Lose 15 pounds fast. daily routine to lose weight fast

A slender figure helps to get rid of complexes and become more self-confident. Losing some 2 or 3 kilograms is not at all difficult. A couple of unloading days - and you're done. It is much more difficult to lose weight if it needs to be done urgently, and the overweight has already exceeded 10 kg. Therefore, many are interested in how to quickly lose weight by 15 kg.

Losing weight with the declared plumb is a doable task. And if you approach this matter wisely, then you can do without harming your health. For example, losing 15 kg in 3 months is relatively easy. The most important thing is to use a set of methods to achieve the goal, and not fall into an intense hunger strike. Basically, this complex includes two components: diet and exercise. Consider diets that promise this plummet at different times.

There are a large number of recipes for how to lose 15 kg in a week. But before you start testing these diets for yourself, you should remember one simple rule. The result of any nutrition system is strictly individual and directly depends on the characteristics of your body. It is necessary to take into account the so-called starting weight, the presence of chronic diseases, the state of the endocrine system. All of the above are different for each of us. Therefore, if someone managed to lose fifteen extra pounds in 7 days thanks to a certain diet, there is no guarantee that you will be able to repeat such a feat. And yet, if the doctor has allowed, why not try.

For weight loss to be truly successful, strict adherence to the diet is required. Substituting products or supplementing the diet with something is unacceptable. But green tea is allowed. True, its quantity should not exceed 3 cups. Be sure to drink pure non-carbonated water.

days Meals What do we eat
1 and 2 All day A liter of low-fat kefir with tomato juice (250 ml) and a slice of whole grain bread (20 g).
3 and 4 Let's have breakfast A cup of coffee with the addition of milk and natural honey (1 tsp).
Lunch Chicken broth (200 g) with green peas (2 tablespoons).
Dinner Boiled chicken breast (150 g).
5 and 6 Let's have breakfast A couple of apples or oranges.
Lunch Vegetable soup (250 g).
Having lunch A couple of apples or oranges.
Dinner Salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and green peas sprinkled with lemon juice (200 g).
7 All day A liter of low-fat kefir.

Two weeks

You will succeed in losing 15 kg in 2 weeks. Its main principle is, as the name itself implies, the use of products of an exclusively liquid consistency (you can drink juices of vegetables and fruits, kefir, weak broth). As a bonus, get a clean intestine.

Before embarking on this diet, you should definitely talk to a nutritionist. If there are any health problems, consult with specialized specialists (for example, with an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist). In the absence of serious contraindications, a nutritionist will help with the development of an optimal diet for you.

Preparation (3 days)

The drinking regimen involves drinking at least 2 liters of pure non-carbonated water every day. Unsweetened green tea is also allowed.

Day Meals What do we eat
1 Let's have breakfast Buckwheat porridge boiled in milk (200 g). Do not add sugar.
We have breakfast again A glass of kefir.
Lunch Vegetable soup (200 g), boiled chicken breast (70 g).
Having lunch One apple.
Dinner Stewed vegetables (200 g).
2 Let's have breakfast Oatmeal boiled in milk (200 g). Do not add sugar.
We have breakfast again A glass of milk.
Lunch Baked chicken breast (150 g) and a couple of cucumbers.
Having lunch Walnuts (50 g) and one apple.
Dinner Low-fat cottage cheese (200 g).
3 Let's have breakfast Liquid mashed potatoes (200 g). Do not add salt, butter or milk.
We have breakfast again A glass of kefir.
Lunch Grated carrot (200 g) with a couple of teaspoons of natural honey.
Having lunch A glass of kefir.
Dinner Liquid mashed potatoes (150 g). Do not add salt, butter or milk. A glass of kefir.

Main period (14 days)

For 2 weeks, you should eat according to the schedule below every day. It is forbidden to break it and make any adjustments to it.

Time What do we drink
8:00 Cup oatmeal broth. To prepare it, you need to boil oatmeal (100 g) in water (0.5 l), then drain.
Vegetable broth (250 g).
A glass of boiled hot water. You can add a few drops of lemon juice if you like.
11:00 A glass of juice from any fruit.
12:00 A glass of low-fat kefir.
14:00 A glass of decoction of berries. If there are no berries, it is allowed to replace them with dried fruits.
15:00 Weak chicken broth (200 g).
A glass of boiled hot water.
18:00 A glass of juice from any vegetable or fruit. Dilute with water in a ratio of 3/4 juice - 1/4 water.
21:00 A glass of slightly warmed milk.

Final stage (3 days)

exit from liquid diet need right. This stage cannot be neglected, even if you are going to finish it earlier than you originally intended.

Day Meals What do we eat
1 Let's have breakfast Liquid mashed potatoes cooked with water (200 g).
We have breakfast again A cup of mint tea with lemon.
Lunch Grated carrots (200 g) with the addition of a couple of teaspoons of natural honey.
Having lunch A glass of kefir.
Dinner Low-fat cottage cheese (200 g).
Before bedtime We drink a glass of kefir
2 Let's have breakfast Any baked vegetables (250 g).
We have breakfast again A glass of kefir.
Lunch Buckwheat porridge cooked in water, without adding oil (200 g) with fresh herbs.
Having lunch Walnuts (50 g).
Dinner Boiled unsalted rice without oil (200 g).
Before bedtime We drink a glass of kefir.
3 Let's have breakfast Oatmeal cooked with milk (200 g). You can add a teaspoon of natural honey.
We have breakfast again A glass of milk.
Lunch Vegetable soup (250 g) and baked beef (70 g).
Having lunch A glass of kefir with one loaf.
Dinner Low-fat cottage cheese (150 g) with one apple.
Before bedtime We drink a glass of kefir.

