Records - horses, myths, mythical creatures, medicinal plants. Interesting facts about horses

Like any other sport, equestrian sport has its achievements and records. The record is fixed panel of judges based on the competition rules and special rules for registering records and approved by the official organization (federation, in this case equestrian sports).

Records are world, Olympic, European, national, etc. They are expressed in absolute numerical terms (m, cm, min, s, kg) or in conditional points and points.

Jumping records

In equestrian sports, world records are set for high jumps and long (width) jumps. To establish them, special competitions are held with overcoming single obstacles. In high jumps, an inclined pole fence is used for this purpose, in front of which inclined poles are placed, closing the gap between the ground and the lower pole and serving as a pawn. The world record in height is 2 m 47 cm. It was set in 1949 by the Mexican athlete L. A. Morales on the horse Huaso. The USSR record, equal to 2 m 25 cm, was set in 1953 by I. Lysogorsky on a horse at the Polygon. A few years ago, an Australian horseman was shown on television jumping over an obstacle about 2 m 90 cm high.

In competitions for the length record, they overcome a ditch with water, in front of which they put inclined hurdles. To increase the length of the jump, the hurdles are moved away from the edge of the ditch, and the free space is filled with other, higher hurdles. The world long jump record is 8 m 30 cm. It was set in Barcelona in 1951 by the Spanish athlete L. D. Hiera on the horse Amado Mio. In 1975, in Germany, at international long jump competitions (118 participants), an athlete from Sweden S. Thorp on horse Nukerman showed a result of 13 m 28 cm. However, the winner of the competition, despite the fall after the jump, was K. Bergman (Germany), who on a horse Swinger showed a phenomenal result - 22 m 16 cm. The USSR record - 8 m 20 cm - was set in 1947 by N. F. Shelenkov on the mare Bure.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the phenomenal horse Heatherbloom under the saddle of Dick Donnolly (USA) in 1903 jumped more than 11 m wide, and high jump 2.40, set in the same place in 1902, was considered in many publications as the then world record.

The winner of the Liverpool Steeple Chase in 1912, a horse named Jerry M., is awarded a jump of 12 m, and the Australian X. Plant, on a horse Solid Gold, allegedly overcame almost 11 m in 1936.

Some authors also cite random jumps of horses without a rider, which are measured by witnesses. Thus, the three-time winner of the Maryland Steeple Chase in the USA, the stallion Blockade jumped from one levada to another over two fences 150 cm high at a distance of 12 m 50 cm from the repulsion marks to the landing marks.

The high jump is still very popular in Australia, so it is natural that some results are known from there that exceed the official world record (2.47). The Guinness book gives the following results: in 1938, Ben Bolt (rider not specified) jumped 285 cm, in 1946 Jack Martin on Golden Mead overcame 255 cm.
Records for agility are set in the process of testing horses in smooth races. They are recorded in minutes and seconds at each distance in different breeds of horses. Highest Achievement in playfulness belongs to horses of thoroughbred riding breed. At a distance of 1000 m, it is equal to 53.6 s (about 18.5 m / s). This record agility was shown by a thoroughbred riding stallion Inigenus at the Epsom Hippodrome in England.

In the pre-war and especially in the post-war years, high-speed runs were held in our country on various distances. The longest run from Ashgabat to Moscow, with a length of about 4300 km, was made in 1936 by Turkmen collective farmers on horses of Akhal-Teke and other breeds in 84 days.

The following records are also interesting: for a distance of 50 km - 1 h 38 min (set on the Arabian stallion Namet), for 100 km - 4 h 1 min 05 s (Kustanai stallion Chervonets) and a daily run - 312 km (Anglo-Dono-Kazakh stallion clamp).

Speed ​​records

The first trotting trials were held in Valkenburg (Netherlands) in 1554. In Russia, the beginning of the testing of trotters was laid by Count A.G. Orlov-Chesmensky: since 1776, he checked his horses harnessed to sleds on the run. Carriage racing abroad first appeared in 1829. At present, trotters and pacers run in separate races at hippodromes; also separately fix their results at different distances and by age, gender.

Speed ​​records of trotters and pacers (at the beginning of 2000):
Absolute world records for trotters at a distance of 1 mile (1609 m):
Among stallions - 1 min 51 sec was set on October 1, 1994 by a four-year-old Pine Chip (Arndon - Pine Speed), Red Mile Racecourse (Lexington, USA), rider Zhdon Campbell.

For mares - 1 min 51.8 s was set on July 8, 1994 by a four-year-old Bit tze Wil (Yankee Defiant - Bit tze Band), Meadowlands Racecourse (USA), rider Catello Manzi.
Absolute world records for pacers at a distance of 1 mile (1609 m):

1 min. 46.2 s - Cambest (Kemfella - Oxford Mary Ann) August 16, 1993, Springfield Racecourse (USA), rider Bill O "Donnell.

