Liquid food for weight loss. Liquid diet for weight loss: principle of action, pros and cons

You have been waiting for the birth of your baby for so long, and finally this miracle happened! Now you can hug your baby and put it on your chest. It is breastfeeding that is the most important step in the development of a good immune system of the child. Everyone knows that breast milk is the most ideal food for babies. From it, the benefits are much greater than with artificial feeding. But there is a lactase deficiency about which will be discussed In this article.

In such a wonderful product, created by nature itself, there are all those substances that are so necessary for a baby in the first year after birth. Mom's milk is rich in easily digestible protein, calcium, vitamins and trace elements. Despite the fact that such a natural product for feeding a baby contains all the factors of protection against various infectious diseases, not all children can fully absorb it. We are talking about such a common disease as lactase deficiency in children. It is characterized by the fact that in infants the ability of the body to break down lactic ferment is reduced or completely absent.

What is this disease?

The body of many children does not have sufficient presence of the enzyme. What is this substance?

Lactase is a very important element of breast milk. It provides approximately 40% of the total energy requirement that the baby needs. It is this component that stimulates the formation of beneficial microflora in the intestines of the child.

In order to digest split) lactase, you need an enzyme called lactase. It is produced by mucosal cells in the small intestine. If there is enough lactase in the baby's body, then milk sugar is easily broken down into two main components - glucose and galactose. It is during this process, which is the norm in the region of the small intestine, that the absorption of milk carbohydrates occurs almost entirely. Such biochemistry will allow the baby to fully absorb all the elements of breast milk.

If the enterocytes intestinal cells) produce an enzyme in insufficient quantities, milk carbohydrates in undigested form enter the large intestine. This is also characteristic of reduced lactase activity. In this case, atopic dermatitis may also appear.

In this case, the child's body does not receive all the necessary carbohydrates that come with food and give him almost all the main energy. And the fact that milk sugar is located in the large intestine is the main object for the activity of various microorganisms. For example, they help break down elements such as carbon dioxide, methane, fatty acids, water, lactic acid, and hydrogen from milk sugars.

Such elements are strong irritants of the walls of the large intestine. They cause pain in the lower abdomen in infants. In addition, they can cause gas and bloating. As a result, in this case, all the beneficial microflora present in it is washed out of the large intestine. After the baby may have diarrhea, constipation may follow.

Why does lactase deficiency occur?

There is a primary lactase deficiency and a secondary one. The reasons for their appearance are always the same. Congenital primary insufficiency can be found very rarely. It is characterized by the fact that the enzyme is not sufficiently active in children. Most often, children who have appeared earlier than the planned date, that is, prematurely, suffer from such a disease.

In this case, there is a transient (transient) lactase deficiency. Its presence is explained by the fact that most often the enzyme becomes active only after 34 weeks of pregnancy. The required maximum level is reached by 40 weeks. That is why, children who appear a little earlier than this period suffer from lactase deficiency.

What does Doctor Komarovsky say?

Premature babies have poor lactase activity. That is why milk sugars are not broken down in their small intestines at the proper level.

Secondary lactase deficiency occurs in inflammatory and infectious bowel diseases. It is in this case that the absorption of the enzyme is disturbed.

In addition, secondary failure occurs when enterocytes (intestinal cells that produce the enzyme) are damaged. This applies to damage to the mucous membrane of the small intestine, such as giardiasis, drug enteritis, a viral infection or radiation enteritis.

Among other things, such a disease appears with various allergic reactions, which are caused by complete or partial intolerance to casein (milk protein). In this case, not all of the milk sugars are usually broken down. They bypass the small intestine without being absorbed into it, but immediately enter the large intestine in an unsplit form.

In our country, there are a lot of such children who are completely intolerant of lactase. The number of these children is approximately 18% of the total. Such a disease can be not only in adults, but also in children. This is especially true for babies. If the symptoms in adults are not something dangerous, and most of them can freely refuse any dairy products, then with young children everything is completely different.

