The revitonics system is a complete complex. Revitonika - a system of manual self-modeling of the face and neck

To look fresh and young, it is necessary not only to keep healthy lifestyle life, but also to train your muscles. Revitonics is a unique direction designed to develop the muscles of the face and neck. With regular use, you can quickly prevent and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

A set of exercises and manipulations aimed at eliminating the causes of aging and deterioration of the skin condition is called revitonics. Its founder is Natalia Osminina, who has been engaged in the rehabilitation of facial muscles for many years. The revitonics method is based on the knowledge of biohydraulics, biomechanics, theoretical mechanics, and so on. The exercise is based on the principle of adjusting muscle tension and relaxation.

Revitonics has the following advantages:

  • Helps tighten sagging skin.
  • Supports muscle tone relieves spasms and tension.
  • It helps to restore the oval of the face, reconstruct the muscular frame and reduce the number of existing wrinkles.
  • Relieves puffiness around the eyes.

Revitonics - the main exercises

Osminina claims that it is possible to engage in the system proposed by her at any age and it is best to start from a young age.

The revitonics system divides the full set of exercises into two types:

  • Vacuum fitness. Vacuum jars are used for training different size. They help to increase muscle tone, improve blood circulation and normalize the synthesis of collagen and elastin.
  • Sculpture fitness. This refers to the usual exercises aimed at working out the muscles.

Revitonics for the back

Many people suffer from back pain and in most cases, it's all to blame. bad posture. Revitonics for the back, spine and shoulder muscles involves the exercise "Active standing":

  • Stand with your feet directly under your shoulders. Point the tailbone down, slightly tighten the buttocks and tighten the press. The body should form a straight line.
  • During the entire exercise, you need to stretch the crown up and open the chest. You can stay in this position for 1-5 minutes.

Revitonika indicates that you can perform "Active standing" not only at home, but also, for example, in the subway.

Revitonics for the neck

Exercises for this part of the body in most cases are aimed at relieving spasms from the trapezius muscle. This is due to the fact that tension in this area leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to the face, the formation of withers and cervical osteochondrosis.

Revitonics offers the “Frame” exercise, which is performed according to the following scheme:

  • Raise your arms above your head, bend them at the elbows and fold them crosswise to form a frame.
  • Start reaching up, stretching your spine, and then tilt your head down, but the body should continue to push up. Stay in this position for about 30 seconds.
  • Place one hand above your chest and the other under your chin. Stretch your neck, thereby stretching the muscles. Change hands. Do everything for 30 seconds.

Revitonics - exercises on the roller

A simple device can increase the effectiveness of training, relieve back pain, improve posture and even reduce the waist. You can use a ready-made juniper roller for revitonics, or you can easily make it yourself.

Put a rolling pin or other wooden stick on a towel and twist a tight roller, securing it with rubber bands or threads. The diameter of the roller must be at least 10 cm.

Revitonics exercises for posture differ in the location of the roller, but t The execution technique is something like this:

  • Sit on the floor and place the roller just behind your buttocks. Lie on your back and check that the device is under your belly button.
  • Stretch your legs forward, holding them shoulder-width apart, and connect your thumbs.
  • Stretch your hands up with your palms down, connecting your little fingers. Stay in this position for 5 minutes.
  • After that, roll over on your side and to the side, and only then get up, avoiding sudden movements.

Revitonics - exercises for the face

The unique system has been designed so that everyone can repeat it on their own at home. Revitonics for the face is based on a number of rules:

  • To influence the muscles that are in hypertonicity, you need no more than half a minute.
  • In order to return the muscle to its normal state, stretching is carried out, and this must be done slowly and smoothly.
  • You need to start training with preparing the muscles for stronger impacts. For this purpose, you can slightly stretch the muscles towards each other or in different sides. You need to hold them in this position until a relaxing reaction appears.
  • In order for the muscle to get used to the new position, fixation is used in revitonics, which involves static retention of the muscles in the selected position for 3-5 seconds.

Revitonics for the eyes

Common problems are swelling and bruising under the eyes, which can be eliminated using a simple complex. First you need to clean your face and sit on a chair with your back straight. Offers revitonics for the eyes exercises for self-fulfillment:

  • To warm up the muscles, open and close your eyes sharply. Inhale through the nose, drawing in the cheeks, and release the air, puffing them up.
  • To perform the first revitonics exercise, fold your index fingers in an arc and place them near the cheekbones. Gradually close your eyes for 5-10 seconds, increasing tension.
  • Put your middle fingers on the inner corners of your eyes and start blinking frequently.
  • Rest your elbows on your knees, open your palms and put your face on them at eye level. Hold for a few seconds, and then, spread your arms and repeat the touch, moving towards the temples.

Revitonics - nasolabial folds

Simple exercises help to reduce nasolabial folds, remove an ugly nasolabial rim, maintain a high position of the cheekbones and tighten sagging skin. Facelift revitonics includes the following exercises:

  • Place the index and middle fingers together near the wings of the nose, over the cheekbones.
  • Form an elongated oval with your lips. For eight counts, open your mouth even more, while maintaining an oval. Press your fingers into your cheekbones.

Revitonics for lips

To become the owner of plump lips, many women agree to injections, but this is not the only solution, so you can perform special exercises. Gymnastics revitonics for the face will make the lips plump and attractive:

  • Pull your lips forward, and then, grab your bottom lip with your upper lip and vice versa.
  • Pull in the corners of your mouth as if you want to suck on a candy. After that, due to muscle tension, try to raise them.

Revitonics for the forehead

One of the most problematic areas on the face is the forehead, where many people have wrinkles. Love to draw or raise your eyebrows, then you need to take care that this does not lead to the formation of ugly wrinkles. Offers revitonics exercises that are effective in this situation.

  • Place your open palm on your forehead a little above the eyebrows and fix the muscles with it. Raise and lower your eyebrows.
  • Revitonika offers an exercise to get rid of the ugly crease between the eyebrows. With two fingers, fix the corners of the eyebrows near the bridge of the nose. Try to reduce (as if frowning) and relax your eyebrows.

Revitonika - books

People who are interested in this topic can find specialist literature in bookstores.

  • “Fitness for the face. Revitonics system. N. Osminina. He tells in detail what revitonics is, a book written by the developer of this direction. Natalia not only describes the exercises, but also talks about the reasons for the appearance of the main shortcomings.
  • “The Resurrection of the Face, or an Ordinary Miracle” by N. Osminin. The author tells what the revitonics technique is and delves into the true causes of skin deformation and aging. published .

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"Time - good doctor but a very bad beautician.” Every disease has its own causes. Knowing these causes is the main key to healing. Old age is no exception. This is also a disease. The path to youth opens by no means expensive cosmetics. It lies through the elimination of the true causes of old age. It is this idea that underlies the concept of the well-known rejuvenation system - Revitonika.

