reduction exercises. Charging not only in the morning, or an easy way to say goodbye to excess weight

When such a kind of “floating ring” of fat has formed around the waist, or begins to form, it is urgent to take action. If you do these exercises for thin waist 3-4 times a week, you can quickly lose weight and significantly reduce your waist.

Otherwise, in the future it will be very difficult to get rid of this ring, no diets will help. But ... the exercises that you will see below can significantly reduce this notorious ring, and with some effort and patience, they will help get rid of it forever.

Exercise 1: Corner

Sit on the floor with your legs firmly pressed against each other. Breathe in. As you exhale, slowly lift your straight legs up, tilting your center of gravity slightly back, and grab your ankles with your hands.

Don't bend your knees. Draw in the belly.

Hold this position for 5-6 seconds and return to the starting position.

Repeat this action 10-15 times.

Exercise 2: Little Mermaid for a thin waist

Sit on the floor. Bend your right leg at the knee and place it in front of you, placing your foot on inside thighs of the left leg.

Bend the left leg at the knee and turn it so that it is behind the body. Put your hands on your knees.

Breathe in. As you exhale, raise your hands up, connect your fingers together with your palms up. Pull your stomach in. With force, stretch your joined hands up and to the left, stretching the right side of the body and arching the left side.

Hold in the maximum stretching position for 5-6 seconds and lower your arms. Relax.

Repeat part 1 of step 2 5-8 times.

Reverse the location of the legs to the opposite, and repeat part 2 of the exercise with stretching the already left side of the body and bending down the right side also 5-8 times.

Exercise 3: Arrow

Stand up straight. Breathe in. As you exhale, lift your left leg, placing it parallel to the floor, and at the same time stretch your joined hands forward and slightly up.

Tighten the stomach, eyes look forward and the whole body is “directed” forward and slightly up.
“Fly” like this for a few seconds (6-8) and take the starting position.

Change the supporting leg and do the second part of the 3rd exercise.

Repeat fully 3 exercise 5-8 times.

Exercise 4: Knee to chest

Sit on the floor. Stretch your left leg forward. Tilt your body back and lean on your bent right arm.

Breathe in. As you exhale, bend your right leg at the knee, pull it towards the body, helping with your left hand in such a way as to pinch your stomach.

Pull your stomach in. Pull the toes of both feet away from you. Hold in the maximum pinch position 8-10 sec. and lower your right leg.

Stretch your right leg forward and do part 2 of the fourth exercise.

Repeat step 4 completely 5-8 times.

Alternatively, the knee can be either clamped or released, while feeling how the abdominal muscles contract.

Exercise 5: Legs Parallel to the Floor

Sit on the floor. Place your hands on either side of your body, palms down. Breathe in. As you exhale, raise your legs bent at the knees above the floor so that the shins of the legs are parallel to the floor. At the same time as lifting the legs, tilt the body back. Draw in the belly.

Breathe in. Relax and put your feet on the floor.

Repeat exercise 5 8-10 times.

Exercise 6: Warrior

Stand up straight. Legs shoulder width apart. Lower your arms along the body. Look ahead.

Breathe in. As you exhale, raise your arms up, at the same time take a step forward with your left foot, bend it at the knee and focus on it. The straight right leg is left behind.

We bend the body back and stretch the arms up and slightly back. Draw in the belly. Maintain this body position for 8-10 seconds.
(Alternatively, you can "hold your breath")

Change the supporting leg, and do a total of 8-10 full exercises 6 exercises.

Exercise 7: Stretch

Stand up straight. Cross your legs, placing your feet parallel and as close as possible to each other. Right foot forward.

Hands are lowered along the body. Breathe in. As you exhale, raise your twisted and joined hands together and make a slight tilt to the left, while stretching your arms well. Draw in the belly.

You should feel a stretch on the right side of your body. Maintain this body position for 8-10 seconds.

Inhale and return to starting position.

Step your left foot forward and repeat the exercise while stretching the left side of your body.

Do a total of 10-15 full cycles of 7 exercises.

Exercise 8: Camel

Get on your knees. Take a deep breath.

As you exhale, slowly lean back, arching your back well, and try to grab your heels with your hands (respectively).

The abdomen is drawn in. Look up.

Hold this position for 8-10 seconds. Repeat step 8 5-8 times.

