What is the height and weight of Tatyana Vedeneyeva. Tatyana Vedeneeva: oatmeal on an empty stomach is the key to beautiful skin

Tatyana Vedeneeva is a Soviet and Russian actress and TV presenter. Preserve beauty and girlish slim figure Tatyana is helped by the correct daily routine, healthy lifestyle life and diet. The artist believes that even in the absence of a natural predisposition to fullness, nutrition should not be left to chance, since this can cause problems not only with weight, but also with health.

The principles of the diet of Tatyana Vedeneeva

  • Limit to a minimum the consumption of fatty and fried foods, smoked meats, fats and sweets.
  • Eliminate potatoes, bananas, fatty sauces and dressings from the diet.
  • From meat products, give preference to boiled chicken breast. Eat meat as little as possible.
  • The basis of the menu: cereals, vegetables, fruits, low-fat dairy products, nuts.
  • Bread can be included in the diet, but in limited quantities. It is recommended to eat bread dried, or in the form of toasts with a thin layer of honey, or with a piece of avocado.
  • Eat small meals 4-5 times a day.

The essence of Tatyana Vedeneeva's diet is a moderate restriction of the diet and a balanced menu. Vedeneeva made a similar nutrition plan everyday.

In addition to these rules, Vedeneeva's beauty and harmony are helped by physical exercise(Tatiana prefers jogging and walking at a fast pace). Proper self-care is also important: a visit to a beautician, massage treatments, the use of anti-aging products.

Tatyana has another secret - a constant positive attitude, which she manages to maintain with the help of the Magic Cap psychological technique. Tatyana mentally repels negative moments from herself, and attracts all the good things to herself. Vedeneeva also advises to observe a sleep schedule (the artist herself tries to sleep 8-9 hours a day).

Tatyana Vedeneyeva's slimming recipe is effective, harmless and brings only benefits to the body. Preliminary consultation with a doctor is recommended for people suffering from diabetes, diseases of the stomach and intestines, with exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Tatyana Vedeneeva is not just an actress. This is the same Aunt Tanya, under whose soft smile and fairy tales more than one generation of small TV viewers fell asleep, and their mothers asked hairdressers for a haircut “like Vedeneeva’s”. The host of festive celebrations and official events was considered the favorite of those in power. However, behind the angelic appearance there was a strong character, and when the political situation in the country changed, Tatyana showed that she could do without television.

Now a woman is a welcome guest in studios where the personal lives of stars are discussed, and ways to achieve success in a career, and ways to maintain composure when this success is not. In addition, Tatyana Veniaminovna is among the ten most beautiful faces Soviet and Russian television.

Childhood and youth

Tatyana Veniaminovna Vedeneeva was born on July 10, 1953 in Volgograd. She managed to try herself as a TV presenter, actress and journalist. Since childhood, the future celebrity has been accustomed to work hard and hard, and therefore achieves results in life.

Tatyana's parents hoped that their daughter would be a teacher or a doctor, but at the age of 14, the girl was already in the mood to study at the theater institute. In 1972, Vedeneeva went to enter the Moscow GITIS, although her mother advised to start building creative biography closer to home - in Saratov.

The girl surprised the selection committee with the choice of repertoire - the fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling". Despite the frivolity of the proposed number, the examiners delivered a verdict in her favor. In her youth, Tatyana begins to be interested in a career in cinema, but the audience remembers her as the host of a children's program.


Tatyana, tall (height - 176 cm), sophisticated beauty, easily got roles even in her student years. In 1973, in her 1st year, the girl starred in her debut film Much Ado About Nothing.

An actor also took part in the filming of the film, who in the future will become no less famous than Tatyana Vedeneeva.

In the 2nd year of the institute, Vedeneeva starred in the series "Police Sergeant" and the drama "Hello, Doctor." A year later, the student got the role of Ella Delay in the film "", which made the actress famous.

Filmmakers of the 21st century have not forgotten Tatyana Veniaminovna. In the melodrama "Three Stars" about young people who inherited a hotel, she became a screen wife. In the comedy "Milky Let" she played the mother of the main character performed. They starred in the main roles,. Lit up in the frame and virtuoso pianist.


In her student years, Tatiana provides for herself by participating in the filming of feature films. Vedeneeva's filmography is replenished with popular works, but the girl decides not to be limited exclusively to cinema, she tries to realize herself in various fields. Soon she was offered leading roles in theatrical productions.

