What needs to be done on command directly. drill techniques

1. The command "Become!". At this command, the student gets into line, taking the drill (main) stance.

2. Team "Attention!". At this command, a combat stance is taken. In gymnastics, it corresponds to the "main stance".

3. Commands "Let me!", "To the left - equal!", "In the middle - equal!".

4. The command "Set aside!". This command assumes the previous position.

5. Team "At ease!". At this command, the trainee, without moving, loosens one leg at the knee and stands up freely.

6. The command "Right (left) - at ease!". The practitioner puts his right (left) foot a step to the side, distributes the weight of the body on both legs and puts his hands behind his back. Used in an open system.

7. Team "Disperse!". Those involved act arbitrarily.

8. Calculation. The commands “In order - CALCULATE!”, “For the first and second - CALCULATE!”, “Three (four, five, etc.) - CALCULATE!” and etc; calculation starts from the right flank.

9. Calling his number, the student quickly turns his head to the one standing to his left and quickly accepts and. P.

10. Turns on the spot (teams “Direct-IN!”, “Nale-IN!”, “Kru-GOM!”, “Half-turn left-IN!”).

In some cases, commands may be replaced by orders.

Builds and rebuilds

Buildings- the actions of those involved after the teacher's command for the adoption (initially) of one or another system.

The deployed formation of the group before the start of classes, as a rule, is single-rank, less often double-rank.

To build, the command is given “In one (two, three, etc.) line - STAND!” Simultaneously with the issuance of the command, the duty officer becomes facing the front in the “at attention” position. The group lines up to his left.

Before the report on readiness for classes, the duty officer aligns the group, counts it, then gives the command “QUIET! Alignment to the RIGHT (LEFT, TO THE MIDDLE!).

Before reaching the teacher with a drill step of 2-3 steps, the duty officer stops and reports: “Comrade teacher! At the lesson there is a group ... of the course ... of the faculty ... According to the list ... a person, there is ... a person. Duty...". Then, having passed by the shortest way to the line of location of the teacher, he turns to face the formation. After the teacher’s greeting and the group’s response, the duty officer duplicates the teacher’s command “FREE!” and stands on the right flank of the formation.

Building in a column is performed by the command “Into a column one at a time (two, three, etc.) - STAND!” The group lines up behind the teacher.

Building in lines, columns, circles, etc., by order. For example: "Stand in a circle", "Stand in two lines."

Rebuilds- transitions from one system to another.

Rebuilding from one line to two. After a preliminary calculation, the command “In two lines - BUILD!” is given to the 1st and 2nd. On this command, the second numbers take a step back with their left foot (account "times"); with the right foot, without placing it, step to the right (count "two") and, standing at the back of the head of the first, put the left foot (count "three").

Rebuilding from one line to three. After the preliminary calculation, the command “In three lines - BUILD!” is given. On this command, the second numbers stand still, the first numbers take a step back with their right foot, without placing a foot, step with their left to the side and, placing their right foot, become the second numbers in the back of the head. The third numbers take a step with the left foot forward, step with the right foot to the side and, placing the left foot, stand in front of the second numbers.

Rebuilding from a line with a ledge. After the preliminary calculation according to the task (“6-3 - on the spot”, “6-4-2 - on the spot”, etc.), the command “According to the calculation in steps - MARCH!” is given. Those involved go to the number of steps they are supposed to take and put their foot on. The teacher keeps counting until the first line puts his foot down. So, when calculating "6-3 - on the spot" - up to 7; 9-6-3 - in place" - up to 10.

For the reverse rebuilding, the command “To your places with a step - MARCH!” is given. All those who were out of order make a turn around, go to their places and, having reached them, make a turn around.

The teacher keeps counting "one-two" until the last ones who entered the system make a turn around.

Rebuilding from the line into the column by entering the squads with the shoulder. After the preliminary calculation of 3-4, etc., the command is given "By squads in the column of 3 (4, etc.) left (right) shoulders step forward - MARCH!".

At this command, those designed for squads, while maintaining alignment along the front, begin by stepping with their shoulders until a column is formed. The second team "Group - STOP!".

1. "Kru - GOM!"

2. "Squads in one line, right (left) shoulders forward, step - MARCH!".

3. "Group - STOP!".

4. The last command is given at the moment when the trainees reach their place in the line.

Rebuilding from one column to three ledges. After a preliminary calculation of three, the command “First numbers - two (three, four, etc.) steps to the right, third numbers - two (three, four, etc.) steps to the left step - MARCH!”. For the reverse rebuilding, the command “To your places with a step - MARCH!” is given. Rebuilding is done in incremental steps.

Rebuilding from a column of one to a column of two (three, etc.) by turning in motion. When the group moves to the left around, the command is given “In a column of two (three, four, etc.) to the left - MARCH!” (as a rule, the command is given when the guide is on the upper or lower boundary of the hall or site). After turning the first two (triples, fours, etc.), the next ones make a turn under the command of their trailer in the same place as the first. Here you can also give an indication of the interval and distance, so as not to open the column later on purpose.