15 days

To lose weight in 15 days by 15 kg is no more difficult than in 2 weeks. The Fifteen Day Diet is very effective and convenient. After all, you can sit on it as less than the allotted time, and more. It all depends on what result you get and whether you are satisfied with it.

The principle of this nutrition system is the alternation of unloading, protein and carbohydrate days. Their sequence and content of the menu cannot be adjusted.

Day The nature of nutrition Meals What do we eat
1 unloading All day We drink kefir (1 l).
2 We drink milk (1 l) or juice from tomatoes.
3 and 4 Protein Let's have breakfast Boiled egg with a slice of rye bread (30 g) and a cup of tea.
Lunch Mushroom broth (200 g) and boiled chicken breast (150 g).
Having lunch Stewed vegetables (150 g).
Dinner Boiled egg with low-fat cheese (100 g) and a glass of kefir.
5 and 6 carbohydrate Let's have breakfast A couple of apples or kiwi, tea with the addition of a teaspoon of natural honey.
Lunch Vegetable soup (150 g) and stewed vegetables (150 g).
Having lunch A couple of cucumbers with one loaf.
Dinner Salad of fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and green peas dressed with olive oil (150 g)
7 and 8 unloading See days 1 and 2.
9 and 10 Protein See days 3 and 4.
11 and 12 carbohydrate See days 5 and 6.
13 and 14 unloading See days 1 and 2.
15 Let's have breakfast Stewed vegetables (150 g).
Lunch Low-fat cottage cheese (150 g) and kefir (150 ml).
Having lunch One loaf and a cup of tea with the addition of a teaspoon of natural honey.
Dinner Boiled chicken breast (200 g) and tomato juice (100 ml).

30 days

Those who are not accustomed to rush and value their health are interested in how to lose 15 kg in a month. First of all, you need to give up foods containing fast carbohydrates, fatty and processed foods, as well as salt and sugar. You will have to eat with a 3-hour interval. But keep in mind that at a time it will be possible to eat no more than 300 g.

The main rule is unloading on kefir or buckwheat porridge, which must be done with a 2-day interval. The diet of such a day usually consists of buckwheat porridge cooked in water, without the addition of oil and salt (0.5 kg) or kefir (1 l).

Eating small portions, alternating with unloading, will lead to the fact that fat will no longer be deposited, and metabolism will significantly accelerate. Hence, overweight will start to melt.

If your goal is to lose 15 kg in a month, you will have to remove many foods from your daily diet, as well as abandon some methods of processing them. For example, you cannot smoke and fry food on a diet. But you can bake and cook it. For successful weight loss, your menu should not include:

  • salted, smoked and fried;
  • confectionery;
  • flour (even bread);
  • any pasta;
  • mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup and any other sauces;
  • fast food;
  • sausage products;
  • fatty dairy products and sour milk;
  • carbonated sweet, energy and alcoholic drinks;
  • all kinds of coffee.

Since sugar is prohibited, it is allowed to use its substitute. Chocolate lovers can change milk for a couple of slices of bitter.

Two month

To say goodbye to 15 kilograms in 2 months and keep the new weight, you have to work hard. To obtain such a result, you will need a whole range of methods - diet correction, physical activity, psychological work on yourself and consultation with a nutritionist.

You need to prepare in advance for a two-month diet marathon. Lack of preparation comes with health risks. Before you radically change your diet and lifestyle, you need to remove toxins from the body, put your metabolism in order, and treat existing diseases.

If you have already managed to prepare for the diet properly, follow these recommendations for 2 months:

  • Forget about flour and sweets.
  • Limit your use of animal fats as much as possible.
  • Reduce your daily calorie intake to 1200 kcal.
  • Do a weekly download.
  • Increase the number of meals to 5-6 times a day and reduce the amount of servings. The last time you can eat 2 hours before going to bed, no later.
  • Eat at least 30 grams of fiber daily.
  • Walk every day. The duration of one walk should be at least 40 minutes.
  • Go to the gym or pool three times a week.
  • Take vitamin and mineral complexes.

Three months

To lose 15 kg in three months, there is no need to go on a strict diet and bring yourself to exhaustion in the gym. You will reach your goal if you reduce your daily calorie intake to 1300 calories and begin to set aside at least an hour every day for training. An instructor or video tutorials on the Internet will help you decide on the optimal set of physical exercises. It is even better to alternate training in the gym with dancing or running.

half a year

How can you lose weight by the same 15 kg in six months? This is an even easier task. You will need to lose 2.5 kg every month. To obtain such a result, you do not need to starve yourself or exhaust yourself in gym. You just need to switch to fractional meals (from 5 to 6 meals), limit your daily calorie intake to 1500 calories and exercise at intervals of one day.

Training should be complex. For example, squat 50 times, do 50 abs exercises, do 100 torso tilts and 50 leg swings in different directions.