Trotter records in Russia:
The main distance of 1600 m in running separately for time with arches in 1 min 56.9 s was covered by the red stallion Poligon (Pavlin - Coloring), a Russian trotter of the Smolensk stud, born in 1978. The record was set at the Ramensky hippodrome in 1984, rider P.E. Andreev. (Running with a bow is when a trotter running to break a record is accompanied by one or two horses harnessed to a rocking chair and galloping almost the entire distance in front of this trotter or nearby, but they must pass him ahead of him to the finish line)

In the prize for the common track, i.e. in an ordinary race with rivals, the absolute record - 1 min 57.2 s - belongs to the dark red Oryol stallion Kovboy (Blockpost - Krutizna), born in 1984, Perm stud farm. Cowboy achieved this achievement on August 4, 1991 under the control of rider M.V. Kozlov at the Ramenskoye Republican Hippodrome.

Thoroughbred racing world records: 1/4 mile (409.26 m) - 20.8 s, stallion Beach Rackit, 4 years old, 1975, Mexico City, Mexico, load (weight of jockey with saddle) 51.7 kg.

500 m - 26.8 s, stallion Tiskor, 3 years old, 1975, Mexico.
1000 m - 53.6 s, stallion Ingenes, 4 years old, 1976, Epsom, England.
1200 m - 1.00.2 s, gelding, no name, 3 years old, 1929, Brighton, England, load 56 kg.
1400 m - 1.19.4 s, stallion Rich Krim (Crim de la Krim - Wright Turn), 5 years old, 1990, USA, Santa Anita Racecourse.
1500 m - 1.30.0 s, stallion Sardar, 2 years old, 1965, Rostov-on-Don, Russia, load 56 kg.
1810 m - 1.44.8 s, stallion Frosty tzi Snowman (Heath Majesty - Frosty Skate), 1989, Canada, Woodbane Racecourse.

Olympic Games and World Championships

Charles Ferdinand Paud de Mortange (Netherlands) won 4 Olympic gold medals: in the team event in 1924 and 1928. and in the individual competition (on Marcroix) in 1928 and 1932.

Bruce Oram Davidson (USA) is the only rider to win the individual world title twice, on Irish Cap in 1974 and Mite Tango in 1978.

Germany (from 1968 to 1990 - Germany) won 9 gold medals in the team event: in 1928, 1936, 1964, 1968, 1976, 1984, 1988, 1992 and 1996. and won 7 team victories at the world championships.

Dr. Rainer Klimke (Germany) won 7 Olympic gold medals (team 1964-1988 and individual 1984). He also holds the record for total number of medals with 7, in addition he is the only rider to win the world title twice, on Mehmed in 1974 and Ahlerich in 1982.

Henry San Cyr (Sweden) won 2 individual Olympic gold medals in 1952 and 1956. Nicole Uphoff (Germany) achieved the same success in 1988 and 1992.

World Cup. dressage
The competition was won twice by Christina Stückelberger (Switzerland) in Gauguin de Lally in 1987 and 1988, Monica Theodorescu (Greece) in Ganymedes-Tekrent in 1993 and 1994 and Anke van Grunsven (Netherlands) in Camelion-Bonfire in 1995 and 1996.

The largest number of Olympic gold medals - 5 - was won by Hans Ponter Winkler (Germany): 4 - in the team event in 1956, 1960, 1964 and 1972. and individual "Grand Prix" in 1956. He also received a silver medal in the team competition in 1976 and a bronze medal in 1968, collecting a record number of medals - 7.
Athletes from Germany won the largest number of victories in competitions for the "Prize of Nations" - 7: in 1936, 1956, 1960, 1964, 1972 and 1988. (Germany) and also in 1996.

Pierre Jonquer de 0riola (France) is the only athlete who managed to win gold medals in the individual championship twice - in 1952 and 1964.
World Championships.
The title of champion at the world championships among men was won twice by Hans Günter Winkler (Germany) in 1954 and 1955, and Raimondo d'Inzeo (Italy) in 1956 and 1960.

The women's world champion title was won twice by Jean Tissot (France) at the Rocket in 1970 and 1974.
Largest number team victories in the world championships - 3 - were won by France: in 1982, 1986 and 1990.

Among horses, as well as among people, there are champions in different "disciplines".

Belgian heavy truck, or Brabancon

The stallion of a bay-roan color is recognized as the largest horse. This representative of the Belgian breed at the age of ten had a height of 1.98 m (at the withers) and a weight of 1451 kg. Brooklyn Supreme, and that was the name of this horse, wore the same huge horseshoes, the total weight of which was 13.6 kg.

Sampson (Mammoth)

The tallest horse in the world was a heavy truck named Sampson the Mammoth. He was born in Toddington Mills (UK) in 1846. At the age of four, this gelding showed the absolute record for the height of any horse that ever existed. His height was 2 meters and 19 centimeters.

pony falabella

The smallest horses are representatives of the Argentine Falabella breed. The first horse received, nicknamed Recco de Roca, had a height of only 38 cm and a weight of 11.9 kg. But the smallest falabella was registered in 1975. She became a stallion, called Little Pamkin. He was 35.5 cm tall and weighed 9.07 kg.

Barge Horse Billy

Among long-lived horses, the record was set by a stallion named Billy. He was born in Woolston (UK). Until his death, Billy did the hardest work of towing barges. His owner spoke of him as a strong, docile horse with good health. Billy died at 62 years old (1760-1822), no one has yet surpassed his achievement.

Danish heavy trucks

The strongest horses are, of course, heavy trucks. These animals can pull a huge load by weight. The record set in the state of Michigan (USA) served as proof of this. Two heavy trucks were able to budge and transport a cart with a load along the frozen road, the weight of which was equal to 130.9 tons, that is, 65.45 tons per horse.

