Complex gainer. Gainer Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass how to use

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Genus. 1984 Trained since 1999. Trained since 2007. CCM in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and the South of Russia according to AWPC. Champion Krasnodar Territory according to IPF. 1 rank by weightlifting. 2-time winner of the championship of the Krasnodar Territory in t / a. Author of over 700 articles on fitness and amateur athleticism. Author and co-author of 5 books.

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Date of: 2013-12-23 Views: 35 983 Grade: 5.0

Detailed composition

My mark

Unique Pros:
  • Lots of biotin and chromium.
  • Low fat and sugar content.


Like all other gainers, this gainer is needed for the following purposes:
  1. Increasing the total calorie intake.
  2. Height muscle mass.
  3. Speed ​​up recovery.
  4. Height .
  5. Replacement of regular food in cases where it is not possible to eat.
In addition to the above, you need to consider that this gainer belongs to the category of high-protein ones. That is, these are such gainers, where the protein is 30% or more. This means that it will promote muscle growth to a greater extent and fat growth to a lesser extent. But at the same time, it will also be more expensive than its low-protein counterparts.

How to use

Here are the basic admission rules:
  • Regardless of the amount of training, it is better to take every day.
  • Take 1-2 times a day (depending on how many calories you want to get from the gainer). 1 time in the first half of the day, and the other - in the second.
  • It is better to take immediately after training and / or between meals. But not at the same time as the main meal.
  • It is better to breed with milk. Maybe with water. The amount of liquid is a matter of taste and does not matter.
  • In a gainer, you can add creatine, BCAAs, protein, and, in general, whatever you want.
  • To obtain the effect, the duration of admission should be at least a month.
  • The maximum duration of admission is unlimited. This means that you can use at least a lifetime without interruption.
Dosage for 1 reception:
  • With a weight of up to 60 kg, 30-40 grams at a time.
  • With a weight of up to 80 kg, 40-50 grams at a time.
  • With a weight of up to 100 kg, 50-60 grams at a time.
  • With a weight of more than 100 kg 60-70 gamma at a time.
Naturally, all dosages are indicated very approximately. And in many ways they depend on your overall activity, the number of workouts, the number of gainer intakes, how much you undereat from regular food, etc. The exact portion you. Attention! Do not rely on the dosage indicated by the manufacturer. Most manufacturers deliberately overestimate it. I think that this is done so that you eat it faster and buy a new one.

5.4 kg is a high-quality sports nutrition product that has excellent quality and reasonable price, which distinguishes it from other brands. If you decide to gain the weight you need and get relief muscles, but you just can’t find the right way, the Serious Mass gainer will be the best solution for any athlete.

What is Serious Mass Gainer 5.4 kg for?

Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass is an indispensable component in creating a gorgeous body. With the Serious Mass Gainer, you can create body shapes that you can only dream of and that you can only envy.

The Serious Mass gainer differs from other brands not only in its price offer, but also in its minimal content of fats and harmful calories, which negatively affect muscle mass and energy storage in the body.

It is worth noting that Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass contains additional substances, namely creatine and a considerable percentage of glutamine, due to which the athlete's body is enriched with all the nutrients and essential minerals.

Serious mass how to take?

has the size of one quantitative serving - 334 grams (two scoops attached to the diet). But it is worth considering that you need to take two scoops of food for professional athlete, but for a beginner or amateur - one scoop. Serious Mass Gainer is recommended to be consumed at least twice a day.- early in the morning after showering and in the evening after finishing your workout (but not late at night). This is due to the fact that Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass in the morning invigorates and leads to the right tone, and after sports activities restores lost strength.

It is important to know that Serious Mass gainer should not be taken by athletes who are already gaining weight fairly quickly (athletics, swimmers, boxers, etc.), otherwise the result may be unexpectedly unfavorable.

So, it is worth concluding that the above facts can be easily cited to the question “How to take Serious Mass nutrition”. And the most important thing is that you need to follow the instructions that come with the food itself and not take large doses.

What are the serious mass reviews

Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass has a large number positive feedback from our customers who are showing up more and more because of Serious Mass's advantages over other sports nutrition brands.