Try to devote more time to walking. Eliminate all flour, sugar and alcohol from your diet. Once a week, you should unload vegetables (stewed or baked), fruits, kefir, buckwheat or oatmeal.

And finally

Before embarking on any diet, regardless of its duration, you should consult a nutritionist. In addition, it is imperative to make sure that there are no contraindications.

In the process of fighting extra pounds, there will periodically be a feeling of hunger. It is especially painful for beginners in losing weight. To mute it, it is recommended to use folk remedies: ginger tea, decoction of nettle or linden. Appetite can sometimes be deceived by distracting actions: breathing exercises taking a bath, brushing your teeth.

To enhance the effect of the diet, it is advisable to use anti-cellulite creams and wraps (if there is no allergy). They will help tighten the skin and improve its condition.

50% of the female population sooner or later begin to ask themselves the question: how to lose weight? Some try to lose 5 kg, some 10, but there are girls who try to lose more, especially before holidays or important events. They are looking for effective quick ways weight loss, try to create their own diet menu. But unlike amateurs, smart girls try to learn from professionals how to lose 15 kg in a week. But it should be taken into account that very fast loss weight threatens to worsen the condition, problems with the kidneys, liver.

How much can you lose 15 kg

The answer to this question is ambiguous, it depends on the input, which includes a person’s desire to reduce weight, his diet and menu, physical activity, etc. Some people can easily lose up to 10 kg per month, for others it will be a very difficult test and overwhelming load. It is also worth considering general state health of a person who is trying to lose weight. Rapid weight loss can adversely affect a person's health.

It takes about two months for a prepared body to burn 10 kg excess weight. It is possible to achieve brighter positive results only with a rational approach to this process. To do this, you must adhere to proper nutrition, exercise exercise and follow a balanced diet. The main thing is the right motivation, and the mono-diet is considered the most effective.

How to lose 15 kg

Before starting the process, you should set yourself a task with full responsibility and honesty and answer the question: what result do you want to see in the end? If you have recovered after the holidays or want to lose some extra pounds, you should not go on a strict diet - you just need to slightly adjust your weight with light diet. In the case when you weigh 60 kg and want to lose 15 kg, then this can be dangerous for your health (such weight loss can cause serious diseases in the future, it will not create a beautiful figure for you).

It is worth taking the problem of excess weight very seriously, and especially how to lose 15 kg in a short time. Basic Rules proper weight loss are: a set of actions that can provide a healthy approach, proper nutrition, exercise, morale for quick and harmless weight loss. So, to achieve your goals, you need two main components:

  • proper nutrition;
  • sport.

Proper nutrition

To start proper nutrition, you need to completely revise your diet: the body should not be deprived of nutrients, but you should not overload it with unnecessary ones. There must be a restriction in food, especially fatty. The number of meals should be increased up to 6 times a day: in this case, fat will not be deposited, and metabolic processes will work much better and faster. When losing weight try to eat up to 3 times a day - this is very harmful and detrimental to the body.

With a traditional diet, you should not completely forbid yourself all sweets, you just have to reduce their consumption to a minimum. But if you set yourself the goal of losing 15 kilograms in a month, then you will have to completely abandon some products, change the usual way of heat treatment. Diet for quick weight loss by 15 kg allows the use of sugar substitutes. Once a week, you should spend a fasting day for the body: during this day you can eat fruits, vegetables, herbs, and drink water much more than normal.

So, do not fry or smoke food in a large amount of oil, it is better to boil or bake food. With such a diet, it is forbidden to eat the following types of food:

  • fried;
  • smoked;
  • salty;
  • confectionery;
  • protein;
  • flour and pasta;
  • ketchup, mayonnaise and other sauces;
  • fast food;
  • dairy and sour-milk products of high fat content;
  • sweet drinks with gas;
  • energy and alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • sugar;
  • soda;
  • cigarettes (even electronic);
  • sausage, ham, bacon.


For the period of the diet Special attention should be given physical activity and gymnastics. Moreover, you can not only work out in the gym and fitness center, but create your own workouts in Everyday life. For example, these types of exercises can be:

  1. If you live in a high-rise building, it is not necessary to use the elevator - go up the stairs to your floor.
  2. At least twice a week walk to or from work(this will help in creating slim figure).
  3. After waking up, do not immediately jump out of bed, but do a few basic exercises for warm-up(sipping, lifting the pelvis, legs, warming up the hands, etc.).
  4. If you have sedentary work, try to use it for weight loss - at least a couple of hours a day work standing, periodically stretching on tiptoe.

Effective diet for losing weight by 15 kg

How to lose weight by 15 kg? There are many ways to lose weight, they all have their taboos. But when you start choosing the most effective diet for yourself, it is worth remembering that debilitating hunger strikes will by no means be useful in this matter either for your body or for your moral state. Naturally, this method will help to lose those extra pounds, but after a while they will return. Starvation will simply slow down the metabolic processes of the body. There are several time intervals for a diet: a week, a month, 3 months, half a year, etc.

For a week

You can distribute meals at your discretion. The main rule is that you can eat no more than 500 calories per day. At this time, it is strictly forbidden to eat foods such as salt, sugar, fatty foods. Daily menu might look something like this.