Reasons for aging. Revitonics opinion

Our face is the whole world. For its unique appearance more than 100 muscles, 29 cranial bones are responsible. It is by the type of attachment of the first to the second that the mimic and chewing muscles of the face and neck are distinguished. All muscles shorten with age, worsening the appearance of the face, but each type does it differently.

Mimic muscles connect the skin to bones and other muscles. Shrinking, they pull the skin behind them. And the skin, with age, losing the ability to resist this process, sags. Wrinkles around the mouth, on the forehead, bridge of the nose, chin, nasolabial folds - all these are the consequences of deformations of the facial muscles.

How to get rid of such consequences? Sculptural fitness Revitonika allows you to independently launch natural rejuvenation. You can restore the correct anatomical shape of the muscular corset. This is possible if you relax the muscles of the face, relieve spasms and clamps. As a result, the oval will acquire a clear contour, wrinkles, nasolabial folds will disappear, and the skin texture will be restored.

A bit of history

The history of the emergence of the Revitonics system is ambiguous. Authorship according to different sources belongs to two different women. But let's try to go through the facts and chronology. Natalya Borisovna Osminina became known for her research in this direction in 1994 in Lithuania. For more than 10 years, the author has conducted various tests, developed developments, working with hundreds of women. The innovative technique has received scientific justification and public recognition. In European countries: Sweden, Germany, Italy, Israel, it has become especially popular.

In 2009, Natalia Osminina began to cooperate with Russian expert in the field of anti-aging massage Anastasia Dmitrievna Dubinskaya. Together with her, they created a whole trend, a school with a rich methodological base. Russian women already recognized this technique under the name "Revitonika" in 2010. During this period, the technique was distributed as a set teaching aids, atlases, packed in an elegant box.

The first school was opened in 2012 in Moscow, on Prospekt Mira. The founder of the school is Anastasia Dubinskaya. The first coaches were trained here, the main complexes and exercises were worked out and adapted.

The Revitonika system appeared in the format of electronic video courses in 2013. These were not yet online courses, but users already had considerable freedom in the implementation of the methodology. In the same year, the school entered into a partnership with the beauty institute on the Arbat.

From 2013 to 2015, branches and representative offices began to open throughout the country. Instructors, trainers, as well as masters in beauty salons were trained everywhere.

2015 to present main office Revitonika School is located at 30, Leninsky Prospekt, Moscow.

At the same time, Dubinskaya and Osminina ceased to cooperate. Anastasia remains the head and founder of the Revitonics school. Natalya Borisovna leaves school completely and continues to develop her methodology, giving it the name Osmionika.

School official website

Revitonics. Tasks, principles, results

Revitonika Natalya Osminina - as a rejuvenation system, is based on the scientific and practical principles of biohydraulics, biomechanics, theoretical mechanics, quantum physics, etc. Revitonika considers the elimination of the causes of old age to be the principle of natural rejuvenation.


  1. Balance of tension of mimic and masticatory muscles;
  2. Stimulation of natural lymphatic drainage;
  3. Relaxation of the muscles of the face and neck by improving the psycho-emotional state;
  4. The complex affects the entire body, improving both its external and internal condition.

Self-modeling of the body and face in revitonics gives amazing results:

For body:

  • Restoration of balance;
  • Posture alignment.

For face shape:

  • Restoration of the oval;
  • Reconstruction of the chin contour;
  • Puffiness reduction;
  • The return of young devils.

For the neck:

  • Length increase;
  • Elimination of the “double chin” defect;
  • Reducing fat deposits on the chin;
  • Elimination of the "withers";
  • Reducing the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis.

For skin:

  • Reduction or complete elimination of wrinkles;
  • Restoration of blood circulation;
  • Improving the color and texture of the skin;
  • Restoration of collagen fibers.


Revitonics is scientifically substantiated and brings undeniable benefits. But despite this, there are a number of factors that impose serious restrictions on its use.

In order to find out, consult with the appropriate doctor if you have:

  1. autoimmune diseases;
  2. thyroid problems (hypothyroidism);
  3. skin diseases;
  4. Diseases respiratory system, chronic including;
  5. Other systemic diseases.
  6. Revitonics cannot eliminate external deficiencies caused by the disease of the body.
  7. For example, edema caused by kidney failure. Manipulations with such areas can cause deterioration of their condition.

Physical effects on the skin are strictly prohibited if there are the following health problems:

  1. Hypertension;
  2. Diseases of the blood and blood vessels;
  3. Head, neck, back injuries;
  4. warts, eczema, psoriasis;
  5. Osteoporosis;
  6. Oncology, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the immune system;
  7. Inflammation of the facial nerve;
  8. Mental illness.

Rules for performing Revitonics techniques

Gymnastics for the face and neck is organized so that some of the techniques can be performed at home ( basic complex). They are available on online courses, marathons. And some of the methods included in full complex, it is permissible to practice strictly in the presence of specialists and this is possible only at full-time trainings.

Execution order.

Where to start? Despite the fact that the Revitonics technique has many types of exercises, they all have common patterns:

  1. 30-second muscle contraction to relax them;
  2. Uniform work with internal muscles to return them to their original length;
  3. The system of manual self-modeling is completed by fixing the muscles in correct position for 2-5 seconds.

Revitonics - a basic set of exercises

Osminina's technique, available to perform independently at home, consists of:

  • Alignment exercises for the spine, neck, back;
  • sculptural;
  • lymphatic drainage technique;
  • vacuum massage.

An integrated approach to performing exercises will ensure the rejuvenation of the whole body, relieve visible body defects. Following the recommendations of the author of the Revitonik method N. B. Osminina, we will proceed to consider basic exercises this rejuvenating complex.

We straighten our shoulders: Revitonics for the spine, neck, back

The condition of the spine and neck directly affects the appearance of a person, and the youth of our face. Slouching, we lower our shoulders forward and down. The back muscles become weaker. In addition, we stretch the skin on the back. And in front, respectively, the skin sags. Correct posture is the first thing to start with.

The neck is the bridge that connects the head to the body. Through it, the face receives everything it needs: nutrients, air. Spasms of the neck, its shortening, wrong fit reduce the quality of skin nutrition, worsen lymphatic drainage. As a result, the appearance of the face deteriorates, puffiness appears.

Exercises for the neck and back are the main ones in the Revitonics complex. This stage is very important, because without it, further facial practices do not make sense.
By correcting your posture, straightening your shoulders, restoring tone neck muscles, you tighten the skin on the whole body. Appearance will change better side. The process of natural rejuvenation will start.

Revitonics for posture

To correct posture, open the thoracic spine, there are different techniques. In this article, we will walk through two of them step by step.

Exercise "Sail"

What will you achieve:

  • The thoracic spine will open up.
  • Correction of posture and elimination of stoop.
  • The muscles of the hands will tone up.
  • Natural lymphatic drainage will start.

Zero Gravity Exercise

In order for the face to stop sagging, it is necessary to reduce the effect of gravity. In the absence of defects locomotive apparatus and while maintaining the correct posture - it is possible.