Due to the huge complex of various vitamins from different groups, Serious Mass receives the best reviews, and with thanks to the manufacturer from lovers and users of sports nutrition Serious Mass.

Because of the ability to mix sports nutrition with various components in composition: milk, kefir, yogurt, jam, etc., Serious Mass has the best reviews, and this is not counting the fact that for last years gainer took only first place in the nomination "Best Sports Nutrition of the Year".

Serious mass received reviews from the harshest critics, thanks to fast-acting proteins and excellent, unique taste. Small crystalline fructose supplementation makes sports nutrition even more effective than you would expect from any other manufacturer.

It must be concluded that the Serious Mass gainer is best nutrition For athletic body because it is so rich in all the necessary vitamins and proteins. Buy a gainer at low prices and get a chic appearance, as well as restless energy, which is so necessary for modern man.

One of the necessary conditions for building muscle mass is a sufficient amount of protein in the diet, because it is he who acts as a building material for muscles. Also, the body during the period of strength training requires additional energy, which is best supplied by complex carbohydrates. In addition, amino acids are essential for protein synthesis.

Features Pro Complex Gainer

The protein-carbohydrate complex has a unique composition. A feature of the gainer is a high protein content with a relatively small total calorie content of the product. At the same time, the lack of calories should not be considered as a minus.

Note: efficiency food additive depends not so much on the energy value of the product, but on the quality and high degree of digestibility of the ingredients.

Pro Complex Gainer includes:

  • 7 types of protein that help build lean muscle mass;
  • complex carbohydrates that provide a gradual supply of energy in the right amount;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • enzymes for improved digestion;
  • triglycerides - together with carbohydrates, they maintain the energy balance in the body, so the incoming protein is used as a building material, and not fuel for muscle work;
  • a complex of 26 vitamins and minerals, due to which the recovery period between workouts is reduced, the effectiveness of all ingredients that come with the supplement increases.

Composition of Pro Complex Gainer

Note: Protein-carbohydrate complex provides the body with additional energy - 600 calories per serving.

Thanks to the unique and well-thought-out composition, the first results in muscle relief become noticeable already in the second week of use.

The Real mass maxler gainer is a high quality product that has stood the test of time. Its main feature is the perfect combination of carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins and various minerals. Maxler also contains a large amount of amino acids. Therefore, taking this supplement will allow you to gain muscle mass faster and more efficiently.

Preparation and dosage

One serving of the food supplement is 450-500 ml. It can be drunk at one time or divided into several times.

Preparing a protein-carbohydrate shake is quite simple. Measure out approximately 160 grams of the mixture using a measuring spoon. Pour into a container of at least 0.5 liters. Pour in 450-500 ml of liquid (milk or water). Stir until the powder is completely dissolved.

Gainer can be consumed in the form of a milk shake. To do this, 1 scoop with a slide should be poured into a shaker or blender, pour a glass of low-fat milk and beat for about 30 seconds. In hot weather, ice cubes can be added to the cocktail.

Tip: the gainer can be dissolved not only in water. Low-fat milk or juice is also suitable. The main thing is to consider the amount of sugar that is contained in the drink, and be aware of the extra calories.

If you decide to seriously take care of yourself and sign up for training in the gym, then you should know that only a full display will bring a high return. But so that the efforts are not in vain, you should include specialized sports nutrition in your diet, which saturates the body with the necessary elements. One of the most popular supplements is the Sirius Mass gainer from the manufacturer Optimum Nutrition.

Reception scheme

Within an hour after training, thereby closing the protein-carbohydrate window. At this point, the muscles really need a significant amount of energy for recovery and protein for growth. Otherwise, muscle fibers begin to break down, which leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of training, a lack of progress, and a deterioration in muscle relief.

The main intake of the protein-carbohydrate complex is 40-60 minutes after the end of the workout. To maintain a positive energy balance, due to which the muscles will recover better, 1-2 more additional doses should be introduced. For example, as a snack or before bed.

