Exercises for the elbow joint with arthrosis. Gymnastics for the elbow joint: indications and features of the exercise

Diseases of the elbow joints can affect people different ages. The joints of the elbow have a rather complex structure, while performing a very important job that requires sufficient loads. Overstrain and excessive physical labor can cause various diseases of this part of the musculoskeletal system, which require a special approach in therapy.

The Benefits of Exercise

There are a fairly large number of methods for treating and maintaining the normal state of the musculoskeletal system - from special ointments to surgical methods that eliminate defects. It is important to approach the therapy method correctly, using a large number of methods. The methods of therapy also include physical education for the treatment of elbow joints.

This article will help you understand why gymnastics is useful, what exercises and how to do it correctly so that the musculoskeletal system is always in good physical shape.

Therapeutic exercise for the elbow joint has a fairly large impact not only on the state of this part of the body, it has a number of positive functions that affect the work of the entire human body:

  • there is a stimulation of the muscular wall of the entire arm, as well as the pectoral and abdominal muscles;
  • tissue nutrition increases, which helps to relieve a person of pain symptoms and increase the flexibility and strength of bones;
  • reduction of pain in the elbow joints;
  • improving blood circulation in the tissues of the hands;
  • promotion motor activity this part of the musculoskeletal system;
  • reduction of inflammation in the elbow bend.

It is important to remember that gymnastics for the treatment of elbow joints will not be able to completely cure the disease, but it will be able to prevent the development of complications and reduce the manifestations of the clinical symptoms of the disease.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for carrying out physiotherapy exercises are:

  • epicondylitis - a disease manifested by an inflammatory process in the tissues of the elbow;
  • osteoarthritis therapy;
  • carpal tunnel syndrome - compression of the median nerve;
  • hand injuries of old origin.

In addition to these direct indications, the implementation of gymnastic tasks is perfect as a method of preventing pathologies, as a way to improve the condition of the body after heavy loads.

Gymnastics has contraindications. Like all medical procedures, elbow exercises can only be performed on a limited number of people who have no contraindications to this species sports. Exercise is prohibited if:

  • injuries received less than two weeks ago, and having fresh localization;
  • exacerbation of arthritis;
  • increased body temperature;
  • if 3 months have not passed after surgery on the elbow;
  • if after performing physical education there is a sharp pain in the elbow.

These contraindications are relative and can be performed after returning to normal.

Rules for performing physiotherapy exercises

Gymnastics for the treatment of pain and other manifestations should be performed daily, 2-3 times a day - this regimen will give the most positive and effective results. The basic rules for the implementation of gymnastic tasks are:

  1. It is better to start charging 1-2 hours before a meal.
  2. Gymnastic exercises should be done slowly, without sudden movements.
  3. During the charging process, it is necessary to carefully monitor deep and free breathing, since the tissues must be saturated with oxygen and receive active substances. The room must be well ventilated.
  4. Charging should take place in comfortable clothing that does not restrict body movements.
  5. It is necessary to start charging with small loads so that the muscles have time to warm up, then you can gradually increase the pace and strength of the load.

These simple rules will not only improve the effect, but also prevent the development of negative consequences during the exercise. If, after charging, the elbow bends begin to hurt a lot, you need to consult with a specialist who will correct the exercise regimen and select the correct load.

Gymnastics exercises for arthrosis of the elbow joints should begin with exercise, which gradually turns into the implementation of the main tasks. It is important to control your well-being and drink enough fluids during training.

Sitting exercises

  1. Sit at a table or in front of flat surface, put your arms straight on the table. Then bend your elbows and do fist clenching for 30 seconds.
  2. Place your hands on the table, palm down. Perform bending movements with the elbow towards the chest. To facilitate the task, you can take a ball or any other rolling object, roll your hands on it. Do slow movements for 30 seconds. Do the same for the second hand.
  3. Now place both hands on the table, palms down. Do a similar exercise with both hands at once, as if rolling a rolling pin on the table, you can roll a gymnastic stick.
  4. Stretch your arms to the side and bend them at the elbows so that the palms hang down. Now make extensor movements of the arms in both directions.


  1. Legs shoulder width apart. Hands in front of you, bent at the elbow, pressed to the chest. Perform slow jerks with your hands, alternately bending and unbending them to the sides. Within 30-40 seconds.
  2. Lower your arms freely down, then stretch in front of you and bend at the elbows so that the palms are pointing up, now stretch your straight arms again and gradually lower them. Do it within 20 seconds.
  3. Do circular motions shoulders, first in the direction forward, then back for 10-20 seconds.
  4. Hands down. Without raising your shoulders, bend your elbow and lower it back to the starting position. Repeat 10-15 times.

It is important to remember that Physical Culture must be performed regularly. A good effect is achieved only after 15-20 days after constant training. It is important to monitor the condition of your musculoskeletal system and carry out prophylaxis and examinations with specialists, because the health of your joints is in your hands. It is also necessary to fully eat so that the body receives protein, calcium and vitamins in the right amount.

Arthrologists often prescribe for arthritis and arthrosis, in addition to complex therapy, exercises for the elbow joint. They are an excellent tool for preventing the progression of dystrophic-destructive processes. With their help, mobility and functioning in the elbow joints are improved. Therapeutic exercise improves local blood and lymph flow, stops the destruction of cartilaginous tissues.

What are the indications?

A set of exercises for the elbow joint is performed both at home and in the hospital. Thanks to them, trophism is significantly improved articular elements, stagnant manifestations go away, blood circulation and metabolism are normalized. The main indications for prescribing exercises for damage to the elbow joint include such pathological conditions as:

  • arthrosis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • bursitis;
  • synovitis;
  • contracture;
  • past trauma in history;
  • relapse prevention;
  • weakening of the upper limbs;
  • muscle tension;
  • the appearance of stiffness;
  • restriction of movements;
  • indistinct pains.

Gymnastics for the elbow joint is effective in stages 1 and 2 of the dystrophic or inflammatory process. It is not carried out with 3 degrees of damage, as well as with severe arthralgia and exudative phenomena.