After graduating from the institute, Vedeneeva began to serve in the theater named after. The artist was advised to register in Moscow, as at that time it was very important. But even for the sake of her career, the girl did not want to go for a fictitious marriage, adhering to the principles of mutual love and understanding in relationships. As a result, due to the lack of Moscow registration, Tatyana was left without a job.

Vedeneeva returned to the theater stage only in 2009, starting to work in the troupe of the School of Modern Play. There, the artist participated in several productions, among which the performances "Russian Jam", "Waltz of the Lonely" and "The Last Aztec" can be noted.

Tatyana Veniaminovna has repeatedly focused the attention of journalists on theatrical activities. She repeatedly stated that the greatest difficulty for her in the theater is rehearsals with partners, because for professional career she began to consider herself more human belonging to the television world. And television is an individual matter that does not require special intervention on the part of the team.

In March 2017, the premiere of the play "ROCK-N-ROLL AT SUNSET" with the participation of the actress took place at the "School of the Modern Play" theater. Vedeneeva plays several roles at once, transforming into various images. This is a lyrical comedy about 2 lonely dancers, full of stunts, dancing and dressing up. The heroes of the play master sports rock and roll, quarrel, disperse and converge, eventually becoming attached to each other. performer leading role in this production she sang for the first time.

Tatyana continues to devote more time to the theater. In an interview with media representatives, the Russian actress pointed to the fact that the business has already been established and is under supervision, and television and the stage remain an incentive for her to develop, which gives her strength for new achievements. With the performance "ROCK-N-ROLL AT SUNSET" Vedeneeva confirmed her plans to participate in theatrical productions in the future.

A television

When Tatyana Vedeneeva was told that an announcer competition was being held on television, she immediately decided that she had to try her hand at a new casting. The girl went to the lessons of the masters, who helped to learn a lot of new things in this profession. As a result, the contestant was hired.

Of course, the novice TV presenter was not immediately trusted to conduct rating programs, and for a whole year Tatyana worked only on the night air, which took a lot of energy and did not bring any popularity. In addition, Vedeneeva hosted programs that were broadcast exclusively in the Far East.

Gradually, Vedeneeva began to entrust programs from the daily broadcasting grid. She is immediately noticed by the directors of other TV shows, offering to participate in projects that will help the TV presenter rise to the top of Soviet TV. Soon Tatyana became the host of the program "!". The mid-80s - the peak of the popularity of the journalist. Vedeneeva becomes the most recognizable media person in the Soviet Union.

Work on television made it clear that envy is an integral part of the profession of a television journalist. The girl realized this truth after a business trip to France. Returning home, Tatyana began to notice the sidelong glances of her colleagues. The activities of the TV presenter were even discussed at a meeting in one of the ministries, where officials approved the decision regarding Vedeneyeva's business trips abroad.

In 1993, the TV presenter was fired. As Tatyana herself says, she left of her own free will. Vedeneeva went to England for a medical examination, and since there were many visitors in line to the doctor, she called her work and asked for another week of vacation, to which she heard: if she doesn’t return on time, she can pick up things. Returning to her homeland, Tatyana quit without waiting for any instructions:

“If I had gone to the authorities and asked to come back, they would probably have taken me. But I didn't do this. It's not in my nature to ask anyone for something."

Soon, Vedeneeva and her husband went into business - the production of tkemali sauces. The product became popular not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the world, and the new company was named Trust B. In parallel, Tatyana led children's performances and starred in the film "Merry Tram". After that, the journalist did not appear on the screens anymore.

From 1992 to 1999, the couple lived in France. After returning to Russia, Vedeneeva found her name in first place on the list of the country's most popular TV presenters. Tatyana realized that she would remain in the memory of many children and adults for a long time.

Tatyana Vedeneeva on the program "Alone with everyone"

In 2000, the woman decided to resume her television career. Vedeneeva became a co-host in the TV show "Next to You". In 2014, the audience especially remembered Tatyana Vedeneeva's frank conversation about her career and life already as a guest on the program "Alone with Everyone", which was hosted by Yulia.

Then, for some time, the celebrity could be seen on the Domashny channel, where she hosted an author's program called Tatyana's Day, as well as the show A Matter of Taste. For several months, the Formula of Love program with her participation was aired on the Russia-1 channel. Since the fall of 2013, Tatyana Vedeneeva has been on Channel One of the host program "In Our Time".

