Article in kindergarten planting onions. "Growing onions on the windowsill" outline of the lesson (preparatory group) on the topic


1. To form a careful attitude to the natural world, the desire to take part in experimental activities.

2. Introduce different varieties Luke (gold and purple (red)

3. Show the development of bulbs at various stages of growth.

4. Show the importance of light, water and heat for development and growth.

5. Develop observation ability
experiment, draw conclusions.

Program tasks :

1. To form an idea of ​​​​bulbous, about the variety of varieties and their purpose.

2. Arouse in children a cognitive interest in growing this garden crop .

3. To form a desire to observe changes in the bulbs depending on the conditions.

4. Learn to create a situation of experience, to make the necessary sketches.

5. Generate interest in experimentation and research activities.

Expected Result :

After the experiment, to conclude which factors contribute to the growth and development of plants (light, water, heat).

Experiment participants:

Educators and children.

Direction of work :


Forms of work:

Consideration, comparison, experience, observation, care, watering, loosening, cutting, eating.

forward planning :

1. Examination and comparison of bulbs by size, color and variety.

2. Determining under what conditions the bulbs will germinate.

3. Observation of the germination of bulbs. Determine which one sprouted first.

4. Comparison of growth rates of bulbs, with the entry of observations in the calendar.

5. Cutting green feathers Luke and eating.


Bulbs 8 pieces: golden onion - 4 pieces and purple (red) - 4 pieces, jars, watering cans, pallets with earth, aprons for work.

Lesson progress:

caregiver: Guys, come closer everyone to the table and stand around it. I want to show you what I found at the door of our group today.

(I open a napkin from the box in which the onion lies)

What is this?

That's right, it's an onion. But look, it is not only different in size, but it is different in color - in some bulbs the scales are golden, while in others they are purple. In one they are all the same - solid to the touch. (I suggest that the children carefully consider, feel the bulbs)

I also want to tell you an incredible story. As I was walking up the stairs, I heard someone's voices. At first I thought it was one of the children, but when I listened, I realized that it was the onions in the box arguing.

Golden onions shouted: We, golden onions, are the most, housewives put us in almost all dishes, we have the most vitamins, our variety is planted more often, we grow quickly and give a lot of green feathers.

Violet also did not lag behind - And we are cut into exquisite salads, but this does not mean that we have few vitamins and we are less useful. We are also growing very quickly and no one has yet complained about the taste of green feathers.

Two large onions listened to this argument for a long time, and then they also entered into a conversation - why are you arguing, we are still the fastest growing among you. You need land, heat, water to grow. And we can grow even without land.

But then the bulbs fell silent, apparently they realized that someone was watching them.

Guys, you want to settle the bulb dispute. Find out which one will germinate faster, give green feathers, taste and compare them. Are you willing to participate in the experiment?

Observation #1. ,Growing onions.

Purpose: to arouse in children a cognitive interest in growing this garden crop, a desire to observe changes in the bulbs depending on the conditions; to teach to create a situation of experience, to make sketches.

Having gathered the children around a large table, the teacher suggests examining the golden and purple bulbs and comparing them. Leads them to the conclusion: the bulbs are the same in size, shape, but different in color; all three are firm to the touch. Then he specifies what conditions are needed for the bulbs to germinate and give greenery. The teacher suggests growing onions in different conditions, both in water and in the ground.

Some children pour water into jars, put onions, stick identification information, others make sketches on the observation calendar page. In conclusion, the teacher reports: in a week, on the same day, we will examine the bulbs and draw them again.

Observation No. 2, Growing onions ''

Purpose: to teach children to notice the changes that occur in germinating bulbs, to associate these changes (the beginning of germination) with the presence of favorable conditions - water, light, heat; learn to compare bulbs, notice the difference in germination. At the beginning of the conversation, the teacher specifies how much time has passed since the day the bulbs were planted. We planted onions last week, on Monday. Today is also Monday, which means a whole week has passed. It can be represented by a colored strip, which consists of seven squares - days of different colors, as in our calendar of nature. We will glue this “time strip” onto the page on which we will draw the bow.

Observation No. 3. ,We grow onions.

