Children's sports camps - why, when and where. Sports fees: goals, benefits, purpose Why do we need fees in sports

Why do our children need sports?
Sports fees, why is it needed?
General questions of the training process.

1. Why does a child need to go to sports camps (to a sports camp)?

We will omit the answer to the first question, because if your child already attends our sports school or you are going to bring him to us all the advantages of playing sports, especially outdoors, you don’t need to explain skiing.

On the eve of summer, we consider it necessary to discuss, first of all, the issue of summer camps, as well as other issues.

Some parents believe that their child should stay exclusively in the country all summer, or they think that sports camps and camps are only for the most experienced athletes, members of the national team, and their children are still too early ... We will try to explain why you still need to go. First of all, this is a great opportunity to train well and intensively, without wasting energy on city traffic jams and without being distracted by other activities (school, kindergarten, clubs), but also to relax at the seaside with friends and / or parents, spending time with maximum benefit.

1. Summer is the time to maintain, improve and restore fitness.

Every year, most of our pupils achieve their goals in March-April best results: the best development indicators for the year physical qualities, the best sports results(prizing places in competitions assigned sports ranks). For objective reasons, in most sports schools in the summer, regular training sessions are not held. Because of this, over the summer, the sports form of almost all athletes is significantly reduced. At the same time, in September, the Championships of the region and the city are held among athletes aged 7-15, and ski competitions are just around the corner. Summer trainings and sports camps in our school are built on the basis of several training microcycles, the task of the first of which is precisely to restore the physical shape of athletes ( skiing, like any other sport, has its own specific effect on the body and muscle groups, in the summer we try to harmonize sportswear). Absence from summer training and non-participation of athletes in sports camps significantly reduces the success of their performance in important autumn competitions, and also significantly reduces the effectiveness of training sessions in September-October, since instead of studying new material, one has to repeat what has been covered and restore physical and sports skills forgotten over the summer.

2. Significant improvement in fitness.

The second and third training microcycles are aimed at further improvement of sports form and can significantly improve the level of development of physical qualities in athletes. The quality of performance of the technical elements of the Special ski training during the summer, general physical training. This can be achieved through a large number training sessions at the training camp (both in winter and summer), for example, 35 training hours at the training camp (7-9 training days) correspond to 2-3 months of training with average attendance, as well as the effectiveness of these sessions (athletes are not loaded with anything else, except for rest).

3. The development of physical qualities in athletes.

At the Luch Ski School, we pay great attention to the simultaneous development of the physical qualities of athletes at all stages of long-term year-round training (endurance, strength, agility, coordination, balance, etc.) and the predominant development of individual qualities during age periods that are most favorable for this (see .Program GSh "Luch"). Regardless of the level sports achievements during the season, as a result of attending training sessions in the summer, we guarantee a noticeable improvement in physical fitness. Physical development enrolled is one of our main goals (and, we think, the goal of most parents who enroll their children in ski school namely year-round training). But some physical qualities (such as coordination or flexibility) can only be significantly improved through regular (continuous) training sessions. Training at a sports camp most effectively contributes to a significant improvement in the development of physical qualities in athletes, and also lays the foundation for further training.

4. Tempering the character of athletes, fortitude and willpower.

All positive effects from classes in the conditions of a sports camp are manifested to a greater extent due to their intensity. At the same time, when conducting training sessions at the training camp, we, as well as at regular classes We are guided by the principle “From simple to complex”.

- Sport helps to study better.

A healthy child is one that develops harmoniously. Practice shows that children in whose schedule exercise stress is on a par with mental, have better academic performance than their peers who do not go in for sports. And this is logical - during sports, the brain is saturated with oxygen, which helps the baby to be more focused and assiduous, improves the quality of sleep and the ability to remember.

- Sport builds character.

Children involved in sports sections, learn not to leave things halfway, but to bring them to the end; Don't give up, but overcome difficulties. All sports activities develop qualities such as patience, discipline, and the ability to concentrate. Through sports, children develop the desire to be better and better.

- Sport is good for health.

This point does not need to be explained, but we repeat: sport strengthens the health of your child. Sports activities form a muscular corset, strengthen respiratory system and immunity.

It is important that the child enjoys playing sports, because the most important thing is the happy childhood of your child. So we are trying to make training process interesting, varied and exciting. Don't forget to relax after class as well. After each workout, you need a full recovery.

