Exercises for women to pump up the press. How to quickly pump up the press for a girl: the best technique

Cubes on the stomach are a "decoration" not only for men, but also for women. Therefore, every person wants to have a beautiful press. But how to achieve it? And how much time does it take? In fact, it doesn’t take much time to pump up the press, especially if a person does not suffer from overweight. This may take 1 or 2 months, depending on how the person will be engaged. And how to pump up the press a month before the cubes, we'll talk now. But first, a few words should be said about nutrition, since it plays an important role in this seemingly difficult matter.

How can a girl at home get beautiful abs in 1 month?

There are universal tips that effectively help not only lose weight, but also pump up the right muscles press for maximum short terms. It is especially difficult for girls to build up muscle area your stomach to such an extent that cubes appear there, due to the characteristics and structure of your body: the absorption of protein and muscle growth is much slower than in men. However, there are no impossible tasks that will prevent you from coping with the question of how to pump up a press in a month for a girl. The following tips will help you:

  1. Every day of the month you should go to bed and wake up at exactly the same time. Make sure that your body and body get enough sleep during the time allotted for sleep. Sleep with a window open to allow air to circulate around the room.
  2. Wake up so that you have enough time for all morning procedures. Stress is your first enemy in a healthy daily routine.
  3. Getting Started morning exercises in order to properly and effectively pump up the press, be sure to start with a warm-up, after which you should stretch your muscles well.

Abs Diet Components

Along with food, you need to get the whole range of vitamins, valuable minerals, vital fiber, the optimal amount of water, as well as the well-known set of BJU. If you practice an unbalanced diet, then health problems are inevitable. A person is disturbed by the feeling of hunger, he cannot build beautiful body in training. In the diet, there must certainly be vegetable dishes, various fruits (fruits with a high GI must be moderated), all known types of cereals, and most importantly proteins. Most experts call for fractional meals, you can eat about 5 times a day, in small portions. Also, for each type of food should be allocated right time. It is advisable to consume any carbohydrates before lunch. The food of the second half of the day should be filled mainly with proteins. If you get carried away with foods rich in carbohydrates in the afternoon, then you will definitely not be able to use up the calories you have received. They turn into fat. From the diet, it is definitely worth excluding all foods and dishes that are not beneficial.

Information for men

It is quite possible to create a beautiful press in a few months and remove overweight. It all depends on the motivation of the person. It is necessary to spend at least a quarter of an hour a day on pumping the press.

Twisting press exercises for a girl

Lie on your back, bend your knees slightly apart so that your feet remain pressed to the floor. The palms are placed on the back of the head, but if the level of fitness is low, they can be located along the body. Raising the shoulders and torso, try to reach the right shoulder to the left knee. After holding for a few seconds, return to the starting position, then repeat for the other side.

Leg raise press exercises for girls

To pump up the press cubes, it is useful to raise the hips. Lie on the floor on your back, palms behind your head or stretch your arms forward. Raise your legs at an angle of about 45 degrees. The movements should be smooth, in the upper position they will linger for a while, then slowly lower their legs to the floor.

Want to lose weight? Then these articles are for you.

Twisting press exercises with dumbbells for a girl

Dumbbell crunch: Lie on your back on the floor or mat with your knees bent. Hold light dumbbells in each hand, stretching them out to the sides. Exhale and slowly lift your head and upper body off the floor, extending the dumbbells above your feet towards the ceiling. Getting six pack abs requires both muscle contraction and fat loss.

Exercises on the press bike for a girl

Favorite exercise from childhood. Lie down, put your hands behind your head. Legs should be at a 45 degree angle, while keeping them as low as possible. Next, imitate cycling. Muscles must be worked abdominals. It is recommended to do it for as long as possible.

Press exercises broach press for a girl

Lie on your stomach, stretch your legs and rest on your elbows. Alternately slowly raise your legs to the maximum slow pace, try to feel the load in the muscles. Repeat for 3 sets, each with 10-15 reps.

