Why do you need to run and how to do it right? How to start running, how to run properly, warm-up and breathing What is the best way to run.

Running is one of the most popular types training apparently because no special equipment is needed. Get dressed and run.

Most people start running to get the figure of their dreams, but remember that in general it is not conducive to building. muscle mass, unless it's a 100-meter sprint workout, of course.

But, despite the bright prospects, not everyone is running. It is incredibly difficult for many - muscles and joints hurt, the lungs shrink from tension, the mouth dries up, and other unpleasant symptoms occur, up to fainting. And all because even though this is a very natural thing, you need to be able to deal with it - to study and hone the technique and be aware of the mass of subtleties.

How to run correctly: safe running technique

Let's try to describe correct technique running is as simple as possible: running is a constant fall forward, you fall and put your feet up so as not to fall - in this way, you save strength due to the energy of the fall, which partly moves you forward.

Putting your feet under your falling body must be correct: land on the toe of the foot, ideally exactly under the center of gravity of your body. With perfect landing technique, you will be able to run even on slippery ice.

“Cadence” in running (number of steps per minute) for beginners is usually too small (too long, sweeping steps, jumping too high), one should strive to move the legs more often (about 90 steps per minute), take steps less.

The arms should move along the body, bent at a right angle, as if you were holding a towel thrown over your neck by the edges.

That, in fact, is the whole science of running, and now all this is much more detailed:

Here is the technique for performing one running step. Many nuances, but not all at once. Master these tips one or two at a time, gradually developing the skill of the correct movement. It would be optimal to hire a coach to set up the correct running technique. Zozhnik recommends, for example, trainers from the Trifit studio (this is if you are in St. Petersburg). Our experience has shown that it is more efficient and cheaper to take two or three personal training at the very the best coach on the run and then engage in the written by him individual program what to do seven weeks in a group.

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At the start of each step:

  • take your leg straight in front of you;
  • look forward and keep your head parallel to the ground (imagine that there is a plate on the top of your head);
  • bend your arms at an angle of 90 degrees or slightly less;
  • do not slouch, straighten your shoulders (this also allows the lungs to open up and work more efficiently);
  • keep your knees soft.

In the air:

  • do not wag your hips: you are running, not dancing, running should not look sexually provocative;
  • work your arms clearly back and forth, do not swing them in other directions;
  • keep your shoulders back and do not pinch them;
  • bend your knee and ankle joints at an angle of 90 degrees.

At the ground:

  • shorter step: feet should land exactly under the buttocks;
  • keep a brisk rhythm (count how many times the foot touches the ground), your goal is 85-90 times per minute;
  • land on the middle of the foot, do not drive your heels into the ground (if you are running at a leisurely jog, gently put your foot on your heel and roll onto your toe);
  • after the foot touches the floor, tighten the buttocks, bringing the leg to the next step.

Exercises that will improve your running technique

1. Change running postures with your back to the wall

  • Purpose: to learn how to pull the heel in the right direction - under the pelvis, so that the leg does not remain behind and does not splash far forward.
  • Execution: stand with your back close to the wall. Jump from foot to foot, making an active movement in the limb that you lift off the ground, and not in the one you are going to put.

2. Running in place

  • Purpose: to understand that until you give the body a tilt, you will not move forward. And secure the position when the legs remain under the pelvis.
  • Execution: remember exercise 1 and, according to the same principle, just run in place: pulling your heels under the pelvis and raising them to a comfortable height - approximately to the middle of the lower leg.

3. Fall on the wall

  • Purpose: to learn to "fall" forward, keeping the body constantly straight.
  • Execution: stand in front of the wall, knees slightly bent: they should be above the toes. The weight will move to the forefoot, the pelvis over the support, the shoulders over the pelvis. Fall on the wall and rest against it with your hands: make sure that the pelvis is not behind.
  • When you get comfortable, you can try this chain. Change of poses of running against the wall - running in place - falling on the wall - running with the addition of a fall forward. Over time, you will feel that the greater the slope of the fall, the higher the speed. Make sure that the pelvis does not go back, the shoulders do not fall forward, your position remains collected, there is no rocking from side to side, the body does not twist along with the arms, the movements are light and smooth. Keep your head straight, do not nod.

4. Running with arms outstretched forward

  • Purpose: to check how well the body works.
  • Execution: stretch your arms in front of you and fold your hands. If during the run they start to “walk”, you are doing something wrong. Align yourself, try not to wobble.

How to run correctly: pace and duration

Quite often, neophytes start too briskly and quickly leave the race with injuries and the belief that running is evil. In fact, evil is not to understand how fast and how long you need to train.

If you can freely carry on a conversation while running, then you need to add speed. But wheezing on individual words is wrong. Optimal speed is the golden mean between these extremes, when you can speak, but not grandly, but in short sentences. In numbers, this is about 5.5 - 7.5 minutes per kilometer, depending on the level of training.

Start joining the running with 20-minute runs three to four times a week. Don't worry if you need to step up for the first few months when things get tough. Your goal is to gradually reduce your rest periods and build up your pace. If you are an absolute beginner without contraindications to jogging, then after 10-12 regular workouts you should be able to run at a calm pace for 30 minutes without a break.

Only when your running pace is in the range of 5.5-6.5 minutes per kilometer and you can keep it for at least half an hour, gradually add running exercises.

  1. After warming up and 10 minutes of continuous running, do 20 seconds of maximum acceleration, then 10 frog jumps or just low jumps. And so four times in a row. At the end of the workout, perform dynamic stretching exercises (several swing and amplitude movements) and walk at a fast pace for 10 minutes.
  2. Run uphill for 30 seconds, jump low in place 10 times or do 10 jumps if you feel strong. This is 1 approach, do 3. After - dynamic stretching.

Every week or two, add 10 seconds to your intensity interval. And try to finish your workout with the intention of next time run a minute longer than dreaming of dying in a puddle of sweat at the finish line.