What will you achieve:

  • Reducing the forces of gravity;
  • Correct posture.

Exercise with a special roller

A useful technique that reduces back pain, reduces swelling, helps to lose weight. You can make a roller yourself or purchase a special one at a pharmacy.

Revitonics for the neck

Posterolateral surface. Exercise "Hanger"

What will you achieve:

  1. Neck extension;
  2. Beautiful transition line to the shoulder;
  3. Improvement of blood circulation;
  4. Reducing pain in osteochondrosis.

Exercise for the neck "Frame"

The frame relieves spasms of the anterior surface of the neck. Tension in this area of ​​the spinal column impedes blood flow and natural lymphatic drainage in the facial area.

You will achieve:

  1. Elongation of the front surface of the neck;
  2. Reducing the depth of transverse wrinkles on the neck, lifting the oval of the face;
  3. Release of the lymph ducts, activation of the outflow of excess fluid from the tissues;
  4. elimination double chin.

Exercise to get rid of the effect of "computer neck"

People who work a lot at the computer often encounter the problem of a protruding neck (computer neck). Symptoms of this defect are pain in the shoulders, back and neck. In addition, due to the displacement of the skull, the load on the spinal column increases: 5 kg is added for every 2.5 cm. This leads to facial deformity. It is necessary to perform an exercise every day that aligns the neck.

Exercise "Perfect Neck"

You will achieve:

  • Increasing the angle of rotation of the head;
  • Relaxation of the neck muscles.

Revitonics: exercises for the face

Revitonika restores youth, working comprehensively with the entire face. The technique helps to relax, stretch the entire facial muscles.

How to smooth your forehead

The brow wrinkle will disappear from your face. Exercise will help not only smooth the skin, but also improve sleep. You will fall asleep and wake up easier, sleep will become stronger. As a result, you will get a better quality rest.

Self-massage is convenient to perform in the morning, lying in bed, and also in the evening - before going to bed.

You can also continue gymnastics while lying down.

Revitonics for the eyes

The eyes are the part of the face that shows age in the first place. To slow down aging, it is necessary to rehabilitate this zone. This requires regular exercise for the eyes.

Enlargement of the orbit at the inner corner of the eye

Perform the technique for each eye separately, starting with the left.

Effect: youthfulness, radiance of the eyes.

Effect: wide eyes.

Revitonics for lips

It is the desire to have beautiful lips that pushes women most of all to go for injections. But injections are not the only way out. Appropriate Revitonics techniques will help turn back the clock and make this part of the face younger and more beautiful.

The technique will help lift the corners of the lips, make their shape more expressive and attractive.

It is known that the main weapon of a woman is youth and beauty. But no matter how sad it may sound, over time, youth turns into maturity, and then old age is not far off. The skin on the face loses its elasticity, becomes flabby and wrinkled. Some people come to terms with this, sedately accepting the changes that are taking place. For others, such changes are unacceptable, and all sorts of ways are used to preserve beauty. Subcutaneous injections, resurfacing, creams and even plastic surgery begin. But there are more loyal methods of rejuvenation. One of the best in this direction are Revitonics exercises.

It is believed that facial aging is associated with a loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin, resulting in the formation of wrinkles and sagging. However, the change in the quality of the skin is just the consequences of more global processes. attached to 29 bones of the skull, blood and lymph move through the vessels.

Any failure in the internal structure is immediately reflected on the surface of the skin. So muscle spasms cause their contraction, as a result of which the skin that was stretched over the muscle corset begins to sag (the effect of Roman blinds). Due to spasms and tension in the muscles, blood flow worsens. The lymph on the face, which removes toxins, also stops moving normally. As a result, the complexion becomes gray, swelling appears.

The condition of the face is reflected in the condition of the spine and neck. Due to the stoop, the skin of the whole body is stretched behind the body and begins to hang down in front. Spasms of the muscles of the neck do not allow blood to flow normally to the head, worsening the condition of the face.

This knowledge about aging allowed us to develop an innovative method of rejuvenation "Revitonika".

Revitonics by Natalia Osminina is a scientific and empirical method of correcting appearance and rejuvenation, which has no analogues in the world in terms of its effectiveness and the stability of the effect obtained.

Revitonics: principle and direction of action

Revitonics for the face of Natalia Osminina is based on:

  • bringing to a natural position, neck and back by stretching and leveling them;
  • normalization of lymphatic drainage in the body;
  • relieving emotional stress, leading to stiffness of the facial muscles.

"Revitonics" is a system of techniques aimed at starting the process of natural rejuvenation of the body, by restoring its disturbed functions. As a result of regular fitness exercises for the face and neck, lymphatic massage according to the Revitonika rejuvenation system, the balance of the front and back of the body is leveled, lymph flow is normalized, previously clamped muscles relax and stretch, which leads to a tightening, restoration of facial contours, disappearance of the second chin, improvement blood supply and complexion, reducing puffiness.

The technique of Natalia Osminina is not just fitness for the face, it acts much deeper, on the whole body, rejuvenating it. This rejuvenation system is effective even where modern medicine cannot cope:

  • restoration of the "corner of youth";
  • neck lengthening;
  • change in the shape of the chin;
  • and in addition to the aesthetic improvement of the body, its health improves.


  • You have autoimmune, systemic diseases;
  • You suffer from dermatitis;
  • Have chronic diseases of the respiratory system;
  • Get some kind of treatment.

The Revitonika system is not able to remove defects caused by the listed diseases and is used by conditionally healthy people. In the presence of diseases that cause - problems with the kidneys, heart, lungs, reduced pressure the effect of the anti-aging system may be short-term due to the characteristics of a particular disease. It is not recommended to combine fitness for the Revitonics face with exercises from other authors, since additional techniques can harm already restored muscles, spasming them again. After injections of Botox on the face, gel, or other drugs, after operations and implantation of gold threads, it is necessary to consult a specialist before starting practice.

Rules for performing Revitonics techniques

Before you begin to perform training according to the method of Natalia Osminina, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for performing a set of exercises for the Revitonika face:

"The 30 Second Rule"

The rule is to squeeze the muscle or muscle groups, holding the muscle tone in this state for 30 seconds. By performing a half-minute compression of the muscles that are in a spastic state, you can achieve their complete relaxation.

muscle stretch

Almost every Revitonics exercise involves uniform stretching of a muscle group. This is necessary to restore the original natural length of the muscle shortened due to the spasm that has occurred. The procedure is carried out carefully, smoothly, since it does not involve the muscle itself, but its shell - the fascia.


This procedure is the preliminary action of doing many exercises. This means tension muscle tissue in the opposite direction or in the opposite direction. Pretension is carried out until the body is relaxed at the site of impact.


This procedure involves the final stage of gymnastics with fixing the hands in a certain position for 2 to 5 seconds. This is a necessary condition for consolidating the results of training, getting used to the muscle to a new position.