Every second girl sooner or later sets herself the task of losing weight. And if someone is unimportant, in what terms the goal will be achieved, many still strive to get rid of excess kilograms extremely quickly. Especially often this happens before holidays and significant events in life.

However, those who want to lose weight so soon should remember that rapid weight loss is stressful for the body, which means it can lead to serious malfunctions and diseases. Let's still figure out how to lose weight by 15 kg in a month.

Losing weight by 15 kg per month is a completely feasible task, moreover, with the right approach to business, it is not capable of causing significant damage to the body. The main thing is that the goal is achieved by a whole range of measures, and not by intense hunger strikes.

First of all, you should pay attention to general recommendations for quick weight loss, which dietitians adhere to.


It is important to completely revise the diet. The body should not be deprived of the substances necessary for its functioning, but you still have to limit food intake.

You need to eat not 3 times a day, and in no case less, as many people who lose weight do. On the contrary, you should increase the number of meals to 6.

If you eat in small portions like this, then fat will not be deposited, and the metabolic processes of the body will significantly speed up their work.

For normal weight loss, there is no need to deny yourself your favorite sweets, you just need to cut back on their consumption. But if there is a goal to lose 15 kg per month, then many products will really have to be completely abandoned, as well as change the methods of heat treatment of food.

So, you should not fry or smoke food in a large amount of oil, boiling and baking is more preferable. The following foods should be excluded from the diet:

  • Roast;
  • Smoked;
  • Salty;
  • Confectionery;
  • Any flour products, including bread;
  • Pasta;
  • Ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard and other sauces;
  • Fast food, chips, crackers, etc.;
  • Dairy and sour-milk products with a high percentage of fat (above 3.2);
  • Sweet carbonated drinks;
  • Energetic drinks;
  • Alcoholic drinks;
  • Tobacco products, as well as electronic cigarettes;
  • Milk chocolate;
  • Coffee and its derivative drinks;
  • Sugar, including adding it to hot drinks;
  • Sausages;
  • Ham;
  • Bacon.

At the same time, it is allowed to use a sweetener instead of sugar, and replace milk chocolate with a small amount of imported bitter.

You can dilute hot drinks with a tablespoon of skimmed milk or cream, but it is not recommended to consume skimmed foods in their pure form.

It is better to buy them with a reduced percentage of fat content, since low-fat products are devoid of calories, and therefore an energy source.

Once a week, the body should be unloaded, which involves cleansing it of toxic poisons and toxins. This can be done by eating fruits, vegetables, herbs throughout the day, as well as drinking an amount of water above the norm.


It is necessary to dilute the habitual way of life with physical activity. If there is a catastrophic lack of time for the gym, then you can only make small adjustments to ordinary everyday life, for example:

  1. Refuse the elevator and go up to the required floor on foot;
  2. At least a couple of times a week to get to work not by car, but on foot;
  3. Perform elementary exercises in bed before getting up in the morning (sipping, lifting the pelvis, legs, etc.);
  4. If you have a laptop, you can work on it standing up, periodically stretching on tiptoe.

Although such sports habits do not burn fat, they support the body's endurance, preventing it from getting used to a sedentary lifestyle.

home treatments

Along with proper nutrition And sports load you can carry out home cosmetic procedures that burn fat. For example, wraps or therapeutic baths.

There are also many other ways to bring your body to perfection with the help of conventional pharmaceutical products, such as essential or vegetable oils.

Nutritional supplements

Nutritional supplements are a great help in losing weight quickly. You can buy special vitamins in city pharmacies or diversify your diet with more original ingredients: chia seeds or goji berries.

Diets for weight loss by 15 kg per month

When choosing a nutrition system to achieve the task, it should be remembered that debilitating hunger strikes will not benefit anyone. Of course they will get rid of overweight, but also slow down the metabolic processes of the body, and the kilograms will return after a while.

There are many diets that guarantee weight loss of 10-15 kg per month, but the following are the most effective:

  • "No-Carb Diet of Fashion Models".

This diet has such an interesting name for a reason, it is often used by models to keep themselves in great shape. It is believed that if you stay on a diet for three days, you can lose up to five kilograms at once. Daily diet this power system looks like this:

  1. Breakfast (8:00) - 1 hard-boiled egg;
  2. Second breakfast (11:00) - 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese, black or green tea without additives;
  3. Lunch (14:00) - the same as the previous meal;
  4. Dinner - absent;
  5. During the day - 2.5 liters of water.

Such a diet really helps to quickly lose weight, but you should not get carried away with it, it is intended only for extreme cases;

  • Tougher "diet fashion models."

This diet option is in many ways similar to the previous one, because it has a limited amount of protein and fat consumed. But this type is equated with a more cruel one, and, therefore, it helps to get rid of 15 kg more effectively. The daily routine looks like this:

  1. Breakfast - 35 g of hard cheese with a low percentage of fat, a slice of rye bread, green tea without additives;
  2. Lunch - boiled green beans, a slice of rye bread, 200 g of cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat, black or green tea without additives;
  3. Dinner - 100 g chicken fillet, 1 cucumber and tomato, green tea without additives;
  4. It is also better to carry out such a diet periodically, without getting carried away, otherwise beriberi may occur.
  • Diet Simeons with Anat Stern.

The diet of Dr. Albert Simeons is just designed for fast weight loss: 10 to 15 kg per month. However, it is completely different from previous debilitating diets, as it is a more thoughtful nutrition system and does not harm health.