How to run: run longer

When you run, your lungs, heart, and muscles work hard, but running also puts a strain on your brain. From the moment you lace up your sneakers to the end of your session, your gray matter is actively involved in the process. To prevent it from forcing you to finish your workout ahead of time, listen to the doctor of psychology Jeff Brown from Harvard University:

Visualize your success
Athletes who imagine how they achieved high results are more demanding of themselves and train more intensively. Before you run, dream about how you cross the finish line of some significant competition for you with a smile on your face.

Find words of encouragement
Come up with a catchy slogan and repeat the cherished words when you want to send everything to hell. For example, “I had time and harder” or “I can, I will, I have the strength!”. If only you yourself believed in the mantra, and it inspired you.

fool yourself
If you are reluctant not only to train, but even to look out into the street, then inspire yourself that you go out only for 3 minutes. You will see: as soon as you start jogging, the desire to turn off the straight path will disappear. And if not, then your goal does not inspire you and you need to invent another one.

If not from the heart, then at least bare your teeth fervently. This will add confidence to own forces and help you not to cry at the finish line.

Don't run every day
We all know that for a good result you need to constantly train. Each session is a shake-up for muscles, bones, joints and ligaments, and the more often you expose them to dosed stress, the more resilient they become. But it is important not to overdo it with loads. Alternating monotonous running with interval running too often or accelerating beyond measure, you risk injury.

The ideal regimen for those who have recently started is 3 runs per week. If you train less often, progress will crawl like a snail, and you will run like the first time every time. And if you increase the load, then the body may not have enough time to recover. One thing: those who have neglected physical education for years, are significantly overweight, should limit themselves to two races a week and add one or two walks or bike rides. But in general, before doing recreational physical education every person you must undergo at least a minimal medical examination and consult a doctor.

If you've already been running three days a week for a month and a half, you can add a fourth workout. This is the optimal mode for most (except for preparing for competitions). Adding a fifth day is not worth it. It is better to spend 4 classes a week with full dedication and gain strength for new exploits. A good athlete is not one who runs every day, but one who is able to overcome long distances. When increasing the effectiveness of monotonous workouts, keep in mind that you should not increase by more than 10-15% per week, neither mileage, nor the number of workouts, nor the time of the run.

How to run: how to drink, what to eat - before and after running

If you are going to run for an hour, then 15-20 minutes before the start of the workout, eat 100-200 kcal in the form of carbohydrates: a banana or a slice of whole grain bread. 4 hours before training, drink 350 ml of plain water, and then continue to drink as usual.

If your running workout lasts more than 60 minutes, then every hour you need to drink 450-500 ml of a sports drink (isotonic) containing electrolytes such as sodium and potassium (not in one gulp, gradually). It is optimal to drink isotonic 100-130 ml every 15 minutes.

You can buy an isotonic drink, or you can make it yourself: for 400 ml of water, add 100 ml of any fruit or berry juice, 20 g of honey or sugar, a pinch of salt and soda on the tip of a knife

Run no earlier than 2 hours after a full meal, so that blood rushes more actively to working muscles, and not to the digestive tract.

How to run correctly: increase the distance

For many beginners, the phrase "run 5 kilometers" sounds much scarier than "15 minutes of running." And vice versa, experienced marathon runners often measure their achievements in tens of kilometers, without bothering how many minutes flew before the first sweat. In general, for those who are just starting to plan their great athletic future, we advise you to focus on time, not distance.

If you feel tired, reduce the intensity but keep moving (jogging or walking) for the set minutes. You will start planning distances later, when you are able without special problems run 40 minutes or more.

One more nuance about time and kilometers: you should not continuously increase either one or the other. In general, if you run 5-7 kilometers 3-4 times a week, we are very happy for you - this is a wonderful support regimen for muscle tone (including heart). If more significant achievements beckon, leave the duration the same, but add high-intensity intervals. For example, after 10 minutes of easy running for 20 minutes, alternate 2 minutes at "conversational" speed with a minute of acceleration.

If you plan to “make” a marathon (42 km) or a half marathon (21 km), then, of course, you need to increase the distance. But do it slowly and do not forget about. Let one of the races a week be long - add 2-3 kilometers to it, and leave the rest time until the next.

Gradually, you will be able to pump all your workouts in this way. After - again increase one of the races, and so on. But always follow a simple rule: the number of kilometers added should not exceed the number of training sessions per week. As a result, the distance of a long run should not be more than half of all the kilometers collected in your piggy bank for a week.

How to run: competition is fun

It doesn't matter what your experience is this moment you can start preparing for fun starts that will be held next year and achieve good results there. By the way, the more you invest (both moral and material) in training, the stronger the motivation will be to train with full dedication. Choose a distance that inspires you, make sure you have enough time, and start preparing.

For beginners, it’s best to look at 5-10 km races and hold off on ambitious marathon dreams. Leave it for the distant future, but for now, plan about two months to prepare for the 5K race and at least 3-4 months- ten. Work out gradually adding time and distance to one, then to several workouts per week. I hope you remember about the increase in indicators by no more than 10-15%.

An excellent motivator is a training diary, which will allow you to have a schedule of all your exploits in front of your eyes in 3-4 months. If you regularly run 15 km or less a week, then get ready for a 5-kilometer run, 15-20 for a 10-kilometer, 20-30 for a half marathon, 30 or more - wow! Get ready for a marathon.

Who to run with

Being in a company is cool. But what if your partner is well prepared and runs like an elk? Or, on the contrary, is it you - the same moose, and a friend puffs from behind?

If you have more experience, combine days when you have easy workouts with intense runs by a partner.

Do a warm-up together, and then go your own way. After training, reunite and discuss your achievements or failures. If your friend is more experienced, have a cool down together.

Go together for a group run at your level. Each of you will run for yourself, but you will find yourself in the company of people who are carried away by a common idea, in fact you will feel that you are many and you are strong.

How to run correctly: tracking running

The most popular programs: Runkeeper, Endomondo, Nike Plus - choose something to your liking, they are in iOS and Android, and probably on other cellular operating systems. These are indispensable assistants that, through music that inspires you to run, will tell you in your headphones, for example, your pace over the last kilometer.

