Therapeutic exercises for the heart. Physical education for blood vessels: regular exercise and movement is the best prevention! What are the risk factors for heart disease

Every person who wants to keep his health on long years life. It is recommended to start this practice with minimal daily loads, and then systematically increase them. Improve over time general state organ and the whole organism as a whole, which will drastically reduce the likelihood of developing various ailments.

Why train your heart?

The efficiency and dynamism of the cardiovascular system indicates a person's lifestyle. A slight failure over time can lead to heart failure, as a result of which it will be necessary to abandon hyperactivity and will have to be limited to daily body movements. Physical inactivity can have an extremely negative impact on the physiological and psychological state person. Therefore, in order to maintain an important organ in sufficient good conditions, you need to perform a set of exercises that can strengthen the heart muscle. With individually selected loads, the following positive changes are observed:

  • Metabolic processes are accelerated.
  • Body weight is close to normal.
  • The capacity of the lungs increases.
  • Lowers blood pressure and triglyceride levels.
  • There is a regulation of sugar and insulin in the blood.
  • The central and peripheral blood circulation is restored.

Everyone knows that the heart in the body pumps blood through the arteries and, thanks to arterial pressure, small capillaries are filled, which in turn saturate every cell of the body. From this it follows that with a lack of body movements, pressure decreases and blood flow begins to deteriorate, leading to the development of many diseases. That is why it is important to physical exercise constantly. And if there is already a history of diseases of the cardiovascular system, then exercise therapy will smooth out the symptoms and help to get rid of them.

The influence of proper nutrition on the central organ

Unfortunately, some exercises to strengthen the heart muscle will not succeed, you need to adhere to proper nutrition. The diet of food should be balanced and include a large number of ingredients. Very useful are orange and dark red products, which include potassium, it strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Along with them, do not forget about the fiber found in cereals and vegetables. A storehouse of vitamins are fresh fruits, and irreplaceable elements are found in meat and fish cooked in different interpretations with the addition of vegetable oils.

A separate item in nutrition is water balance. The required amount of fluid to drink is 2 liters per day. A categorical rejection of sweet sparkling water must be observed.

Important! During intensive work, sweating increases, which leads to the removal of a lot of salts from the body, as a result, to quench your thirst, you need to drink salted, lightly carbonated, mineral or sweetened water.

Basic rules for training

The purpose of training is to improve the condition of the body, and not provoke the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is important to adhere to several main provisions in the implementation of a set of exercises:

  1. Before starting, you need to take a measurement blood pressure and pulse rate.
  2. Calculate the individual interval between rhythmic oscillations of the walls of the arteries. The average is 120-130 beats per minute.
  3. After eating, about 2 hours should pass.
  4. If there are pain in the region of the heart, dizziness is felt, breathing is disturbed, immediately stop training.
  5. Strengthen the heart muscle only with the help of cardio.
  6. You need to perform actions slowly, without sharp gestures, the duration of which is approximately 30 minutes.

Important! Before starting the treatment course, you should consult with your doctor, who will conduct an ECG in advance and determine the degree of readiness of the body for physical exertion.

Expedient exercises to strengthen the wall of the heart

The developed technique should be started with a warm-up lasting about 10 minutes. The movements are light, aimed at warming up the muscle tissue and joints for further painless exercise therapy:

  • Standing on your feet, tilt your head to each side 5 times. Finish with circular gestures clockwise and vice versa. Perform the process slowly and smoothly, without effort.
  • In a sitting position, you need to raise your hands up while taking a deep breath, as you exhale, lower upper limbs. Repeat 3 times.
  • In this position of the body, raise your arms to the level of the shoulder girdle and turn your palms up. Then gradually turn the body to the left while inhaling, while exhaling return to the starting position. Repeat the same on the right side. Do the task 3 times.
  • Sit comfortably on a chair and raise your legs, imitate accelerated walking. The duration is 2 minutes.

After the warm-up, the main part of exercise therapy begins, aimed at strengthening the muscles. Consisting of the following exercises:

  • Put a chair in front of you and gently holding your body behind its back, you must simultaneously raise your left arm and leg to the side while inhaling, slightly turning the body to the left. On exhalation, return to the starting position. Repeat similarly to the right, so 5 times in each direction.
  • Become even, gradually move into a lunge back with your left, and then with your right foot. Do 5 times.
  • In the vertical position of the body, perform circular techniques with the pelvis clockwise for about 30 seconds, then similarly in the opposite direction. Repeat 5 times.
  • Grasp the edge of the table with your hands and create oscillating movements with your left foot forward and backward for 30 seconds. Repeat the same with the right leg. Do 5 times.

Although the technique is aimed at improving the body, you should not overdo it with loads. Strictly follow the doctor's recommendations.

The final stage is aimed at consolidating the achieved result and preventing pain symptoms after physical exertion. Performed actions soothe the body, relax muscle tissues, respiratory system brings to rest. Consists of the following tactics:

  • Lie on your back and raise your hands above you, shaking slightly in different sides. The process takes 2-3 minutes.
  • Lying on a hard surface, relax the whole body and gradually raise the legs at the same time, bending in knee joint, then lower at the same pace. Do 5 times.
  • Lying on your back, take a deep breath and raise your arms up, as you exhale, lower your hands to the floor. Repeat breathing exercises 5 times.

Important! To achieve the effect, beneficial activities must be done daily. The main thing to remember is that regularity is more important than the intensity and number of actions.

After the end of exercise therapy aimed at strengthening the "motor", a person should not feel soreness and discomfort. The developed complex is suitable for people with many heart diseases, but only in a non-aggravated period.

Cardio stress for joy

Cardio training is recommended to be carried out regularly on fresh air in the form of a quiet run, Nordic walking, yoga, cycling. This method of exercise increases the flow of oxygen into the bloodstream and has a positive effect on the performance of the body as a whole. In this case, there is an additional heaviness on the walls of the vessels, which gradually strengthens them. In such a pleasant and relaxing way, the endurance of the cardiovascular system increases.

You can train your heart with the help of simulators. But do not forget about the constant monitoring of the pulse.

An excellent assistant is a wrist pulse oximeter. Without stopping physical activity, it is possible to monitor the indicators heart rate and degree of oxygen saturation in the blood.

