How to take free kicks in football. Free kick and free kick in football

Set pieces are one of the most important components of modern football. And the free kicks, especially. How to hit free kicks in football? Let's learn together.

A small educational program. A free kick is awarded for a violation of the rules and is executed from the place where the violation occurred. Exception-violation in the penalty area. Then a 11-meter free kick (penalty) is awarded. However, a penalty is a separate story, and in this article we will not consider it. Unlike the free kick, the ball in the ball is counted, which makes it much more dangerous.

As a rule, if the ball is far from the opponent's goal, the free kick is played close. Although there are exceptions - sometimes the ball flies in the gate and after a very long-range strikes from a free kick or after sheds from a distance and a subsequent blow. If we talk about free throws in the immediate vicinity of the lapel, then there are several ways to execute them. The first is, in fact, a shot on goal. The second is a canopy. Backache is much less common, because there is a wall that interferes with it. And, finally, drawing the ball - that is, passing it to a partner who is already kicking (or hanging).

If the ball is kicked from a free kick for the purpose of a cross, it is necessary to kick under the ball, which will provide it with a high trajectory if skillfully executed. You can also hang with a twist, which will complicate the task of the defenders. By the way, often after a pass from a free kick the ball flies into the goal either without touching anyone, or after a rebound from a player of the defending team.

If speak about direct blow on goal, then a kick from the toe is practically not used here, which can sometimes be taken by surprise by the goalkeeper during a positional attack. You also need to take into account that in addition to the goalkeeper, you are also opposed to the wall. You can circle it with a blow, breaking through above it, you can cheat and, after waiting for the players to jump in the wall, break through under them. Or you can outwit the goalkeeper, pretending to throw the wall, and hit the “goalkeeper” corner yourself.

Even before the impact, it is desirable to determine which point of the gate you are going to hit. You need to stand opposite the corner where you are going to hit. You need to put the ball with the nipple towards you. If you hit exactly on the nipple, then the ball flies stronger and faster thanks to this. It is best to hit just below the center of the ball. In this case, the ball will rise up and then fall downward, which is inconvenient for the goalkeeper. If you hit far below the center, then the ball will fly too high. If you hit right foot, then you need to hit the upper right part of the instep to hit the ball with the lacing on the boots. Also, the force of impact increases from the sharpness of the swing. It is better to keep it short, but sharp.

And to make it easier for you to learn - a small master class from real masters of free kicks.

Shooting a penalty in football is one of the most pressing and tense moments in football. football match. It's as much a game of the mind as it is a physical strain, and is an important element to understand and keep in mind when you're taking a free kick. Firstly, it is a way not to be presumptuous, but also an opportunity to understand in advance your strength and tactics. Secondly, it's a way of not playing games with the mindset of a goalkeeper, who is likely to be well aware of what you're up to. Last but not least, it is very important not to betray the game with your eyes and movements.

All of this is easier said than done, although the following steps are intended to help you as an effective shooter and possibly save your team.

First you need to understand what a penalty is. Although a penalty kick and a regular free kick are similar in nature, they are different and take their own rules, depending on the game. (In any case, this article applies to both types of shots, as strategies and tactics can be applied to both.)

  • The penalty kick is taken during the game. This is done in accordance with the rules of breaking through No. 14. A penalty kick is a type of free kick that is taken from 11 meters from the goal with only the defending goalkeeper standing between the ball and the goal.
  • A penalty shootout is held at the end of the game during the tournament. Kicks are not considered free kicks. This is a method of determining which command jumps to next stage specific tournament. This only happens at the end of the game when it ends in a draw. Although the procedure is similar to penalty kicks, kicks from the penalty mark are not subject to penalty kick rules no. 14, but their procedure is outlined in the rule supplements. A series of penalties is popularly called "penalty".

    Practice focus and self-control techniques as part of your regular training. Even before you are in a position to hit a target, part of your training should be focused on techniques to support yourself in calm state under pressure.

    • Learn how to stay focused.
    • Practice being calm in a stressful situation without thinking that something might go wrong. Daily mindfulness can help you stay aware and mindful of the moment without being unstable or emotionally upset.
    • Visualize a positive result.