About injuries

Every year, about 75% of great people stop exercising temporarily due to injury. Some pain is inevitable while joining the orderly ranks of runners, but if you cannot move like a human being because your knees are constantly aching, you should think about it. And if the discomfort does not let go at night or lasts longer than a few days, this is an occasion to visit a doctor, especially if you have symptoms from the table below.

When is the best time to run?

In the morning or evening? They say that in the morning it is unecological and harmful for the heart, and in the evening it is harmful for sleep.

If you live in a metropolis, then the phrase “running in the morning is not environmentally friendly and harmful to the heart” loses all meaning. Not environmentally friendly either in the morning or in the evening. Yes, at the beginning of the day, the accumulation of harmful substances in the air is greater, but only relatively. So try to run park areas and close to water bodies, and ideally - to leave the city. In other cases, the only salvation is a fitness club, but even then not just any, but with a good ventilation and filtration system.

In fact, morning jogging is still the most useful and effective. With its help, breathing and the work of the cardiovascular system are activated, in the muscles and internal organs a larger volume of blood and oxygen enters - the metabolism accelerates, the body wakes up. This will make you feel great throughout the day. If the lesson is evening, the body will not soon come to the stage of relaxation from the state of overexcitation - you simply will not be able to immediately go to bed and fall asleep peacefully. But people are all different, try running this way and that way.

What to do if you can't run anymore

We saw runners who periodically stop and start jumping in place, spreading their arms and legs to the sides. Twitch like this for a minute - and run on. These are "breaks". They make it possible to diversify a long monotonous run. Plus, they include muscles that are not focused on while jogging. It is not harmful if the pulse is in working condition, plus or minus at the "running" intensity.

If you feel that you increasingly want to switch from running to walking, then it is better to initially choose a more relaxed pace so that it is not so ragged. Then after training there will be no “I died” state.

How to drink while running

Drinking while running is a must. The liquid thins the blood - and it is easier for the heart to pump the latter. Not to mention the danger of dehydration and heat stroke. If the training is intense and long, it is advisable not to drink water, but a special sports drink - isotonic, which will replenish the salts lost with sweat and provide the body with electrolytes and vitamins. You need to drink as much liquid as you lose, plus a small reserve. This is approximately 500-1500 ml. Constantly and gradually - do not flood. Where to put the bottle? Now there are so many T-shirts with special pockets and running backpacks, so this is not a problem.

What to do if it gets bad

If any complaints arise, such as “pricks in the side”, “fainted without leaving the treadmill”, “knees ache”, “I start to choke”, “no matter how I run out, it immediately blows my back”, “pinched the lumbar nerve”, it is necessary First, stop. And secondly, seek advice from a sports doctor and undergo fitness testing. It is impossible to drive a car without passing a course of study. So it is with the body - it is impossible to run without understanding its needs, the biomechanics of movements, the processes that occur under various loads. Ideally, any training should begin with an assessment of all of the above parameters.

Run categorically contraindicated if there is an exacerbation of gastritis or peptic ulcer. When these conditions are in remission, training is not prohibited. Such loads cannot provoke the transition of gastritis to peptic ulcer. Although, of course, if you exercise regularly, then you need to be doubly serious about your diet and diet.

Can you run with varicose veins?

This disease requires the supervision of a phlebologist, who in certain cases can limit the patient's running loads. But it is impossible to give unambiguous and at the same time impersonal recommendations here: you need to look at a specific person, take into account where he works, how much he weighs, in what physical condition is, how pronounced are his varicose changes.

Is running bad for joints?

Running is one of the most natural activities for human body which is very helpful. But with a few "ifs":

  • you stay within the limits of normal weight for your height;
  • run not like a driven horse, but in a moderate volume;
  • on natural surfaces long run on asphalt overstrains ligaments and joints);
  • adhering to the correct technique;
  • in special shoes that optimally fit your foot and the configuration of the lower extremities;
  • competently build a rest and load regimen and maintain overall physical fitness at the proper level.

The option - 4 hours of sleep, 12 hours at the office, a hearty dinner and immediately 10 km on asphalt in sneakers that are expensive as a memory of the pioneer camp of the eighties - is definitely harmful. In other cases, before plunging headlong into serious training, you need to consult with a sports doctor or a rehabilitation specialist who will assess your condition and give recommendations for classes.

Running is a shock load on the joints, including the spine. The higher the impact, the stronger it is. Asphalt and treadmill injure joints, not immediately, of course, but much faster than other surfaces. The injury accumulates, the joints and ligaments begin to hurt, and it is advisable to listen to this pain.

We age, the body recovers longer - in the end, with age, running will make itself felt, but only if you do it all your life. And the higher the intensity, the closer day X is. The situation will be brightened up by the right shoes (special running shoes, with cushioning on the foot and heel, on thick soles with balloons filled with air) and a less rigid coating. Running in a place not intended for this is strictly not recommended.

How to run: stretching before and after a run

Stretching is a must. In the warm-up, use dynamic, which will prepare the muscles and ligaments for serious stress. After the race, stretch statically, holding each position for 20-60 seconds.

How to breathe properly while running

Inhale through your nose: this is how the air is filtered and warmed, and exhale through your mouth: carbon dioxide should quickly leave your lungs. And try to breathe deeply so that the cells are better saturated with air and oxygen starvation does not happen.

The safest workout for a beginner

Jogging or brisk walking for 45-60 minutes, at an intensity of 50-60% of the heart rate of the maximum, without taking into account the warm-up and cool-down. There is a simple Karvonen formula: heart rate during training = (maximum heart rate - heart rate at rest) x intensity (as a percentage) + heart rate at rest.

Option interval training- not suitable for neophytes. A ragged rhythm is a rather serious burden on the cardiovascular system.

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"Soviet Sport" tells how to start running correctly, so as not to regret it later.