Types of simulators:

  1. Treadmill - provides several types of loads. The first moderate run lasting about 20 minutes. A person individually selects the speed according to the allowable heart rate. And the second kind interval running. Alternating fast and slow running at regular intervals.
  2. Exercise bike - the duration of enhanced work is about 25 minutes. A person independently develops the speed of body movements.
  3. A stepper is a simulator whose functionality simulates steps resembling climbing stairs. For each leg, you need to allocate 10 minutes.
  4. The rowing machine is a safe and wonderful form of physical work, including cardio and strength training simultaneously. You need to do 3 sets lasting no more than 10 minutes.

At the end of the lesson, it is advisable to relax all the muscles by doing a few simple steps:

  • sit on flat surface and on a deep breath raise your hands up, on the exhale lower. Repeat 5 times.
  • Sitting on a chair with slow circular gestures, stretch your hands and feet at the same time. You need to do about 5 minutes.

To effectively obtain results from the complex, it is important to pay attention to the following problems:

  • Quit smoking completely.
  • If you are overweight, you should consult a nutritionist.
  • Strict control over the intake of medicines.
  • Reduce salt intake.
  • Create a full healthy sleep.
  • Create a menu that includes only healthy and wholesome food.

Physical activity has always been the best prevention against all diseases. Therefore, training and exercises to strengthen the heart must be selected by a doctor with an individual approach to each patient. A well-designed diet and walks in the fresh air will keep the body in a cheerful mood. By following the appropriate instructions, life will last for several decades.

The positive aspects of physical education are very significant. People who do sports on "you" receive many benefits: the preservation of mental abilities, good health and self-confidence, a decrease in the incidence and severity of diseases, a decrease in fat "reserves" and an increase in muscle mass, healthy sleep, increased resistance to infections, reduced risk of heart and vascular disease.

But very often from people suffering from problems with the cardiovascular system, you can hear the following: “I’m forbidden to exercise, because I have a heart ...”. Is it true that exercise and training are contraindicated in heart disease? Any doctor will answer: not at all!

There are even special exercises to strengthen the heart. Another thing is that such exercises should be commensurate with the severity of the disease, the age of the patient. The load must be dosed so as not to overstrain the heart muscle. Let's analyze what exercises are useful for the heart and blood vessels, how physical activity can be a prevention of diseases, and also, what loads and in what volume are shown to the heart that already has an ailment?

1 Physical activity = healthy heart

Mortality from diseases of the cardiovascular system occupies a leading position, and among the means of preventing diseases of the heart and blood vessels, one of the first places is occupied by physical activity.
You are healthy? According to the results of the examination, the doctors did not find any pathology in your heart and blood vessels? Congratulations! Now it's up to you how long you can keep your heart healthy. And in order for your “main” motor to serve “without breakdowns” for as long as possible, it needs to be strengthened.

AND physical exercise- An excellent tool for strengthening the heart. cycling, swimming, skiing, gymnastics, running - wonderful hobbies that improve cardiac activity, strengthen blood vessels. But even a healthy person should remember: the main thing is not to overdo it, or go in for sports through strength or when you feel unwell. In order to be able to assess the intensity of the load yourself, you should remember one rule: The heart rate during training should increase by no more than half the heart rate before training.

Too intense, exhausting sports can lead to overstrain of the heart muscle, as a result of which it increases in size, hypertrophies. And this can lead to health problems in the future. Therefore, it should be remembered: a sense of proportion is very important when exercising to strengthen a healthy heart! But what about the loads, if cardiovascular pathology has already settled in the body? Consider what doctors recommend.

2 Hypertension and physical activity

With an increase in blood pressure, doctors recommend that the patient, regular dynamic exercise moderate intensity: walking, running, swimming, cycling, skiing, tennis, volleyball. You should train at least 3 times a week, each workout should be at least 30 minutes, the heart rate at which should not reach 65% of the maximum. If the patient suffers from hypertension and coronary artery disease at the same time, or if the patient is over forty years old, a test with physical activity should be performed before starting training.

Dynamic loads are also useful for blood vessels: dosed walking and running, training on home simulators. Before choosing the load force, doctors first determine physical abilities patient on a bicycle ergometer, and then assign him one or another mode. In patients with hypertension, there are four functional class according to the intensity of physical activity:

  1. I - Morning exercises with dumbbells, long intensive walking (start from 3 km in 25-30 minutes, after a month 4.8 km in 40 minutes), jogging (1.5 km in 7-8 minutes, after 1 month 2.4 km in 15 min.), swimming, cycling, skiing;
  2. II - Morning exercises, long walking (start from a distance of 1.5 km in 17 minutes, after 1 month 2.5 km in 22 minutes, after 3 months - 4 km in 36 minutes, after 5 months - 6 km for 65 min.), with a frequency of classes 4-5 times a week. Swimming, skiing;
  3. III - Morning exercises, physiotherapy exercises. Slow walking at an average pace with a gradual increase in distance and speed (initially 1.5 km in 25 minutes, after 1 month - 1.6 km in 15 minutes, 3 months - 3.2 km in 32 minutes, 5 months - 4 km in 40 minutes, 7 months - 4.8 km in 50 minutes) frequency of classes 4-5 times a week;
  4. IV - Morning exercises, exercise therapy, slow walking and at an average pace with a gradual increase in distance and speed (initially 1.5 km in 26 minutes, after 1 month - 1.6 km in 20 minutes, 3 months - 2.4 km in 25 minutes, 5 months - 4 km in 45 minutes, 6 months - 4 km in 39 minutes, 7 months - 4.8 km in 48 minutes).

Long-term observations of patients with hypertension, who, according to the regimen, performed the physical activity recommended in their individual case, allow us to conclude that blood pressure can be lowered without medication. And you don’t need to be led by your laziness and consider hypertension as a contraindication to physical education. Regular dynamic physical activity brings many benefits to hypertensive patients and contributes to the normalization of blood pressure figures.

3 Therapeutic exercise for VVD

As a rule, patients with VVD aggravate their condition and avoid physical exertion. All of them are more likely to be detrained with low exercise tolerance. Exercise therapy in vegetative-vascular dystonia increases adaptation to stress, improves metabolic processes. There are the main directions of physiotherapy exercises to strengthen the heart in VVD:

  • gradually increase the load
  • include relaxation techniques in classes,
  • during training, monitor your breathing.

At work, patients with VVD are recommended to pause: every 1.5 hours of work, interrupt light exercise, exercises, gymnastics for 10 minutes. For patients in whom VVD is combined with orthostatic manifestations, doctors recommend a special exercise therapy complex. The body positions “lying-sitting-standing” are trained with gradual acceleration, exercises with head tilts, vibration loads. Swimming in the pool helps a lot.

