Training for defenders in football. UEFA coach: the most useful football training in Spanish football

3.3.1. Individual tactics

Individual attack tactics should be understood as purposeful actions of a football player, his ability to choose the most correct from several possible solutions to a given game situation, the ability of a football player, if his team has the ball, to get out of control of the opponent, to find and create a playing space for himself and partners, and if you need to win the fight with the defender.

Individual actions in attack are divided into actions without the ball and with the ball.

Actions without the ball

Actions without the ball include “opening”, distracting the opponent and creating a numerical advantage in a separate part of the field.

"Opening"- this is the movement of a player in order to create favorable conditions for receiving the ball from a partner.

For a skillful “opening”, the player must assess well the expediency of a particular position. Timely occupation of a more advantageous position may depend on the speed qualities of the attacker and the defender opposing him, the actions of partners and other factors. Success largely depends on how quickly the attacker is in position to receive the ball and follow up with it.

During the attack, the players constantly move without the ball, i.e. maneuver across the field. On how correctly they choose a position, how many “offers” they make to a partner who owns this moment ball, the results of the actions and ultimately the outcome of the match depend.

In all cases, when choosing a position, the player must be guided by the following:

1. “Opening” must be performed unexpectedly for the opponent and at high speed. This will allow you to “break away” from the opponent and create a certain margin of space to receive the ball.

2. "Opening" must not interfere with other partners' actions without the ball.

4. Care must be taken not to end up in an offside position.

Distracting the opponent- this is a complex movement to a certain area in order to take away the guardian and thereby provide freedom of action to the partner who owns the ball or is in a better position to directly threaten the goal.

When distracting actions, it must be remembered that the movements must be convincing, i.e. really create a threat and thereby force the defenders to follow the movers. It is advisable to have several options for distracting actions, which will make it extremely difficult for the defense to act.

Creating a numerical advantage in a separate section of the field- this is the expedient movement of one or a group of players to the zone where the partner with the ball is located. This creates a numerical advantage in a certain area of ​​the field, which can be used to beat an opponent in single combat or with the help of combinations. Most often, this tactical action is used in a gradual attack with the inclusion of a significant number of players in the attack.

An expedient combination of the tactical examples indicated here makes it possible to effectively use more options for various combinations in the development and completion of attacks.

Actions with the ball

The main options for a player in possession of the ball are dribble, dribble, hit, pass and stop the ball, i.e. all techniques.

Doing as a tactical tool, it is advisable to use in cases where the partners of the player who owns the ball are covered by opponents and there is no possibility for a pass. Then the player must start moving with the ball along the length or width of the field.

It must be remembered that a football player without the ball moves faster than with the ball, and therefore holding the ball slows down the development of the attack and makes it difficult for partners who, having moved to an advantageous position and not receiving the ball, often have to change position again.

Stroke- is the action of a player in possession of the ball, with the aim of winning a duel with an opponent. This is the most important means of individual defense overcoming. The more varied and effective the stroke techniques, the more dangerous the attack becomes.

There are the following types of stroke: with a change in the speed of movement; with a change in direction of movement; deceptive movements (feints).

Stroke by changing the speed of movement most beneficial when dribbling the ball along the sideline or when the ball carrier moves diagonally. You can vary this stroke method by decreasing or increasing the speed in some part of the movement.

Stroke by changing the direction of movement has two main options: the first is applied in cases where the defender is in front of the player in possession of the ball; the second option is used when the defender is behind or behind - on the side and moves in the same direction as the ball carrier, and catches up with him.

Stroking with deceptive movements (feints)- the most effective means of conducting martial arts in a relatively small playing space (actions in the opponent's penalty area, etc.).

Stroke should never be an end in itself. It is always a tactical tool that allows you to create favorable conditions for hitting, passing, creating numerical superiority in a separate section of the field, etc.

shots on goal- the main means of completing all attacking actions. Without skillful tactical application of these “final” actions, all efforts of the team aimed at achieving success will be fruitless.

Transfers are a kind of intermediate link between individual and group actions in football. Deciding which transmission to whom should be given when, as well as making decision, the football player demonstrates individual skill. At the same time, the transfer can be a means of implementing interactions between two or three athletes, i.e. group action.

Varying various types passes (Fig. 48), the attackers cause the opponent’s players to move, forcing them either to move forward (with transverse passes), or move closer to the flanks (with longitudinal transfers), and also quickly shifting the direction of attack from flank to flank (with long diagonal transfers ).

Each of the passes can be effective in certain cases (fast or slow opponent; whether he is active at interceptions or prefers to tackle the ball; good or weak heading, etc.), which must be taken into account by the player making the pass.

Short and medium passes across the field are more reliable. However, these passes make it difficult to carry out high-speed attack maneuvers and allow the opponents to regroup their forces in the most dangerous sector of the attack. At the same time, long longitudinal and diagonal passes, and partly medium ones, allow attacking at high speed, introducing an element of surprise, which makes it difficult for the defenders to act and creates favorable conditions for players to enter the strike position. Of course, passes of this kind are associated with a significant risk of losing the ball. But this risk is fully justified, since if successful, an immediate threat is created to the gate.

Factors affecting the effectiveness of transmissions are:

1. Technical skill of a football player.

2. Ability to see the field (location of partners and opponents, their positions).

3. The tactical thinking of the player in possession of the ball, his ability to quickly determine which of the partners and which pass is most appropriate to perform in a given game situation.

4. Maneuverability of the partners and hence the number of “offers” made to the player in possession of the ball.

3.3.2. Group tactics

Most of the tactical tasks that arise during a football match are solved precisely by group actions, i.e. through combinations. Essentially, the whole game consists of a chain of combinations and countering them. At the same time, combinations are pre-prepared in the process of training and improvised, i.e. arising during the course of the match.

Each team consists of links, i.e. tactical units that

certain moments of the game jointly decide any tactical

task. It is quite obvious that only confident, coordinated actions of all participants can bring success to the combination. That is why mutual understanding, or, as they sometimes say, “sense of a partner,” is of particular importance when choosing and implementing a particular combination. Only athletes with a unified understanding of the game can solve the task in one plan and, having chosen a combination, successfully implement it.

It is customary to distinguish between two main types of combinations: with standard positions and during a game episode.

Rice. 48. Classification of gears

Combinations in standard positions(throwing in, corner kick, free kick, free kick, goal kick) allow you to place players in advance in the most advantageous areas of the field for combinations. Each combination has its own options

Do not think that combinations in standard positions are always formulaic. A high-class team must be able to play different combinations from the same starting position.

Depending on the task set, either the player with an excellent set of with a strong blow, or a player with a tactical mindset. It is desirable that when performing strikes in the immediate vicinity of the opponent's goal, two or three players are located at the ball. Then the opponents will not be able to determine in advance whether a shot on goal will be taken or a rally will follow.

Combinations in game episodes occur after the team has gained possession of the ball. It is obvious that the players of this team, not being able to get into position before taking possession of the ball, must perform movements during the course of the combination itself. That is why combinations of this kind always have a touch of improvisation. The ability to change the content of a specific combination depending on the game situation that has arisen (while maintaining the basic principles of a combination of this type) is available only to football players with high level tactical skill. Thus, we can say that the highest level of tactical training of individual players and the team as a whole lies in the ability to creatively fulfill the plan outlined by the coach, skillfully combine simulated combinations with improvisation.

Group actions in game episodes are divided into interactions in pairs, triplets, etc.

Pair combinations. The interaction of two partners includes combinations “to the wall”, “crossing” and “one-touch transfer”.

Combination "on the wall"- one of the most effective ways to beat a defender with the help of a partner. Its essence is that the player who owns the ball, having approached his partner (or the partner has approached him), unexpectedly sends him the ball and on top speed rushes behind the back of the defender. The partner in one touch changes the speed and direction of the ball in such a way that the first player can take possession of the ball without slowing down, and the defenders cannot interfere with him or intercept the ball.

This kind of combination requires excellent rapport and technical skill from the partners. The wall player can take a position in front, diagonally, to the side, and even behind a teammate with the ball. The combination “to the wall” can be successfully used on any part of the field, but it is especially effective when breaking through the opponent’s defense right next to the goal.

Combination "crossing" most often used in the middle of the field or on the outskirts of the penalty area. It consists in the fact that at a certain point the player in possession of the ball meets with a partner, leaves him the ball and continues to move in the original direction. further initiative belongs to the player with the ball.

usually used to gain time, while providing for a quick exit of one of the partners to a new position. With the help of “one-touch passes”, the attackers make it difficult for the defenders to determine the further direction of the attack and, moving forward, reduce the distance from the opponents’ goal and at the same time do not allow the defenders to get close to one of the attackers to take the ball.

Threesome combination. The interaction of the three partners includes such types of combinations as “interchangeability”, “passing the ball” and “passing the water touch”.

"Interchangeability" combination most effective and has the greatest prospects. Its main goal is to beat opponents by moving the player from his line to the line of his partner, after he “led away” the opponent opposing him from there.