Purpose: to teach children to notice changes in the growth of bulbs (green roots), associate them with the conditions in which each plant is located; make sketches from nature using stencils; notice the past week in the calendar, the time bar ''.

Observation No. 4. ,Growing onions.

Purpose: to teach children to notice changes in the state of growing bulbs, to fix differences and associate them with different living conditions, to draw bulbs from nature.

Observation No. 5. ,Growing onions.

Purpose: to develop observation in children - the ability to notice changes in plant growth, associate these changes with the conditions in which they are located, and correctly reflect observations in the drawing.

Zainka participates in this observation. He is interested in what children grow, wants to know what they do with onions, is surprised that nature is also in the house (room), and not just in the forest.

Dinara Atysheva
Synopsis of the GCD "Planting onions"

Age group: older

GCD theme: « Planting onions» .

Direction of education and development (educational area): cognitive development.

Target: creating conditions for the formation of ideas about growing Luke.


to form ideas about the structure of the bulb, about the conditions necessary for plant growth;

Develop search activities (experimentation) and intellectual initiative, the ability to verbally plan and predict future changes, imagination and creativity; the ability to build a statement, use different parts of speech in accordance with their meaning, coordinate words in a sentence;

To introduce children to the elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults, the desire to achieve results, to participate in a common cause.

Activities: cognitive-research, communicative, motor, game.

Forms of organization: group, subgroup, individual.

Forms of implementation of children's species activities: games with speech accompaniment, guessing riddles, experimentation.

Equipment: heads Luke, plastic plates, tray, napkin, sprouted onion, a box with earth, water, a watering can, aprons, cups, shovels.

GCD progress

The activities of the educator

I. Introduction

Guys, I have something under the napkin. And what? Solve the riddle. “Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats, who undresses him, he sheds tears”. Children's answers.

Look how much Luke! What is he? And what color? Today we will plant onions in the ground.

Who knows what will grow out of Luke(children's answers)

Let's look at a sprouted bulb. What color is the sprout (children's answers)

Sprout at the top Luke. And also at onions have roots.

What is the onion for? What use is it (children's answers)

Onion helps to heal people, and whoever eats it will be strong and healthy, because it contains a lot of vitamins, and it also kills microbes in the human body.

In order for the onion to grow, the bulb is planted in the ground with the root, the sprout up.

II.Main part

Do you want to grow onions in our group? We let's plant bow for yourself and other guys.

What is needed for this? There is a box with earth, what else do you need? And in order not to get dirty yourself and not to dirty the tables, what needs to be done? the teacher covers the tables with oilcloth.

First you need to make a recess in the ground and there plant a bulb.

Find at onion roots. Now plant the bulb in the ground.

Tell me what conditions are necessary for the growth of bulbs (children's answers)

Indeed - light, heat and water. Now the onions need to be watered.

Now put the onion on the window so that it germinates faster.

And you will water every day and watch how it grows.

Well done, and now we will remove jobs, we will become a friendly round dance.

round dance game "We'll go to the round dance"

Here comes the merry people into the garden,

Gotta bow plant to surprise everyone in the area.

We'll take a shovel, we'll start digging the beds.

We dig everything together, we plant the onion.

Did not have time plant, we need to water the onion,

They took watering cans in their hands, watered the onion.

Bake the sun, ripen our onion.

The onion will grow big

We will eat with you!

III. Final part.

Guys, what did we do today? Here we are guys planted a lot of onions, we will have vitamins. Children's answers.

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Summary of the lesson "Planting onions" Objectives To develop curiosity in children. To arouse in children a cognitive interest in growing onions. Teach kids to set goals. Learn.

Project time: February 2014

Project duration: 3 weeks.

Project type:short-term, practice-oriented project.

Project participants: children of the middle group, teacher Shalnova Tatyana Alekseevna

Direction of work: research.

Objective of the project:

1. To form a careful attitude to the surrounding world of nature, a desire to take part in experimental activities.

2. They brought up a caring attitude towards plants as living beings, empathy for them, understanding the need for their protection based on their own observations.

