Is it possible to do squats with scoliosis. What is scoliosis, its symptoms and methods of correction

Good afternoon my dears! Today we will touch upon such an actual problem today as scoliosis training. Is it possible to visit gym for scoliosis, and what is the specifics of training for a person who has such a problem? During my work as a group program instructor and an online trainer, I periodically come across the fact that a fairly large percentage of people have back problems, in particular, scoliosis or osteochondrosis. Therefore, making individual programs training, I often have to work with such clients. I will say right away that scoliosis training are not contraindicated, but you need to properly organize the training so as not to harm your health in any case, since we come to the gym not only for beautiful toned body but also for health.

Let's first define what scoliosis is?

Scoliosis is a deviation of the spine from its vertical line, in simple terms, a curvature. A person with scoliosis has a curved spinal column, unlike a healthy person without scoliosis.

There are several types of scoliosis, depending on where the curvature is located:

- lumbar and cervical lordosis;

- thoracic and sacrococcygeal kyphosis;

- flat back

And now let's move on to the actual practical side of the issue and find out if scoliosis training, Or is it still not worth writing off yourself so early?!

Can you exercise with scoliosis?

In 95 cases out of 100, people diagnosed with scoliosis have probably heard such words from their attending physician: “You absolutely cannot exercise in the gym and lift heavy weights!" This phrase is said by all orthopedists, and on the one hand they are right, but on the other hand, it turns out that every 10th person on the planet cannot be engaged in the gym ...

What are doctors right about? Of course, when there is curvature in the spinal column, then it becomes easily vulnerable to lifting large weights and is unable to withstand a lot of compressive pressure when performing certain exercises, such as squats. That is why, scoliosis training should be radically different from regular workouts with a healthy back and spine. But gym for scoliosis you can and even need to visit, BUT! taking into account all contraindications and recommendations of the doctor and your trainer.

Let's first of all analyze the exercises that categorically cannot be performed with scoliosis of any kind and form.


  1. All bench presses: army press with dumbbells, bench press from behind the head / from the chest, extension of the arms from behind the head to the triceps with a lot of standing weight.
  2. classical deadlift and full range sumo deadlift*
  3. In some cases, exercises such as lunges and lying leg curls are prohibited, as they can cause unnecessary tension in the lower back, creating excessive pressure on the vertebrae**

* Possible only in the Smith machine and only for a shortened amplitude.

*If you do not feel discomfort in the lower back when doing lunges and bending the legs while lying down, then you can include these exercises in your training program but with small weights.

Pictures are clickable.

And now let's look at those exercises that, on the contrary, will help you strengthen your muscle corset around the spinal column and have a positive effect on the condition of your spine as a whole.

  1. Plank exercise
  2. Good morning exercise
  3. Hyper/reverse hyper (floor/machine/ball)

Pictures are clickable.

Due to these exercises, the vertebrae are stretched and there is no compressive pressure on them.

So, let's now summarize all of the above and highlight the basic rules training for scoliosis gym.

  1. Use special belts or corsets that hold the spine.
  2. Don't lift big weights! Weight Limit, with which you can work, is equal to 50-60% of your own weight.
  3. Avoid exercises that put pressure on your vertebrae: squats, running, jumping rope, etc.
  4. At the beginning of each workout, do a warm-up and start your workout with a hyperextension.
  5. Stretch your spine at the end of your workout and between exercises: hanging on the bar, in cat/dog pose.
  6. Use unilateral exercises such as one-arm rows block simulator or in emphasis on one knee, as they allow you to load both sides of the back evenly. It is important to do the same number of repetitions and approaches on each side!

That, perhaps, is all that I wanted to tell you. I hope I reassured everyone who has scoliosis a little, since this diagnosis is not yet a sentence and it would be a big stupidity to completely refuse to work out in the gym. Just scoliosis training have some differences and features that you now know about. Therefore, if you have scoliosis, but at the same time there is a wild desire to go to the gym and look beautiful, then consult your doctor, consult a competent trainer and train for health! Gym for scoliosis with a well-built training, it will help you get rid of not only back pain, if any, but also give you the opportunity to have a beautiful athletic figure.

Sincerely yours, Yaneliya Skripnik!