Exercise 9: On one leg

Stand up straight. Lower your arms along the body. Take a deep breath. As you exhale, raise your hands and connect them just below the back of your head.

At the same time, raise the left leg bent at the knee to a level slightly above the navel, and, as it were, push top legs pinched belly slightly up. Hold this position for 8-10 seconds.

Inhale and return to the starting position by lowering your arms and left leg.

Do the second part of step 9, lifting the right leg, now bent at the knee.

Repeat the full cycle of step 9 10-15 times.

Do exercises for a thin waist 3-4 times a week, and you will get real pleasure from the state of your waist.

© Translation into Russian by Svetlana Loginova, specially for

Fashion for miniskirts, short dresses and tight jeans obliges girls to keep fit. A lot of people try to diet. But they do not always help get rid of fat deposits on the side of the thighs, which are also known as riding breeches or ears. Fitness instructors are convinced that regular exercise to reduce the hips in combination with aerobic exercise is the only way to permanently transform this problem area.

Exercises to reduce hips along with proper diet- everything you need to get rid of riding breeches.

It seems that everything is obvious: in order for the riding breeches to disappear, it is necessary to perform exercises on side surface hips. But it's not that simple. The ears on the hips are primarily fat. In order to get rid of it, you need to create a calorie deficit through additional aerobic exercise and dietary changes. But at the same time, fat will not be burned locally, but throughout the body. At the same time, often problem areas (stomach, arms or hips) begin to lose weight last. That is why exercises for riding breeches are needed. They strengthen muscles and activate the process of fat burning in this area.

How to get rid of the hated riding breeches? As you already understood, some exercises from the ears on the hips are clearly not enough. They will give a noticeable effect only in combination with cardio. You can choose any load: running, jumping rope, cycling, exercising elliptical trainer or classical aerobics. Thus, you can simultaneously strengthen muscles and get rid of excess fat.

If you choose to combine strength training and cardio in one session, be sure to follow the sequence. First, do all the exercises to reduce the hips, and only after that move on to aerobics. This approach is more efficient and safer.

How often do you need to exercise? Beginners are advised to do 3 strength and 3 aerobic sessions per week. For a maintenance effect, just 2 strength and 1 cardio workouts per week are enough. Perform each exercise for riding breeches 15-20 times. After a 30 second rest, do 1 more set. Keep in mind that too long rest between sets reduces the effectiveness of the session.

Workout plan for hip reduction

Before class, prepare a mat and a bottle of water. Any clothes are suitable for homework. The only condition is that it does not restrict movement.

Start with a little warm up. Stand up straight, straighten your back and walk in place, lifting your knees high for 1 minute. Then put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and connect your feet in a jump, while raising your hands up and clapping your hands. Make a series of such jumps within 1 minute. These simple movements will warm up the muscles and perfectly prepare the body for the load.

After that, you can begin to perform exercises for riding breeches. Do not forget that muscle effort must be performed on exhalation.

  1. Lunge forward. Stand up straight, connect your legs. Tightening your abdominal muscles, lunge forward with your left foot. Make sure that the knee of the working leg is strictly at the level of the heel, and the back leg remains straight. Keep your back straight. Without changing the position of the knee, perform a series of bends right leg to a right angle. For convenience, when performing the movement, it is allowed to slightly tilt the body forward. Repeat with the other leg.

    Lunges are one of the most effective exercises for beautiful legs and hips. But, they should be performed with caution if you have had knee injuries.

  2. Lunge to the side. Stand up straight. Lunge to the side with your right foot, place your feet parallel to each other. Bend your right leg, slightly tilting the body forward. After completing a few repetitions, change legs.

    Lunges to the side - classic exercise from the ears on the hips.

  3. Standing leg abduction. Next exercise from the ears on the hips is very effective. Take correct technique its implementation Special attention. Stand up straight, place your hands on your belt. Take your left leg out to the side, turning your heel out. At the same time, monitor the condition of the abdominal muscles - they should be tense throughout the exercise. When performing the last repetition, linger at the highest point for 10-15 seconds. Change your leg.

    Breeches exercises always involve hip abduction while standing, sitting, or lying on the floor.

