Our worldskills: discovery. Scenario of the WorldSkills Russia opening ceremony for the Laboratory Medical Analysis competency


Three competitive days of the WorldSkills Championship have passed, filled with new impressions, unforgettable emotions and the spirit of competition.

The championship is designed to select the best representatives in terms of competencies, who will represent the Novgorod region at the National WorldSkills competitions and, in case of victory, will be included in the Russian team to participate in international championships.

The solemn closing ceremony of the Championship was attended by: more than 600 people - representatives of the government of the Novgorod region, representatives of departments, participants, winners, experts of the Championship, invited guests and partners of the Championship.

“I want to thank everyone for these three exciting days that we spent with you at the venues of the championship. All of you are great, you coped with everything and received a high appraisal of the training from the WorldSkills Russia Union,” said Veronika Minina.

At the closing ceremony, the partners of the championship were noted. They not only provided venues for holding competencies and financed the purchase of equipment, but also invited their experts and helped in organizing the championship.

The bronze medalists of the WorldSkills regional championship were awarded by Sofya Ivanova, Deputy Head of the Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Novgorod Region, and Konstantin Chaika, Director of the Borovichi Truck Service company.

“Three difficult days are behind us and those guys who were the first to receive medals are already winners of the II Open Regional WorldSkills Championship. Guys, perseverance, perseverance, and I wish you further victories,” Sofya Ivanova said, addressing the bronze medalists.

Silver medalists were awarded by Ilya Malenko, Chairman of the Industry and Trade Committee of the Novgorod Region, and Alexander Mitrokhin, General Director of Belgrankorm.

Congratulating the participants, Ilya Malenko noted: “A huge work has been done by everyone and everyone who is in this hall and those who remained on the sites. Our industry and trade needs guys like you: purposeful, energetic, ready to improve and ready to reach world heights.”

The winners of the II Regional WorldSkills Championship were awarded by Veronika Minina, First Deputy Governor of the Novgorod Region, and Vladimir Gavrikov, Executive Director of Acron.

Winners of the II Regional Championship "WorldSkills" in competencies:

  • Fashion Technologies - Avdeeva Kristina Dmitrievna, OGAPOU "Novgorod Trade and Technological College",
  • Hotel administration - Sycheva Alina Aydarovna, OGBPOU "Novgorod Construction College",
  • Tourism - Artyushina Victoria Alekseevna, OAPOU "Valdai Agricultural College",
  • Tourism - Maria Viktorovna Bekhtold, OAPOU "Valdai Agricultural College",
  • Restaurant service - Gerasimova Lyubov Ivanovna, Restaurant complex "Frigate" Flagman ",
  • Laboratory chemical analysis - Otmakhova Milena Vladimirovna, OGAPOU "Novgorod Chemical-Industrial College",
  • Veterinary - Ftorenko Sofya Sergeevna, OGBPOU "Novgorod Agrotechnical College",
  • Cooking - Guryanov Alexander Alexandrovich, OGAPOU "Novgorod Trade and Technological College",
  • Tiling - Thomson Dmitry Artyomovich, OGAPOU "Technological College",
  • Dry construction and plastering works - Siminenko Anatoly Mikhailovich, OGAPOU "Technological College",
  • Repair and maintenance of passenger cars - Shlepakov Aleksey Anatolyevich, OGBPOU "Borovichi Automobile and Road College",
  • Teaching in elementary grades - Evgenia Romanovna Sergeeva, Borovichi Pedagogical College,
  • Preschool education - Kuznetsova Natalya Sergeevna, OGAPOU "Borovichi Pedagogical College",
  • Electrical work - Kuznetsov Dmitry Sergeevich, OGAPOU "Borovichi College of Construction Industry and Economics",
  • Graphic design - Petrov Artem Sergeevich, OGAPOU "Borovichi Pedagogical College",
  • Physical culture and sports - Kramarskaya Alina Sergeevna, OGAPOU "Borovichi Pedagogical College",
  • Medical and social care - Sergeeva Elina Viktorovna, OGAPOU "Borovichi Medical College named after A.A. Kokorin",
  • Graphic design - juniors Zorin Stanislav Alekseevich, OGAPOU "Borovichi Pedagogical College".

In terms of the number of medals won at the championship, the first place was taken by the Borovichi Pedagogical College, the second - by the Technological College and the third - by the Trade and Technological College.

“For the first place, the institution receives one and a half million rubles, for the second - a million and for the third - five hundred thousand rubles. Technical schools and colleges will have to use this money to improve the material and technical base, to encourage winners and masters of industrial training who have trained champions,” Veronika Minina said.

