Who participates in the Universiade. Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation

“Holding international level competitions is not a way to replenish the state treasury. This is the way to raise the authority and prestige of the country. However, there are countries that have managed to extract economic benefits from them. For example, French experts recently calculated that hosting Euro 2016 brought in 1.2 billion euros in profits.

Now our domestic experts are counting how much the Student Games cost. We also decided to find the answer to the question - what did the Universiade give to our country?

We must pay tribute to the leadership of our country, which, despite the global financial crisis, took on such responsibility as organizing and holding the World Student Games, in which Kazakhstan hosted more than 2,000 athletes from 57 countries of the world.

The people of Kazakhstan had to work hard to adequately host and host the Games. Apart from the members of the Organizing Committee, more than 3,000 volunteers were involved to serve the guests of Almaty, and 7,500 security specialists (4,700 police officers, 1,000 military personnel, 1,400 employees of security companies, 50 dog handlers) were involved in ensuring their safety.

And what kind of burden did the Universiade bring to the economy of Kazakhstan and what is the return of the world sports forum to the city of apples?

Not a cost, but an investment!

According to the budget program of the urban planning department of the city of Almaty "Planning and construction of facilities for the Winter Universiade 2017", for sports and improving the external appearance of the city, it was planned to build three sports facilities - an ice palace for 12,000 seats, an Athletic Village for 5,000 seats (in the Alatau region) and an ice arena for 3,000 seats in the Medeu region.

For the construction of these facilities in 2014, 13 billion tenge was allocated from the budget of Almaty, in 2015 - 44 billion, in 2016 - 14.9 billion. According to the results of three years, about 73 billion tenge was spent.

In addition, for the development of design estimates for these facilities and the conduct of construction and installation works from the republican budget was allocated:

  • in 2014 - 12.2 billion tenge,
  • 2015 - 41.47 billion,
  • 2016 - 9.27 billion tenge.

In just three years, 63 billion tenge ($190 million) was spent.

Also allocated to finance design and construction transfers from the local budget:

  • in 2014 - 0.872 billion tenge,
  • 2015 - 3.45 billion,
  • 2016 - 5.713 billion.

In total - 10 billion tenge ($30 million).

As a result, the cost of construction of the Universiade facilities in Almaty amounted to 146 billion tenge ($442 million)

These are capital costs, which, like the costs of hosting the Games, are not reimbursed.

The fate of sports facilities

For comparison, 300 billion rubles were spent on hosting the 2013 Summer Universiade in Kazan, while the profit amounted to only 10.8 billion rubles. However, the Russians realized that most of the spending was invested in the future of the city. This means that we must also understand that the facilities built in Almaty will continue to serve the benefit of the people of Kazakhstan and the development of sports.

These expenses are investments in the development of mass sports. We are sure that even after the end of the Universiade the demand for Ice Palace And ice arena will be high. And the named sports objects can be adapted for competition summer species sports. "Almaty Arena", accommodating 12 thousand spectators, is a godsend for holding grandiose cultural events. Therefore, it cannot be said that the funds spent on the construction of these facilities were wasted.

It is clear that the Athletic Village, consisting of 8 multi-storey residential buildings, will not be empty. The facility, equipped with a full-fledged infrastructure, will become comfortable housing for 1.7 thousand families. The 1,748 apartments in the Athletes' Village will be leased out with the option of buying them out later. Thus, in the next 8 years, 40% of investments in the amount of 15.5 billion tenge will be returned.

This will reduce the queue for housing in Almaty by 10 percent

In addition, the administrative part of the Athletes' Village is expected to be used for organizing various exhibitions and press conferences.

Operating expenses

At first, the amount of funds provided for the Universiade was planned in the amount of 32 billion tenge. However, after Elbasy's order to conduct the Games economically, it was decided to reduce these costs to 17 billion tenge ($51.5 million).

Vehicles for servicing the participants of the Universiade (approximately 520 units) were rented, and expenses for promotions, cultural and entertainment events were reduced.