3. Introduce onions, show the development of bulbs at various stages of growth.

4. Show the importance of light, water and heat for development and growth.

5. Develop observation, the ability to experiment, draw conclusions.

Program tasks:

1. To form an idea of ​​​​bulbous and their purpose.

2. Arouse in children a cognitive interest in growing this garden crop.

3. To form a desire to observe changes in the bulbs depending on the conditions.

4. To teach to create a situation of experience, to make the necessary sketches together with the teacher.

5. Generate interest in experimentation and research activities.

Expected Result:

After the experiment, draw a conclusion, what factors contribute to the growth and development of plants. (light, water, heat)

Forms of work:

Consideration, comparison, experience, observation, care, watering, loosening, cutting, eating.

Forward planning:

1. Examination and comparison of bulbs by size, color.

2. Determining under what conditions the bulbs will germinate.

3. Observation of the germination of bulbs. Determine which one sprouted first.

4. Comparison of bulb growth rates.

5. Cut green onion feathers and eat.


Large and small bulbs, jars, watering cans with water, pallets with earth, aprons for work.

Lesson progress:

Vos-l: Guys, all come to the table and stand around it. I want to show you what I found at the door of our group today.

(I open a napkin from the box in which the onion lies)

What is this?

That's right, it's an onion. But look, it's different in size. In one they are all the same - solid to the touch. (I suggest that the children carefully consider, feel the bulbs)

I also want to tell you an incredible story. As I was walking up the stairs, I heard someone's voices. At first I thought it was one of the children, but when I listened, I realized that it was the onions in the box arguing.

Large bulbs shouted:

We are big, our hostesses love us, we have the most vitamins, we grow quickly and give a lot of green feathers.

The little ones weren't far behind.

We are small, but this does not mean that we have few vitamins and we are less useful. We are also growing very fast and no one has yet complained about the taste of our green feather.

But then the bulbs fell silent, apparently they realized that someone was watching them.

Guys, you want to settle the bulb dispute. Find out which of them will germinate faster, give green feathers, taste and compare them. Are you willing to participate in the experiment?


Growing onions in water.

Grow onions in water.

For the growth of the plant there is light, heat, water.Large and small bulbs have released a huge number of roots into the water, but the green feathers are not the same. We conclude that even in the presence of the same conditions for growth (light, water, heat, onions do not germinate at the same time, regardless of size.

Consider an onion grown in water.

We see that roots and sprouts have appeared. Some time after germination, the onion feather begins to turn yellow, after cutting it grows weakly again. Why? Plants need land to grow.

After three days!!!

Do not forget to water, remember that plants need water to grow.

Summary of work

Conducted experiments where children watched the growth of onions. Established connections: plants - earth, plants - water, plants - man. The results of the experiments were recorded in the drawings, in the photo. We formed ideas about the basic needs of onions, the conditions that are necessary for its growth (water, earth, light, heat). Developed the skills of planting onions on the ground and in a glass of water;

Here is our onion and ready to eat.

In the process of working on the project, she informed the pupils of new knowledge about vegetables, specifically about onions. Onion has bactericidal and antiseptic properties, fights viruses and accumulates the life-giving energy of the earth. Onion improves appetite, assimilation of food, increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases.












Target: To expand children's knowledge about vegetables (onions), its significance in life. To form the ability to properly plant onions.


  1. Educational tasks: to teach how to plant onions correctly; to give knowledge about the basic needs of the onion, the conditions that are necessary for its growth (soil, moisture, heat and light); to consolidate knowledge about the bow, the features of its external structure; fix the names of vegetables.
  2. Developmental tasks: develop logical thinking, develop the child's speech, labor skills.
  3. Educational tasks: to cultivate the desire to achieve results; love for plants, desire to care for them; ability to work in a team.

Methods and techniques:

  1. Game - the use of surprise moments.
  2. Visual (examining the bulb, showing the planting of the bow, observing).
  3. Verbal (conversation, questions, individual answers of children, artistic word, explanation).
  4. System-activity.


Bulbs for each child, a container with earth, shovels, watering cans with water, aprons for each child, pictures.

Preliminary work:

  1. Monitoring the growth and development of plants in a group.
  2. Plant talk.
  3. Learning proverbs and sayings about work.
  4. Reading poems and riddles about plants.
  5. Riddles about fruits and vegetables.
  6. Didactic games: “What grows where”, “Third extra”, “Wonderful bag”.
  7. Looking at vegetables and fruits.
  8. Talk about the benefits of vegetables and fruits.
  9. Teacher's story about medicinal properties Luke.