The speed record belongs to Beach Rackit. This thoroughbred stallion at the races in Mexico City (Mexico) managed to achieve a speed of 69.6 km / h (a distance of ¼ mile).

Pine Chip

The fastest horse is considered to be a stallion named Pine Chip. His result of 1 min 51 sec at a distance of 1 mile, shown by him in 1994, is still unsurpassed by anyone.

Alberto Larraguibel Morales on Huaso

The highest height that the horse managed to take was 2.47 m. It was this result that the stallion named Huaso, who was under the saddle of Morales, showed at competitions in Chile (1949).

Andre Ferreira in Johannesburg on the stallion Something

A stallion named Samting in 1975 became the record holder among horses in long jump. In the city of Johannesburg, he crossed the moat. The width of the moat was 8.4 m.

Mares behind the scenes compete in the number of offspring. In this "discipline" the mare won, whose name, unfortunately, is unknown. But throughout her life she gave birth to 19 foals.

Long-haired wild horse Linus (b. 1884)

The mane is one of the decorations of horses. The longest mane in history belonged to Dino, a thoroughbred stallion. Its length was 3.04 meters!

Sharif Dancer

Sharif Dancer. This stallion, the son of eminent parents, multiple winners of various competitions, was sold to an Arab sheikh for 40,000,000 US dollars.

English thoroughbred stallion Eclipse

The biggest heart belonged to the English thoroughbred named Eclipse. It weighed 6.3 kg.

Horses are amazing animals. The results that they show in competitions not only prove this, but also highlight their huge potential and incredible capabilities.


The oldest bones of domestic animals found date back to: goats - 8050 BC. (Eiziab, Iran), dogs - 7700 BC. (Stra Carr, North Yorkshire), sheep around 7200 BC, pigs and cattle around 7000 BC. (Dereivka, Ukraine). These dates are taken as official in the taming and domestication of animals from the Guinness Book of Records. Surely you did not even guess that the horse was once no larger than a dog. It turns out that a small, nondescript animal had to overcome a path of several tens of millions of years in order to appear before us in the guise of a stately horse.

Number of horses

In 1990, there were 75 million of them on the globe.


A horse named Old Billy (Old Bill) lived for 62 years. This is the maximum reliably known lifespan of a horse. Old Bill was born in 1760 on Edward Robinson's farm in Woolston, Lancashire, from a Cleveland mare and an oriental stallion. In 1762 or 1763 Old Billy was sold to Mercy and Irwell and towed barges until 1819, when he was transferred to a farm at Luchford, where he fell on November 27, 1822. The skull of this horse is kept in the Manchester Museum, and a stuffed head with artificial teeth is exhibited in the Belford Museum.

For ponies, the maximum life expectancy did not exceed 54 years. The stallion of one of the farmers of Central France, born in 1919, lived so long. Two ponies lived in England for 47 years.

Among horses of thoroughbred saddle breed, the bay gelding Duke Tango, born in 1935 in Australia, lived the longest - 42 years.

Weight and height

The Shire gelding named Sampson (later renamed Mammoth) grew up to 2 m 19 cm, and its weight was 1,524 kg. This giant was born in 1846 and raised by Thomas Cleaver at Toddington Mills.

At 41 cm lower and only 200 kg lighter than his Shire Honest Tom (born 1884) is the British weight record holder.

Another of the heaviest horses in the world: a bay-roan stallion of the Belgian breed (Brabancon) named Brooklyn Supreme (1928-1948). He weighed 1,440 kg with a height at the withers of 198 cm and a chest girth of 259 cm. Belonged to S.G. Goodoo from Ogden, Iowa, USA.

In the second half of the twentieth century, the champion of the Percheron breed, a stallion named Ping bek Union Cross (born January 27, 1964), was recognized as the heaviest. His height is 178 cm, and his weight ranges from 1,143 to 1,194 kg.

The smallest are the ponies of the Argentine Falabella breed, bred for 70 years at the Recco de Roca ranch near Buenos Aires. Adult horses grow only up to 70-76 cm and weigh 36-45 kg.

The smallest mature horse, bred by Giulio Cesare Falabella, is a filly 38 cm high and weighing 11.9 kg.

However, on November 30, 1975, Dr. T.H. Hemison of the veterinary center in Spartenberg, South Carolina, testified that the stallion belonging to J.K. Williams, Jr., named Little Pumpkin (Little Pumpkin), weighs 9.07 kg and is 35.5 cm tall. He was born on April 15, 1973.

Small horses 40-50 cm tall are bred in West Virginia (USA) by confectioner Smith Macowen from Roderfield. “They can be kept in rooms and small children play with them,” he says. Despite the fact that such horses are very expensive (a 6-month-old foal costs $25,000), they are bought in bulk.

The longest mane belongs to the stallion Dino from England - 3 m 4 cm.

The strongest

In Russia - the stallion Force of the Soviet heavy-duty breed: he carried a load of 22,991 tons over a distance of 35m.

In a snatch, the stallion Stiprais “pulled off” the load of almost 28 tons Latvian breed in 1970.