  4. Plie squat. Place your feet wider than your shoulders, turn your toes outward. Stretch your arms at shoulder level. Squat down so that your legs are parallel to the floor. Straighten up slowly. If the movement seems too difficult for you, take a stick with both hands, put it on the floor and use it as a support. Make sure that the back is straight all the time, and the abdominal muscles remain in tension.

    This exercise also perfectly trains the gluteal muscles.

  5. Lying leg abduction. Lie on your right side. Use your right hand as a support and lift the body. Raise your left leg slightly, keeping your toes pointed towards you. As you exhale, lift your leg as high as possible. Perform with the other leg.

    By abducting the legs while lying down, you can complete a set of exercises for the hips.

These exercises from the ears on the hips will take no more than 30 minutes. After their completion, it is useful to carry out a light massage of the thighs with a hard mitten and cosmetic oil. This will increase blood circulation in problem area and enhance the effect of training.

After 2 months of classes, you will see a lasting result - the ears on the hips will noticeably decrease or completely disappear. If you want to continue training for an even more amazing effect, choose a new more difficult program or increase the number of repetitions in your usual exercises to reduce the hips.

Weak abdominal muscles! This is a constant source of embarrassment no matter your age. No one wants a protruding belly to ruin their figure. And this is the most difficult part of the body to lose belly fat. Here are the answers to how to reduce the stomach. But first, we will tell you why this happened.

Why did you get belly fat?

There is a whole a number of causes of belly fat, even in adolescent girls:

Your genes may be responsible for your tummy folds.

Weak metabolism is another reason. You may have noticed that some of your friends eat a lot of sugary foods, fried foods, or drink cold drinks and manage to keep their stomachs flat. The reason is that these girls have very good exchange substances. If your metabolism is not very good, you may have a bloated belly.

If the muscles around your belly are saggy, this can lead to belly fat as well.

Learn to sit up straight from childhood. Sitting with an arched back can lead to the accumulation of fat in the abdomen.

And now we will tell you how to reduce belly fat

How to shrink your belly:

Diet and exercise go hand in hand. If you think that only with the help of a diet will burn belly fat, then you are mistaken. If you really want to lose weight, then you need to include an hour exercise into your everyday life. Here are some exercises to reduce belly fat!

1 Exercise: Twisting:

This is the first exercise that comes to mind to reduce belly fat!

You've read in magazines and seen on TV that twisting is easy. magic exercise when it comes to burning belly fat.

Lie flat on the mat with your knees bent and feet on the ground. Alternatively, you can raise your legs off the floor at a 90-degree angle.

[Read how you can lose a couple of pounds and weight with]

2. Now raise your arms and place them behind your head or keep them crossed over your chest.

III. Inhale deeply and lift your torso off the floor, lift your torso off the floor, exhale and come back down.

B. Do this for 10 times if you are a beginner.

VI. Do 2-3 more repetitions.

One little tip when you lift your torso - don't just sit up straight. You should sit at a 30-40 degree angle from the ground. This will put more pressure on your abdominal muscles.

2 Twisting twists:

Once you get used to regular twisting, change basic exercise for even more tummy benefits!

1 Lie on the floor with your hands behind your head.

II. Now bend your knees, keeping them on the floor.

III. Raise your right shoulder, pulling it to the left, the left side of the torso should be on the floor. Do the same with the left shoulder, lift the left shoulder to the right, keeping the right side of the torso on the floor.

B. Repeat 10 times.

Perform the exercise in the same way as with twisting twists, only you must simultaneously tilt your legs in the same direction as your shoulder.

Lie on the floor, arms along the body, palms turned to the floor.

II. Raise your legs, bending at the knees, and keep them suspended at a 90-degree angle.

III. Now lift your hips so that you bring your legs closer to your chest. You should lift your hips until you feel pressure on your stomach.

B. Relax your legs and return to the starting position.

Lie on the floor, stretch your legs up and cross one knee over the other.

Now raise your torso to 30-40 degrees from the floor.

Do 12-16 reps with 3 sets.

No, you don't need a bike for this exercise!

Lie on the floor and place your arms either along your torso or behind your head.

II. Now lift both legs off the floor with your knees bent.

III. Pull your right knee close to your chest, keeping your left leg free. Now straighten your right leg, and pull your left knee close to your chest.

B. Bend your knees as if you were on a children's bike.

This exercise is for beginners who want to quickly get rid of belly fat.