If you are reading these lines, then most likely you have already decided to start running. So it’s hardly worth talking about the benefits that running brings. So let's get straight to the point.

Never believe those who say that you just need to go outside and run. This is not only not beneficial, but in the long run it can even harm your health. First you need to spend a couple of minutes to get acquainted with the theory, and only then proceed to practice.

Running technique

The most important thing in running technique, of course, is the footwork. Most beginner runners make the same mistake - when running, they land their foot right on the heel.

Yeah we're so running in Everyday life over short distances. This is unlikely to be harmful to health. But, if we want to run 5-10 kilometers, or even more, we need to start running correctly.

The foot must be placed on the ground, starting with the toe, gradually leaning on the rest of the foot. This cushions our step, softening the impact of the basfalt.

Otherwise, running will be dangerous for your knees. With a hard landing on the heel, it is on the knees that the rest of the massatela falls. It is they who act as shock absorbers, gradually spending their resources.

It is also important to monitor your posture - run without slouching. In the rest, your own body will tell you the correct running technique: position and movement of the hands, breathing, pace.

Your arms will help you keep your balance as you run. Inhalation can be used with both the mouth and the nose. It is important not to hold back the breath and to interrupt it so that the body has a constant supply of oxygen. To begin with, you need to choose a pace that is not too burdensome. As you practice running, you will learn to control it and set yourself new challenges.

Running conditions

Having understood how to run, you need to solve a few more important questions: when, where and what to run?

To begin with, let's decide on the time when we will run. It can be morning, afternoon, and evening. It is best, of course, to run in the morning. Jogging will help the body wake up, and the energy accumulated during sleep will allow you to carry out your plan and not be exhausted. In addition, it is better to run either on empty stomach, or a turn two to three hours after eating. So you don’t spoil your digestion and you won’t experience heaviness while jogging. If you can’t run in the morning, then the day and even the evening will do. In this case, it is important to see how running affects sleep. If after a run you can’t fall asleep for a long time, then it’s better to reschedule it for another time.

It is important to choose a place where we will run. Would fit perfectly playground with treadmills. Here, the main plus is not even that we will be able to track the distance, but in a rubberized shock-absorbing coating that will allow you to run in a health-friendly mode and help smooth out some flaws in technique. The paths trodden in parks and forests are also suitable for jogging - the earth also absorbs perfectly. You just need to carefully monitor the bumps so as not to twist your leg. Asphalt is the most harmful surface for running. But in the absence of a better one, one has to run along it.

The gym is also a good place to run. But, if there is an opportunity to run outdoors, it is better to give preference to it. Outside, the air is drier and contains less oxygen. You will get tired faster and sweat more. But there will be a shower at hand.

The third question is what to do with running. Clothing should not restrict movement. Otherwise, the choice is limited only by your imagination. With special attention it is necessary to approach the choice of shoes. Although they say that you can run in any comfortable shoes, this is not entirely true. It is better to immediately buy special running shoes that are perfect for you in size. They will be stable, durable and designed so that running causes minimal harm to health. For winter runs, it is important to choose clothes so that you are neither cold nor hot in them. In the first case, there is a risk of getting sick, in the second - overheating and even bringing your body to dehydration.

A huge variety of running accessories are now on sale. They are able to measure distance, pace, number of steps taken, heart rate, elevation change and much more. But for beginners, a regular smartphone is suitable, on which you can install one of the special running applications. They will help you find out how much you have run, the total time of the run, the pace of overcoming one kilometer. Such an application can even draw a map of your run, created using GPS satellites.

In the article we discuss how running helps for weight loss and in the fight against cellulite. We will talk about effective running techniques, as well as additional activities that you will need to lose weight. You will learn what interval running is and why it is better than the rest.

Running is an intense sport that puts a lot of stress on the heart, muscles, joints and the whole body. If you exercise every morning, then the first signs of cellulite will leave you in a week, as this exercise tones the body. However, there are a number of contraindications in which this method of losing weight is not welcome. This applies to people who suffer from the following diseases:

  • transferred myocardial infarction;
  • heart disease;
  • stroke;
  • angina;
  • tachycardia;
  • circulatory problems;
  • bronchitis with an asthmatic component;
  • lung disease;
  • arthritis, arthrosis, polyarthritis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • glaucoma;
  • any chronic diseases in the period of exacerbation.

If you have any of the above problems, you should consult a doctor before starting training.

Daily jogging brings joy and health to the body, which gradually adapts to stress. This means that you need to start running gradually, because at the initial stage of training, discomfort in the muscles of the legs, palpitations, and shortness of breath are possible.

To facilitate the addiction stage, special recommendations have been developed for beginners that can help to cope with the first difficulties when playing sports:

  1. You should not run several kilometers at once, as it will be difficult for the body. Better start with a quiet walk (1-2 km). After a week, walk a longer distance, alternating it with walking. Gradually walking is replaced by a slow run, then increase the pace.
  2. In order not to get tired of the monotony, alternate the usual workout with cross-country runs (forest, park) or stairs.
  3. Before starting a workout, be sure to drink a glass of clean water about an hour in advance, and another one in half an hour. A small amount of water is also acceptable during a run.
  4. The best time for training, according to experts, is 06:00-07:00, 11:00-12:00, 16:00-18:00.

How to breathe correctly

In order for jogging to benefit the body, you need to breathe properly. Breathing movements should be deep, even. If the inhalation-exhalation is performed correctly, then the cardiovascular system works normally, without experiencing excessive stress, the permeability of oxygen to organs and tissues increases.

The respiratory process is individual for everyone, but there is basic technique which can be used by beginners. One of the main rules is to breathe through your nose while exercising.

The right "equipment"

During training, you should not be distracted by the inconvenience that clothes and shoes sometimes bring. For a good run, wear tight leggings, in winter - thermal underwear. Such clothes tightly cover problem areas, help to remove excess fluid from cells and help get rid of orange peel.