Many exercises performed according to the 30 second rule do not require the application of serious force effects. To relieve muscle hypertonicity, the effect is not on the muscles themselves, but on their surface shell, the fascia. Therefore, the power load should be moderate, one might say, minimal, comparable in weight to a ten-kopeck coin.

The correct implementation of the entire course of gymnastics involves a minimal point impact with the fingers on areas of muscle tissue. The fingers do not deform the skin. It is important to set them correctly so that point-specific muscle groups are massaged. Despite the minimal load, the introduction of the fingertips should be deep, targeted. For the correct execution of the technique, before the massage, you should hold your fingers in their original position for a few seconds, feel how the muscle mass expands under them.

Revitonika system - main exercises

The rejuvenation technique according to the N. Osminina system includes techniques that are easily performed at home:

  • Revitonics exercises for alignment of the spine, neck, back, lower back;
  • Fitness for the face according to the Revitonika system;
  • Lymphatic drainage techniques;
  • vacuum massage.

The use of all techniques in the complex has a rejuvenating effect on the body, eliminating the visible signs of aging. Based on the works of the author of the Revitonik method N.B. Osminina, let's look at and study the main exercises of this anti-aging complex.

Revitonics for the back, spine and neck: how to straighten your shoulders

The appearance of a person depends on the condition of his spine and neck. If the posture is stooped, then all the skin is stretched from the back and begins to sag in front of the body. Therefore, the first thing to work with is the even position of the spine.

Clamped in hypertonicity shoulder joints they lower their shoulders forward and down, and the weakened muscles of the back cannot withstand the tension, as a result, the posture becomes stooped.

In addition, spasms of the muscles of the neck and trapezium disrupt blood circulation and lymph flow in this area, due to which the quality of the skin on the face deteriorates, and edema appears.

To restore posture, it is necessary to perform complex exercises to relax the shoulders and neck, to straighten the back and strengthen its muscles. After you manage to straighten your shoulders, the skin on the body will tighten, changing the appearance, unscrewing years ago.

Exercises for the neck and back are the main ones in the Revitonics complex, since facial practices will be useless without straightening your posture and restoring muscle tone. cervical spine and circulation in the neck and head.

Revitonics for posture

Can be done in different ways. In this article, we will consider two of them.

"Sail" - disclosure of the thoracic spine.

One of the options for performing the technique can be to grab the palms of the doorway, another option is to place the forearms on it, in any case, the exercise is very effective for straightening the back and lymphatic drainage.

Execution effect:

  • opening of the thoracic spine;
  • posture straightening;
  • stretching the muscles of the hands;
  • activation of lymph nodes (lymphatic drainage).


  • Perform in three positions of the arms: extended upwards, at shoulder level and directed downwards with palms or forearms resting on the opening;
  • Hang in the doorway, resisting with your hands;
  • Stay in this position - 30 seconds;
  • After performing, bend your back to the other side, lowering your head down, pulling the sacrum forward and up towards the head, as if hugging the ball with your chest and stomach;
  • Change the position of the hands. All repeat again.

Reception "Zero Gravity".

Alignment of the spine;
Relaxation of tight back muscles.

Execution technique:
Imagine that you lie down with the front surface of the body on a large ball, twist to the limit. Good back stretch. Hold for 30 seconds. Bend back, as if now you are lying on the same ball with your back. Hold for 30 seconds. twist the spine, exhale. Alternatively, you can perform with a fitball on the floor.

See the video for another Revitonics exercise to straighten your posture:

Revitonics for the neck

Neck exercises are fundamental in the Revitonika rejuvenation system. For achievement maximum effect in rejuvenation, in order to release the supraclavicular and lymph nodes and nodes located along the neck, daily exercises should begin with the implementation of tricks on the neck.

Reception for relieving spasm of the posterior-lateral surface of the neck and trapezium "Hanger".

Photo from the book by N.B. Osminina “How to find a beautiful posture”


  • Neck extension;
  • Beautiful line of transition from the neck to the shoulder;
  • Improving blood circulation in the head;
  • Reducing the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis.


1. Hang your head down on your chest freely and without pressing.
2 Raise your shoulders as high as possible, leaving your head down. Maintain the position for 30 seconds.
3. Return to the starting position.
4. Putting one hand on the back of the head, with the other hand on the trapezoid, stretch the posterolateral muscles of the neck, first on one side, then on the other.

If you did everything right, you will feel that your shoulders have “collapsed” down, and your neck has relaxed.

Exercise on the back side surface neck.

The technique relaxes the posterior-lateral surface of the neck and the trapezius muscles, relaxes and stretches them, the neck lengthens, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the face.

1. We put our hand deep on the lower back.
2. We start the shoulder and shoulder blade back and lift the shoulder up.
3. We turn our head diagonally in the opposite direction from the raised shoulder, raise the chin up and put the back of the head on the trapezoid.
4. We clamp the posterolateral surface of the neck and trapezius muscles for 30 seconds.
5. We take the starting position and, with the head even, stretch the previously clamped muscles with the palms in different directions. We fix the position of the muscles.
6. We do in each direction three times.

Lengthening the anterolateral surface of the neck - exercise "Frame".

Photo from N.B. Osminina "Revitonika - turn back time".

Exercise "Frame" is aimed at relieving spasm of the anterior surface of the neck. Spasms of this part of the spinal column lead to impaired blood flow and stagnation of lymph in the facial area.


  • Elongation of the front surface of the neck;
  • Reducing the depth of transverse wrinkles on the neck, lifting the oval of the face;
  • Release of lymphatic ducts, activation of the outflow of excess fluid from the tissues;
  • Elimination of a double chin.


1. Hands need to be raised up, bent at the elbows and crossed in the shape of a frame.
2. Stretching the spine, you need to reach up with your whole body behind your hands. Without ceasing to stretch the spine, tilt your head down and place your chin in the interclavicular dimple. In this position, you need to hold out for half a minute.
3. Raise your head. Put your hands down.
4. Put one hand over your chest, the other under your chin. Try to stretch your neck in this position with your hands in different directions for 30 seconds.
5. Pumping: lightly press the soft area directly above the collarbones with the back of the fingers. We press on the exhale. Approximately 7 times per minute.
6. It is better to press not with your fingertips, but with the back surface, since the muscles are stretched unevenly at the levels of the collarbones in most cases, which creates a convex relief, so it is more convenient to push with the back surface of the fingers (little finger, ring finger, middle finger).
7. When correct execution pumping can be felt as rear surface stagnant lymph drains from the throat.

Aligning the position of the neck relative to the entire spine - reception from the computer neck.

The protruding neck (“computer neck”) greatly increases the load on the spine, neck muscles and shoulder girdle. Because of what the posture changes, pains appear, the face changes.

At correct posture the center of the ear is in line with the center of the shoulder (+2 mm), while the load on the spinal column is 4-5 kg. If the skull moves forward, then for every 2.5 cm of displacement, the load increases by 5 kg. In this regard, the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle spasm.