Stand up straight, feet hip-width apart. Keep your knees slightly bent. Raise both hands in front of you and keep them straight at your shoulders.

Do big step forward with your right foot and lower yourself down as if into a chair, making sure your right knee is bent at a 90 degree angle from the floor. The left leg should be straight and extended.

The spine must be straight. Don't lean forward. This is very Wrong way performing a lunge.

Rotate your body to the right and then to the left. Rotate your torso, not your legs.

Keep repeating this exercise for 16 times.

Sit on the floor, bend your knees and elbows.

Keep your neck and back straight. Look ahead.

Raise your knees up, lightly touching the floor with your toes.

Keep your knees up and breathe normally. This is the plank pose. Stay in this pose for 30 seconds.

Then start moving back and forth for the next 30 seconds. This is a Plank rental.

[Read the article about women's haircuts - Hairstyles of Greek Goddesses with an example]

9 Exercise Side Planks:

Lie on the floor, on your side.

Support yourself on the elbow of your right arm and right leg. Your left elbow should be perpendicular to your shoulder and your left leg should be higher than your right leg, keeping your feet together.

Keep your knees straight and your hips should not touch the ground.

Hold this position for 30 seconds. Once you get comfortable, you can spend 1-2 minutes in this position.

Repeat the same exercise with the other side.

During this exercise, you can also lift your top leg and lower it down. This makes the exercises more effective. It helps to lose fat not only from the abdomen, but also from the hips.

10 Exercise for Slimming Belly Vacuum:

Get down on the floor, on all fours, support yourself on your hands and knees.

Now take a deep breath, relax your stomach.

As you exhale, tighten your abdominal muscles.

Hold the contraction of the abdominal cavity for 15-30 seconds.

Repeat one more time.

11 "Captain's chair":

Sit in a chair with a straight back.

Keep both hands next to your hips.

Take a deep breath.

Now as you exhale, pull both legs up so that your knees touch your chest. Hold for 5 seconds. Don't tilt your back forward.

Lower your legs and repeat again.

12 Exercise for the abdomen "Tilts from side to side":

This is the best exercise for slimming your waist.

Stand up straight with your feet together. Raise your arms above your head.

Tilt your body to the right as much as possible until you feel tension on the left side. Stay in this pose for 15 seconds.

Return to starting position.

Now lean to the left. Maintain this position for another 15 seconds.

You can slowly increase the exposure time up to 30 seconds.

These are simple and effective strengthening exercises. You can do them to reduce belly fat at home easily, without any exercise equipment. You just need a mat and a lot of stamina. Is belly fat reduction no longer a big question mark for you?

Even the thinnest waist can be spoiled by ugly rollers that appear after childbirth or a sharp weight gain. To get rid of them, you need to special exercises for the sides and abdomen, which will help tighten the ligaments and skin.

Fitness loads without devices

At home, it is not always possible to use special dumbbells or barbells to eliminate fat accumulations, but even without them there is enough effective exercises from the sides.

The simplest option is tilt from side to side. You need to put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders and stretch your arms over your body. Take turns bending over different sides, while raising your free hand (which is not at an angle of inclination). The main thing is not to do the slopes very quickly, the muscles should tighten when flexing and unbending. Repeat the maximum number of times in two sets.

In order to quickly remove full sides, you need to combine several types of this exercise in one approach, as if creating an easy super-set. After the end of simple slopes, you need to proceed to slopes and turns. They will help warm up the oblique muscles.

Photo - slopes

Next, we proceed to press. There are many options for how to pump up your stomach at home and thereby eliminate the roller. For example, you can lift in turn upper press and bottom. Some celebrities even do both at the same time.

Photo - Side press

How to download the press for women:

  1. You need to lay an exercise mat on the floor - it will provide the desired rigidity of the surface. Depending on the structure of the spine, it may be necessary to place a small pillow under the lower back;
  2. We put our hands behind our heads and begin to lift the press;
  3. We repeat the maximum number of times, after which we immediately begin to raise the torso. In this case, heated ligaments give the greatest return;
  4. Many athletes advise twisting to tighten the oblique muscles of the body and reduce the waist. It should be noted that they are not suitable for girls who want to reduce their sides. Theoretically, of course, the fat will go away, but instead you will become the owner of enough broad muscles, which will still visually burden the waist.

