is the most uncomplicated of all presented in the article. But it has two significant advantages: evening lighting and proximity to the Moscow Ring Road. The track is well suited for those wishing to combine skiing with a winter picnic. It is a good place to teach children how to cross-country ski.

  • .
    In the article you will find detailed information about the ski track, travel, parking, infrastructure.


The ski track in Troitsk is far enough from the "old" Moscow. Its condition is not as good as that of the luxurious Lazutinskaya track in Odintsovo or the ski track in Romashkovo. There are no steep hills on the Troitskaya ski track. But the track has a significant plus - here you can ride at night. The three-kilometer track is illuminated. Of the other pluses, we note the variety of circles: 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10 kilometers; ski and tubing rental; a large ice slide for children.

  • .
    In the article you will find detailed information about the ski track, travel, parking, infrastructure.

Before you go out to ride on rough terrain (with slides and elevation changes), you need to master the basic techniques of safe descent and braking. We have digitized excerpts from the book "On the ski track near Moscow" devoted to these issues:

  • Don't waste your money. Don't buy expensive equipment. Even the cheapest modern skis good enough to start with. Check out the season for them, and then you will understand whether you need it or the skis will remain in the pantry. Ski rentals are available on some slopes.
  • Exists two riding styles: classic and skating. Skate style looks better, but needs better physical training. Start with classic skis. Although it is more difficult to ride “classic” correctly than “skate”, it will be easier to start with “classic”.
  • Lubricant. In order for the skis to ride well, you need to rub them with glide wax. So that the skis do not slide down when lifting, the area under the boot must be rubbed with grip wax. Each type of ointment is designed for different temperatures. More about ointments. If you don't want to bother with holding wax, buy notched skis.
  • Don't aim for "steep" tracks. Start riding on easy tracks. When you are confident to stand on skis, switch to complex ones.
  • Thermos and sandwiches. Any extra item that you take with you will interfere with you. Therefore, it is better to leave food in the car.