The diet of Albert Simeons includes only two principles:

  1. Following the stages of the diet (preparation, main process, consolidation and regeneration);
  2. Parallel use of chorionic gonadotropin.

The main teaching of Dr. Albert Simeons is that there are three types of body fat, one of which is rainy day fat. The main action of the diet is aimed at getting rid of such deposits;

  • Unloading days.

As noted earlier, fasting days- This is a kind of vacation for the body, which should be done once a week. But there is also a diet, the principle of which is similar to the main action of fasting days.

It is only necessary to unload for 3-4 days, and then it will be possible to lose up to 5 kg. Unloading diet includes the following steps:

  • Day 1 - restriction of consumed fats and carbohydrates;
  • Day 2 - hunger strike, which implies a complete rejection of food, you can only drink water;
  • Day 3 - re-restriction in fats and carbohydrates;
  • Day 4 - a smooth transition to the usual diet.

Can't control your appetite and don't lose weight because of it? Check it out!

And you will find out what a Phase 2 calorie blocker is.

If you notice swelling on the legs or under the eyes, then start sounding the alarm! After all, these may be symptoms of a disease. our experts will tell you what diseases cause swelling and how you can remove excess fluid from the body.

Physical exercise

There is a main rule for losing weight, which says: “To lose weight, you should consume fewer calories than your body spends during the day, and also increase energy consumption for fast burning fat."

Because physical activity essential to achieve the desired result.

If it is not possible to visit the fitness center, as well as arrange workouts on fresh air then you can practice at home. This will require:

  • Specialized training mat;
  • Low upholstered bench;
  • Dumbbells for gymnastic exercises;
  • Comfortable clothing (high-soled sneakers, breeches, sports bra, top or T-shirt).

Home workouts should be done 3 times in 7 days in the first half of the day, starting with a light “school” warm-up.

It is also important to remember that after a month of the same type of training, the body gets used to the load, so the effectiveness in losing weight is reduced.

Exercise should be done for each problem areas bodies, as a rule, these are legs, stomach and buttocks.

To lose weight in the abdomen, you can perform the following exercises.


  1. Bend your knees;
  2. Put your hands behind your head;
  3. Raise your head while inhaling upper part back, lifting the chin up;
  4. On exhalation, return to the starting position.

Reverse twist: the first four points of the previous and this exercise are the same. However, as you lift your head and shoulder blades, you should also lift your pelvis. Exhaling, you can return to the starting position.


  1. Lie on the floor, pressing your lower back against its surface;
  2. Bend your knees;
  3. Put your hands behind your head;
  4. While inhaling, lift the body of the body and slowly rise to the knees.

To lose extra pounds from your legs, as well as pump them up, you can use the following exercises.


  1. Stand up straight, hands on the belt;
  2. Stretch one of the legs in front of you;
  3. Slowly sit down on the second leg;
  4. Return to starting position.

This exercise is important to perform for both legs in 10 sets.


  1. Stand up straight, hands on the belt;
  2. Lunge forward naked as far as possible;
  3. Return to starting position.

This exercise should be performed, alternating legs, in 10 approaches for each.


  1. Stand up straight, hands on the belt;
  2. Rise sharply on toes;
  3. Stand 5-10 seconds;
  4. Descend.

Exercise "Lighthouse" can be performed while standing on the toes for a longer time. Also on socks, you can walk around the apartment regularly, this will pump up the calves.


  1. Lie on your back on a flat surface;
  2. Raise your legs, bending them at the knees;
  3. Spread your legs to the sides as far as possible, pulling your socks away from you;
  4. Hold in this position for 5-10 seconds;
  5. Relax and repeat for 10 sets.


  1. Stand against the wall;
  2. Squat so that a right angle forms under the knees;
  3. Don't put your hands on your hips!
  4. Stay like this for 10 seconds;
  5. Relax and repeat for 5 sets.

Low squats

  1. Stand straight, hands on the belt, feet shoulder width apart;
  2. Lower the pelvis as far as possible;
  3. Stay in this position for 5 seconds;

Part 1

Making a weight loss plan

    Know what to expect. An article about weight loss is hardly a good motivation, but it will help you decide on your ultimate goal: it is very difficult to lose 15 kilograms in two months. Doctors and nutritionists say that you can lose 0.5-1 kg of weight per week without harm to health. Even if you lose 1.5 kg per week for nine weeks in a row, you will still be close to your desired goal. While it's entirely possible to lose 15 kilos in two months, whether it's safe for your health is another matter.

    • Healthy weight loss starts by reducing fat stores without triggering "hunger mode". When you reduce your calorie intake to the point where your body thinks you are starving, it starts using muscle instead of fat. This is an unhealthy trend.
    • It's also hard to lose weight just by eating less. If you significantly reduce the number of calories, it becomes more difficult for the body to lose weight. This phenomenon is called "diet-induced adaptive thermogenesis". Maybe it's a survival mechanism or it's our body's attempt to maintain a comfortable weight. Whatever it is - and as crazy as it sounds - you need to get calories in order to lose weight.
  1. Find out how many calories you need to lose weight. In 500 grams of weight - 3500 calories. This means that you need to burn 3,500 calories more than you eat in a week to lose a pound of weight.