On fig. 49 shows the "interchangeability" combination. Its goal is to connect one of the extreme defenders to the attack. The defender in possession of the ball (No. 3) passes it to a teammate (No. 2), who started moving towards the attacker (No. 7). At the moment when the defender of the opponent (No. 5) tries to attack his ward, the player who received the ball gives it to his teammate (No. b), who immediately makes a pass to the flank player (No. 2) who has connected (at high speed) on the right edge ). Interchangeability occurred between the striker (#7) and the winger (#2). With the same success, players of the defensive line interact with the players of the middle line. As a result of the combination, a playing space was formed for a player who joined the attack from his own half of the field. These combinations can be successfully used on any part of the field. Moreover, several combinations of this type allow you to advance for a long time, beating opponents due to the numerical advantage in one or another part of the field.

Rice. 49. Combination “interchangeability”

Combination "passing the ball" successfully used when completing flank attacks directly in the opponents' penalty area.

Finishing the attack on the edge, the attackers often use a strong transverse (shooting) pass along the gate. Actively going to a shooting pass and simulating an attempt to make a shot on goal, the football player secretly misses the ball to a partner who gets the opportunity to make a shot on goal, since all the attention of the defenders, as a rule, is focused on the player who is closer than others to the ball.

One Touch Transfer Combination with three partners is performed in compliance with the same principles as with two partners. The only difference is that transmissions can now be made in a variety of directions. Most often, a combination is carried out in a triangle and in motion. “One-touch passes” allow you to suddenly and at high speed change the direction of the development of the attack, and, if necessary, gain time to regroup forces or change positions.

General instructions for the combination game

1. In the process of training, you should learn the structure of the combination, its meaning and the basic principles of execution. Only in this case, the players will be able to carry out combinations in relation to a specific game situation.

2. Tactical combination is a synthesis of individual tactical thinking and group understanding. The main thing in the implementation of combinations is not the mechanical memorization of one or another group action structure, but the creative application of one's knowledge and skills during the match.

3. A football match consists of a combination of simple, well-played, and complex multi-way tactical combinations with a large number of players participating in their implementation. It is rather difficult to prepare for multi-way combinations: they arise during the meeting itself and are mostly improvised. The quality of their performance will largely depend on the ability of the players to be fluent in simple, well-played combinations.

4. When studying various variants of combinations, one must remember that the more parts of one previously learned combination are included in a new one, the faster it is mastered. It is very useful to know the different ways of developing combinations with the same standard opening. Such a variety of ending combinations greatly complicates the organization of defense.

5. When performing combinations, distracting actions of teammates are of particular importance. With their movements, they create a potential threat to the opponents' goal and distract the attention of the defenders.

3.3.3. Team tactics

Team tactics unites the efforts of all players, gives harmony to the organization of the game. Without a clear organization of the attacking and defensive actions of the entire team, the game will be chaotic, unfocused, and the players will simply run around the field, trying at any cost to take possession of the ball and score it into the goal.

During the meeting, each team has to repeatedly attack when it has the ball, or defend when the opponent has the ball, while using various methods and means of struggle, which constitute the tactics of the game. The main thing in tactics is the determination of the optimal means, methods and forms of attack and defensive actions.

The choice of tactics in each individual case will depend on the tasks facing the team, the balance of forces and combative pairs of players, the state of the field, climatic conditions, etc.

For more than a century of football history, many tactical systems have been created that provide for a clear placement and distribution of player functions. Consider the basic principles of team attack tactics.

In any tactical system, command tactics are carried out through two types of actions: a quick and gradual attack.

fast attack

Most effective way The attacking action of the team is a fast attack. The advantage of a quick attack is that the opponents in this case do not have enough time to regroup their forces in defense. the actions of the attackers are extremely saturated with elements of surprise, the players act at high speeds. They maneuver a lot around the field and create an opportunity in the shortest possible time, with the help of a small number of passes, to bring one of the partners to a shock position. The most effective is a quick attack in retaliatory attacks.

After a team has gained possession of the ball during a play sequence, three phases of a fast attack can be distinguished:

the initial phase - the transition from defense to attack: the return of the players who participated in the defense to their places in the attack line and the quick transfer of the ball to the player in front;

development of an attack - the implementation of a breakthrough in the defense of opponents before they have time to strengthen and organize actions to neutralize the attack;

the completion of the attack - the creation of a scoring situation and a shot on goal.

On fig. 50 shows a quick attack variant after a team has won a duel in its own penalty area, where the ball was directed after an attack on the right side. One of the central defenders - Z won the fight for the high ball and sent it to the midfield player - b. He immediately makes a transfer to the attacker free from guardianship - 9 and moves forward at high speed. The player who received the ball has two options for subsequent actions: using a distracting maneuver of the partners, go to the shock position or, moving forward and “pulling out” one of the defenders, pass the ball to the released partner for further actions.

Rice. 50. Fast attack

Basic requirements for organizing a fast attack

1. Quickly execute a forward pass and cut off the attacking opponents so that they do not have time to return to the defense.

2. When developing and completing an attack, use well-played combinations at high speed.

3. To carry out a high-speed breakthrough maneuver along the flank, in the center or along the entire front. The main thing is to choose the shortest path to the exit to the shock position.

4. Players of the front line of attack should master the art of martial arts well, i.e. be able to beat an opponent alone. Using the shortest paths to reach the striking position, at the first opportunity to take a shot on goal or create conditions for a goal to be scored by a partner.

5. Have several players on the team to whom the first pass from defense is addressed. Partners must know well the favorite position of these players in order to address the ball to them with the least amount of time. It is in the fastest possible transfer of the ball to the front edge of the attack that the surprise of the team action lies. The first transfer is often received by the “dispatcher” of the team. He is better than others able to continue a swift attack, as he assesses the game situation faster and more accurately than other partners.

6. The mid-line players must move at maximum speed towards the opponents' penalty area, creating a second line of attack in case a quick attack does not bring the desired result and the opponents manage to organize a defense.

Gradual attack

The most common form of organizing attacking actions of a team is a gradual attack. It creates the possibility of long-term control of the ball, as combinations are made using short and medium passes. At the same time, some passes are performed across the field, especially when players from the defensive line are connected to the attack. The long time spent on the development of the attack allows the defenders to regroup their forces and reliably block the most dangerous zones for scoring. Organized defense, in turn, requires the attackers to perform a series of combinations (based on a breakthrough of defensive formations in one of the links). It is quite obvious that it is extremely rare to overcome a massive defense with small forces, which means that a significant number of players must be included in the attack in order to create a numerical advantage in a separate section of the field.

Maneuvering along the length and width of the field allows you to increase the base of the attack, complicate it. Without all this, the team cannot count

to success in the implementation of a gradual attack.

Figure 51 shows an attack launched by the goalkeeper with the involvement of a midfield player. Due to multi-way combinations, with a gradual attack on the shock position, a number of players from the middle of the field and the defensive line are displayed

With a gradual attack, the following phases are distinguished:

initial phase- transition from defense to attack: the return of the attacking players who participated in the defense to their places in the attack line and passing the ball to one of the opened full-backs;

attack development- a gradual advance to the opponents' goal, carried out through various combinations with the creation of a numerical advantage in certain areas of the field and individual actions of the attackers. These actions take place in a well-organized defense of opponents;

completion of the attack- creating a scoring situation in order to bring one of the attackers to the shock position.

Rice. 51. Gradual attack

Basic requirements for organizing a gradual attack

1. Perform exactly the first transfer to one of the opened partners. It is most expedient to make this transfer to the sideline, since there is no great saturation of players there, and in case of an error, the opponent does not get the opportunity to directly threaten the goal.

2. Actively maneuver along the front and the length of the field to all players of the front and middle line. Especially important is the skillful “opening” of the partners closest to the player with the ball.

3. Provide for the possibility of a quick longitudinal or diagonal pass directly to the front line of attack, i.e. transition to a high-speed breakthrough.

4. Skillfully use the alternation of fast and slow speeds (the ability to “explode”) in the development of an attack. Such actions always complicate the organization of defense to the limit.

5. Change the direction of attack from one flank to another due to long, transverse or diagonal passes. This ensures the development of the attack across the entire width of the field and stretches the defense of the opponents.

b. Apply simulated combinations with the withdrawal of a number of players to the shock position. These team activities are creatively carried out by groups of players who can sometimes improvise as the situation dictates.

7. Connect the players of the middle and back lines of the attacking team to the strike position, since the players of the front line of attack are guarded more strictly.

8. Conduct an attack in layers. In this case, the attack can be continued even if the opponents manage to hit the ball at some point without address.