  • We put our hands behind our backs and squeeze our palms into the castle;
  • We pull the neck forward, do not tilt the head, do not turn up the nose;
  • We pull our arms in the opposite direction from the body;
  • We stand (sit) in this position for 30 seconds.

We leave in the starting position and now do the opposite.

  • We put our hands forward into the castle, pull them forward;
  • We pull the neck back to the stop;
  • We are in this position for 30 seconds.

Should be done daily. The result is a healthy and beautiful neck.

You can perform as in the photo without hands, but with them it is much more effective, because working in the opposite direction, they help to make more effort.

Reception "Perfect neck".

Photo from N.B. Osminina "How to find a beautiful posture"


  • Increasing the angle of rotation of the head;
  • Relaxation of the neck muscles.


  • Raise your left shoulder up and turn your head towards it to a comfortable angle of rotation. We hold 30 seconds.
  • Drop the left shoulder.
  • Without changing the position of the head, raise the right shoulder. We hold 30 seconds.
  • Without lowering the right shoulder, we turn our head towards it until a feeling of slight discomfort. Hold 30 sec.
  • Drop the right shoulder.
  • Without changing the position of the head, slowly raise the left shoulder. Hold 30 sec.
  • We return to the starting position and stretch the neck muscles in different directions with both hands.

In detail, the technique for performing this technique can be studied in the video.

Relax the side of the neck.

Exercise effect:

  • Reduction of transverse wrinkles on the neck;
  • Elongation of the lateral surface of the neck.


  • Raise your shoulder to your ear as far as possible. Gently tilt your head to your shoulder (try not to twist your neck - keep your face in the frontal plane).
  • Press your ear against your shoulder and hold for 30 seconds. Muscles that are spasmodic should fall into the clamped fold. Return to starting position.
  • Stretch the neck muscle in opposite directions. Fix it for 2-3 seconds.
  • Perform the reception on the other side of the neck.

Working with the back of the neck.

Photo from N.B. Osminina "Resurrection of the face or an ordinary miracle"


  • reduction of hyperlordosis of the cervical spine;
  • elongation of the back of the neck;
  • reduction of withers;
  • getting rid of headaches;
  • comfortable sleep;
  • reduction of cervical osteochondrosis.


  • We put our palms below the waist with our fingers down.
  • Bring your elbows as close to each other as possible.
  • Tilt your head all the way back and hold for 30 seconds.
  • We return the head and hands to their original position.
  • We stretch the neck with one hand towards the back of the head, with the other hand towards the shoulder blades, while the position of the head should be strictly vertical. We fix the muscle for a few seconds.

Reception should be performed daily, if possible several times a day.

Exercises for the neck can be viewed in the video master class of revitonics:

Revitonics: exercises for the face

Revitonics for the face includes a set of exercises aimed at relaxing and stretching all the muscles of this zone.

Forehead tricks

We erase wrinkles on the forehead.

reduction and complete
The return of smooth skin;
Restoring the position of the eyebrows;
Improving the quality of sleep.


  • Place the index finger of one hand with the entire inner side surface above the eyebrow.
    Create an emphasis with your thumb on the temple, setting it aside, pulling the skin in a horizontal direction. From the palm of your hand you should get, as it were, a visor with which you close your eyes from the sun.
  • With the other hand, throwing it over your head, draw spiral lines, starting from the eyebrows to the hairline. You will feel that with each spiral movement, the skin is pulled up and the eyebrows are lifted.
  • Do the same for the other eyebrow.
  • Massage the middle part of the forehead. Place your palms on your face so that your fingers touch your forehead. The little fingers touch each other and are pressed to the center of the forehead. Massage spiral movements move from bottom to top from the center to the edge, smoothing out wrinkles. Emphasis on moving the little fingers up the center of the forehead, pushing them with a mimic raising of the eyebrows.

Forehead relaxation and brow lift

Exercise can be performed before going to bed, as well as after waking up, lying in bed.

  • Place one hand under the back of the head, the other on the forehead.
  • Imagine energy (perceptual vibration) passing between the hands.
  • Send vibration from the back of the head to the forehead and back for 4 seconds in each direction, following the movement of energy with your inner gaze. Do from 30 seconds to 1 minute.
  • Then begin to pull the tissues of the forehead up. Before you start taking, you should feel that it has become wet between your forehead and hand.
  • Slowly move your palm up to the hairline, pulling the skin of your forehead. Feel how the skin, fixed by the palm, moves with the palm. Follow the movement with your inner eye.
  • Simultaneously assist the movement of the forehead tissues auxiliary hand lying on the back of the head, directing the aponeurosis down. Stretch your heels away from you, imagining how you help raise your eyebrows with this movement.

In the same way, without getting out of bed, you can continue to work with the face.

Revitonics for the eyes

Enlargement of the orbit at the inner corner of the eye.

Photo from N.B. Osminina "The world of the face and its secrets"


Perform each eye separately, starting with the left.

  • Make a "V" with the index and middle fingers of your left hand. Point your palm outer part to the face. Place your middle finger on the outer corner of your eyebrow and your index finger on the outer corner of your eye.
  • Forefinger right hand place under the inner point of the eyebrow, and the middle finger under the inner corner of the eye.
  • Imagine that the pupil of the eye is the center of the resulting rectangle. Using the corners of this rectangle, try to expand the orbit of the eye evenly relative to the pupil.

Expansion of the orbits of the eyes.

Photo from N.B. Osminina “Fitness for the face. Revitonika system»

Effect: wide eyes.


  • Make your index and middle fingers into a "V" shape. Point your palms outside to the face.
  • Place your middle fingers on upper bone orbits of the eyes, index - to the bottom.
  • Resting on the orbit with the bones of your fingers, bring the spacers all the way to the bridge of your nose. Wait 20-30 seconds.
  • Then move the "spacers" in the opposite direction - to the periphery. While moving, squint your eyes, resisting your fingers. Move with intermittent dotted movements towards the temples. Fingers should not pull the skin.
  • Expand your eyes with your fingers. Hold the position for about 10 seconds.
  • Without changing the position of the hands, move your eyes around the circle, starting from the top. Raise your eyes up, as if looking under the top of your head, and hold until you feel that the field of view begins to increase, you begin to see around you what was not in your field of vision before.
  • Directing your gaze down, look as if into the depths of the body, slightly lowering the lower orbit of the eye, follow its relaxation. Don't put in too much effort.
  • After the downward movement is over, fix your gaze down and again turn your eyes as high as possible. The fabrics are in place, they do not stretch when looking away.
  • Direct your gaze to the left, squinting your eyes to the limit, moving them along the outer semicircle.
  • Repeat on the left side.
  • At the end, expand the orbits of the eyes as much as possible without removing the "struts" from them. Blink quickly for 1 minute.

It is important to remember that the eyes give out age. Regular execution will help restore this area and slow down aging.

Revitonics for lips

Raising the corners of the lips.