      Know your strengths when taking penalties. Before you start taking penalties, it is important to spend a lot of time practicing these kicks. You must know in advance your best strategies and practice them. When under pressure you go back to what you know, it's always easier if you've already practiced penalties as part of your training. You will feel your other self when you actually punch them.

      • The goalkeeper already knows your style of play and knows how you take penalties, given the experience of previous games. However, he will still look for options before hitting. This means that you have to think about your eyes and your feet, because the goalkeeper will be watching very carefully for all these signals.
      • If the goalie comes up to talk before kicking, don't mind. Be aware that he is trying to distract you.
      • Avoid looking at the goalkeeper who is doing something. It distracts you and is a deliberate tactic designed to sway you (eg Bruce Grobbelaar's "wobbly dance" at the 1984 European Championships).
      • Don't try to hit the ball by staring in the opposite direction. good goalkeeper knows the meaning of this trick, and you will not succeed if this is your only strategy.
      • Realize that the goalkeeper is checking all your footwork to predict your next move. Chris Jones says that sharp approach angles form an acute angle for the player, meaning the ball will go to the right corner of the goalkeeper (the player hits through his body), while a more direct approach means the player will hit to the right of himself.

How to take free kicks?

The ability to effectively use free kicks is an important component of modern football. Often a goal scored after a free kick decides the fate of an important match.

Rules for taking free kicks in football

How to beat free kicks is indicated by clause No. 13 of the rules of the game of football. A free kick is taken from the place where the rules of the game were violated. You can only hit a stationary ball. The kicker, after making a kick, does not have the right to touch the ball again until it has been touched by one of the other players. Players of the opposing team must be at least 9.15 meters away from the ball when the free kick is taken.

How to take free kicks

Ability to play football, including the effective use of standard provisions- it's great art. There is no universal technique for hitting free kicks in football. Every master has his own secrets. Nevertheless, there are several rules that will help anyone who wants to improve the efficiency of free kicks.

For beginners, we can recommend a few secrets from world football star Cristiano Ronaldo. His shot is branded "Rocket Ronaldo" and is characterized by power, high speed of the ball, accuracy of hitting the goal, as well as an unpredictable trajectory when the ball suddenly starts to fall in front of the goalkeeper.

Even before striking, the player must know exactly which point of the goal he should hit. Ronaldo always stands opposite the point where he aims, as if mentally projecting the trajectory of the ball.

Ronaldo always sets the ball with the nipple in front of him. He tries to strike directly on the nipple, since this is the heaviest place of the ball, and after hitting the ball in the air develops great speed. At the same time, it is very important that the hit is slightly below the center of the ball. In this case, the ball will rise up and then fall down. If you hit well below the center of the ball, it will fly above the goal. If you hit above the center, the ball will not rise up.

The ball must be kicked with the upper right side of the instep (if kicked with the right foot). In this place, there is lacing on the football boots. Thus, it is necessary to hit the ball with the lacing of the boots.

Before kicking, Ronaldo makes a short but very sharp leg swing. Only part of the leg below the knee moves. It is the sharpness of the swing that gives the speed and power to the flight of the ball.

Those who are fond of football will be interested in watching a video on how to take a free kick in the style of Ronaldo, and also, for comparison, watch a video tutorial on how to take a free kick in the style of Beckham (with a spin of the ball), but this technique will be more difficult to master. The video can be found on this page.

In order to learn how to hit free kicks yourself, as masters do, you just need to stay on the field for half an hour after training and continuously train blows.

In football, there are many terms that are incomprehensible to a novice player. Penalties are among such concepts. In football, a penalty kick is a type of free kick. Football players take penalties in accordance with the 14th rule - from a certain distance, by the attacker and goalkeeper of the competing teams. Violation of the penalty kick rules will result in penalties for the offending player.

A free kick in football is confused with a free kick. The differences are manifested in how to take the correct free kick in football. Also, the reasons for which a blow can be assigned are different. At the same time, the technique and details of the execution of strikes are regulated by the thirteenth rule.

What is a free kick?

This term replaces the concept of a direct free kick. Under it is meant a kick that is assigned to the goal of the opposing team for reasons of various violations of the current football rules.

Photo 1. Preparing for a free kick from Cristiano Ronaldo.