In 2016, Tatyana Vedeneeva commented on the appointment of a boxer and a deputy of the State Duma, TV presenter "Good night, kids!". According to her, in order to please children, you need to be sincere, because small viewers feel the world around them differently, instantly recognizing any aggression on a subconscious level.

In the same year, the legend of Soviet television appeared at the Miss Moscow contest. The jury and visitors of the event admired appearance actresses, especially noting the long dress of the brand Malene Birger. Despite her age, the 80s style icon looked amazing.

In the Internet space, the operations that Vedeneeva resorted to in order to maintain a youthful appearance were discussed. The result of interventions was not always successful. Tatyana did not hide that she was doing plastic surgery:

“People are not born with wrinkles and bags under the eyes - they appear with age. They are not something that can be corrected, but even necessary, if there is money for it and if you want to look good and modern.

Personal life

Vedeneeva initially connected her life with an artist-restorer. In this marriage, the son Dmitry appeared. But when the husband began to lean on alcohol, the marriage had to be terminated. Over time, Valery stopped drinking and restored relations with his son.

Dmitry studied as a writer in England, then returned to Russia, received an economic education, founded a media monitoring company and again left for Foggy Albion. He works, according to a number of sites, on the BBC channel and hatches plans to become a writer.

In the early 90s, Tatyana hosted the Morning program, where she talked with businessman Yuri Begalov. At that time, she was married, and the man was in a relationship, raised two children.

Fate brought Tatyana and Yuri twice more at social events, after which an affair began. After some time, Yuri became the husband of a TV presenter.

Vedeneeva and Begalov lived in marriage for 15 years, 9 of them on the Cote d'Azur. With difficulty, but Tatyana found mutual understanding with the daughters of her beloved Lana and Natalya. The family broke up in 2009 due to Yuri's betrayals and the appearance of his child on the side. The TV presenter did not turn a blind eye to this, she does not recognize the expression “Fight for love” at all. Former spouses remained good friends and business partners.

In addition to live communication, Tatyana Veniaminovna has another way to communicate with fans - "Instagram". On the page on the social network, the TV presenter publishes photos from the rest, with colleagues and other public figures. Vedeneeva chooses traditional ways of maintaining interest in herself, if she shows her figure, then only in exquisite outfits, and not in a swimsuit.

Tatyana Vedeneeva now

Now Tatyana Vedeneeva is busy building own house in outskirts of Moscow. For most of her life, the TV presenter lived in the center of Moscow and, finally, decided to move to where there is silence and clean air. In an interview, the woman said that part of the interior was a century-old marble staircase, which she saved from destruction when a building on Krasnaya Presnya was demolished in the capital.

The actress collaborates with Ekaterina Kretova, Evgeny Kozlov.

It was assumed that the participants in the scenes would appear under their own names, thus as if reflecting their lives, but Vedeneeva called herself Irina Olegovna. According to the plot, the heroine falls in love with a guy who is three times younger, and Tatyana did not want to draw parallels between stage and real life.

"I'm not, after all! For me, an affair with a man who is 20 years old is basically impossible. I can't even imagine such a thing. Therefore, I don’t like the performance and I always tell the director about it. ”

The artist met the New Year 2019 for the first time outside the walls of the house. Tatyana Veniaminovna went to Red Square and, as she later told the followers, she was a little worried because of the large number of people on the streets.

In January, the "School of the Modern Play" returned to the renovated building on Trubnaya Square. Tatyana Vedeneeva, like the whole troupe, is involved in the gala performance on this occasion “The opening of the theater. The trumpet is calling."


  • 1974 - "Hello, doctor!"
  • 1974 - "Police Sergeant"
  • 1975 - "Hello, I'm your aunt!"
  • 1976 - "Siberia"
  • 1985 - "Start over"
  • 2013 - "Three Stars"
  • 2015 - Milky Way


Looking at this woman, you are constantly surprised by her youth. She is still the same as she was a certain number of years ago, when the Good Night Kids program was the obligatory end to an eventful childhood day. The biography of Tatyana Vedeneeva is probably full of mysteries, since she knows how to look so good and young for many years of my life.