Cat Matroskin: - Hello children! You recognized me? I am Matroskin the cat. Do you know why I'm so sad? My friend caught a cold and got sick - Uncle Fedor.

I came to you for help. Tell me what to do with Sharik? How to help Uncle Fedor?

Children: - Call a doctor, drink hot tea with honey, warm your feet ...

Matroskin: - Sharik and I called the doctor. The doctor said that Uncle Fyodor needed vitamins. And in the village of Prostokvashino there is no pharmacy (and we have no money). Where can we get vitamins?

Children: - A lot of vitamins in vegetables: onions, carrots, garlic, beets, cabbage ...

Matroskin: - We have these vegetables! We harvested vegetables in the autumn, ate something during the winter, but there was still a little left. Do you think there are vitamins in last year's vegetables?

Children: - Yes, there are, but very few. During the winter, many vegetables lose their useful

properties. For the patient, fresh vegetables are better.

Matroskin: - Where can Sharik and I get fresh vegetables?

Children: - You can plant.

Matroskin: - But vegetables grow for so long, and Uncle Fyodor needs vitamins now!

Children: - You can plant onions. It grows quickly and gives green arrows. They have a lot of vitamins, they protect our body from diseases. They must be eaten, especially when you are sick, then you will quickly recover, become strong, strong,


Matroskin: - Ah! Onion! It is so green, oval, elastic, there are a lot of seeds in the nutria. Yes?

Children: - No. This is a cucumber.

Matroskin: - Well, yes, of course, a cucumber! I remembered that onions are round, soft, red.

Children: - No, it's a tomato.

Matroskin: - Something I'm completely confused. Remind me what it is, this onion?

The child writes a descriptive story.

1. Onion is a vegetable.

2. The shape is round and oval.

3. The color can be yellow, red, orange, purple, golden. It all depends on the type of onion.

4. It tastes bittersweet.

5. Has an unpleasant, pungent odor.

6. Inside the onion pulp. It consists of juicy scales. Outside, the flesh is protected by dry scales. The more dry scales, the longer the onion will be stored.

7. Onions are hard to the touch.

8. It grows in the garden in the beds.

9. It is grown by collective farmers, gardeners, agronomists.

10. In gardens, onions are planted in the spring, plucked in the fall. At home, onions can be planted at any time of the year. They collect it by pulling it out of the ground, and cut the green onions.

11. It can be fried, boiled, canned, stewed, dried, eaten raw. It is put in soup, vegetable stew, salad, fried with meat, vegetables, etc.

12. The benefit of onion is that it contains a lot of vitamins, it protects the body from


Matroskin: - What else do you know about the bow?

  1. In Ghana, they believe that onions are the best snake repellent. Therefore, it is bred near dwellings. Well, if you were bitten by a snake, then the same bow is used as an antidote.
  2. The ancient Egyptians fed it to the builders of the pyramids so that they would not get sick and

Were strong.

  1. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that the bulb had a miraculous property to protect against arrows and sword strikes. The knights wore it on their chest under armor, as


  1. When the top layer dries out, it becomes brittle, such a skin is called onion peel. This husk, if boiled, can color the water. In it, for example, eggs are dyed for Easter. You can also wash your hair with this decoction. Then the hair will acquire a beautiful golden hue.

Matroskin: - How interesting! You are so smart, I suggest you take a break.

Let's play the game "What grows in the garden." I will say sentences and if you agree, then clap your hands, and if not, then stomp your feet.

Guess, guys, what is growing in our garden?
- Green cucumber ("clap")
- Cheerful little man ("stomp")
- Red Tomato
- Poison fly agaric
- Onion
- Or maybe an iron
- Pot-bellied zucchini
- Rainworm
- Round radish
- Delicious sausage.

Matroskin: - So we rested. Sit down. Turns out it's useful

onion! Call him affectionately.

Children: - Luchok, ray.

Matroskin: - I don’t understand, why was the onion called an onion? What are they shooting from?

Children: - We call him onion, because the green shoot, crawling out of the bulb,

bends like a bowstring. Green shoots are called so - arrows.