Newborn babies are fed only milk from the mother's breast or formula milk. And this can be a real problem for a mother who does not know what product to give to her child. It would be best if the presence of such a disease is established as early as possible. It is in this case that parents can take all necessary measures in this case. And this, in turn, will help the baby to facilitate his adaptation to life.

The main symptoms of lactase deficiency in infants

  • The most important of the symptoms is a significant increase after each feeding session in an infant.
  • Strong seething in the intestines and the appearance.
  • that cause discomfort to the baby.
  • Sufficiently painful before emptying the bowels. There may also be contractions. This can be determined by how the child begins to bend the body, act up, pull the legs up to the tummy and cry at the same time.
  • A liquid stool that occurs after eating dairy products (). Particular attention should be paid to the smell of the stool and whether it foams. If the smell is sour, then this indicates the presence of lactase deficiency. If the stool is green with impurities of lumps or mucus, there is a secondary lactase deficiency.
  • and quite frequent regurgitation.
  • Apathy in the child and lethargy.
  • Significant weight loss in the infant or simply weight loss.
  • Constant unreasonable anxiety of the child, which also affects restful sleep.
  • Severe dehydration. It is observed with a very pronounced lack of lactase almost from the very first days of a baby's life.

How to determine?

All the symptoms that were listed above cannot be exhaustive, and that is why parents should pass a number of necessary tests. They can be taken at any clinic, for example, in vitro.

  • . It is a mandatory analysis and is needed in order to determine the amount of undigested carbohydrates. If there is a certain number of them in the given sample, then this most likely indicates existing problems in digestion. This is due to the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates.
  • Analysis of the air that is inhaled after the child has consumed dairy products. The diagnosis in such a study is made on the basis of the data obtained on the release of hydrogen. They indicate that the baby does not break down milk sugars well.
  • Exclusion from the infant's diet of mother's breast milk or formula for some time (several days). This method is the simplest. If, at the same time, digestion returns to normal, and when a mixture or mother's milk is introduced into the diet, the symptoms listed earlier appear, the doctor prescribes treatment.

When does lactase deficiency go away?

In order for primary or secondary lactase deficiency in babies to be cured, a number of measures are needed to cope with such a disease. You need to start first of all with the exclusion of mother's breast milk. It is replaced with standard milk mixtures.

It is very important not to try to deal with lactase deficiency in a baby on your own. It is best to consult a pediatrician. Instead of breastfeeding, he or she will give your baby formulas with low or no enzyme content. Among other things, the specialist will advise the use of the enzyme. In addition, the doctor may recommend that the mother express the first portion of breast milk, as well as add an enzyme-free formula to it.

Over time, the insufficiency may disappear completely. To do this, you must adhere to the treatment recommended by the pediatrician. Do not forget that you need a diet. There is also one condition - this disease should not be congenital, genetically determined.

Soon the situation will improve and the enzyme will be produced in the amount that is needed and your baby will not be afraid of any kind of deficiency. That is why those mothers who had childbirth that began before the due date need to maintain lactation. This becomes possible if the mother expressed milk. To do this, you do not need anything special, it is enough to purchase a high-quality comfortable breast pump. In this case, your baby will receive the best natural protection and the joy of closeness with his mother.

Lactose deficiency in infants is a rather serious and even dangerous problem. After all, such a violation is associated with the inability of the body to absorb dairy products, including mother's milk. Therefore, every parent should be aware of the main symptoms of such a condition, because the sooner treatment is started, the greater the chances of a successful recovery.

What is dangerous in the chest?

To begin with, it is worth noting that milk (including breast milk) contains a sugar called lactose. It is he who covers almost 40% of the energy costs of the child's body. The process of digestion of this carbohydrate occurs with the participation of the enzyme - lactase. Lactose deficiency in infants is accompanied by a deficiency of this enzyme, which makes it impossible for the normal absorption of such a product. However, lactose is directly involved in the development of the brain and the formation of the retina. That is why the deficiency of such a substance leads to unpredictable and often sad consequences.