Photo - Press on lateral muscles

But at the same time twists are the best exercises For fast burning excess fat on the sides. Only girls need to do them a little differently. When you lift the body, you need to strain the press at the end point even more than it is tense at that moment. Then slowly release it and lower yourself.

For flat stomach and round sides just need to be done leg curls. This is a complex exercise that also helps tighten the pelvis after childbirth and strengthen the front of the thigh. Starting position: on the floor with a ball or bottle sandwiched between the legs. The knees are bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Tilt them to the sides with the ball, trying to touch the surface of the mat.

Photo - Twisting

Since many exercises for the lateral muscles require bending and twisting, mill combines all options. This perfect way for feminine rounded sides. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, spread your arms in different directions, they should be straight, like both knees. Bend over and start waving your palms to the sides. Do as much as you can.

Photo - Mill

Bodyflex exercises for slimming the sides and lower press also easy to do at home. For example, the most effective of this technique is the following. You need to sit in the main breathing position, knees bent and tucked under you, hands free. Inhale and move your left hand to the right side, while exhaling, you need to reach the maximum point of inclination and linger a little in this position. Do the same with the other hand. In addition to the wasp waist, this exercise guarantees an increase in the flexibility of the back and legs.

This whole set of exercises for the sides will help complete training for gymnastic ball or fitball. She will remove all unnecessary from the bottom of the tummy and waist. You need to lift the torso on it, jump, do push-ups. It is also a great way to quickly warm up the body before exercise.

Photo - On a gymnastic ball

Video: side exercises

Classes in the fitness room

Of course, doing at home is simple and pleasant, but the most effective exercises for the abdomen and sides are performed in gym. This is due to the huge number of different simulators and dumbbells. To quickly reduce the abdomen and sides is used roman chair. This machine is designed for swinging the press and gives much better results than simple body lifts from the floor.

Photo - On a Roman chair

You need to sit on a chair and put your feet under the rollers, at this time your hands hold your head so that the neck muscles do not swing instead of the press. Start to lift the body, make sure that the load does not pass to the front of the thigh. Do as much as you can.

Just excellent indicators for most women have exercises for the waist and abs. with dumbbells. They help to provide some weight during exercise. You can start with the smallest ones - from a kilogram to two, but you don’t need to linger on them. Take dumbbells in your hands and take them to your head, they should be at ear level. To strengthen the press and remove wrinkles, you can swing on a Roman chair or just from a straight bench. Holding the dumbbells near your ears, lift your body up.

A good exercise that will help get rid of fat on the sides, abdomen and tighten back muscles is vertical bends with dumbbells. The main difference between this option and the classic dumbbell row, which helps to increase the deltoid, is that it has a very small amplitude of execution. You need to take the dumbbells and move them on straight arms above your head, then bend from side to side the maximum number of times.

Photo - Tilts with dumbbells

It is worth noting that the press is involved in almost all simulators and devices. Eg, squats will help to comprehensively tighten the muscles of the body. They will get rid of the ears, sides and flabbiness of the legs. How to squat with a barbell:

  1. Feet shoulder-width apart, it is recommended to install rugs under the heels;
  2. The vulture lies on shoulder muscles, on the inhale we squat - on the exhale we get up;
  3. It is very important to ensure that the knees look in different directions;
  4. The back is straight all the time, do not bend it, otherwise this exercise can harm.

Photos after squats convince that the girls did not become jocks, but acquired more sinewy and embossed muscles. it's the same a good option to remove deposits in the large area gluteal muscle.

Photo - Turns with a stick

Similarly, bench press Can be used for more than just tightening pectoral muscles but also for the development of abdominal ligaments. Lie down on a bench, feet should be on the floor, rest on it. On inhalation, remove the barbell from the holders and lower to the chest, while exhaling, raise. Repeat up to 15 times.

And the latest exercise to restore the flexibility of the back, thin waist and flat tummy is deadlift. It's complicated enough, but effective option get rid of fat folds. Barbell on the floor or lower bindings, back straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Lower the bar as you inhale until it hits the floor, then raise it as you exhale. It's also a great activity for rear surface thighs and buttocks.

Physiotherapy for weight loss will be useful for people with problems of the musculoskeletal system. If you suffer from serious illnesses, workouts such as step aerobics, running and power complexes will have to be abandoned. But if the desire to reduce weight is great, gymnastics comes to the rescue. In addition to weight loss, health gymnastics help improve general state body and provide energy for the coming day. If you will perform simple exercises regularly, you will soon feel how immunity is strengthened, metabolic processes are accelerated and chronic diseases gradually go away.

