How to catch on winter fishing. Tactics for river fishing in winter

On ice-bound waters, winter fishing for mormyshka is the most common method of fishing. The vast majority of anglers practice mormyshka fishing in winter, considering this method of fishing to be the main one. Beginners are introduced to ice fishing with the simplest tackle - rods with a float or a nod, equipped with these lures at the end of the line for fishing on the riser. However, stationary winter fishing- not the only working way to use mormyshki. No less common is active game fishing, which requires experience and effort from the winter road, but often brings more catch. To hunt a predator, large decoys are used, which can hardly be called mormyshkas. In winter, the current equipment is different from fishing in calm water. In this article, we will analyze how to catch mormyshka in various conditions of winter reservoirs.

Mormyshka fishing in winter

For beginners, mormyshka fishing in winter is a great opportunity to show hunting instincts on the ice. This method is multifaceted, like fishing itself in general. Fishing methods are intertwined. Mormyshka fishing is used in various ways - from catching carp or rotan to serious hunting for flocks of large roach, bream or predatory fish. Mormyshka is an integral part of many winter fishing methods. Accordingly, there are countless variations in the performance of these baits and rod rigs. However, the entire vast layer of sea fishing is divided into several large, seriously different areas of winter fishing.

Types of winter sea fishing

You need to start fishing with a mormyshka in winter with an ordinary fishing rod stationary, with a bloodworm replanting (more on that later), with a nod or a float, just to appreciate the beauty in principle ice fishing. And then the whole endless world of winter fishing will open before the angler.

Tactics, fishing technique, gear equipment depends on the fishing method:

  1. Stationary fishing (as in winter float rod) from the bottom using bait. Usually anglers use 2-3 or more rods at the same time on fed holes.
  2. Catching a game with replanting a bloodworm (moth).
  3. No-bait fishing (winter no-moth).

In addition to these three main areas, mormyshka is also used in other winter fishing methods. These are ice donks, various garland steam locomotives, special baits for predators, as well as summer fishing winter tackle from a boat or a nodding rod from the shore.

In sea fishing it is important:

  • The choice of baits and gear depending on the conditions and preferences of the fish.
  • Correct tactics (stationary feeding, active search), features of winter reservoirs.
  • All the nuances associated with baits, baits and nozzles.
  • The type of fish hunted by the winter road.
  • Weather and winter time.
  • Specific unpredictable little things that always arise during any fishing trip.
  • The right game, the selection of baits, the ability to present bait to fish in winter and arouse the interest of underwater inhabitants.
  • Hooking, playing, removing the hook from the fish's mouth.
  • Personal winter gear, attitude, willingness to experiment.

Reelless fishing

Headless Mormyshkas

Catching fish in winter with a mormyshka without a bloodworm largely depends on the configuration of the bait and the right equipment, which allows you to give the right game. In the nozzle version, the angler has the right to make a mistake - the bloodworm is still, at the very least, but will attract underwater inhabitants. The mothless one requires attention to itself. According to observations, the fish comes across on average larger than the bait. Underwater inhabitants perceive such a bait as an integral object. In the nozzle version, a piece of metal on the forearm is needed to ship the bait and deliver it to the bottom. In the revolver, both ordinary models of tricks with beads or other decorations, as well as specialized non-attached devils, witches, goats, nymphs, ants, nail balls and others are used. Article about headless mormyshkas:

According to the links on our website, there is a whole series of articles describing all the intricacies of no-bait winter fishing. Here we will dwell in more detail on nozzle fishing and analyze how to fish in winter with a standard mormyshka, with replanting bloodworms or other bait.

Fishing with nozzles

The next block of information is those features that beginner ice anglers often miss and fail because of this. But it is precisely taking into account the factors of biting and the right tactics in winter that is the key to the success of ice fishing, regardless of the gear used. And fishing for mormyshka is no exception. Some beginners mistakenly think that the main thing in winter is the right rig and the “best” magic lure that catches everything, all the time. Of course, the equipment is important, but only technically, during the actual fishing. However, before you throw the tackle into the hole, you still need to find the right place. Underwater inhabitants live by their own rules, experiencing certain difficulties under the ice associated with a general slowdown in metabolism due to low temperatures and sometimes a lack of oxygen. How to fish on a mormyshka correctly?