P.S. Friends, at the moment it is possible to send questionnaires for. I will be glad to work with you! =)

Therapeutic exercise is considered a necessary way to treat scoliosis. At the same time, a number of increased requirements are applied to the exercises, the main of which are:

  • Asymmetry and different effects on certain muscle groups
  • Not chaotic, but organized breathing
  • Lack of strength exercises

This is the standard treatment regimen that most podiatrists agree with. However, there is another method that contradicts the requirement of the inadmissibility of loads - power, using simulators. Moreover, many people say that it was simulators that helped them cure scoliosis.. And since there are facts, albeit contradicting the opinion of experts, they need to be considered.

Correction of scoliosis with the help of simulators

Correction of scoliosis, as trainers say, is happening

  • Under the influence of deadlift
  • Using kettlebells and dumbbells
  • Traction (stretching) on ​​the crossbar

However, a coach is not a doctor and cannot foresee all possible consequences.

Therefore, at first it is worth warning all those who have a scoliotic change in the back (especially severe):

Going to the gym, in this case, you rely only on yourself, since no one, in principle, will be responsible for the fact that you suddenly have some kind of complications.

After all, no one forcibly pulled you there, and all simulators usually have certificates of their quality and safety.

Coaches' assurances that "here are the best simulators in the world, with which hundreds of people have already been cured" may be a common advertising ploy. Unfortunately, sports are the same business, and any section seeks to attract as many clients as possible.

What exercises to choose for scoliosis

Therefore, take the most necessary measures for your safety:

Do not try to use all the strength training equipment offered to you at once.

Choose exercises of a neutral nature, in which there will be no vertical compression, and at the same time, stretching, which is dangerous for scoliosis of the third or fourth degree:

  • Exercise bikes
  • Treadmill
  • Pushups
  • Press swing, etc.

These exercises:

  • Precisely safe
  • Have a healing effect
  • Strengthen the abdominals

Use with scoliosis trainers, at which it is possible to produce unilateral stretching

You can also use free weight machines. They are very suitable for electoral muscle training when exercising more muscle from the concavity side of the curvature. This can be achieved with:

  • Post spacing adjustments
  • Supportive asymmetrical waistband

To simulators with own weight(the main force is created by the weight of the person) approach selectively:

  • use them initially at a slight angle, gradually increasing it
  • if you experience back pain and deterioration of well-being, they should be abandoned

Video: Straightening the back with scoliosis

What simulators are doubtful

The use of weight training equipment extra weight) is a risky activity if you have scoliosis with a large degree of deformity in which rotation occurs. And such exercises should be carried out with accurately calculated loads by a specialist with a medical education.

Personally, I doubt this security rule:

The maximum weight of the load for scoliosis should not be more than half of the body weight.

It may be “rolling” for the world champion in bodybuilding among the disabled, but for a person with a weight of about 80 kg, who just came to the gym, isn’t it too much?
I think 10-15 kg (or maybe less) is enough for such a patient.

Strength training equipment for the treatment of curvature is a controversial method and remains in question, although in itself a gradual increase in load increases the strength of the muscular corset, which certainly has a positive effect on scoliosis.

But at the same time it is necessary:

  • determine the dosage and sequence of these exercises
  • turn them into corrective
  • take into account all possible contraindications

But if you have firmly decided that you cannot do without power loads, then remember at least this rule:

It is strictly forbidden to perform exercises for scoliosis on a simulator with additional weights without a supporting belt.

General rules for training on simulators

  1. Increasing the load should be gradual: if you are working with loads: start with three (for women) and five (for men) kilograms, after a week add another kg: Do not look with envy at neighbors who add several "pancakes" at once - rather they don't have scoliosis
  2. Push-ups and lifting weights should be smooth, without jerks.
  3. The appearance of pain is a signal to reduce the effort and intensity of exercise.
  4. When performing the exercise, watch the position of the back: it should be flat
  5. All pull-ups and push-ups are performed with correct breathing By : exhale with effort
  6. Before class, warm up and prepare your back muscles with the help of - gymnastics, massage, thermal procedures, manual therapy

Types of simulators for scoliosis

Cardio equipment

These include:

  • Exercise bikes
  • Steppers
  • Treadmills

They are preferred:

  • with advanced scoliosis
  • in old age
  • for patients with cardiovascular disease