5. Ability to move to a stronger group.

Starting this year, we are trying to more clearly differentiate children by skills and abilities. In our understanding, children of 1 year of study should train separately from others (to minimize stress and improve the quality of perception of new information).

The transfer of athletes from one group to another (stronger) is considered correct and possible from the 2nd year of study (but there are also exceptional cases, we only welcome them). Such translations help to increase the effectiveness of training sessions in groups, because the more equal in level and age the group is, the better. However, we want to draw your attention to the fact that the decision to transfer an athlete is made by coaching staff, relying on the principle of objectivity (the capabilities and successes of your children, as well as the attitude to classes and the desire, first of all, of the child and the parent, are more visible to the coaches).

Every year, at the end of October, we plan to update the composition of the groups, transferring some athletes to stronger groups. The greatest chances to move into a stronger group are athletes who have proven themselves well at training sessions in the summer according to the main schedule and who have gone to sports camps (namely, those who have proven themselves, and not just everyone who went to them). This, in our opinion, is logical, given that it is not possible to judge the sports form of those who have not trained since May.

6. Recreation at sea for athletes and their relatives.

Apart from ideal conditions for sports camps, which we try to offer for all our athletes, their relatives also have the opportunity to have a good rest at the sea in comfortable conditions. Mostly for summer holidays, we offer comfortable family accommodation - proven hotels, perhaps more high category than is necessary for our sports tasks(respectively, more expensive), good food, sports infrastructure, safe area for children, clean sea and beach. However, we want to draw your attention to the fact that we are not a travel company, the priorities for us are to choose an object for the collection, and not for a family vacation.

7. Education of independence and the ability to coexist in society.

Most children are now "attached" to their parents and grandparents. They don't rest anywhere without relatives. Sports camps are a unique opportunity to cultivate independence in a child. Sending some children to rest in vacation camps is a certain risk, since you do not know who your child is traveling with (what kind of guys will surround him), and who the leader of the group is. The only way these days to send a child alone on vacation that reduces these risks is to send him accompanied by his coach. In this case, you know both the coach and other children with whom your child will be around for 14-21 days. Of course, with all the "independence", we try to help children as much as possible in all domestic matters.

2. Why this place (hotel) and not another?

1. The choice of a meeting place is made up of several factors:

  • Price (we take into account the financial capabilities of all parents of the school).
  • The necessary base for training, taking into account the tasks of the collection.
  • Security as in physical plane, and in terms of health (we simply do not consider some places for sports camps, despite generally acceptable conditions for training sessions, we focus on our experience or feedback from our colleagues and tourism specialists)
  • Possibility of delivery or rental of sports equipment.

3. The main misconceptions of some parents

1. Why do skiers need fees in summer? Why are there so many fees in summer?

In June-July, the training process is aimed at restoring the body's resources after winter season and the beginning of preparation for an active training period (therefore, it is usually the sea), holding a sports camp at the end of July or in August is necessary to acquire an optimal sports form for the beginning of the competitive season. Skipping especially the August period of training, we will not see the level of training that we expected.

2. I am afraid to let my child go to a sports camp (he will burn himself in the sun, or hurt himself, or drown in the sea, etc.)

During the sports camp, we do not limit ourselves solely to conducting training sessions. Children enter and exit the sea (or pool) at the command of the coaches; while swimming, the children are always under the supervision of the coach. Also, our coaches and parents of other children provide maximum assistance to children who are not very independent: they wake them up in the morning for training sessions, help fold / wash clothes, make sure that children eat well and properly, help with personal hygiene, etc.

Director of the General Staff "Luch" Eliseeva N. M.
and school coaching staff.

Sports camp

Are you active in sports? Or just want to try your hand at something new and unusual for you? We suggest you organize sports camps. This is one of the promising directions for today. As a rule, sports camps are held for both professional and amateur teams. Therefore, you can easily determine which one you belong to.

The direction of activity can be anything: yoga, football, Latin dances, synchronized swimming, tennis, fencing and more. Where can you spend all these fees? Lots of options. It can be as traditional sports grounds, and well-equipped areas with special coverage or forest areas. What can we say about the latest sports centers, of which there are so many in all cities of Russia: in Moscow, Sochi, St. Petersburg, as well as the CIS countries. The activity of our company is to provide full complex services for conducting training camps for both Russian and Ukrainian teams. We know all the secrets of organizing the best sports events. There are no territorial, weather or age barriers for us. It will not be difficult for the "Kurortny Magazin" company to organize a sporting event in Moscow, gathering everyone from different cities of Russia, and sending them to Sochi for competitions, and then to St. Petersburg for an excursion. And if desired, and in the suburbs, and in Ukraine.

