The effectiveness of the Hollywood diet: brilliant results in a short time. Jennifer Lopez Diet Video

Hollywood movie stars always look charming, but for this they work hard and make a lot of effort. What kind of sacrifices do actresses make in order to maintain their attractiveness, maintain harmony and beauty of the figure. Constant control over nutrition is inevitable. One of the popular ways to lose weight and get in shape in a short time is called the Hollywood Diet.


System advantages

The main advantage of the Hollywood diet - fast loss weight. In 14 days, you can get rid of 7 to 10 kg, even with small initial data. The volumes melt, the water leaves, the figure acquires an attractive shape. Everyone loses weight, regardless of age and gender, since the calorie content of the diet is no more than 600 units.

Other pluses:

  1. Availability. Despite the name, the Hollywood diet consists of simple and cheap foods.
  2. Thoughtful menu. No need to count calories, choose dishes, everything has already been done and developed, you just need to study and clearly follow.
  3. Refusal of salt and alcohol has a positive effect on the body.
  4. Increased metabolism occurs due to the use of a large amount of coffee, grapefruits.

The advantage of this system can also be noted the normalization of the stool, the absence of constipation. Unlike many other protein and starvation diets, this diet contains a sufficient amount of fiber due to cabbage, grapefruit, and spinach.

Main disadvantages

The cons of the Hollywood diet are much greater than the pros. The main disadvantage is that the weight lost will return, since the lost kilograms are mainly water. It is impossible to observe such a poor, half-starved menu without salt and sugar all your life. Yes, and repeat the system is allowed no more than once every 3 months.

All the disadvantages of the Hollywood diet:

  1. Hunger. The diet is empty, saturation with vegetables and grapefruits is short-term.
  2. Imbalance. In order not to cause serious harm to the body, you need to take vitamins from the very first day.
  3. Lack of breakfast. Long breaks between meals are bad for the stomach and can be a direct path to gastritis.
  4. Lack of carbohydrates. ABOUT good mood and energy during the Hollywood diet will have to be forgotten. Weight loss is accompanied by apathy, loss of strength and weakness.
  5. A large amount of caffeine threatens to increase blood pressure.
  6. Daily consumption of eggs can lead to an increase in the level of bad cholesterol, to problems with blood vessels.
  7. The diet has many contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with. The system is suitable only for absolutely healthy people who do not have chronic diseases.

Important! A large amount of coffee can negatively affect not only health, but also tooth enamel. It is recommended to use a good whitening paste from the very first day.

Diet Rules

If the product is not listed on the menu, then you can not use it. Fats, salt and sugar are prohibited. Even a small amount of spices will prevent you from losing the planned weight. Preservation, semi-finished products, fried foods, alcohol are excluded from the diet. The main products are eggs, meat, vegetables and grapefruits.

Hollywood Diet Rules:

  1. Instead of one chicken egg, you can eat 2 quail eggs. They are considered more useful.
  2. Stew spinach without oil with a little water. Serving size should not exceed 200 g.
  3. Make salads without dressing. For cooking, you can use all types of cabbage, herbs, cucumbers, bell peppers, onions. There is no more than a cup at a time.
  4. Beef, chicken, fish can be boiled (in water, steamed) or stewed, but without oil.
  5. Grapefruits promote weight loss and the breakdown of fats. They cannot be replaced by other citrus fruits unless they are on the menu.
  6. Natural coffee without sugar should be drunk at least 2 times a day. The drink speeds up metabolism, removes fluid, weight goes away faster. You can sometimes replace coffee with green tea.

Important! As with any other diet, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water. Fluid is necessary for removing fat from the body and cleansing. You can not drink water with gas, juices and other drinks with sugar (fructose).

Menu for 2 weeks

The duration of the Hollywood diet is exactly 14 days. But the menu of the second week is exactly the same as the diet of the first part. That is, you will need to repeat the nutrition of these 7 days. There is no breakfast throughout the system, but it is permissible to eat half a grapefruit in the morning. Every meal is accompanied by a cup of coffee, regardless of the time of day.