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The extremity of the conditions of competitive struggle in modern football is due to the great variety and dynamism of game situations, the difficulty of their perception and recognition, the lack of information for decision-making, the spatio-temporal restrictions of game actions, the need to coordinate individual actions when solving group problems. Therefore, scientists and experts believe that the rational organization of the activities of players and the team as a whole, more advanced tactics are of decisive importance in football (A. Withers, 1968; A. Chanadi, 1981; Waxes Leonard. 1983; G. M. Gadzhiev, 1984; L. Kachani, 1984; G. D. Kachalin, 1986; A. V. Petukhov, 1990; A. P. Zolotarev, 1993; R. Hussy, 1997, etc.),

Outstanding domestic coach V.V. Lobanovsky (1989) wrote about this: “Coaches should focus their closest attention on tactics. It is in it that those additional reserves are hidden that allow you to increase your playing power and raise your class. In fact, many teams have achieved excellent achievements in physical training, technical skills have noticeably grown, they comprehend - when successfully, when not - the secrets of psychological adjustment, strong-willed training, but tactical poverty and monotony have set the teeth on edge" (p. 149).

One of the reasons for this situation is the lack of effectiveness of training young football players football tactics. In the current situation, one of the priority areas for improving the sportsmanship of young football players should be training in group tactical actions.

In each game action of a football player, two interconnected sides are conditionally distinguished: external - a way to solve a motor problem with a certain motor structure (technique) and internal - mental processes associated with the choice of a way to resolve a game situation (tactics).

Passing the ball as a group tactical action is the main tactical element of the game of football. The necessary conditions for coordinating the actions of players when making passes is the adequacy of understanding the current game situation.

IN competitive activity in football, there is a certain recurrence of game situations that have common features for them. Therefore, a necessary condition for the formation of the ability of athletes to recognize and evaluate game situations is their classification with the allocation of their essential identification features. Taking into account these features, the most effective variants of game actions are determined.

Game situations are defined by us as holistic, systematically organized formations that:

1) have an elemental composition (ball, players of both teams);

2) the elements that make up its content are located on the football field and are in constant motion;

3) the location and movement of the elements of the game situation are interconnected and interdependent;

4) the system-forming factor that determines the location and movement of the elements of the game situation is the goals of attack and defense.

An attacking game situation is the location of the player in possession of the ball, his partners and opponents at a particular moment of playing time, moving in a certain direction and at a certain speed and moving the ball in order to create, maintain and realize a numerical advantage in the area where the ball is located.

Individual technical and tactical actions are techniques performed by a player to improve the game situation in attack and defense. Individual technical and tactical actions with the ball are a kick (on goal, in the direction of a partner), dribble, dribble, tackle, interception, position selection, actions without the ball - opening and closing.

Group tactical action is a holistic system-organized action, including in its content as its elements the coordinated individual technical and tactical actions of a group of players, aimed at improving the game situation.

A group tactical action in an attack, performed with the ball, is the transfer of the ball, which includes coordinated individual technical and tactical actions of two players: hitting the ball in the direction of a partner and opening (choosing a position) to receive the ball. A group tactical action without the ball in an attack is a group maneuver that includes coordinated movements of a group of players.

The transfer of the ball will be successful if the individual technical and tactical actions included in its content (hitting the ball and opening) are coordinated in time, space, speed, and secretive (unexpected) for opponents.

When passing the ball, the role of the situational leader belongs to the player without the ball: his movement acts for the player in possession of the ball as a sign of coordination, showing when, where and with what force the ball should be hit so that it reaches the addressee. Another sign of coordination is the actions of the player with the ball, informing his partner about the readiness to hit the ball in a certain direction.

A tactical combination is a sequence of coordinated group tactical actions (ball passes and group maneuvers) aimed at improving the game situation.

Preparatory and attacking tactical combinations are distinguished. The system-forming factor that unites group tactical actions into an attacking tactical combination is its goal: the creation of a numerical advantage in the ball zone. An essential role in these combinations belongs to the transfer of the ball to the move, which is characterized by the observance of three conditions: the player to whom the ball is directed is in motion; at the moment of receiving the ball there is free space in front of it; after receiving the ball, the movement is carried out in the direction of the goal.

The game situation "2 on 2" is considered by us as the original "cell", from which all variants of game situations are born, due to the location and movement of the ball and the players of both teams. In accordance with this, the initial "cell" of football tactics is the interaction of two attacking players against two defenders. The change in this game situation is carried out through the movement of the ball and the movement of all 4 players.

The general goal of attacking players in a 2v2 game situation is to create a numerical advantage, i.e. turning it into a 2 on 1 situation. The most common elements of a 2v2 game situation are:

1) the position of the defender (A1) in relation to the player with the ball (B1). There are two options here:

A) the defender is located closer to the touchline in relation to the line connecting the ball and the center of his goal;

B) the defender is located closer to the center of the field.

2) the position of the defender (A2) in relation to the player without the ball (B2). There are also two options here:

A) the defender is close to the attacking player B2;

b) The defender is at a distance. In the second case, it can occupy two positions:; closer to the touchline in relation to the line connecting the attacking player B2 and the center of his goal; closer to the center of this line.

Taking into account the qualitative originality of the elements of the game situation "2 on 2" at the moment of passing the ball, 7 possible typical game situations and their corresponding tactical combinations are distinguished, creating a numerical advantage in the ball zone.

1 situation - no diagonal insurance; a combination of "passing a move behind the back of an alien defender";

2 situation - both defenders are located closer to the center than the attackers; combination - "wall with going to the flank";

3 situation - both defenders are located closer to the curb than the attackers; combination - "wall with going to the flank";

4 situation - the defender guarding the player with the ball is located closer to the curb, the other defender guarding the player without the ball is closer to the center; combination - "transfer - receiving the ball with going to the flank";

5 situation - the defender guarding the player with the ball is located closer to the center, the other defender guarding the player without the ball is closer to the edge; combination - "transfer - receiving the ball with going to the center";

6 situation - the defender guarding the player with the ball is located closer to the center, the other defender guarding the player without the ball is closer to the edge; combination - "passing along the edge behind the back of your defender";

7 situation - the defender guarding the player with the ball is located closer to the curb, the other defender guarding the player without the ball is closer to the curb; combination - "crossing" with the departure of the player who owns the ball to the center, to the zone vacated by the partner.

Orientation to the knowledge of general and specific elements of the 7 typical “2 x 2” game situations identified by us and the corresponding options for tactical combinations aimed at creating a numerical advantage allows football players to quickly, accurately and equally “recognize” various game situations that arise during the game and accept identical decisions on the implementation of tactical combinations adequate to them.

Speed ​​is ensured by ignoring "redundant information" and focusing on those elements of game situations that are essential for them, determine their qualitative originality. This is significant for football, in which game situations change in a split second.

Accuracy is ensured by the completeness of accounting for "recognition" of game situations of all the elements that distinguish one situation from another.

Consistency in the "recognition" of game situations is due to the orientation of the players to the same elements, which together form the indicative basis of group tactical actions.

For the development of tactical abilities of young football players, we have developed a set of game exercises, divided into 4 groups, taking into account the tactical complexity of the game tasks solved in the process of their performance:

1) exercises for mastering the transfer of the ball as a group tactical action through the improvement and coordination of the individual technical and tactical actions included in its content - hitting the ball and opening;

2) exercises to improve the transfer of the ball within the framework of the typical tactical combinations we have identified;

3) game exercises "2 on 1" with the use of passes as group tactical actions within the framework of the typical tactical combinations we have identified;

4) game exercises "2 on 2" with the use of passes as group tactical actions within the framework of the typical tactical combinations we have identified.

For the development of tactical abilities within the framework of these game exercises, we based on modern systems visualization of various light-dynamic images using computer technology, an interactive training complex was created.

On the server, computer models of the playing field, virtual players on the field, a virtual ball are formed and their video image is transmitted to the coach's computer. The coach, by entering control commands, sets the initial position of the virtual players and the virtual ball on the playing field.

Players of a given composition of teams establish a connection between their computer and the server and carry out authorization on the server. If the authorization of all players of the attacking and defending teams is positive, the server transmits to the players' computers a video image of the initial position of the virtual players and the virtual ball on the playing field and allows the virtual players to move around the playing field and their actions with the virtual ball.

During the game, players move their virtual images around the playing field by entering movement control commands and act on the virtual ball. All movements of the virtual players and their actions with the virtual ball from the players' computers are transmitted to the server, which processes the incoming video information and sends the players and the coach an updated video image about the position of the virtual players and the virtual ball on the playing field.

The players of the attacking team aim to deliver the virtual ball to the strike zone or hit the goal of the defending team.

The player of the team, who owns the virtual ball, moves his virtual image with the virtual ball to the free zone or sends the virtual ball to the player of his team.

Players of the defending team move their virtual images around the playing field, trying to take possession of the virtual ball or prevent the virtual ball from entering the affected area or the defended goal.

This complex allows you to optically simulate various options for game situations "2 on 2" and create multi-variant tactical tasks. The computer program of this complex can set 7 possible options for a pair of defending football players. A pair of attacking players trains in recognizing simulated game situations and making group tactical decisions adequate to their content.