The rule that regulates the taking of a free kick implies that it is taken by any player of the opposing team. But in case of violation of the existing order within the penalty area of ​​their own team, it is not a penalty kick that beats, but a penalty kick.

When is a free kick called?

If the referee fixes a violation of the rules by one of the players, he stops the match and appoints a penalty kick. In this case, the distance to the opponent's goal depends on the details of the violation.

Photo 2. Robert Schengerhofer, football referee, assigns a free kick as punishment for breaking the rules.

The reason the referee stops the game for a free kick is because of tricky situations. These include:

  • tripping or attempting to do it;
  • hits by a player from the other team or an attempted kick;
  • an opponent's blow or an attempt to carry it out with a hand;
  • an attack or attack by a football player on another player;
  • deliberate use of the hand to handle the ball (such actions are allowed only for goalkeepers);
  • jumping or pushing an opponent by a player;
  • delay by the goalkeeper, who overexposes the ball;
  • acceptance by the goalkeeper of the ball with his hands after his teammate passes the projectile;
  • playing a dangerous game (for example, when a member of a team raises his foot to the level of the head of an opposing player).

The reason for awarding a free kick in modern football is also other actions that the referee regards as a careless, reckless or aggressive act. These include spitting, grabbing or touching an opponent while trying to take the ball (if the player did not touch the ball).

Photo 3. Too aggressive play - a reason to award a free kick.

A separate type of free kick is a 11-meter kick (the so-called penalty kick). Such a sanction is used if any of the above violations is committed by a player in the penalty area of ​​his team's goal.

How to take a free kick?

Its execution starts from the place of violation. This usually happens in the opponent's half of the field. In this case, the distance to the goalkeeper and the position of the player are determined depending on the place of the violation. All members of the opposing team stand at least 9 m away from the ball until it is put into play. The ball enters the position in the game after the player - a representative of the attacking team - hits it.

For the opposing team, the free kick is dangerous. A goal scored in his presence counts. Defensive players stand in the wall. Such a measure prevents scoring a goal with a direct hit.

Photo 4.Free kick seems technically simple only to spectators

During the kick, the ball is stationary. They hit a free kick from the ground, from the hands or from the rebound. When striking out of bounds, it is carried out exclusively from the hands or rebound. Execution of a free kick in touch from the ground becomes an unacceptable situation and is considered a violation.

A player who strikes at the opponent's goal does not touch the projectile until another player touches it. After hitting the ball overcomes the visible distance. If the player holds the ball in his hands, the projectile falls to the ground.

The blow is carried out with any part of the leg. In the presence of any violation, the judge has the right not to count the blow.

Photo 5. Cristiano Ronaldo, when punching a free kick, slightly twists the ball, causing it to fly down sharply, while directing it right on target with great speed.

The strength and direction of the blow does not matter. The main thing is that he flew to the gate of the defending team and did not go beyond the field line. This is achieved in several ways:

  • kick on goal;
  • canopy;
  • draw (passing the ball to a partner standing closest).

The player remembers that the obstacle is not only the goalkeeper, but also the wall, the purpose of which is to limit the attacking possibilities. They circle the wall with a blow above or below it. They also use a trick, pretending that the player intends to throw the wall, and then hit the corner of the goal.

When punching the ball from a free kick with a canopy, the kick is executed in such a way as to provide the projectile with a high trajectory. Complicates the task for the defenders of the ball with twist. After such a method of punching a free kick, the ball can fly into the goal without touching anyone or ricocheting from the player of the opposing team.

It is worth deciding on the point of the goal at which it is planned to make a kick even before it is punched. After the player stands opposite the corner of the gate. To increase accuracy, players hit slightly below the center of the projectile. With such a hit, the ball will rise up, after which it will fall downward, making the situation uncomfortable for the goalkeeper. The blow is sharp, but short.

Photo 6. "Wall" from the players of the Brazilian national team - the formation of defenders during the execution of a free or free kick.