Basic principles: how to do the exercises?

Exercise should not cause pain or discomfort.

Therapeutic gymnastics is carried out in compliance with a number of rules. Only in this case, the classes will be effective and will not harm the patient. The doctor, drawing up an action plan, takes into account age, severity, degree, and the presence of concomitant ailments. When starting a complex of classes, you need to know and observe the following important measures:

  • Before starting gymnastics, consult a doctor. It is the doctor who selects and prescribes the exercises.
  • Drink plenty of clean water.
  • Start with a minimum load, gradually increasing it.
  • Before starting, do not forget about the 5-minute warm-up, which improves blood flow and warms the muscles.
  • Perform the exercises in the correct sequence from top to bottom. Start at the neck and work your way up to the shoulders and forearms.
  • Watch the mobility of the elbows, shoulders.
  • Perform all movements carefully and smoothly.
  • Give up sharp jerks, heavy techniques.
  • Start classes only after the pain and inflammation syndrome subsides.
  • Stop exercising immediately if severe, unbearable pain occurs.

How are passive exercises performed?

Exercise therapy is an integral part of rehabilitation.

For the rehabilitation of the joint during the period of subsiding of the acute process, gymnastics is prescribed. It begins with passive movements, which include:

  • The patient's hand is clasped with a healthy hand and gently bent until a feeling of tension appears. The maximum angle between the forearm and the hand should be no more than 90 degrees.
  • The upper limb is kept in tension for 20 seconds, then lowered down.
  • IN next time the movement is repeated, but now the palm is taken up. The optimal number of repetitions is 12 times.
  • A good proven exercise is the palm technique. The brushes are opened and placed on the table, the elbows are slightly bent. The patient deviates from the table between the palms and forearm, a right angle is formed. Spend 10 to 15 times.

Complex of active classes

When performing this complex, the shoulder joint is motionless, all movements are carried out in the elbow joint. To do this, bend and unbend the forearm. An excellent result brings an exercise with an expander. It is put on an injured hand, a healthy hand upper limb put on the table, on top of her sick. The expander is gently stretched, flexion and extension movements are carried out in the diseased elbow joint. To achieve a positive result, they are engaged daily with repetitions up to 15 times. Most effective types classes are presented in the table:

Starting positionHow to perform?multiplicity
Standing, leaning forwardThe arms are bent at the elbow joints10-15 times
Palms clenched into fists
Extend arms back
Return to place
Standing, feet shoulder width apartPerform outward circlesUp to 16 times
Then circular motions inward
Standing, arms extended in front of youThe brushes are connected with the back surface10-12 times
Do circles in turn
Standing, arms folded
Circular movement out12 times
Hands spread
On my kneesThe chest is bent down
Brushes on the floor
Pull down shoulders
Lying on your backHands are raised up, twisting brushes10 times
Then they take turns in different directions

What do doctors prescribe after injuries?

The exercise will help restore the wrist joint.

Recovery of the elbow after injury occurs gradually. To improve functions and speed up rehabilitation for injuries of the elbow joint, daily gymnastics is prescribed. Perform the following effective exercises:

  • 2 balls are rolled in the palms, duration 5-10 minutes, a healthy and injured hand is involved. Perform at least 3 times a day. The load is increasing.
  • Bend the affected arm at the elbow perpendicularly, rotate around the axis for 3 minutes. Perform extremely carefully and carefully, especially after fractures, tears.
  • The palms are reduced to the castle. Alternately, they are withdrawn, performing movements like casting a fishing rod. They rest for a couple of minutes and throw their hands behind their heads.
  • Brushes are placed on the surface of the table. Flex and extend the phalanges. Perform up to 12 times.
  • Palms on the table, alternately carry out flexion and extension movements in the wrist joints. Then do the same synchronized exercise. The number of repetitions up to 10 times.

Physical education will strengthen bone and muscle tissue.

Exercises for contracture of the elbow joint strengthen muscle, bone and cartilage tissue. In addition, they restore coordination of movements, prevent atrophic and deforming processes. A good help for the implementation are accessories such as a ball, gymnastic stick, dumbbells. Basic techniques:

  • Sitting at the table, roll the ball, toy.
  • Bend and unbend the elbow with a fixed shoulder.
  • Throw balls of different diameters from tennis to volleyball.
  • Holding a gymnastic cane in your hands, perform flexion and extension.
  • Lower your elbows and hands into the water 38 degrees, draw circles, turn your hands, rotate from top to bottom and vice versa.

Osteoarthritis of the elbow joint occurs with severe pain, partial loss of mobility of the elbow and swelling. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, then the degenerative processes in the cartilage tissue will become irreparable. It will be difficult for a person to perform any action with an injured hand.

To prevent the development of the disease and stop the progression of symptoms, arthrosis of the elbow joint is treated in a complex manner using physiotherapy exercises. The following describes the effect of dosed physical activity on the joints and performance features.

The effectiveness of therapeutic exercises, its benefits, goals and objectives

The main advantage of exercises is their ability to simultaneously affect locally the cartilaginous tissue of the elbow zone and the entire body. This leads to an acceleration of the healing process and the restoration of normal motor function.

Thanks to therapeutic exercises, muscles are trained, elasticity of the ligaments is restored. This has a positive effect on the production of synovial fluid in the joint, which is normally produced only with light friction of the articular surfaces.

The goals of performing exercises for arthrosis for the elbow joint:

  1. relieve pain syndrome;
  2. restore tone muscle tissue;
  3. make tendons elastic;
  4. prevent stagnation of blood in the affected tissue and the appearance of edema;
  5. stimulate the production of synovial fluid.

Tasks of exercise therapy for arthrosis of the elbow joint:

  1. restore normal joint mobility;
  2. prevent further development of arthrosis;
  3. eliminate pain.

With the correct selection of a set of exercises, the first effects in the form of a decrease in the intensity of symptoms will appear after 2-4 weeks of active training.

Implementation principles

Performing exercises for the treatment of arthrosis of the elbow joint is only after consulting a doctor. The specialist will help you choose the right training complex, suitable for a particular stage of the development of the disease. What can be done in the first stage should not be applied in the last.