It is claimed that two shires harnessed by a pair in a sleigh were the record holders for moving cargo. They carried 130.9 tons over a frozen road for a distance of 1,402 m, near Ewan, Michigan, on February 26, 1893. The total weight of this pair of horses is 1,587 kg. But, as noted in the Guinness Book of Records, the weight of the cargo was overestimated and in fact it was approximately 42.3 tons; it was 50 white pine logs.

On April 23, 1924, at the British Empire Exhibition in Wembley, a Shire gelding named Vulcan, owned by the Liverpool Corporation, demonstrated a jerk on a dynamometer sufficient to budge a load weighing 29.47 tons, and a pair of heavy trucks of the same breed with easily pulled 51 tons - a record weight recorded on the dynamometer.

Based on these data, Shires are the strongest horses on Earth.

The most expensive and the cheapest

In August 1983, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid El Maktoum valued his thoroughbred English stallion Sharif Dancer at $40 million at an auction. It was acquired by a group of shareholders who shared 40 shares of the cost.

For a year old Seattle Dancer of the same Thoroughbred (English) breed, the amount of 13.1 million dollars was paid by Sir Robert Sangster and partners in 1983 (Kineeland, Kentucky, USA).

The highest amount for a trotter - 5.25 million dollars - was paid for Mystic Park by Lana Lobell (USA) in 1982.

Among the pacers, the most expensive is the Nihilator, sold in 1984 by Wall Street Stud and Almahurst for $19.2 million.

Among heavy trucks, the most expensive purchase was a seven-year-old Belgian stallion named Strongman. It was bought by I.G. Good for $47,500 (£9,970) at Cider Falls, Iowa, USA, October 16, 1917.

A Welsh mountain pony named Code Cock Berry was sold to an Australian builder in Wales for 21,000 guineas in 1978.

The lowest prices for livestock were recorded in 1934 at a sale in Kuruman (Kane Province, South Africa), where donkeys were sold for less than 2d per head.

The fastest

The first trotting trials were held in Valkenburg (Netherlands) in 1554. In England, the trot (gait, when diagonally opposite legs work simultaneously) was known in the 16th century. Pacers run differently: they simultaneously throw out their front and hind legs, first on one side, then on the other. In Russia, the beginning of the testing of trotters was laid by Count A.G. Orlov-Chesmensky: since 1776, he checked his horses harnessed to sleds on the run.

Carriage racing abroad first appeared in 1829. At present, trotters and pacers run on hippodromes in separate races; they also separately record their records for various distances and by age and gender.

Records of agility of trotters and pacers (at the beginning of 2000).

Absolute world records for trotters at a distance of 1 mile (1609 m): among stallions - 1 min. 51 sec. installed October 1, 1994 4-year-old Pine Chip (Arndon - Pine Speed), Red Mile Racecourse (Lexington, USA), rider John Campbell; for mares - 1 min. 51.8 sec. set July 8, 1994 4-year-old Bittse Wheel (Yankee Defiant - Bittse Band), Meadowlands Racecourse (USA), rider Catello Manzi.

In the USA, the number of trotters of the class 2 minutes and faster at a distance of 1 mile (1609 m) has exceeded one thousand.

Among the pacers, the absolute record holder was August 16, 1993 Kambest (Kemfella - Oxford Mary Ann). He set the world record for 1 mile - 1 minute. 46.2 sec., Springfield Racecourse (USA), rider Bill O "Donnell. Cambest won $ 1,458,110, having 42 wins out of 94 starts. And for the highest amount of over $ 19 million in 1984, Nihilator was bought, which became the following year a world record holder of 1 min 49.2 sec (East Ruseford Racecourse, New Jersey, USA) Nihileytor still has the biggest career running career among pacers, $3,225,653. years he had 35 wins in 38 starts, and for the season of 1985 - the biggest win of $ 1,864,286. No one managed to exceed such an amount of winnings in one season. Finally, this pacer also won the largest amount in one prize in 1984 , being a two-year-old, - $ 1,080,500. Rider William O "Donnell, in whose hands Nihilator constantly ran, earned a record amount for the year - $ 106,207,372, winning in 1985 along with prizes on a phenomenal pacer, as well as on other horses 419 competitions.

The trotting mare Goldsmith Maid competed on racetracks from 1964 to 1977 and won 350 starts.

In terms of the highest winnings, outstanding trotters overtook pacers, and mares were ahead. The largest amount of winning prize money was brought to its owner and rider by the American trotter Peace Corps - $ 5,506,443 (for 1988-1993), followed by the French Urazi trotting breed- 4,010,105 dollars (for 1988-1990) and only in third place is the record holder of his time, the American stallion Mac Lobel - 3,917,594 dollars (for 1986-1991).

The most successful rider in races in rocking chairs (two-wheeled single carriages for testing trotters and pacers) is Herv Fillon (born February 1, 1940), Quebec, Canada. He scored 14,783 victories. During the period of his performances at the racetracks in 1953-1987, he earned $ 85 million. The greatest number of victories in a year - 770 - in 1986 on account of Michael Lachance. John Campbell's highest career payoff is $155,377,000.

Trotter records in Russia.