Before you cast your rod, you need to think about the following:

  1. The nature of the reservoir and the type of fish. Before leaving for winter fishing, it is important to realize where we are going and why. Each type of fish has specific behavioral and feeding characteristics. For a specific type of house, gear is also prepared in advance. Fishing with a jig in the course of winter will require some gear, fishing in still water - others. On small rivers, mormyshka fishing is a search in promising places, along coastal landmarks. In large reservoirs, it is important to understand the bottom topography - in vast water areas, in the expanses of the ice shell, it is not easy to find promising places.
  2. Dependence on the period of winter. In the first ice, the bulk of the fish walks through vast coastal, relatively shallow places, and feeds intensively. During this golden time, you can catch almost everywhere. In the dead of winter, it stands mainly at a depth, respectively, a different search tactic is needed. By spring, underwater life accelerates again, the fish begins to feed more, preparing for the warm season.
  3. Internal factors of the reservoir. Weather, food migration, the level of oxygen in the water - all affect the biting in winter. Each fish needs its own approach. This information is set out in the articles on the site for specific types of fish.


Features of tactics directly depend on what kind of fish the subglacier is going to catch on the mormyshka. Search, bait or spot feeding, constant moving or hatching, fishing place - it all depends on the object of fishing and the characteristics of the reservoir. The tricks of winter fishing with mormyshkas begin with right choice tactics, taking into account the factors of biting and the time of year. Simple fishing for minnow in winter with mormyshka cannot be compared with the strategy of searching for bream flocks. Running after perch is different from spot feeding roach. They themselves differ from perch, and the smallest neat baits are suitable for the horned. Everything determines the type of fish. Therefore, we tune in to a specific object of hunting in advance, and do not go to catch “whatever comes across”.

Active fishing for a game with one rod implies an active winter search with a mormyshka. The nature of tactics depends on the time of winter. In December, and on the first ice, coastal water areas, grassy thickets, bays, and upper edges are surveyed. In the dead of winter, the strategic choice of a place is more important, since the fish stay deeper at the points of winter camps. Any underwater anomalies are a promising place. - fast, until a flock is found. For roach or bream, it is better to immediately carefully select a place and feed several points, then checking them in turn. Usually 10-15 holes are drilled at once, fed, and then checked. Feeding tactics are an integral part of the overall strategy. If there are no bites, the next square is drilled and examined. In addition to perch, roach and bream, crucian carp, silver bream, blue bream, rudd, chub, ruff, and dace come across in the catches of mormyshechnikov. In the North and Siberia, grayling, trout, and whitefish are caught with these tricks. At sea - smelt.

Nozzles and baits

As a bait on a nozzle mormyshka, a bloodworm is more often used. Depending on the conditions of fishing, one, two or a bunch of larvae are placed on the hook. In addition to bloodworms in winter, apply:

  • Maggot;
  • Worm;
  • caddis;
  • Mormysh;
  • Burdock moth larva (chernobyl);
  • Khrushch (larvae);
  • Semolina in a syringe;
  • Canned corn (per chub).

Fishing bait is a matter of experiment. Depends on the type of fish and water conditions. However, in the classics, bloodworms are used, the natural food of underwater inhabitants.

Working Mormyshkas

The main function of the nozzle mormyshka is the shipment of the nod, the delivery of the bloodworm to the bottom. External beauty and color are secondary. Therefore, discreet baits form the basis of the set in the moth. However, sometimes the color affects the bite. Therefore, silver, red (copper) and yellow brass shades are useful for fishing. For roach the best option- miniature droplets and balls, for bream - elongated oatmeal, Uralka, carnations. But for a perch, a variety of options are useful - from black nondescript to bright provocative parrots.