The cost of organizing festive events dedicated to the opening and closing of the Universiade was reduced to 1.2 billion tenge ($3.6 million).

if you add up the operating budget and the cost of building facilities, the cost of hosting the Universiade amounted to $500 million

For comparison: the total budget of the Winter Universiade 2019 in Krasnoyarsk is planned in the amount of 51.8 billion rubles ($863 million at the rate of 1 dollar = 60 rubles). 44.5 billion rubles ($741 million) have been allocated for the construction and repair of sports facilities, the operating budget is 7.3 billion rubles ($121 million).

How much was added to the treasury?

The next question is how much profit did the Universiade bring to the country? Akim of Almaty Bauyrzhan Baibek, speaking at a government meeting on January 17, said that the arrival of tourists in the country during the Universiade would bring profits to the country's small and medium-sized businesses in the amount of about 2 billion tenge.

According to the mayor, the construction of the Universiade facilities was carried out by 1,550 small private enterprises that created 30,000 new jobs. From their activities, the city budget received taxes for 9.2 billion tenge.

220 companies were involved in the preparation of the Universiade, employing 5,000 workers and employees. Considering that 80 percent of these companies are from Almaty, we can say with confidence that the Universiade has given a new impetus to the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the southern capital.

Based on the Global destination cities index data,

in Almaty, a foreign tourist spends $245 daily

States participating in the Universiade paid 1 million euros for accommodation in the Athletes' Village

In addition, 8 hotels in Almaty were completely filled with sports delegations. Guests of "Kazakhstan" daily accommodation cost $70, guests of Shera Park Inn - $85, clients of Holiday Inn Almaty - $105.

A good income was also provided by the sale of tickets for the sports competitions of the Universiade. The cheapest ticket cost 300 tenge. For this amount, spectators could watch the matches group stage hockey tournament. Ticket price for curling - 500 tenge, Nordic combined - 700, skating - 1000 tenge, skiing– 1500 tenge. To those who expressed a desire to admire figure skating, I had to pay 2500 tenge for a ticket. The most expensive tickets - from 2,000 to 5,000 tenge - were sold for the final match of the hockey tournament.

If tickets for the opening of the Universiade were sold for 15 thousand tenge, then the entrance to the closing of the Games cost 13 thousand tenge.

An indication that the interest in the sporting event was very high can be the fact that all tickets were sold.

The Organizing Committee was forced to put up for sale 90 percent of the seats allocated to FISU and official delegations

Before the start of the Universiade, it was assumed that the income from ticket sales (compared to expenses) would be approximately 1 million tenge. However, if we take into account that a larger number of tickets were put up for general sale, then the amount should be larger.

Of course, the city akimat will publish how much these revenues replenished the treasury. But it cannot determine the level of the Universiade in any way.

In general, it is wrong to think that holding the Universiade should be profitable. All expenses for the organization of sports competitions should be considered as long-term investments.

The Universiade is over. 2,000 athletes competed in Almaty for 10 days and admired the landscapes of Alatau, together with the fans will return to their homeland. And if their feedback about our country is positive, then one of the tasks of the Universiade has been solved.

Another plus:

newly built sports facilities will increase the number of our champions, in whose honor our country's anthem will be played at world championships and olympiads

22-year-old skier Liliya Vasilyeva won 5 medals at the Universiade in Almaty (3 gold and 2 silver).

Gold medals in the 3x5 km relay, 15 km mass start classic style and 5 km individual race, silver - in the 5 km pursuit race and in the individual sprint.

A 5th-year student of the Samara Law Institute of the All-Russian Higher Educational Institutions of Russia began skiing in the fifth grade. In 2014 she became the champion of Russia in cross-country skiing, and in 2015 at the Winter Universiade in Slovakia, she took third place in the individual race, and the whole world knew about her.