4 Chronic heart failure and activity

Motor activity is useful for strengthening the heart, trains and increases the adaptive capacity of the myocardium, improves its contractile function. Physical activity in CHF should be dosed and should be prescribed taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. With heart failure I st. walking is recommended morning exercises, simple exercises with or without projectiles. If there is II A Art. insufficiency, then gymnastic exercises are done at a slow and medium pace in a lying and sitting position.

At the beginning, passive and then active movements are used, the duration of classes is 10-15 minutes. All these exercises alternate with breathing exercises. At II B Art. circulatory insufficiency, gymnastics is carried out carefully, sometimes only in the supine position, sometimes sitting and includes 6-10 exercises, in slow pace, which also alternate with breathing exercises. Under III Art. insufficiency of exercise therapy is not carried out.

5 Physical education and angina pectoris

Systematic physical activity in patients with coronary artery disease increases the ability to work, has a great effect on the development of vascular collaterals, and reduces platelet aggregation. P Training should be performed under the supervision of a cardiologist, exercise therapy methodologist, with an analysis of the patient's well-being, registration of heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, ECG registration, daily ECG monitoring.

6 When is physical activity contraindicated?

There are situations when, indeed, physical activity is contraindicated for patients, since it can lead to a deterioration in well-being and the progression of the disease. What are these situations?
physical training contraindicated in:

  • unstable angina,
  • CHF III stage,
  • dangerous arrhythmias,
  • crisis values ​​of blood pressure 180 per 100 mm Hg. and higher.

These conditions are close to life-threatening, which require stabilization of the patient's condition; with such severe pathologies, there can be no talk of physical education.

Physical exercise is a powerful tool for protecting your health, heart and blood vessels. In order for the heart to be strengthened, the training regimen must be correctly chosen so that the heart trains along with the body. A competent specialist will help with this: a cardiologist or an exercise therapy methodologist.

To keep your heart in the best possible condition for many years, you need to follow a few rules that will help you not only not harm your cardiovascular system, but also strengthen it and forget about diseases. To begin with, it is worth giving up harmful, especially fatty, food, you need to avoid stress, and you also need to forget about an exclusively sedentary lifestyle. The heart, like any muscle, loves to exercise. Entire complexes have been specially developed for this body. Exercises for the heart are quite often used by many healthy people and those who have complaints of heart pain. Moreover, in two cases, the body receives exclusively benefit from them.

Why is it necessary to recharge the heart?

Almost all cardiomedicine experts say that strengthening the heart is a must.

why even diseases of this organ are not a good reason to abandon the idea of ​​training the main organ. This is due to the fact that the heart is arranged like a muscle. This means that it is trainable. In addition, it is it that pumps blood through the arteries in the body, from which, due to arterial pressure, it enters all the small capillaries. It is through the latter that all cells are filled with blood. This indicates that the lack of movement, which causes a decrease in pressure, leads to an inadequate blood supply to the body, and this leads to a lot of diseases. Each muscle in the body helps the main one through the movement to fill the cells of the body with blood. That is why exercises for the heart must be performed constantly. This is especially true for people who already have established diagnoses of diseases in this area. Exercise therapy will relieve the symptoms and help get rid of them.

The essence of exercises to strengthen the heart muscle

To learn how to strengthen the cardiovascular system, it is worth understanding a few basic principles of training in this area, as they will differ from the usual power loads. Among them are:

  • exercises should be from the cardio group (running, walking, swimming, cycling);
  • the main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bclasses should be made a slogan - “Longer, not faster”, that is, the key factor is the development of endurance;
  • sudden movements should be avoided;
  • you can not start abruptly to the greatest rhythm of training.

The best indicator of a workout aimed at training the heart muscle will be a wet T-shirt, hair, face after it. A person should sweat after cardio loads, which are foreseen by exercise therapy.

Training of the cardiovascular system should be carried out in several stages, namely:

  • warm-up;
  • main part;
  • final part.

How to warm up to strengthen the cardiovascular system?

The warm-up should take about 5-10 minutes. It consists of three simple exercises that can be done even with some diseases and that help set the body to work properly without a stressful situation.

Exercise therapy warm-up includes the following exercises:

  1. in a sitting position, it is necessary to spread your arms and raise them up with an inhale, then lower them with an exhale. Repeat 3-4 times.
  2. in a sitting position, spread your arms with your palms up, turn around with an inhale to the side, exhale to return to the back and lower your arms. Repeat 2 times in different directions.
  3. done on a chair, in a sitting position. It is necessary to raise the legs and imitate fast walking for 2-3 minutes.

These three simple exercises of the first part of exercise therapy will warm up the muscles well enough and prepare them for the next stage.

The main part of the training for the heart

The next step in cardiovascular exercise is the main part of the heart training program. This part of exercise therapy is aimed specifically at pumping the heart muscle in order to strengthen it, which will help to avoid many diseases. To carry it out, you need to perform five exercises:

  1. standing and holding on to the back of a chair, you need to raise your right hand and right leg with a breath, and also turn around, then exhale and smoothly lower the limbs. This must be done 5 times in both directions.
  2. from a standing position, it is necessary to do 5 lunges back on each leg;
  3. rotating movements of the pelvis - in different directions, 5 repetitions;
  4. from a standing position, inhale, stretch your arms and whole body up, as you exhale, go down. You need to do this 3-4 times.
  5. you need to stand near the support and grab onto it, after which you need to swing your foot back and forth 3-4 times.

Completion of a set of exercises to strengthen the heart

The correct completion of exercise therapy is of no small importance for consolidating the result, as well as the absence of post-workout symptoms. This part includes a set of 5 exercises that help to calm the body, all muscles after exercise, brings them into a state of relaxation. The main ones among them are:

  1. calm walking in a circle with an inhale for every second step and exhale for the third. this must be done within 2 minutes.
  2. performed from a sitting position. It is necessary to inhale to spread your arms to the sides with your palms to the top, raise them - to lower the limbs as you exhale. Do 5 times.
  3. sitting on a chair with slow steps, you need to spread your legs to the side, and then bring them back in the same way. Repeat 3-4 times.
  4. in a sitting position, it is necessary to bend and unbend the hands and feet several times. This must be done for 1 minute.
  5. from a sitting position, you need to raise your hands as you exhale, and lower them as you exhale. Do this 3-4 times.