Main set - regular shapes different weights and sizes

Rods and equipment

Equipping rods for winter jigging with a game requires a more serious approach than stationary fishing. The meaning of correct winter equipment- in ensuring the sensitivity of the fishing rod, the ability to give the bait a seductive game. The right tackle is a single system of “mormyshka-line-nod”, where the elements are selected depending on the weight of the bait. Therefore, advanced anglers take several pre-configured gear to the reservoir at once (with lures of different weights, line thicknesses and elasticity of nods).


In principle, almost any standard winter fishing rod is suitable for line fishing. However, if the angler is seriously engaged in mormyshing, it is better to use light axleless rods, fillies or miniature sports balalaikas. With a small and light rod, it is easier and easier to work all day long.

Correspondence table for weight and diameter of fishing line

The choice of fishing line for winter fishing for mormyshka is determined by the weight of the bait and the size of the intended trophy. It is not advisable for those who like to use sports equipment with fishing lines of 0.06 mm - it is inconvenient to work with such a cobweb. For small and medium fish, the normal diameter is 0.08-0.1 mm, about 12 mm for larger ones. Even a kilogram bream in winter calmly reaches 0.1 mm, if not forced. On a thick fishing line, the bait does not play well. The water is clear in winter, so it is better to use invisible fluorocarbon. General rule- In winter, it is better to use small baits and thin fishing lines.

The mormyshka is tied to the fishing line depending on the configuration, the location of the hole in the body or the ringlet. special attention require tungsten lures - hard metal easily injures a thin monofilament on a knot. We approach carefully, after each fishing, especially intensive, tying and updating knots.

An article about the equipment of fishing rods for mormyshka:

Technique for fishing with a mormyshka with a bloodworm

Each angler eventually develops his own peculiarities of mormyshka fishing technique in winter. The game consists of combinations. Several repetitions of the same combinations make up a cycle. However, in bait fishing, the rules of retrieval are blurred, the game is often not rhythmic at all, but resembles sluggish twitches. Depending on the shape, weight, as well as the depth of fishing and current, the massiveness of the bait, the bait behaves differently in the water.

The nature of the game is also affected by the time of year. On the first ice and closer to spring, a rather active, “fast” game is required. In the dead of winter - sluggish and slow (or generally immobile state of the bait at the bottom). Perch prefer high-frequency frisky vibrations, bream - smooth and slow. Crucian reacts well to swarming near the bottom and slow low rises, while roach, on the contrary, loves lowering the bait, as if the food is naturally sinking. In order to bring all these variables together on a particular fishing trip, some experience and knowledge of the habits of underwater inhabitants is required. Therefore, theoretically, it is impossible to say exactly how to properly catch mormyshka in winter. Basic postings with which to start, gradually adding grains of your own acquired experience:

  1. Lowering to the bottom, smoothly or with oscillatory movements. After a pause of 2-7 seconds, lift 4-5 cm.
  2. Stirring at the bottom, tapping, creating clouds of turbidity.
  3. Slow rise from the bottom to a height of 50 cm.
  4. Very slow rise with jerks every 3-5 seconds.
  5. Dribbling - high-frequency vibrations. Rising and lowering with frequency play.
  6. Dotted rise (lower). Reminiscent of the movements of the amphipod, the angler, as it were, draws the same lines with his hand.

The most important element of the game is pauses. The closer to deafness, the longer the stops are required (up to 30 seconds). It is during pauses that bites often occur (especially perch). If the standard cycles of bites do not bring, then the game should be diversified by changing the pace, frequency, speed. Provocative moments work well - accelerations, decelerations, oblique horizontal movements, a change in monotonous oscillations and unexpected pauses that were not previously in the combination.

To catch a fish with a mormyshka, you need to constantly experiment with the game, select the frequency and speed of oscillations, and look for a working horizon. To catch a jig in the winter on the current, the game requires a slightly different one. In a stream, it is useful to let the bait go downstream with each step along the bottom further under the ice - the so-called admission. This covers a much larger area. There are countless methods of jigging fishing techniques - each angler, based on the basic elements, eventually forms his own unique game.