Simultaneously with exercise therapy, medication and physiotherapy are prescribed.

During the selection of therapeutic exercises for arthrosis of the elbow joint, it is taken into account:

  1. Patient's age. The older the age group, the less intense training is assigned.
  2. The physical state of the ligamentous apparatus. If there are violations of the integrity of the ligaments or tendons, then passive or as simple as possible static exercises are selected.
  3. Stage of development of arthrosis. In the early stages, standard sets of exercises are also suitable. At the last one, the loads are made minimal or completely excluded, up to the partial restoration of cartilage tissue using other methods of treatment.

IMPORTANT! All exercises for the elbow joint with arthrosis are performed slowly and smoothly. The emphasis during gymnastics is on working out the joint and returning muscle tone, and not on building mass.

Avoid while exercising:

  • severe pain;
  • use of equipment more than 1–2 kg;
  • the appearance of edema as a result of overstrain of muscles and ligaments.

All movements should be performed after warming up. To do this, you can perform squeezing and unclenching the fingers, bending at the elbow. You can do a light massage, taking into account the direction of lymph flow (from the fingers to the shoulder). For warming up, rubbing for 5-7 minutes is suitable.


To maintain the normal condition of the elbow joint, it is recommended to perform exercises in the morning. This will prepare the joint for the further implementation of the set of exercises.

Do it right after waking up the following exercises :

Gymnastics at home

A set of exercises at home should begin with a warm-up, gradually proceeding to the main exercises. It is important to monitor your feelings and well-being: if pain occurs, it is recommended to reduce the load or stop the exercise.

Gymnastics with arthrosis of the elbow joint in a sitting position:

Short exercises for the elbow joint with arthrosis in a standing position:

Complex in the gym

For osteoarthritis of the elbow positive effect on the damaged joint has a complex strength exercises or exercise therapy in the gym.

During training, it is important to avoid exercises that lead to excessive extension of the joint. At first, you should not use weighting agents or apply a small weight, use painkillers. If pain occurs, you need to reduce the load or stop doing the exercise.

Each workout begins with a warm-up, which consists of amplitude, low-dynamic exercises.:

There is no set number of repetitions for each exercise. Warm-up should be done for 5-7 minutes.

To restore the normal amplitude of the damaged joint, stretching is suitable - exercises that are aimed at systematic stretching of the muscles. They can be performed at the beginning or at the end of a workout. Each stretching exercise should last no more than 30 seconds.

Gymnastics in gym to strengthen the periarticular muscles and restore the joint:

In addition to training in the gym, you can go swimming while recovering the elbow joint. The effectiveness of the swims lies in the fact that the main load falls on the periarticular muscles, the joint itself remains practically motionless.

Bubnovsky's technique

The Bubnovsky complex is an exercise aimed at restoring the mobility of the affected joint and restoring normal blood flow in the periarticular tissues.

Along with exercise, an important role is played by breathing exercises and drinking discipline. Gymnastics should not be started after eating. During execution, it is imperative to drink plenty of fluids and breathe “full chest”.

The load should be increased gradually and smoothly move on to the main movements. At the beginning, the number of repetitions should be minimal, then it is recommended to gradually increase, bringing up to 10-15 times.

If you have not previously engaged in physical exercises or they were not regular, you should start with elementary, adaptive training with this algorithm:

Repeat each exercise 3-4 times.

Exercise for elbow pain:

Do each movement for arthrosis 3-4 times, do 3 sets.

A positive effect in the restoration of the joint according to the Bubnovsky method is push-ups from the wall. They are done 4-5 times, perform 3 approaches.

Before doing gymnastics, study the basic rules for its implementation.:

  1. exercise with arthrosis daily, 1-2 times a day, at least 3-4 weeks;
  2. perform all exercises while sitting;
  3. do not rush to finish gymnastics earlier than required by exercise therapy;
  4. be attentive and focused on recovery;
  5. do not allow pain in the joints;
  6. increase the load on the limbs gradually;
  7. repeat each movement for arthrosis 3 to 5 times.

Below is a description of the basic gymnastic exercises for eliminationorreducing pain in the elbow jointaccording to the method of rheumatologist Pavel Evdokimenko:

Video from exercise therapy

Look at the complex for elbow joints with arthrosis according to the Evdokimenko method.

Exercises in the pool

Below is a description of gymnastic movements in the treatment of arthrosis of the elbow joint in the pool. Starting position - in the pool, feet shoulder width apart, water at the level of the thoracic region.

Perform such gymnastics in the pool with arthrosis of the elbow joint:


You should not perform exercise therapy for arthrosis if you have:

  • elbow joint injury or sprain, joint muscles;
  • exacerbation of the pathology of the elbow joint, accompanied by pain;
  • body temperature above 36.9ºС;
  • infectious disease (ARVI, tonsillitis);
  • surgery on the diseased joint was less than 3 months ago.

ATTENTION! Acute pain followed by swelling of the joint during exercise is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.


  1. Osteoarthritis of the elbow joint is accompanied by severe pain, partial loss of mobility and swelling.
  2. Treatment of arthrosis of the elbow joint with exercises is complemented by physiotherapy and symptomatic medications.
  3. Proper selection of exercise therapy will speed up the rehabilitation process by 2-4 weeks, prolong the remission period.
  4. To maintain the normal condition of the elbow joint, it is recommended to perform morning exercises.
  5. Perform movements at home and in the gym using the target set of movements.
  6. A positive effect in the restoration of the joint with arthrosis according to the Bubnovsky method is push-ups from the wall.
  7. In addition to standard gymnastics, it is recommended to visit the pool with special exercises for the treatment of arthrosis of the elbow joint.

An elbow fracture can cause a lot of inconvenience. This is due to the fact that this area has a high functional activity, as well as the presence of anatomical elements (nerves, muscles, blood vessels) in it. Trauma is the main cause of fractures. An important measure of treatment are exercises for a fracture of the elbow joint, aimed at its restoration and development.