Completion of exercise therapy for training the heart should not bring much discomfort.. This complex is not heavy. It is aimed specifically at people with heart disease. But still, during exacerbations of a disease, you can not do any exercises.

Post-infarction condition: is it possible to do exercises?

At first glance, it seems that people after a heart attack should be very careful. But it's not about the right choice. exercise therapy complex. In case of heart diseases, therapy already from the hospital ward includes some movements that are aimed at strengthening the heart muscle. Of course, any load in this state is done under the supervision of medical professionals. But after discharge, in spite of any diseases, it is necessary to continue doing exercise therapy to strengthen the heart. Light exercise never hurts. You can raise your arms, walk in place, raise your legs, as described in the exercises above. Exercise therapy not only strengthens muscles, but also promotes diaphragm mobility due to correct breathing during loads.

Sport has always been the best prevention for any disease. Approaching the issue of physical exercises, it is necessary to correctly assess the degree of risk, but in no case should they be abandoned. It is not difficult to train the heart - you just need to start doing it.

A huge number of people on Earth die every day from cardiovascular diseases. People stopped moving, switched to fast food and doomed themselves to a swift death. In order to understand how important exercise is for the heart, we need to understand the body's circulatory system.

Every muscle is a little heart

Our circulatory system consists of the heart and blood vessels, of which 20% are large arteries and veins, and 80% are capillaries. Capillaries are the smallest vessels, but they are the majority. The heart pumps blood through the arteries, and it reaches the capillaries due to movement and blood pressure. As a result, with a lack of movement, the capillaries are not fully supplied with blood, which means that the nutrition of tissues that are fed precisely by the “supplies” of the smallest vessels worsens. In this case, we see that each muscle is a pump - a reduced resemblance to the heart. If the muscle works, each cell receives its dose of "food".


Heart strengthening exercises are any kind of cardio (after all, it’s called cardio for a reason) exercise. Moreover, for the heart, it is not the intensity that matters, but the duration. Good cardio is when you sweat from your workout.

Among the classic types of physical activity from time immemorial, the most useful exercises swimming, running, cycling, brisk walking are considered for the heart. At the same time, it is important that the movement does not consist of jerks (basketball with sharp jumps is considered, for example, very harmful to the heart), but of a smooth and constant movement in space.

Complex for the heart

Let's perform a set of exercises to train the heart and at the same time burn excess weight on the body.

  1. We bend our knees and perform inhalation and exhalation at a dynamic pace with raising our hands.

  2. Hands in front of the chest - squats. We perform a set with hands in front of the chest, with arms raised, and with arms lowered to the side diagonally. Squats are considered the most balanced cardio exercises for the heart, so they should be concentrated on.
  3. We cross from one leg to another, while bending our elbows.
  4. We rotate from side to side - hands together, legs do not tear off the floor, knees bent.
  5. We rotate our hands in a circle and squat when our hands go down.
  6. Hands in front of you, pull your hands alternately to the side, as if stretching an elastic band in your hands. Then we perform "stretching" with both hands at the same time.
  7. We squat, lower our hands diagonally down, get up, raise our hands diagonally up.
  8. We squat, transfer the weight of the body to the leg, stand up and pull the bent leg to the chest.
  9. We walk from side to side.
  10. Legs wider than shoulders, arms extended in front of you, arms apart and joined.
  11. We lower our hands, raise them to shoulder level and lower them to the IP.
  12. We leave our hands at shoulder level, bend them in front of the chest, straighten them and spread them to the side.

Why train your heart?

Cardio training is most often resorted to by those who have an increased risk of heart disease. Also, exercise therapy is a mandatory part of rehabilitation after a heart attack or stroke. Why, then, a healthy person must necessarily perform cardio training?

  • The heart with powerful impulses pushes blood through every vessel in our body, thereby ensuring vital activity. To make it work as long as possible, you need to regularly repeat special exercises.
  • The quality of your life directly depends on the fitness of the heart. If from your youth you are accustomed to daily cardio loads, then in old age you will surprise your peers with energy and mobility.
  • One of the benefits of cardio is that it helps you burn fat. If you are suffering from excess weight, then you need such gymnastics.

Most patients with problems in the cardiovascular system are sedentary.

The reasons to train the heart are quite weighty, but you do not need to drive yourself into many hours of training. Exercises will help only if you perform them systematically, gradually increasing the pace. Proper cardio training includes other positions.

How to train the heart muscle

Endurance training rules

Type of load. Cardio training can be complex special exercises both with and without a simulator, as well as: running, nordic walking, swimming, yoga, cycling. It's great if you do these activities outdoors.

Time. The main indicator of heart training is the pulse. The point is to maintain a certain indicator for approximately 20 minutes. It is best to spend 30-60 minutes exercising.

Systematic. A one-time load on the heart will not help him, but only hurt him. Exercises should be repeated, forming a cycle. It is preferable to train the heart 4 times a week.

Pulse. Each person has his own maximum heart rate, the value of which is set depending on his age. Now many sites provide the ability to calculate the maximum value of the pulse, you just need to specify your age. If you do not trust such methods, then it is better to consult a doctor.

During cardio, your heart rate should be between 60-70% of maximum value. In order to measure it, get wrist heart rate monitor, thanks to which you can track the effectiveness of training.

Warm up. Before starting the exercises, the muscles are “warmed up”. The same must be done with the heart. Complete 2-3 simple exercises, for example, breathing exercises, so as not to overload the body.

Preliminary Exercises

Remember that the warm-up should be carried out regardless of whether you are going to exercise on the simulator or without it.

  1. Sit on a chair. Spread your arms to the sides, and then lift up as you inhale. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Do the exercise three times.
  2. Spread your arms to the sides with your palms up, then inhale to turn the body to the right, as you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise at least three times.
  3. Stand up, straighten your back and connect your legs. Raise your arms in front of you, straighten your shoulders. Make 15 vigorous swings with your hands, then clench your fists the same number of times. This simple exercise will help improve blood circulation in your hands and fingers.

The main set of exercises

Exercises without a simulator

If you prefer yoga, then these asanas can be included in your cardio workout:

Exercises on the simulator

Do not forget to control your heart rate while exercising on the simulator. Now many fitness equipment have a built-in heart rate monitor, then the data will be displayed directly on it. Otherwise, it is better to purchase a wrist heart rate monitor or at least count heart beats by placing a finger on your wrist. Focus on a pulse of 110-140 beats per minute.