Stationary fishing in winter

Mormyshka fishing is also widely used in standard stationary fishing - with fishing rods with a float or a nod to the riser. Mormyshka in this case replaces the sinker with a hook. Equipment is carried out according to all the rules of winter float fishing. Attention is paid to the correct shipment of the float (nod). Beginners find that simply loading a float or a nod is enough for them to clearly register bites on the rise. However, not everything is so smooth.

Often fish in the dead of winter spits out the bait, feeling the heaviness of the mormyshka in the mouth. Fine-tuning of gear is required, in which the float, when lifting or a nod when unbending, takes part of the load of the bait's weight onto itself so that the fish do not feel it. This is especially true when fishing for bream from the bottom or inactive winter crucian carp. Bream equipment, moreover, is made taking into account the current (when fishing on rivers). More information about this can be found in the relevant articles on specific types of fish for bait and in publications.

Classics of the genre

Fishing for predatory fish

Large heavy mormyshkas, up to several centimeters in size and weighing tens of grams, are used for winter fishing for predatory fish. Such fishing is already closer to lure - coarser tackle is used that can withstand the weight of a large fish and allows you to play correctly with heavy tricks. A fry, sprat, pieces of fish are planted on the hook. This method of fishing is effective for zander and burbot.

- the so-called stukalki. These baits are made in such a way that, when baiting large baits, the mormyshka can knock with its back on the stones along the bottom, raising the turbidity and creating sounds that are attractive to burbot. , bullets and cones, are used both with an active game, and for a riser with sprat or fry. Well on the pike perch on the course, the technique of letting under the ice works.

A popular way to catch rotan is large snags with a piece of fish, lard or chicken skin. According to this voracious predator, it is not the mormyshka itself that is more important, but the bait. How often small jig heads are used.


Mormyshka fishing in the course is often used as part of winter bottoms. On helicopters and downhills, various winter baits are used, but more often - light plastic or. Such tackle is effective when catching bream, roach, blue bream and in general any white fish in the strong current of large rivers.

Steam locomotive on a leash

You can fish for mormyshka in winter by any means. It is important in each case to carefully and consciously approach the choice of bait, depending on the conditions of winter reservoirs and the preferences of the fish. Do not fall for marketing and advertising tricks, buying expensive and useless gear. It is better to master simple and working options, and only then, with the experience gained, experiment with new equipment.

Perch is a predatory fish that practically does not lose its activity even in winter. Most ice fishing enthusiasts go for perch, since it is considered the most common fish that most often gets hooked. As a rule, any angler is satisfied if he returns home with a catch. Moreover, they rejoice even at small perch, from which sometimes there is no end. After all, the main condition good fishing- This is a regular bite that cheers up.

To catch even a small perch in winter, certain knowledge and skills are required, since you need to choose the right place for fishing, decide on a catchy bait, and also have sensitive gear.

It is permissible to catch perch in winter with various baits. These include:

  • Mormyshka, which represents an artificial bait of a small size. The material for the manufacture of such a bait can be lead, tungsten or tin. Mormyshka can have any shape, with a hook soldered into it. To date, several of the most common models of mormyshkas are known.
  • baubles for vertical glare. This is an artificial bait made of copper, brass or other metal. It is distinguished by a body of a narrow purlin shape, equipped with a single, double or triple hook.
  • balancer. This is also an artificial bait, cast from lead or tin, shaped like a small fish of the appropriate coloring. The balancer is equipped with a triple hook attached to the bottom of the lure and one single hook each located in front and behind the balancer.
  • "Baldu". This is an artificial bait of a special shape in the form of a cone, in the upper part of which there is a hole through which the bait is attached to the main line. In the same place, 2 hooks are fixed, which look in different sides. For greater attractiveness, multi-colored cambric or beads are placed on the hooks.
  • Silicone lures. Twisters and vibrotails 3-5 centimeters in size with jig heads, weighing from 4 to 8 grams are usually used.