Lactose deficiency in infants and its forms

To date, it is customary to distinguish between two main forms of such a violation:

  • Primary, or congenital, insufficiency is most often associated with genetic characteristics and is hereditary. The same form is often found among premature babies.
  • Secondary develops after birth against the background of diseases digestive system including some intestinal infections.

Lactose deficiency: symptoms of the disease

The main symptom of the disease is diarrhea - bowel movements occur 10 - 12 (sometimes more) times a day. At the same time, the feces are liquid, foamy, green in color with a sour smell. During illness, fermentation processes intensify in the digestive tract, resulting in the accumulation of excess gases in the intestines. Thus, the child constantly suffers from bloating and pain in the abdomen, often refuses to eat, pulls his legs to his stomach, constantly cries, sleeps poorly. Often you can notice abundant regurgitation, up to vomiting. In the absence of treatment, the baby slowly gains weight, and in the most severe cases, there is a developmental lag.

Lactose deficiency in infants and diagnostic methods

To date, there are many ways to check the work of the child's body:

  • first of all, they analyze fecal masses for the level of carbohydrates;
  • in addition, they also check the pH of feces - in case of insufficiency, this indicator changes;
  • in some cases, the doctor prescribes diet diagnostics - the child is prescribed a lactose-free diet and the change in condition is monitored;
  • the most accurate is a biopsy of the intestinal mucosa, followed by examination of samples for lactase activity.

What is the child to do?

In fact, the treatment here is individual and depends on the causes of the development of insufficiency and the age of the child. For example, quite often, special artificial mixtures with a low or zero lactose content are introduced into a child's diet. If the baby is breastfed, then you need to feed him only with expressed milk, after dissolving a tablet or powder containing the lactase enzyme in it.

Lactase deficiency is a lack of the enzyme lactase, which is required to break down the milk sugar (lactose). The main signs of LN: frothy and loose green stools, colic, bloating. As a rule, LN manifests itself in newborns and infants in the first year of life.

In infants, lactase deficiency is dangerous with a sharp dehydration body, weight loss and diarrhea. Also given state can lead to a persistent violation of the absorption of micronutrients that are required for the development and growth of the child. During lactase deficiency, the intestines suffer the most. Lactose adversely affects the formation of healthy intestinal microflora and leads to disruption of peristalsis, the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, and fermentation. All these processes affect the functioning of the immune system of the newborn.

Symptoms of the disease

What symptoms of LN in a newborn child under one year old can be observed? Which of them are dangerous for the life and health of the child? Are common symptoms lactase deficiency:

  • constant rumbling in the intestines, colic;
  • increased flatulence, bloating;
  • crying, anxiety of the baby during feeding, with colic;
  • regurgitation;
  • greenish and frothy stools with a sour smell.

Dangerous symptoms:

The more milk sugar enters the body, the more pronounced the symptoms of lactase deficiency. The severity of LN is determined by the child's underweight and dehydration, with fecal analysis detecting an increased amount of sugar.

Varieties of LN

All types of LN can be divided into two main groups: primary and secondary. In infants, both types of lactase deficiency can be determined.

Explained by lack enzyme lactase, but moreover, the newborn does not show violations of enterocytes (intestinal epithelial cells). What are the forms of primary lactase deficiency?

Congenital lactose intolerance is a lack of the enzyme lactase, which is required to break down milk sugar (lactose). The main signs of LN: frothy, loose green stools, colic, bloating. As a rule, LN appears in newborns and infants in the first year of life.

In infants, lactase deficiency is dangerous with severe dehydration, weight loss and diarrhea. This condition may also lead to sustainable violation of the absorption of trace elements that are required for the development and growth of the child. During lactase deficiency, the intestines suffer the most. Lactose adversely affects the formation of healthy intestinal microflora and leads to disruption of peristalsis, the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, and fermentation. All these processes affect the functioning of the immune system of the newborn.