Matroskin: - Maybe you know proverbs about onions? Tell us!

Children: - Bow and bath rule everything.

Matroskin: What does that mean?

Children: - Onions and a bath will help a sick person get better, recover.

Children: - Eat onions - more teeth will be.

Matroskin: How is this to be understood?

Children: - Whoever eats onions does not have a toothache.

Children: - Onions - from seven ailments.

Matroskin: - From what ailments?

Children: - People believed that onions protect people from various diseases.

Did you have a time when your mother treated you with onions?

Treat ears.

Soak cotton wool with onion juice and insert into the ear.

When your teeth hurt.

Wrap a piece of onion in a cloth and put it in the opposite ear.

With the flu.

Grate the onion and mix with honey and eat 1 tablespoon in the morning, afternoon and evening.

When the throat hurts (tonsillitis).

Mix lemon juice, onion and water. Gargle.

You can grate an apple, onion, mix with honey. Take 1.5 tbsp. spoon. Morning, afternoon and evening.

When the nose does not breathe (runny nose).

You can bury onion juice in the nose.

If you chew a little onion, then not a single harmful microbe will remain in your mouth - they all die.

Onions are a storehouse of vitamins. It contains a huge amount of nutrients and trace elements necessary for a person. volatile essential oils,

For example, to destroy harmful bacteria and infection in a room, it is enough to cut an onion or squeeze a spoonful of juice and leave it on a saucer.

Matroskin: Do you know poems about onions?

Tell us!

Onion tears.

Mom cleans, cuts onions, sheds tears in streams.
Did mother feel sorry for the bitter onion?

W. Lan

Mimic gymnastics:

Matroskin: - And my tears flow when I peel the onion. I suggest you play.

Show me how we are when we are sick (sad facial expression)

When it smells strongly of onions (displeased facial expressions),

When we cut onions (we cry, we rub our eyes with our fists),

When we eat (wrinkle our nose)

Show how happy we are when we have already eaten the onion (smile, happy),

Now show how cheerful, strong we are (marching).

Matroskin: - Well done, you are good at showing.

Matroskin: - You guys, well done, told me a lot of interesting and useful things about onions. Please tell me what it takes to grow an onion


Children: - It is necessary to prepare a box with earth. Bulbs are needed for planting, preferably with sprouted roots.

Matroskin: Why?

Children: - Green onions will grow faster from such bulbs.

Matroskin: - What tools are needed in the work and what are they for?

Children: - For work, aprons are needed so as not to get dirty; blades to

dig holes (holes) for onions; watering cans for watering, a rag to remove dirt.

Educator: - And how to plant the bulb correctly, what part should it be planted in the ground?

Children's answers.

Educator: - That's right, guys. The root is in the ground, and the sprout is up.

Educator: - Guys, come to the table, put on aprons.

We are fun guys

We love to run and jump

And now we'll show you

How can we plant?

We wear aprons

And we all plant the onion.

Root - we are in the ground,

And the sprout is up.

Will grow an onion to fame

Be a healthy person.

Children make indentations with a spatula and plant onions.

Educator: - Guys, what else needs to be done?

Children: - Water.

Educator: - Why water?

Children's answers.

Educator: - Take, guys, watering cans and pour onions.

The children are watering the onions.

Educator: - Well done, now stand up and say the magic words:

You grow, grow, onion

Be not small, but high.

Here are some good fellows

Here are some daredevils

We planted onions together

And they taught Matroskin.

Individual control and assistance of the teacher.

Having finished all the work, the children put the containers on the windowsills, put the work equipment in place, and wash their hands.

Matroskin: Thank you, children. You taught me a lot. I think Uncle Fedor will get better soon

Children: They say I'm bitter, they say I'm unsweetened.

With a green arrow I grow in the garden.

I am the most useful, in that I give you my word.

Eat green onions, you will be healthy.

Svetlana Tuzova
Abstract open class"Planting an onion"

Target: Familiarization with the rules and technique planting plants.