The best free kicks in football history

The history of world football has many examples of free kicks, which had to become crucial both for the outcome of the match and for the formation of the image and reputation of their performer. Among the masters of free throws rightfully stand out:

  1. Sinisa Mihajlovic. Legendary Yugoslav left-back. For a long time, he evoked emotions of fear among opposing teams, as his free kicks, including from the corner football field became fatal for them. The main secret success of blows - a bet on their power. The football player is known for his hat-trick from free throws, which ensured the victory of Inter in the competition against Sampdoria (score 5:2).
  2. Rogerio Seni. Brazilian goalkeeper. Of the first 100 goals scored by him, 56 he did from free kicks. The basis of his punching technique is to go around the wall from two sides, stand parallel to the line of the ball and give it a spin that is dangerous even for a skilled goalkeeper. Distinctive feature free-kick Seni - top kick in the bottom corner.
  3. David Beckham. British free-kick master. His secret of success is to divert the attention of opponents to his own charisma: he needed a long time to set the ball, after which he extended his left arm parallel to the football field, bent his right arm down and delivered a lightning strike.
  4. Robert Carlos. A Brazilian football player who relied on his shifted center of gravity to put the full amount of his physical power into the kick. The spectators had the impression that the ball would shatter into small pieces from the impact. Even after completing his football career he did not stop practicing free kicks regularly.
  5. Rolandinho. Another brazilian soccer player- master of free kicks. A feature of his style of performing them is maximum relaxation, which gives the impression of a lazy approach to the ball. Impacts are accompanied by intense rotation of the projectile. His principle is not to look at the goalkeeper, so as not to mistakenly reject options that can actually bring good luck.

The Japanese Shunsuke Nakamura, the Italians Andrea Pirlo, Alessandro del Piero, the Brazilian Juninho, the Bosnian Miralem Pjanic and many other football players also became famous thanks to their skill in free kicks.

Photo 7. Sinisa Mihajlovic is a Yugoslav football player who became famous for his free kicks.

The style and technique of hitting depends on the individual characteristics of the player, who is guided not only by the rules of the game, but also by the knowledge of the opponent's psychology.

A penalty kick is always a fight between two players. In each individual case, it manifests itself so individually that even experienced trainers. In each specific case taken, the outcome of a penalty kick depends on the technical skill of the two players, the temperament of the players, intuition and psychological attitude.

Free kick: what does it mean?

A free kick is a synonym for the concept of an indirect free kick. It is considered special, but the reason for it is a violation of football rules or the occurrence of misunderstandings between opponents.

The referee uses special gestures to signal the execution of a free kick. He raises his arm vertically until the shot is made and the ball is out of bounds or touched by another player.

Photo 8. The raised hand of a football referee means a free kick (in the photo - Russian football referee Sergey Karasev).

The decision to assign a free kick, as well as a free kick, is made by the football referee. The reasons for such a measure are such situations:

  • playing a game that is called dangerous;
  • an attempt to block the advance of the opponent;
  • obstructing the goalkeeper who puts the ball into play with his hands;
  • accidentally touching the projectile with your hands, the consequence of which was a change in the direction of its movement;
  • other violations for which a free kick or penalty cannot be awarded.

The appointment of a free kick also occurs for violations that occurred on the territory of the penalty area near their own goal.

Photo 9. Tripping opposing players is fraught with the appointment of a free kick or an open kick.

Infringements on the penalty area at own goal include the following situations:

  • touching the ball with the hands of the goalkeeper after putting the projectile into play, provided that the ball has not been touched by another player;
  • touching the projectile with the hands of the goalkeeper after a deliberate pass to it by a player of his team;
  • delaying the time of putting the ball into play (reviewed and determined by the referee);
  • touching the ball with the hands of the goalkeeper after putting the projectile into play by a player of his team by throwing in from behind the touchline.

A relatively young rule for awarding a free kick is the goalkeeper holding the ball in his hands for more than 6 seconds. Previously, the goalkeeper could not take more than 4 steps with a projectile in his hands. After this amendment was made, the number of steps was no longer limited, but a temporary deadline appeared.

The table shows the main reasons for awarding free kicks and free kicks in a game.

How to take a free kick correctly?

Any player of the opposing team of the one that committed the violations can take a free kick. The kick is taken from the place where the infringement occurred or from the area where the ball was located when play was stopped. The difference from a free kick is that this kick can be taken from the penalty area.