Very popular lately elliptical trainer , which combines both a treadmill and a stepper at the same time. It has a number of advantages, in comparison with a conventional treadmill:

  • The elliptical trajectory along which walking leads to synchronous movements of all elements of the body, which has a beneficial effect on the muscles of the arms and legs, shoulders, back, chest, hips and buttocks
  • The movement of the pedals in an ellipse leads to the fact that the legs are always in a half-bent state, and this removes the load from the ankle and knee joints. Feels like you're running on air
  • The movement on the simulator is carried out both forward and backward

Strength training equipment

Strength training equipment can be used within reasonable limits with a small angle of scoliotic deviation

In any gym there are such simulators:

  • This is a lever - on the opposite side of which there are loads
  • Exercises are performed sitting and standing
  • There is a footrest connected to the weights with a rack
  • Thanks to the counterweight, the training of the muscles of the back and limbs goes to overcome the resistance

Twist trainer

  • This is a bench with several supports.
  • On it you can make pulling translational movements. Thus, preparations are being made for more complex exercises for the erector muscles of the spine - hyperextension
  • The device is used to treat thoracolumbar scoliosis

Types of exercises on power simulators for thoracic scoliosis:

  • Head pull
  • Draw to the chest
  • Horizontal block pull
  • Pull-ups

Classes in the gym for the treatment of scoliosis are not carried out according to the type of bodybuilding and are not focused on lifting weights, but on strengthening the muscles of a certain group and improving overall physical and psychological state. Therefore, it is better to conduct them not in bodybuilding sections, but in specialized groups where they work with such patients.

Scoliosis exercises are carried out to restore the musculoskeletal mechanism and improve general condition patient. Depending on the degree of the disease, the doctor prescribes a special set of exercises for the back muscles, which will help to avoid the progression of the disease and relieve the load from the spine. Thus, exercises for scoliosis are carried out at any degree and this is also a positive thing for correct posture of a person and medical workers have nothing against this.

Correct selection of physical exercises

Many patients are daily interested in what physical exercise for scoliosis need to perform? Daily exercise can make the muscular corset strong and strengthen all parts of the spine, and also improves posture, and is also a preventive measure for spinal deformity.

It is very important to carry out physical activities with other methods of posture correction. It has been scientifically proven that if you combine therapeutic exercises and massage, then in this way you can get rid of all defects in posture and muscles at the initial stage of their development.

Before the doctor prescribes exercises for the treatment of scoliosis, the complexity of the course of the disease and possible options for correcting the spine must be taken into account. Exercises for scoliosis should not be done only by the patient, so as not to harm their health even more. Because if there is a high intensity of straightening of the spine, then this can provoke an even greater deformation of the spine and nothing can be done against it.

The patient alone at home can perform only basic physical exercise for scoliosis of the 1st degree. Because these exercises give a minimal load on the spine. Symmetrical exercise for scoliosis has a different meaning for the back muscles, which begin to contract incorrectly when the posture is disturbed, both men and women.

Thus, the complex exercise therapy exercises for scoliosis includes yoga, exercises on wall bars, fitness and gymnastics.

Yoga for scoliosis

Yoga is a very common method of treating the disease, which helps to prevent deformation of the spine and back muscles. With right-sided or left-sided scoliosis of the spine, yoga will help correct this problem and alleviate the patient's condition. Doctors have nothing against this technique, on the contrary, very often they prescribe this type of exercise to patients.

If the patient has scoliosis of the 3rd degree, then in order for yoga to help get rid of pain, it is necessary to choose the right posture. Exercise for scoliosis to correct the spine can be as follows:

It is necessary to lie on your back, and throw your legs back on a chair. Slightly spread your knees to the side, so that you are comfortable and completely relax.

You need to lie down a little and completely relax, after which it is necessary to perform an exercise for the back with scoliosis, with the help of breathing with the stomach. When inhaling, the stomach should be raised, when exhaling, lowered.

Breathing must be performed as long as possible so that all the necessary nutrients get to the spinal column. Such an exercise for scoliosis of the 3rd degree helps to relax the ligaments and muscles of the back.