Lilya was involved in athletics when Nastya Osipova called her to the ski base. The winter sport turned out to be closer to the girl, and so her skiing career began. The first time was not easy. In the 7th grade, Lilya got into the Udmurt national team, and then the most significant victories for her began. She did not have to attend school often, but she passed her final exams well, and is now studying to become a lawyer. Today, however, Lily's profession is cross-country skiing.

Like any athlete, Lilya dreams of becoming Olympic champion. When asked to fantasize about how the Universiade differs from the Olympics, she replies: "I think they are similar only in a large number of different types of competitions. But the competition, of course, cannot be compared. The atmosphere at the Universiade is quite light, at the Olympics there is more tension."

Lily is rarely at home. Between training camps it is more convenient for her to train in Izhevsk. And when he nevertheless arrives in Mozhga, he asks his mother to cook something tasty, for example, rebake or other cooking. In her free time, Lily loves to read.

At a press conference after the race, Lilia said: “Not so long ago, when there were no results, I wanted to finish skiing altogether, go on maternity leave. When I went to the Games, I counted on a medal, but I didn’t expect such a result. international class. I was so happy.

There is no one here, except for the team, and at home - mom. She is late for work, asking for time off to watch my competitions. My boyfriend Ravil and his parents also watch all my races. They worry about me. Immediately after the end of the race, they call, congratulate. I will still have the opportunity to perform at the Student Games. Moreover, now they will be held in my homeland, in Russia. It became known that FISU has changed the rules, and in the future athletes under the age of 25 will be able to take part in the Universiade. If everything goes well, I'll just be able to do it."

With the beginning of the event, the content of the article may change.

XXVIII Winter Universiade
host city Almaty, Kazakhstan
Tagline Spread your wings!
Participating countries
Number of athletes
Sports 13
Medals are being played
opening date 28 January
closing date February 8
Fire of the Universiade
Stadium Ice Palace
Website of the Universiade

Winter Universiade 2017- The 28th World Winter Universiade will be held in the Kazakh city of Almaty from January 28 to February 8, 2017.

Applicants and city selection

For the right to hold claimed:

However, a week before the announcement of the results, due to the fact that the right to host the Winter Universiade 2013 passed to Trentino, as well as due to the economic crisis, the Italian government decided to withdraw his candidacy:
“Given the difficult economic situation of Italy and the high financial obligations to the International Federation for this moment The Council of the Autonomous Province of Trento sees no way to raise funds for the hosting of the Universiade in 2017 and therefore withdraws the candidacy of our city.”

The official decision to hold the Universiade in Alma-Ata was made at the voting of the International University Sports Federation (FISU) on November 29, 2011, held in Brussels (Belgium).

Thus, due to the lack of competitors, Alma-Ata became the capital of the 28th Winter Universiade 2017.

As hosts, an additional sport is included in the program of games - bandy.

Objects of the Universiade

Earlier it was reported that Kazakhstan will spend $950 million to host the 2017 Universiade. An ice palace is to be built in Almaty, two ice rink, campus, Olympic village and complete the construction of the airport's international terminal. Such relatively low costs are explained by the fact that some of the facilities had already been built for the 7th Asian Winter Games (see Sports Arenas of the Asian Winter Games 2011), some of the competitions of which were also held in Almaty, and some existed earlier and were simply reconstructed.

Kinds of sports

During the Universiade, competitions will be held in 13 sports:

Universiade logo

The logo of the Winter Universiade in Almaty was created at the intersection of the following images and concepts:

  • The letter "U" is an integral attribute of all Universiade logos.
  • Mountain peaks are the personification of the natural beauties of Kazakhstan, winter and the desire for high sports achievements.

The logo is created in bright and soft colors, which emphasizes modernity and a special environmentally friendly approach, which is one of the most important elements of the overall concept.