Fractures are open and closed. Closed ones are more common and are characterized by the preservation of the skin. Injury in this case can only be diagnosed by symptoms and radiography. With an open fracture, the skin loses its integrity.

The bone of the elbow joint can break into several processes or be crushed into a large number of small parts. Comminuted fractures are usually closed. In the event of a fracture, bone fragments can move, or they can remain stable. Injuries accompanied by displacement are much more difficult to treat.

Another variant of a fracture is a bone crack, which is accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the bone structure. Usually such a fracture is the easiest to treat, and the outcome is favorable.

Usually, if the treatment and rehabilitation are carried out correctly, then the outcome of the fracture is favorable, and complete recovery occurs. But for one reason or another, some complications are possible.

The most dangerous complication is the complete loss of limb mobility. This may happen due to destruction. nerve fibers and as a result of a violation of the process of transmission of a nerve impulse. The main task of therapy is to reduce the risk of complete immobility of the limb to a minimum, although this is not always possible.

A signal of possible problems with a limb can be, for example, pain that occurs in response to movement and persists even after the end of therapy and rehabilitation. To prevent loss of mobility, you need to follow all the recommendations of a specialist.

If a fracture affects nerve or vascular fibers, then in addition to a complete or partial loss of mobility, pain or circulatory disorders are also possible.

Elbow fracture treatment

With a very slight displacement of the joint, about 5-6 cm, the doctor adjusts it, then applying a fixing bandage and giving recommendations on limiting activity. If the displacement is more than 6 mm, the question of the need for surgical intervention is decided.

The essence of surgical treatment is the complete opening of the joint cavity, giving bone fragments right position and fix them in this form. Often, the technique of osteosynthesis is used, which is aimed at accelerating bone growth. With severe damage to the head of the radius, a replacement with an endoprosthesis can be made. After the operation is done, the limb is fixed with a plaster splint.

At closed fracture before surgery, the patient is prescribed medications aimed at relieving edema and the inflammatory reaction. If the fracture is open, then the operation is performed within two hours from the moment of injury.

Please note that gypsum is applied not only to the area of ​​the affected joint. The hand is fixed from the base of the fingers to the shoulder joint, set in a bent position. Such fixation complies with all the rules of traumatology and allows the bones to grow together correctly.

For the first time, the plaster splint is removed four weeks after application. This gives the patient the opportunity to begin working out the injured arm.


The issue of rehabilitation should be approached especially responsibly, since this area is quite capricious. Doctors advise to start developing the elbow joint after a fracture with small exercises for fingers and shoulder joints immediately after the imposition of a plaster splint, and a week after the fracture can be performed isotonic contractions muscle tissues. They involve muscle tension without direct movement. This exercise is great for maintaining muscle tone.

In the second week after the splint has been applied, physiotherapy can begin. It also helps to maintain the tone of muscle tissues, helps to improve blood supply processes, and accelerate the healing of affected areas. In some cases, the patient requires additional devices that help restore limb mobility.

Development of the elbow joint after a fracture: exercises

The development of the elbow joint itself is the second stage of rehabilitation. It is possible only after the removal of the plaster splint and with the approval of the doctor.

The second stage of rehabilitation is usually very difficult, because in addition to following the instructions, it also requires perseverance and self-control. If you do not give enough time to develop the joint, then you can never regain full mobility.

You can not immediately bend the elbow after removing the splint from it.

First, the patient needs to perform simple exercises for the elbow joint after a fracture, which are performed with an outstretched arm. For example, he is invited to sit down at the table, extend his injured arm onto it and try to tear his elbow off the table only through movements in the shoulder.

  • Place the injured hand on a flat, hard surface. With a healthy hand, make flexion and extension movements in it.
  • You can do exercises for development fine motor skills in the injured hand using a soft ball or stick.
  • Flexion and extension of the arm are performed simultaneously with raising it by the head.

Exercise therapy for a fracture of the elbow joint: a set of exercises

After consulting a specialist from passive movements, you can move on to more active ones. Previously, the doctor must assess the condition of the joint and make recommendations. In the absence of pathological changes, you can use the following set of exercises:

  • Close the brushes in the lock and imitate casting a fishing rod, alternately moving your hands behind your head from the left, then from the right side.
  • The exercise is done in a similar way, but the brushes are thrown behind the head from both sides.
  • The hands are closed in the lock on the back.
  • Hands wind up behind the head and fold into the castle. Try to stretch, standing on your toes, and lower your hands down with your palms up.
  • Roll an ordinary children's car on the floor, while doing flexion and extension of the affected limb.
  • A set of exercises is performed with a gymnastic stick, also aimed at flexion and extension of the arms at the elbows.

When the pain and discomfort has passed, you can begin to perform exercise therapy after a fracture of the elbow joint with dumbbells. To begin with, the weight of the dumbbell should not be more than 2 kg. Their weight increases gradually, and this should also be discussed with the doctor.

Exercise and massage

Exercises for developing the elbow joint after a fracture should become more difficult gradually as it is developed. The patient needs to understand that it is impossible to remove the splint and immediately begin to act with the injured hand as if it were completely healthy.

Massage can also be used to restore mobility. The opinions of experts on this topic differ, but nevertheless, in many cases, these manipulations are prescribed, although not immediately after the fracture. It is important that the massage is approved by a doctor.

You can also perform massage before the splint is removed, but in this case it will be directed not at the elbow joint, but at the zone shoulder girdle. The procedure has a general strengthening effect on the body and correct execution very helpful.

One common mistake patients make during rehabilitation is excessive stress on the joint and passive use of the limb. Please note that at this time you can not carry any heavy objects with your sore arm and do exercises that rely on your arms, such as push-ups and pull-ups.

It is also not recommended to perform exercises that provoke severe discomfort. There will be some discomfort, but they should not be too pronounced. Your task is to return mobility to your hand, and not to complete the entire complex at all costs.

An elbow fracture is a fairly complex injury, and it always requires an extremely responsible approach to rehabilitation measures. If a person does not put in enough effort, they may end up with a dysfunctional limb for the rest of their lives. To prevent this, you need to take care of your own health and follow the instructions of a specialist.