The main distance of 1600 m in running separately for a while with arches for 1 min. 56.9 sec. passed the red stallion Polygon (Pavlin - Coloring), the Russian trotter of the Smolensk stud, born in 1984, the rider P.E. Andreev. (Running with a trotter is when a trotter running to break a record is accompanied by one or two horses harnessed to a rocking chair and galloping almost the entire distance in front of this trotter or nearby, but they must pass him ahead of him to the finish line. Similar to the “race for the leader” in cycling.) In the prize for a common track, that is, in an ordinary race with rivals, the absolute record is 1 min. 57.2 sec. - belongs to the dark-red Oryol stallion Kovboy (Checkpoint - Krutizna), born in 1984, Perm stud farm. Cowboy achieved this achievement on August 4, 1991 under the control of rider M.V. Kozlov at the Ramenskoye Republican Hippodrome.

Thoroughbred racing world records:

1/4 mile (409.26 m) - 20.8 sec., stallion Beach Rackit, 4 years old, 1975, Mexico City, Mexico, load (weight of jockey with saddle) 51.7 kg.

500 m - 26.8 sec., stallion Tiskor, 3 years old, 1975, Mexico.

1000 m - 53.6 sec., stallion Ingenes, 4 years old, 1976, Epsom, England.

1200 m - 1.00.2 sec., gelding, no nickname, 3 years old, 1929, Brighton, England, weight 56 ​​kg.

1400 m - 1.19.4 sec., stallion Rich Krim (Crim de la Krim - Wright Turn), 5 years old, 1990, USA, Santa Anita Racecourse.

1500 m - 1.30.0 sec., stallion Sardar, 2 years old, 1965, Rostov-on-Don, weight 56 ​​kg.

1810 m - 1.44.8 sec., stallion Frostitzy Snowman (Heath Majesty - Frosty Skate), 1989, Canada, Woodbane Racecourse.

2414 m (1.5 miles) - 2.22.2 sec. mare Horlix (Three Legs - Malt), 6 years old, 1989, Japan. (Curiously, Horlix improved the previous record set by a stallion named Haukster by 0.6 seconds. It is usually a rarity for mares to be record holders for agility.)

If we translate the speed of the fastest horses in races into short distances into the language of car speeds, it will be about 70 km / h. So, Beach Rackit galloped at a speed of 69.62 km / h on a quarter-mile stretch.

Highest winnings among Thoroughbred saddle horses, jockeys and trainers

John Henry, born in 1975, holds the palm among horses - $6,597,947. During his racing career (1977-1984) he was first in 39 races out of 83. Mare All Elong, born in 1974, won in France and the USA from 1981-1984 3,018,420 dollars. But the winnings of Spand E Buck (USA) amounted to 3,552,704 dollars in just one racing season.

Jockey William Lee (Bill) Shoemaker from the USA weighs 43 kg with a height of 150 cm, has 8621 wins in 38,853 races from March 19, 1949 to the 1987 season. Jockey Laffit Pinkay (born December 29, 1946, Panama) won $116,222,655 from 1966 to the start of the 1987 season. In 1985, he set the record for a season's earnings among jockeys of all time, winning $13,415,049 in horse racing.

Among racing coaches, Jack Van Bergh (USA) holds the record number of victories for horses trained by him in one year - 496 in 1976. And the number of victories of his students over the entire career of a coach approached 5,000.

Record-breaking horses from ultra-young parents

The world's fastest trotters Mac Lobell and Peace Corps are the first-born of their young 3-5 year old parents. The famous horse of Canada, derby and record holder of the USA, the “king of sires” Norsern Dancer was born in 1961 also in the first rate from 6-year-old Nearctic and 4-year-old Natalma. For 23 years, 634 foals were received from Northern Dancer, of which 295 were sold at auctions in the amount of $183,758,632, 137 were winners of major races.

Jumping in equestrian sport

Height records - 2.47 m - the horse Huaso under the rider Alberto Larragibel Morales (1949, Chile). Long jump record - 8.4 m - horse Samting under the rider Andre Ferreira, 1975, Johannesburg.

Horseback riding and trekking

The centurion of the horse-Amur regiment Dmitry Nikolaevich Peshkov arrived in St. Petersburg from Blagoveshchensk-on-Amur in 194 days. The brave officer rode mainly in winter, as he began his run on November 7, 1889, and finished on May 19, 1890. Under his saddle was a horse of a local Trans-Baikal breed named Gray. He was already at the age of 13 years, of small stature - 1 arshin 14.5 inches at the withers (135.6 cm). By foreign standards - a pony. On some days Gray passed up to 86 miles per day. The total length of the difficult path was more than 8,900 versts, that is, 9,500 km. For its time, it was a record for the distance of an equestrian crossing, and it was accomplished without spare or replacement horses.

The distance record of the 20th century in a horse race was set by a shepherd from Mollonchhip, Henry G. Perry (Victoria, Australia). He traveled 22,565 km around Australia in 157 days, starting on May 1, 1985 and ending on October 4. During this time he changed six horses. The trip was very strenuous - an average of 143.7 km per day. Unfortunately, there is no information about the breeds of horses Henry Perry rode.

But it is known that the record for a long ride on Arabian horses installed by the French Pascal Franconi and Jean-Claude Gazade. They traveled 21,070 km along the roads of Europe and the Middle East. The journey lasted 2 years, 2 months and 13 days and ended in March 1984 in Paris.

In 1950, the stallion Zanos of the Budyonnovsky breed walked 309 km under a rider in a day, which became a record for a daily run on horseback.