In football, tactical actions are carried out in extremely variable conditions, which turns their implementation in each game situation into a relatively new tactical task that requires a creative approach to its solution. This is ensured through the formation of an orientation base of the third type (according to P. Ya. Galperin), in which learning comes to the fore not so much in the method of action in a particular situation as in analyzing the game situation, highlighting general and particular elements in its content and determining adequate methods of tactical actions. This leads to a wide range of creative application of tactical actions, taking into account the specific conditions of the game situation.

Therefore, the formation of knowledge of the generalized indicative basis of group tactical actions and tactical combinations using an interactive training complex is carried out using:
problem-based learning methods: with the help of the coach's leading problematic questions, the players discover and acquire knowledge about the essential features of typical game situations and adequate tactical combinations;
reception of graphic modeling of typical game situations and actions of football players during the drawing of tactical combinations corresponding to their content;
verbalization (speaking first in loud and then in inner speech) in the form of words (laconic terms) of essential signs of perceived game situations and ongoing group tactical actions and tactical combinations.

Recognition of game situations and the choice of group tactical actions and combinations adequate to their content is not a complex mental task for football players. Difficulties arise when solving these problems in the conditions of game activity, when game situations change very quickly. Therefore, the formation and successful functioning of the orientation base depends more on the development of tactical abilities related to the phase of perceiving the game situation and mentally solving a tactical problem.

The development of these abilities is carried out through the implementation of the exercises developed by us with a gradual increase in the requirements for the speed and accuracy of perceiving game situations, choosing and making decisions. To do this, two methodological techniques are used: 1) gradually increasing the speed of movement of attacking players and defenders, leading to an increase in the speed of development of the game situation as a whole; 2) regulation of defenders' resistance by the coach with a gradual increase in the number of alternative solutions to the tactical problem.

With the help of a computer program, it is possible to regulate both the speed of the development of the game situation (the speed of movement of the players and the ball), and the degree of activity of the defenders. With the development of tactical abilities related to the recognition of game situations and the choice of appropriate solutions, a gradual transition from the group simple exercises to playful exercises.

The use of an interactive training complex contributes to:
arming young football players with knowledge about typical game situations and ways to solve the problem of creating a numerical advantage (group tactical actions and tactical combinations);
the development of tactical abilities, manifested in the speed and accuracy of perception and recognition of game situations, the speed and accuracy of choosing a method for solving a tactical problem from an arsenal of learned tactical combinations;
to increase the consistency of individual tactical actions based on the same vision and understanding of perceived game situations and methods for solving group tactical tasks determined by their content.

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Teaching offensive actions in football for boys aged 14-15 using individual and group tactics


Classes physical culture and sports prepare a person for life, harden the body and strengthen health, contribute to its harmonious physical development, contribute to the education of the necessary personality traits, moral and physical qualities.

In physical education classes, students receive a variety of theoretical information, master new practical skills, and improve previously acquired motor skills.

One of the types physical education is football.

Football is the most accessible and, consequently, mass means of physical development and health promotion for the general population.

Football is a truly athletic game. It contributes to the development of speed, agility, endurance, strength and jumping ability.

In football, individual and group tactics are used.

Tactics is the organization of individual and collective actions according to a certain plan, taking into account the predetermined interaction of players in various stages of the game against a specific opponent.

The tactics of the game in football are distinguished by a wide variety of means, methods and forms of playing the game. It is based on the solution of individual and group tasks, based on the level of technical skill of those involved.

The higher the technical and tactical skill of each player, the more rational and efficient their potential is used to achieve the ultimate goal of the game, the more original and original is the tactical style of the game of the whole team.

This work is relevant, because in individual and group tactics, technical and tactical training is more important. And attacking actions are part of technical training. Thus, this work considers the possibility of teaching attacking actions to young men aged 14-15 using individual and group tactics.

Hypothesis - the use of individual and group tactics has a positive effect on learning to attack.

The object is the process of teaching the attacking actions of football players aged 14-15.

Subject - attacking actions.

The aim of the work is to teach attacking actions to football players aged 14-15 using individual and group tactics.

1. Analysis of scientific and methodological literature

2. To study the dynamics of teaching attacking actions among football players aged 14-15 in the experimental and control groups.

3. Develop the content of the lesson using a set of special exercises for teaching attacking actions.

1. Teaching offensive actions in football for boys aged 14-15 using individual and group tactics

1.1 Tactical training of an athlete

In modern sports, when rivals of equal strength meet and the winner is often determined with a minimal advantage, the tactical skills of athletes become especially relevant. In sports and martial arts where there is direct contact between opponents, tactical skill is critical to victory.

The ability to get ahead of the enemy in his decisions and actions is directly dependent on the accuracy of assessing the expected and emerging situation. Such an assessment is carried out on the basis of an analysis of many factors: the conditions of the competition, the level of preparedness of the opponents, the semantic orientation of the struggle, the time limit, and others. The ability of an athlete to distinguish in incoming information is fundamentally important points allows him to successfully predict the further development of events and thus find the right tactical solutions.

The analysis of competitive interactions invariably leads to the need for an athlete to model the behavior of an opponent and various options for the development of events. The relevance of such modeling in the tactical activities of athletes is emphasized by many experts. The activity of an athlete in a competitive situation is determined by his mental reflection of the expected behavior of the opponent.

The tactical behavior of athletes in martial arts and sports games is based on similar intellectual activity, which is due to the general features of the competition: an actively opposing opponent, a time limit for making a decision, reflective thinking, and others. This allows us to consider many mental processes as universal mechanisms of tactical behavior in martial arts and sports games. The result of intellectual activity is a decision made by an athlete, which is practically implemented in his actions.

The analysis of literary sources showed the leading role of the decision-making process in the tactical activity of athletes. This process is carried out at two levels: sensory-perceptual and prognostic. To model decision-making situations, depending on the degree of abstraction of conditions, specific and non-specific forms are used. The transition from the sensory-perceptual level to the predictive one is carried out using a non-specific form, as shown in the table.

Table 1. Modeling decision-making situations

Modeling decision situations

Sensory-perceptual level

Predictive level

specific shape

Nonspecific form

Nonspecific form

specific shape

Trainers, targets, dummies

Sensorimotor responses to an abstract stimulus

Logic tasks, probabilistic forecast, reflexive games


events based on experience and analysis of the current situation

The specific form of the sensory-perceptual level is distinguished by the desire for maximum similarity with reality, taking into account and implementing in the model as many factors as possible that make up the competitive situation. In this case, various layouts are used that are capable of performing certain actions that mimic the behavior of a real opponent. The main task of such layouts is an unexpected change in the situation for the athlete, requiring a decision in extreme conditions. The possibilities of modeling at this level are determined by the technical complexity of the devices used, which, in turn, is determined by the need for such a device at different stages of preparation.

With a non-specific form of modeling decision-making situations at the sensory-perceptual level, conditions are created for the manifestation of the features of a simple and complex response, perceptual and receptor anticipation. But in the process of modeling, it is necessary to take into account the main features of the activity being modeled, for example: the appearance of an object or its change, uniform or accelerated movement, sequential or discrete presentation, etc.

Manifestations of human intellectual activity are very diverse and multifaceted, so the selection of individual qualities that determine decision-making in tactical interactions is of great importance. As many experts point out, for martial arts and sports games, the most relevant are operational thinking, stability and switching of attention, the ability to probabilistic forecast and reflection.

1.2 Football tactics

Football tactics are understood as the most expedient individual, group and team actions of players aimed at achieving the intended goal in this game. Tactics is one of the main and most important components of this sports game. It is based on the technical, physical and psychological fitness of the players. High-class teams are characterized by a variety of tactical formations, the presence of "family" tactics, the ability to change tactical patterns during the game. However, a high level tactical readiness is achieved gradually and is associated with a large expenditure of energy on the part of the players, who must be able to play in such a way as to perform both creative and destructive functions on the field, regardless of their main functions. And in order to learn how to play at such a level, one should strive so that, in the course of many years of training, novice football players master all the richness of modern football tactics, be able to competently build their individual actions without the ball and with the ball, both in attack and defense, and also lead their own game depending on the actions of teammates.

Football tactics consist of individual, group, team actions in attack and defense, which make it possible to solve the tasks facing the team, taking into account the level of the opponent's game and the characteristics of his game, the state of the field, climatic conditions, etc. Tactical game systems are the organization of team actions, which consist in the systematic placement of football players on the field in accordance with their game functions and individual abilities: goalkeeper, defenders, midfielders, attackers. During the existence of the game of football, the tactical schemes of the game have been constantly improved. This was due to the desire of coaches and players to find the optimal combination in strengthening defense and attack. In modern football, many teams use the 1-4-4-2 formation, i.e. There are four defenders in front of the goalkeeper, then four midfielders and finally two forwards. This arrangement allows you to have a reliable defense and great opportunities for organizing attacking actions. After all, the attack assumes the active participation of both midline players and defenders, especially the extreme ones. In general, this tactical scheme significantly expands the functions of most players. A number of commands use various variants of this scheme. For example, 1-4-5-1 or 1-3-5-2. Young football players must master the tactical systems of playing on a small field with reduced squads. Only gradually, having mastered this version of football, it is advisable to try your hand at a large football field. And now, young friends, it is necessary, finally, to find out what functions are performed by football players of various roles. This is very important to know, because the organization and clarity in the actions of the team are largely determined by the distribution of functions between the players.