Proper and balanced nutrition also helps to speed up the process of recovery and return to normal life. Vitamins C and E have a beneficial effect on ligaments and joints.

Collagen is also important. This component is the main material for connective tissues in the human body, responsible for their elasticity and firmness.

Collagen is found in large quantities in the following foods:

  • sea ​​fish, any seafood;
  • poultry meat;
  • some fruits: peaches and persimmons;
  • cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat.

Vitamin C helps to strengthen the immune system, which is very important for fractures. Other vitamins for bones and joints are also important. They can be obtained from food, and from additionally consumed vitamin and mineral complexes. The body directs all its resources to the restoration of bone tissue, as a result of which it weakens and becomes more susceptible to various viruses and infections.

Sources of vitamin C from foods are cabbage, tomatoes, sweet peppers, rose hips, citrus fruits, and berries.

The human body is truly unique. Its tissues can be restored naturally. But you can help speed up this process significantly by taking all the necessary measures, including exercises to restore the elbow joint after a fracture. We offer you to watch a video demonstrating their implementation.

Technique for performing exercises for a fracture of the elbow joint on video

Some patients do not take gymnastics for the elbow joints seriously, considering this method treatment is ineffective. But still exercise therapy for contracture is one of the the best options and is recommended by doctors as the main method for restoring normal range of motion.

Note. Especially effective are exercises for the elbow joint from Bubnovsky. They are designed to give you maximum effective result with due persistence of the patient: relieve pain and improve the tone of weakened muscles.

Preparation for exercise therapy and basic rules

Gymnastics for arthrosis of the elbow joints requires some preparation and implementation of a list of rules, which will significantly increase efficiency. So, the patient must:

  1. Observe a break between meals and gymnastics for at least 2 hours.
  2. Do a light warm-up before the main exercises (about 5 minutes). This is necessary to warm up the muscles and increase blood flow.

Note! You need to perform warm-up exercises sequentially from top to bottom, that is, start with the muscles cervical, then develop the shoulders, arms, etc. The warm-up must necessarily cover the entire body, and not just the arms.

  1. When doing exercises to strengthen the elbow joint, it is imperative to drink plenty of liquid (at least 1.4-1.6 liters per day).
  2. It is also necessary to control breathing. Thanks to the exercises, the muscle tissue and the joint receive oxygen and nutrients. Therefore, breathing should be even and deep for maximum saturation of the blood with oxygen.
  3. After you have completed a set of exercises for the elbow joint, you should take a shower (only cool), and then rub your hands with a terry towel. This stimulates additional blood flow and saturates the joint tissues with oxygen and nutrients.
  4. You should eat or engage in the main activity only when the heartbeat has returned to normal and breathing has evened out.

Complex physiotherapy exercises: doing exercises

Therapeutic gymnastics for the elbow joints is simple, and its implementation will not take much time. So, take a starting position - sit sideways to a table or other flat horizontal surface so that its edge is in the armpit, and perform the following exercises to strengthen the elbow joint:

  1. Starting with the vertical position of the forearm, try to bend and unbend the arm at the elbow. Save slow pace. Repeat 8-10 times. Gymnastics for joints with arthrosis of the elbow joint should be smooth, without jerks and excessive effort. In case of acute pain, the exercise should be stopped.
  1. Put your hand on the table, relax your muscles. Take a small ball or other round object (you can use a children's car) and roll it on the surface of the table. Movements should be done with the forearm until fatigue appears.
  1. Swing your arms forward, up and to the sides. You can do both sitting in the same position and standing (10-15 repetitions). Move calmly, without fuss.
  1. Bubnovsky recommends doing the following exercises for the elbow joint using an expander in the form of a rubber band. If the option described above is given to you quite easily, then to complicate it, you need to spread your arms to the sides with a projectile.
  1. Hand movements imitating skiing. You can perform sitting or standing, it is advisable to take sticks in your hands. You can also use an expander. The pace should be calculated taking into account your own feelings.

Important! Thanks to the power elements of exercise therapy, the regeneration of joint tissues occurs much faster. In addition, after regular classes the entire neuromuscular system stabilizes its work.



The elbow contains many blood vessels and nerves. Due to such a complex anatomy, if the integrity of the joint is violated, surgery is almost always required to restore it.

There are the following types of fractures:

  • intra-articular;
  • periarticular;
  • with offset;
  • no offset;
  • closed;
  • open.

In an injury, one or more bones can be damaged at once. A fracture is often accompanied by a dislocation.

The causes of such injuries are strong mechanical effects on the arm, fall, impact.

Violation of the integrity of the bone is accompanied by sharp pain in the area of ​​the affected joint. Often the pain radiates to the forearm, hand, fingers. Because of it and a violation of the structure of the joint, mobility is limited, but at the same time, “hanging” of the hand can be observed. In the area of ​​damage, edema and hematoma form. With an open fracture with displacement, damage to blood vessels, muscles, and skin occurs, so the injury is accompanied by bleeding and bone fragments are visually visible.

A fracture of the elbow joint is often diagnosed in children, due to their increased activity and not fully strengthened bones. Symptoms of children's fractures are completely similar to adults.

After an injury to the hand, you should immediately seek medical help, this will help to diagnose a fracture in time and avoid complications.

First aid is the main points:

  • the first step is to ensure the peace and immobility of the injured hand;
  • then, in order to relieve acute pain and prevent severe edema, ice is applied (any cold-water, frozen foods) and painkillers are given in the form of tablets or injections;
  • a temporary splint is applied for hospitalization (any materials at hand can be used).

Treatment and rehabilitation

The choice of treatment method to restore the integrity of the joint depends on the severity of the fracture, its type and the presence of concomitant injuries and complications. For this, after the patient is admitted to the hospital, a series of diagnostic examinations is carried out to reveal the full picture. Then a plaster cast is applied.