For the reverse rebuilding, the following commands are given:

2. “Into the column one by one to the right (left) bypassing step - MARCH!”

When teaching, it is advisable to show the rebuilding on several students, stopping them in those places where the appropriate commands should be given.

Types of movement

Construction step - a step in which the leg must be taken to a height of 15-20 cm from the floor (keep the sole horizontal and put it firmly on the entire foot); hand movements are performed - forward (bend at the elbows so that the hands rise to the width of the palm above the waist and at a distance of the width of the palm from the body) and back (straight arms are retracted to failure in shoulder joint), fingers slightly clenched into fists. Team: "Combat step - MARCH!".

In practice, there is a kind of drill step, which consists in the fact that hand movements are performed with a large amplitude - forward to shoulder height, back - to failure and slightly outward (leg movements remain the same). This variety is widely used during mass gymnastic performances and ceremonial passages of athletes.

The marching (regular) step differs from the drill step in greater freedom of movement.


1. "Step - MARCH!" - served for any movement step from a place (even one step).

2. "Normal step (running) - MARCH!" - used when switching from other types of walking, running and at the end of exercises in motion.

The executive command is given under the left leg. Movement in place is carried out on command:

3. "On the spot step (run) - MARCH!".

4. "Guide, in place!" - it is served when the moving group needs to be closed for a distance of one step, since when performing exercises on the move, the distance is usually large.

Transition from movement on the spot to movement. Teams:

1. "Straight!" (served under the left foot) - a step is taken with the right foot in place, and forward movement begins with the left foot.

2. "Two (three, four, etc.) steps forward (back, right, left) - MARCH!"

Termination of movement on the command "Group - STOP!" - served under the left foot (a step is taken with the right and the left foot is attached). To change the nature of the movement, the commands “Walk out of step!”, “Walk in step!” (after such a command, it is necessary to count before the whole group executes it).

To change the length of the step and the pace of movement, commands are given:

“WIDER STEP!, “SHORT STEP!”, “MORE STEP!”, “RE-SAME!” (the command is given under the left leg through the account), “FULL STEP!”, “HALF STEP!”.

Running movement. Team: "Running - MARCH!" When moving from a step to the music, the executive command is given under the left foot, after which the students take a step with the right and start running from the left (the same when moving from running to a step to the music on the command “Step - MARCH!”. If there is no musical accompaniment , the command "MARCH!" is served under the right leg.

Turns in motion. The commands are the same as for turning in place, except for the command for turning around. The executive command for turning to the right is given under the right foot, after which the student, taking a step forward with the left, turns on the left toe and with right foot starts moving in a new direction. When walking in place after the executive command, the turn is also carried out after setting the left foot.

The executive command for a left turn is given under the left foot; the turn is performed on the right toe.

To perform a turn around, the command "Circle - MARCH!" is given. Executive team "MARCH!" is served under the right foot, after which the student takes a step forward with the left, half a step with the right forward, turns on the toes of both legs and starts moving in a new direction from the left foot.

When performing turns in motion (especially turning around), it is advisable to count after giving the executive command in order to maintain the rhythm of movement.

It is necessary to teach turning around in divisions, after turning right and left has been mastered.

Changing the direction of the front by stepping in with the shoulder.


1. "Right (left) shoulder forward step-MARCH!" (when moving, the word "step" is omitted). On this command, the group, without violating the rank order, moves around the left flank, which, denoting a step in place, turns along with the entire rank, keeping the alignment.

2. "Straight!" (served under the left leg), “On the spot!” or "Group - STOP!"

Bypass movement. The command "To the left (to the right) around the step - MARCH!". If the command is given during the movement, then the executive command "MARCH!" must be given at the corner of the hall or platform, and the word "step" will be excluded.

Diagonal movement. Command "Diagonally - MARCH!".

Reverse movement- the movement of the entire column behind the guide in the opposite direction.

The command "Reverse move to the right (left) step - MARCH!". The interval between oncoming columns is one step. It can be performed in straight and oblique directions.

Snake movement - several countermoves in a row. The size of the snake is determined by the first counter move.

Circle movement. Team "In a circle - MARCH!". The executive command is given in the middle of one of the boundaries of the hall or area, after which the distance is indicated in order to determine the size of the circle.

Formation control is carried out by commands and orders, which are given by the commander by voice, signals and personal example, and which are also transmitted with the help of technical and mobile means.

The team is divided into preliminary and executive; commands can be and only executive.

Preliminary command is served clearly, loudly and drawlingly, so that those in the ranks understand what actions the commander requires of them. At any preliminary command, servicemen in the ranks take a combat stance, move to a combat stance while on the move, and out of formation turn towards the commander and take a combat stance.

Executive Team served after a pause, loudly, abruptly and clearly. On the executive command, its immediate and exact execution is carried out.

In order to attract the attention of a unit or an individual soldier, the name of the unit or the rank and surname of the soldier is called in the preliminary command, if necessary. For example: " Platoon (Third Platoon) - STAY». « Private Petrov, round GOM.

To cancel or terminate the reception, the command " STOP". This command accepts the position that was before the reception was performed.