    • For example, you can burn 100 to 125 calories by running 1.5 kilometers for average speed. At this pace, you will have to run over 45 kilometers (more than a marathon) to lose a kilo of weight.
      • People who run marathons typically lose about 3 kilograms during a run, but most of that weight (about 2.7 kilograms) is water.
  2. Learn about other factors that are involved in weight loss. Fortunately, people can lose weight in several ways. There is a loss muscle mass, fat loss and water loss. Most of the weight you plan to lose in two months will be water, and that's okay. If you combine a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and training for the Spartans, then you can achieve your goal.

    Set weekly or monthly goals to keep you motivated. Many people start exercising and don't see immediate results. When they plan to lose 7+ kilos, such results can be frustrating. They soon give up because their goals are unattainable and there are no results. Instead of falling prey to diets, break your goals down into manageable chunks so that even if you don't see immediate results, you won't get frustrated and quit.

    • If you want to lose 15 kilos in two months, then your goal would be to lose 7.5 kilos in a month or 1.5 kilos in a week. Losing 15 kilograms can seem intimidating. 7.5 kilograms sounds like something real. 1.5 kilograms per week can be easily lost.

Part 2

Basic nutritional advice
  1. Calculate your basal metabolic rate and eat fewer calories than you burn. Your basic metabolic index is a calculation of the number of calories you burn per day. In fact, a 2,000 calorie diet was calculated using these numbers. As we learned earlier, the key to weight loss is eating fewer calories than you burn, so it's important to know how many calories you burn per day in order to tailor your weight loss diet.

    • Calculating your BIM is very easy. Type "basic metabolic index" into the search engine and enter information about your age, age, height, weight, and whether you are pregnant.
  2. Don't skip meals. Even if the key to successful weight loss is to eat less than you burn, you shouldn't be skipping meals. If you skip, you are more likely to enter "starvation mode" (see above), and also increase the risk of overeating.

    Eat lean protein. A diet rich in protein is essential for weight loss. Studies have shown that subjects who followed a protein-rich diet consumed fewer calories, felt fuller (and not hungry) and satisfied than before starting this diet:

    • Lean meats such as turkey and chicken breast
    • Fish such as tuna
    • Low-fat dairy products, such as skim milk or cottage cheese, or low-fat yogurt.
    • Soy products such as tofu
    • Beans and legumes such as beans and lentils.
  3. Prefer complex carbohydrates to simple ones. There is a huge difference between complex and simple carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates, such as those found in bread, sodas, and cookies, have a simple chemical structure and are digested relatively quickly by our bodies; the excess is often stored as fat. Complex carbohydrates, such as sweet potatoes, brown rice, and zucchini, have a more complex chemical structure and take much longer to process in the body; this means you stay full longer and there is less chance that carbohydrates are converted to fat. When choosing between simple and complex carbohydrates, vote for solid:

    • Choose Whole Grain Bread Over Wheat Bread
    • Choose Whole Grain Pasta Over "Regular" Pasta
    • Choose brown (brown) rice, not white
    • Choose vegetables like broccoli over starches like potatoes
    • Choose nuts, beans, and legumes over sugar, soda, and sweets
  4. Prefer healthy fats over unhealthy ones. Not all fats need to be avoided. There are two "healthy" fats and two "unhealthy" fats. If you will use healthy fats while dieting, it will help you stay healthy and lose weight.

    • "Mono-" and "polysaturated fats" are considered beneficial for human body and can be safely included in diets. Monosaturated fats are found in avocados, nuts, olives, and pumpkin seeds. Salmon and flax seeds are rich in polyunsaturated fats.
    • Avoid "saturated" and "trans fats". These fats are not only bad for cholesterol levels, increasing the risk cardiovascular diseases but have no nutritional value. They should be avoided, but especially when you are on a diet.
  5. Eat in a balanced way. Even if you eat healthy, you may be eating too much of a certain type of food and neglecting the benefits of all other types of food. If you're trying to lose weight, keep your diet in good balance by eating fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts, fish, and lean meats. Try to avoid fatty foods, processed foods, fast food, snacks, sweets, and baked goods.

Part 3

Choose a Specific Diet

    Stick to the Atkins diet. The low-carb diet, the Atkins diet, recommends reducing carbohydrate intake in favor of proteins and even some fats. Those on the Atkins diet eat low glycemic foods. An example of the Atkins diet would be a hamburger in which you can only eat a patty and vegetables.

    Stick to the South Beach Diet. Although the South Beach Diet is very similar to the Atkins Diet, there are a few major differences between the two:

    • The South Beach Diet forbids unhealthy fats but allows for healthy ones;
    • The South Beach Diet does not count carbohydrates. Instead, followers of this diet can only eat low-sugar or low-glycemic carbohydrates.
  1. Try the Mediterranean diet. This diet is based on foods commonly eaten in places like Spain, Italy, Greece and Crete. Many peoples in this region regularly eat:

    • Moderate amounts of fish and chicken and little red meat
    • Lots of seasonal plant foods and vegetables
    • Fresh fruits for dessert
    • Olive oil
    • Cheese and yogurt as main dairy products
    • A small amount of wine
  2. Try the Weight Watchers program. This is a popular weight loss program where people are given points based on several key factors such as weight, gender, age; and the products also have points. People are allowed to eat everything, with the condition that they do not exceed the norm of points set by him.