If a fracture of the elbow joint with a slight displacement is diagnosed, then a manipulation restoration of the correct structure of the joint is performed. But most often, such actions are performed surgically under local or general anesthesia. Operatively, bone fragments are repositioned, nerves, blood vessels, damaged ligaments and muscles are sutured. Bone fixation is carried out using screws, wires or other modern developments in the field of reconstructive surgery. If the articular head is damaged, an endoprosthesis is installed. After all recovery manipulations, an immobilization bandage is applied. The joint is in plaster for at least a month. Exercise therapy is prescribed even when the joint is in plaster to maintain muscle tone and blood circulation. To do this, perform exercises aimed at the work of the shoulder joint and hand.

After the plaster is removed for some periods of time, in order to begin to develop the mobility of the bone. At this time, do exercises for flexion and extension of the arm in the joint.

Rehabilitation is an important stage on the way to full restoration of joint mobility. Ignoring it can lead to ossification of the joint and the formation of contractures.

Rehabilitation includes exercise therapy, physiotherapy, massotherapy. Joint development is methodical daily execution exercises under the clear guidance of a doctor. Physiotherapy and massage are a set of measures that reduce swelling of soft tissues after prolonged immobilization, improve blood circulation and help increase muscle tone. Physiotherapy with calcium strengthens the bone.

Let's designate the main exercises with which the development of the elbow joint is performed.

And so, the first stage of exercise therapy is to perform supportive exercises aimed at:

  • stimulation of lymphatic drainage;
  • reduction of puffiness;
  • maintaining muscle tone.

They begin to perform the very next day after the plaster is applied. These are exercises for bending healthy joints of the injured upper limb. In addition, the hand is moved behind the head in the prone position.

A set of restorative exercises begins to be performed only with the permission of the doctor and at first under his guidance. Lfk in this case is individual. Exercise must be done with care. You need to start with a few repetitions, gradually increasing the load.

What exercises and how many times they need to be performed can be seen in the video.

Fracture of the condyle. Treatment

A condyle fracture is a complex intra-articular injury. Most often, children and adolescents are susceptible to it, in adulthood, it is much less common.

There are fractures:

  • internal condyle;
  • external condyle.

They are also divided into:

  • fractures without displacement and violation of the axis of the joint;
  • fractures of the condyle with displacement, without violation of the axis;
  • fractures of the condyle with rotation of the fragment around the axis.

This injury is evidenced by a change in the shape of the elbow joint: enlarged, deformed, the contours are smoothed. There is a violation of the isosceles triangle Guther. The joint is quite mobile in the lateral direction. Movement hurts.

If a condyle fracture occurs without disturbing the position relative to the axis, then the damaged joint is placed in plaster at an angle of 90 degrees for ten days.

When the integrity of the condyles is broken with displacement, then a one-stage reposition is made under anesthesia and a plaster is applied. How long the bandage will need to be worn depends on the age of the patient and the severity of the injury. IN childhood healing occurs within ten or twelve days, while adults need about three weeks. Then you need a complex of rehabilitation measures, it takes 3-4 weeks.

When severe injuries condyles or from old forms, surgical treatment is used.

Joint contracture after fracture. Methods of treatment

Contracture is a disorder of joint mobility that occurs after a fracture. Manifested as difficulty and incomplete flexion, turn of the arm. One of the reasons for the occurrence is the long-term wearing of a cast, as well as complications after an injury. The contracture of the joint leads to its deformation. Her companion is constant severe pain. Contracture is diagnosed with the help of an additional hardware examination. Contracture is treated mainly by conservative methods. Advanced complex cases require surgical intervention.

Elbow contracture is eliminated with the help of special gymnastics, massage, exercise therapy. With this complication, analgesics and hormonal drugs are prescribed. Carry out therapeutic blockade. Manual therapy is also shown.

Operative method, contracture is eliminated with the help of arthrolysis. This technique can be performed both open and closed.

After the operation and before it, it is necessary to perform therapeutic gymnastics undergo physiotherapy. Inside the joint, injections of oxygen and hydrocartisone are administered. Such procedures prevent muscle atrophy and accelerate the development of the joint after surgery.


Exercise therapy for damage to the capsular-ligamentous structures of the elbow joint

As a result of a number of injuries of the capsule and ligaments of the elbow joint, with insufficient immobilization, its instability occurs, which is accompanied by excessive deviation of the forearm.

and instability, a pain syndrome is noted, which provokes progressive hypotrophy of the periarticular muscles. In the chronic course of the process, not only periarticular, but also articular structures are involved. Post-traumatic deforming arthrosis develops, contracture is often formed. In some cases tendopathies and neuropathies are observed.

To restore the function or compensate for the functional failure of the elbow joint in case of damage to its capsular-ligamentous structures, it is necessary to carry out a complex set of rehabilitation measures that take into account the pathogenesis of the instability syndrome and secondary changes associated with it.

With partial damage to the capsular-ligamentous structures of the elbow joint (medial section), the treatment is conservative. In acute injury, immobilization is necessary to create conditions that are optimal for the formation of a full-fledged connective tissue scar (immobilization period). In the future, the amplitude of passive movements should be restored in such a way as not to overstretch this scar (early post-immobilization period). At the same time, it is necessary to train the periarticular muscles, which act as active stabilizers of the elbow joint. In this regard, hydrokinesitherapy is used to a limited extent in this group of patients, since it promotes muscle relaxation and can cause an excessively rapid increase in the range of motion.

In the future, after the restoration of the amplitude of movements, an enhanced training of the strength of the periarticular muscles is carried out. At the same time, it should not be allowed excessive loads on the emerging scar - forced radial deviation of the forearm. And only after the restoration of amplitude, strength and endurance for long-term work, the task of restoring coordination of movements with additional burden and opposition ( sports movements). In addition to the functional characteristics with increasing loads, you should always focus on the phases of the formation of a connective tissue scar. Intensive power loads can be started no earlier than 2.5 months. after such an injury.

To accelerate the process of restoring the strength of the periarticular muscles, additional funds rehabilitation:
1) training with biofeedback in strength;
2) isokinetic training;
3) dynamic electrical stimulation of muscles with weights;
4) manual massage muscles of the shoulder and forearm according to the tonic method (without direct impact on the elbow joint).