Useful information for weight loss

Lower press exercises for a girl

Sit on a chair, squeeze with your feet a stool of an acceptable weight for you and lift it above the floor. Hold the stool for 7-10 minutes. It is very difficult, but the result will please you. It is recommended to do 2-3 times.

Remember that the “packs” are demanding in terms of changes in the number of repetitions, breaks between sets and weights. Try to record the results of your achievements, keep a training log.

In addition, do not forget about safety - inaccurate exercise on the abdominal muscles often leads to back problems. Stop exercising if there are signs of pain. Try to finish your workout abdominal muscles back exercises.

Great workout for getting abs from a girl in 30 days

Maintain and tone your core muscles with these great 30 day ab workouts. Do the exercises 3 times a week for the next month. You can do them on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Remember that pack abs require changes in reps, rest periods, exercises, and weights used.

Should be done:

  • Leg raise for 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest;
  • Scissors 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest;
  • Leg swings 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest;
  • Plank 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest;
  • Reverse crunches 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest;
  • Mason twist 20 seconds, 10 seconds rest.
  • Do 4 rounds of exercises.

Important: Take 10 seconds of rest between exercises.

Today, on the network you can find a lot of information on how to pump up the press at home for a girl.

We will try to save you from boring surfing the world wide web by collecting a collection of the most effective exercises for a flat stomach in one place.

Ready to workout?

  • Download the press should be in the morning. Ideally this is morning work-out after sleeping and before showering. You can practice after breakfast, but then after eating, at least two hours should pass. Exercising on a full stomach is not only harmful, but also extremely inconvenient.

All exercises should be performed exclusively on a hard surface so that the back is perfectly straight and does not bend in the lumbar region or shoulder blades. Ideally - a floor covered with a gymnastic rug. But you can do without it, just on the carpet. A bed or sofa is radically unsuitable for this purpose.

Advice! After a short warm-up, always change the pace of work and start doing the exercises at the fastest pace for you with palpable tension.

Nutrition is the most important element of a flat and inflated abdomen. You need to eat often, but in small portions, without overeating. In addition to vegetables and fruits, protein foods should be present in the diet, making up a third of the entire diet. And it is protein that will act as a building block for your muscles.

A selection of basic exercises for the press

It is considered impossible for girls to quickly pump up the press at home. But the trainers still have a special set of exercises in stock that will help you get a flat and toned tummy in the shortest possible time.

Effective selection for beautiful press includes exercises for individual groups muscles:

  • Upper press. In the lying position, spread your legs shoulder-width apart and bend them at the knees, resting your feet on the floor. Put your hands behind your head and pull in your stomach. Take a deep breath while bringing your body up to your knees. Try to keep your back straight. Exhale and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  • Lower press. Take a position lying on your back near some kind of support (for example, a sofa or bed). The body should be positioned at this support in such a way that you can grab the support with your hands. After inhaling, raise your legs at a right angle. As you exhale, lower them to the floor. Do 10-15 repetitions.

  • Oblique muscles. Remaining in the previous position, take a break and continue the exercise. But only this time, when lifting your legs, make them a slight slope, alternating the right and left sides.

Supplement to exercises on the upper press

In addition to the standard exercise for the upper press, you can pump up muscles in the following ways:

  • While lying on your stomach, stretch your legs back and clasp your hands behind your back. As you inhale, lift your upper torso as far as possible. Having slightly fixed the position, exhale and lower the body to the floor.
  • Sit on the floor and bend your knees. For now, the arms must be kept straight, stretching them forward. Tightening your abdominal muscles, lean back, but do not touch the floor. Return to starting position. If you want to complicate the exercise, bend your elbows as you move your back back.

  • Take dumbbells or bottles filled with water. Raise your right hand and take a step forward with your left foot, dropping down a little. Return to starting position. Do 10 repetitions, then lower your right hand and raise your left hand. The lunge must now be done with the right foot.

Advice! The last exercise helps to pump up the muscles not only of the press, but also of the chest. Here's a nice bonus.