If you want to make the most of your time, come to the Resort Shop and we will be happy to advise you on how to do it. Our doors are open for you at any time!

Organization of sports camps in Russia

The resort store offers you a full range of services for organizing sports camps in various cities of Russia. Do you want to hold a sports camp in Moscow or in the Moscow region? There is nothing easier! Our central office is located just in the very center of the capital. You don't even need to travel anywhere. Our representatives will come to you to discuss all issues related to the organization sporting event of your choice. These can be indoor trainings, active trainings in the forest, and training camps. sports teams in swimming, and conducting dance lessons for future Olympic champions.

You can not worry about anything: football, basketball, volleyball, hockey teams, swimmers, horses and boxers are in good hands! We will select for them the best bases for sports camps, help in choosing experienced trainers and we will definitely monitor the quality of the work of our organizers.

Holding sports camps in Sochi is becoming more and more popular every year. The Black Sea coast is famous for its fabulous nature. The sound of waves and pines bright sun, cozy beaches, hotels. Many training skating rinks, monthly Olympiads of various sizes, both winter and summer. Biathlon, ski race, Athletics- only a small part of the possible sports camps in Sochi.

In St. Petersburg, sports camps are also not uncommon. Especially actively developing children's sports. It receives more and more investments, and, as a result, children's sports camps in St. Petersburg are very popular. Both young athletes themselves and their coaches and teachers are interested in this direction. After all, they want to be proud of their students. The conclusion is obvious: the more often sports camps are held in St. Petersburg, the more hope we will have for our younger generation of athletes.

If you are not ready to travel outside the capital, but want to take a break from the noise of the city, the Resort Shop offers you and your team to hold a sports camp in the suburbs. We will select a universal platform where you can play tennis, football, handball and other sports. All venues are equipped with cozy changing rooms and bars with soft drinks. For active sports camps in the Moscow region, there are bike trails with good sports terrain for jumping imitations. A good night lighting will allow you to do what you love even in the dark.

Organization of sports camps in Ukraine

Crimea. The longest and most beautiful beaches in Ukraine. This is one of the most successful places for sports camps. Especially popular here volleyball tournaments and swimming competitions, including synchronized. As well as hot Latin American dances on the sands, diving and sailing.

Bukovel, Vyshkov, Slavske. These ski resorts Ukraine will not leave you indifferent. A large number of lifts and developed infrastructure: hotels, restaurants and sports centers with camps and convenient training grounds. You will be amazed by the huge number of tourists coming not only from abroad, but also from all cities of Russia: from Moscow, Moscow region, Sochi, St. Petersburg, Voronezh.

The organization of sports camps in Ukraine by the "Kurortny Shop" company is good because you can combine business with pleasure. We know how to effectively allocate time so that you can not only work productively with your team, but also visit the most interesting cities of Ukraine and see architectural monuments. Such excursions include both trips to the most famous environs of Ukraine and visits to historical temples and parks.

Evgeny Gavrilov, co-founder of the Running Lab, explains why sports camps are needed, how and where to hold them.

Why do we need sports fees and what is it?

To achieve results in running, you need to train a lot correctly, improve your technique, endurance and not get injured. It is almost impossible for an ordinary working person to work, do two workouts a day, and still have time to recover.

Sports camps are from several days to several weeks of training, when nothing distracts you from sports and rest between workouts.

When is the right time to go to the sports camp?

It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or an advanced athlete, camps will help you in any case.

A beginner can focus on technique or endurance. One to two weeks of training under the close supervision of a trainer will help you achieve what would normally take one to two months.

More experienced athletes go to training camps to lay the base (to do a lot of long workouts in slow pace), develop some physiological parameter, prepare for specific competitions or get a set of workouts, for example, mountain training, which is impossible to do in urban conditions, and even just relax.

The time for fees is selected depending on the goal. Marathon runners lay the base in winter - this is the basis for subsequent high-speed and technical training. Therefore, such fees are held from December to February. Training for technique requires low loads, so it is very good to work on it during the recovery period after summer season- in October, November. In March-April, training camps are held to lead up to the competitive season.

And if you have a start at which you plan to show an excellent result, then the start itself should follow a series of camps. First, preparatory camps, which help to get in good shape by the start date. Following are those that help to optimally recover and acclimatize for the very start. This difficult process, which is very individual and depends on a lot of information. Even the Olympic teams do not always get into the peak of form at the Olympics.