Mormyshka is considered one of the most common, as perch is caught on it all winter. The technique of fishing for mormyshka is not particularly difficult, but has its own characteristics. As a rule, everyone, even a novice angler, knows the technique of catching perch with a mormyshka.

Unfortunately, without basic skills in using mormyshka, one should not count on a significant catch. Therefore, before counting on the catch, you will have to master the technique of wiring the mormyshka.

The game of mormyshka is connected with the correct and measured actions of the angler. For example:

  • First, you need to find a place and drill a hole or several holes, and only after that they start fishing. Start with the hole that was drilled first. After that, they take out the fishing rod and unwind it, and then lower the mormyshka into the hole and wait until it lies on the bottom.
  • Before the start of the game, the bait is raised from the bottom by 5-7 centimeters and lowered so that it seems to hit the bottom. They do this several times. As a result of such actions, a cloud of turbidity will appear at the bottom, which will surely attract perch.
  • After “knocking” on the bottom, they begin to start wiring the bait. To do this, it is raised from the bottom in steps of 20-25 centimeters, each time making a pause. Raise the mormyshka to a height of 1 to 1.5 meters. In the process of lifting, the mormyshka is revived by various movements of the fishing rod. These can be either short high-frequency twitches or low-frequency sweeping movements.
  • Having raised the jig with steps to the desired height, it can be lowered by any means: it can itself, under its own weight, sink to the bottom, making certain movements, or it can be slowly lowered to the bottom, with some degree of animation.

As a rule, small perch prefer to stay in packs, with the exception of large individuals, which prefer a solitary lifestyle. At the same time, flocks of perches actively migrate across the reservoir in search of food. Therefore, their location in winter depends on many factors, such as the presence of a current, weather conditions, etc. Due to this:

  • With the appearance of the first ice, the perch is still in its “habitable” places, located within the sandy beaches not far from the coast. It feeds at depths of no more than 2 meters in areas where aquatic vegetation is still preserved. Larger perch prefer deeper areas where trees are flooded, which provide excellent hiding places.
  • In the dead of winter it is difficult to find perch close to the shore. Unless during periods of prolonged warming, it rises from the depths to visit shallow water. And so, here, basically, there is a grass perch, which does not need special wintering conditions. The medium-sized perch and the large one go to the depth, where they will be there until the very spring.
  • With the advent of spring, when melted streams begin to bring food and oxygen to the reservoirs, the perch comes to life and begins to feed actively. He leaves his former winter shelters and goes to the places where streams and streams flow in order to find food for himself.

First ice: search for catchy places

Fishing in winter is an active search for fish and perch is no exception. Therefore, fishing comes down to drilling as many holes as possible in a promising place. With the advent of the first ice, the striped predator is still on the shallows, therefore:

  • The distance between the holes should be about 3 meters, when fishing with a jig.
  • It is advisable, after the next hole is drilled, to measure the depth in order to determine the bottom topography.
  • It is advisable to find a dump in a hole or just a drop in depths. After that, they begin to hit the holes further, parallel to the first row, heading in the opposite direction. If the first holes were drilled in the direction from the coast and to the depth, then the second row is drilled in the opposite direction, etc.
  • They begin to fish from the first drilled hole, located in shallow water. If the weather is sunny, then the crumbs from the hole should not be removed, you just need to make a small hole so that the mormyshka can pass into it.
  • You should not stop for a long time on one hole, it is enough to make 5-7 lifts of the mormyshka.
  • If during this time there were no bites, then you can safely move on to the next hole.
  • If a perch pecked in any hole, then this place is fished from all sides and, if necessary, additional holes are drilled around this hole.
  • The holes where active biting was noted are remembered. There is a high probability that a flock of perch will come here again.