We pump the muscles of the lower press at home

There are a lot of exercises for girls to pump up the muscles of the lower press at home. As a basis, take the above method of strengthening the abdominal muscles. But be sure to add:

  • Lying on your back, put your hands behind your head and bend your knees. Raising your pelvis a little, try to pull your knees up to your chest. If you can’t immediately perform this action, tighten as much as possible.
  • Keeping the previous position, straighten your legs and lift them slightly off the surface, keeping them parallel to the floor. And now we perform “scissors”, alternately spreading our legs and crossing them together.

Advice!To pump up the lower press at home, add cardio loads of varying intensity to the exercises

Plank for the perfect belly

Ideally, it would be to add another effective exercise to this complex - the “bar”. As people of sports say, a minute is short for those who have never stood on the bar. If you doubt this statement, you can see for yourself.

The plank is considered one of the most successful exercises for strengthening and tightening the abdominal muscles. In this case, you do not have to bend, twist or bend.

Just fix your body in correct position and count the seconds you can take. And meanwhile swing and upper muscles, and lower and oblique. But assuming you do everything right:

  • Keep your head straight without tilting down or tilting back.
  • Watch your back and lower back. They must be perfectly straight, otherwise the load will be distributed unevenly.
  • The buttocks should be in line with the legs, and gluteal muscles moderately tense.
  • Keep your feet together.

Advice!With good physical training immediately go to the plank with an emphasis on the elbows, preventing the muscles from relaxing once again when performing the classic exercise.

Relief press at home

It is very difficult to pump up the press with cubes for girls at home. You will need serious discipline not only in sports, but also in nutrition. After all, even with the most exhausting workouts without food restrictions, you will never achieve the relief of your tummy. Completely give up fatty foods and simple carbohydrates, put a taboo on sweets and soda. And as soon as you adjust your diet, you can start exercising.

To pump up the press with cubes, we perform already familiar exercises in two sets of 50 times each and add a few more elements:

  • In the supine position, stretch your arms along the body. While inhaling, lift your legs and torso to a 45-degree angle at the same time. Hold the position for a few seconds, then exhale and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 40-50 times, then take a short break and work on the tummy again. In total, you will need to do two approaches.
  • Then we continue to pump the press, using the oblique muscles of the abdomen. In an emphasis lying on the back, the hands are wound behind the head, and the legs are bent at the knees. While inhaling, we tear off the torso from the floor and stretch the right elbow to the knee on the left leg. As you exhale, lower the body. We repeat the exercise, but only now we pull the left elbow to the knee of the right leg. We perform 2 sets of 30 times.

  • Simulation of cycling. In emphasis lying on your back, we rotate with our legs bent at the knees, as if we were riding a bicycle. The slower you perform the exercise, the more effectively the abdominal muscles work.
  • In an emphasis lying on your back, stretch your arms along the body, and bend your legs slightly at the knees. After inhaling, raise your arms and slightly tear your body off the floor, leaving it motionless. lower part torso. Exhaling, return to the starting position.

Now you know all the subtleties of working out the abdominal muscles to create the perfect relief tummy. Finally, I would like to remind you of the regularity of performing all exercises. After all, it will depend on this how long you can show off at parties in short tops. Good luck!

Every girl dreams of a toned figure with a neat tummy and a spectacular silhouette. And to realize such a dream is within the power of any young lady, regardless of age and weight.

The secret of gaining a wasp waist and expressive relief lies in the combination of two important principles - competent training and a balanced diet.

Alas, it is unrealistic to remove fat from the body only in certain areas, and, limiting ourselves only to performing exercises on the press, the desired cubes on the tummy, if overweight cannot be achieved.

The same applies to diet - changing the diet will help you lose a few pounds, however, at the same time, the stomach will not acquire the desired relief.

Therefore, to the question of formation perfect figure should be approached comprehensively. In this article, we will cover only part of the path to slim body- popular abdominal exercises for women that can be done at home.

Main principles

At school physical education lessons, everyone rocked the press. Alas, the exercises shown by teachers often turned out to be not only not the most effective, but in some cases they could openly harm health.

Achieving a beautiful press at home is quite realistic, given a few basic nuances.