Where to go to sports camps?

First of all, training camps are held where nothing - neither cooking, nor work, nor friends and family (this is more difficult) - interfere with training and sleep. If training takes place indoors, and you can “hide” from unnecessary communication, you can stay at home. However, it is psychologically easier to tune in to training by changing the environment. And the team with which you go to the training camp can teach you something new.

Runners ride in summer. There are two main favorite places for Russian national teams: Kislovodsk and Issyk-Kul. The reason is simple: climate and mountains.

People go to Kislovodsk more for the climate, because the height of 700 meters above sea level in the methodology sports training mountains are not considered. And in terms of performance development, it's better to live on the 1200m and train on the 700m than the other way around because you stay up longer. And the dry climate of Kislovodsk makes even a temperature of -7 quite comfortable for running.

Issyk-Kul is much higher, but this means not only an increase in hemoglobin in the blood (carries oxygen into cells and takes carbon dioxide out of them), but also carries a much greater likelihood of overtraining and losing the competitive season.

Experienced athletes and their coaches know what they are doing, so training at altitude adds a lot to their endurance. For example, if there is a heat at a responsible start, the training camp is held not in the mountains, but in a hot climate. If it's wet, the mountains should be wet too. If the climate and weather during the start is normal, you still need to estimate the water consumption at the competition and maybe reduce the fees so that the hemoglobin level does not rise too much. After the training camp, you can do a number of training jobs to delay the effect of the training camp.

How long should sports camps be?

Short fees are accepted in Europe. Most amateurs are working people, they cannot leave for a long time and cannot do complex double or triple workouts within the working week (this is when two or three hard workouts go in a row and each next one is performed at the level of underrecovery from the previous one). Then they add two extra days to the usual weekend and do a series of workouts, and the recovery falls on the work week.

In Russia, longer fees have been adopted. They consist of several load blocks with recovery in between.

But the length of fees is determined not only by your free time. It is determined by the capabilities of your body: how many workouts the body is able to accumulate fatigue without breakdowns into illness, overtraining or injury. That is why even elite athletes try not to make camps longer than 3 weeks. If longer gatherings are needed, they are doubled with a week or two rest between them.

If you haven’t been to training camps before, it’s better to start with one week so as not to overtrain.

Also, the length of the fees depends on how long the effect of the fees should last.

How long does the effect of sports training last?

There is a simple formula that will suit any amateur: if you make camps lasting one week, then you will recover for a week, and for another week you will run on the effect of the camp. Of course, this formula is influenced by individual characteristics, the intensity of the training camp, the need for acclimatization, recovery after the training camp, but in general it is working.

What kind of training to do at sports camps?

The easiest way to tie training at the training camp to a standard working week, dividing it into two parts. Then you can form collections of any duration from standard cycles of three or four days.

Standard four-day cycle:
1 day - interval training
Day 2 - tempo workout
Day 3 - long workout
Day 4 - rest day

Standard three day cycle:
Day 1 - Interval training or tempo training
day 2 long workout
Day 3 - rest day

The content and duration of training on each day not only can, but should vary. You can run intervals of 200 meters, or you can run 5000 meters. Tempo workout it can be both at a steady pace and at a ragged pace, with or without climbing. A long workout can turn out to be a two-hour cross-country run and a six-hour cross hike. The optimal load is determined by the coach depending on the condition and preparation of the athlete.

What effect can be expected from the fees?

Camps are training proper recovery between them and good sleep - something that so often lacks an athlete to show good result at competitions. if you have good coach or you can make and adjust the training plan yourself, expect the same effect from the training camp as from a month or two of training in the usual mode.

Announcement of the Camp with the Running Lab

We offer:
Training 1-2 times a day, with a professional trainer.
Sample plan for the day:
10:00 - First training
12:00-17:00 - Lunch, rest
17:00 - Second training

Individual plan depending on weather conditions, level of training, goals and objectives of each

Cross hikes in the picturesque places of Kislovodsk (Beshtau, Medovye waterfalls, Small and Big saddle, etc.)

The cost of the training process:
1 week - 10 000 rub.
2 weeks - 15,000 rubles.
For participants running club Runlab special terms.

Meals, accommodation and tickets are not included in the price.

Gathering with the Running Lab is a great opportunity to prepare for the Moscow, Berlin, Chicago, New York marathons, Autumn Thunder, Crimea X-run, Grom Trail run and other autumn competitions.