Dinner: fresh tomato, egg
Dinner: egg, cucumber and cabbage salad, 0.5 grapefruit


Dinner: whole grapefruit, egg
Dinner: 200 g veal, 1 cucumber


Dinner: stewed spinach, egg, tomato
Dinner: 200 g beef, cucumber


Dinner: cucumber salad with cabbage, grapefruit
Dinner: stewed spinach, egg, 200 g cottage cheese 0% fat


Dinner: spinach, egg
Dinner: 200 g fish, green salad


Dinner: 0.5 grapefruit, apple, orange
Dinner: cucumber and 200 g beef


Dinner: 200 g chicken, green vegetable salad, grapefruit
Dinner: unsweetened fruit salad


The main products of the diet are eggs and grapefruits. They have a high degree of allergenicity, so the main contraindication to the Hollywood diet is their intolerance. It is impossible to change the diet or the sequence of meals. Therefore, before starting the system, you need to thoroughly study the menu.

Other contraindications:

  • any cardiovascular diseases;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • kidney failure;
  • diseases of the excretory system;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • psychological problems, diseases of the nervous system.

It is forbidden to follow a diet for people engaged in heavy physical labor or living in adverse climatic conditions, for example, in the North. You can not use this technique for weight loss after childbirth, during pregnancy or during breastfeeding. A weakened body needs time to recover, a varied and complete diet.

Video: The battle of diets (Hollywood vs. the Kremlin) in the program "Everything will be kind"

Hollywood Diet Drinking Option

The popularity of the system was the impetus for the emergence of a special line of juices called Hollywood 24 Hour Miracle Diet. Drinks are meal replacements, special cocktails. calories daily ration is about 400 units. In fact, this is a drinking version of the classic system, which is also aimed at dramatic weight loss. When drinking drinks per day, you can lose up to 1.5 kg. In this case, the duration of the diet can not exceed 2 days.

The composition of the drink is natural, healthy, but there is one significant drawback: the cost of products from the company. The price of each juice is about $15. But those who want to save money can cook at least useful product on one's own.

homemade juice recipe

An alternative Hollywood drink to the popular diet, great for unloading day. Do not change the ingredients or their quantity.

Soy milk - 200 ml
Orange juice - 200 ml
Natural yogurt - 200 ml
Cranberry juice - 200 ml
Flaxseed oil - 0.25 tsp
Wheat germ - 2 tsp

Combine the ingredients of the drink, beat with a blender, divide into 4 parts and drink throughout the day. Wheat germ can be replaced with germ oil in the amount of 0.25 tsp. In this case, it is enough to stir all the ingredients, a blender is not needed. Keep the prepared juice in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

Video: Hollywood diet options

It is not for nothing that Hollywood is called the "dream factory": its inhabitants - slender and tanned beauties - annually defile on the red carpet, demonstrating the seductive curves of their figures. How do they manage to stay in shape for a long time? Popular among the stars of the first magnitude, the Hollywood diet helps them to a short time achieve exceptional results and acquire an irresistible look. It is used by most celebrities: Jennifer Aniston, Nicole Kidman, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Renee Zellweger and many others.

History of occurrence

Hollywood stars owe the appearance of such a “magic” way of losing weight to dietary consultant Jamie Kabler. After going through a detox and weight management program at a European spa, in December 1997 he introduced one of the variants of a rigid, but very effective carbohydrate-free diet. This diet differs from others in an incredibly low calorie content, which allows you to quickly get rid of extra pounds.

The essence of the Hollywood diet

Fast weight loss using the American celebrity method is based on a severe restriction of fats and carbohydrates. A predominantly protein diet contributes to the preservation muscle mass and the removal of excess fluid from the body.

Protein food improves metabolism due to the content of essential amino acids

Proteins guarantee weight loss in a short time, but in the future it is necessary to competently leave such a diet, monitor the calorie content of the foods included in the daily diet, and do not abuse sweet and fatty foods.

Reducing the caloric intake to 600-800 kcal per day (instead of 900-1200 kcal recommended by WHO) leads to weight loss by 6-10 kg, depending on the starting weight, the structure of adipose tissue and the time of using the Hollywood diet.

There are two types of "star" diet: within 7 or 14 days. The second option involves repeating the same weekly menu.

The opinion of dietitians

Most sports and diet food are critical of such severe calorie restriction and the unbalanced diet of the Hollywood diet. They also respond negatively to the exclusion of breakfast from the daily diet, which should start the metabolism in the morning and stimulate its speed during the day. A cup of unsweetened green tea or half a grapefruit is not the best solution, and such a breakfast is contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal problems.