  • The division of the press into upper and lower is conditional. Responsible for appearance and the shape of our tummy muscle is actually one. It begins in the area under the breast, and below is attached to the pubic bone. Accordingly, any exercise for the press works out this particular muscle.
  • Pumping oblique abdominal muscles to remove fat from them is pointless. Such exercises only increase the volume of the waist, and the only way to remove fat from the sides is the general drying of the body.
  • You don't need to do abdominal exercises every day. After a quality study, the muscle will recover within 2 days, so training every other day is the most correct strategy.
  • The optimal duration of the entire complex for the press is about 20 minutes. It is not necessary to perform these exercises separately from general workout if you also work on the back, chest, legs.
  • It is imperative to do a warm-up before training in any case. Within 5-7 minutes before the start of classes, it is advisable to dance, do circular gymnastics, bends and lunges, etc.
  • The most important condition for success is the correct observance of the technique for performing each of the movements. During the entire workout, there should not be an increased load on the lumbar and cervical spine.

Complex for beginners

Leg raise

Lie on your back, legs bent at the knees. Raise under control while inhaling bent legs as high as possible, lifting the buttocks off the floor. On exhalation, we return to the original position. Best result will allow you to perform the same exercise with fully extended legs. Turning your head in this position is strictly prohibited: there is a high risk of injury to the neck.

Turning leg raise

Lying on your back, put your hands in different sides to an angle of 90 °, straight legs lift up. From this position, alternately lay both legs in different directions, leaving the shoulders pressed to the floor. When inhaling, the legs should be as close to the surface as possible, while exhaling, return to their original position.


We lie down on the floor, bend our legs at the knees, cross our fingers behind our heads. Raising your shoulders off the floor, you need to stretch your left knee to your right elbow, while straightening right leg. On the exhale, we return to the original position and do the same movement in a mirror image. The higher the shoulders are raised from the floor, the greater the effect of such a load.


Lying on your back, hands lie under the waist. The legs rise to a height of 10 cm from the floor, after which they perform a movement that imitates scissors - they move and move apart.

Mahi in a lying position

Pressing your lower back to the floor and straightening your arms, raise your legs above the floor. Alternately raise straight legs to an angle of 45 degrees, without lowering the heel of the lower leg to the floor.

Each exercise should be performed until a slight burning sensation is felt. There will be a quick result from classes only if each complex is performed 2-3 times.


Separately, I would like to mention the truly universal Plank exercise, which helps to strengthen not only the abdominal area, but also the muscles of the arms, legs, and back. To do this, it is enough to rely on the toes of the legs and palms (or forearms), and stretch the whole body into a string. The longer you manage to stay in this position, the better the firming and fat burning effect you can get.

Advanced training

If you have been doing fitness for a long time, then simple exercises even with a large number of repetitions, they may not give the desired result. The complex on the press should be complicated, giving preference to more complex exercises.

Leg raise from lying position

Athletes with experience should do it with straight legs, if possible, turning the feet behind the head. Ideally, if the movements are done at a slow pace, and the legs will constantly remain on weight, without touching the floor. It is important to fix the position of the lower back, to avoid any pain in its area.

"Letter V"

Complex movement with a large amplitude. Lying on your back, straighten your legs and stretch your arms behind your head. Due to the muscles of the press, we raise the upper and lower parts of the body so that the side of the body resembles the English letter V.

In the final position, it is advisable to linger for a few seconds, then lie down and repeat the exercise while inhaling.

Leg raises on the horizontal bar

Any horizontal bar will do, during the hang on which you do not touch the ground with your feet. In this position, you need to raise your legs above the pelvis. If it is too difficult to perform the exercise with straight legs, it is permissible to bend them at the knees. During the execution of the complex, it is important not to swing on the horizontal bar.

Exercise "Vacuum"

If your goal is not the notorious cubes, but a flat tummy and a neat feminine waist, the Vacuum exercise will give an excellent effect. To perform it, you need to stand straight, slightly tilt the body and rest your palms on your hips.