Bait for catching perch in winter

When fishing for perch, they rarely use bait. If this is very important for roach fishing, then it is not important for perch fishing. And yet there are times when the use of bait gives good results, especially in conditions when the perch, for a number of reasons, refuses to attack the bait. According to experienced fishermen, today even perch cannot be caught without bait.

Cooking bait for perch is a responsible and painstaking task. The main thing is to choose the right proportions of all ingredients, although their quantity is always limited. For the preparation of bait for perch, use:

  • An ordinary earthworm, which will have to be prepared in the fall. To keep the worms, they are kept in a cool place in a container with moist soil. Before use, the worms are finely chopped and mixed with breadcrumbs.
  • Small bloodworms, which are not used when fishing, are also mixed with breadcrumbs. Before mixing, it is rubbed with fingers so that its aroma can be felt.

  • Fresh pig blood is also used. It is combined with the crumb of bread and kneaded to a thick pasty state. For ease of use, the mixture is wrapped in cellophane, forming small sausages from it. Bait in the cold hardens quickly, and pieces are easily broken off from the sausages, which are thrown into the holes.

Winter lures for perch

For catching perch in winter, anglers use a wide range of artificial lures. The most commonly used baits are:

  • Mormyshkas, both nozzled and non-attached. The advantage of mormyshkas is that they can be used all winter. More versatile products include small and medium-sized non-bait baits that require an appropriate game to interest the predator.
  • Ice fishing lures work well for catching both medium and large perch throughout the winter.
  • Balancers, which should be attributed to a certain type of artificial bait. All balancers in shape and appearance they don't look like a big fish. The bait is quite catchy, thanks to the features of the game. The coloring of the balancer can be very diverse.
  • Artificial bait "balda" is distinguished by its simplicity. Despite this, it also has an enviable catchiness. Due to the specifics of fishing on the bulldozer, this lure attracts the striped robber as well as other, more “perfect” models.

  • Silicone baits, especially recently, have begun to actively replace traditional ones, such as mormyshka, spinners, etc. These lures serve as an excellent alternative to the lures already known and used by anglers for a long time. Both twisters and vibrotails can replace both balancers and spinners. In addition, they are not expensive and affordable for any category of anglers. In addition, they play more naturally in the water column.

What and how to catch perch in winter?

As mentioned above, perch fishing in winter is carried out on mormyshkas, spinners, balancers, on the "bastard" and on silicones. For example:

  • Mormyshkas are baits that require their active play. Therefore, the angler must try to make the lure move accordingly, climbing step by step. There should be a pause after each step.
  • Spinners and balancers are distinguished by a different, very peculiar game, carried out by short lifts of them with the tip of the rod. Being in free fall, they are able to interest the perch with their play.
  • "Balda" is a simple but effective bait that resembles a cone in shape, in the upper part of which the bait is attached to the fishing line. The principle of fishing is constant tapping on the bottom, followed by raising the turbidity.

Winter baits for perch fishing

Perch, as you know, is a predatory fish, so you should use baits of animal origin to catch it. For perch fishing in winter, you can use:

  • Bloodworm, which is at this time one of the most versatile perch lures. It can be used at any time.
  • Burdock fly larva. Perch will also be actively caught on this bait.
  • Dung worm. The only problem is that this type of bait is difficult to get in winter, otherwise you can count on frequent and effective bites. Many fishermen harvest dung worm from the fall, providing suitable conditions for its storage.
  • Live bait, but first you need to catch a small fish. A fairly large perch can bite on a live bait.

Mormyshka perch

When choosing jigs for perch fishing, you should be guided by some factors. For example:

  • The presence of the current and the depth of fishing. If the fishing depth is not large, then it is better to take lures no larger than 2 mm, and in areas with depths up to 4 meters, as well as in the presence of a strong current, heavier and larger mormyshkas, up to 4 in size mm.