1. Generate interest in growing Luke.

2. Clarify knowledge about the characteristic features of bulbs (round or elongated, is there a bottom and top, color, scales)

3. Clarify children's knowledge of what plants can be grown from (from seeds, bulbs)

4. Learn to plant onions yourself.

Equipment: cups for planting bulbs, sticks, watering cans, earth, onion seeds and small heads Luke.

Lesson progress:

Hello guys, I want to offer you today to do something very interesting. Oh, someone knocked on our door. You heard? (Yes) Who could it be? Let's get a look! Let's look out the door! Wow, we have a package here! You are interested? (Yes). Let's take a look at it! Well open!

I take out a lot of small onions. Guys, what is this? (children's answers)

And why do we need all this? And what should be done about it? Look, there's a letter! (We read letter: Professor Ogorod asks us to help him plant this beam. Can we help? But only we will plant it not here, but in a magical clearing. And there we will go on a carpet - an airplane. Will we fly? (Yes) Well then, let's go! We pass on our carpet - the plane. And so that our fingers hold tightly to each other, we will knead them (finger gymnastics is carried out).

“On a visit to the big finger they came right to the house

Index and Middle, Nameless and last,

Little Finger himself knocked on the threshold.

Together fingers are friends, they cannot live without each other. (repeat twice).

Amazing. And now, we firmly held hands, closed our eyes, imagined that we were flying high, high! Cities and villages, forests and fields float under us. A strong wind is blowing (children depict swaying trees, it suddenly started to rain (raise the handles up, hiding from the rain). And now we will land. We took the handles back and landed, (knees slightly bent, we keep our balance so as not to fall, (while the children are flying on a carpet - an airplane, I make up all the devices for landing on the table). We open our eyes.

On the table are: cups for landings, each has earth in a bag, a watering can, sticks with a certain mark (for deepening, water.

Oh wow! Just look what is here!

What do you know about this vegetable? (children's answers)

Guys, how do you think plant an onion? (children's answers). (Seeds and bulbs, showing seeds Luke) .

Look closely, what familiar objects do you see? What are they needed for? (children's answers).

Take the cups in your hands, in this dish we will plant our onion. What do you think is wrong with this glass? (children's answers)

Right! It has holes in it. What do you think these holes are for? (children's answers) That's right, that would drain excess moisture.

Why do we need water? (children's answers).

But look, there is such an interesting stick with a label, what do you think, what is it for? (children's answers). That's right, make a hole in the ground.

Oh boy, are you tired? Let's get some rest! Come to me, we will do a warm-up with you.

A tall flower grew in a clearing (children raise their hands)

In the morning he opened his petals

All petals beauty and nutrition

Together they give roots under the ground. (Repeat physical. Min. 2-3 times).

(Children sit at tables)

Well, now we will plant our bulbs for greenery. See if your bulbs have roots? (No). Therefore, we will plant it with a semicircular side in the ground, and the tail will be on top. Our onion will give roots in the ground.

All actions I pronounce and at the same time do together with the children.

We each take a glass for ourselves, carefully lay out the earth from the bag. We have sticks with a colored tip on the table, we take it in right hand and not far from the edge we make indentations in two places. This is how you look at me. I show. We insert the stick into the ground at the mark, because the onion cannot be planted deep. We make a hole so that the bulb is visible a little from the ground, plant it, then press the ground around the bulb tightly with your fingers. (Ask one or two children how they will plant onions).

Guys, what needs to be done so that the onion grows quickly. (Water.)

That's right, you need to water it. Where is the best place to put the bow?

Children: To the window. To the light.

Guys, why does the bow need light? (children's answers)

Look, I bow planted a few days ago, it already has green arrows, you can eat it. You will also water your onion and it will grow.

There was an angry old man

Became a green onion

There are many vitamins in it

We are waiting for him for dinner.

We invite all guests to dinner

And serve green onions.

Each one completes their work. Did everyone water their onions?

Guys, what water is better to water the plants? (cold from the tap, or warm, which will stand in the room) Why do you think so?

Why do we need a hole in the glass?

How deep will you plant the bulbs?

Which onion do you think will grow faster, which is in the sun or under the table? Why?

Well that's all landing completed? Well done! Here are some wet wipes for you to dry your hands. And when you come to the group, be sure to wash your hands with soap and water. Well done guys, this is our class is over. Thank you all for your attention.

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