Also in 1950, a speed record for this super-long distance was recorded on the Kustanai stallion Chernovets in a 100 km race - 4 hours 1 minute 5 seconds.

Sports riding in a team zhah

John Parker traveled 136 miles (218.8 km) from Bristol to London (Great Britain) in 17 hours and 30 minutes on a postal quadruple. The quad sledding world record was first set in 1972. Since then, a year later, such competitions alternate with sled team championships. The riders of Great Britain (1972, 1974, 1980) and Hungary (1976, 1978, 1986) have three victories in the team standings. Georgy Bardos (Hungary) in 1976 and 1980, and Tjerd Velstra (Netherlands) in 1982 and 1986 each had two individual wins.

Horse on your shoulders!

The crown number of the Russian circus strongman Alexander Zass (Samson) was the removal of a horse to the arena. Then he put her on the arena and deftly jumped on horseback. The basis of such a trick was an episode of the First World War, when a non-commissioned officer of the 130th Vindavsky Regiment, leaving in reconnaissance from the Austrians, rolled over with a wounded horse - a bullet shot through his leg. The cavalryman did not part with the horse, but after making sure that the pursuers fell behind, he put it on his shoulders and brought it to his camp, to which he had to walk half a kilometer !!! The strongman died in London in 1962 at the age of 75.

Curious law. It is illegal to ride an ugly horse in Winburgh.

Based on the materials of the book by T.K. Livanova "Horses".

Thumbelina (b. May 1, 2001) is a dwarf mini horse and the smallest horse in the world. It measures 43 centimeters (17 inches) tall and weighs 26 kilograms (57 pounds), officially holding the title of smallest horse in the world from Guinness World Records on July 7, 2006.
Thumbelina was born in St. Louis, Missouri. Like many other dwarf animals, Thumbelina is quite thick and has short limbs.тамбелина.jpg

The biggest
The Belgian draft horse named Big Jake is recognized (January 19, 2010, Smokey Hollow Farms, Wisconsin, USA) as the largest horse in the world - her height was 210.19 cm.

in 1902, a Percheron stallion named Doctor Le Gers was born, whose maximum height reached 213 cm. At the same time, the animal weighed almost like a middle-class car - about 1400 kg.
The Percheron is a breed of horse designed for hard work, although they are often used for horse riding because of their unusually soft ride. The average height is about 170-180 cm, the color is most often gray.
The first percherons were bred in the middle of the 19th century in France, and they were named after the Perche region, where they were brought up. We also grow percherons at the Oktyabrsky stud near Ulyanovsk.

Next on our list is a stallion named Duke, originally from the UK. According to the latest measurements, his height is 2.07 meters. According to the owner of this giant, its growth is associated with a special diet, which consists of an unusual variety of apples, as well as herbal infusion. For the past few years, the horse has been growing several centimeters a year and growth does not stop. Perhaps it is Duke who will become the tallest horse in the near future.
The owner of the stallion says that many will envy his appetite. So, per day, Duke eats more than 8 kg of hay and grain, drinks at least a hundred liters of water and about 20 liters of tea. By the way, they began to drink herbal decoction after Duke fell ill. However, he recovered very quickly and showed unprecedented growth.
Despite the fact that Duke impresses with his size, he has a very cowardly character, as he is afraid of tiny mice. At the same time, he treats other horses very kindly.

Meet Noddy, a Shire horse, whose height reaches 2.05 m. At the moment, the horse is 5 years old.
Shires are English heavy trucks, which are very different tall. Usually their height is 1.8 m, but some individuals are much higher.
Shires are descended from Dutch stallions and English mares. Smaller specimens can be used for riding in the saddle, but large ones are only suitable for carting. These horses are characterized wide back, chest and sacrum. And besides, there is a characteristic bald patch on the head, and white stockings on the legs.

Brooklyn Supreme (Brooklyn Supreme) from the Brabancon breed. Height 195 cm, weight 1450 kg.

Sampson (220 cm)
The world record for height of all time is considered to be a stallion named Sampson, who was born back in 1846 in Toddington Mills, which is located in the English county of Bedfordshire. Its owner was named Thomas Cleaver. According to historical records, the growth of this horse reached 2 meters 20 centimeters when she was 4 years old, while the weight is relatively small - just over 1.5 tons.

Morocco (Morocco) from the Percheron breed. Height 215 cm, weight 1285 kg.

The tallest horse is officially considered an English heavy truck named Noddy (Noddy / Melbourne, Australia), gray. Its height at the withers is 2.057 meters, and its weight is one and a half tons.

9-year-old Belgian gelding Big Jake (Big Jake) - a new record holder of the Guinness Book. As of 2010, this is the most big horse in the world. His height is 217 centimeters, which is 7 cm more than that of the Remington stallion from Texas - 210 cm, weight - more than 2.5 tons.

Old Billy (b. 1760) lived for 62 years, bred by Edward Robinson in Woolston, UK, by crossing breeds of Cleveland and Eastern bloodlines. This is the maximum reliably known lifespan of a horse. In 1762 or 1763 Old Billy was sold to the Mercy and Irwell navigation company where he worked (towing barges) until 1819, when he was sent to a farm at Latchford, near Warrington, where he died on November 27
1822 The skull of this horse is kept in the Manchester Museum, and a stuffed head (with artificial teeth) is on display at the Bedford Museum, UK.