We take a deep and slow breath in through the nose, exhale through the mouth, after which we pull the stomach under the ribs to the maximum and hold our breath for a few seconds.

After that, repeat the exercise 9 or more times. While breathing, it is important to keep your back as straight as possible. If this position is uncomfortable, you can rest your hands on the wall in front of you.

How to quickly pump up the press so that cubes appear?

If problems with overweight you don’t, it’s enough to perform a complex on the press 3-4 times a week, and the desired cubes on the tummy will be visible in a month.

However, if the abdomen and sides are covered with adipose tissue, then more effort will be required to obtain the desired result.

First of all, abdominal exercises will have to be supplemented with a complex of aerobic and strength exercises helping to get rid of excess weight. It can be any fitness class, Pilates, running, Nordic walking, stepper classes, etc. Perfect option- 4-5 well-chosen workouts per week lasting up to an hour and a half.

The diet will also have to be radically changed - pastries and sweets, carbonated drinks, smoked meats, semi-finished products, canned food - should become completely prohibited products.

Drying the body can be an effective solution. This is a complex procedure lasting up to 3 months, which provides for a predominantly protein diet, a complete rejection of refined carbohydrates, sweet fruits and salt. The basis of nutrition should be protein products with a minimum fat content:

  • chicken breast;
  • some varieties of fish;
  • seafood;
  • a small amount of eggs (preferably quail).

You can consume vegetables with a high fiber content, as well as some types of cereals. From cereals, foods with a low glycemic index are acceptable: buckwheat, millet and unpolished rice.

Drying is a rather serious procedure, which can be performed only after consulting a doctor and in the absence of contraindications. Too much fast loss weight is fraught with problems with the female genital area.

Worth remembering

To achieve self-training taut figure and spectacular press with cubes, it is important to follow the basic rules:

  • correctly selected training complexes must be performed every other day, making at least 2 repetitions;
  • it is important to make dietary adjustments, refusing at least pastries, carbonated drinks, smoked meats and fried foods and limiting salt intake;
  • drying the body can provide a particularly quick result, but it is permissible to resort to it only in perfect health and for a period of no more than 3 months.

2 5109 2 years ago

Slim stomach Hic with embossed cubes is the dream of many girls. Excruciating workouts in the gym, running in the morning and not a single gram of extra calories - this is how the weaker sex tries to achieve the goal. Some want to restore their former shape after childbirth, others are in a hurry to prepare the body for the beach season, but not everyone succeeds, since, as a rule, there is not enough time to visit sports clubs. In such situations, exercises for the press for girls at home are the ideal solution to the problem. Moreover, the press is a category of muscles that requires daily attention.

Abdominal workouts at home for new moms or very busy business women are a great way to improve your figure, because they can be done at any free time. In addition, it will take no more than ten minutes to complete the minimum complex.

Anatomy of the abdominal muscles

Many misunderstand the concept of "abs muscles", they think that it is enough to perform a standard set of exercises to achieve the desired result. This is not entirely true: a developed press is not only visible cubes, but also a colossal work. deep muscles. Only a rationally selected set of exercises for the press will bring girls maximum effect from training.

The press refers to the muscles of the core and consists of the following muscles:

  • straight;
  • transverse;
  • internal and external oblique abdominal muscles.

It is easy to see that there is no question of the lower and upper press so familiar to us - this is all one rectus abdominis muscle. Just different exercises give their load on one or another part of the press.

Rectus abdominis

In fact, this is the press itself: the muscle originates from the sternum and ends with the pubic bone. This is a long and flat muscle, divided into two parts: right and left. Due to this line and several horizontal lines, cubes are formed on the stomach, which are visible visually.

The main purpose of the rectus muscle is to bend the body in the lumbar region. At the same time, you can twist both the pelvis to the body and the body to the pelvis. In the first case, the lower part of the press will work more, and in the second, the upper part.

Transverse abdominal muscle

Passes horizontally along the sides of the abdomen and lies inside it. This is the most deep layer muscles of the abdominal wall, which does not affect the formation of cubes. However, the role of this muscle is also great: it supports the internal organs, simplifying the walls of the abdomen.