Quite recently, in the news feed of the university, one could see news about the WorldSkills interuniversity championship, we watched our students, cheered for them, rejoiced at their victories. A new stage has come. The qualifying championship of the Russian State Social University according to WorldSkills standards has started.

The championship began with a meeting of all employers. Employability is one of the reasons to compete. Employers can take participants to practice, internship and of course, to work. Employers took an active and direct part in the preparation of the championship.

By the way, there are several competencies for which students can take part in the championship - tourism, social work, video production, web design, prototyping, software solutions for business, hotel administration and entrepreneurship.

Before starting to talk about the upcoming championship, Vice-Rector for Additional Professional Education of the RSSU Natalia Zolotareva mentioned the achievements of the students last year. In 2017, RSSU students in the WorldSkills interuniversity championship took an honorable second place in web design and prototyping competencies, which, by the way, belong to high-tech professions.

« It helped to open that part of our university and prove that we are strong in information technology"- comments Natalya Zolotareva.

Our students also took part in the Moscow Championship. Another silver in the piggy bank came from the video production competency. A place of honor in the Moscow team and now we are waiting for the All-Russian Championship.

“It is important to understand that participation in the championship is not the main educational process, it is an extracurricular activity.WorldSkillshelps the university not only to develop in educational process, but also open up to the world, open up their facets and show how interesting they are».

The Young Professionals movement is taking on new dimensions. In 2017, an interuniversity championship was held in Moscow for the first time. The RSSU team will first take part in the interuniversity qualifying championship, and then the best students will enter the championship in Russia.

« It is very important for us to bring the championship into operation. We want this to become a normal working procedure, a process within our university: preparing for the championship, holding the championship, analyzing the results of the championship, making changes to the educational process, making changes to value judgments, that is, this is not something unusual for us. We make this an element of quality improvement at our university", - speaks Natalya Zolotareva.

First Vice-Rector of RSSU Alexander Soldatov:

« Contact with partners is very important for us, because the main indicator of the university is the employment of graduates in the direction in which they are preparing. And this connection shortens the distance between the student and the employer. And this is the most important moment in the preparation of students, this distance should be minimized».

WorldSkills is a movement whose goal is to raise the standards of skill development. This championship is a great foundation, big step forward to show his skills and knowledge in the direction in which he is studying. As a result of the championship, the student can not only be invited to practice, but also be employed in the future. Every student can take part in the "Young Professionals" movement in any competence he is interested in. For this you need only desire and fire in the eyes!

Ekaterina Kozlova, a representative of the hotel administration competency, about students who did their internship after WorldSkills:

« Children with insane desire to work on and learn what we can teach in practice. We have crazy Feedback. They say that they understand, there are some incomprehensible moments, although there were very few of them. The guys are very involved in the process and they are very interested».

And finally, the main event of the day - the opening of the championship. It began not with a greeting or applause, but with a moment of silence in connection with the tragedy in Kemerovo. All those present paid tribute to the memory of the victims.

The first welcoming speech was delivered by the Vice-Rector for Additional Professional Education, Natalia Zolotareva:

« movement, familyWorldSkillsis a global community, which includes about 80 countries. This family, for which the basic value is professionalism. And last year our university joined this movement. This year he has something to show».

« I want to thank those who have kept this championship that you stay with us. Natalya Mikhailovna is the person who participated in the introductionWorldSkillsin Russia. So your university is very lucky. I would like to thank the experts and those partners for helping to create and provide for this championship, because without you this would not have taken place. It is in your power to use your professionalism to make the best in the world of other people. I wish you that the skills you receive will help others. I wish you good luck and go to interuniversity».

In conclusion, everyone wished the participants of the championship success, professionalism, courage and the use of their acquired skills in professional life.

« Let the refereeing be honest, let you have enough strength, inspiration to show yourself as much as possible. And may the strongest win. We consider the championship open!”, - Natalya Zolotareva pronounces the final words on stage, and the Russian anthem sounds.

The opening ceremony of the championship is over. But for students participating in WorldSkills, everything is just beginning! Today is the first day of the championship - which means that within the walls of the RSSU the participants are drawn, they get acquainted with jobs, with competitive tasks, signing protocols.

In most competencies, competitions will start tomorrow, but two of them - prototyping and video production - will start today.

We are confident that WorldSkills participants will no longer be just students - they will be real young workers, masters of their craft. With patience, with strength, with good mood, in order to win - go ahead, students!

