Diet of Tatyana Tarasova. Is it possible to lose weight like Tatyana Tarasova? Tarasova's daily diet

Tarasova lost 30 kg - this shocked many. It's no secret that when a famous person loses weight, many myths and legends about a beautiful transformation immediately appear, the famous coach Tatyana Tarasova could not avoid this fate, because Tarasova lost 30 kg in just 7 months.

Tatyana Anatolyevna is a famous person. Today she is perceived not only as a coach Olympic champions, but also as a TV presenter, director, in general, as a public person who follows fashion trends and her appearance.

On various Internet resources you can find many diets attributed to Tatyana Tarasova, but do not forget that success and the desired result depend on work, patience and constancy.

The beginning of the way

At some point, Tarasova decided to radically change her life in better side. And start by getting rid of extra pounds, which had a negative impact not only on appearance, but also on health. A lot of different diets opened up before the star, but she decided to turn to a famous nutritionist.

Of course, each nutritionist works individually with each client, so diets are not advertised, but Tarasova shared the basic principles and rules of nutrition.


Tarasova does not hide about losing weight and openly shares with all her successes, motivating others to achieve no less significant results.

Tatyana Tarasova's diet is a nutrition system that allows the body to rebuild and adapt to the environment and at the same time gradually get rid of extra pounds.

With strict adherence to all principles, you can lose 4-5 kg ​​per month, which is the optimal value from the point of view of nutritionists.

Basic principles:

  1. Fractional and multiple meals: you should eat several times a day (preferably 5-6), the intervals between meals should be no more than 2.5 hours. Such a nutrition system allows you to stabilize the metabolism and increase its level, as well as gain control over the feeling of hunger.
  2. The portion size is minimal: it is believed that each portion should fit freely in a glass (approximately 200 gr.), This will reduce the volume of the stomach and not overeat.
  3. Daily diet - 1300 kcal.
  4. Plentiful drink during the day (at least 2 liters): drinking clean water is best, but fruit drinks, compotes, juices, some coffee and green tea are also allowed.
  5. Drinking water before meals: this allows you to achieve rapid satiety and fills a small amount of the stomach.
  6. Do not eat after 6 pm.
  7. Spend 1 or 2 fasting days a week.

Of course, these principles have been known to everyone for a long time, but they have not lost their relevance, although sometimes doctors and nutritionists make small adjustments.

From the point of view of experts, each diet has its advantages and disadvantages. Positive points of the above presented diet:

  1. Partial nutrition is a generally accepted rule among all nutritionists, which allows you to maintain a certain level of nutrients in the blood, reducing the feeling of hunger.
  2. Small portions: This allows the stomach to return to its normal size and prevent it from stretching and, therefore, overeating.
  3. Drinking plenty of water during the day and before meals: also prevents overeating and replenishes the body's needs.


Of course, there are no negative points in the diet, but some points can be corrected.

Firstly, if you actively move during the day and play sports, then 1300 kcal per day will not be enough for you, this will cause irritability, weakness and bad mood.

Secondly, not eating after 18 is impossible for many, for some, life begins at night, so if they adhere to this rule, they will reduce their ability to work, lose their attentiveness and vigilance. Nutritionists say that you should eat 3-4 hours before bedtime, even better if dinner is light.

If you stick to the principles, but deviate a little, you can also expect to get a result. Most importantly, together with the nutrition system, go in for sports and follow all the recommendations every day.

The only thing that should be added to the diet: a serving of food should be chewed slowly. This not only improves digestion, but also makes you feel full faster.

Of course, in addition to the principles of nutrition, there is a certain list of products that are allowed and prohibited to be taken.

According to the diet, vegetables and fruits should be present in the daily diet, with the exception of potatoes, persimmons, grapes, bananas. You should also increase the intake of protein foods: meat, fish, seafood.

It is very useful to take cereals and nuts.

Prohibited Products

The use of these products should be limited or completely stopped:

  • sugar and sweets;
  • meat delicacies;
  • salt;
  • semi-finished products;
  • fried, fatty and spicy;
  • carbonated drinks and packaged juices.

Before starting a diet, write down your diet, and then cross out the prohibited foods, replacing them with permitted ones. This will allow you to form good habits faster.

It is worth noting that the diet is not designed for instant results. With its help, you will gradually lose weight, with the best scenario of 1 kg per week. It is these results that do not harm the body and allow it to quickly adapt to a new state.

This whole diet is based on the principles healthy eating and therefore safe for use by most people. But it is best to first consult with a nutritionist.

Hello dear readers! We continue to take care of health and look for interesting ideas. Hooked "to the living" gaining popularity the diet of the famous Russian figure skater and coach Tatyana Tarasova.

Her results surprised many: Tatyana Anatolyevna managed to lose more than 30 kg in just a few months.

I wonder if everyone can do it or not? Let's see what is the secret of this food system and whether it is available menu .

Diet Basics

Power supply system especially for Tatyana Anatolyevna developed by the famous nutritionist Margarita Koroleva. There is nothing super new in the rules.