Breakfast is allowed only if the diet is followed for 14 days

The rest of the professionals admit the short-term use of the Hollywood diet as the most effective way transition from a high-calorie diet to a balanced diet.


The Hollywood diet is not suitable for people suffering from kidney disease. An intense protein diet that excludes carbohydrate foods can be dangerous for anyone with gastritis or pancreatitis. Those who are prone to allergies due to the high content of eggs, oranges and other antigens that provoke negative reactions will also have to exclude this method of losing weight. You can't stick to the Hollywood diet:

  • pregnant and lactating;
  • people with diseases of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems;
  • in adolescence;
  • during illness or rehabilitation after surgery.

Physical activity and living in adverse climatic conditions are contraindications to the use of the Hollywood diet.

Weight loss rules

How do celebrities eat when they need to lose weight? They adhere to many restrictions and prohibitions:

  • the intake of any type of alcohol, including cooking with products containing alcohol, is excluded;
  • the lack of breakfast will appeal to those who are used to doing without it, the rest are advised to drink green tea without sugar or enjoy half a grapefruit;
  • during the diet, there is a taboo on flour and sweets, white bread, pasta, vegetables with a high starch content (potatoes, yams and others);
  • food must be prepared without the use of oils: boil, bake, steam or grill;
  • sweets, desserts (not from fruits), drinks with sugar or sweeteners are not recommended, you can occasionally afford 1 teaspoon of honey or 1-2 pcs. dried fruits;
  • salt is completely excluded.

Fried foods are completely excluded from the diet menu

Product selection principles

How to get back to normal eating

Completing the main weekly or two-week meal, you need to gradually switch to a healthy menu. All harmful foods that cause weight gain (sweet, fatty, starchy foods) will continue to be banned. The first 3 days we start the morning with liquid cereals on the water, 1 whole grain toast and 2 slices of cheese (low fat). At lunch, we gradually add vegetable, and then fish and meat soups in a secondary broth with a small piece of meat or fish. For dinner - vegetable salad with a slice of boiled chicken breast. Fruit, cottage cheese with raisins, ryazhenka with banana - snacks for a second breakfast. We continue to limit sugar and salt for the sake of maintaining a figure and health.

As soon as salty dishes appear on the table, 1–2 kilograms will return with them. excess weight. Therefore, it is necessary to switch to the usual diet gradually.

Photos of stars who lost weight with the help of the Hollywood diet

The well-known actress Kate Winslet, who played the role of seventeen-year-old Rose DeWitt in the movie Titanic, lost 20 kg using a Hollywood diet. Kate claims that, despite her new weight, she loves herself in any body, and the graceful figure acquired by her own efforts stimulates further improvement.

Popular singer and actress Britney Spears has repeatedly struggled with overweight. The star claims that extra pounds are much more difficult to lose than gain them. Reflection in the mirror with an ugly body makes you feel insecure. The Hollywood diet helped Britney get rid of 25 extra pounds, which allows the celebrity to feel much better than before.

Actress Renee Zellweger had to gain and lose weight more than once for the filming of the film. Renee used many different diets for weight loss, and also underwent rehabilitation in clinics to get rid of excess weight after the next shoot. The Hollywood diet allowed the celebrity to lose 10 kg without extra effort and painful hunger.

Analyzing the pros and cons of the Hollywood diet, it is worth noting that it does not comply with the rules healthy eating. Considered one of the hard options, but effective means for weight loss, it does not solve the whole problem of the appearance of extra pounds. If a person has only 5-6 kg in excess, then you can lose them in the Hollywood way, but within 1-2 months this weight will definitely return. The cardinal solution for obesity is only a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Many women want to have the same attractive appearance as most Hollywood actresses. It's no secret that various actresses use the services of personal nutritionists, personal fitness instructors in order to please their millions of fans, as well as to fight the approaching old age. Fortunately, now all interested representatives of the weaker sex have a great opportunity to learn main secret beauty.

Right now, your attention will be presented with an effective Hollywood diet, which foreign ladies are already successfully using. This means that there is no need to doubt the effectiveness of the proposed method. Moreover, this weight loss program is provided completely free of charge. If you want to transform, take the advice of popular Hollywood actresses, then do not hesitate a minute, start improving today.