Today, the National Drama Theater hosted the closing ceremony of the WorldSkills Russia - 2017 Regional Championship "Young Professionals" in the Altai Republic.

The competition days flew by unnoticed, but they were full of many bright events. All participants are certainly masters of their craft, because they have already set personal records and have shown us excellent results of their professional activities.

And now, on the stage of the National Theatre, the best of the best are awarded diplomas, medals and gifts.

However, at the beginning, unexpectedly relaxed and optimistic tone was set by the first "out-of-competition" nomination, which was a pleasant surprise for many present in the hall.

On the eve of the championship in the sponsored children's preschool"Rainbow" activists of the Youth Center SAGPC held a drawing competition "Who to be? What to be? Children gladly shared their dreams about what they want to become in the future. The video of the interview with the immediate kids stirred up and amused the audience, and then the director of the BPOU RA “GAGPK them. M.Z. Gnezdilov" E.V. Basargina presented diplomas to young dreamers - the winners of the contest. The results were distributed in the following order:

1st place - Nikita Mushin,

2nd place - Aylin Belekova,

3rd place - Margarita Kalilova.

The atmosphere of the holiday was supported by the choreographic performances of the best youth groups of the republic, and of course, the show of the collections of young designers of the everlasting "Silk Tassel"!

And yet, the audience with increasing impatience was waiting for the main thing - the announcement of the results of the competency championship.

The World Skills Russia “Young Professionals” championship combines a huge variety of competencies. So far, only six of them have been presented at the First Regional Championship in the Republic of Altai, but their number will undoubtedly increase from year to year, since it is here that gambling and ambitious young people can reveal all their talents, abilities and professional skills.

The attention paid to the development of the professional potential of the country and the republic is evidenced by the level of guests who came to greet the leaders of the competition.

O.S. Savrasova - Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Altai; participants who took II place were congratulated by A.V. Bondarenko - Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Altai. And finally absolute winners in the competencies of the Championship, awards were presented by M. Yu. Margachev - Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Altai.

So here are the main results:

In the competence "Entrepreneurship" places were distributed as follows:

1st place - the team of the Gorno-Altai State Polytechnic College. M.Z. Gnezdilova consisting of: Yulia Vitalievna Butenko and Sergey Sergeevich Boshkunov.

2nd place - the team of the Gorno-Altai Economic College of the Resource Union of the Republic of Altai, consisting of: Irina Vladimirovna Solodovnikova and Alexander Sergeevich Trushkin.

3rd place - the team of the College of Industrial Technologies consisting of: Olga Georgievna Nagibina and Irina Alexandrovna Patsukova.

In the competence of "Web design":

1st place - Vitaly Yuryevich Mironov, Gorno-Altai State Polytechnic College named after V.I. M.Z. Gnezdilov.

2nd place - Rodion Vasilyevich Glushkov, College of Industrial Technologies.

2nd place - Danil Anatolyevich Yudin, Gorno-Altai State Polytechnic College. M.Z. Gnezdilov.

In the competence of "Veterinary":

1st place - Vera Evgenievna Elina, Gorno-Altai State University (Agrarian College).

2nd place - Victoria Sergeevna Paikina, Gorno-Altai State University.

3rd place - Anastasia Evgenievna Mezhova, Gorno-Altai State University (Agrarian College).

Competence "Welding technologies":

1st place - Chechen Vladimirovich Shukakov, Gorno-Altai State Polytechnic College. M.Z. Gnezdilov.

2nd place - Armat Alekseevich Chepkin, Gorno-Altai State Polytechnic College. M.Z. Gnezdilova

3rd place - Andrey Gennadyevich Ovechkin, Maiminsky Agricultural College.

In the competence "Preschool education":

1st place - Ekaterina Andreevna Burlakova, Gorno-Altai Pedagogical College.

2nd place - Veronika Yurievna Chernova, Gorno-Altai State University.

3rd place - Tatyana Sergeevna Alamchina, Kindergarten No. 6, Gorno-Altaisk.

In addition, a special prize - a medal for professionalism - was awarded to Svetlana Anatolyevna Tanzykova, Gorno-Altai Pedagogical College.

The youngest participants of the JuniorSkills Championship in the Mobile Robotics competency in the 10+ age group divided the prizes as follows:

1st place - the team of the Plakas Republican Gymnasium consisting of:

Damir Arzhanovich Kotonov and Timur Evgenievich Tudenev.

2nd place - the team of the Republican Center additional education and the city center for children's creativity, consisting of: Egor Sergeevich Andreev and Daniil Alexandrovich Pechersky.