Universiade leadership

On June 14, 2016, Nail Nurov was appointed to the post of head of the directorate for the preparation and holding of the 28th Winter Universiade 2017 in Almaty.

see also

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An excerpt characterizing the Winter Universiade 2017

By accepting smaller and smaller units of motion, we only get closer to the solution of the problem, but we never reach it. Only by assuming an infinitesimal value and a progression ascending from it up to one tenth and taking the sum of this geometric progression, we reach the solution of the problem. The new branch of mathematics, having achieved the art of dealing with infinitesimal quantities, and in other more complex questions of motion, now provides answers to questions that seemed unsolvable.
This new, unknown to the ancients, branch of mathematics, when considering questions of motion, admitting infinitely small quantities, that is, those at which the main condition of motion (absolute continuity) is restored, thereby corrects that inevitable mistake that the human mind cannot but make when considering instead of continuous movement, individual units of movement.
Exactly the same thing happens in the search for the laws of historical movement.
The movement of mankind, arising from the innumerable number of human arbitrariness, takes place continuously.
Comprehension of the laws of this movement is the goal of history. But in order to comprehend the laws of the continuous movement of the sum of all the arbitrariness of people, the human mind admits arbitrary, discontinuous units. The first method of history is to take an arbitrary series of continuous events and consider it separately from others, while there is not and cannot be the beginning of any event, but always one event continuously follows from another. The second trick is to consider the action of one person, the king, the commander, as the sum of the arbitrariness of people, while the sum of the arbitrariness of people is never expressed in the activity of one historical person.
Historical science in its movement constantly accepts smaller and smaller units for consideration, and in this way strives to approach the truth. But no matter how small the units that history accepts, we feel that the assumption of a unit separated from another, the assumption of the beginning of some phenomenon, and the assumption that the arbitrariness of all people are expressed in the actions of one historical person, are false in themselves.
Any conclusion of history, without the slightest effort on the part of criticism, falls apart like dust, leaving nothing behind, only as a result of the fact that criticism chooses a larger or smaller discontinuous unit as the object of observation; to which it always has the right, since the historical unit taken is always arbitrary.
Only by allowing an infinitely small unit for observation - the differential of history, that is, the homogeneous inclinations of people, and having achieved the art of integrating (taking the sums of these infinitesimal ones), can we hope to comprehend the laws of history.
The first fifteen years of the nineteenth century in Europe represent an extraordinary movement of millions of people. People leave their usual occupations, rush from one side of Europe to the other, rob, kill one another, triumph and despair, and the whole course of life changes for several years and represents an intensified movement, which at first goes on increasing, then weakening. What is the reason for this movement or according to what laws did it occur? asks the human mind.
Historians, answering this question, describe to us the deeds and speeches of several dozen people in one of the buildings of the city of Paris, calling these deeds and speeches the word revolution; then they give a detailed biography of Napoleon and some persons sympathetic and hostile to him, talk about the influence of some of these persons on others, and say: this is why this movement came about, and these are its laws.
But the human mind not only refuses to believe in this explanation, but directly says that the method of explanation is not correct, because in this explanation the weakest phenomenon is taken as the cause of the strongest. The sum of human arbitrariness made both the revolution and Napoleon, and only the sum of these arbitrariness endured and destroyed them.
“But whenever there were conquests, there were conquerors; whenever there were coups in the state, there were great people,” says history. Indeed, whenever there were conquerors, there were also wars, the human mind replies, but this does not prove that the conquerors were the causes of wars and that it was possible to find the laws of war in the personal activity of one person. Whenever, looking at my watch, I see that the hand has approached ten, I hear that the evangelization is beginning in the neighboring church, but from the fact that every time the hand comes to ten o'clock when the evangelization begins, I I have no right to conclude that the position of the arrow is the cause of the movement of the bells.
Every time I see a locomotive move, I hear a whistle sound, I see a valve opening and wheels moving; but from this I have no right to conclude that the whistling and the movement of the wheels are the causes of the movement of the locomotive.
The peasants say that a cold wind blows in late spring because the oak bud unfolds, and indeed, every spring a cold wind blows when the oak unfolds. But although I do not know the cause of the cold wind blowing during the unfolding of the oak, I cannot agree with the peasants that the cause of the cold wind is the unfolding of the bud of the oak, simply because the force of the wind is beyond the influence of the bud. I see only the coincidence of those conditions that exist in every life phenomenon, and I see that, no matter how much and no matter how detailed I observe the hand of the clock, the valve and wheels of the steam locomotive and the bud of the oak, I will not recognize the cause of the blagovest, the movement of the steam locomotive and the spring wind. . To do this, I must completely change my point of observation and study the laws of motion of steam, bells and wind. History should do the same. And attempts to do so have already been made.