Duties of military personnel before formation and in the ranks.

Each serviceman is obliged to firmly know, skillfully and conscientiously fulfill his duties before formation and in the ranks.

Before building, a soldier must:

check the serviceability of your weapon, weapons assigned to it and military equipment, ammunition, personal protective equipment, entrenching tools, uniforms and equipment;

· Carefully refuel uniforms, properly put on and fit equipment, help a friend eliminate the noticed shortcomings.

In the ranks, a soldier must:

Know your place, be able to quickly, without fuss, take it;

in motion to maintain alignment, established interval and distance;

comply with safety requirements;

Do not break down (machines) without permission;

Do not talk or smoke in the ranks without permission;

be attentive to the orders and commands of your commander, quickly and accurately carry them out without interfering with others;

transmit orders, commands without distortion, loudly and clearly.

Construction techniques.

drill stand is the main element of combat training. She is taken on command.

« BECOME" or " QUIETLY". At this command, you should stand straight, without tension, put your heels together, align your socks along the front line, placing them the width of your feet; straighten the legs at the knees, but do not strain; lift the chest, and the whole body slightly forward; pick up the stomach; expand shoulders; lower your hands so that the hands, palms facing inward, are on the side and in the middle of the thighs, and the fingers are half-bent and touch the thigh; keep your head high and straight, without exposing your chin; look straight ahead; be ready for immediate action.

A combat stance on the spot is accepted even without a command: when giving and receiving an order, during a report, during the performance of the National Anthem Russian Federation, when performing a military salute, as well as when issuing commands.

On command " FREE"become free, loosen the right or left leg at the knee, but do not move away, do not weaken your attention and do not talk. On command" REFUEL", without leaving his place in the ranks, fix weapons, uniforms and equipment; if you need to get out of order, ask your immediate supervisor for permission. Before the team REFUEL» the command is given « FREE».

Turns in place are performed according to the commands: “Direction-IN”, “Half-turn napra-VO”, “Nale-VO”, “Half-turn nale-VO”, “Kru-GOM”.

Turns around, to the left, half a turn to the left are made towards the left hand on the left heel and on the right toe; turns to the right and half a turn to the right - towards the right hand on the right heel and on the left toe.

Turns are performed in two steps:

the first trick is to turn around, keeping correct position body, and without bending the legs at the knees, transfer the weight of the body to the front standing foot;

The second step is to put the other leg in the shortest way.


In the process of preparing for the lesson and at the beginning of the lesson, students get acquainted with the main provisions of the drill charter within the framework of the studied questions on the topic of the lesson.

Under the guidance of a teacher, they study and practice drill techniques at the construction site.

The order of the training

drill stand

For learning correct execution STANDING the leader builds a group in one line and, leaving in front of the middle of the line, proceeds to work out the educational question, observing the following methodological sequence:

Sequence of learning Guidelines, actions of the leader of the lesson and trainees
I. Introduces trainees to the drill:
Calls a drill drill stand
Explains where and in what cases this drill technique is used A combat stance is accepted in the following cases:
  • on command;
  • when giving and receiving an order;
  • at the report;
  • during the performance of the National Anthem of the Russian Federation;
  • when performing a military greeting;
  • when issuing commands.
Brings the commands by which the drill is performed The combat stance is accepted by the commands: "STAND" or "QUIETLY".
Exemplary shows the execution of the drill in general To show a drill, the leader commands: “I show. I give myself a command. Look." Gives the command: "Attention" and shows the execution of the combat stance. Then it turns to the right, assumes the position "ALERT" and again, at the command "ATTEST", takes the combat stance. Sequentially turning to the ranks with the left and right side, he shows the front stance from all sides. The leader can call the most trained sergeant or soldier of the unit to show the drill. In this case, the sergeant (soldier) performs a drill at his command.
Brings the procedure for performing a drill, in accordance with the requirements of the Construction Regulations When performing a combat stance at the command "AT ATTENTION" you need to:
  • stand straight, without tension, put the heels together, align the socks along the front line, placing them on the width of the foot;
  • straighten the legs at the knees, but do not strain;
  • lift the chest, and the whole body slightly forward;
  • pick up the stomach;
  • expand shoulders;
  • lower your hands so that the hands, palms facing inward, are on the side and in the middle of the thighs, and the fingers are half-bent and touch the thigh;
  • keep your head high and straight, without exposing your chin;
  • look straight ahead;
  • be ready for immediate action.
If the combat stance is performed by the “STAND UP” command, then before performing the above elements, you must quickly take your place in the ranks (become the ranks).
II. Learns the combat technique:
III. Conducts training in the execution of a drill as part of the unit:
The commander conducts training in performing a technique as part of a subunit according to the commands “STAND UP”, “AT ATTENTION”, as well as any other preliminary command. Starting training, he gives the command “DISCHARGE”, and then, having indicated the place of construction, he commands, for example: “Squad, in one line (in two lines) - STAND”. On the preliminary command “Separation”, all trainees immediately turn to face the commander, take the position “at attention” and wait for the next command in readiness to quickly and accurately execute it. The servicemen take their place in the ranks according to the executive command “STAND”. With the beginning of the formation, the commander breaks down and monitors the actions of the trainees, paying attention to the speed with which they occupy their place in the ranks, to the interval, alignment and correct execution of the combat stance. To check whether the combat stance is taken correctly, the leader orders the servicemen to raise their toes. If the position of the combatant was taken incorrectly by someone, that is, the body was not given a little forward, then this action will be performed easily. To eliminate this error, the head orders the servicemen who made the mistake to rise to failure on their toes, and then, without changing the position of the body, that is, leaving it slightly forward, lower on the entire foot. If in this case the position of the combat stance is taken correctly, then when the toes of the legs are raised again, this action will not be possible to perform. Having eliminated all the identified shortcomings, the training of the combat stance in the ranks, the leader continues at the command "SIRNO", guided guidelines outlined above. Training continues until the studied drill technique is worked out to automatism.