  • Put your index fingers on the corners of your mouth, put your thumbs on the jaw arch at the points where the triangular muscles are attached to it (see picture).
  • Gently pull your fingers towards each other. Take your time, wait for skin hydration and free movement. When the skin is moisturized, it will mean that the muscles have relaxed.
  • Next, work with each corner of the mouth in turn.

Revitonics from nasolabial folds

Reception for muscle relaxation and lymphatic drainage of the nasolabial region.

Photo from the book by N.B. Osminina “The world of the face and its secrets”


  • , which often fill with fluid during sleep due to slowing down,
  • Relaxes the muscles around the nostrils
  • Draws water out of the area.


  • Place the index finger of one hand on the nostril, the index finger of the other hand at the beginning of the nasolabial fold on the cheek.
  • Move two fingers relative to each other, as if scrolling through the figure eight, one wing of which is drawn by one hand, and the second by the other.
  • Do the same with the other nostril.
  • Place your index fingers along the nasolabial fold towards the nostril.
  • With light vibrational movements along the nasolabial fold from the bottom up, move the stagnant lymph with intermittent movements, stepping back a little at each step and moving forward again. Help this movement by sniffing.

Exercise to relax the muscles that lift the wing of the nose and upper lip.

Photo from the book by N.B. Osminina “The world of the face and its secrets”


  • We perform on each half of the face separately.
  • We pinch the outer edge of the left nostril with the index finger and thumb of the right hand. We place the index finger of the left hand at the inner corner of the left eye, at the beginning of the muscle that lifts the wing of the nose.
  • Move the bottom finger to the top. We capture not the skin, but the muscle. Hold for 30 seconds, rubbing the resulting crease until it disappears. We stretch the working area in different directions.
  • Again we form a pinch, periodically gently stretching the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe muscle with which we are working. We fix the stretched and relaxed muscle.

Revitonics for lifting the oval of the face

Exercise "Scream".

Rice. 1 - Photo from the book by N.B. Osminina “Fitness for the face. Revitonika system.»

Rice. 2 - Photo from the book of N.B. Osminina "The world of the face and its secrets"

This can be done without getting out of bed in the morning.


  • Reduces the age-related lifting of the jaw upward and removes the spasm of the masticatory muscles, ensuring uniform placement of facial tissues.
  • Returns the "corner of youth", helps to properly distribute tissues masseter muscle, remove the “eyelid-cheek” border and smooth out the cheek linen.


  • First, let's consider the Scream technique, intended for those who have the First type of biomechanical aging of the face (formation of jowls with age):
    1. Open your mouth by lowering your lower jaw strongly. The lips are extended in a tube, as if pronouncing the letter "O". Often people feel pain at this moment at the junction of the jaws.
    2. Place your palms in the zone of jaw connection, ignoring the pain, try to lower the muscle, smoothing it along its entire length. To do this, with pressing movements of the palms down, starting from the side at the outer corner of the eye, draw down vertically and along an oblique line, as shown in the figure. Eyes wide open. Repeat several times.
  • Exercise Scream for those who have the second type of biomechanical aging of the face (raising the chin up with age), this technique should be performed as follows:
    1. Place your palms on your cheeks. The fingers are located from the chin to the outer edge of the eye. The palms are pressed tightly against the jaw angle and the entire jaw arch.
    2. Slightly pull the lower jaw forward and slightly upward, following the already existing deformation, strengthening it. Hold the position for 30 seconds. The load force should not exceed 5-10 grams.
    Gently return the lower jaw to its original position and move it as far back as possible to the stop, fixing it for 5-10 seconds.
  • The third version of the exercise "Scream" is suitable for all types of biomechanical aging and performed with the mouth closed (Fig. 2): Place your hands on your cheeks in the direction from the corner of the jaw to the inner corner of the eye. covering the chewing muscle with the palms. Press the base of your palms firmly against mandible, to the beginning of the masseter muscle. The fingertips touch the eyelid-cheek border. Stay in position for a few minutes. DO NOT press with your palms, the skin of the hands should somehow stick to the muscle.

vacuum therapy

The Revitonika natural rejuvenation system includes a facial massage with vacuum jars. The scheme for conducting vacuum therapy can be studied in detail by watching the video lessons of revitonics for free.

Before performing vacuum therapy, you should:
1. Thoroughly cleanse your face of cosmetics.
2. Lubricate the skin with plenty of natural cosmetic oil.
3. Remember that you need to work strictly according to the methodology massage lines in the right direction.

Lymphatic drainage techniques

To start lymphatic drainage in the morning, you should do 100 small jumps on your toes every morning, hitting your heels on the floor.
Bouncing should be as small and frequent as possible, without loading the spine.

This technique starts, helps to relieve swelling from the legs and face.
If you feel any discomfort while doing it, stop. Do not perform 100 jumps at once, increase daily in the rhythm in which it is comfortable for you.

Revitonika: books and contacts

Books on the methods of N.B. Osminina

The article published only a small part of Revitonik's rejuvenation techniques, described in detail by the author N.B. Osminina in her books “Resurrection of the face or an ordinary miracle”, “The world of the face and its secrets”, “How to develop a beautiful posture”.

The Revitonika system has an official website and its own school of natural rejuvenation led by Anastasia Dubinskaya. At school and on the Revitonics website, you can take a basic course of classes, in which some of the lessons are provided free of charge.

You can order books by Natalya Borisovna Osminina with a full range of exercises on the Revitonika system in the online store, and some of them in the electronic version are available for free download on the website of the author of the methodology.

The topic of the article is revitonics exercises. We will talk about the main exercises and share the feedback of women who performed revitonics at home. You will find out how effective this system of exercises for rejuvenation and improvement of appearance.

Revitonics is a set of exercises that helps to eliminate age-related changes and improving the condition of the skin. The founder of this technique is Natalia Osminina, who has been engaged in the restoration of facial muscles for a long time.

The revitonics system is based on the knowledge of biohydraulics, theoretical mechanics, etc. The exercises are based on the principles of regulating muscle tension and relaxation.

Advantages of revitonics:

  • maintaining muscle tone, eliminating spasms and tension;
  • tightening sagging skin;
  • restoration of facial contours, reconstruction of the muscular skeleton and reduction in the number of existing wrinkles;
  • elimination of puffiness around the eyes.

Basic revitonics exercises

According to Osminina, revitonics can be performed at any age, but it is better to start doing them from a young age. The full set of exercises is divided into several types:

  • Vacuum fitness - vacuum jars of different sizes are used for classes. They help increase muscle tone, improve blood circulation and stabilize the synthesis of collagen and elastin.
  • Sculptural fitness - this technique involves the usual exercises that are aimed at working out the muscles.