By sending your child to a sports school, you willy-nilly agree that he will periodically go to sports camps. Let me tell you in detail what it is.

The first question that arises is quite natural - why, in fact, are these fees needed? Is the child not getting enough exercise at home, exercising five or six times a week? However, any athlete will tell you that you need to train much more before the start of the playing season than during the competition in order to better prepare for all kinds of games and tournaments. That is why coaches regularly take their wards to training camps in order to closely monitor their preparation. Also at the training camp, the discipline of the young athlete increases - he learns to keep himself and his place of residence clean, communicate with people and follow the sports regimen. Strictly speaking, sports camp similar to the military, only, of course, the conditions are much milder.

Consider the following question of interest to us - when are children taken to sports camps? Don't worry, you won't have to part with your child too often. Most often, fees are three times a year - once in winter and twice in summer. winter camp lasts about a week, most often it happens in early to mid-January. As for summer camps, a rare coach allows himself to spend less than three weeks on them. The first summer camps take place around the beginning of June, and during them, special emphasis is placed on physical fitness, so that the athlete acquires the necessary physical form. In August, the second summer camp, and then the coaches no longer seek to pump up their wards, but to prepare them as much as possible for the playing season from the technical and tactical side.

How are sports camps going? I think they all have the same layout. In the morning - be sure to exercise, then breakfast and after a while training. Arriving from it, the athletes rest and go to lunch. After lunch - a quiet hour, without which it is difficult to imagine the fees. Then again training, rest and dinner. Sometimes there is still a third training session, but this already depends on the degree of fanaticism of the coach.

It is almost impossible to answer the question about the place of the gathering. It all depends on the financial capabilities of the parents or the sports school and the desire of the coach. Someone prefers to take athletes to training camps in the Moscow region or other cities close to Moscow, while someone considers it necessary to drive their wards on the sand, so they arrange training camps in Cyprus or Bulgaria. In general, when you need to find out where the training camp will be held, ask your child's coach about it.

What is the price?

In our difficult time, of course, everyone is worried about money. And in your head, too, the question is probably spinning: “But will these fees cost me a pretty penny?”. Here you can relax a little, because sometimes the sports school can pay part of the amount. You still have to pay extra, but I think you can afford that kind of money. And if you're lucky, the sports school will pay for everything. But this already, of course, depends on the sport you choose and the sports school itself.

And, most importantly, sports camps will teach your child to live in a team, train hard and achieve their goals. Feel free to send your child to a sports camp. It will return healthy, strong and cheerful.


Every parent wants their child to be healthy, confident and beautiful. Therefore, now more and more popularity is returning to all sorts of sports schools and sections where children are engaged in a variety of sports - from martial arts before swimming. And if the sports club is more or less serious about the education of children, then it will undoubtedly take them to sports camps.

What is it and why is it needed - we will tell you in more detail.

First of all sports camp are necessary so that the child can fully devote himself to sports.

It would seem that he does it anyway, especially if he visits the professional section five or six times a week. However, it should be borne in mind that the time of such classes is very limited, because the child still needs to do school lessons, relax, and it is necessary to get to the gym and back. At the same time, before the competition, training should be very intense, if, of course, children and coaches are aimed at results in the form of gold medals and new levels of mastery. To achieve this, camps are needed, where young athletes can practice without distractions on specially equipped sites. Here they also learn discipline, the ability to maintain a routine and take care of themselves.

It is worth noting that children are taken not only to training camps, but also to health camps, especially when it comes to summer holidays. They are aimed at making the child as healthy as possible, helping him recover after the school year, and at the same time maintain excellent physical shape and readiness for competitions.

By the way, qualifications for young athletes are often held during such training camps. For example, representatives of martial arts may return with new belts.

If we talk about the place of their holding, then here you can answer - the whole world. It all depends on the financial capabilities of the school and parents and the availability in the country of the necessary sports complexes. For example, soccer sports camp can be carried out almost anywhere, even in the Moscow region, even in Bulgaria, even in Turkey. But skiers will prefer either the snowy regions of Russia or countries such as Finland and Montenegro.

Sports camps for children are organized two or three times a year - once in winter and once or twice in summer. As a rule, at the time when they have holidays at school. An exception may be perhaps the preparation for some serious championship.

Camps are a must for every athlete, young and old. It is here that children take their first confident steps in the world. big sport and they lay the foundations for them to be champions in the future.