Use special running shoes with shock-absorbing soles. This will protect the joints from injury. It is desirable to train on soft ground, running on hard asphalt is quite dangerous - the joints experience excessive loads from hitting a hard surface.

Morning running

If you set out to get rid of cellulite and lose weight, then it is better to run in the morning, before breakfast. Morning activities expend energy by burning fat accumulated overnight. In addition, in the morning the air is much cleaner than in the evening.

Before you start your morning workout, you should warm up well. Warming up is very important not only to warm up, stretch the muscles, but also to stimulate the whole body. The warm-up sequence is as follows:

  1. Circular rotation of the head.
  2. Hand movements to the side.
  3. Circular movements of the pelvis.
  4. Alternately lifting the legs with bent knees.
  5. Squats.
  6. Walking, smoothly turning into a run.

Evening run

Evening workouts are useful and also give good results. They help to unload after a hard day's work, relax well, turn off negative thoughts, and relieve accumulated stress.

Jogging is recommended between 19:00 and 21:00. 1-1.5 hours before a run, you can have a light snack (vegetable salads, light soups are suitable).

In order for an evening workout to be beneficial and enjoyable, choose a sparsely populated place, for example, it could be a park. Start with a calm rhythm, the duration of classes is no more than 30 minutes. It is allowed to drink warm water along the way. Before jogging, do a warm-up (the method is described above). Good results you will only be able to receive on a regular basis.

Nutrition rules

  1. Do not run on a full stomach.
  2. Two hours before training, it is allowed to consume foods such as kefir, yogurt.
  3. After jogging, after 30 minutes, you can drink clean water, green tea.
  4. Sweets, fried, smoked foods should be excluded.
  5. Nutrition should be varied, while balanced.
  6. The diet should be more fruits, vegetables, greens.

Running for cellulite

This type of cardio loads perfectly copes with orange peel, eliminates problems in the buttocks area. A large number of different programs have been developed, but in order to achieve a systematic effect, we recommend that you first turn to trained trainers.

Training program

One of the programs is designed for 4 weeks. Training can be carried out at any time convenient for you. There must be two days of rest.

First week. On the first day of training, running should last no more than 10 minutes. After that, 2 minutes of brisk walking, then jogging again for about 5 minutes. Increase subsequent sessions by 3 minutes.

Second week. The duration of the workout is 20 minutes with a rest break of one minute. Finish the lesson with a maximum sprint run (3 minutes).

Third week. Gradually increase the duration of the runs, by Friday you need to run for half an hour.

Fourth week. It is necessary to immediately start running for 30 minutes, increasing the time by 5 minutes every day. By the end of the week, the duration of the workout should reach 50 minutes.

Home workouts

People who lead an active lifestyle always have great shape. For each of us, the day begins with a rush to work and various family affairs. IN modern life I don't have much time to run in the morning.

As an alternative solution, running at home comes to the rescue, which replaces classic workouts with fresh air. They have a good effect on the human body, the burning of calories is activated, the work of the heart and muscles throughout the body improves.

Interval training

Interval running is one of the most common weight loss methods. It is a run with a different load and speed. There are three main types of interval running:

  • repeated;
  • interval sprint;
  • tempo.

The scheme is as follows:

Day 1 - a small warm-up, alternating running (fast - about 200 meters, then 3-minute slow).

Day 2 - warm-up, run up to 800 meters (the intervals remain the same).

Day 3 - alternation (fast - 600 meters, slow - 400 meters).

Benefits of jogging and in place

Jogging is a great way to lose weight and remove cellulite from problem areas. It also helps to strengthen the immune and cardiovascular systems. Thanks to running on the spot, the muscles are warmed up, the cells are filled with oxygen.

Such classes are the best option for moms on maternity leave. Remember the basic rules:

  1. Lift your feet off the floor as high as possible.
  2. Keep your back straight.
  3. The stomach should be pulled in, and the arms bent at the elbows.
  4. Shoulders are relaxed.
  5. Breathing should be as follows: inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth.

If you run 10-15 minutes a day, then in a month you will see the first positive results.


Stair running is more effective than usual in that there is a load on the muscles of the legs, while up to 850 kcal is burned. It is enough to spend a few simple exercises in the form of a warm-up, and then run up the stairs for 30 minutes.

At the same time, the muscles of the legs and buttocks are involved, which helps to eliminate the orange peel in problem areas.

Training on the simulator

To return the body to good shape, great option will be training on the simulator. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to make morning or evening runs in the fresh air.

The computer, which is built into the simulator, allows you to adjust the speed and time of classes. You should start with walking, gradually increasing time and speed. Half an hour a day of training is enough. In a month you will be able to see the first results. If there are problems with the joints of the legs, then such training is contraindicated.

Which is better - a treadmill or an exercise bike?

The exercise bike is great for getting rid of cellulite, excess weight and strengthen blood vessels. Experts say that the effect of a treadmill and an exercise bike is the same.

Treadmill program

The trainer helps you various types aerobic exercise. For effective weight loss you need to alternate all types of training.

Before starting classes, select the beginner level (classes for beginners). After 3 months of training, switch to an ongoing one. After six months, you can try the advanced one.

The program is designed for 30 minutes and consists of a warm-up, walking, tempo part.

  1. The warm-up takes about 5 minutes. Speed ​​3-5 km per hour.
  2. Walking lasts 10 minutes. The speed is 6 km per hour, which should be gradually increased.
  3. The tempo part runs for 5 minutes. Working speed from 10 km per hour.
  1. When performing exercises, straighten your shoulders, your back should be flat, your arms bent at the elbows.
  2. Breathing should be deep, through the nose, and exhale through the mouth. Then the correct blood circulation is maintained, the level of oxygen in the blood rises.
  3. Fat is burned faster if you periodically change the angle of the track and alternate walking with movements during training.
  4. You should alternate speed modes: start with a calm walk, end with an active one.

How to enhance the effect

If the classes do not bring you the desired effect, then you are not exercising regularly. Here are some tips on how to enhance the effect of losing weight:

  1. Choose comfortable equipment.
  2. Focus on running for at least half an hour a day.
  3. Get off the run positive emotions.
  4. Watch your movements during classes, follow the running technique.