"Turns in Place"

Purpose of training:

Improve the skills of students when performing turns in a place in the ranks at the command of the leader;

Check and evaluate the implementation of proven drill techniques.

Lesson place: Construction site.

The combat stance is taken on the command "STAND". At this command, quickly get into line, stand straight, without tension, put your heels together, align your socks along the front line, placing them the width of your feet; straighten the legs at the knees, but do not strain; lift the chest, and the whole body slightly forward; pick up the stomach; expand shoulders; lower your hands so that the hands, palms facing inward, are on the side and in the middle of the thighs, and the fingers are half-bent and touch the thigh; keep your head high and straight, without exposing your chin; look straight ahead; be ready for immediate action.

On the spot, at the command "ATTEST", quickly take a combat stance and do not move.

A combat stance on the spot is also accepted without a command: during the performance of the National Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan, when the commander (chief) addresses, gives and receives an order, reports, performs a military greeting, as well as when giving commands.

During the performance of the National Anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan, unit commanders from the platoon commander and above put their hand to the headgear.

On the command "FREE", become free, loosen the right or left leg at the knee, but do not move from the spot, do not weaken your attention and do not talk.

At the command "REFUEL", without leaving your place in the ranks, fix weapons, uniforms and equipment; if necessary, fail - for permission to contact the immediate supervisor.

Before the command "REFUEL" the command "Fuel" is given.

30. To remove headgear, the command “Headwear (headwear) - REMOVE”, and for putting on - “Headwear (headwear) - PUT ON”.

The removed headdress is held in the left hand bent at the elbow with a cockade forward.

Without weapons or with weapons in the “behind the back” position, the headgear is removed and put on with the right hand, and with weapons in the “on the belt”, “on the chest” and “to the leg” positions, with the left. When removing a headgear with a carbine in the “on the shoulder” position, the carbine is first taken in the “to the leg” position.

To cancel or stop the execution of the reception, the command "STOP" is given. This command accepts the position that was before the reception was performed.

Turns on the spot are performed according to the commands: “Direct-VO”, “Half-turn right-VO”, “To the left-VO”, “Half-turn to the left-VO”, “Kru-GOM”.

Turns around, to the left, half a turn to the left are made towards the left hand on the left heel and on the right toe; turns to the right, half a turn to the right - towards the right hand on the right heel and on the left toe.

Turns are performed in two steps:

the first technique is to turn around, maintaining the correct position of the body, and, without bending the legs at the knees, transfer the weight of the body to the supporting leg;

the second technique is to put the other leg in the shortest way.


A way to control a platoon during a battle.

Management of subunits (personnel) consists in the purposeful activity of the commander to maintain them in constant combat readiness, prepare subunits (personnel, weapons and military equipment) for combat (performance of the assigned task) and guide them in the performance of tasks.

Control should be stable, continuous, operational and hidden, to ensure the constant combat readiness of subunits, the effective use of their combat capabilities, and the successful accomplishment of assigned tasks on time and in any situation.

Management sustainability is achieved by: correct understanding of the task set by the senior boss; persistent implementation decisions taken; skillful organization of work on means of communication; maintaining stable communication with the senior boss, with subordinate and interacting units.

Continuity of control achieved: constant knowledge and comprehensive assessment of the current situation; timely decision-making and clear assignment of tasks to subordinates; skillful use of communications; restoration of impaired control in the shortest possible time.

Efficiency of management achieved by: rapid response to changing conditions; timely influence on the actions of units in the interests of fulfilling the assigned tasks.

Stealth control achieved by: covert placement and movement of the command and observation post (commander in battle order); strict observance of the rules and procedures for the use of communication facilities, the established modes of their operation and radio masking measures; education of personnel in the spirit of high vigilance.

Control of subunits (fire weapons, personnel) is organized and carried out on the basis of the decision of the commander.

Chemical weapon.

Chemical weapons - weapons of mass destruction, the action of which is based on the toxic properties of toxic substances (OS), and their means of use: artillery shells, rockets, mines, aerial bombs, gas cannons, balloon gas launch systems, VAPs (pouring aviation devices), grenades, checkers . Along with nuclear and biological (bacteriological) weapons, it refers to weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

The use of chemical weapons has been banned several times by various international agreements:

the Hague Convention of 1899, article 23 of which prohibits the use of ammunition whose sole purpose is to poison enemy personnel;

the Geneva Protocol of 1925;

Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction of 1993.