The essence of the technique

The New Hollywood Diet has become very popular due to the fact that it restricts women from daily consumption of foods that are high in fat, carbohydrates. In addition, during the course of losing weight, you will have to work hard to reduce the daily caloric content of the nutritious diet. To date, 2 common variations of the diet are known, differing in their duration. 7-day and 14-day courses allow you to part with 10 extra pounds. You can achieve the same result.

Key principles

The proposed diet has its own prohibitions and restrictions. About these
rules are also worth knowing in advance. Therefore, we want to warn all interested women who want to fight overweight on their own. If you want to achieve the desired result without the help of third-party specialists, then remember a few important rules. The list of key principles of the Hollywood diet consists of the following items:

  1. forget about fried fatty foods, sweets, flour products;
  2. we do not recommend adding to food salt or sugar, its substitutes;
  3. exclude vegetables from the diet, fruits containing a large amount of starch, carbohydrates;
  4. you can not eat bread products;
  5. give preference to quail, chicken eggs, as well as lean meat;
  6. strictly prohibited any alcoholic drinks;
  7. we do not recommend to deviate from the original power system, which was developed by true professionals;
  8. drink more than 2 liters of clean water every day, it is allowed to periodically indulge yourself with green tea;
  9. eat only small in portions at least 5 times a day;
  10. cooking various dishes steam or boil them, the method of baking is allowed, but without the use of vegetable oils and fats;
  11. if you want to cook vegetable salad, then use cabbage with cucumbers;
  12. because the main product the considered weight loss program is cabbage, then it is allowed to use cauliflower, white cabbage or broccoli;
  13. there are no restrictions in terms of daily consumption of cucumbers;
  14. completion of each session should be accompanied by a cup of tea or coffee;
  15. we do not recommend drinking a lot of coffee, because this drink leaches precious calcium from human body- it is best to try to replace coffee with green tea or clean drinking water; another best option is the alternation of drinks;
  16. designated power system does not include breakfast - sometimes you can afford a cup of tea or coffee, but nothing more.

Advantages of the weight loss course

The considered diets of Hollywood stars were not so popular, if didn't have any benefits. These 7 and 14-day variations are also not deprived of their attractive advantages, which are sure to be of interest to numerous plump women. If you want to know more, then check out the list right now. positive aspects weight loss course

  1. all products listed on the menu are available for purchase, they are sold in every grocery store and have a moderate cost;
  2. a comprehensive cleansing the human body;
  3. daily diet rules fully understandable, elementary to perform;
  4. it is possible to lose up to 1.5 extra pounds per day;
  5. completely eliminates the need count calories daily
  6. if everything is done right and according to the instructions, the female figure will be significantly transformed;
  7. there is an acceleration metabolism;
  8. functioning internal organs;
  9. excess fluid together with toxins are guaranteed to be eliminated due to the complete exclusion of salt from the diet;
  10. skin becomes elastic, taut.

Hollywood Diet: Detailed Menu

Since this diet has 2 options, you should initially
Decide how much time you are willing to spend on it. Final result will depend entirely on the actual body weight, and the rate of weight loss is of great importance. If you wish, you can continue to diet and increase the number of pounds lost.

Menu for 7 days


  • Lunch - boiled egg, tomato, black coffee (1 cup);
  • dinner - boiled egg, grapefruit, green salad.


  • Lunch - boiled egg, grapefruit, black coffee (1 cup);
  • dinner - boiled beef (200g), cucumber, black coffee (1 cup).


  • Lunch - boiled egg, tomato (1pc), stewed spinach;
  • dinner - veal fillet, cucumber, black coffee (1 cup).


  • Lunch - green salad, black coffee (1 cup), grapefruit;
  • dinner - boiled egg, stewed spinach, cottage cheese with tea.


  • Lunch - stewed spinach, boiled egg, black coffee (1 cup);
  • dinner - fish without fat, green salad, black coffee (1 cup).


  • Lunch - fruit salad, including green apples, grapefruit, oranges;
  • dinner - cucumber, (200g), strong tea (1 cup).


  • Lunch - vegetable soup, boiled chicken (200g), orange, strong tea (1 cup);
  • dinner - fruit salad.