Tactics are divided into three main categories: 1) placement of players; 2) the actions of the team in attack or defense, in relation to either the entire team or part of it; 3) standard provisions.

It is important for players and coaches to determine the role of each player on the field and the ways in which they must achieve the goal of the game - to score a goal and not let the opponents do it. To do this, you have to pay attention to all three aspects of tactics, as well as monitor the evolution of the game as a whole. Arrangement of players.

The placement of players determines the place of each player on the field. While football should ideally be a spontaneous game full of improvisation, all successful teams place great emphasis on game discipline. Team players must follow the formation that the coach has developed. Over time, more and more new systems have been developed.

Over time, the game has become more complex. This was largely facilitated by the offside rule. It was borrowed from rugby and was developed in public schools, where they mainly played football. At that time, offside was considered a situation when a pass was given to a player who was closer to someone else's goal than the ball. It didn't matter how many opponents were in front of him. This was not unusual for a time when eight men went on the attack. The goalkeeper and two defenders remained in their half of the field, one of whom was called a midfielder, that is, half a defender, half a forward. Thus, the first tactical scheme was created, which can be designated as 1-1-1-8. Through very a short time one of the forwards was pulled to the winger position, which formed a 1-1-2-7 system. Standard positions are angular.

Corners are one of the three main set pieces, along with free kicks and throw-ins. It is estimated that over 50 percent of goals are scored from set pieces. Corner kicks are divided into three types: passing the ball to the near post, to the far post or a short rally.

Standard positions - free kicks. The possibility of scoring the ball from a free kick depends on the distance to the goal and whether it is a direct kick or not.

1.2 . 1 Individual tactics

Individual tactics - these are purposeful actions of players in defense and attack, their ability to choose the most effective from several possible solutions in a particular situation. It includes actions without the ball and with the ball.

In individual tactical player training, the main goal is - the development of the player's already existing tactical qualities, the development of new tactical techniques based on individual characteristics, and the elimination of incorrect tactical skills.

Before proceeding to correct a tactical flaw, it is necessary to explain to the player what his mistake is, to direct his thoughts to the correct solution of the issue. After this explanation, you can move on to training.

An exemplary way to correct a tactical flaw by individual training. The winger, receiving the ball, always moves rapidly along the edge of the field, with the goal of reaching the end line; Attacked by the opponent, he moves away from him to the corner flag and from there makes a serve to the goal.

Flaw. The player does not aim for the goal and does not “cut the corner”. Physical and technical data allow him to become a full-fledged player, but this is hindered by a misunderstanding of the tactical tasks of the winger. The fix goes in the following way:

1. A conversation in which the shortcomings of his game are explained to the player.

2. Statement of the need to move inside the field, to the opponent's penalty area, at the first opportunity, make attacks and, depending on the situation, either engage in single combat or pass the ball.

3. Taking into account that the player has a habit, and the ability to advance only along the sideline has been developed, it is necessary to turn off this zone with marks for the first time of training. Tags are best made from white tape. The player, having received the ball from the coach in the area of ​​​​crossing the side line with the middle, moves towards the opponent's goal, not having the right to cross the braid and enter the restricted area. This exercise is repeated 10 - 15 times in the course of one session.

4. When the player has developed the desire to move towards the gate, stands are placed on his way, which he must bypass. As he approaches the goal, he makes a shot. Sometimes he is given the task of passing the ball to the center.

When conducting bilateral training, the restricted zone is preserved only for the training player, and his entry into this zone entails a free kick towards his team.

5. When the player has after 3 - 4 training sessions, purposefulness appears in moving towards the goal, the restriction on entering the restricted area is removed and, having received a large area for the game, he shows himself from the best side.

In individual tactical training, the development of the ability to choose a place or, as they say, "plan" is of great importance. Train in "layout" as follows: on the field in a limited area of ​​​​approximately 10 X 10 m arrange without any system 6 - 7 racks. The student moves with the ball around this group of posts, with a player on the other side facing him. Having seized the opportunity, the coach sends the ball along the ground so that it passes between several posts. The student, being all the time in motion, tries to guess the path along which the ball can go, “places” and accepts it. Gradually, the number of racks and the density of their arrangement increase, due to which there are more possible corridors into which the ball can be sent.

IN individual training goalkeeper, in order to develop the ability to catch the moment to run out on the enemy, the following method is used. The player is required to move with the ball towards the goal; The goalkeeper must choose the moment to run out to take the ball away. This training exercise carried out after serious preparation of the goalkeeper and subject to the maximum caution by the attackers.

In each such training session, 20 - 30 runouts. At first, the attacker must give way to the goalkeeper a little.

This method gives positive results very quickly. Individual tactical training should be preceded by a careful selection of methods that ensure the correction of shortcomings and instilling in the players the necessary qualities.

Individual tactical actions include opening and closing, dribble and dribble, shots on goal, and ball tackling. Learning individual tactical actions should be carried out in unity with the process of mastering techniques. Otherwise, the process of mastering the basic techniques will be formal and inefficient.

Opening - means the player's exit to a free position, which makes it possible to free himself from the guardianship of the opponent, break away from him and, having received the ball, perform a shot on goal. The opened player can lead the opponent behind him, clearing the path to the gates of the opposite team to one of his partners. Access to an empty seat is usually carried out at speed. This may be preceded by the player's imitation of some passivity in order to mislead the guardian, or by deceptive movements that confuse the opponent. You can open forward, sideways, and, if necessary, back. And try to do it in a timely manner, namely at the moment when the partner is ready to make the transfer to an empty seat.


1. Two groups of players compete. They form two opposite columns. The distance between them is 8-10 steps. Lead player. One of the columns inside feet performs a pass to the player in front of the opposite team, and he makes a dash for the ball and stands at the end of this column. The player receiving the ball sends the ball back, while he runs after the ball and stands at the end of the opposite column. This exercise can be carried out in the form of a relay race. For example, two teams compete. Each forms two counter columns. Team task - complete the runs faster, with each player having to complete three passes.

2. Three partners are exercising. They form a triangle on the field with sides of 8 steps. Partners alternately pass the ball to each other in a clockwise direction. Having directed the ball towards the partner, the player runs to his place, etc. After completing 8 - 10 passes, players start moving counter-clockwise.

3. Do the exercise with a friend. When moving to a free place, perform longitudinal and transverse passes. For example, make a pass from point A to a partner located at point B, and move to point A yourself. Your partner from point B performs a longitudinal pass to you and moves to point B, etc.

4. A group of trainees is exercising in a limited area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe field. Each is given a serial number. The players remember them. The task of the players is to carry out passes in accordance with the assigned numbers: the first number gives the ball to the second, he - third, etc. The last player passes the ball to the first number. Having given the ball, the player must move to an empty place, offering himself for the pass. A player who makes a mistake is penalized with one penalty point. In the end, the player with the fewest penalty points wins.

Closing an opponent is such an action of a football player, which is aimed at occupying an advantageous position that prevents the opponent from entering an empty place or taking possession of the ball. Those who skillfully close the opponent get an opportunity to enter the fight for the ball in a timely manner, to prevent the opponent from getting the ball and thus disrupt the attack of the opposing team. In different situations, closing can be carried out in different ways. However, in all cases, the position of the closing player is unchanged: he must take a place between the opponent and his goal. This takes into account the following requirement: the closer the opponent is to the goal, the closer you should be to him.


1. A 10x10 step area is marked on the field. Three offensive players play against one defender. Attacker B takes a position with the ball between partners A and C, showing with outstretched arms where they should take their places. Then player B passes the ball to player C and rushes towards the pass, offering himself for a return pass. Player A also goes to an empty seat, but only in the other direction. Player B with the ball, arms outstretched, indicates new positions to partners. Player G's task - attack an attacker in possession of the ball and force him to pass in a certain direction.

2. A square of 12X12 steps is marked on the site. The game consists in the fact that one defender is trying to prevent the advance of two opponents to the gate, built of racks, and take the ball away from them. The defender must strive to take such a position that the opponent with the ball cannot pass the ball towards an open partner. During the game, exercising periodically, change roles.

3. Two defenders play against two attackers. The game is played on a 15x15 pace court.

The task of the defenders - close up hitters acting with the ball. The defender guarding the attacker with the ball seeks to position himself in such a way as to delay the advance of the opponent and hit the ball. His partner, acting against a player without the ball, seeks to position himself in such a way as to prevent him from taking an advantageous position to receive the ball.