Competitions will open on August 19 in the Taiwanese city of Taipei

Photo from the Summer Universiade 2017 website

On Saturday in the Taiwanese city of Taipei, the 29th Summer Universiade. Despite the student and youth status of the Games, well-established athletes will represent their countries at the tournament. So, the Russian team included Olympic medalists, world champions and many strong athletes who did not have time to prove themselves at international tournaments, but claim the highest places.

Russia is the favorite

The grand opening of the Games is scheduled for the evening of 19 August. However, competitions in certain sports - football and water polo - began a day earlier and will last until the very end of the competition. In water polo, the winner will become known only on August 30, right before the start of the closing ceremony.

In 2017, the participants of the Universiade will identify the strongest in 21 sports. 14 of them are included in the program of the Student Games without fail. These are basketball, water polo, volleyball, judo, Athletics, swimming, diving, big and table tennis, sports and rhythmic gymnastics, taekwondo, football and fencing. Other disciplines are chosen by the organizing committee of specific competitions independently. At the tournament in Taiwan, unlike the Summer Universiade 2015 in the Republic of Korea, there will be roller sports, weightlifting and wushu. In addition, the schedule includes badminton, baseball, golf and archery. Also in Taipei there will be a billiards demonstration tournament, which is not included in the standings.

Although some of the listed sports are frankly new for Russians, this does not affect the ambitions of the national team - the status of the team obliges. Russia is the favorite in the competition. In the medal standings at the last Universiade, the Russian team took second place, losing to the hosts of the tournament in terms of the number of gold medals: 34 versus 47. In total, domestic athletes won the most awards - 122.

There was no mass use of doping, this is fiction. The best confirmation of this is the participation and victory of our athletes at the Universiade in Alma-Ata.

This indicator, apparently, can be improved at the 2017 Games, because the Russian delegation that went to Taiwan is impressive.

“The total composition of the delegation of the Russian national team to the Universiade will be 517 people: 348 athletes plus coaches, doctors, officials,” said Sergey Seiranov, president of the Russian Student Sports Union. His words are quoted by R-Sport.

And although the number of athletes who came to the Student Games turned out to be more than a hundred people less than two years earlier, the team will have hardened fighters Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Among them, a silver medalist in team championship archery Tuyana Dashidorzhieva and divers Evgeny Kuznetsov And Ilya Zakharov, which, by the way, are also winners of the Games in London.

The Russian student team will also include bronze medalist european judo championship 2017 Aslan Lappinagov, winner of the 2015 World Cup in weightlifting Artyom Okulov and World Weightlifting Champion 2013 Tim Turieva. The bronze medalist of the 2012 Olympic Games swimmer will also come to Taiwan Sergei Fesikov. And, of course, it's far from full list hopes of Russia at the Universiade.

Politics back in sport

The Russian team could have been even stronger if it had not been for the protracted and highly controversial situation with the exclusion of All Russian Federation athletics(ARAF) from International Association athletics federations (IAAF). The reason for the removal in 2015 was found in a number of Russian athletes positive doping tests. And although, it would seem, the use of prohibited substances is the problem of an individual person, Russian athletes bear a collective responsibility.