Its main advantage is that starvation is excluded. Nutrition built on a clear regimen of meals and avoidance of overeating.

This is very important for people at an age when it is already very difficult to return to their previous forms without depriving the body of nutrients. After all, every year it is more and more important to maintain health and strength in the body, extending life for a few more years.

In the diet of Tatyana Tarasova just a few rules:

  1. The amount eaten at one meal should not exceed 200 g
  2. You need to eat five times a day - breakfast, lunch, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner.
  3. Dinner should be four hours before bedtime. If you do not have time to have dinner on time, it is better to skip meals.
  4. When preparing meals, priority is given to proteins, not carbohydrates. After all, it is protein dishes that give the body a feeling of fullness and allow you not to break into “snacks”.
  5. You need to drink plenty of fluids. At least two and a half liters of water without gas are required per day. It can also be replaced with green or herbal teas, berry or fruit compotes.
  6. You can’t drink water during and after meals, but it is definitely recommended to drink a glass of liquid half an hour before meals.
  7. Calorie counting remains relevant. Their number per day should not exceed 1200-1500.
  8. It is important to arrange a fasting day for the body once a week. Just choose your favorite useful product and you need to eat it all day long. It can be apples, cucumbers, kefir.

As you can see, all these rules are included in the well-known principles healthy food. Every person who monitors his body knows about them.

But only their competent combination and rigorous application can achieve remarkable results.

For wellness

In addition to these rules, Tatyana Anatolyevna insists on the need physical activity. What activities are best?

Considering age feature this diet, it is better to do gentle sports. Try to start walking regularly

Pay attention to newfangled, yoga, remember the good old table tennis. If there is no friendship with sports at all, then at least daily long walks in the fresh air are required.

Allowed and prohibited products

What do you need to eat to lose weight, like Tatyana Tarasova? What foods are included in the meals? It turns out that the menu of this diet is based on vegetables, fruits, berries and other plant products (nuts, seeds).

Dishes should be saturated with greens, which are a real storehouse of vitamins. Low-fat varieties of fish (cod, pollack, flounder, trout, hake) and meat (turkey, rabbit, chicken), seafood are also allowed.

All dishes must be boiled, baked, steamed. It is forbidden to fry.

The forbidden list, according to tradition, includes muffins and sweets. It is also not recommended to eat too sweet fruits - grapes and bananas.

To lose weight, like Tatyana Tarasova, you will have to give up alcohol, soda, juice from bags, coffee and fast food. Smoked meats, marinades and fatty foods are prohibited.

Menu features for the week

The most interesting thing is that Tatyana Tarasova's diet assumes at least one unloading day per week. For its basis, Margarita Koroleva took Tatyana Anatolyevna's favorite fruits or berries.

There are almost no cereals on the menu. Tatyana Anatolyevna made an exception only for oatmeal and buckwheat, preparing them preferably for breakfast. And if porridge is cooked, then it is necessary on the water.

A purely lunch dish is a broth. Necessarily from low-fat meat or fish, and preferably from vegetables.

By the way, you will have to forget about a three-course dinner for the sake of health, harmony and beauty. It is supposed to be either a salad, or a light soup, or a non-caloric meat meal.

The strict ban on late dinner can sometimes be broken. In this case, you can take a glass of fat-free kefir, but eat it in small spoons. An amazing recommendation by Margarita Koroleva.

The most important criterion for the amount of food is no more than 1500 calories per day. With a dynamic lifestyle, the daily number of calories reaches 2000.

Diet options for weight loss

Scheduled menu options for every day according to the diet of Tatyana Tarasova are not in the public domain. Naturally, after all, the program is individual in nature and is fully suitable only for Tatyana Anatolyevna herself.

Nevertheless, the “star” coach often shared her successful results with the audience. Some recipes have become known that helped her become slimmer.

You need to start the day with a glass of acidified water. For breakfast, the following dish options are suitable: oatmeal with fruit or buckwheat with a protein omelette, to which you can add a modest piece of cheese or diet bread. Some fruit would also be appropriate.

Lunch usually consists of a glass of juice or yogurt. You can also have a simple beet salad with peas or any similar vegetable salad in the morning.

Lunch options include: diet potato soup with zucchini, steamed chicken meatballs, vegetable stew, baked vegetables with meat in a pot.

For an afternoon snack, you can drink a glass of fat-free kefir with bread or eat your favorite fruit.

For dinner, it is recommended to prepare a light salad. For example, celery with apple and lettuce, radish with cucumber, carrots with nuts, baked vegetables and fruits with honey. Cottage cheese and its combination with berries are also suitable as an evening meal.

What to remember

  1. In general, Tatyana Tarasova's diet requires strong willpower, enough ingenuity and time to cook. delicious meals. Although, according to Tatyana Anatolyevna, any tasty product can be replaced with a healthy fruit or vegetable.
  2. The secret of losing weight of the famous figure skater is more like a nutrition system, thanks to which the body is gradually cleansed and gets used to constantly eating healthy food rich in vitamins and minerals.
  3. Undoubtedly, with long-term nutrition according to the Tarasova system, the body is provided with harmony, beauty, gorgeous hair and healthy skin. But can anyone survive such a nutritious marathon with five meals a day for a long time?