4. Four attackers with the ball are placed in the middle of the field. Four defenders stand at the gate protected by the goalkeeper. Attackers move forward, passing the ball to each other. Defenders (each holding one of the attackers) seek to take the ball away from them or beat it back to the center of the field. After a set time, the teams switch roles. Victory is given to the team that managed to concede fewer goals during the defense of the goal.

Leading and stroke - effective techniques games. Skillfully using dribbling in various ways and at different speeds, combined with convincing deceitful movements, the player gets an opportunity to enter an empty place or to shoot at goal. During the game, the guys like to use both dribbling and stroking. However, this is often done to the detriment of the team. Therefore, in cases where the partner has taken an advantageous position, you should send the ball to him. After all, timely and accurate transmission - also a formidable weapon. However, guiding and tracing need to be given more attention at a young age.


1. The game is played in the form of a relay race. It involves two or three teams at the same time. Each has the same number of players. Teams are built behind the common starting line in columns one at a time. In 5 steps from the start line, the ball passing line is drawn parallel to it. On a signal, the head players of the teams dribble the ball in a straight line, circling 5 racks, which are placed every 2 steps, and dribble the ball back in a straight line. From the passing line, they send the ball to the second team numbers, and they themselves take a place at the end of the columns. The second numbers do the same, and so on. During the game, each player must make three dribbles. The team that finishes the relay faster than the others wins.

2. Two players participate, one of them with the ball. He dribbles the ball across the field for a distance of 3 - 4 steps and passes to a partner moving to the side at a distance of 4 - 5 steps. Having received the ball, he performs the same actions, etc. The task of the players without the ball - quickly open forward when partner is about to pass. The ball carrier must, while controlling the ball, notice the movement of the partner. 3. Several players practice. They stand in a column one at a time, keeping a distance of 2 - 3 steps. Thus, the group slowly moves across the field. The last player has the ball. He alternately bypasses all partners from behind, and then, taking a place in front of the column, passes the ball to the one walking behind, who acts in the same way, etc. 4. Two players practice. A corridor 4 steps wide is marked on the field. 15 steps long. One of the players dribbles the ball along the corridor, trying to circle the opponent and go forward with the ball. The second seeks to take the ball away. Partners periodically change roles. 5. On the football field, 5 racks are placed every 3 steps. The task for those involved is to circle the racks and from about the 11-meter mark to strike at the goal. Everyone should repeat exercise 5 - 6 times.

Players with a variety of shots and the ability to deliver unexpected shots on goal significantly increase the attacking potential of their team. Shots on goal should not be the sole prerogative of offensive players. This most important individual tactical action must be mastered by all football players, regardless of their place in the team.


1. Draw a gate on the wall. Break them into squares. Put a number on each one. Do the exercise with a partner. Strike at the number previously indicated by the partner. After making 5 hits on the target, switch roles with your partner. Compare: who achieved the best result.

2. Several partners are exercising. The purpose of the exercise is to accurately hit the goal after passing the ball from the bottom. Transfers are performed by partners from the side, back, front. Each performs 10 - 12 strokes.

3. Two players practice. One gets up with the ball 25 steps from the goal. The other takes up position 18 paces from the goal. The first one makes a pass to the partner from the bottom. He misses the ball and hits the outgoing ball. Partners periodically change roles.

4. Stand in front of the gate (approximately at the 11-meter mark). Have your partner on the side serve you the balls so that you can volley them into the net. Change roles periodically.

5. Stand with the ball 20 paces from the goal. Behind you at a distance of 5- 6 steps takes the position of your partner. Dash with the ball to the penalty mark to shoot the goal on the move. Your partner must rush after you to prevent the execution of the strike. 6. Three players participate in the exercise at the same time. Two of them are located in 6 - 7 steps from the gate. Their goal line partner sends the balls to land on their heads. One of those standing in front of the goal seeks to score the ball into the goal, and the second counteracts him. We have suggested only a few exercises for you. Based on them, you can expand this list.

Ball tackling is important tactical device opposition to opponents in possession of the ball. Every player must remember that immediately after the loss of the ball, it is necessary to strive to interfere with opponents in order to recover the ball. Of course, it is easiest to take possession of the ball when a pass is directed to an opponent. It is also advisable to start the selection when the ball is received by the opponent or during the dribbling. If we talked about the technique of selection above, now we will consider the selection from a tactical point of view.


1. Exercise with a friend. Take a seat at the gate, built of posts (their width is about 2 steps). Your partner should dribble the ball straight at you, aiming to get the ball into the goal. Having chosen a convenient moment, try to take the ball away from him. Change roles periodically.

2. Two students are exercising. One of them strikes the wall from a distance of 6-7 steps. His partner, having taken a position 2 steps behind and a little to the side, after rebounding from the wall, rushes forward to take possession of the ball. Partners periodically change roles.

3. Three students are exercising. One of them throws the ball on the partner's head. 2 steps to the side and behind the receiving player takes the third position. His task is to have time to make a jerk from behind the partner’s back and be the first to win back the ball with his head. Partners periodically change roles.

4. The exercise is performed simultaneously by three players. Two of them stand at the back of each other's head at a distance of 4-5 steps. The third participant is leading the ball towards them. If he manages to circle the first one, the player standing behind him comes to the rescue, immediately attacking the opponent. Players periodically change roles. 5. A circle with a diameter of 10 steps is indicated on the field. It houses four attackers who pass the ball to each other. Two drivers try to take the ball away from them and knock it out of the circle. After the agreed time, other players are appointed as drivers, etc. During the game, all involved should be in the role of drivers. As a result, the pair that manages to knock the ball out of the circle more times wins.

1.2.2 Group tactics

Group tactical actions include interactions on the field of several players of the same team, striving to complete a specific task. These include passing and tackling the ball through coordinated actions, tactical combinations. Well-practiced group tactical actions decorate the game, making it more attractive and enticing. It is recommended to start mastering them as you master individual tactical actions from the simplest form - paired with a partner. Gradually bring the number of participants in a particular exercise to 3-5 players.

1) Passing the ball

2) Tackling the ball through concerted action

3) Group training tactical combinations.

A player who knows the art of making accurate and timely passes to partners brings great benefit team, decorates its actions. With the help of passes, as a rule, an attack on the opponents' goal is organized, the moment is being prepared for the final shot on goal. However, transferring correctly is not an easy task. Here are some tips: You need to give the ball to the partner who takes a more advantageous position. This is best done in such a way that the partner can receive the ball in motion and immediately continue the attack or shoot at goal. During the game, try to diversify the execution of passes, i.e. perform short, medium, and long. Alternate should also be the transmission of the bottom and top, transverse and longitudinal. This will make it difficult for opponents to act on defense, and will not give them the opportunity to adapt to the game of your team.


1. Do the exercise with a partner. Moving in a straight line at a distance of 4-6 steps from the partner, alternately perform one-touch passes to each other.

2. Mark a circle with a diameter of 8-10 steps on the field. Stand in the center of the circle and pass the ball to a partner who is running clockwise around the circle. Try to pass the ball to your partner on the move. Then do the same exercise counterclockwise. Change roles periodically.

3. Exercise with a friend. Stand 15-18 paces across from each other. Pass the ball to a partner who is running towards you. At the last moment, the partner can change the direction of the run. Try to predict the direction of the comrade's jerk and pass him exactly to the exit. Change roles periodically.

4. Three players participate in the game. The game is played on half of the football (or handball) field. Two forwards move towards the goal, passing the ball to each other, the third player, standing 12-14 steps from the goal, performs defensive functions. Forwards with the help of passes seek to beat the defender and make a shot on goal. The blow is made no closer than from the 8-meter mark. You can also draw a line in front of which it is allowed to take a shot at goal.

5. Students make diagonal and transverse passes in the following sequence: player A passes the ball to partner B, that player C, who sends the ball to partner D, etc. Periodically, those involved change the direction of the gears. Students make diagonal and transverse passes in the following sequence: player A passes the ball to partner B, that player C, who sends the ball to partner D, etc. Periodically, those involved change the direction of the gears.

6. In the exercise, the change of positions is practiced. Four players form a rectangle. One player stands in the center. The task of the players: after sending the ball in a certain order, run in the same direction and take the place of the partner to whom the ball was sent. For example, player C passes the ball to player A and runs to his place. Player A in turn - partner B and runs towards him, etc. Periodically, players change the direction of the dashes.

The selection of the ball through concerted action looks like a mutual insurance of the players while protecting their goal. Mutual insurance must be used to assist partners when, for any reason, they turned out to be beaten by rivals. Mutual insurance is also used in cases where the dangerous zone in front of the goal is insured, for example, if a partner is taken away from the zone by an opponent. The selection of the ball through coordinated actions requires great mutual understanding from the players, coherence in the game. Here is one example of mutual insurance. Forward rivals on the flank beat the left back and rushed to the gate. However, the latter was backed up by the central defender, who timely attacked the opponent with the ball. In turn, the left defender who lost the single combat should not remain in a passive position. He must quickly find his bearings and take charge of the opposing team's naked attacker, who was held by the central defender. We recommend that you master mutual insurance in game exercises in this sequence: first, two defenders play against one attacker, then three defenders against one attacker, three defenders against two attackers, two defenders against two attackers, three against three, four.