The suspension of the ARAF membership in the IAAF was the reason for the non-admission of athletes from Russia to the Games in Rio, they were not allowed to take part in international competitions under the auspices of the organization. Only two years later, it was decided to allow Russian athletes to compete in a neutral status for the time of the removal of the VFLA.

Athletes immediately proved their combat capability at the last World Championships in London, winning six awards, including one gold and five silver medals. Some of the winners of that tournament are the high jump world champion Maria Lasitskene, vice-champions in the 100m hurdles Sergey Shubenkov and long jump Daria Klishina- should have represented Russia at the Universiade. But it didn't work out.

10 days before the start of the Student Games, President of the Russian Student Sports Union Sergei Seiranov announced that domestic athletes will not take part in the Summer Universiade.

“Our athletes will not compete at the Universiade in any status, so nothing happened,” the TASS agency quotes the head of the RSSS. - It was planned that 11 people would go there, but we never received any clarification from the International University Sports Federation (FISU) on how neutral athletes will take part in the competition. It was not clear how to enter them into the database.”

According to Seiranov, FISU did not answer the existing questions, waiting until the deadline for submitting applications had expired. Or maybe just no one wanted to answer. But the unpleasant aftertaste from this fact does not make the Russian team unfit for combat - the team's chances of showing an excellent result are still great.

Children's and youth sports should be outside the showdown of the adult athletics federation.

“Traditionally, our athletes successfully participate in the Summer Universiade, as well as in the Winter Universiade. Our team is strong and well trained. It upsets that our athletes do not participate, ”a member of the State Duma Committee on physical education, sports, tourism and youth affairs (LDPR).

At the same time, according to the MP, medal count- not important. It is important that young people, students who were preparing for an important start for them, will be deprived of the opportunity to prove themselves.

“I believe that children and young people should remain outside of international scandals, outside of politics. Children's and youth sports should be out of the showdown of the adult athletics federation, - said Svishchev. “By the way, in July, our athletes at the European Youth Olympic Festival in Hungary again had to compete in difficult conditions due to an attempt by the IAAF to ban them from competing under the national flag.”

At the Summer Universiade, Russian athletes will also have to perform under special control. About 750 doping samples will be taken at the tournament in Taipei. Testing started a week ago. However, there is hardly any doubt about the cleanliness of Russian athletes.

As in an interview with Parliamentary Newspaper, the chairman of the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism and Youth Affairs (LDPR), claims to Russian athletes- fiction. And this has already been confirmed by the Winter Universiade held in January-February of this year in Alma-Ata.

“There was no mass use of doping, this is fiction. The best confirmation of this is the participation and victory of our athletes at the Universiade in Alma-Ata and in all the latest major tournaments, where samples were taken by foreign doping officers, at any time of the day or night. Bottom line: all athletes are clean, and victories in all sports have not gone away,” the deputy said.

So the Summer Universiade in Taipei is another chance to show the real power of Russian sports.

58 - Inside news page

2:43 30.08.2017

The Russian team won six gold, five silver and two bronze medals on the tenth competitive day of the Universiade in Taipei and took fourth place ahead of schedule in the team standings.

IN rhythmic gymnastics Yuliya Bravikova won three gold medals in the hoop, clubs and ribbon exercises, as well as silver in the ball exercises. Ekaterina Selezneva won gold in the ball event, two silver medals in the hoop and ribbon event, and a bronze medal in the clubs event. The Russian team also won group exercises with five hoops and exercises with three balls and two ropes.

Two more silver medals were brought to the Russian national team by a wushu player and the men's volleyball team, which lost to the Iranian team with a score of 2-3 in the final. Badminton players Rodion Alimov and Alina Davletova won bronze medals in the mixed doubles competition. One more bronze on the account of wushuist.

On the last 11th day of the Universiade, water polo medals for men will be played. The Russian team will play in the match for gold medal. If the Russian water polo players win, then by the number of gold awards Russian team equal to the Taiwanese team, but not ahead of them, as the Taiwanese will have more silver medals.