Secondary lactose deficiency

Due to lack of lactose, but at the same time violated functions and production of enterocytes. Intestinal epithelial cells are affected by enteritis (diseases of the small intestine), rotavirus intestinal infections, giardiasis, radiation exposure, food allergies, and gluten allergies. Also, during a congenital short intestine or after removal of part of the intestine, disturbances in the formation of enterocytes may appear. During the process of inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, the formation of lactase is primarily disturbed. This is due to the fact that the enzyme is located directly on the surface of the villi of the epithelium. And when there is a malfunction in the intestinal tract, then the first lactase suffers.

With the age of the child activity lactase changes. Its deficiency can also be associated with disruption of the thyroid and pancreas, pituitary gland. Active biological substances (acids, hormones) are important for the development of the baby's enzyme system. When baby there are signs of a functional lactose system, but it develops normally and gains weight well, then special treatment is not required.

Diagnostic methods

Often, the diagnosis of LN shows false positive results and is complicated due to the age of the child. Which analyzes can recommend a doctor at the time of suspicion of LN?

In the first days of life in newborns, incomplete digestion of lactose is noted, therefore, often a hydrogen test and samples with a load of lactose show positive results. Most often they only talk about normal LN.

Methods of treatment

Treatment of LN is complicated when a diagnosis of congenital gilactasia is made. During functional and transient LN, the picture is not so serious. How are the symptoms of LN treated?

Features of breastfeeding and nutrition of a nursing mother

Nursing mothers are not recommended to drink whole milk, but fermented milk products are not prohibited. Breastfeeding specialists do not give any specific guidance regarding the nutrition of a mother with LN in a child. However, attention is paid to the features of feeding and applying the baby to the breast. Foremilk has the bulk of lactose. When there is a very large amount of milk, the child is quickly saturated with lactose-enriched milk and cannot reach the “back”, the fattest one.

During LN, it is advised not to replace the breast at one feeding, to slightly express lactose foremilk so that the baby consumes nutritious hindmilk. In this case, food lingers in the gastrointestinal tract much longer, and lactose in the intestine has time to break down. The symptoms of LN will go away over time.

Today, nursing mothers can hear such advice from doctors: stop breastfeeding and switch to a completely lactose-free or low-lactose formula. This measure is used in severe and pronounced form of LN. Most often, breastfeeding is not only possible to maintain, but simply necessary. In modern pediatrics, the diagnosis of "lactase deficiency" is so "hyped" and popular that most sane mothers are distrustful and suspicious.

In infants, lactase deficiency is treated complex: to normalize the intestinal microflora, a course of probiotics, enzyme therapy, low-lactose diet. When during a functional LN the baby has normal development and sufficient weight, then there is no need to look for a disease in the child. But with severe and congenital types of LN, there may be a threat to both the health and life of the baby. During persistent lactase deficiency begins to suffer nervous system developmental delay may occur.

The birth of a child and breastfeeding is the most responsible and happiest period in the life of all women. Every mom knows about the benefits of feeding with her own milk, but sometimes it becomes impossible or has a number of restrictions. This happens due to some diseases of the child, one of which is lactose deficiency in newborns.

If a child is diagnosed with this, concerned adults (parents, grandparents) have a number of questions: why is the baby sick, how to treat him, how to feed him, how soon this illness will pass.

Today you will receive all the answers and learn how to act correctly if lactose deficiency is diagnosed in infants. The article is informational! Do not put your child in danger, do not self-medicate. Seek medical advice!

Causes of the disease

Lactose deficiency in children is a violation and change in the diet of the baby. He cannot digest milk because it contains lactose. Its splitting is carried out under the action of a special enzyme, which is formed in the small intestine. The enzyme is called lactase, so the disease is more correctly called lactase deficiency in children.

The disease occurs when there is not enough of an enzyme that is responsible for the rapid breakdown of lactose. Lack of an enzyme called "lactase" leads to a violation of the breakdown of lactose, which becomes the cause of "intolerance".