3rd place - the team of the Lyceum No. 6 of Gorno-Altaisk, consisting of: Yaroslavna Kirillovna Grigorieva and Ksenia Alekseevna Nekrasova.

Age group 14+:

1st place - the team of the Lyceum No. 6 of Gorno-Altaisk, consisting of: Sofya Andreevna Ilyina and Maxim Igorevich Efanov.

2nd place - the team of the Gorno-Altai State University consisting of: Ivan Viktorovich Schukin and Artem Igorevich Obukhov.

3rd place - the team of the Lyceum No. 6 of Gorno-Altaisk, consisting of: Maria Andreevna Shirin and Victoria Sergeevna Ivankova.

And now the difficult competitive tests are over, the well-deserved awards have already been received. But what else, besides diplomas and prizes, will each participant of the First Regional Championship take with him?

Rhythm, speed, concentration, skill - this is what the Worldskills movement forms among young professionals. And indeed it is! We are young, which means we have new records ahead of us. We hope that next year the Worldskills Russia Championship will bring together even more participants who will delight us and our Republic with new victories.

Scenario of the WorldSkills Russia opening ceremony for the Laboratory Medical Analysis competency.

1 presenter

Good afternoon, dear ladies and gentlemen!

2 leading

We are pleased to welcome you to the ceremony of the VI Moscow Masters Open Championship of Professional Excellence according to WorldSkills Russia standards in the Laboratory Medical Analysis competency.

1 presenter

And according to a long-standing tradition, we begin the opening ceremony with the World Skills anthem.

Song "Hymn"

2 leading

And now we want to give the floor to __________________________

Movement history

1 presenter

WorldSkills is an international non-profit movement whose goal is to increase the prestige of working professions and develop mastery skills.

2 leading

The WorldSkills International movement originated in the post-war years in Spain (1947), when the world was sorely lacking skilled workers. The author of this idea was the General Director of the Spanish Youth Organization Jose Antonio Elola Olaso.

1 presenter

WorldSkills participants improve their skills by competing in six blocks of professions: the construction industry, information and communication technologies, creativity and design, industrial production, services and civil transport.

2 leading

Mr. José Antonio Elola Olaso believed that it is necessary to convince young people, as well as their parents, teachers and potential employers, that their future depends on effective system vocational training.

1 presenter

Olaso chose Francisco Albert-Vidal to further develop this idea, along with Antonio Almagro Diaz and Faustino Ramos Diaz, who were at various times the leaders of the work centers. Palencia Albert, as director of the "Virgen de la Paloma" (the most important Spanish training center), was appointed as the technical consultant for the entire project. For this task, the most appropriate solution was to promote competition.

2 leading

In this way, the competitive spirit of young people will be evoked, adults will discuss the results of the competition, and visitors will be able to see a large number of professions on display.

In 1947, the first National Competition was held in Spain.

1 presenter

But the initiators wanted much more. In fact, they had a far-reaching goal: to motivate young people to compete, to improve their professional skills and to compare the abilities of people from different countries.

2 leading

The first initiative to create this competition was supported by Portugal. In 1950, the first international Pyrenean competitions were held, in which 12 representatives of both countries took part. Three years later, contestants from Germany, Great Britain, France, Morocco and Switzerland joined the competition.

1 presenter

In 1983, an organization was formed to conduct professional skill competitions - the International Vocational Training Organization.

In June 1954, the first Organizing Council, consisting of official and technical representatives of the participating countries, was formed to set the rules for international competitions.

2 leading

For the first time outside of Spain, the competition was held in 1958 as part of world exhibition in Brussels, and in 1970 they were held for the first time in another part of the world - in Tokyo.

1 presenter

However, Spain is considered the founding country international organization. So far, 11 competitions have taken place in Spain. From the very beginning, Francisco Albert-Vidal headed the General Secretariat and until 1976 Spain covered all the costs, thus offering various countries the opportunity to participate.

2 leading

The idea of ​​celebrating vocational training competitions can rightfully be compared to Pierre de Coubertin's initiative to create modern Olympic Games. Also, his motto "Great ideas come from the heart" can be applied to the founders of WorldSkills.

1 presenter

By attending the WorldSkills Competition, you will be delighted to see the seriousness of young skilled workers, their pride in being selected and the pleasure they experience when meeting their peers from other countries. Despite the language barriers, the experiences they have gained will certainly affect the professional, personal and human aspects of their lives forever.

2 leading

Today, under the auspices of WorldSkills International, many events are held, including regional and national competitions, continental championships and, every two years, the world championship.