  • Treadmill. You have two load options. The first is running in slow mode for 20 minutes. Try to find the running speed at which your heart rate will show the desired frequency. At the beginning of training, it is better to start with 10 minutes, and then increase the running time. The second option is interval running. Alternate 1 minute fast run with 3 minutes slow. It is better to carry out such a training in courses of 2-3 weeks, and then stop doing this exercise for a week. How to choose treadmill for home here—
  • Exercise bike. It is best to pedal slowly for 25 minutes. You can combine an exercise bike and a treadmill: 10 minutes on each machine. You should start with a small load of 5-10 minutes, gradually increasing the time. See the choice of exercise bike for home in our article.
  • Stepper. A kind of imitation of climbing stairs. Here it is worth paying attention to which foot you lower to the platform first. Take 10 minutes to lift on your right leg and the same amount of time on your left leg. It is good to combine these exercises with an exercise bike: 10 minutes on one, and then 5 minutes on each leg already on a stepper.
  • Rowing machine. Do 3 sets of 10 minutes of active rowing. At the same time, after each approach, arrange a 10-minute rest. It is better to start with a shorter time period, increasing it each time.
  • Orbitrek. The combination of running and cycling is called orbitrek. This is a serious physical activity even for a healthy person. Do 3 sets of 5-6 minutes. This is enough to get started. Make sure your heart rate is in the correct range. Over time, it will be possible to increase 5 minutes to 10.

After you have trained the heart and other muscles, they need to be relaxed. To avoid pain, you can do a few calming exercises at the end of your workout:

  1. Sit on a bench, raise your arms up as you exhale, and lower them as you inhale. Do the exercise several times.
  2. Walk in a circle, inhaling on every second step and exhaling on the third. Duration: at least 2 minutes.
  3. While sitting, slowly rotate your hands and feet. Do the exercise for several minutes.

Cardio training should become a habit not only for people with heart disease, but also for those who care about their health. To achieve the best effect from training, do not forget to take care of your diet. Include apples, nuts, dried fruits and young parsley. All these foods are rich in substances that fight the onset of cardiovascular disease. Articles about proper nutrition for weight loss, see the appropriate section of the site - Diets.

What are the risk factors for heart disease?

In addition to the main causes that can cause the development of a particular cardiac disease (genetic disorders, heart defects, kidney pathology in hypertension, and others), the doctor needs to be aware of the risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases and assess the degree of risk in each individual patient. The patient, for his part, also needs to keep these factors in mind, and do not forget that most of them can be easily corrected, and in their absence, the heart will remain healthy, strong and hardy throughout life.

The main generally accepted factors that can cause adverse consequences of cardiac diseases, and, in particular, significantly increase the likelihood of developing acute myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death, include the following:

  • Gender and age have a direct relationship with the development of cardiac pathology - most often it affects men over 40 years old. This group of patients should be treated Special attention on possible changes in fat (hymercholesterolemia) and carbohydrate metabolism (diabetes).
  • Increase in body mass index up to obesity (above 30 kg / m2), especially in combination with elevated blood cholesterol levels (above 5.0 mmol / l) contributes to the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques in the inner wall of the arteries, which is most significant for the aorta and for the coronary (heart-feeding) arteries.
  • Diabetes leads to a negative effect of excess glucose on the vascular intima, which, in combination with atherosclerosis, negatively affects the integrity of the vascular wall from the inside.
  • arterial hypertension characterized by increased vascular tone, which leads to impaired blood supply internal organs and to the constant hard work of the heart.
  • Bad habits- alcohol and smoking contribute to damage from the inside of the inner lining of blood vessels (intima).

What preventive measures will help strengthen the heart?

Everyone knows that a healthy heart is the key to a long, happy and, importantly, quality life. In this case, qualitative means the existence of a person not only without unpleasant subjective symptoms, but also without the need to depend on daily medication for any heart disease. In order to strengthen the heart muscle and keep it healthy for many years, it is enough to regularly follow a number of simple rules regarding a person’s lifestyle. This is called the prevention of cardiac diseases. Primary prevention is distinguished, aimed at preventing risk factors for heart pathology, as well as secondary, aimed at preventing complications in an already developed disease.

Let's start with the first concept:

So, primary prevention in cardiology, which allows you to strengthen the heart, is based on the following components - modification lifestyle, correct and rational nutrition, as well as adequate physical activity. It makes sense to talk about each of them in more detail.

Lifestyle Correction

A person who thinks about his health in general, and about strengthening the heart in particular, should understand that rejection of bad habits - the most important aspect in reducing the risk of developing cardiac pathology. So, smoking and alcohol cause an increase in heart rate, or tachycardia, and with constant tachycardia, the human heart experiences an increased need for oxygen, which is delivered to them through the coronary arteries. At the same time, the coronary arteries can already be changed due to atherosclerosis or diabetes mellitus. Therefore, the blood supply and oxygen supply to the heart of a smoker and abusing alcohol suffers, which leads to myocardial ischemia and can sooner or later cause an acute heart attack.

plays an important role in the health of the body exclusion of stressful situations V Everyday life. The modern pace of life of people, especially residents of megacities, is often accompanied by a high psycho-emotional load. Hans Selye also proved that stress has an extremely negative effect on the human body. And constant stress, repeated from day to day, leads not only to disruption of the adrenal glands, but also has a direct effect on the activity of the heart and blood vessels due to a significant release of adrenaline and cortisol into the blood, which contribute to an increase in heart rate and, accordingly, tachycardia. First - sinus, and as the weakening of the myocardium and microelement deficiency - more serious forms of arrhythmias. In addition, there is a high risk of developing stress-induced diseases, including diabetes mellitus and some autoimmune processes. That is why, at present, many large companies use rooms for psychological relief and conduct receptions of a full-time psychologist. If the patient does not provide for these activities at work, he should visit a psychologist or psychotherapist to create psychological comfort and maintain mental health.

Organization of the daily routine It was not in vain that it was widely promoted back in Soviet times. During sleep, the heart rate slows down and the breathing rate decreases. Skeletal muscles Those who are at rest during sleep require less blood and oxygen, which makes it easier for the heart to work and the heart muscle to experience less stress.

Therefore, to strengthen the heart muscle, a person should sleep at least eight hours a day. And athletes involved in physical exercises - even more, to achieve a full recovery of all body systems, incl. heart muscle.