Lactose is a carbohydrate or milk sugar, in breast milk it is about 85%. Mother's milk is very nutritious thanks to lactose, with its help calcium and iron are absorbed, immunity and microflora are maintained. Thanks to lactose, galactose is produced, and it is necessary for the formation of the retina and brain.

In infants, lactose deficiency can have two stages:

  • partial insufficiency - hypolactasia;
  • complete insufficiency - alactasia.

In what cases does the disease occur? It is most common in premature babies because lactase does not begin to be produced until after twenty-four weeks of normal fetal development. If the baby was born prematurely, then the enzyme production process may not be completed. But in this case, there is hope that after some time the enzyme deficiency will decrease, and the problem of milk intolerance will disappear.

The most terrible causes of the disease are considered hereditary intolerance or genetic failure. In this case, doctors are unable to cure the child, but they can make the baby's life easier by prescribing him medicines containing the necessary lactose.

Sometimes the symptoms of the disease appear much later than the birth of the child. The acquired form of the disease occurs due to certain diseases transferred to the newborn, such as:

  • food allergies;
  • enterocolitis;
  • intestinal infections;
  • worm infestations.

After some illness gastrointestinal tract damage to the intestinal cells that are responsible for the processing of the enzyme. It is important to make a correct diagnosis in a timely manner and start treatment with a special diet.

Lactose deficiency - symptoms

By the behavior of the baby, you can immediately notice that something is wrong with him. Even if he has a wonderful appetite, when feeding, he becomes very worried, cries and after a few minutes completely stops sucking milk. The baby stops gaining weight, or even begins to lose it, dystrophy may develop.

With alarming symptoms, it is necessary to pass an analysis for lactose deficiency. Diagnosis is carried out in a complex - according to symptoms and laboratory tests. For analysis, you need to properly collect the baby's feces, as it can be very liquid. It is necessary to put an oilcloth on it, it will be much faster and easier.

Fecal analysis: it is given to the Benedict test, which determines the content of essential carbohydrates. The norm is up to 0.25 mg%. Also, feces are examined for lactic acid, pH, and several provocative samples are made with lactose.

WITH The most obvious symptoms of lactose intolerance in newborns include:

  • intestinal colic, appear right during feeding;
  • uncharacteristic bloating and prolonged rumbling of the abdomen;
  • flatulence, increased gas formation;
  • profuse regurgitation causing vomiting;
  • change in the color and smell of the stool;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • frequent constipation.

How to determine lactose deficiency in infants, because the described symptoms occur not only with this disease, but also with dysbacteriosis, intestinal infections, and improperly selected complementary foods? This is true, even individual intolerance to cow's milk can manifest itself in this way. The diagnosis must be accurately confirmed by the attending physician.

Lactose deficiency - treatment, nutrition

If the disease is confirmed, then the doctor must prescribe the necessary treatment for the baby. Basically, it consists in the complete or partial rejection of products containing lactose.

Mom during the treatment period should show increased awareness and strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor. It is also necessary to keep a food diary in which you need to record in detail all the changes related to the nutrition and well-being of the baby.

Mother's milk is the most valuable product for a child, which means that breastfeeding should not be completely canceled. They try to keep it for at least six months. You just need to switch to a mixed diet, alternating breast milk with special mixtures for lactose deficiency - they do not contain lactose.

Do moms need lactose intolerance? A nursing mother can eat whatever she wants, since her quality of nutrition in this case does not affect the composition of breast milk.

Lactose deficiency in infants has an important feature - complementary foods are introduced much earlier. The more varied the diet, the better. Vegetable purees and various cereals should be alternated regularly. If you had to completely abandon milk feeding, then calcium must be present in the food.

It is highly undesirable to feed a child only with lactose-free mixtures and completely refuse breast milk. With the obligatory observance of the recommendations of the doctor and right choice dietary regimen, your baby will develop and grow normally. Be calmer to a difficult, of course, situation and you will easily be able to cope with the disease. Be healthy!