You can also enhance the anti-cellulite effect by using a special film and applying a special cream under it.


Capsicam wrap and running are the best remedies for orange peel. For wraps, it is best to use blue clay or coffee grounds.

Wraps with blue clay

Clay is sold in every pharmacy. Preparing the mixture is quite simple. To do this, take a container into which pour the powder and dilute with warm water to the consistency of thick sour cream.

Apply the mixture with a special brush, and if with your hands, then with gloves. Then wrap the body cling film, put on thermal underwear, and then start training.

Wraps with coffee

Prepare coffee grounds - for this, use the cake from the coffee maker. Apply thick to prepared skin, after steaming it under a hot shower. Then wrap yourself in cling film, put on warm clothes. The duration of the procedure is 30-40 minutes.

How to start running if you have never done it before? Have you read books, useful pages on the Internet, heard enough advice from friends and decided to take on your body? Wonderful! And even the first meters of the treadmill, at least with a little pressure, but succumbed to you. So what is next? Just some stupor. The elephant seems to be easier to move than oneself. What to do? If you are familiar with such sensations, then this page is for you.

Feelings will help you

“Yes, well, him! After all, many people do not run and live! Why do I need this?" - if such thoughts appeared, then do not be discouraged: you simply started the classes incorrectly. To do this, you need to prepare and comply with the laws. physical training. This will be discussed below.

I want to reassure you that such thoughts torment you only at the beginning. When you get used to it, the brain will stop loading you with such questions.

How to get used? This is not possible without an effort of will. But only due to this you will not last long: positive emotions and the right tactics of training are necessary. Already at the first training you can get pleasant sensations:

  • lightness throughout the body;
  • purity of thoughts;
  • excellent health.

You have to catch the feelings that bring joy. Once you get it right, hold on to them longer. They will help you in further studies. I like, for example, when after running I lie down on the sofa for five minutes with my legs up on the wall. Every time in this position, I feel a pleasant warmth spreading through my body. Feelings like this keep me looking forward to my next run. But you like something else, for example, the freshness of a morning park or the boost of energy that a run gives. This is individual.

It is important to give the right amount of load. If you overwhelm yourself with demands, set a high pace, want to immediately overtake your neighbors, then you risk ending your jogging in the coming days.

Why? The body has a certain amount of energy. When you stir it up with workouts, it starts to develop, but quickly ends. As a result, positive emotions from running can be replaced by laziness, heaviness in the body, even disgust.

The load should be given such that you do not come after it tired to work. If you start to fall asleep at the workplace, then you will have to quit classes.
should not take power. Its task is to give energy to the body. This is the basic rule. If you want to practice for a month, a year or longer, then stick to it.

Time spending

When is it better to run: in the afternoon, in the morning or in the evening? You decide. The effect is the same.
If you have time before work, and you can get up on time without forcing your body, then choose a morning run, as most amateurs do. Otherwise, choose a daytime or evening workout option, but at the same time choose a place where there are few people, cars and clean air. There are many more places like this in the morning.

  • Daily workouts are best suited for the natural rhythm of the body, because morning exercises can cause lack of sleep.
  • Running in the evenings can also reduce sleep, pushing it to a later time. After all, running before bedtime, you will not always be able to fall asleep quickly, having received a small physical shake-up.

Look at your nature: you are an “owl” or a “lark”. But be sure to run at the set time.


How often should you run? It depends on many factors.

  • For morning and evening running. Jogging in the morning before work or before bed takes 15 minutes. Therefore, it is better to do it daily. If an experienced runner misses a session, then he feels that something is missing. It becomes a necessity, like eating. Some people like to take a break from running once a week. It is difficult to argue here: this does not affect well-being and fitness.
  • For daytime activities. Daily running is different. It is able to transform into complex workouts, which include exercises on sports equipment. Sometimes, such structures are present in parks, and are also available in stadiums. These classes can last up to two hours. Therefore, it is not necessary to practice them more than two or three times a week.


What time of year is the best time to start classes? There are two options here: spring and autumn. What's better?

  • Spring. March is still a cold month. But in April or May you can start running. The warm season is coming soon. This gives you confidence that you will not miss classes due to a runny nose or bad weather.
  • Autumn. Physical activities in the summer months they can be replaced by hiking, swimming. And running in hot weather is not easy. When September comes, holidays and vacations end - this is a great time to start running, just choose the right one. In this case, you will gain a double benefit: not only strengthen physically, but also temper the body, getting used to a colder climate every day.


There is no exact answer to the question: “From what distance should I start running?”, because for each person the distance that he must run in training is chosen individually. Your body will help you do this. To determine the running distance, first follow the proposed route on foot. If after that or the next day you feel interfering fatigue, then the distance needs to be reduced.

If it is difficult to determine the distance,. After a month of regular training, you can extend the time to half an hour, but not necessarily.

Here the running program for beginners and the table will come in handy. But each person needs to create them individually, gradually increasing the distance and duration. The main criterion here is how you feel. It will help you install your own .

Pace and tactics

If you have never trained to run, then the body needs to get used to it. Therefore, the pace of running for people who are just starting to exercise should not be high. Better yet, start with walking. After all, there is no need to get used to it.

You can say that you are able to run from the first lesson, albeit a little. You don't have to break records. Your aim - make the body produce energy for training at a strictly defined time of the day. The same energy will give you pleasant feelings for the rest of the day.

When the body gets used to training, you can move on and move on to the “walk-run” tactics: run until you get tired, then rest by moving to a walk. This cycle is repeated until the end of the set distance.

It is important to develop rhythmic breathing. A proven method - count 1-2-3 and inhale, and then exhale on 1-2-3-4. But it is not necessary to drive yourself into the rules. The main thing is that you breathe as clearly as a steam locomotive from old films. It helped me when I started. Now it works on the subconscious.