Balanced diet

Proper nutrition should not be confused with heavy, debilitating diets, with which the patient brings himself to severe starvation, and after a short time starts eating everything again. A healthy diet refers to eating useful products nutrition, balanced in the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. At the same time, “harmful” food is excluded, and the food intake should be regular, preferably at the same time, at least four times a day. The last meal is at least 4 hours before the night's rest.

Due to the fact that an excess of "bad" cholesterol is deposited in the walls of blood vessels and leads to the development of atherosclerosis and blockage of their lumen, it is necessary exclude and limit the following foods:

  • Fast food, instant food, and any other high in animal fat, sugar and high glycemic index,
  • fatty meats,
  • Fried dishes, fried in lard, butter,
  • Salinity, smoked products, spices,
  • Confectionery,
  • The consumption of egg yolks is limited to 2-4 per week.

Food items such as:

Regarding patients with a predisposition to cardiac diseases or with an existing pathology, we should separately mention the restriction of daily salt intake (no more than 5 grams) and the amount of fluid you drink (no more than 1.5-2 liters).

Of course, it will be quite difficult for many patients to immediately give up their usual diet when they want to eat more satisfying and larger foods. But it is still necessary to rebuild, because, even despite the absence of symptoms from the heart, the patient himself forms in his body a predisposition to cardiac pathology. For example, patients with diabetes have long been taught to think that diabetes is not a disease, but a way of life. It should also be the case for patients seeking to keep their heart healthy - they should clearly understand that lifestyle correction comes down to properly organizing their daily routine and comparing it with regular meals at the same time. And food should be not only healthy and healthy, but also varied and tasty, otherwise, such events will be perceived by the patient as a painful diet.

What foods are the most beneficial for the cardiovascular system?

  1. Nuts. This product contains a balanced amount of vitamins and microelements that allow you to strengthen not only the heart and blood vessels, but the whole body as a whole. The first place is firmly occupied by walnuts, the second in terms of the content of omega-polyunsaturated fatty acids, which contribute to the normalization of cholesterol metabolism, is almonds. With caution, people with an allergic predisposition should use nuts.
  2. Berries and fruits. Most useful for the heart are pomegranate, apples, grapefruit, strawberries, currants, raspberries, cherries, cherries and rose hips. The beneficial effect of the juice and fruits of these plants is due to the high content of vitamins, potassium, magnesium and iron in them.
  3. Lean meat and fish(cod, tuna, sardine, veal, turkey) are rich in protein and B vitamins. Fatty fish of "noble breeds", in particular, the salmon family, in turn, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which contribute to better absorption of the so-called . "good cholesterol" (HDL) and excretion of "bad cholesterol" (LDL).
  4. Vegetables. Avocados and, for example, pumpkin seeds are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. In turn, an excess of "bad" cholesterol can be leveled within a few months from the start of a balanced diet. Onions, garlic and broccoli contain trace elements that contribute to the normalization of vascular tone (lowering high blood pressure), as well as the proper contraction of muscle tissue cells.
  5. Cereal and grain products. Oats, buckwheat, wheat, rice, wholemeal bread are a storehouse of valuable B vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of all internal organs, including the heart.

Video: Channel 1 about foods that are good for the heart

Physical activity

Physical activity for a healthy person should be moderate, especially if a person has not previously been involved in sports or physical education, and suddenly decided to start doing it. The heart must be subjected to a feasible load. It is enough to start with a little exercise in the morning. Then supplement with light jogging, swimming in the pool, game types sports. As a base for the exercise, it is recommended to perform the following: squats, swings with arms and legs, side bends, push-ups, abdominal exercises, stretching.

As an optimal example, beginners who begin to actively engage in sports without cardiac pathology can recommend aerobic so-called. cardio loads in reasonable quantities. With an increase in training time based on endurance, heart rate and well-being. Best suited for this elliptical trainers, jogging, on the track. It is important that for effective workout you need to choose not extreme loads, but longer ones, but “feasible”. In this case, the pulse should be in the “aerobic zone” - best of all between [(190 beats / min) minus (age, years)] and [(150 beats / min) minus (age, years)]. Those. for a 30-year-old person, an effective and relatively safe zone for strengthening the heart muscle is from 120 to 160 beats per minute. (It is best to take lower-middle values, i.e. 120 - 140 beats / min, especially with insufficient fitness).

People with a healthy heart who are already professionally engaged or doing regular exercises in fitness centers or gyms should draw up an exercise program individually with the help of a trainer, and increase it in doses and gradually.

As for the activation of a patient with already existing cardiovascular diseases, it should be carried out only after consulting a physiotherapy doctor.

Video: examples of gymnastic exercises to strengthen the heart

Video: Example of Opinion/Practical Experience on Athlete's Heart Training

Does it make sense to take pills?

Medications for primary prevention, that is, for influencing a healthy heart, are in principle not required. However, according to the doctor's prescription, patients with existing chronic diseases of other organs ( bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, pyelonephritis) you can recommend the intake of trace elements - potassium and magnesium, which are contained in the preparations asparkam, magnevist, magnerot, panangin, magnelis forte, etc.

A healthy person should not lean on drugs, a full-fledged diet and preventive courses of taking ordinary vitamins twice a year are enough (the Alphabet line, Undevit, Complivit, etc.).

In case of insufficient intake of substances necessary for work, maintenance of health and regeneration of the heart muscle with food (for example, amino acids), such conditions can be corrected by prescribing dietary supplements, sports and special nutrition. However the best option Get everything you need from a balanced diet.

In any case, the optimal solution for healthy people who want to "strengthen the heart" with the help of vitamins, mineral supplements and dietary supplements is an individual consultation with a cardiologist and laboratory determination of the level of trace elements in the blood, followed by the appointment of the necessary substances, best of all - not in tablets, but in the form of a supplement. diet with foods rich in them.

Video: An example of an opinion on the use of more serious cardiac drugs by athletes

(!) We do not recommend uncontrolled intake of any cardiac drugs without a doctor's prescription!

But certain drugs for secondary prevention, that is, people with pre-existing heart disease or with a burdened premorbid background (obesity, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, heart defects, cardiomyopathy), often must be taken. So, in patients with hyperlipidemia (hypercholesterolemia), even without clinical manifestations, it is mandatory to take statins (! in case if half a year it was not possible to correct the level of cholesterol in the blood only with the help of a diet).

In patients with ischemia, it is mandatory to take nitrates and beta-blockers (bisoprolol) in order to reduce the frequency of pain attacks and reduce the risk of sudden death from cardiac causes. Patients with hypertension are required to take ACE inhibitors (enalapril) or sartans (losartan) for organoprotective purposes, because these drugs protect the heart itself, blood vessels from the inside, kidneys, retina and brain from the negative effects of high blood pressure.