Share your opinion in the comments, dear friends. Health to you and beauty. See you in the next article!

Perhaps the story of Tatyana Tarasova, a very famous Russian - in the past - coach of the USSR, deserves incredible respect. A figure skater with great experience, who first set foot on the ice at a time when our parents were still small, Tatyana Anatolyevna lived a long and rather difficult life. An injury, as a result of which she lost the opportunity to participate in competitions, but a new breakthrough - she became a coach and brought up at least three generations of honored figure skaters, champions of the “battles on the ice”.

On this moment Tatyana Anatolyevna is almost seventy years old: an age at which, with an abnormal rhythm of life - and she has it abnormal, believe me - it’s not a shame to have a few tens of extra pounds. It would seem that she was not particularly ashamed ... And then, at some point, the fans of Russian show business literally exploded - Tatyana Tarasova lost 30 kg! At such an age, with such a difficult lifestyle… How?!

What is the diet of Tatyana Tarasova?
First of all, I made this diet renowned nutritionist Margarita Queen. This diet is based not on strict limits and starvation, by no means, to lose weight really and in other ways! First of all, Tatyana Anatolyevna's diet included the following:

1. To begin with, the main principle of the diet, on which Tatyana Tarasova lost 30 kg, is to eat five times a day. By the way, this principle would be an excellent addition to literally every diet, because no matter how carefully the menu is prescribed, the body must have at least something permanent and complete. So no hunger strikes or skipping meals. However, there are limits here: firstly, Tatyana Anatolyevna ate dinner in no case later than seven in the evening, and, secondly, the fact that the food is divided into five meals does not mean that you need to eat a whole lamb every time. On the contrary - you need to eat less, but more often.

2. The second of the “whales” of the diet, on which Tatyana Tarasova lost 30 kg, is the “daily water requirement” rule. This rule is that an adult should consume two or three liters of clean liquid per day - clean water, fresh tea - better than green - or coffee, fresh juices and fruit drinks. After all, for sure everyone who wants to lose overweight, heard, read or saw that a glass of liquid, drunk twenty minutes before a meal, necessarily reduces the appetite and the amount of food eaten. So why not use this trick? Tatyana Anatolyevna used it, and with might and main!

3. Again, it's no secret that a person needs a certain amount of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates that he receives through food. And about the method by which calories are counted, as well as stabilization - that is, the correct ratio of consumed proteins, fats and carbohydrates, probably, half of the inhabitants of the Internet space have heard. So why not use it? Eat no more than 1500 kcal per day if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, no more than 2000 kcal if you are additionally engaged exercise at least three times a week and 2500 or more kcal - for those who lead an active and mobile lifestyle.

In addition to the three whales of the diet, Tatyana Anatolyevna arranged for herself once a week fasting days. There are a lot of descriptions of such days on the Internet, kefir, apple and buckwheat days are especially popular. The choice here is up to you.

The following important information should be remembered: the diet on which Tatyana Tarasova lost 30 kg is far from fast and not light diet. It consists in a complete restructuring of the way a woman eats, because of which it will be very difficult for the first time not to give up “for one day, and then I will continue.” But if you follow this diet for a long time - ideally, also combine it with physical exercises - then you can lose 5-7 kilograms per month. The result does not seem optimistic to you? But these extra pounds definitely will not return after the first breakdown. Thoroughness and stability are valued much more than speed and inconstancy.

Legendary Russian coach By figure skating Tatyana Tarasova admitted that she had been suffering from severe back pain for a long time. She goes to Germany to have an operation there.


“In recent months I have been living on painkillers. The back hurts so much that it is simply not possible to endure. In 2010, she went on a diet and specifically lost 30 kilograms to make it easier to walk, "Tvoy Den newspaper quotes Tatyana Tarasova. However, this did not help, on the contrary, the pain only intensified.

Then Tarasova realized that drastic measures needed to be taken and decided to seek qualified medical help. " It was difficult to decide on the operation, but you can't pull any more. The clinic in Hannover, where I have insurance, is completely isolated, outsiders are not allowed in, so no one will disturb me. My mother-in-law lives in this city, only she will visit me," Tarasova said.

It became known that the coach was talking about the very hospital where the famous pianist Vladimir Krainev was lying at one time. “I have an operation on Monday, the 19th at eight o’clock in the morning. spinal surgery", - they quote the message of Tatyana Anatolyevna RIA Novosti. Tarasova will stay in Germany until May, this is how long the rehabilitation postoperative period will last.

"Of course it's scary. But God gives us only those trials that we are able to withstand," Tatyana Tarasova philosophically remarked.

Recall that Tatyana Tarasova is one of the most famous figure skating coaches in the world. She brought up a whole galaxy of champions. Tarasova's students won a total of 41 gold medal at the World and European Championships, as well as eight gold Olympic medals in three disciplines out of four.