Chemical weapons are classified according to the following characteristics:

the nature of the physiological effects of OM on the human body;

tactical purpose;

the speed of the coming impact;

the resistance of the applied agent;

means and methods of application.

According to the nature of the physiological effects on the human body, six main types of toxic substances are distinguished:

Nerve agents that affect nervous system. The purpose of using a nerve agent is to quickly and massively incapacitate personnel with the greatest possible number of deaths. The toxic substances of this group include sarin, soman, tabun and V-gases.

Agents of blistering action, causing damage mainly through the skin, and when applied in the form of aerosols and vapors, also through the respiratory organs. The main toxic substances are mustard gas, lewisite.

General toxic agents that, when entering the body, disrupt the transfer of oxygen from the blood to the tissues. This is one of the fastest operating systems. These include hydrocyanic acid and cyanogen chloride.

Asphyxiating agents affecting mainly the lungs. The main OMs are phosgene and diphosgene.

OV of psychochemical action, capable of incapacitating the enemy's manpower for some time. These toxic substances, acting on the central nervous system, disrupt the normal mental activity of a person or cause such disorders as temporary blindness, deafness, a sense of fear, limitation motor functions. Poisoning with these substances in doses that cause mental disorders does not lead to death. OBs from this group are quinuclidyl-3-benzilate (BZ) and lysergic acid diethylamide.

OV irritating action, or irritants (from the English irritant - an irritating substance). Irritants are fast-acting. At the same time, their effect, as a rule, is short-lived, since after leaving the infected zone, the signs of poisoning disappear after 1-10 minutes. A lethal effect for irritants is possible only when doses that are tens to hundreds of times higher than the minimum and optimally acting doses enter the body. Irritating agents include lachrymal substances that cause profuse lacrimation, and sneezing, irritating Airways(may also affect the nervous system and cause skin lesions). Tear agents (lachrymators) - CS, CN (chloroacetophenone) and PS (chloropicrin). The sneezers (sternites) are DM (adamsite), DA (diphenylchlorarsine) and DC (diphenylcyanarsine). There are agents that combine tear and sneezing actions. Irritating agents are in service with the police in many countries and therefore are classified as police or special non-lethal means (special means).

The drill stance (Fig. 85) is the main element of drill training. It is accepted by commands: "BECOMING" And "SMIRN" and without a command: when giving and receiving orders, when reporting and addressing military personnel to each other, during the performance of the State Anthem of the USSR and the anthems of the union republics, when saluting, as well as when giving commands.

To take a combat stance, you need to stand straight without tension, put your heels together, and deploy your socks along the front line to the width of your feet; straighten the legs at the knees, but do not strain; lift the chest, and the whole body slightly forward; pick up the stomach; expand shoulders; lower your hands so that the hands, palms facing inward, are on the side and in the middle of the thighs, and the fingers are half-bent and touch the thigh; keep your head high and straight, without exposing your chin; look straight ahead; be ready for immediate action.

On command "FREE" become free, weaken the right or left leg at the knee, but do not move from the spot, do not reduce attention and do not talk.

Teams "EQUALIZING" And "REFUEL" served when the military is in the ranks.

On command "EQUAL" all but the right flank turn their heads to the right (right ear higher than left, chin up) and align themselves so that each sees the chest of a fourth person, considering himself the first. On the command "Left - EQUAL" all, except for the left-flank one, turn their heads to the left (the left ear is higher than the right, the chin is raised).

When leveling, military personnel may move forward, backward, or sideways somewhat. At the end of alignment on command "SMIRN" all military personnel quickly put their heads straight.

Rice. 85. Combat stand: a - side view; b - front view

On command "REFUEL" Without leaving your place in the ranks, you can fix weapons, uniforms and equipment. If you need to get out of order, you must apply for permission from your immediate supervisor. Talking in the ranks is possible only with the permission of the senior commander.

A command is given to remove headgear "Hats(headdress) - TAKE OFF", and for putting on - "Hats(headdress) - WEAR".The headdress is removed and put on with the right hand. Keep the removed headgear in the left hand, bent at the elbow, with a star (cockade) forward (Fig. 86).

Rice. 86. The position of the removed headgear: a - caps; b - caps; in - hats with earflaps

Turns in place

Turns on the spot are performed by commands: "Nale-VO", "Napra-BO", "Kru-GOM".

Turns to the left (1/4 circle) and circle (1/2 circle) are made towards the left hand on the left heel and on the right toe; to the right - towards the right hand on the right heel and on the left toe.

Turns are performed in two counts: on the first count, turn around, maintaining the correct position of the body, and, without bending the legs at the knees, transfer the weight of the body to the front standing leg; on the second count, put the other foot in the shortest way. In this case, it is necessary to combine the transfer of body weight to the leg in the direction of which the turn is made, with a simultaneous sharp turn of the body in the direction of the turn and a strong emphasis on the toe of the other leg, while maintaining a stable position of the body. Turns are performed in compliance with all the rules of the combat stance.