  • Oncology;
  • High blood pressure;
  • bleeding;
  • Severe diseases of internal organs;
  • Spinal injuries (including craniocerebral);
  • Infectious diseases of the joints;
  • Six months after a stroke;
  • Viral and colds during the period of exacerbation, with high fever;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

When there are no contraindications and you start to get rid of excess weight with the help of therapeutic exercises, keep in mind some more points. During and after classes, constantly monitor the body. If doing the exercises, you feel sharp pain or severe discomfort, eliminate them or replace them with others. If after class you have a breakdown, then you took an excessive load. Then it is better to reduce the load, reduce the time or briefly interrupt classes.

Take care of comfortable clothes - light, pleasant to the body, made of natural fabric, breathable and moisture-permeable, free and not constraining movements. Pay attention to the color - bright and pure colors cheer you up, and classes will become easy and positive.

How and what exercises can be done

So let's lose weight! This process is both useful and even enjoyable. Therapeutic gymnastics for those who want to lose weight excludes too intense and moving exercises. There are those for whom you do not need to strain a lot and reach Olympic heights. Everything is a pleasure.

You can start with 20 minutes of daily exercise. If you want, do it every other day, but not less often. It is recommended to gradually increase the time and load, but not to bring to excessive training. The optimal time is 40-60 minutes.

Warm up

Gymnastics for weight loss begins with a warm-up, which accelerates the blood through the vessels - this is walking in place, light jumps or other movements you like. Such a warm-up improves metabolism, which is important in the course of weight loss.


We list the standard elements of such gymnastics. They are usually shown to everyone.

Exercises lying on your back:

  • Raise the pelvis and bend at the same time upper part body;
  • In turn, while exhaling, raise to the stomach, while inhaling, lower the bent leg;
  • Raise one arm while inhaling, and extend the other to the side, while exhaling, lower it down.

Exercises lying on the stomach:

  • Raise your body and bend at the same time thoracic region spine;
  • Leaning on your hands, raise your legs and lift your torso.

Exercises on all fours:

  • Simultaneously extend the right arm and left leg, then change;
  • Leaning on your hands, bend them at the elbows so that the chest lies on the surface on which you are exercising.

Try to increase the load over time - do the exercises as slowly as possible. At the same time, the muscles tense up more and calories are burned more intensively.

Stretch marks

With such exercises, they are reduced - this is useful for reducing fat mass and removing toxins from the body, and therefore - for weight loss. Common exercise: choose a pose, tighten your muscles and try to stretch. Hold this position for at least 30 seconds, and then gradually increase the time.

More walking and walking

If you can't, walking is fine. You can safely devote much more time to walking than 1 hour a day. Walk on fresh air, find yourself a suitable company, choose a park or square for walking. Such walks have a positive effect on mood. Skip the elevator, go up and down the stairs only on foot, and you will soon see that this gives an obvious result.


Therapeutic gymnastics also includes swimming, which is suitable for people even with a lot of weight. It is effective due to the fact that all muscle groups are involved. It also evokes a lot of positive emotions.

dance a lot

Dance is the most positive and favorite exercise for weight loss in women. No canons, only grace and grace! Dancing burns a lot of calories, and it's not just the movements, but the fact that they bring great pleasure. No need to sign up for special courses, turn on your favorite music at home - and immerse yourself in the dance!

We add tips that will help those interested in weight loss exercises:

  • After gymnastics, restore the pulse. Therefore, do relaxation exercises last.
  • Be sure to take water procedures. During exercise, the vessels expand, and if you take a shower after gymnastics, they will narrow again. Practice hardening and rubbing.
  • Take a holistic approach. Gymnastics for weight loss should be combined with a diet. Adjust your diet by eliminating unnecessary foods and eating only what is healthy.
  • Take advantage of every opportunity for extra work. When watching TV, get up every time and adjust the volume on the TV, not on the remote. When you want to get a thing lying high, do not rush to get up on a chair, but try to reach out. Bend more often, squat, jump, stretch - in a domestic home environment, you can come up with a lot of weight loss exercises to keep yourself in shape.


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