How to strengthen the heart with folk remedies?

Below are some of the means to strengthen the heart muscle and vascular wall, known to people many decades ago. Belief in their effectiveness is a personal matter for everyone. It is important that patients with existing pathology or those at risk combine folk methods with the treatment prescribed by the doctor, and with his knowledge.

Recipe 1st.
Peel and scroll five heads of garlic, mix with the juice of ten lemons and five hundred grams of honey. Take 4-5 teaspoons daily for about a month. (It is believed that such a mixture helps to remove excess bad cholesterol, including already deposited in the arteries).

Recipe 2. Flowers of calendula (marigold) in crushed form, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain and bring the volume to one glass. Take half a cup twice a day for about two weeks.

Recipe 3rd. 4 tbsp. spoons of onion juice mixed with 4 tbsp. spoons of honey. Take 2 tbsp. l. x 4 times a day - 1 month. Prepare a new mixture daily. (This mixture, like the previous one, has a tonic effect).

Recipe 4th(with the "stressful" nature of hypertension). The so-called "talker" - buy at a pharmacy or prepare your own alcohol tinctures of hawthorn, evading peony, valerian, motherwort and corvalol, mix in a larger container and take 15 drops x 3 times a day for a month, and subsequently in stressful situations.

Video: a recipe for strengthening the heart from viburnum berries

Video: Vitamin Blend Recipe for Heart and Overall Health

Use medicinal plants and the use of folk recipes, both for the purpose of prevention and for the purpose of treatment, should be carried out with extreme caution. Unlike pharmaceuticals, which are tested in multicentre trials, the effect of plants on the human body has been little studied. In most cases, no one can isolate the active substance from the plant and study its absorption, distribution to organs and excretion. That is why the uncontrolled intake of various herbs, infusions, and decoctions without the knowledge of the attending physician can do more harm than good.

Burns in the heart area Replacement of the heart valve consequences

Under the influence of regular physical exercises, the overall endurance of the body increases, the heart goes into an economical mode of operation - the frequency of contractions decreases and at the same time their strength increases. Dosed activity leads to an improvement in the nutrition of the myocardium with blood, an increase in the rate of metabolic processes in it. The correct dosing of the load in the presence of cardiac diseases is carried out after ECG diagnostics with functional tests.

Read in this article

Why you should do exercises for the heart

The underlying layer of the heart is a muscle that contracts continuously throughout life. It is adversely affected by both excessive physical activity, for which a person is not ready. Therefore, in order to maintain the heart and blood vessels in optimal shape, a daily load in the form of special exercises is required. With adequate duration and intensity of training, the following changes occur in the body:

  • the intensity of metabolic processes increases;
  • body weight is normalized;
  • the volume of the lungs increases;
  • stabilizes blood pressure and heart rate;
  • normal rhythm is restored;
  • the content of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood decreases;
  • improves central and peripheral circulation.

Is everyone allowed to exercise?

For patients with a cardiological profile, an individual approach to classes is necessary. In order to determine changes in the heart muscle under the influence of the load, an electrocardiological study is performed at rest and after walking on a treadmill or riding a bicycle ergometer. The data obtained can help in choosing the degree of exercise intensity that is not manifested by ischemic processes in the myocardium.

Basic rules for training

In order not to cause an exacerbation of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, as well as to benefit from classes, you need to follow some rules:

  • measure blood pressure and pulse rate before exercise;
  • determine the optimal physiological range of heart rate;
  • engage in no earlier than 1.5 - 2 hours after eating;
  • stop training if there is pain in the heart, dizziness or severe shortness of breath;
  • cardio exercises (walking, running, swimming, cycling) are most suitable for strengthening the heart;
  • the pace of classes is preferably slow or medium, and the duration is at least half an hour a day;
  • sudden movements and increasing the level of intensity without prior preparation are prohibited.

To determine the intensity of the lesson, they are guided by the pulse rate. First of all, you need to determine its maximum. For this, age is subtracted from 220. It is absolutely impossible to go beyond this limit. To obtain a good training effect in a satisfactory condition, it is recommended to adhere to 50 to 75% of the maximum number of contractions.

Useful exercises for the heart muscle

A properly composed gymnastics complex consists of a 5-10 minute introductory part - a warm-up. At this time, simple exercises are performed on all major muscle groups. This is done in order to prepare the joints and muscle tissues for training.

This is followed by the main stage lasting from 15 to 25 minutes. After it is carried out, you need to walk at a calm pace and stretch until the heart rate is restored to its previous limits.

To strengthen the heart

First, you need to carry out 5-8 respiratory cycles, the duration of inhalation and exhalation is equal to the maximum comfortable duration. This is followed by a cycle of exhalations, which are 2 times longer than inhalation. For example, inhale for 3 counts, exhale for 6 counts. The total duration is approximately 5-7 minutes. After such loads are easily tolerated, exercises with holding the breath begin - first after inhalation, and then after exhalation.

Each stage should gradually increase in time. The main thing is to carry out such classes every day and without excessive stress.

About breathing exercises that are aimed at preventing the development of cardiovascular diseases, see this video:

For a healthy heart

Special attention when early stages violations of coronary blood flow is given to exercises on shoulder girdle. It should be borne in mind that if there are pains in the heart, then classes can be started only after an ECG study.

Physiotherapy to improve blood circulation in the myocardium may consist of the following exercises:

  1. Rotation of the arms in a circle of large diameter in a standing position.
  2. Dumbbells weighing from 500 g (an alternative is plastic water bottles) are lifted, bending the arms at the elbows in the direction from the bottom up to the shoulders.
  3. Lowered hands with dumbbells are raised from below to shoulder level, after mastering they are reduced above the head.
  4. Push-ups, starting with 5 times from the wall. Hands emphasis at shoulder level. As you train, gradually the height of the stop should decrease. Don't hold your breath.
  5. Squats at a comfortable level.

Initially, the number of repetitions can be 10 or even less, but then, with regular exercises, it must be brought up to 50.