The movement is made by walking or running.

Normal walking speed is 110 - 120 steps per minute (step size 70 - 80 cm). Normal running speed is 165 - 180 steps per minute (step size 85 - 90 cm).

The step is combat and marching.

drill step used when passing units in a solemn march; when saluting in motion; when a serviceman approaches the commander and leaves him; upon failure and return to duty, as well as in combat exercises.

Marching starts on command "Commander step - MARCH". On a preliminary command, move the body a little forward, transfer its weight more to the right leg, while maintaining stability; on the executive command, start moving with the left foot with a full step.

Figure 87. Movement in a marching step

When moving with a drill step (Fig. 87), take the leg with the toe pulled forward to a height of 15 - 20 cm from the ground and put it firmly on the entire foot, separating the other leg from the ground at the same time. With your hands, starting from the shoulder, move around the body: forward - bending them at the elbows so that the hands rise above the belt buckle to the width of the palm and at a distance of the palm from the body; back - to failure in the shoulder joint (fingers half-bent). In movement, keep the head and body straight, look in front of you (Fig. 88).

Rice. 88. Actions of hands during movement

marching step it is used in all other cases (when making a march, moving in the classroom, etc.).

Rice. 89. Step on the spot

Walking starts on command "Step - MARCH". When moving, take the leg out freely, without pulling the toe, and put it on the ground, as in normal walking; hands to make free movement around the body.

When walking on command "SMIRN" move to a drill step, and when moving with a drill step on command "FREE" walk at a walking pace.

The designation of the step in place is made by command "On the spot, step - MARCH"(in move - "ON THE PLACE"). According to this command, the step is indicated by raising and lowering the legs, while raising the leg 15–20 cm from the ground and placing it on the ground from the front of the foot; make movements with your hands to the beat of the step (Fig. 89). On command "DIRECTLY", given simultaneously with the setting of the left foot on the ground, take another step with the right foot in place and start moving with the left foot in full step.

To stop the movement, a command is given, for example: "Private Ivanov - STAY". According to the executive command, given simultaneously with the placement of the left or right foot on the ground, take one more step and, putting the foot down, take the “at attention” position.

To change the speed of movement, commands are given: "WIDER STEP", "SHORT STEP", "MORE STEP", "Re-SAME", "HALF STEP", "FULL STEP".

To move single soldiers a few steps to the side, a command is given, for example: "Private Ivanov. Two steps to the right (left), one step - MARCH". On this command, take two steps to the right (left), placing a foot after each step.

To move forward or backward a few steps, a command is given, for example: "Two steps forward (back), one step - MARCH." On this command, take two steps forward (back) and put your foot. When moving to the right, left and back, the movement of the hands is not performed.

Turns in motion

Turns in motion are used to change the direction of movement by both single servicemen and subunits during their joint actions.

Turns in motion are performed by commands: "To the right", "Nale-VO", "All around - MARCH".

To turn right on the executive command given simultaneously with the landing of the right foot on the ground, take a step with the left foot and turn on the toe of the left foot. Simultaneously with the turn, bring the right foot forward and continue moving in the new direction.

To turn left on the executive command given simultaneously with the placement of the left foot on the ground, take a step with the right foot and turn on the toe of the right foot. Simultaneously with the turn, take your left foot forward and continue moving in a new direction.

To turn around according to the executive command, which is given simultaneously with the placement of the right foot on the ground, take one more step with the left foot (on a count of times), take the right foot half a step forward and slightly to the left and, sharply turning towards the left hand on the toes of both feet (on a count of two), continue to move with the left foot in a new direction (on a count of three).

When turning, the movements of the hands are made to the beat of the step.

Movement with a marching step, turns in motion. Commands given when making turns

Marching movement

The drill step is used when passing units in a solemn march; when they perform a military greeting on the move; when a serviceman approaches the commander and when leaving him; upon failure and return to duty, as well as in drill training.

The movement in drill step is carried out at a pace of -100-120 steps per minute. Step size - 70 - 80 cm.

Marching movement

The movement with a marching step begins at the command "Commander step - MARCH" (in the movement "Combatant - MARCH").

On a preliminary command, move the body forward a little, transfer its weight more to the right leg, while maintaining stability; on the executive command, start moving with the left foot with a full step.

When moving with a drill step, take the leg with the toe pulled forward to a height of 15-20 cm from the ground and put it firmly on the entire foot.

With hands, starting from the shoulder, make movements near the body: forward - bending them at the elbows so that the hands rise above the belt buckle to the width of the palm and at a distance of the palm from the body, and the elbow is at the level of the hand; back - to failure in the shoulder joint.

The fingers are bent, keep the head straight, look in front of you.

When moving at a marching step, at the command "AT ATTENTION", go to a combat step. When moving with a marching step, on the command “FREE”, go at a marching step. During the designation of a step in place, on the command “STRAIGHT”, given simultaneously with the placement of the left foot on the ground, take another step with the right foot in place and start moving with the left foot in full step. In this case, the first three steps should be drill.