Revitonics for the face

The unique facial revitonics method has been designed so that it can be easily performed at home. There are some rules for revitonics for the face:

  • If the muscles are in hypertonicity, then you need to act on them for no more than 30 seconds.
  • To return the muscles to their normal state, stretch, while doing it smoothly and slowly.
  • Start training by preparing your muscles for intense exposure. To do this, slightly stretch the muscles in different directions or towards each other. Hold them in this position until a relaxing reaction appears.
  • To get used to the muscle to a new position in revitonics, fixation is used, which implies a static hold of the muscles in the selected position for 5 seconds.

Revitonics for the eyes

The most common problems that a simple set of exercises will help get rid of. Before doing them, remove makeup from your face, then sit on a chair, keeping your back straight.

Now let's get to the exercises:

  1. To warm up the muscles, begin to sharply close and open your eyes. Breathe in through your nose, at the same time pull your cheeks in, and puff out your cheeks as you exhale.
  2. Now fold your index fingers into an arc and place them near the cheekbones. To increase tension, begin to close your eyes in stages for 10 seconds.
  3. Place your middle fingers on the inner corners of your eyes, then start blinking frequently.
  4. Rest your elbows on your knees, open your palms, put your face on them at eye level. Hold this position for a couple of seconds, then spread your arms and repeat the touch, moving towards the temples.

Revitonics - nasolabial folds

The exercises below reduce the nasolabial folds, eliminate the ugly nasolabial ridge, tighten sagging skin and maintain the high position of the cheekbones. Fitness revitonics for nasolabial folds includes the following exercises:

  • Put together the index and middle fingers near the wings of the nose, on top of the cheekbones.
  • Form an elongated oval with your lips. Count to 8, then open your mouth even more, while maintaining an oval. At this time, press your fingers on your cheekbones.

Revitonics for lips

If you want to become the owner of plump lips, it is not necessary to do beauty injections. You can also try simple ways, or perform special gymnastics:

  • Pull your lips forward, then grab the bottom lip with your upper lip, and then vice versa.
  • Pull in the corners of your mouth (this is similar to the movement during the absorption of candy). Then, due to muscle tension, try to raise them.

Revitonics for the forehead

If you don’t like to wear bangs, but there is a way out - revitonics for the forehead. Do the following exercises:

  • Place an open palm on the area slightly above the eyebrows, then fix the muscles with it. Lower and raise your eyebrows.
  • To remove the ugly crease between the eyebrows, fix the corners of the eyebrows near the bridge of the nose with 2 fingers. Try to draw and relax your eyebrows.

Revitonics for the chin

To smooth the muscles on the chin, use the following exercises:

  1. Place your index fingers on the top of the chin, and thumbs under the chin.
  2. Point your fingers towards each other until you feel the first stop.
  3. Wait until the dermis is hydrated, allowing your fingers to slowly reach out until they meet each other.
  4. Take a starting position. Stretch the chin muscle, fix it.

Revitonics for the neck

Performing revitonics for the neck helps relieve spasms from the trapezius muscle. This is due to the fact that tension in this area provokes a deterioration in the blood supply to the face, the formation of cervical osteochondrosis and withers.

The revitonics exercise, which is given below, is called “Frame”:

  • Bend your arms raised up at the elbows, then fold them crosswise to form a frame.
  • Start reaching up, stretching your spine, then tilt your head down while continuing to move your body up. Hold this pose for half a minute.
  • Place one hand above your chest and the other under your chin. Stretch your neck to stretch your muscles. Change hands and repeat the exercise. Duration - half a minute.

Revitonics for the back

If you have severe back pain, then the cause of this discomfort may be poor posture. Do exercises called "Active Standing" to eliminate pain:

  • Take a position so that your feet are directly under your shoulders. Point the tailbone down, tighten the buttocks a little, tighten the press. Your body should take a straight line.
  • During the entire exercise, stretch the top of your head up and open your chest. Hold this pose for one to five minutes. By the way, you can perform this exercise not only at home, but also in the subway, for example.

Revitonics exercises on a roller

The use of a roller during exercise helps to enhance the effect, eliminate back pain, improve posture and even lose weight! It is advisable to use a ready-made juniper roller or make it yourself. To do this, put a rolling pin on a towel, then twist it, securing it on both sides with elastic bands. The diameter of the roller must be at least 10 cm.

Then start exercising:

  1. Sit on the floor and place the roller behind your buttocks. Lie on your back and make sure the roller is under your belly button.
  2. Stretch your legs forward and hold them shoulder-width apart, then connect your thumbs.
  3. Lower your palms down and begin to pull your hands up, connecting your little fingers. Freeze in this position for five minutes.
  4. Then roll over on your side and to the side, only after that start to rise without sudden movements.

Revitonika - before and after photos


It is necessary to stop performing revitonics if you suddenly feel pain. Also, you can not do gymnastics if:

  • you are assigned complete rest;
  • you are undergoing treatment;
  • you have a serious injury or disease of the spine;
  • there are purulent rashes and skin diseases;
  • there is oncology, stage 3 hypertension, traumatic brain injury;
  • you suffer from ENT diseases;
  • you are generally unwell.

In all other cases, it will not be superfluous to consult a specialist.

It will be possible to prolong the youthfulness of the skin not only with the help of plastic surgeries, injections, expensive cosmetic preparations, and procedures. Performing a set of exercises and massage will bring a tangible effect. Exist different techniques impact. Revitonics is one of them. A detailed acquaintance with the technology will help to understand its effectiveness.

Author of the methodology

Natalya Osminina, the founder of the methodology, is distinguished by a rich track record in the field of practical implementation of methods for restoring the musculoskeletal system. An engineer by profession, she repeatedly improved her qualifications with an emphasis on cosmetology and physiotherapy.

Natalya Borisovna participated in various international projects to develop methods for the physiological rejuvenation of the body and skin.

In 2007, Osminina came up with a number of technologies, which were subsequently taken as the basis for the Revitonik impact complex.

The methodology includes a number of physiological influences, aimed at restoring the normal course of internal processes responsible for the age pattern of appearance. The actions of the complex are based on a medical approach to the aging process.

The use of Revitonics helps to tone up facial muscles, reconstruct metabolic processes. The technique easily replaces the typical methods of combating external aging.

Attention! The effectiveness of the Revitonika complex is achieved by a combination of vacuum and sculptural fitness. There is a deep muscle training (with study and relaxation), complemented by vacuum balancing.

The effect and benefits of a set of procedures

The Revitonics technique consists of certain techniques, thanks to which the effects are achieved:

  • skin tightening;
  • elimination of edema, "bags";
  • the formation of a healthy shade, the correct contours of the face.

The use of a complex of procedures affects the smoothing of fine wrinkles, the elimination of a double chin, the normalization of the condition of sagging skin, general improvement appearance.

It will turn out to remove the fleas, eliminate wrinkles around the eyes. Thanks to a complex of procedures, not just a cosmetic correction of problems occurs, but a real improvement of the body (balancing the state of the musculoskeletal corset of the skin).

As a result of the work on the methodology, it is observed:

  • posture balancing;
  • normalization of the drainage process;
  • strengthening of blood vessels;
  • achievement of muscle tone, skin;
  • preventing fluid retention.