Oblique abdominal muscles

The external or external oblique muscle of the abdomen originates from the side chest and smoothly passes into the external intercostal muscles. Its main purpose is to flex the spine during lateral tilts and turns of the body. In this case, when turning to the right, the left muscle works, and to the left, the right.

The internal oblique muscle is located directly under the external. It crosses the abdomen obliquely from the chest to the pelvis. Its function is the same as that of the external oblique muscle, only the side in which the body is rotated will work.

Exercises for the press: benefits and contraindications

Exercises for the press for girls at home are not only possible, but should be done, because their benefits are obvious. But at the same time, you should not lose sight of some contraindications, so as not to aggravate existing health problems. We will discuss this in detail below.

The Benefits of Exercise

The benefits of such activities cannot be described in a few words, since not only the beauty of the figure, but also various important aspects of women's health largely depend on them.

Figure improvement

The first thing that can be clearly seen and what every girl is fighting for is tightened embossed tummy, some even with beautiful pronounced abs. Second, it is, of course,lack of fat on the waist and abdomen: But this is only possible with the parallel observance of a special diet for weight loss. Otherwise, the beautiful relief of the muscles will simply be invisible under the fat layer. Well, one more positive thing - posture improves. The abdominal muscles are one of the elements that form the muscular corset. So thanks to them we can get rid of a bulging belly and get a beautiful posture.

Holding internal organs and supplying them with oxygen

Reverse crunches

The technique for performing the exercise will be as follows:

  • lie down on your back and bend your legs at the knees and hip joints;
  • strain lower muscles the abdomen and pull the knees to the head, while lifting the pelvis from the floor, and keep the upper part of the body motionless;
  • we linger at the end point, at which the knees will be at chest level, for a few seconds;
  • smoothly return to the starting position;
  • repeat the exercise 10-20 times.

In the future, the element can be complicated by putting a dumbbell between the legs. And even later, you can perform the exercise not with bent, but with straight legs.

Fitball leg raises

Execute the element like this:

  • lie down on your back and hold the fitball between your ankles;
  • strain the press and squeeze the ball;
  • raise straight legs with the ball up;
  • linger at the top;
  • lower the legs down without touching the floor;
  • linger at the bottom;
  • repeat 10-20 times.

Make sure that when performing the element, the lower back does not come off the floor. To do this, you can put your hands under your hips.

To perform this press exercise for girls, we need a crossbar or horizontal bar:

  • we take the position “hanging on the crossbar”: arms are straight at shoulder width, the body is straight;
  • we strain the press and begin to slowly raise straight legs up until they reach parallel with the floor;
  • linger at this point;
  • gently lower the legs down;
  • repeat 10-20 times.

Try not to sway when performing the element, the movements should be slow and controlled. Beginners can raise their knees instead of straight legs, and advanced athletes can raise their legs even higher - to the level of the chest and head.

Exercises for the upper press for girls

And here the crunches lead the training, this time straight.

This popular exercise is performed as follows:

  • we lie down on the floor, placing our hands behind our heads, bend our legs at the knees;
  • straining the muscles of the press, we begin to slowly lift the upper part of the body, while the ribs should approach the hips, and the chin should not touch the chest;
  • linger at the top for a few seconds;
  • we fall on the shoulder blades;
  • we do two or three sets of 20-30 times.

We complicate the exercise by raising straight legs.

This is a very interesting exercise with the ball is done like this:

  • lie down on the floor on your back, legs and arms should be straight and not touch the floor;
  • we take a fitball in our hands behind our heads;
  • raise the upper and lower parts of the body in such a way as to pass the ball from the hands to the feet;
  • lie down on the floor, holding the ball in weight;
  • again we “gather” and pass the fitball back to our hands;
  • repeat 10 times.

Scissors and bicycle

This exercise is familiar to everyone since school physical education lessons. The technique for its implementation is as follows:

  • lay on the floor face up;
  • we raise our legs and begin to cross them, if these are scissors;
  • or we make movements, as if we are pedaling, if it is a bicycle.