With heart disease

To restore the normal functioning of the heart muscle in the presence of a pathology of the heart and blood vessels, one of the options is such a complex:

  • Preparatory stage - circular motions ankle joints in a sitting position, lifting on toes and moving the knees while standing, rotating the pelvis in a circle and tilting the torso to the side. Each exercise is repeated 8 times in both directions.
  • Walking on the inside, outside of the foot. Then walking in place or a walk in nature from 15 minutes. Gradually, you can add a high knee lift or movement in a semi-squat.
  • The final stage is 10 minutes of restorative breathing.
Therapeutic exercise for IHD

During movement, the pulse should not rise more than 100 - 120 beats per minute. You can increase the intensity and duration of training only after 2.5 months. After six months regular classes walking is replaced by light running.

Physical activity in diseases of the heart and blood vessels should be strictly dosed, before starting it, you need to get advice from your doctor and undergo an ECG. To strengthen the heart, therapeutic complexes are recommended with a gradually increasing duration and intensity. Breathing exercises can be used even in old age and in the presence of an average degree of circulatory failure.

Useful video

For exercises for heart disease, see this video:

Read also

Simple breathing exercises for the heart can work wonders. It will help with tachycardia, arrhythmia, aneurysm, to restore and strengthen the walls of blood vessels after surgery. What to do?

  • In some cases, arrhythmia exercise can help control rhythm disturbances. It can be physical exercises, breathing, Nordic walking and running. Complete treatment of arrhythmias without a set of exercises is extremely rare. What complex should be done?
  • Options for how to strengthen the heart depend mainly on its condition. They also affect blood vessels and nerves. For example, in old age, exercise will support the heart muscle. After a heart attack, with arrhythmia, folk remedies can be prescribed.
  • For most patients, cardio training for the heart is simply necessary. Any cardiologist will confirm their benefits, and most strengthening exercises can be done at home. If the heart hurts after class, then something is being done incorrectly. Caution is required after surgery.
  • You need to train your heart. However, not all physical activity with arrhythmia is acceptable. Which permissible loads with sinus and atrial fibrillation? Is it possible to play sports at all? If arrhythmia is detected in children, is sports taboo? Why does arrhythmia occur after exercise?
  • Not all physical activity is suitable for heart training, especially if your health is not very good and the years are no longer young. But there are universal exercises that combine safety, efficiency and ease of execution.

    Moderation and prudence

    To strengthen the heart and blood vessels, dynamic loads are very useful, especially in the fresh air - jogging, skating, skiing, cycling, swimming, water aerobics. But about static, strength exercises it is better to forget the cores, since they not only overload the spine and joints, but also contribute to an increase in blood pressure, which is dangerous in case of cardiovascular problems. That's why Gym- not for all. If you overwork the unprepared for high loads heart muscle, then it will not be able to pump required amount blood. As a result, many problems can arise, the most dangerous of which are hypoxia (lack of oxygen), as well as compensatory expansion of the heart vessels and hypertrophy of the heart muscle.

    But even when doing heart-healthy sports, the load should be moderate, at least at first. They should be built up gradually, but at the same time regularly, and each workout should begin and end with pulse control.

    To each his own

    Even after suffering a heart attack, you should not put an end to the movement. After all, a correctly chosen motor load is one of the important conditions for recovery. Not without reason, even in a hospital bed, patients, under the guidance of a doctor, begin to perform various exercises, then walk around the ward. And after discharge, they are sent to exercise therapy rooms at polyclinics or in sanatoriums. Therapeutic exercise for diseases of the cardiovascular system strengthens the heart muscle, increases its contractility, increases blood circulation, lowers cholesterol, and reduces the risk of thrombosis. Good blood flow massages the walls of blood vessels, which makes them more elastic. All this is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis of blood vessels - the main cause of heart disease.

    By the way, it has been proved that if therapeutic gymnastics within a year after suffering a heart attack, then mortality in the first year is reduced by 25%!

    As for sports for those who have had a heart attack, a strictly individual approach is needed here, otherwise a new attack can be provoked. The statistics are relentless: 70% of repeated heart attacks occur within 3 years after the first. Therefore, there is no need to argue with doctors: what kind of motor regimen they recommend - and this must be observed. Depending on the degree of heart damage to some patients, the doctor may allow moderate exercise soon after discharge from the hospital, while others will strictly forbid even walking at a fast pace.

    You should not rely on your own well-being in the matter of choosing a training regimen, because this is a biased indicator. So, according to a study by scientists from the Kiev Institute of Medical Problems of Physical Education, 14% of joggers who never complained about their heart had serious myocardial problems that were revealed only during a medical examination.

    Pumping the main muscle

    When performing gymnastics for people with problems of the cardiovascular system, it is important to adhere to certain rules:

    even with good health, you can not sharply increase the load. And if suddenly somewhere something hurts, stings, shortness of breath appears - you must immediately stop doing the exercises. It will not go away on its own in half an hour - take nitroglycerin and urgently see a doctor;

    gymnastics can be started only one and a half to two hours after eating.

    Before, during and after exercise, you need to control the pulse. Even by the end of the workout, it should not exceed 120 beats per minute. And after 5 minutes of rest, it should return to its original value.

    Get on the charger!

    There are several options for gymnastics that are useful for heart problems. Here is one of them.

    1. Starting position - sitting. Feet together, arms down. Alternately raise your hands up as you inhale, lower them as you exhale.

    Raise each hand 5 times.

    2. Bend your arms as much as possible at the elbows and raise them parallel to the floor at shoulder width, legs together. Elbows make circular movements 5 times clockwise, and the same number - counterclockwise.

    3. Feet together, arms outstretched to the sides. As you inhale, bend your left leg at the knee and press it to your stomach and chest, helping with your hands. As you exhale, lower your leg, and spread your arms to the sides.

    Repeat 3-5 times. The same with the right foot.

    4. Hands on the waist, feet on the floor shoulder width apart. On an inhale, lean to the side. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

    Do 3-5 times in each direction.

    5. Feet on the floor shoulder width apart, arms to the sides. Inhale - raise your hands up and bend down to your knees. The head should remain in line with the body. On exhalation, return to the starting position.

    Run 3-5 times.

    6. Starting position - standing. Feet shoulder width apart, arms down. On inspiration, take the right leg and arm to the side, hold for 2 seconds and, on exhalation, return to the starting position.

    Do in each direction in turn 3-5 times.

    7. Hands down, feet together. At the same time, make wide circular movements with your hands clockwise, then counterclockwise.

    Run in each direction 3-5 times.

    8. Hands on the waist, feet shoulder width apart. Make circular movements with the body in different directions 5-10 times.

    9. Hands down, feet together. Walking in place for 15-30 minutes.