The sequence of learning to move with a marching step:

Arm movement training;

Training in step notation on the spot;

Training in motion with a front step for four counts;

Training in motion with a drill step for two counts;

Training in motion with a drill step at a slow pace (at a speed of 50-60 steps per minute);

Training in motion with a drill step at a set pace according to the marking of the construction site;

General training in marching along the parade ground without marking;
- acceptance of invoices.

The technique of learning the drill

Having told about the use of the combat step, the commander proceeds to learn it with the squad. Learning to move with a marching step, like every new technique, should begin with an exemplary demonstration and explanation.

Arm movement training

Step in place

Movement with a drill step in four counts: a - position before the start of the movement; b - the beginning of the movement (first step); c - position at the end of the first step

Preparatory exercise - arm movement

For execution preparatory exercise- the movement of the hands is given the command: "Movement of the hands, do it - ONE, do it - TWO."

According to the "do - ONCE" count, bend the right arm at the elbow, moving it from the shoulder near the body so that the hand rises a palm's width above the belt buckle and is at a palm's distance from the body; at the same time, pull the left arm back until failure in the shoulder joint. The fingers should be bent, and the elbow of the right hand should be slightly raised.

According to the “do - TWO” count, move the left hand forward, and the right hand, starting from the shoulder, back to failure.

After each count, the commander holds the position of the trainees' hands and corrects their mistakes.

Preparatory exercise for hands with a step in place

To perform a preparatory exercise for hands with a step in place, the commands are given: “In place, step - MARCH”, and then - “Movement of hands with a step in place, ONE, TWO”.

According to the count "ONE", take a step in place with your left foot, lifting it bent at the knee 15-20 cm from the ground and lowering it to the ground, on the entire foot, starting from the toe. Bend the right arm at the elbow, moving it from the shoulder near the body so that the hand rises a palm's width above the belt buckle and is at a palm's distance from the body; at the same time, pull the left arm back until failure in the shoulder joint. The fingers should be bent, and the elbow of the right hand should be slightly raised.
According to the account "TWO", it is similar to take a step in place with the right foot.

Preparatory exercise - movement in a marching step in divisions into four counts

To perform the preparatory exercise - moving in a marching step in divisions into four counts, the command is given: "In a marching step, in divisions into four counts, in a step - MARCH." After the “March” command, the count is made: “ONE, two, three, four. One, two, three, four, and so on. The count "ONE" is pronounced loudly.

On the preliminary command “Step”, move the body forward a little, transferring the weight of the body more to the right leg and maintaining stability.

According to the executive command “March” and according to the count “ONE”, start moving with the left foot, with a full step, bringing the foot forward with a drawn toe.

The foot should be parallel to the ground and extended to a height of 15-20 cm. The foot should be placed firmly on the ground on the entire foot, while at the same time lifting the right leg off the ground and pulling it half a step forward to the heel of the left leg. Simultaneously with the step, move the right hand forward, bend it at the elbow, moving it from the shoulder near the body so that the hand rises a palm's width above the belt buckle and is at a palm's distance from the body; at the same time, pull the left arm back until failure in the shoulder joint. The fingers should be bent, and the elbow of the right hand should be slightly raised. Then stand on the left leg with lowered hands, the right leg is straight, with the toe almost at the very ground.

According to the account “two, three, four”, make an excerpt, eliminating the mistakes made at this time.

On the next count of “ONE”, repeat the movement from the right foot, and on the count of “two, three, four”, again exposure, etc.

Preparatory exercise - movement in a drill step in divisions into two counts

To perform a preparatory exercise - movement in a drill step in divisions into two counts, the command is given: “In a drill step, in divisions into two counts, in a step - MARCH” and the account is made: “one, two; one, two, etc.

Under the count of “one”, take a step forward with the left foot with the movement of the hands and stop on the left foot with the hands lowered at the hips.

At the expense of "two" make a short excerpt to eliminate the comments.

On the next count of “one”, take a full step with your right foot, as well as with your left, stopping on it with your hands down at your hips. If mistakes are made in the process of performing the preparatory exercise for splitting into two counts, the exercise for four counts should be repeated again.

General walk training

Training begins with learning to move in a marching step as a whole at a pace of 50-60 steps per minute, followed by an increase in the pace of movement to 110-120 steps per minute. To correct mistakes, it is recommended that from the full pace of movement in a marching step, go back to moving in divisions into four or two counts.

Then you should move on to training the movement with a drill step in the ranks of the squad (platoon).

At the end of learning to move with a marching step, the commander accepts a test from each trainee.

Typical mistakes when moving with a marching step:

The body is retracted;

Lack of coordination in the movement of arms and legs;

Head down;

The movement of the arms near the body is not made from the shoulder, but due to bending at the elbows;

Lifting the leg from the ground is significantly lower (higher) 15 cm;

The step size is less (greater) than 70-80 cm;

The leg is brought behind the leg;

The movement of the arms forward is carried out significantly below (above) the set height, and when moving backward - not to failure in the shoulder joint.