You can strengthen the scissors by lowering your legs to the floor: the lower they are, the more efficient the press works. The bike will be more productive if you add the simultaneous work of the upper body. Just lift your shoulder blades and stretch your elbows to the opposite knee. The hands are behind the head.

To finish the training for the press, both upper and lower, follows the bar, which effectively works out all muscle groups. For the plank, we take the emphasis lying down as with push-ups, the legs should be straight. The arms may also be straight or bent at the elbows. Taking a position on four points, we hold in this position for at least a minute.

The side bar is also effective, working out the oblique muscles of the press. Here you need to rest on the palm and side of the foot. At two points it is also desirable to hold out for a minute. Next is the change of side.

Exercises for the side press for girls

The uniqueness of the oblique muscles is that they can be worked out from three positions: lying, sitting, standing. Again, the focus is on twists, which can be lateral, diagonal, or bent-leg crunches.

This type of twisting is performed as follows:

  • lie down on your side, straight legs pressed to the floor, upper hand we place it behind the head, we place the lower one directly in front of us on the floor;
  • raise the upper body and linger for a few seconds;
  • we raise only the legs and also freeze;
  • simultaneously raise the upper and lower parts of the body;
  • repeat on the other side.

This trio of lifting options can be combined or performed separately. On each side, you need to do 10-15 lifts in each set, the number of which is three.

Another variation of the most popular press exercise for girls is done like this:

  • lie down on your back, bend your legs at the knees;
  • pull the right elbow to the left knee and linger in this position;
  • We return to the starting position and change the diagonal.

Each side will require at least ten repetitions in three sets.

The technique for doing this exercise is extremely simple:

  • lie down on your back and bend your knees;
  • pressing the upper body to the floor with your hands;
  • we perform twisting of the raised pelvis and legs in different directions.

Abs exercises in a standing position

From a standing position, the oblique muscles of the abdomen are effectively worked out various inclinations, which can be presented in the following variations:

  • to the sides with hands clasped at the back of the head;
  • with hands sliding along the body;
  • to the opposite leg.

You can also use side swings with your legs. To do this, we rest our hands on any suitable object, becoming sideways to it. We perform mahi with maximum amplitude.

Sitting exercises

The laziest can be offered turns to the side from a sitting position. Despite the ease of performing this exercise, the effect will also be noticeable. So, sit down on a chair, put your hands behind your head. With an exhalation, we turn the body to the side only due to the muscles of the lower back. We repeat on the other side.


A beautiful and embossed tummy does not appear out of nowhere. This is the result of everyday work. At the same time, you do not need to torture yourself with the hardest exercises, you can stop at quite acceptable for physical development elements. In the future, the body itself will require an increase in load.

Every girl wants to have a beautiful toned figure, even posture. A flat stomach is one of the main advantages of an attractive female figure. Thanks to developed muscles abdominals, the waist becomes thinner, and the hips are slimmer. Is it necessary to go to the gym and work out on the machines to achieve a flat tummy, or can you get great results at home? Many women are interested in how to pump up a press for a girl at home in the shortest possible period of time.

  1. Select the load for the press, taking into account individual characteristics. Decide when and how much is convenient to practice. The ideal time is in the morning, before breakfast. It is better to practice every other day or three times a week.
  2. When doing it, it is important to pay attention to correct breathing. On inspiration, the muscles should be tense. On exhalation, tighten the muscles strongly, and retract the front wall of the abdomen as much as possible. Remember, the abdominal wall should be retracted constantly.
  3. Even with pain after physical activity you need to keep training.
  4. When training the press, it is advisable not to pump over. To get rid of excess weight, do exercises quickly with a large number of repetitions. If the goal is a steel press, then do all movements at a very slow pace. It's better to take several approaches. The optimal number of repetitions for women is 10 times.
  5. Warm up your muscles before exercising. For a warm-up, running in place, jumping rope or dance moves are suitable.
  6. Avoid exercising immediately after meals and before bed.
  7. Carefully observe the technique of performing all movements. During physical exertion, the press is constantly strain.
  8. Real results are achievable only with intensive training.
  9. Beginners need to increase the load gradually. Start with one trip and gradually work your way up to 4 sets.
  10. When exercising, be sure to follow the sensations and pay attention to the work of the muscles.