Personal life

Like any other woman, I am primarily interested in my personal life. famous person. Everyone knows about his work and creativity, it is in front of everyone. But the most important thing for everyone - family, relatives and close people - is most often hidden from the eyes of strangers from the famous and popular. But it's so interesting and so curious - but how are they?

So, Tatyana Vedeneeva, an eternally young actress and TV presenter, has the most ordinary family. Tanya's childhood passed in Stalingrad, now it is the city of Volgograd. Not many people know and even guess, but this year the TV presenter turned ... 60 years old! Yes, the age, let's say, of life wisdom, but the appearance of Tatyana Vedeneeva in no way betrays it.

The first marriage of the actress was unsuccessful. The husband drank heavily, even the birth of a son did not bring peace and solidity to the family. What kind of family can there be if alcohol is a regular guest in it? Vedeneeva soon after the birth of the child decided to leave her husband.

Tatyana's meeting with her second husband did not happen soon - only in the early 90s. This union turned out to be the refuge that every woman needs so much. Businessman Yuri Begalov became exactly the man who allowed Tatyana Vedeneeva to do what she loved - television, and when unpleasant situation with his dismissal, supported her and helped establish his own business - the company Trest B, which produces all kinds of sauces. Unfortunately, the second marriage of the actress broke up in 2009.

Now Tatyana Vedeneeva is not married.


According to the stories of the TV presenter herself, she was passionate about theater since childhood - at the age of fourteen, together with her friend, she performed on the stage of a theater group, and it was from then on that the theater stage began to beckon the future actress.

In 1972, she listened to the call of her heart, and not mom and dad, who advised her daughter to enter either medical or pedagogical, and went to enter GITIS in Moscow. There is a story according to which even the repertoire of entrance exams predetermined the "childish" direction in the theatrical life of the future actress and TV presenter. The young applicant Tanya Vedeneeva read the fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling” by Hans Christian Andersen to the admission committee, which, compared with the serious and thorough repertoire of others who wished to study at the Institute of Theater Arts, was somewhat strange and unusual. But this did not prevent her from becoming a student, and by the end of her studies to get assigned to the Mayakovsky Theater.

Unfortunately, the issues of registration at that time were very important for the residents of the capital. Since Vedeneeva did not have a Moscow residence permit, and she did not want to marry a Muscovite for the sake of the coveted stamp in her passport, very soon Tatyana was left without a job. The name that she earned while still a student at GITIS did not help to get a residence permit, because over the years of her studies, the actress starred in 6 films, one of which was her favorite comedy “Hello, I'm your aunt!” But providence brought Tatyana Vedeneeva to the school of TV presenters, where Angelina Vovk, "Aunt Valya" Leontieva and other popular and beloved TV presenters of the Soviet era became her associates and teachers. a year after starting work at the television studio, Tatyana Vedeneeva became “Aunt Tanya” for all the kids of the Soviet Union, who wished everyone good night together with Khryusha and Stepashka.

What now?

Today, Tatyana Vedeneeva does not appear on television too often. yes, she sometimes acts in films or voices roles. So, for example, it was she who voiced the role of Queen Elinor in one of the most popular cartoons over the past couple of years - "Brave". And so she goes about her business, is the host and guest of some popular TV shows, acts in films. The youth of Tatyana Vedeneeva is the integrity of nature and character, which allowed her to preserve the most important thing in life - the right to be called a Woman.


  • 1973 - Much Ado About Nothing
  • 1974 - Police sergeant
  • 1974 - Hello Doctor
  • 1975 - Hello, I'm your aunt!
  • 1975 - This is what we did not pass
  • 1976 - Siberia
  • 1976 - Fantasy (ballet)
  • 1984 - Funny tram
  • 1985 - Start over
  • 1996 - Little Queen and others
  • 2005 - First after God
  • 2014 - Three stars
  • 2015 - Milky Way


    Looking at this woman, you are constantly surprised by her youth. She is still the same as she was a certain number of years ago, when the Good Night Kids program was the obligatory end to an eventful childhood day. The biography of Tatyana Vedeneeva is probably full of mysteries, since she knows how to look so good and young for many years of my life. Personal life Like any...

The famous TV presenter, actress from the movie "Hello, I'm your aunt" is different from her sixty-year-old peers. A seemingly elegant, fragile, energetic woman cannot be more than 40 years old. With a height of 175 cm, she weighs only 64 kg. The secrets of harmony and youth lie in her diet.