Hollywood diet for 14 days: detailed menu

1 and 8 days

  • Lunch - quail eggs (2pcs), black coffee or green tea (1 cup), tomato;
  • dinner - quail eggs (2pcs), vegetable salad with cucumbers, half a grapefruit.

2nd and 9th day

  • Lunch - quail or boiled eggs (2pcs), grapefruit, green tea or black coffee (1 cup);
  • dinner - cucumber, boiled beef without fat (200g), green tea or black coffee (1 cup).

3 and 10 days

  • Lunch - quail eggs (2pcs), small tomato, salad with cucumbers and cabbage, green tea or black coffee (1 cup);
  • dinner - cucumber, boiled beef (200g), green tea or black coffee (1 cup).

4th and 11th day

  • Lunch - salad with cucumbers and cabbage, grapefruit, green tea or black coffee (1 cup);
  • dinner - quail eggs (2pcs), fat-free cottage cheese (200g), green tea or black coffee (1 cup).

5th and 12th day

  • Lunch - quail eggs (2pcs), salad with cucumbers and cabbage, green tea or black coffee (1 cup);
  • dinner - lean fish (200g), salad with cucumbers and cabbage, green tea or black coffee (1 cup).

6th and 13th day

  • Lunch - salad with green apples, orange, grapefruit;
  • dinner - boiled beef (200g), salad with cucumbers and cabbage, green tea or black coffee (1 cup).

7th and 14th day

  • Lunch - boiled fish (200g), salad with cucumbers and cabbage, grapefruit or orange, green tea or black coffee (1 cup);
  • dinner - salad with green apples, orange, grapefruit.

Final results

Positive results can be observed already in the first days of following methodology. The Hollywood weight loss diet was developed for those women who want to say goodbye to extra pounds in record time. We do not recommend increasing the initial duration of the technique if you have not been able to lose weight and reduce your weight to the planned mark. Yes - you can repeat the course of losing weight after a few months.

We immediately warn that the method in question is suitable for young women who can cope with the expected stress on their bodies. A low-carbohydrate diet can cause depression, anxiety, or insomnia. Therefore, we recommend not to abuse the diet, but switch to alternative options for effective weight loss.

Important contraindications

The proposed technique is focused on a young audience of ladies who are completely healthy and do not have any diseases. If in doubt, before starting a weight loss course, read the following contraindications. The Hollywood diet for 14 days is prohibited for women who have diseases:

  1. work disruption endocrine system;
  2. allergic reactions for certain product groups;
  3. violated metabolism;
  4. mental disorders.

In addition, it is better not to use this technique for minors, the elderly, and pregnant women. If you have any complications, be sure to consult your doctor.

Hollywood is a proven method that will help every woman lose weight. Only in advance should you prepare for the upcoming difficulties that may arise with a 7 or 14-day course. If you want to be like the beautiful Hollywood actresses and attract the men around you, then take your chance right now. You will start changing tomorrow.

The average weight loss while following the Hollywood diet is 10 kilograms in 14 days. Its average daily calorie content is only 602 Kcal. The Hollywood diet owes its name to the fashion for it among Hollywood stars; it, like the Atkins diet, is popular among astronauts.

Everyone understands that the standard attractiveness and slimness of the figure is very important for movie stars. That's why thanks to Hollywood diet, many movie stars keep their shape in accordance with the classical parameters 90-60-90 for many years. Another plus of the Hollywood diet is that it is easy to follow and maximally adapted to nutrition.

Hollywood diet useAll famous screen stars. Renee Zellweger gained 12 kilograms to participate in the film "Bridget Jones's Diary", which was required by the script of the film. But over time, Renee Zellweger brought her weight back to normal after filming, taking advantage of the Hollywood diet. Kidman regularly uses the Hollywood diet, and Catherine Zeta-Jones thanks toHollywood diet led mine weight back to normal after childbirth. This once again underlines the effectiveness of using the Hollywood diet.

The basis of the Hollywood diet is a limited intake of carbohydrates and fats.

Preference is given products with big protein content (meat, fish products, eggs, plant fiber) fruits and vegetables, which are low in carbohydrates. The foods recommended for use in the Hollywood diet are typical and habitual for Americans to eat. But for residents of the European part, such products can be easily replaced with similar ones, without any damage to maintaining the overall calorie content. The Hollywood diet recommends heavy consumption fluids, at least 1.5 liters per day. These drinks can be greentea and mineral still water.