You can use the "" method for at least a whole year. Don't worry if you don't overtake other runners in the park. Follow your heart, not the envious eyes watching strangers. If your body is ready for an increase in load, it will take it on its own. How? You will simply start to spontaneously increase the sections that you overcome by running, and shorten the walking sections of the route. Over time, this will turn into a continuous run.

Start and end of classes

Where and how to start running for a beginner and do I need to warm up before that? According to sports rules warm-up is required. But after all, athletes beat records, raping the body and at risk. Without a warm-up, they can tear or stretch the ligaments, twist the joints. You are going to run for your health. Your movements promise to be more friendly and pleasant.

If the first lessons start with walking, then similar movements you are accustomed to, and a warm-up is optional.

However, if you connect some exercises, for example, then they will not be superfluous. Among them can be tilts, turns, stretches. They are more effective after jogging (walking).

You need to finish classes gradually slowing down to a slow walk, so that the pulse and breathing are restored to the level that was before running. Only after that you can go home or get into transport if you have to go to the place of employment and back.

Body preparation

The running schedule for beginners should be drawn up so that after eating there is a break of at least an hour. After all, discomfort in the stomach can interrupt the workout.

When you start running for the first time, you can speed up your body's adjustment to the routine and energy production. Now you will find out how.

At regular classes a whole range of changes occur in the body:

  1. The number of "mini-factories" that produce energy - mitochondria - is increasing.
  2. In the circulatory system, the percentage of red blood cells that transport oxygen increases.
  3. Glycogen is deposited in the liver and muscles, which gives you agility and strength during training.

Until such reconstruction begins to take place in the body, you will not get positive results from running. It will take several days. Therefore, the second lesson can be harder than the first. But after a week, you should start to adapt.

Such a process is amenable to forcing. To do this, you need to work out at home: give a load with the help of exercises, sports equipment. You need to perform such a workout at the time of the day for which you plan to run. Then you will go out into the street prepared for the first loads.

Sports uniform

What are the best clothes and shoes for running?

  • Shoes. The main criterion for choosing is comfort. Choose . She must be free. Take a size up so as not to spoil your fingers. Uncomfortable running shoes can lead to blisters and workout cancellation. Even if this does not happen, then the crooked shoes will cause torment with every step. But it is important to get positive emotions. You haven't forgotten about it, have you?
    Shoes must be dry. If it does not dry out after wet weather, take another one or skip your workout. Try to avoid such mistakes in the future.
  • Cloth. You need to dress so that it is not hot while running. It is not necessary to reduce body weight by putting on a fur coat in the classroom. In this way, you do not get rid of fat, but of the water that the body needs. Don't worry, your weight will stabilize as you run regularly.
Today, a person has simplified his life so much that all movements are simply reduced to a minimum, his physical activity. And this, in turn, leads to overweight, blood pressure disorder, cardiovascular disease etc. Therefore, one of better ways to compensate for the lack of movement is running.

Article outline:

Running and its properties

Agree, because, in fact, running is the most accessible and effective way body training. While running, the lungs of a person work much more actively, thus, the supply of oxygen to the cells of the body is better ensured. At this moment, the heart pumps blood more actively, and due to this, the metabolic processes of the body are accelerated. In athletes and trained people, the heart pumps about 25 liters of blood while running at 180 beats per minute. This can be compared to the flow of water from a fully open faucet. Due to the fact that metabolic processes are accelerated, general well-being improves. And if jogging also takes place in picturesque places, then this, in turn, helps to calm down. nervous system. In addition, high energy expenditure during running contributes to getting rid of excess weight, and accordingly, it cannot be said that running strengthens muscular system person.

But here, right away, it is worth noting that not everyone can run. Since, due to the increased work of the lungs in the process of running, people who have various diseases directly related to this organ cannot do it. The same can be said about people who suffer from diseases associated with the work of the heart muscle, who have undergone some operations that have flat feet, varicose veins veins, as well as diseases of the joints. So, deciding to start running, it is best to consult a doctor first.

In addition to all this, the great advantage of running as a sport is that it is one of the cheapest sports. The biggest expense in this case is the cost good running shoes. It is more physiological to run barefoot, but in our time it is worth being realistic, since it is difficult to imagine a terrain where you can fearlessly run barefoot.

Running does not require expensive equipment and, since the gym begins after you have left the door of the house.

While running, you can be left alone with your thoughts. Many run with the player, listen to music.

Running releases endorphins, which is why running is an excellent remedy for depression.

Running quite fruitfully affects the immune system and the central nervous system.

Including running contributes to hardening, if you jog in the fresh air.

You should also not forget that running develops personal qualities, namely: determination, self-control and willpower. Physically trained people have much higher self-esteem.

What do you need to start running?

So, in order to maintain your body and body in good physical shape, you need to:
  1. First of all, you must have the will.
  2. Self-confidence, since running and getting a positive result is not a matter of one week or month, you will have to run all year round.
  3. Physical form. If the doctor told you that the load is contraindicated, then it's not worth the risk.
  4. Sports uniform. Running shoes are a must. Precisely good sport shoes with a soft sole will protect your joints from shock loads, including playing the role of a good psychological stimulus.
  5. You need to choose a place where you will run. It is best if it is a stadium or a park. These places fit in the best way because there are no cars there. There are special paths along which you can run both in winter and summer, as they are cleaned. In addition, the park is nature, they also mainly have ups and downs, which, in turn, can diversify training. Of course, you can run around the house, but you must admit that there will be much less pleasure from this.
  6. Choose a route that you will run on, go through and study it in order to make sure that there is no danger for you.
  7. And without fail, it is necessary to draw up a schedule of runs. Decide for yourself which days you will run: will it be daily (morning or evening), or only two or three times a week.
For beginners, it is better to give preference to daily morning runs. As for the runs themselves, they should take place at an average pace and last from 1 to 20 minutes, everything directly depends on your physical training. For example, if your preparation is completely non-existent, then in this case, in this case, you should start with jogging at home on the spot from one minute, and try to increase the time by 1 minute every week. Thus, in a couple of months it will be possible to move to the park.