    Become a vegetarian. Although not a traditional "diet", there are benefits to being a vegetarian in terms of weight loss. Vegetarians who follow their diet for five years weigh less than those who eat meat, a study found (vegans weigh even less than vegetarians). At the same time, just because you're a vegetarian doesn't mean you're eating right. There is a lot of unhealthy food, which at the same time is completely suitable for vegetarians. Become a vegetarian if you think it will help you eat healthy.

Part 4

Basic exercise advice

    Be consistent - do a little each day. The key to weight loss is consistency. Constantly find time for walks, play sport games or just exercise, it will help you when it comes time to get on the scale, for two reasons:

    • You will lose weight little by little. It is easier to lose 100 grams every day and work out every day than to work out twice a week and lose a pound a day.
    • This will make it easier for you to make exercise a habit. Once they become a habit, it will be easier for you to find motivation for daily workouts and harder to justify skipping a day.
  1. Get involved with a friend. Working out with a friend will help you stay motivated. It's harder to miss a day if a friend is waiting for you at the gym. Not only that, it's also a great way to strengthen your relationship. Nothing brings people together like sweat and tears.

    Try training with intervals. Interval workouts consist of short bursts active exercise, which are stretched for a longer amount of time and are considered especially effective for burning fat. For example, instead of running around the stadium at the same speed, speed up every 500 meters; run the circle at normal speed three times, and on the fourth, accelerate as much as possible.

    • Interval training is not only more effective at burning fat than regular exercise, it is also more effective. Interval training burn calories faster than traditional workouts.
  2. Train when you have the most energy. Some people flutter like birds in the morning; some are owls and have a harder time waking up. Whatever type of person you are, try to train when you have a lot of energy. There is no point in exercising when your tank is empty; you will get the best results if you train at the right time.

    May inspiration always be with you. You want to lose weight and you want to do it quickly. Whatever your reason, let it always be there and motivate you to keep going when you think you can't. There will be a time when you want to quit everything, when you think you have done your best, and the desire will be the strongest. That's when you need the motivation to keep going. Your motivation may be:

    • friend or family member; maybe you're losing weight because he inspired you.
    • Professional sportsman; maybe you always wanted to be like them.
    • Idea or case; maybe you care about your health and feel better every day.
    • A challenge in itself because you know you can.
  3. Make sure you get enough sleep. University of Chicago researchers have shown that those who sleep 8.5 hours a day lose 55% more fat than those who sleep only 5.5 hours a day. Sleep deprivation increases levels of the hormone ghrelin. Ghrelin causes appetite and can affect how fat is stored in the body. To obtain best results from your workouts, make sure you get enough sleep.

Part 5

Choose the type of exercise

    Try aerobic, also known as cardio, workouts. Cardio has certain health benefits, in addition to being a great way to burn fat and lose weight. They improve breathing, strengthen the heart muscle, reduce stress and prevent the development of depression. Here are a few types of cardio workouts that will help you lose weight quickly:

    • Swimming
    • Cycling
    • Walking
  1. Try playing team sports. Team sports motivate people to exercise more. In most cases, people get into the spirit of competition and burn a lot of calories by exercising for hours. Join a local amateur team or create your own with friends or co-workers. Here are a few popular types sports that will help you burn calories.

    • Play basketball. Running and jumping on the court burns 812 to 946 calories per hour.
    • Play football. In one hour, you can burn 740 to 860 calories.
    • Play hockey. Absolutely physical appearance sport, with which you can burn about 500 calories per hour.
    • Play American Football. Of course, it's hard to say exactly how many calories you can burn playing American football. Overall score is that football players weighing 90 kg burn up to 900 calories, while the captain of a team weighing 90 kg burns about 700 calories.
  2. Try yourself in individual sports. Test your determination and endurance by competing in an individual sport. These sports test how far you are willing to go to achieve your goals. Your body will often be at the limit of its capacity, but in return you will destroy calories.

    • Take up rock climbing. While it doesn't look like an intense workout, rock climbing is a great calorie burner. You can burn 810 to 940 calories per hour with intense exercise.
    • get busy skiing or snowboarding. Although skiing and snowboarding is difficult to do all year round, you can always find something to your liking: ski slalom, downhill, cross-country and skiing through drifts. You will burn 640 to 980 calories per hour.
    • Play tennis. Tennis can be really exhausting. Requiring short, quick movements, excellent coordination, tennis can help burn about 400 calories every hour.
  3. If you're interested, take part in a half marathon. As we discussed earlier in this article, a half or full marathon is a great way to lose those extra pounds. Yes, it's very tiring. This is a punishment for your body. And, in the end, it's more of a test of your endurance than your body's capabilities. But if you run a marathon, you will get a powerful supply of energy and motivation.

    • Of course, one of the key elements of a marathon is preparation for it. You can't expect to run a marathon without training. The workouts include long hours of running that will burn calories. If you run on incline, you will burn a lot more calories.
  4. Add strength exercises into your workouts. Combined with an effective diet and aerobic exercise, strength training can help you lose weight much faster, which is why many fitness experts recommend including it in your workout regimen. You will not only burn fat if you start doing strength training, but also replace it with sexy muscles. In addition, strength training will help you continue to burn weight after you've finished your workout.