With more pronounced post-traumatic instability of the elbow joint, the treatment is surgical.

The rehabilitation program after surgical treatment of elbow joint instability consists of four periods:
I period — early postoperative (immobilization of the elbow joint).
II period - late postoperative (restoration of mobility).
III period - pre-training period (restoration of stability).
IV period - training.

The tasks of the first period are the prevention of hypotrophy of the muscles of the operated limb, the improvement of peripheral blood flow and the maintenance of general professional and sports performance.

For this purpose, isometric muscle contractions are used, which can be rhythmic and prolonged. Rhythmic tensions are performed in rhythm 30-50 times per minute. Muscle tensions held for 3 s or more are regarded as long-term. The optimal duration of isometric tension is 5-7 s. Prolonged isometric tension is necessary to increase muscle strength.

From the 2nd day after the operation, rhythmic isometric tension of the flexor muscles of the hand, fingers and shoulder begins by trying to perform movements in the corresponding joints. During one lesson, it is considered optimal to perform 10-12 stresses. During the day, patients should repeat classes up to 20 times.

From the 3-4th day after the operation, isometric tensions become prolonged. Special attention at the same time, it is given to the synergistic muscles of the medial ligament, as well as the triceps muscle of the shoulder.

For selective isometric training of muscles at this stage, the use of biofeedback according to EMG is most effective.

After normalization general condition(5-7th days after surgery) to maintain sports performance, general developmental exercises are used, active movements with resistance and weights for a healthy limb, walking at an average pace, easy running, jumping in place, squats, lunges exercises on simulators, treadmill, etc. .). The load is gradually increased by increasing the duration of the lesson and reducing rest breaks.

In addition to LH, during immobilization, a course of rhythmic electrical stimulation of the triceps muscle and hand extensors is performed.

With severe swelling of the periarticular soft tissues, UHF therapy is prescribed in an oligothermal dosage or magnetotherapy.

In the II period, along with the restoration of mobility in the elbow joint, classes are continued to maintain sports performance.

After the termination of immobilization, a special orthosis is put on the arm - a tire consisting of a sleeve of the shoulder and forearm, which are connected by two hinges with locks, which ensure the setting of the limits of the permissible range of motion.

In the first 3-4 days, relaxation exercises are used: active voluntary and post-isometric relaxation. Exercises for stretching the paraarticular tissues are performed strictly in the plane of motion in the shoulder and elbow joint, excluding lateral deviation of the forearm (actively facilitated movements and self-help exercises). Each procedure ends with the placement of the operated limb in the position of flexion and extension of the elbow joint (postural exercise). Delayed mobilization uses "sliding" laying with a roller trolley and on an inclined polished panel.

After the restoration of the full range of motion in the joint, period III begins, the main task of which is to increase the strength and endurance of the muscles surrounding the elbow joint. Exercises with resistance, weighting with a load of up to 6 kg, an expander, etc. are used. Exercises that cause stress in the medial department of the capsular-ligamentous apparatus are excluded. As a rule, movements are performed in a special splint with hinges, which prevents deviation of the forearm.

Additional funds are also used to speed up the process of restoring the strength of the periarticular muscles. These are BFB strength training, isokinetic training, dynamic electrical muscle stimulation with weights, manual massage of the muscles of the shoulder and forearm (without the elbow joint) using a tonic technique.

Together with special exercises, general tonic, auxiliary and imitation exercises are performed. sport exercises(running, walking, game elements, exercises with weights for the legs and torso, imitation of a snatch and a push with a gymnastic stick for weightlifters, gripping techniques, sweeps with rubber band wrestlers) gymnasts perform exercises for flexibility, coordination, balance, etc.

At the end of the pre-training period (more than 2.5 months after the operation), the load on both the general and the operated joint gradually increases, approaching the usual load for a given sport or profession. The rate of restoration of fitness depends on the specialization and qualification of the athlete. Representatives of the martial arts group, complex-coordination and speed-strength sports start training at a later date than those involved in cyclic sports.

The criterion for an athlete's admission to training is the absence of pain in the area of ​​damage to the capsular-ligamentous apparatus with a load on the joint and tension of the medial ligament, the absence of atrophy of the surrounding muscles, the normalization of their elasticity and bioelectrical activity. The most informative is isometric and isokinetic testing.

M.B. Tsykunov


Exercises after an elbow injury

Exercise therapy for a bruised elbow joint can be started almost immediately after the injury, but it is better to check with a specialist. Exercises contribute to faster regeneration and return of forearm mobility.

Sit on a stool near the table, turning to it with the side on which the arm was injured. Place your shoulder on the surface so that the armpit lies on the edge of the tabletop, and raise the forearm to a vertical position. Begin to smoothly bend / unbend your arm at the elbow. Do not make sudden movements, and if there is insufficient mobility of the elbow joint, do not help the injured limb with a healthy hand. You should not experience discomfort and especially pain - this is very important! Perform all of the following exercises for 5-8 repetitions.

  • Take the starting position as in the previous exercise, but do not raise your forearm and take a ball or any rolling toy in your hand. Having fixed the shoulder joint and shoulder, start moving the ball to the left and right so that only the elbow joint works.
  • Sit or stand up straight and begin to bend and unbend your arm at the elbow. You can take a small weight ( perfect option dumbbells), for example, a kilogram in each hand.
  • Stand or sit on a chair and pick up a stick with a grip slightly wider than your shoulders. Begin to perform various movements, bending and unbending the limbs in the elbow joints.
  • Pick up a ball or tennis ball, and start throwing it up and then catching it. This way you will work on motor skills that may have deteriorated after an injury.
  • The next exercise exercise therapy for a bruised elbow requires taking a sitting or standing position, and tilting the top of the body forward. Begin to bend-unbend your arms at the elbows. Also try to perform other movements: put the brushes on the back of the head or on the top of the head, linking them into the lock
  • While in a bath of warm water, perform all kinds of flexion, rotation and extension of the forearms for 10-15 minutes.