But what directly concerns already trained runners, they can train two or three times a week and run at speed, that is, run at a fast pace for no more than 12 minutes, or for endurance, namely, run at slow pace, from 20 minutes to several hours. Experts recommend alternating training for speed and endurance.

How to run outdoors?

The main rule in this case is that it is necessary to gradually increase the load. You can start with walking, while gradually increasing the speed of walking. After that, you can move on to short runs, which will need to be alternated with walking. And only after your body gets used to the loads, it will be possible to use running in its pure form. Since for an untrained person large physical exercise This also applies to running.

Jogging should take at least half an hour a day. Morning is the best time to run, because that's when the air is not yet saturated with dust, exhaust gases and other delights of city life. Jogging should be done at least 2 times a week. In the event that you do not have any contraindications to running, then the duration of runs and their frequency should be increased over time, without going to extremes. If it happens that after a run your condition worsens, then in this case it is necessary to reduce the load, or stop running. In any case, the sensations from jogging, both moral and physical, should be positive, only in this case you will achieve a positive result.

You should also not miss what you need to observe when running. correct posture. Despite the fact that each person has individual physique characteristics, the correct posture for each is different, but some general recommendations, about how to run properly are available. So, do not lean forward strongly, lower your head down. You should also not tilt your head back, or raise your chin high. The head should be held in such a way as to look 10-15 steps ahead of you. The arms, in turn, should be bent at the elbows at an angle of 90 degrees. You should not clench your hands into fists, since all movements should be natural and in no case tense. You will notice how after a few workouts, your body itself will feel how comfortable it is and will automatically take this position.

As for running shoes, they should be comfortable, with a thick sole, but not too heavy. Jogging is desirable in places relatively deserted. Since not all runners like to be noticed, and an excessive number of passers-by will simply interfere with movement.

Before you run

It is worth noting that before you start running, you need to do a warm-up, this is necessary directly in order to warm up the body and disperse the blood. To do this, it will be enough to walk at a fast pace, so that your pulse begins to beat faster. Next, you need to take a few deep breaths through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Perform swinging movements with arms and legs, as well as rotational movements torso.

It would not be bad if you stretch warm muscles, especially the muscles of the back and legs.

Briefly about running

  • Those who are just starting to run should not overdo it, it is better more often, but less.
  • The first 200 meters will be the most difficult, then everything will pass.
  • In the event that you start from scratch, then the real pleasure will manifest itself in a few years.
  • For beginners, muscle strength will be the limiting factor at first, later the legs will be trained and breathing will become the limiter. But over time, training, these factors are synchronized.
  • Before a run, you can warm up, or you can not warm up.
  • After a run, especially if it was long, if you decide to stretch, then this must be done quite carefully. Since warmed up muscles often seem pliable and you can overdo it.
  • Don't eat for at least two hours before running.
  • Not from running if you do not limit yourself in food. After a run, you can eat a little protein, a maximum of 200 calories, and this should be done an hour after the run.
  • Running technique is very important, as knees can suffer.
You should not start running at a high pace, gradually increasing it.

Make fewer unnecessary movements, as quite often unnecessary movements are made during the run. It is worth noting that extra steps lead to an overload of the body. But a slight tilt of the body forward shifts the center of gravity, and this in turn helps to avoid unnecessary movements.

Feet should be placed gently, without sharp blows on the heels, as the joints may suffer.

You need to run straight, while not bouncing up and down.

Including should be as less grip on the ground. Running is not a walk. Having put your foot on the ground, it should be torn off the ground as soon as possible.

It is necessary to run systematically, otherwise there will be no benefit.

While running, breathe through your nose. In the case when the runner begins to breathe through his mouth, this means that the body is overloaded - there is not enough oxygen.

After the marked route or distance is completed, do not stop. Wait for the pulse to recover.

In order to restore the water balance in the body after a run, it is recommended to drink a cup, or more, at room temperature.

It may also happen that during a run, the lower leg will begin to break. It is worth noting that after a run, especially if it was good, muscles may start to hurt on the second and third days. This happens directly because during the run almost all the muscles of the human body are involved, and this pain indicates that the body is not trained. An aching shin, in turn, indicates weakness of the calf muscles. Muscle pain is due to the release of lactic acid from the muscles. All this will pass with time.

How should you run on a treadmill?

Of course, it also happens that not everyone has the opportunity to run in the park or at the stadium. The right decision in this case would be to purchase a treadmill, which in turn is a simulator that is directly installed at home and you can run on it without leaving the apartment.

There are two types of trainers:

  • Electrical. In this case, the treadmill moves by itself, to be more precise, it is driven by an electric motor. With all this, the simulator has many additional functions, for example, changing the angle of inclination, simulating various surfaces, automatically adjusting the speed of movement, counting the number of steps, the distance traveled, etc.
  • Mechanical. In such a simulator, the treadmill is driven by the force of the runner's legs. This, of course, is not the most convenient option, but it is the cheapest.
When running on a simulator, it should be borne in mind that, as with running on the street, the load must be increased gradually. At the moment when you turn on the track, your feet should be on different sides from the tape, it is necessary to stand on the tape when you are sure that the track is moving at the minimum required speed.

At the first stage, unusual sensations may appear, directly related to the fact that the legs are in motion, but the situation around does not change, but you quickly get used to it. In extreme cases, you can use safety handles, but you should not abuse them, since the body must have the correct posture when running, and all movements must be natural. When running on a treadmill, you should look ahead while doing this, you should not be distracted, as you can lose your stride. It is not recommended to run barefoot on the treadmill, shoes should be as comfortable as possible while running on the street.

Do not forget that movement, and actually running, is a natural state for a person. Therefore, running is good for both physical and psychological health. But it is very important to always observe the measure, and then soon you will begin to feel the benefits. And the benefit, in turn, will be only with constant training, and do not forget that the load should be increased gradually.