When learning to move with a marching step, it is necessary to ensure that the soldiers do not sway from side to side when moving. The reason for the rocking is the wrong positioning of the legs when moving: instead of putting the legs inside stop along the axis of movement, put them to the sides, while the center of gravity of the body with each step shifts either to the right or to the left.

If a soldier seems to bounce while moving with a marching step, he needs to point out his mistake and demand that he transfer the weight of the body from foot to foot evenly, and not jerkily. It is impossible to allow skidding of one leg after the other when moving.

Turns in motion. Commands given when making turns

Turns in motion are carried out according to the commands: “Direct-VO”, “Nale-VO”, “Around - MARCH”.

To turn right (left), the executive command is given simultaneously with the right (left) foot on the ground. On this command, take a step from the left (right) foot, turn on the toe of the left (right) foot, simultaneously with the turn, take the right (left) foot forward and continue moving in a new direction.

To turn around, the executive command is given simultaneously with the right foot on the ground. On this command, take one more step with the left foot (on a count of times), take the right foot half a step forward and slightly to the left and, turning sharply towards the left hand on the toes of both legs (on a count of two), continue to move from the left foot in a new direction (for a count of three). When turning, the movement of the hands is made to the beat of the step.

Turn right on the move

Turn left on the move

Learning to turn to the right in divisions into three counts

To perform a turn in motion to the right in divisions for three counts, the command is given: “Turn in motion to the right, in divisions; do - ONE, do - TWO, do - THREE.

According to the “do - ONCE” count, take a front step with your left foot forward, swinging your arms to the beat of the step, and stop in a position with your arms down.

On the count of “do - TWO”, turn sharply to the right on the toe of the left leg simultaneously with the turn, bring the right leg forward and take a step in a new direction.

Practicing turning while moving to the right in four count divisions

To train the turn in motion to the right in divisions into four counts with three steps forward, the command is given: “Turn in motion to the right in four counts, step - MARCH” and the count is made: “one, two, three. FOUR".

Under the count of "one, two, three" take three combat steps forward along the line of the square.

Under a loud count of "FOUR" - make a turn to the right and step.

Under the next count of “one, two, three, FOUR”, repeat the exercise.

Learning to turn to the left by division into three counts

To perform a turn to the left by divisions for three counts, the command is given: “Turn to the left, by divisions; do - ONE, do - TWO, do - THREE.

According to the “do - ONCE” count, take a drill step with your left foot forward, and then with your right, swinging your arms to the beat of the step, and stop in a position with your arms down.

On the count of “do - TWO”, turn sharply to the left on the toe of the right leg, simultaneously with the turn, bring the left leg forward and take a step in a new direction.

On the account "do - THREE" put the left foot.

Under the next count “do - ONE”, “do - TWO”, “do - THREE”, repeat the technique from the beginning.

Left turn practice in four-count splits

To train the turn to the left in divisions into four counts with four steps forward, the command is given: “Turn to the left in four counts, step - MARCH” and then the count is “ONE, two, three, four”.

Under the count of "One, two, three, four" take four marching steps.

Under the next loud count "ONE" make a turn and step.

Under the count of "two, three, four" continue to move.

Under the next count “ONE, two, three, four”, the exercise is repeated.

Learning to turn in a circle in divisions into four counts

To perform a turn in a circle in divisions for four counts, the command is given: “Turn in a circle, in divisions; do - ONE, do - TWO, do - THREE, do - FOUR.

According to the “do - ONCE” count, take a drill step with your left foot forward, waving your hands to the beat of the step.

According to the “do - TWO” count, take the right leg half a step forward and slightly to the left, making hand movements in time with the step. Simultaneously with the placement of the toe of the right foot on the ground, move the body slightly forward and on the toes of both legs turn sharply around over the left shoulder.

According to the count “do - THREE”, bring the left leg forward to a height of 15-20 cm and fix the position in which the right hand is higher than the buckle of the waist belt by the width of the palm and at the same distance from the body, the left is pulled back to failure.

On the count of "do - FOUR", vigorously put your right foot to your left foot and take a combat stance.

Practicing turning in a circle in four-count splits

To train a turn in a circle in divisions into four counts, the command is given: “Turn in a circle in four counts, step - MARCH” and then the count is “one, TWO, three, four”.

On the count of “times”, take a drill step with your left foot forward, waving your hands to the beat of the step.

On the account of "TWO" take the right foot half a step forward and slightly to the left, making hand movements in time with the step. Simultaneously with the placement of the toe of the right foot on the ground, move the body slightly forward and on the toes of both legs turn sharply around over the left shoulder.

On the count of “three”, bring the left leg forward to a height of 15-20 cm, while the right hand should be higher than the buckle of the waist belt by the width of the palm and at the same distance from the body, the left hand should be pulled back to failure.

On the count of four, take a step with your right foot.

Under the next count of “one, TWO, three, four”, the exercise is repeated.

Typical mistakes when making turns on the move:

The turn in motion was made out of time;

The turn to the right (left), half a turn to the right (left) is not made on the toe of the left (right) foot;

The turn around was not made on the toes of both legs;

The movement of the hands when turning is not done in time with the step.