Exercise therapy exercises for elbow dislocation

Exercise therapy for the elbow joint with dislocation also includes various exercises to develop the range of motion of the forearm. When training, it is necessary to perform all movements so that there is no pain or even the slightest discomfort. Gradually, the amplitude will increase until it is fully restored.

The following complex of exercise therapy after a dislocation of the elbow joint will not take you much time, but will help you achieve good results. The number of repetitions in each exercise is 3-5 times.

First you need to slightly warm up the damaged joint, performing circular movements, flexion and extension of the limbs at the elbow. At the same time, change the position of the shoulder by stretching your arms forward, lifting them up or spreading them apart.

Enough effective exercise from exercise therapy after a dislocation of the elbow are movements with a gymnastic stick. We bring to your attention a simple set of exercises with a gymnastic stick to restore the elbow joint after a dislocation:

  • Stand up straight, with your feet shoulder-width apart, and take a projectile with both hands (it can even be a mop handle or a shovel handle). Raise the stick above your head and gently lower it behind your head. If you feel uncomfortable, reduce the amplitude or try to lower the projectile to your chest first.
  • Sit on a stool and rest the stick on the floor at one end, and put your hands on the other. Lean forward, moving your torso forward and shifting the top end of the stick. You will feel tension in the elbow joint of the injured arm as it begins to stretch. Perform the movement smoothly and avoid overstretching.
  • For this exercise, you will again need a gymnastic stick. Sit on a stool and rest the stick with one end on the floor, and grab the other end with your sore hand. Start doing circles rotational movements stick so that its lower end does not move.

You can use as a projectile to perform exercises after a dislocation of the elbow and other improvised means. Take an ordinary rolling pin, which should be in the kitchen, and just roll it on the table. When moving away from you, the arms at the elbows will unbend, stretching well, and then bending. This great exercise for warming up the elbow joint after dislocation.

Another great find for exercise therapy after a dislocated elbow is any ball: football, basketball or children's rubber. Start by simply stuffing them from the floor, doing up to 100-200 repetitions for each arm.


Features of exercise therapy for injuries of the elbow joint

The division of the first period of physiotherapy exercises into 2 stages is accepted. At the first stage, which occurs on the second day after the plaster splint has been applied, in addition to breathing and general developmental exercises, it is planned to perform all kinds of movements in the joints that are free from plaster, the hand should be placed on a pillow behind the head or be in the position of abduction in the shoulder joint. The need for such a position is to prevent the development of edema of the limb, the onset of pain, and also in order to improve blood and lymph circulation. Also, impulses should be sent to the fixed elbow and wrist joints. This refers to the performance of imaginary movements for flexion and extension; tension in the muscles of the forearm and shoulder. At the second stage of the first period, the period of which is determined by the doctor, the plaster splint is bandaged on the forearm to the elbow joint and movements for flexion and extension in the elbow joint are added, the amplitude of movements is 35-45 degrees within the plaster.

The second period includes exercises to develop the elbow joint. It starts from the moment the plaster bandage is removed. The complex of special exercises designed to be performed in the second period with an injury to the elbow joint includes:

  • sit sideways to the table located on the side of the injured arm. Put the shoulder on the table so that the edge of the table is in the armpit, and the forearm is vertical. It is necessary to actively bend and unbend the arm in the elbow joint, the pace of the exercise should be slow, the little finger should be in projection parallel to the earlobe. When performing this exercise, you can not make jerky movements in the direction of flexion and extension, help yourself with the other hand, forcibly bend and unbend the arm. When performing the exercise, there should be no pain;
  • sit down, put your forearm on the table, you need to hold a rolling toy in your fingers. shoulder joint when performing the exercise, it must be motionless, in the elbow joint it is necessary to make “swinging” movements for flexion and extension;
  • sit or stand up and perform exercises on the block - bend and unbend the arm in the elbow joint;
  • sit down or stand up, take a stick in your hands and perform all kinds of hand movements aimed at flexion and extension;
  • sit down or stand up, pick up a tennis or rubber ball that you need to throw and catch;
  • sit or stand with your torso leaning forward. Both arms bend and unbend at the elbow joints. Perform an exercise on weight, putting your hands on your head, behind your head, clasping your hands in a “lock”, etc .;
  • sit down, placing your hands in warm water, the temperature of which is 35-36 degrees. Perform flexion, extension, turns of the hand with the forearm up and down, circular movements for 10-15 minutes 2 times a day.

Exercise therapy for elbow injury

In the case of a contusion of the elbow joint, the duration of treatment depends on the severity of the contusion, or on the degree of injury received by the ligamentous apparatus. Approximately movements are restored in 2 weeks - 1.5 months. Often, after a bruise of the elbow joint, a person encounters complications: bursitis (accumulation of fluid in the joint bag or near it) and neuritis (inflammation of the nerve), which requires long-term treatment, in which it is contraindicated to load the limb (hanging on the hands, resting on the hands, wearing heavy ). Exercise therapy for a bruised elbow in this case provides for the implementation of only those exercises in which pain does not occur, and the exercises should be performed slowly.

Exercise therapy for dislocation of the elbow joint

In case of dislocation of the elbow joint during exercise therapy, it is contraindicated to make passive movements, overstrain and tire the muscles, wear weights, and perform exercises that can cause pain. In addition, you can not rest on your hands and hang on them. If the warnings are neglected, a number of complications may develop (the occurrence of edema, pain in the joint, reflex muscle contraction leading to contracture of the elbow joint, calcification of the muscles, growth of bone deformities, for example, "spurs"), which are the cause of the development of chronic deforming arthrosis of the elbow joint, when it periodically accumulates liquid. If movements in the elbow joint are limited, then in the third period, exercise therapy should be continued in case of dislocation of the elbow joint in water. In addition, it is planned to carry out physiotherapeutic procedures (mud therapy, paraffin), then - a complex exercise. Each exercise should be repeated 4-6 times in all periods, and the complex itself should be repeated from 4 to 6 times a day. At all stages of treatment, massage and self-massage are contraindications.