With a disease of 2 or 3 degrees, yoga is performed in the same way lying on the stomach. Yoga for scoliosis of the 1st degree implies such poses that resemble twisting, but if they are performed at the 3rd degree of spinal disease, then you can only aggravate the disease and lead to an even greater violation of posture, so such activities are prohibited for this stage, they cannot be performed.

It must be remembered that yoga in case of illness of the 3rd degree implies the obligatory implementation breathing exercises. Such an exercise helps to relieve spastic muscle tone and lead to expansion chest. In addition, if a person breathes correctly and rhythmically, then thanks to this, the nervous system calms down.

It has been scientifically proven that yoga with right-sided curvature of the spine helps to get rid of pain, strengthen the muscular frame, restore joint mobility and lead to improved posture.

In spinal disease, yoga must be performed correctly in order to improve the patient's condition. In addition, according to numerous reviews, it becomes clear that yoga is a fairly common phenomenon in case of illness and many people are satisfied with the result after its use and have nothing against it. It can be done both at home and in the gym.

Charging on the Swedish wall will help very well with right-sided scoliosis and help get rid of many problems. In addition, it contributes to the straightening of the vertical axis, thus preventing an increase in the scoliotic arc.

Exercise for scoliosis on the Swedish wall can be performed as follows:

Hanging on the Swedish wall helps to straighten the spinal column or other part of the spine. You can hang for about 30 seconds, and then proceed to another exercise.

Hanging on the Swedish wall, do the abduction of the legs in different sides, only slowly, and not abruptly, so as not to injure the spine.

To strengthen the muscle corset, you need to hang a little on the crossbar, and then proceed to twisting.

Exercises for the back with scoliosis on the Swedish wall will be as effective as possible, and have a beneficial effect on any vertebral section and lead to an improvement in human posture.

Carrying out physical exercises for the thoracic region of the right-sided or left-sided practically does not differ. They can be performed both at home and in the gym and there are no comments against this. If you do not strengthen the posture muscles, then using various methods of treatment will not lead to positive changes, but can only provoke the development of scoliosis to a greater extent.

With right-sided scoliosis of the thoracic region, physical activity is one of the main methods of treatment and is being addressed Special attention. In addition to the exercises of the thoracic region, massage can be added.

Physical exercises for the thoracic region have one main goal - to strengthen the muscular corset, tighten those parts of the spine that are in a relaxed position, relieve tension and lead to improved posture.

Also for scoliosis of the thoracic region, swimming will come in handy, which will help get rid of pain and other health problems. In addition, no matter what type of exercise for thoracic scoliosis you choose, you need to perform it strictly every day without a pass. Exercises for classes in the gym should be prescribed by a doctor, because some should have a duration, while others should be less long.

Also, exercises are carried out with kyphoscoliosis of the thoracic region, which is associated with scoliosis. If this disease is congenital, then with its development there is a change internal organs and muscles. Therefore, before starting treatment and carrying out the exercise, it is necessary to take an x-ray, and in many cases, with kyphoscoliosis of the thoracic region, a tomography is performed.

What exercises can be performed for scoliosis of the thoracic region?

  • It is necessary to sit on a chair with a high back, fold your hands into a lock at the back of your head and bend back with the entire thoracic region and do the following: bend while inhaling, and bend while exhaling and repeat this about five times.
  • Lie on the floor, and put a comfortable cushion under your chest, throw your arms behind your head and bend back to inhale, and only raise it as you exhale upper part body.

Thus, carrying out exercises for scoliosis of the thoracic region will help improve health and get rid of the pain that accompanies the disease.

Gymnastic exercises for the lumbar region are also performed with osteochondrosis and special attention should be paid to this activity. With osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, gymnastics consists in correct walking and crawl on all fours. Therefore, with osteochondrosis, if you want to get rid of it as quickly as possible, you need to often walk on all fours, of course, it is better to do this at home, or in the gym.

With scoliosis of the lumbar spine, gymnastics is also very important. And today there are most important exercises, which are also suitable for osteochondrosis. Exercise can be done safely at home, and not in the gym.

  • every day you need to lie on some hard surface, while simultaneously raising your head and shoulders, you need to hold this position for 10 seconds;
  • you need to lie on your stomach, raise your head, shoulders and legs at the same time.

Thus, classes for the lumbar region will help increase muscle tone, get rid of pain and you can feel much better.