Tatyana Vedeneeva believes that the contents of the plate are reflected on the face. No plastic surgery can help if you eat anything. The presenter repeatedly repeated that she would never eat a complex sandwich made of bread, butter, sausage, but would prefer a piece of cheese.

The diet of Tatyana Vedeneeva is based on several principles:

The discipline of nutrition is Tatyana's main principle. She believes that if a woman wants to look good at 60, then it is necessary to monitor the contents of the plate at a young age.

TV presenter's youth secrets

Diet menu

On one of the programs of Elena Malysheva, Tatyana Vedeneeva, as a guest of the program, shared a detailed menu:

  • Breakfast: a glass of pure water, later - 150 g of green buckwheat or a piece of cheese with a cup of natural coffee, or 200 ml of yogurt.
  • Lunch: 100 g of fish with vegetables or a bowl of soup.
  • Dinner: a serving of raw vegetable salad.

The diet is very meager, the calorie content is only 720 kcal. But as Tatyana assures, she feels very comfortable, and she has no health problems. It is possible that the presenter is a little cunning and she rarely adheres to such a menu in order to keep herself in shape or there is a need to lose a couple of kilograms.

Tatyana Vedeneeva is familiar to many people - someone remembers her from the old films in which she played, someone still remembers “Good night, kids!” In which “Aunt Tanya” amused the children for several years. A fit young woman, always taking care of herself, always playing her roles perfectly - this is how people remember her.
Now, of course, she is no longer young - she is over fifty. But it is enough to make a request "Tatyana Vedeneeva" in search engines and look at the photo to understand that the years seem to have passed her by. Still the same slender (you can drive in another query “Tatyana Vedeneeva height weight” and find out that with a height of 175 cm Tatyana’s weight does not exceed 60 kg), she can be given a maximum of thirty-five. The clue to this phenomenon is simple, and the actress herself easily reveals it (but her age, on the contrary, hides - perhaps she does not want to shock the general public with such an obvious discrepancy).
The secret is simple - the diet of Tatyana Vedeneeva, developed by her independently, has an excellent effect on the body and does not allow it to blur overweight and premature aging.

The first part of the secret - mood and sleep

Vedeneyeva's diet includes not only a diet, but also a daily routine. According to her, it is worth sleeping at least eight hours a day, but not more than nine. This allows you to get enough sleep, but not make you sleep too much (too much sleep is also unhealthy, like constant sleep deprivation).
No less important than sleep is the mood with which you spend the day when you wake up. If you frown and yearn, you will get wrinkles and life will not be easy at all. If you have a great mood, you do not communicate with people that are unpleasant to you and do nothing that would be disgusting to you - the body will thank you with an excellent physical condition.

“Imagine that you are wearing a magic cap. - Tatyana herself advises when asked about this aspect. “He lets everything good come to you, and everything bad, on the contrary, repels and disperses.”

She also advises doing more good deeds - what has been done is returned, if not with material goods, then with positive energy, which significantly improves mood and helps to live.

The second part of the secret is nutrition

Of course, if it were only a matter of mood and sleep schedule, no one would call the resulting instruction a diet. But the second part of the secret includes some nutritional advice.

  1. Eliminate fat from your diet. Off the table with mayonnaise and sauces based on it, fatty meat, butter, lard and bananas. Discard potatoes - they are rich in starch. Don't eat oily fish.
  2. Include more oatmeal in your diet. This is a wonderful porridge that you can eat every morning, it is extremely healthy and does not contain fat. But there are plenty of vitamins in it.
  3. Don't skip bread. Most of the diets advise to give it up, but Tatyana Vedeneeva’s weakness for bread (diet is not a reason to give up your favorite food, right?) Doesn’t hide from anyone. Therefore, the bread remains on the table and it is unlikely that anyone will hurt a couple of toasts at breakfast. Of course, you should not get carried away and eat bread in loaves, but several slices are allowed. It's also a good idea to try different types of bread with toppings. So, for example, the nutrition of Tatyana Vedeneeva includes bread with bran, nuts, dried fruits or sunflower seeds.

This diet is very simple and will help you maintain physical form without self-violence. Without morning runs, painful rejection of everything sweet, without trying not to eat bread.
The diet of Tatyana Vedeneeva is very humane. Try it and you won't regret it.