1. Two defenders take up position in front of the goal. The distance between them is 5 steps. The attacker dribbles the ball in front of the standing defender, who acts passively. He passes him to the right or left and moves on, trying to beat the last defender and score the ball into the goal. Flags, racks, branches can be used as gates. The task of the last defender is to predict from which side the opponent will bypass the defender in front and secure him. Partners periodically change roles.

2. Two defenders are located in the corners of the goal, and the goalkeeper is in the middle of the goal. From the flank to the left of the goalkeeper, the ball is hung. The goalkeeper runs out trying to catch the ball or hit it. The defender, standing to the right of the goalkeeper, moves to the middle of the goal. If the ball is hung on the post to the right of the goalkeeper, then when the goalkeeper enters the ball, another defender moves to the middle of the goal. Defenders periodically change roles.

3. A square with sides of 18 steps is indicated on the field. One attacker acts against two defenders, trying to score the ball into the goal, built from two racks (flags). One defender blocks the attacker's path to the goal, and the second secures him. Partners periodically change roles.

4. A 30x30 step area is marked on the field. Gates are built from racks on it. Two attackers try to overcome the resistance of three defenders and score a goal. One of the defenders, pulling back, secures the partners, attacking the opponent who has broken through.

Training tactical combinations of two or more players of the same or different lines are used to develop tactical teamwork and mutual understanding. The development of the game system, the development of tactical options and group tactical combinations take place in the following order:

a) interaction of 2-3 or more players without an "enemy";

b) the same with the conditional “opponent”, with the “opponent” who is resisting.

Examples of a group training tactical combination. Shortcomings were noted in the team playing according to the “three defenders” system: the forward center of attack, being in front of the opponent’s penalty area, sends all the balls that go to his head immediately to the goal. These shots are not dangerous for the opponent and are easily eliminated by his goalkeeper. Welterweights don't tend to support their center of attack. If in these cases the center of the attack would pass the ball back to its welterweight with a slight blow of the head, the attack would be more dangerous for the opponent.

First, the required tactical option is explained to the center of attack and welterweight. The center of attack is located in the sector for a penalty kick, and welterweights - at 10 - 15 m behind, in place. The coach sends the ball through the air from the midline section to the center of the attack, which receives the ball. At this time, the welterweights take a position to which it is convenient for the center of attack to send the ball immediately or after a little processing. The offensive center picks up the moment and sends the ball back to the better "opened" welterweight. Depending on the situation, the welterweight moves forward with the ball, shoots on goal or plays a combination. As soon as the combination begins to succeed, an "enemy" is attached to the center of the attack, which at first yields to him, and subsequently prevents him from carrying out his plan.

In this case, the role of welterweights becomes more complicated. They are charged with the duty to help the center of the attack, sometimes moving, changing places with him or going to the same line with him in order to mislead the defender. As the three attackers master this combination, they introduce one more, and then a third “opponent” to fight the welterweights, to which, in turn, the wingers are added.

For training in the teamwork of attackers with the choice of an unexpected location, serves next exercise. Players in the amount of 5-6 people are located, having one ball, in random order on a field area of ​​​​approximately 25x25 m . The task is to quickly pass the ball to each other from the move, while being on the move all the time. The main thing in this exercise is to give the ball in the most unexpected direction, which does not correspond to the movements made. This exercise is difficult to digest, requires good breath and high costs physical strength, but as a result of its assimilation, mutual understanding between the players increases dramatically. It contributes to the growth of the combination game and the development of tactical interaction.

This exercise should not be done for more than 10 minutes in one session. In the process of tactical, isolated from the game, training learns options kickoff, free kicks, corner kicks, free kicks and other kicks in defense and attack. In addition, due to the peculiarities of the upcoming match, one or another combination planned for playing in the game can be learned in isolation.

1.3 Psychophysiological characteristics of the age of 14-15 years

By the age of 14-15, the process of formation of psychomotor functions is basically completed in children. At this time, boys can master many technical and complex game techniques.

Adolescents have a number of features that must be taken into account in the process of physical education and sports improvement. Here are some of them: temporary difficulties in the formation of conditioned reflexes; an increase in latent periods of reaction to verbal stimuli; increased excitability and emotionality; the predominance of excitation processes over inhibition; the appearance of mental imbalance. The consequence of this is a change of mood, a critical attitude towards others, and especially adults, inadequacy of responses. Changes are also manifested in the functions of the autonomic nervous system. They are expressed in increased sweating, in easy onset fluctuations in heart rate, some cardiovascular disorders, periodic pain in the heart, in the instability of blood pressure.

Observations have shown that often adolescents of the same passport age, but lagging behind their peers in the pace of puberty, show, as a rule, lower sports results. However, this "lag" is temporary. In the future, as biological development intensifies, lagging adolescents can not only catch up with their peers, but also overtake them. Therefore, when evaluating, for example, high sports achievements adolescents, it is important to establish what they are due to: natural giftedness or earlier biological development. This will help the coach to more accurately determine the capabilities of the trainees, as well as draw up a plan for their work for the future.

During adolescence, there heightened interest to your personality. If earlier teenagers imitated adults, now they are trying to be independent, independent. Sometimes they become more stubborn, claiming an equal position in relations with adults, striving to defend this right in their own way. Excessive guardianship of adolescents, limiting their independence of action depresses, causes lethargy, apathy, and cultivates consumer qualities. A sense of self-worth is evident. They weakly accept orders in the form of orders, moralizing. Teenagers demand respect for themselves. One of the leading motives of their behavior is the "need for self-affirmation", i.e. the desire to take a worthy position in the team, to gain recognition from others.

Children of adolescence have a strongly pronounced sense of justice, they have a markedly developed tendency to critically check other people's judgments.

Often, teenagers overestimate their physical abilities, trying to quickly run through the steps of sportsmanship. For a teenager, the future goals of training seem far away, appealing to them weakly stimulates the activity of those involved. Therefore, along with the general goal, it is necessary to set specific, immediate goals, the reality of achieving which is obvious.

Athletes of this age are characterized by frequent mood swings, their emotional life is still poorly controlled by reason. They are sometimes excessively irritable, painfully perceive the remarks of their elders, are often rude, and are distinguished by disobedience. The coach needs to understand that such manifestations are temporary.

A teenager shows frequent manifestations of impatience, vehemence, lack of an objective, sober approach to facts, events and actions of people around him, to overestimation of his own capabilities.

All these hindrances can be eliminated if the coach correctly doses the physical and neuropsychic load of each teenager, if every time at the moment of exposure he takes into account the mental state of the student and anticipates his reaction to that impact.

Adolescents react sharply to being treated like small children, to petty guardianship, unjustified help, a hint from a coach or friend. The harsh, categorical tone of remarks offends their increased self-esteem, often causes reciprocal rudeness, swagger, feigned indifference, and even a desire to act contrary to the requirements.

Requirements for a teenager must be justified and presented in a tactful manner.

In the process of psychological research Special attention is given to identifying such qualities as activity and perseverance in wrestling, independence, determination, purposefulness, sports diligence, the ability to mobilize during competitions, etc.

The process of physical growth and maturation is accompanied by mental and social development: the growth of self-consciousness, the transition from concrete to more abstract thinking. The second signaling system is rapidly developing. His suggestibility becomes less, and his emotionality and imbalance increase. Hence the sharp change of mood, a critical attitude towards the environment, the desire not to take anything for granted, to check and evaluate everything for yourself.

Increased excitability and insufficient balance of the main nervous processes can be the cause of a temporary disruption in the interaction of motor and autonomic functions.

It is important to identify the athlete's playing efficiency, which is judged by a number of indicators: activity, performance, efficiency of players' interaction, mistakes made during the game. For most guys, the psyche is still very unstable, the game is unstable. According to the degree of importance of volitional qualities at this age, decisiveness appears.

Means and methods used to educate volitional qualities:

1. Group training.

2. Fighting strong and weak opponents.

3. Use of the competitive method.

4. Application of the handicap.

5. Solution of one specific problem.

6. Identification of at least one exercise in difficult conditions.

7. When performing a strength exercise, apply force to failure.

8. Work in all weather conditions.

9. Drawing up a plan by the athletes themselves and conducting training according to it.

10. Participation in competitions, but without the participation of a coach.

It is necessary to take into account the shadow sides of adolescence.

Intense changes in the body associated with puberty, disproportion in the development of various organs and systems, its increased excitability, nervousness, and rapid fatigue can cause sharp breakdowns in behavior. This is expressed in a violation of muscle activity, lethargy or, conversely, fussiness, in the weakening of vision, hearing and other sensory organs, in increased breathing and increased blood pressure.

Often the development of the heart lags behind the increase in body size. In this case, the harmonic relationship between the heart and other organs and systems is broken. Because of this, teenagers complain about headache, dizziness. Often there is juvenile hypertension. The maximum blood pressure in this case is 130 - 140 mm Hg. Art.