The maximum reliable information about the life expectancy of a pony is 54 years.
The stallion (born in 1919), which belonged to a farmer in Central France, lived so long. A roan pony named Bonnie Less, owned by twin sisters Sylvia Moore and Marion Atkinson of Old Horlow, UK, died on May 2, 1987. at the age of 42. Exactly one year later, at the age of 44, a pony named Joey, owned by June and Rosie Osborne of Glebe Equestrian Center, Wickham - Bishop, UK, died.

For Thoroughbred racehorses, the record lifespan is 42 years. This is how long a bay gelding named Duke Tango (b. 1935), owned by Carmen J. Koper of Barongarook, Victoria, Australia, lived. He died on January 25, 1978.

Cilka, a 34-year-old mare, has died at the Troja Zoo in Prague. According to Radio Prague on Tuesday, she was the oldest Przewalski's horse in the world. In the wild, Przewalski's horses only live to be 20 years old. Zilka officially became the world's oldest wild horse in February this year when the stallion Bento died in Lodz, Poland. Now there are about 20 Przewalski's horses in the world, which are more than 30 years old.
The strongest
They say that the largest load that a pair of heavy trucks managed to budge weighed 130.9 tons. Such a weight was stretched on a sledge along a frozen road 402 m long at the Nester estate, near Ewen, Michigan, USA, on February 26, 1893. a pair of Shire heavy trucks, their own weight was 1587 kg. However, the weight of the load cannot be considered reliable: in fact, the load, consisting of 50 white pine logs, weighed approximately 42.3 tons.

April 23, 1924 at the general British exhibition in Wembley, a heavy truck named Vulcan, owned by the Liverpool Corporation, showed 29.47 tons on a dynamometer. A pair of heavy trucks of the same breed easily "teared" 51 tons - a record draft force recorded using a dynamometer.

The absolute record for carrying capacity among horses of the breed was set by the six-year-old stallion Force, who carried a load weighing 22991 kg over a distance of 35 meters.

Vladimir mare Hungarian overcame 420 meters with a load of 9 tons.

The fastest
On February 5, 1945, in the 402 m race in Mexico City, Mexico, the Big Racket reached a speed of 69.62 km / h.
And on September 27, 1993, Onion Roll repeated this result in Thistledown, Cleveland, pc. Ohio, USA.
The main distance of 1600 m in running separately for a time with arches in 1 min 56.9 s was passed by the red stallion Poligon (Pavlin - Coloring), a Russian trotter of the Smolensk stud, born in 1978. The record was set at the Ramensky hippodrome in 1984, rider P.E. Andreev.
The most dexterous

On February 5, 1949, in Viña Del Mar, Chile, Captain Elberton Larraguibel Morales on his horse Guaso set a world record in high jump on a horse, they jumped over the bar of 2.47 meters. The previous record was 2.44 meters, it was set at the National Competitions in Rome on October 27, 1938, captain Antonio Gutierrez on the Irish horse Osoppo.
The officially unregistered long-maned record holder is the horse Linus. In the late 1800s in Oregon, the United States was still wild horses valued for their exceptional appearance and magnificent manes. This wild breed was called the Oregon wild long-haired miracle horse. A characteristic feature of this breed was a unique chestnut color and an incredibly long mane and tail.

In early 1870, the first stallion named Oregon Beauty was caught and bred to a Clydesdale mare, who gave birth in captivity to the first mare named Oregon Queen, owned by the Rutherford brothers. Linus was born in 1884 and was a descendant of a breed of Oregon long-haired wild horses. He tragically died from a lightning strike. Fortunately, he left a son, who was named Linus II, in honor of his handsome father. Linus II was sold in 1890 to Eaton Brothers in Boston for $30,000, a fortune at the time.

Through careful breeding and selection for more than twenty-five years, taking into account the first mare, the Rutherford family managed to establish this breed on a reliable breeding foundation. However, there will no longer be such a breed like the first horses, since the wild horses of that legendary breed have disappeared in nature.
Linus II was recognized as the most perfect type of equine beauty in the world, his proud bearing only added to his natural splendor. He behaved like a worthy successor to his wild ancestor "King of Oregon".

The flyer for the show read: “His mane and tail have grown about 3 inches per month for 4 years and have now reached their climax. Its color is a glossy chestnut-gold. The hind legs and muzzle are white, the mane and tail are a delicate linen color. His "hair" continues to grow even now, but more slowly. Linus proudly holds his head and is proud of the admiring glances of visitors. Its mane is 14 feet (4.27 m) long and its tail is 12 (3.66 m)"

Oregon's "Wonder Horses" are distinguished by their long mane and tail hair, which is unrivaled in length and thickness in the world. Since these horses were bred in captivity, this growth of beautiful silky hair has increased with each generation. The excellent stamina and intelligence of this horse breed is evident to anyone familiar with horses. Another one distinguishing feature this wonderful breed of horses is their color. Rich and rich chestnut color speaks of their thoroughbred origin. There is no doubt that the "Oregon Wonder Horse" is a true descendant of the first horses brought to America by Cortes, the conqueror of Mexico. Probably some of them escaped and created this breed along with wild horses.

Another famous descendant of Oregon horses named White Wings (White Wings)

This horse named Summer Breeze is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the longest tail among horses. Its length is phenomenal 3 m 81 cm.