1 presenter

And now on the stage we invite _____________

Song "New Generation"

Development dynamics

2 leading

WorldSkills Championships are held every two years in different countries, they are attended by both young skilled workers, university and college students under the age of 22 as participants, and well-known professionals, specialists, masters of industrial training and mentors - as experts, evaluating task performance.

1 presenter

Over the half-century history of the international movement, 77 countries have joined WorldSkills. For five years, about 300 regional, corporate and national championships have been held. More than 90 thousand contestants took part in them, whose works were evaluated by 20 thousand Russian and international experts. The total number of viewers approached 1.5 million people.

2 leading

In 2012 Russia joined the international movement WORLDSKILLS INTERNATIONAL

1 presenter

The WorldSkills movement in Russia is growing faster than in any other country.

First open championship Moscow in professional excellence software WORLDSKILLS RUSSIA 2012. 400 participants, 17 competencies.

2 leading

4 entities joined the WORLDSKILLS RUSSIA movement, 10 regional coordinating centers were organized

1 presenter

In 2015, the WORLDSKILLS RUSSIA flag was installed at the North Pole

2 leading

The team of the VIII Russian youth expedition "On skis - to the North Pole!" consisting of 7 laureates All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren, famous travelers Matvey Shparo and Boris Smolin, Minister of Education and Science Russian Federation Dmitry Livanova took the flag of the Russian WorldSkills movement with her on the expedition. It was installed on April 18th.

1 presenter

In addition to the North Pole, the WorldSkills Russia flag has already been raised on Elbrus and Vinson Peak, and in the near future the symbol of the Russian youth movement will be sent into space.

2 leading


1 presenter

WORLDSKILLS academy was created in 2017

The Academy is intended for educational activities in order to disseminate the best international and domestic experience in training personnel based on the standards of WorldSkills International and WorldSkills Russia in the system of vocational education and training.

2 leading

____________________ is invited to the stage

Song "We are your children, Russia"

Excursion to the past

1 presenter

In the spring of 2013, Tolyatti hosted the First all-Russian competition professional skills "National Championship WorldSkills Russia - 2013". The championship was attended by more than three hundred participants aged 18 to 22 - students of institutions of secondary vocational education, winners of regional competitions.

2 leading

Based on the results of the National Championship, the national team of the Russian Federation was formed, which in July 2013 took part in the WorldSkills International World Championship in Leipzig (Germany).

1 presenter

In 2014 in France, at the Euroskills Lille championship, “mechatronics engineers” Konstantin Krementsov and Alexander Karnaukhov, representing the Chelyabinsk region, brought to the piggy bank Russian team the highest score and an award for the quality of assignments - a medallion for professionalism. They also received the only individual competition prize for our team as the best representatives of their country at the Euroskills Championship 2014 (in the “Best of nation” nomination).

2 leading

The state also pays tireless attention to the training of professional personnel and the introduction of advanced educational standards in the work of colleges and lyceums.

1 presenter

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev signed the Decree (dated October 8, 2014 No. 1987-r) on the establishment, together with the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI), of the Union “Agency for the Development of Professional Communities and Workforce “WorldSkills Russia”. The Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and the Ministry of Labor of Russia shall exercise the powers of the founders of the Union on behalf of the Russian Federation.

2 leading

The Russian national team took first place in the team event at the Euroskills-2016 professional skills championship, which took place from December 1 to 3 in the Swedish city of Gothenburg. Even Vladimir Putin congratulated them on their victory and wished the young people "new achievements and all the best."

1 presenter

The 44th World Championship of Working Professions in Abu Dhabi brought together more than 1,300 young professionals under 25 from 60 countries. The Russian team of 58 contestants participated in 52 competencies, and for the first time since participating in the WorldSkills International championships, won prizes.

2 leading

In total, the national team has 11 medals: 6 gold, 4 silver and one bronze, as well as 21 medallions for professionalism. The "Best of nation" award as the best representative of the country with the most points was awarded to the owner of the gold medal in web development, Konstantin Larin from Chelyabinsk.

1 presenter

WorldSkills championships are attended by the most ordinary students who seek to improve their professional skills.

2 leading

And now we would like to introduce you to the best representatives all structural divisions of the "Medical College No. 1" and the "Medical College of Presidential Affairs", which won the internal qualifying round and passed the qualifying stage of the championship.

(in turn from the 1st leader)

  1. ____________
  2. ____________
  3. ____________

2 leading

The floor is given to a certified expert _______________

1 presenter

At the end of the opening ceremony, __________ will perform a song for you

Song "My Russia, my country"