Pro Complex Gainer + Workouts = Guaranteed Results

Tip: Pro Complex Gainer intake is most effective when taken regularly. strength training and rational nutrition. The weekly training schedule should be designed for 3-5 days. In this case, you must follow the rule: one muscle group can be trained no more than once every 48 hours.

The daily diet must be balanced and diversified. You should reduce the intake of sugar, simple carbohydrates, replacing them with foods high in fiber, complex carbohydrates (cereals, vegetables, herbs, fruits, etc.). It is also necessary to increase protein intake - an average of 2 g per 1 kg of weight.

Products for gaining muscle mass

Tip: it is better to break the daily diet into 4 main meals and 2 additional ones (one of which is Pro Complex Gainer). It is important to observe a normal drinking regime - at least 2.5 liters of fluid per day.

Pro Complex Gainer is an effective and safe nutritional supplement with which you can build muscle mass, improve muscle relief and increase your strength performance in a short time. A balanced complex provides the body with a sufficient amount of high-quality protein and complex carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and useful trace elements.

The sports nutrition produced by the Optimum Nutrition brand is considered to be one of the highest quality on the market. Did not disappoint fans of the company and Pro Complex Gainer from ON. This product is chosen by athletes who want to gain "clean" mass and at the same time eliminate the possibility of excess fat formation.

ON Pro Complex Gainer Ingredients

The main benefit of this dietary supplement is that its 620 calories per scoop (159 g) mostly comes from a quality protein base. Optimum Nutrition's Pro Complex Gainer contains 85 grams of carbs, 60 grams of protein and 8 grams of fat.

This ratio of carbohydrates to proteins turns the mixture into a powerful muscle building tool. In addition, the product is enriched with vitamins, minerals and digestive enzymes, which increases its usefulness for the body and allows digestive system easier to digest.

How to take Gainer Pro Complex

To prepare an effective mass gaining cocktail, you need to take 1 measuring scoop of a gainer and 320-370 ml cold water. It is necessary to mix the resulting mixture until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. ON has developed 4 drink flavors to choose from: chocolate, banana, vanilla and strawberry.

You need to take a gainer according to the following scheme:

  • on training days, take a full serving 30 minutes after exercise and one more between main meals
  • on rest days, take one serving of Pro Complex Gainer in the morning and throughout the day
  • when following a high-calorie diet, people who have problems with weight gain are advised to increase the number of cocktails to three, and also take a cocktail about an hour before bedtime

How much does Pro Complex Gainer cost?

Pro Complex Gainer is available in convenient 2.2kg and 4.4kg packs. For a jar containing 14 servings (2.2 kg), athletes will have to pay 4190 rubles. But the cost of the Pro Complex gainer in a package with 28 servings is 7390 rubles.

Those who have tested the effect of the product on themselves note an increase in weight from 3 to 4 kg per month. Those who took the supplement three times a day managed to increase this figure to 5 kg. Numerous positive reviews about the Pro Complex gainer helped him score 9.1 in the rating. Having received high-quality results, athletes do not even think about the issues of the price of Pro Complex Gainer.

Description Composition Reviews (7)

Pro Complex Gainer by Optimum Nutrition

Optimum Nutrition Pro Complex Gainer - high-protein carbohydrate concentrate. The uniqueness of the supplement lies in the high protein content: each serving contains about 80 gr. complex carbohydrates, 60 gr. protein and about 25 vitamins and minerals, while sugar accounts for about 5 grams. Pro Complex Gainer is a real find for athletes experiencing problems with mass gain and fat loss, it will be an excellent addition to everyday nutrition.

Carbohydrate blends are the most popular view sports nutrition for ectomorphs - athletes with thin bones who have a fast metabolism and a slow set of muscle mass. There are many on the market carbohydrate supplements, and, as a rule, it is they who become the object of fakes: cheap sugars and protein are added to them, vitamins and minerals are not added at all. As a result, after taking such a “porridge” after 20-30 minutes, fatigue occurs (due to the absorption of fast carbohydrates), indigestion is possible. That is why it is important to approach the choice of protein and gainer supplements wisely and purchase sports nutrition only with quality certificates.