If the referee appointed the execution of a free kick for a violation in the goalkeeper's area of ​​the opposing team, it breaks through from the goalkeeper's line. The opposing team may remain on the goal line.

If a free kick hits the goal, the goal is disallowed. The reason for the goal is that one of the players has touched the ball.

When a free kick is taken, the players of the defensive team cannot be closer than 9 meters to the ball. If the kick is taken from outside the penalty area (less than 9 meters from the goal), the members of the opposing team have the right to set up a wall on the goal line. They are not allowed to leave this distance until the ball is in play. It is considered active after it is hit and remains in play.

Photo 10. When preparing for a free kick, the players of the defending team move at least 9 meters away from the ball.

The execution of a free kick occurs with a passive (stationary) ball. The player who is throwing the kick is not allowed to touch the projectile until another player has touched it. Any member of the team from that area may take a free kick.

In a free kick, it is important that the ball stays with the team kicking it. The method to achieve this is to transfer the projectile to another player.

If a team is given the right to take a free kick inside its own penalty area, the ball must be knocked out of it during the rally. This will help you avoid a dangerous situation.

Details of the execution of both types of strokes in the game

In the case when a player of the opposing team is closer to the ball than the rules allow, the kick is taken again.

Another situation leads to repetition of blows. If, when it is executed from the territory of one's own penalty area, the ball does not fly out of its borders, this is an occasion for a secondary punch. The reason is also touching the ball by one of the members of the kicking team.

Photo 11. The decision of the referee on a free kick or an open kick is often met with the disagreement of the players.

The rules provide for possible violations and subsequent sanctions when punching kicks - free kicks or free kicks - by players in the field:

  • in a situation in which the ball has already been put into play and the player who took the free kick or free kick has touched it (not with his hands) before the ball has been touched by any other participant in the game, the referee awards a free kick from the place where the rule was infringed - in favor of the opposing team;
  • if the ball was put into play after a free-kick or free-kick, and the player who kicked it touched the ball with his hand before another player touched it, the referee awards a free-kick from the place of the violation also in favor of the opposing team;
  • if the violation described in the previous paragraph took place within the boundaries of the penalty area of ​​the player who played the handball, the referee awards a penalty kick.

The listed sanctions for violations are provided for by the 13th Law of the Game, which regulates the execution of strikes from various points on the football field.

Photo 12. One of the trajectory options when performing a free kick is to go around the defensive line

Organization and conduct of training sessions for penalty kicks in football

the main task training exercises- improve the quality of penetrating a free kick or a free kick. Trainings are individual in nature and meet the personal potential and abilities of each player. The player chooses:

  • "individual point" - the zone of the football field, from the territory of which the kick will be made. In this case, the player will be guided by the principle of maximum convenience. The task of the coach is to convince the player that from this point he is better able to handle the kick. After the technique of breaking through from this zone is perfect, you can move on to another;
  • personal way of punching. The zones on the football field provide for the presence of several options for performing a kick, which depends on what position the goalkeeper has taken, how the wall is located, etc. To begin with, training consists in working out a convenient for this player strike, and only after its improvement they switch to other methods.

The conditions in which the training takes place are brought to the maximum compliance with the standard conditions of the game on the football field. Otherwise, it will not fulfill its main purpose. It is important to take care of proper technical support regular classes(marking the gate with the designation of those corners at which the player will be hit; marking the points of a free kick and the start of the run with the help of chips, imitation of the wall with the help of special racks).

Each football player must develop a repertoire of shots for himself. You need to have no more than three options for strikes in different directions. Improve each of them so that the player is confident that he can score in any of the three places when the time is right.

Each series of free kicks during training has its own tasks regarding correct execution specific techniques or elements. Particular importance is attached to accuracy - that is, not just hitting the ball into the goal, but exactly at the point chosen by the player. The coach emphasizes that the player should concentrate on the range of sensations that he experienced during the punching of his successful shot, and try to repeat them.

It is recommended to keep a quantitative record of all successful and unsuccessful strikes during the training and organize a video recording of serial strikes. Viewing frames will help to analyze the execution of free kicks by a football player, to detect the main mistakes and build further work on their elimination.

Video: How to take a free kick

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