Horse records June 25th, 2013

The jump is almost rekoryuny - 2.32. And we'll talk about horse records where you will find out what height was the record in the world:

In the entire history of existence on Earth, the largest horse was recognized as a thoroughbred bay-roan stallion of the Belgian breed named Brooklyn Supreme, born in 1928 (died in 1948) in the state of Iowa of the United States of America and owned by S. G. Good. His height at the withers was 1 m 98 cm, girth chest- 259 cm, and live weight (registered with him in 1938) - 1451 kg. The weight of one horseshoe for Brooklyn Supreme was 3.4 kg, the diameter was 35.5 cm. To make a horseshoe for this giant, a piece of iron 76.2 cm long was required.

A mare of the same Belgian breed (Brabant) named Wilma du Bos had a slightly smaller size. She was born on July 15, 1966. Her height at the withers reached 1 m 88 cm. In April 1973, Wilma's weight was 1459 kg. So big weight was due to her pregnancy. The girth of the body was by that time 3 m 65 cm. After the birth of her foal normal weight was 1088-1134 kg.

On the territory of our country, the largest horses belong, as a rule, to the Soviet heavy breed. On average, the live weight of representatives of this breed is: for stallions - 781 kg, for mares - 654 kg.

The highest

The heavy-duty gelding, named Sampson, of the Shire breed of horses, is the tallest in the world in the history of horses. As it grew and got bigger, it was renamed Mammoth. This giant was born in 1846 in the UK, was grown by Thomas Cleaver in the town of Toddington Mills. In 1850, an absolute horse height record was registered, which remains the best to this day. The height of the Mammoth at the withers was 2 m 19 cm, and Weight Limit gelding over 1524 kg.

The smallest

The Argentine Falabella horse breed is the smallest in the world. For more than 70 years, local breeders have developed a special breed by inbreeding and crossing with a small group of tiny undersized horses (these horses were discovered at the beginning of the 20th century in the southern regions of Argentina). The first horse of this breed, the mare Recco de Roca (her height at the withers was 38 cm and weighing 11.9 kg), was bred by Julio Falabella. The result of the work is amazing, an amazing breed was bred, the height at the withers of the Falabello horse averaged 76 cm, and the live weight was from 36 to 45 kg.

In 1973, on November 15, in the state of South Carolina, USA, in the veterinary center of the city of Spartanburg, with the help of Dr. T. H. Hamison, the smallest horse that ever lived on earth was born. According to the registration card, the stallion named Little Pamkin by November 30, 1975 had a height at the withers of 35.5 cm, and his weight was 9.07 kg.

Long-lived horses

In 1760, a stallion named Billy was born. It was bred by Edward Robinson in a place called Woolston, UK, by crossing two breeds: a Cleveland and an Oriental Thoroughbred. This stallion lived for 62 years, after which he was renamed Old Billy. Such a long life is an absolute record among horses. Old Billy was in good health and until the last days of his life did hard work: towing barges. On November 27, 1822, at Latchford Farm, near Warrington, Old Billy died. The skull of this centenarian is kept in the Manchester Museum, and the effigy of Old Billy can be seen in the Bedford Museum in the UK.

Another long-lived stallion named Bonnie Less (born in 1919 and died on May 2, 1987) was recognized. This pony lived for 54 years, which is a record among horses of this breed.

Among thoroughbred racehorses, the bay gelding named Duke Tango, who lived for 42 years (born in 1935 and died on January 25, 1978), was recognized as the record holder for life expectancy.

The strongest

By all accounts, the strongest horses are heavy trucks. Indeed, on the estate of Nester, located in Michigan, USA, a pair of heavy trucks pulled a load of 130.9 tons on a sleigh along a frozen road for 402 m.

On February 26, 1893, a pair of draft horses of the Shire breed, whose live weight was 1587 kg, stretched out a load consisting of 50 white aspen logs, the weight of which was more than 42.3 tons.

On April 23, 1924, a heavy truck named Vulcan, owned by the Liverpool Corporation, at an exhibition in Wembley showed an amazing result on a dynamometer - 29.47 tons. And a pair of heavy trucks at the same exhibition easily set a world record for traction force - 51 tons also recorded with a dynamometer).

The fastest

The absolute world speed record belongs to a thoroughbred stallion named Beach Rackit. At the races in Mexico City, the frisky stallion showed an amazing result: he reached speeds of up to 69.69 km / h over a distance of 409.26 m or 1/4 mile.

At a distance of 1 mile, a trotter named Pine Chip became the best. His record of 1 mile in 1 minute 51 seconds was recorded on October 1, 1994.

Pacers have also established themselves as the fastest horses in the world. Among them, the stallion named Kambest is considered the absolute record holder. He covered 1 mile in 1 minute 46.2 seconds. The world record was set on August 16, 1993.

The most jumping

In Chile on February 5, 1949, a world record for the high jump was recorded. It was installed by a stallion named Waso under the saddle of A. Morales. The height of the jump was 2 m 47 cm.

In 1975, in Johannesburg, the record of the stallion Samting was officially recorded, which jumped over a moat with water, the width of which was 8.4 m.


In the Guinness Book of Records, the maximum number of foals is 19. All of them were born to the same horse throughout their lives.

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