Optimum nutrition pro complex gainer is a supplement from the world's leading company. A lot of positive reviews and the authority of the manufacturer make Pro Complex Gainer one of the leaders on the market.

What makes Pro Complex Gainer Optimum Nutrition so special?

  • each serving of Optimum Pro Gainer contains about 650 kcal, with a sugar content of about 5 grams;
  • excellent addition to daily nutrition thanks to high-quality proteins, carbohydrates and vitamin-mineral complex. Excellent dissolution in water;
  • each serving contains more than 50 gr. high-quality protein: whey isolate and concentrate, which have the best biological digestibility and speed of access to the muscles, as well as casein and egg proteins, which release protein into the blood for several hours;
  • 85 grams of high-quality carbohydrates based on maltodextrin and a complex of vegetable and animal fats will give up their energy for several hours after consumption;
  • a patented complex of peptides and enzymes in the pro gainer high protein gainer: Carbogen®, Aminogen®, coupled with dietary fiber in the amount of 4 gr. per serving - improve digestion and absorption of the supplement, as well as fight indigestion;
  • Optimum Nutrition PRO Gainer is one of the few gainers on the market that provides a full range of essential vitamins and minerals during sports. 25 nutrients cover, on average, about 20-30% of the daily requirement, respectively;
  • natural sweeteners: sucralose, ascorbic acid and maltodextrin will not allow you to “get fat” even with intensive use;

Who is Optimum Pro Gainer for?

The supplement has proven itself as a means of recovery after a hard workout. Ideal for anaerobic work. Pro Complex Gainer can also be used for drying, because the ratio of protein and carbohydrates in it is almost equivalent.

Optimum Pro Gainer Scheme

Mix one measuring spoon with 400-500 ml of liquid. Take 1-3 times a day, recommended time: 30 minutes before training (there is a powerful substrate for work muscle fibers), immediately after training (to “close” the protein-carbohydrate window), and also during the day, as a supplement to food. It is not recommended to take before bedtime to avoid weight gain.

You can purchase Pro Complex Gainer from Optimum Nutrition on our website. Only now the product is discounted at a rate of 31%.


Calories: 650 kcal
- calories from fat 70 kcal
Fats: 8 g 12%
- Saturated fats 4 g 20%
- Trans fats 0 g
Cholesterol 60 mg 20%
Sodium 340 mg 14%
Carbohydrates: 85 g 28%
- Cellulose 5 g 20%
- Simple carbohydrates 6 g
Squirrels 60 g
Vitamin A 20 mg
Vitamin C 35 mg
Calcium 50 mg
Iron 25 mg
Vitamin E 35 mg
Thiamine 15 mg
Riboflavin 35 mg
Niacin 20 mg
Vitamin B6 20 mg
Folic acid 20 mg
Vitamin B12 20 mg
Biotin 20 mg
Pantothenic acid 20 mg
Phosphorus 35 mg
Iodine 45 mg
Magnesium 30 mg
Zinc 20 mg
Selenium 10 mg
Copper 20 mg
Manganese 35 mg
Chromium 30 mg
Molybdenum 25 mg
Chloride 4 mg

Ingredients: Maltodextrin, Protein Blend (Isolate whey protein, whey protein concentrate, calcium caseinate, egg white, hydrolyzed whey peptides, glutamine peptides), cocoa (processed with alkali), lipid blend (medium chain triglycerides, sunflower oil), partially hydrogenated guar gum, natural and artificial flavors, lecithin, vitamin -mineral mixture (dimagnesium phosphate, calcium carbonate, tricalcium phosphate, maltodextrin, ascorbic acid, iron orthophosphate, molybdenum chelate, D-alpha tocopherol acetate, boron proteinate, niacinamide, zinc oxide, manganese sulfate, calcium D-pantothenate, selenomethionine, pyridoxine hydrochloride, vitamin A palmitate, copper oxide, chromium polynicotinate, thiamine hydrochloride, riboflavin, beta-carotene, folic acid, biotin, potassium iodide, cyanocobalamin), salt, carbogen, aminogen, sucralose, acesulfame potassium, lactase.