The heart in adolescents, even at rest, works more intensely than in adults. Heart rate at work of maximum power in 14-year-olds is 205 beats / min.

VC at 14-15 years old is 2447 ml.

Adolescents have high functional capabilities of respiration and circulation, which is a good basis for serious sports training.

The functional maturation of the muscles is completed and the rapid maturation of muscle strength begins.

The increase in muscle strength, a sufficiently high accuracy and coordination of movements, the development of the ability to slow down, the increase in the regulatory function of the second signal system contributes to the fact that a teenager is much better than a younger football player, can control his movements, feelings, impulses, decide, however, even the simplest, thought tasks.

In adolescents aged 13-14 years, the most significant changes are in the strength of the extensors of the trunk, hips and foot flexors. The relationship between age and strength gain in individual groups is not constant. So, the increase in relative strength (per 1 kg of weight) is the largest for a number of people under the age of 13 - 14 years.

From 13-14 to 16-17 years of age, maximum strength develops most intensively. There is an intensive development of all muscles.

Preferential rates of development of power indicators are observed. You can train with weights in 1/2 body weight.

Boys of 14 years old, who are in the early stages of puberty, show 175.5 and 531.5 cm in long jump and triple jump. Young athletes, characterized by a higher level of puberty, have higher results: 210 and 628 cm. This indicates that in the process of physical education and sports improvement, when assessing the indicators of control standards, it is necessary to focus not only on the calendar age, but also take into account the individual characteristics of the growth and formation of the body.

At the age of 14, with five sessions a day, you can do strength training: before the start of the season - three times a week for half an hour, during the season - twice.

Aerobic capacity increases in adolescents to a greater extent than anaerobic capacity.

The greatest annual increase in aerobic productivity is observed at the age of 12-14 years.

Opportunities for improvement are created motor abilities, which during this period develop most rapidly.

The motor skills of a teenager are diverse, but the gracefulness of movements is lost, angularity appears, the slowed down nature of motor functions is often replaced by an explosive character.

Under the influence of physical activity, the body complex processes associated, on the one hand, with an increase in functional activity and with an increase in the level of energy production, and, on the other hand, with the gradual expenditure of potential energy sources and a decrease in working capacity.

From 12 to 17 years old, even non-specific training loads, as a result of the natural growth and development of a teenager, are accompanied by an improvement in sports results.

At present, the functional training of an athlete is of exceptional importance due to the intensification of training and competitive loads.

The growth of sporting achievements ultimately depends most of all on training loads. They are rational only with proper long-term planning of all educational and training work.

The decisive condition here is the absence of a desire to quickly achieve results.

In adolescents, in comparison with younger schoolchildren, the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the body's reaction to standard and intense physical exercise. During puberty, the ability to perform both intense short-term loads and long work great intensity.

In children of average school age significantly increase the adaptive capacity of the cardio - vascular system to physical activity.

The circulatory system in adolescence responds to loads less economically and comes to a state of maximum functional stress with relatively low physical exertion.

The reaction of the circulatory and respiratory systems in adolescents to maximum physical activity depends on biological age. Adolescents with definitive stages of development of secondary sexual characteristics, compared with adolescents who have not yet completed the process of puberty, have not only higher performance indicators, but also more effective adaptive reactions to maximum physical effort: faster working out and recovery.

A stepwise increase in loads, combined with an ever deeper study of the technique and tactics of the game and the acquisition of competitive experience, is the most important condition for successful work with children of any age.

If the students are well prepared, then the load can increase significantly already in the first part of the lesson.

The alternation of loads (large, small, medium) with active rest is important. It is necessary to gradually increase the load both in weekly and monthly, and in annual training cycles. When planning loads, it is possible to provide for their stepwise or wave-like change depending on the goal and objectives of training football players at each age stage, as well as on the state of those involved.

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How should a defender play?

The defender is one of the last "defensive redoubts" in front of the goal. Its main task is to ensure the inviolability of its own gates at any cost. Therefore, the basic principles of the game of each defender are simplicity and reliability (Fig. 6.8). You should not feint, try to demonstrate spectacular tricks, etc. - all this can lead to trouble at your gate. This is especially true of the last defenders.

Rice. 6.8. Roberto Carlos - the famous defender of the Brazilian national team and Real Madrid

The play of the team's defensive line can be based on the principle of personal or zone marking, or on a mixed basis. In the first case, the defender receives from the coach the task of personally taking care of some player of the opposing team: constantly chasing him, preventing him from receiving the ball, etc., which involves almost constant being in close proximity to his “ward” (Fig. 6.9).

Rice. 6.9. The defender meets the "ward" hard

Zone custody implies the use of the territorial principle. Its essence lies in the fact that the coach determines the area in which each defender must operate. If any player of the opposing team is in this zone, the defender responsible for it must immediately take him under his guardianship.

As for the mixed principle, in this case zone custody is used in conjunction with personal custody. For example, a defender is responsible for some zone, but if a specific player from the opposing team (whom the coach “appoints” in the pre-match setting) approaches the goal, then the defender must switch to this player. I note that in modern football, most teams preach precisely the mixed principle of defensive play.

One of the main qualities of any defender is his ability to take the ball away from the player of the opposing team. However, it is important not only to master the tackling technique, but also to know when and how best to start tackling the ball, otherwise efforts may be wasted.

Remember: the defender must anticipate the plans of the opponent in possession of the ball in advance and determine the moment that is most opportune to take the ball away. For example, sometimes it is best to rush towards the opponent for this, and sometimes it is more expedient to push him to the curb to try to knock the ball out by attacking him from the side or turning around sharply.

As noted earlier, when trying to take the ball, you need to look not at the opponent, but at the ball, because that is what your goal is. Often defenders, forgetting this rule, pay too much attention to the player, eventually succumbing to his cunning feints and allowing themselves to be beaten.

However this rule only true in combat. If, for example, the fight for the ball takes place not far from their own goal, the defender should not lose sight of the opponents. The worst mistakes in defense often occur precisely because the defender focused exclusively on the ball and lost sight of the opposing player (who, for example, took advantage of the moment and ran behind him or simply stepped aside where he could calmly receive ball and freely make a decisive breakthrough to the goal).

One of essential principles defense players - insurance of teammates. Its essence is to have time to insure the partner in time if he accidentally made a mistake or was forced to leave his zone. Therefore, when an opponent advances, the defenders are often located on the field diagonally, that is, to the side and behind their player, who is conducting martial arts.

All defensive players in modern football are divided into two main categories: cornerback and centre-back. As you might guess, the former operate mainly along the edges, while the latter operate mainly in the central part of the field. However, this should not be taken dogmatically: modern football is a dynamic game, so you should not only follow the coach's instructions correctly, but also be guided by the current situation on the field.

Many offensive goals often arise precisely because an inexperienced full-back takes his task for the match too literally. For example, the coach will tell him that he must guard the right attacking opponent acting on his flank - and the defender does not leave the “ward” a single step throughout the game, not paying attention to other events taking place on the field. Meanwhile, no danger may come from this attacker: you never know, the person is out of shape, after an injury, or the opponent’s game tactics provide that he will have little load, etc. In such cases, it often makes sense to help partners, especially if they are having a hard time. But the player does not think about it, calmly watching what is happening. A particularly “difficult” case, when, after a goal conceded by the team, the defender argues something like this: they say, since the ball was not held by my “ward”, then this is not my problem. This text is an introductory piece.

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The outcome of a football match can be decided by one player who is able to deliver a goal kick or pass, which will lead a partner to a rendezvous with the goalkeeper. Defending against such players is especially difficult, so the defender must have the necessary experience and skills, as well as be physically prepared. It is very important that the coach includes in the training process special exercises, developing the skills of defensive line players in confronting an attacking group.

The main goals and objectives of the exercise

In the process of conducting such a lesson, the defender must not allow the attacker to turn around and continue dribbling on his own, as well as take advantage of free space and give the pass to a partner. The defender must force the attacking player out of the penalty area, preventing a scoring chance.

The defender should be guided by certain rules in order to complete the tasks:

  • To be close to the attacker at the time of the pass to him.
  • Do not lose sight of the football projectile.
  • Anticipate a possible continuation of the attack, taking a comfortable position.
  • Stand on knees bent and position slightly sideways in order to start moving in any direction in a timely manner.
  • Pick up the ball at the moment the attacker turns.

Description of the training process and implementation options

For the mentor to carry out the exercise, any section of the football field is required, the diameter of which is about 20 meters. Requires 2 neutral players to pass and receive the ball, as well as 1 defender and 1 representative of the attacking team.

The training process begins with a pass to an attacker who can beat a defending player or pass to a neutral player. The defender at this time must prevent the development of the attack and take the ball away from the forward.

The exercise is repeated regardless of which of the players coped with their duties. It is also possible to increase the size of the training area and add possible options for the development of an attack in order to complicate the fulfillment of the tasks set for the defender.