Breakfast during the 14 days of the diet should be completely excluded.

But in some cases, to soften the requirements, it is allowed to drink for breakfast small cup green tea or coffee without additions from ahara, eat half grapefruit.

Must be completely excluded from the diet bread and confectionery, vegetables and fruits with a high content of starch. Also taboo for all 14 days is imposed for alcoholic drinks and alcohol products. Complete exclusion from the diet sugar and all its derivatives. In some cases, sweeteners can be added. All products must be cooked only in boiled or steamed form. Nonefat roastand vegetable oil should not be. The Hollywood diet is fast, so like many fast diets, she eliminates the use of salt and various brines.

Hollywood diet menu for 14 days

Diet for 1 and 8 days of the Hollywood diet

Dinner: one chicken or two quail boiled eggs, one medium tomato, a cup of green tea or coffee.

Dinner: vegetable salad of cabbage or cucumbers, half a grapefruit, one chicken or two quail boiled eggs.

Menu for 2 and 9 days of the Hollywood diet

Dinner: one chicken or two quail boiled eggs, one grapefruit, a cup of green tea or coffee.

Dinner: one medium-sized cucumber, 200 grams of lean boiled beef, a cup of green tea or coffee.

Menu for 3 and 10 days of the Hollywood diet

Dinner: one chicken or two quail boiled eggs, one medium tomato or vegetable salad of cabbage or cucumbers, a cup of green tea or coffee.

Dinner: one medium cucumber, 200 grams of lean boiled beef, a cup of green tea or coffee.

Menu for 4 and 11 days of the Hollywood diet

Dinner: vegetable salad of cabbage or cucumbers, one grapefruit, a cup of green tea or coffee.

Dinner: one chicken or two quail boiled eggs, 200 grams of fat-free cottage cheese, a cup of green tea or coffee.

Menu for 5 and 12 days of the Hollywood diet

Dinner: one chicken or two quail boiled eggs, vegetable salad of cabbage or cucumbers, a cup of green tea or coffee.

Dinner: vegetable salad of cabbage or cucumbers, 200 grams of boiled fish, a cup of green tea or coffee.

Menu for 6 and 13 days of the Hollywood diet

Dinner: fruit salad of apple, orange and grapefruit.

Dinner: vegetable salad of cabbage and cucumbers, 200 grams of boiled lean beef, a cup of green tea or coffee.

Menu for the 7th and 14th day of the Hollywood diet

Dinner: 200 grams of boiled chicken, vegetable salad of cabbage and cucumbers, one orange or grapefruit, a cup of green tea or coffee.

Dinner: fruit salad of apples, one orange and grapefruit.

Hollywood gives opportunity to lose weight quickly at correct observance simple restrictions on eating raw foods in salads. Cabbage can be of any variety (broccoli, white, color). cucumbers can be consumed in unlimited quantities. Coffee can be completely eliminated or replaced drinking green tea or ordinary mineral water without gas. The Hollywood diet was developed in America, where a cup of coffee is a good tradition, so coffee consumption in large quantities is quite conditioned. Complete absence salt in the food consumed helps to remove excess fluid from the body, which also gives significant weight loss(up to 1.5 kilograms per day) on the first two days of the diet.

The main advantage of the Hollywood diet can be considered fast weight loss over a relatively short period of time.

Prohibition of alcoholic beverages and salt in different options brings back to normal general state organism. alcohol products and alcoholic drinks have high calorie content and in addition to everything, exacerbate the feeling of hunger.

Results and effective indicators of the results of the Hollywood diet in different groups people will always depend on increased initial body weight, on average about 7 kilograms, but diet allowsreset And 10 extra pounds. It is necessary to take into account the initial loss of kilograms, which is due to the removal of excess fluid from the body. It will be visible during the first two days of the diet.

Along with weight loss, the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins, and metabolism returns to normal.

minus Hollywood diet is considered that she is the right way not balanced by vitamins. That's why recommended additional intake of drugs containing vitamin and mineral additives. Second disadvantage Hollywood diet considered a restriction for consumption salt throughout the diet. With regular intake of coffee, without its partial replacement for tea, a person may experience sharp fluctuations in blood pressure, which cause dizziness, headaches and bouts of nausea. In order to avoid such negative consequences, you need to consult a doctor.