Fitness for scoliosis

Fitness for scoliosis of the first degree should have asymmetry. It is impossible to carry out fitness in the style of step, fitbox, tai-bo and others, where there are sharp movements, and there is a sharp change in body position. Fitness yoga is also recommended, but you can’t do a headstand, aerobics, only without jumping, also aqua aerobics and Pilates.

Fitness will be a great helper in the fight against the problem, especially if it is carried out in the form of a simple walk on a treadmill to an average degree. Fitness also involves the use of a set of exercises that are aimed at strengthening the muscular corset and other exercises to correct the spine. They can be performed lying down, sitting or standing. Fitness using pull-ups on the bar will also be a great way to stretch. Thus, scoliosis exercises will help on the path to recovery for both the lumbar and thoracic regions.

S-shaped scoliosis

Classes for S-shaped scoliosis are aimed at correcting the thoracic and lumbar spine, as well as strengthening the back muscles. For S-shaped scoliosis, the following exercises are used:

Sit on a bench, throw your arms behind your head and turn your shoulder girdle to the left, but so that your knees remain in the same place. After that, you need to lie down on a bench and make sure that the shoulder blades are on the very edge, bend over the bench and, relaxing, hang.

Lie on the bench with your stomach and make sure that the edge of the bench is in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe belt, and throw your arms behind your head. It is necessary to bend to the maximum, and then to the maximum to unbend. If such an exercise is easy enough for you, then you can add a small load, about three kilograms.

It is also very effective to perform simple pull-up physical exercises on the crossbar.

Watch your posture, do physical exercises to strengthen your spine and then your life will be joyful and painless. After all healthy back is your healthy future.

Sports activities have a positive effect on the body.

Surprisingly, in the treatment of scoliosis, sport is a prerequisite.

Types of activities and loads depend on the degree of the disease and should be agreed with the doctor.

It is allowed to engage in sports with 1 and 2 stages of scoliosis.

At grade 3, only physiotherapy under the supervision of a specialist.

The fourth stage is characterized not only by the curvature of the spine, but also by the disruption of the work of all internal organs, so there can be no talk of any sport.

The influence of sports on the musculoskeletal system

The undeniable fact is that sport has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system.

There is muscle growth, the so-called hypertrophy. At the same time, the number of fibers remains unchanged, only the size of their cross section increases. This is due to the good blood supply to the tissues. The increased supply of oxygen to the muscles contributes to the opening of a large number of small capillaries.

Besides, oxygen in trained muscles is utilized faster. The chemical composition also changes. muscle mass: increases the amount of glycogen and phosphogen. Thus, the muscles become stronger and more efficient.

As a result regular classes sports cartilage, ligaments and tendons become stronger. The skeletal system also undergoes changes. The bones become more massive, the chest develops, the spinal column strengthens. The cross section of the bone in athletes is wider than in non-athletes.

Physical education is of particular importance for the development of children and adolescents.. A strong muscular apparatus supports the spine, prevents it from curvature. In addition, sport helps to strengthen the body's immune system. As a result, the child is less likely to "catch" the infection, which is one of the reasons for the development of scoliosis.

Also, strong back muscles protect the spine from injury, taking on part of the load. Therefore, physical education is mandatory for the prevention and treatment of scoliosis.

Physical activity in scoliosis depends on the stage of the disease:

  • At stage 1, all sports are allowed.
  • At stage 2, martial arts are limited, some strength exercises.
  • At stage 3, sports are prohibited. Moderate physical activity, physiotherapy exercises are allowed.
  • At stage 4, physical education is completely prohibited. The patient sometimes cannot even move independently.

Scoliosis exercises aim to strengthen the muscular corset and relieve muscle tension on the concave side of the spine and tone the muscles on the convex side.

General principles of sports in scoliosis:

  • Gentle regular loads.
  • Sports are symmetrical.
  • Compliance with the diet before and after training.
  • Training should not be long, with breaks of at least 2 days between classes.
  • It is necessary to do a warm-up before and a hitch after class, stretching the muscles to prevent injuries.
  • Exercises that create compression and axial load on the spine are prohibited.

The positive impact of such activities is expressed in:

  • Reducing the load on the spinal column, relaxing the back muscles.
  • Normalization and acceleration of blood circulation.
  • Formation of correct posture.
  • Strengthening and development of joint mobility.
  • Endurance training of the cardiac and respiratory systems.
  • Strengthening the muscular corset.