    • In progress strength training remember to choose exercises for a large muscle group. These exercises include:
      • Squats
      • Lunges
      • Kettlebell exercises
      • Pull-ups
      • Load lifting
      • Twisting
      • jumping
      • Push ups
  • Here is one way to feel fuller before eating. Drink a glass of water before eating. Water will fill your stomach and you won't eat as much as you empty stomach. However, eat nutritious food so you don't feel hungry after an hour.
  • Eat a full breakfast, an adequate lunch and a light dinner. Have you ever heard the phrase: “Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy”? Breakfast will help your body jump-start your metabolism, preparing it for the new day. If you skip breakfast, you will starve your body for 15-20 hours. When this happens, your body doesn't produce the necessary enzymes to process fat efficiently, and you're setting yourself up for failure.

    • If you feel hungry, eat a healthy, nutritious snack between meals. Carrots and hummus or celery and tuna seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice. Come up with new meals, but let the snack fit your diet.
    • Try to eat a light dinner as often as possible. Many people say that our metabolism slows down in the evening, making it harder for the body to digest the large amount of food you ate at dinner. Although this fact is not scientific confirmation, this can be a good reason not to fill up at night. The worst foods to eat at night are: snacks, ice cream, sweets.
  • Treat everything with a smile. We know that diet can be a punishment. But if you have the opportunity to make her more fun, she can be. So turn the diet into a game - challenge yourself by eating 1500 calories 5 days out of 7. Reward yourself if you achieve results - if you lose the desired weight in a month, go shopping. Whatever you do, have fun and your body will reward you for it.

    • Don't skip meals. This will make your body resist the weight loss. It is better to eat small meals 4-5 times a day and do not eat before bed.
    • Many people give up quickly if they don't see the results they want right away. Remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so at first it seems that you are not losing weight, although you are simply replacing fat mass with muscle mass. Instead, try measuring your body measurements. Even if your volumes have not changed, you will still notice a change in the very shape of your body.
    • Remember that the most important thing you have tried. And you did it! Don't let yourself give up and refuse the right and healthy lifestyle life. Continue on the marked path.
    • The easiest way to stay motivated is to keep thinking about what kind of body you will end up with. If that doesn't work, then try on some clothes that you don't quite fit in yet.

    Weight loss by 20 kg seems to us something completely unrealistic. At least not for 2 weeks. What is it to drink only water? Not really. You can still eat, but not much. We present to your attention the most radical diet in existence. Its duration is 2 weeks. And if it seems to you that this is “only” 14 days, believe me, these are “whole” 14 days, which are so difficult to hold out.

    Not only a person with strong will, and those who do not have health problems. Why? Let's not hide radical diet- a lot of stress for the body. You will not only need to consult a doctor before starting to lose weight, but also reduce your calorie intake about a week before it.

    Menu for 14 days

    Effectively, no one will argue, but only for people with good health. The daily diet should be divided into 4 parts: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner. From drinks it is allowed to use only ordinary drinking water or mineral water.

    Day 1–7

    • Monday: 3 hard boiled eggs, 5 boiled potatoes.
    • Tuesday: 100 g of cottage cheese with sour cream (low-fat), 250 g of kefir.
    • Wednesday: 0.5 l of kefir, 2 apples, 1 l of freshly squeezed fruit juice.
    • Thursday: 400 g of boiled chicken or beef, 200 ml of low-fat kefir or unsweetened tea.

    • Friday: 0.5 kg of pears or apples, 1 liter of mineral water.
    • Saturday: 300 ml of low-fat milk, curdled milk or kefir, 3 boiled potatoes.
    • Sunday: 0.5 l of kefir, mineral water.

    Day 8–14

    • Monday: 1 egg, 200 g boiled beef, 2 tomatoes, mineral or drinking water.
    • Tuesday: 100 g of boiled beef, 2 apples, vegetable salad of cucumbers and tomatoes with vegetable oil, unsweetened green tea.
    • Wednesday: 100 g of boiled beef, 2 pears or apples, 70 g of rye bread.
    • Thursday: 100 g of boiled beef, 2 eggs, 0.5 l of low-fat kefir, 150 g of rye bread.

    • Friday: 3 boiled potatoes, 0.5 l of kefir, 0.5 kg of apples.
    • Saturday: 2 cucumbers, 300 g of boiled chicken meat, unsweetened tea, 2 eggs.
    • Sunday: 4 boiled potatoes, 2 apples, 200 ml low-fat kefir, mineral water.

    How to get out of a radical diet

    Do not pounce on food as soon as the clock strikes twelve and 14 hard days are behind you. Get out of strict mode gradually. Start your day with oatmeal and a glass of freshly squeezed juice. Let lunch be the most high-calorie meal during which you can afford meat and a side dish.

    But in the evening, eat a portion of salad, vegetable or fruit. Stay like this for 5 more days., fix the results, and your body will not gain weight again. Do not stop drinking plenty of water, but it is better to refuse sweets and pastries altogether.

    How much can you drop? 10, 15 kg and even more. Much depends on your initial weight: heavier people can get rid of all 15 kg, and those who weigh up to 80 kg - from 10 kg. And let you belong to the second type, is it not enough? Tell your friends about the radical diet. They will definitely take note of it.