What are abdominal muscles

The abdominal muscles or the press consists of three groups:

  • Upper muscle group;
  • Lower muscle group;
  • Oblique or lateral muscle groups (external and internal).

The rectus muscle has vertical tendons that contribute to the formation of cubes on the abdomen. Therefore, there is often an erroneous opinion that only the average press is required to be loaded.

It is possible to quickly pump up the abdominal muscles only with regular performance complex, affecting the three main muscle groups.

What to do to make the press cubes appear?

Conducting home workouts on the abdominal muscles, you can achieve the appearance of cubes. A special physical complex will help, aimed at developing each area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abdominal muscles.

  • Working on the top. Accept i.p. lying down, bend at the knees, put your hands behind your head. On the exhale - go up, on the inhale - go down. Repeat 25 times, 3 sets.
  • Work on bottom. Accept horizontal position, arms lowered along the body. Straighten your legs and lift them off the floor at a 45° angle. Repeat 15 times, in two sets.
  • Work on oblique muscles. Lying on your back, close your hands behind your head, bend your legs at the knees, without pressing against the buttocks. Bring the elbow of the right hand to the knee of the left leg. Keep your lower back pressed to the floor. Twisting is required to be done 25 times, in two sets. Gradually increase the number of repetitions. By doing these exercises for women, you can achieve the formation of press cubes.

Abs per week - reality or myth?

Quite often, women have a question: “Is it possible to pump up the press at home in a week?” At correct execution physical complexes, their alternation and correct load, small results in the form of an increase muscle tone and removal of excess water from the body during training will appear in seven days. The real result in the form of growing muscles, emerging cubes is at least 1 month of regular exercise.

Training program for women, designed for 2-3 sessions per week with different systems of exercises. Do 15-20 reps, three sets each.

The main types of exercises:

  1. Twisting - from a prone position, bend your knees, hands behind your head. Rise your shoulder blades 30 centimeters up from the floor, linger for at least 3-4 seconds.
  2. Bend - lie on your stomach, legs straight arms connect behind your back. The higher you raise your upper body off the floor, the better. After lifting, hold and slowly exhale 5 times.
  3. Raising the legs - lying on your back, slowly lift straight legs up.
  4. Harmonica - from a sitting position, straighten your legs. Slowly lift them from the floor by 30 cm, linger for a few seconds, then pull them to your chest.
  5. Weight steps - in a prone position, legs straight, hands join behind the head. Raise your legs at an angle of 45 ° and quickly begin to “walk”.
  6. Twisting on the side - lying on your back, bend your legs at the knees and pull them to your chest. top you fix the torso well, transfer the bent legs from one side to the other.
  7. Scissors - take a horizontal position, raise your legs from the floor by about 30 cm. Cross your legs with swing movements.

Repeat exercises of complex No. 1 15-20 times, in 3 sets:

  • Raise legs from a prone position;
  • Harmonic";
  • Lateral twist.

Complex No. 2 consists of exercises that need to be repeated 15-20 times, in three sets:

  • Steps on weight ";
  • Raising the legs and pelvis from a lying position;
  • Scissors".

Exercises of complex No. 3, 15-20 repetitions each, in 3 sets:

  • deflections;
  • Twisting;
  • Leg straightening.

Every day in the morning or evening, it is useful to perform the Vacuum exercise, which affects the muscles inside the abdomen.


  1. Take a standing or lying position;
  2. Take a slow and deep breath through your nose;
  3. Exhale the air completely with force and strongly retract the tummy;
  4. Freeze up to 15 seconds and relax. To start, 10 repetitions are enough.

Pumping up abdominal muscles at home is real - the main thing is not only to regularly perform effective exercises, but also to follow a proper and balanced diet.