The complex is based on the laws of mechanics, hydraulics applied to biomaterials. The principle of operation of the technique takes into account the requirements of osteopathy. The action of the Revitonika complex is not a masking of problems. There is a real activation of self-regulation functions. Achieve a comprehensive effect.

Execution rules

Revitonics involves 2 stages of exposure: sculptural and vacuum fitness. Each variant of the procedure needs to comply with a number of rules in the implementation of the procedures.

Vacuum technology

For the correct implementation of the procedure, knowledge is required that is obtained in special courses. If this condition is ignored, it is recommended to observe the following rules:

  • Mandatory thorough cleansing of the skin before the procedure. The remnants of cosmetics, dirt "tighten" deep into the skin, exacerbating existing problems.
  • Preparatory heating of the skin. Produced by taking a warm bath (shower). It is unacceptable to produce significant steaming of the skin. This is fraught with the subsequent formation of hematomas.
  • Installation, impact force, movement of cans is carried out strictly in accordance with the instructions. Excessively deep massage, movement outside the massage lines is unacceptable.
  • It is recommended to massage before going to bed. Stay warm after the procedure. If necessary, after the massage, go outside, do this no earlier than an hour later. The effectiveness of the procedure is reduced.
  • It is impossible to carry out massage on an ongoing basis. A weekly intensive course of 5-10 minutes daily is desirable. After that, the effect on the skin is limited to 1-2 procedures per week.

Note! Usually the result is noticeable after a single session, but it is foolish to believe that minimal action is enough to completely smooth out wrinkles.

Sculptural technique

With the sculptural impact of Revitonics, things are easier. It is not difficult to learn how to perform the exercises of the technique on your own. The main thing is to follow the recommendations for conducting:

  • Before using the complex, it is advisable to consult with a beautician. The doctor will tell you which muscles you need to work out, and which ones are better not to touch, and approve the exercises. It will turn out to solve the problem, and not create new difficulties.
  • A single workout should not be delayed. Enough exposure lasting 30 seconds. This is enough to relieve muscle spasm.
  • Stretching of the muscles, supposed by the technique after a targeted tension, is carried out carefully, avoiding additional blockage.
  • Exercises are built on the principle: "pretension, fixation, load." Afterwards, relaxation is a must.
  • Only regular classes will bring results. Daily practice is important. Moreover, classes at home can be done for free. The basic course of Revitonics is 1-3 months. It is followed by supportive exercises.

The visible effect of the complex of exercises is achieved after 1-2 weeks of training. Gymnastics will provide a significant smoothing of wrinkles after 1-2 months of regular exercise.

A set of exercises

To get the claimed effect, you need to regularly practice Revitonics exercises. Perform the following set of actions:

  1. Exercise to stabilize blood circulation(work is aimed at removing blockages of the trapezius muscles): raise 1 shoulder, take it back, direct the head to the other side, tilt it, press it against free shoulder. They linger in a tense state for up to half a minute, smoothly return to the starting position. The unlocked muscle is stretched: a hand is placed on the neck under the hair, the other on the shoulder. Keeping your head straight, stretch in both directions.
  2. Exercise that smoothes vertical wrinkles of the neck: hands are placed on top chest, press, they try to direct the area upward, surpassing the resistance. The chin is lowered towards the chest. The position is held for 30 seconds. Tighten the chin and hands towards each other. Perform a stretch: support the chest muscles with a hand, place the other hand under the chin with the back side down, pull her head up.
  3. Exercise to increase the volume of the lips: put index fingers on the border of the lower lip, move the tissues to the sides as much as possible, linger in the position for 30 seconds. The same is done in the area of ​​the upper lip.
  4. An exercise aimed at smoothing the interbrow creases: grab the eyebrow from the side of the bridge of the nose with the thumb and forefinger, squeeze for 30 seconds. Run your index fingers up and down along the folds to stretch the muscles.
  5. Exercise to minimize the double chin: index fingers are placed on the chin, thumbs - along the nasolabial line. Inhale through the nose, puffing out the belly. Produce sharp exhalation. The fingers are advanced along the contour to the ear, along the line of the cheekbones, connected at the point of the lymph node.

Get the effect of a set of exercises will turn out immediately. Activation of internal processes: improvement of blood circulation, increase in the production of elastin, collagen, removal of excess fluid occurs after 1-2 procedures. You will notice a change in complexion, elimination of edema, normalization of skin quality by the end of the first week of doing exercises according to the Revitonics method. Getting rid of large wrinkles, double chin, lip augmentation requires continued attention.

Video: face and neck rejuvenation technique. Master class on the Revitonika system.

Ways to fix the effect

To obtain a decent effect, it is desirable to undergo training in working with equipment. It is advisable to carry out actions at the initial stage in front of a mirror, tracking muscle movements. This will be a great way to practice exercises. Subsequently, the correct use of the technique contributes to obtaining, consolidating the effect.

After completing the procedure, it is recommended to wash with warm water, treat the skin with cream (make a mask). Warmed muscles should cool down on their own, the tension should go off naturally. Then the achieved effect will be better preserved. Otherwise, the result can be eliminated.

To maintain the effect of Revitonics, the diet is being reviewed. Eating is carried out often, but in small portions. Refuse foods with a high glycemic index (potatoes, bread, sugar). Normalize drinking balance.

Important! Proper skin care will have a beneficial effect on maintaining the achieved effect. Be sure to use a soft scrub, gommage once a week. Properly selected products according to skin type will provide additional support for the health of the integument.


The Revitonika complex is designed for healthy people. This convention implies the absence of serious diseases, congenital defects in appearance, conditions that provoke an imbalance in the skin, blood vessels, muscles. In any of these cases, medical assistance is required to eliminate the causes of the disorders. The use of the Revitonics complex can aggravate external manifestations.

Among the obvious contraindications for the use of the technique, the following are distinguished:

  • skin defects (inflammation, eczema, neoplasms);
  • problems with the facial, ternary nerve;
  • traumatic brain injury, problems with the spine;
  • serious diseases (oncology, diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, cardiac, vascular pathologies);
  • psychoneurological disorders;
  • failures of the endocrine, immune, lymphatic systems.

In case of any significant (chronic) disruption of the body, general malaise, before exposure to Revitonics methods, it is required to consult a doctor. This will help avoid negative effects.

The author of the technique, Natalya Osminina, does not advise combining the technique with exposure options that involve serious toning, muscle pumping. Combination different technologies achieving a result can increase the scale of the problem. It is desirable to avoid such interaction.

Revitonics is classified as a facial fitness technique based on scientific basis. In fact, there is a self-modeling of the appearance. The complex is considered complex, but giving a tangible positive effect. As a result of the exercises, not only will it become more pleasant to look in the mirror, but the state of health will stabilize.

Video: master class by Anastasia Dubinskaya, the founder of the Revitonika school, according to the system of the same name.