Severe carb restriction in the Hollywood diet, as well as in any diet can cause in humans weakness. That's why these shortcomings determine the minimum period of time for repeating the Hollywood diet, which is three months. Maximum duration its implementation is two weeks After this period, a break is required.

Frankly, it's a little wild to look at the driving cars in the cinema. More familiar to this event is a 14-inch TV in the kitchen, when you sit with a cigarette in your mouth and a bottle of beer in your hand. There they are so small, these fireballs are on TV. But big movie required high speeds. The viewer becomes small 14 inches. Big speeds have hit the big screen. This is where you understand the beauty of what is happening.

For the first half hour, everything looks like the real thing - ordinary racing cars, qualifying races, racing tracks. No frills beyond what is usually shown on the TV screen. You look and wonder why they don't put a camera here, and highlight it here, add colors. Still, you watch a movie, and not at home and with a race cigarette. But in one fine moment everything turns upside down. The measured plans for the behind-the-scenes life of sports stars are replaced by their public part. Pompous luxury of technogenic design, car presentations, costumes, intrigues, old and new love. Here in public begins real life characteristic of Hollywood cinema.

Preparing to shoot the film based on the script by Sylvester Stallone took almost four years. Sly's star began to set. Big movie roles were expected from him, but not in the same way as before. Young heroes came to the screen, and Stallone seemed to have gone to the bench. The latest films with his participation could no longer gather full cinema halls.

Sly dreamed of making a film about Formula 1 racing for several years. For him, it almost turned into a fixed idea. The script was already ready, a good team of actors was selected, but something did not allow us to take on the picture. It seemed that the film was given up. Nobody expected Sly to succeed. Indeed, one of the main problems was in the "Formula 1". The organizers of the races did not allow to delve into the kitchen of the competition. I had to choose an indie kart.

Director Renny Harlin, who directed Die Hard 2 and The Deep Blue Sea, was involved in the production of the film. With Stallone, he already worked in the film "Cliffhanger". The film turned out great, besides, no one bothered Sly to do all the tricks himself. Stallone invited Harlin without hesitation.

The entire filming process for Racer took 39 days. During this time, real races and championships of indie karts were filmed, and for filming with the participation of actors, the tracks were used before the qualifying races and immediately after them. About three-quarters of the car shoots were filmed with real cars, and only a quarter was computer-simulated. Thanks to the efforts of the editors, reality is so gracefully intertwined with computer graphics that you absolutely believe what is happening. And you almost never think why the car with the racer flew along this crazy trajectory after hitting the fence. Almost...

The general mood of the film accurately conveys what usually happens among racing drivers. Still, before shooting scenes with actors, the film crew traveled all over the world and filmed real competitions. The mood of life "in the environment" is transmitted to the screen absolutely. Perhaps this is precisely what, after leaving the hall, makes you feel that you have watched a film about real life, real people and real competitions. The film enchants with the veracity of what is happening, and this veracity discourages.

The cast of "Rider" is amazing. Few managed to collect so many interesting and beautiful actors in one picture.

World Champion synchronized swimming Estella Warren became the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit cover girl, succeeding Letitia Casta in that position. She successfully demonstrates her swimming skills in "Racer". She could easily be seen in the later work "Planet of the Apes", where Estella played an almost silent girl from a tribe of wild people.

This is not the first time Sylvesr Stallone has been working on a film based on his own script. His "Rocky" in 1976 received the award of the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts "Oscar" as the best film of the year. In Racer, Sly wanted to play the main character, a young racer who fights to win the competition. But age did not allow Stalone to become the main character.

The hero of German erotic films, Til Schweiger, is well known to the Russian audience from the drama "Knockin' on Heaven's Door". The first film, thanks to which he became famous in Germany, was the film adaptation of the comic book "The Most Desirable Man". Then there were "Replacement Killers" and about 26 more works in film and television. Despite the acting gift of Schweiger, they invite him as beautiful body. A good actor wants more, and in "Racer" he managed to show himself.

"Racer" has become the ideal Hollywood product, in which there is no cranberry inherent in most modern blockbusters. Probably the best racing movie ever. Most honest movie ever.