However, swimming with scoliosis has its own characteristics. Not all types of exercise are allowed. For example, jumping into the water and swimming on the back are prohibited due to the increased load. The best styles are breaststroke and crawl. Also somersaults in water give a good effect. It is useful to combine exercises in the water with breathing exercises aimed at improving the supply of oxygen to tissues.

At stages 2 and 3, exercises should be developed by a specialist and carried out under the supervision of a trainer.

Video: "A set of exercises in the pool to prevent curvature of the spine"

Workouts in the gym

Paradoxically, but with stages 1 and 2 of the disease, classes in the gym are not prohibited. Moreover, with the correct development of the complex and the execution technique, they have a positive effect on the body. Exercises strengthen the muscle corset, open the smallest capillaries, as a result, blood supply to tissues improves.

Features of fitness classes

And did you know that…

Next fact

When doing fitness, it should be borne in mind that some exercises have a strong load on the spinal column and can be traumatic. For these reasons, jumping, sharp turns should be avoided. Optimal are classes with elements of yoga and Pilates.

Basic rules for fitness:

  • Exercise shouldn't hurt.
  • Pilates promotes overall recovery, so classes should be fun, not make you feel bad.
  • You can't overstress. After class, there should be a pleasant slight fatigue.

In the fitness room, you can perform the following exercises:

  • Plank.
  • Hanging leg raises.
  • Pull-ups.
  • Push ups.
  • Raise the pelvis, lying on your back.
  • Press exercises.
  • Fast walking on a treadmill (not running).
  • Classes on an exercise bike (with a supporting back).

The exercise bike has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, strengthens the muscles of the thigh and buttocks. At the same time, the muscles of the lower back are strengthened, and the load on the spine is minimal.


Bodybuilding for scoliosis is allowed at the initial stage. Strength training is useful for strengthening the muscles of the back, increasing muscle mass.

However, some exercises can cause complications - pinched nerve, the formation of a protrusion or hernia. Therefore, a set of exercises should be agreed with the doctor. The doctor will select allowable weight training simulators.

Basic rules for bodybuilding:

  • Performing symmetrical exercises.
  • Lifting weights while lying down.
  • Weights should be minimal.
  • Avoid exercises that put pressure on the spine.
  • Performing exercises in special orthopedic corsets that reduce the load on the spine.

Women can not lift more than 10 kg, men - more than 20 kg. Breaks between workouts should be at least 2 days so that the body has the opportunity to recover.

Video: "Classes in the gym with scoliosis"

Running with scoliosis

There is no categorical prohibition in running with scoliosis. However, running run discord. Allowed at the initial stage of the disease slow run around the stadium with a special coating. The pace should be moderate. If there are discomfort in the spine, then you should stop and switch to walking.

It is strictly forbidden to engage in sprinting, running with accelerations. You can't run on asphalt. At stage 2, instead of running, it is better to do sports or Nordic walking.

Dancing with scoliosis

Dancing for scoliosis is good for the spine. They strengthen the muscles of the back, develop flexibility and correct posture.

Ballroom and artistic dances. Forbidden sports dancing(hip-hop, break dance), as they involve sharp jumps, somersaults and can cause back injuries.


Scoliosis is a pathological curvature of the spine. One of the causes of the disease is insufficient physical activity and a weak muscular corset. Physical exercises are used to strengthen it. Sport is the main direction in the treatment of the disease.

In the initial stages, almost all sports are allowed, with the exception of those that can provoke injuries and increase the axial load on the spine. At stage 3, only physiotherapy exercises are permissible.

Any physical activity requires prior discussion with your doctor.

Exercise machines for the treatment of scoliosis are used to normalize the tone of the skeletal muscles of the back, which in the future will keep the spine in a physiological position. Thus, the progression of pathological deformity in the lateral plane is prevented.

When performing dosed physical activity the blood supply to the internal organs is normalized, the balance of the skin is restored and vigor increases.

Hyperextension strengthens the lumbar muscles well

The impact on the body when using these products can be:

  • Local:
  • General.

With a local load, certain muscle groups are trained. The overall impact is on several types skeletal muscle simultaneously. For example, with a deadlift, muscles are involved in the process. shoulder girdle, back, abdominal Press, muscles of the thighs, buttocks and lower extremities.

For the treatment of scoliosis, 2 types of simulators are used:

  1. Power;
  2. Cardio equipment ( Treadmills, exercise bikes).

For the treatment of curvature of the back, the following types of power simulators are used:

  1. "Twist" refers to models for the formation of hyperextension. It consists of a special bench and several supports. On it, you can perform translational movements of the body, which allows you to stretch the spine vertically. The product is mainly used to eliminate deformities in the middle part of the back.

Trainer “Twist”

  1. "T-rod" is a lever, which is mounted on a hinge on one side, and "pancakes" are located on the second. Allows you to perform exercises in a standing and sitting position.

Trainer “T-traction”

Models with adjustable load have a footrest and a lever connected to the weights by a separate post. When training, it creates resistance to the muscle groups of the limbs and torso.

On power models, you can perform:

  • Traction to the chest and behind the head with curvature of the thoracic spine;
  • Sipping from a horizontal block;
  • Trapeze with barbell and dumbbells;
  • Hyperextension.

Attention! By doing strength training there is a threat of injury to the osteoarticular system of the back, therefore, the gymnastics complex prescribed by the rehabilitation doctor must be observed with the utmost accuracy.

Head rows are aimed at training the rhomboid, supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles, which fix the neck and thoracic spine.

Hyperextension trains the extensor muscles, which are directly adjacent to the spinal column.

When the power of data muscle groups will be sufficient (assessed by the instructor) for the treatment of scoliosis, you can add other exercises:

  • deadlift;
  • Slopes with a barbell;
  • Traction in an incline;
  • Mahi to the side with dumbbells.

This complex effectively eliminates lateral curvature in lumbar spinal column, but at the same time is dangerous to health. Girls with 2 degrees of scoliosis cannot lift a barbell weighing more than 10 kg, and men - more than 20 kg.

Before starting a workout, you need to make sure that the person will conduct it correctly. To do this, in specialized rehabilitation centers, several preparatory classes along with the instructor.

If the doctor has prescribed the wearing of an orthopedic belt or corset, it should not be removed when performing strength exercises.

Cardio simulators are used to restore respiratory and cardiac activity, which change with pathological lateral displacement of the spine. Prolonged abnormal breathing leads to retraction of the intercostal spaces, deformation of the chest and increased respiratory failure.

Rules for the application of power loads on muscles

There are certain rules that should be observed when performing power loads:

  1. Hanging on the horizontal bar has a positive effect on the pathological curvature of the spine only without making sharp and jerky movements.
  2. Lifting weights should be done slowly;
  3. Riding exercise bikes with scoliosis is allowed only with the support of hands on the elbow pads. This will turn off the muscles of the back and increase the load on the lower limbs.
  4. Classes on incline bench must be performed without pain. If pain occurs, the angle of its inclination should be reduced;
  5. Power loads should be increased gradually in accordance with the increase in muscle strength and endurance.

Narrowly targeted are the best option for the treatment of lateral deformity of the spinal column, as they form a point load on the curvature area.

As a result of many clinical studies conducted using weight machines in patients with S-shaped scoliosis, it has been proven that muscle will effectively hold the spine in correct position if its mass is at least 40% of body weight.

Obviously, with obesity, the curvature of the spine in the frontal plane is difficult to treat with the help of simulators, because you will have to significantly increase the muscles. This procedure is not optimal, since with excessive power loads, the heart muscle increases. More precisely - there is its hypertrophy. As a result, we can say that the use of simulators for the treatment of scoliosis in overweight people is ineffective.

In such a situation, the use of these products is rational only for a local increase in the tone of certain muscle groups. In this case, the load must be increased gradually.

Thus, the treatment of lateral spinal deformity in overweight people is more rational on cardio machines. They will increase the reserve capacity respiratory system. Best Option in this case there will be a treadmill.

Thus, simulators for the treatment of scoliosis are effective with the right selection of exercises and constant control in the process of exercising the strength and endurance of muscle groups. If a person has an increased body weight, they will not correct the deformity of the spinal column, since even highly trained muscles will not be able to keep the heavy spine in the correct position.