  • Illumination level. If the ice is thin and it is clear outside, then the level of illumination allows the use of small dark-colored mormyshkas, which are clearly visible to perch in such conditions. When the ice is thick and it is cloudy outside, it is better to give preference to baits that have bright colors.
  • Under the conditions of the first and last ice the perch actively bites, both on small and larger mormyshkas. In the dead of winter, small, non-attached mormyshkas are better suited.

The tactics of catching perch in the winter on a mormyshka

Effective fishing, at any time of the year, including in winter, depends on several factors, such as:

  • search promising place, which boils down to drilling a large number of holes, with the determination of depths, which will give a complete picture of the bottom topography.
  • If the reservoir is known, then the task can be greatly simplified, and if it is unfamiliar, then it can take a lot of precious time to find the fish site.
  • After that, the fishing of the drilled holes begins. various baits And various techniques postings.
  • Fishing can be more productive if each hole is baited. Moreover, you do not need to use a lot of food. It is enough to fill each hole with a pinch of bait. After the bite begins, the amount of bait can be increased.

There are a lot of such artificial lures, like spinners, for catching perch, but among them there are quite catchy ones. However, they differ in both shape and size.

  • Size. For catching perch in winter, spinners with a length of 2 to 7 cm are mainly used. As a rule, smaller baits are used to catch small perch, and larger lures are used to catch larger specimens. Naturally, larger lures are suitable for fishing in the current or at depth.
  • Color. Lighter baits perform well in conditions where there is no sun or in muddy water conditions. And darker baits should be used on clear sunny days, in clear water conditions.
  • Form. Spinners with a wide petal are more catchy in conditions when the perch is active, especially on the first and last ice. Spinners with a narrow petal are designed to activate the passive perch in the dead of winter.

Among the huge variety of winter spinners for perch fishing, the following models should be noted:

  • "Carnation".
  • "Trihedral".
  • "Tetrahedral".
  • "Dovetail".

When and how to use the weight and size of balancers:

  • For catching perch of a small size, narrow balancers will fit, weighing from 3 to 5 grams and up to 4 centimeters long.
  • For catching large perch, models are used, weighing up to 7 grams and up to 6 centimeters long.
  • When fishing on the current, baits are used, weighing at least 10 grams and up to 9 centimeters long.


Balancers for perch are distinguished by two main colors:

  • Natural, which match the colors of small fish such as bleak, perch, roach or perch. Such colorings are considered very catchy throughout the winter.
  • Unnatural, bright colors that also actively catch perch at depths of up to 10 meters, or even more.

The periods of the most productive perch fishing in winter

Perch fishing in winter is characterized by the inconsistency of its biting throughout the winter period. For example:

  • first ice. It is characterized by strong activity of biting perch. This period lasts for two weeks after the reservoirs are covered with a stable layer of ice, 8 to 10 centimeters thick. If the winter is not cold, then this period can last all 3 weeks, and if it is too cold, then this period naturally shortens.
  • Wilderness. During this period, the ice is quite thick, and algae begin to rot in the water column, which leads to a lack of oxygen. During this period, the perch does not behave as actively as on the first ice. In the dead of winter, non-attached small mormyshkas work well. It should be remembered that the perch is mainly at depth.
  • Last ice. This period is characterized by the fact that oxygen begins to enter the water through the gullies, which are formed in areas with great depth, where the ice thickness was less. During this period, a hungry perch begins to peck at any bait.

Features of fishing during these periods

For each period, it is important to choose the equipment and decide on the tactics of fishing. For example:

  • In the conditions of first ice, when the perch has not yet left the coastal zone, spinners and balancers are used to catch it.
  • In the dead of winter, the perch has already moved to the depths and from there it can be reached with mormyshkas without attachments, as well as spinners for vertical lure.
  • In the conditions of the last ice, the perch begins to return to the coastline, and is also found in the mouths of rivers and small streams. During this period, it is caught on any kind of bait, including jig.

During this period, the following baits will be the most successful:

  • Balance.
  • Sheer baubles.
  • Balda.
  • Mormyshka.

As a rule, small perch are caught on mormyshkas, and larger individuals come across other types of baits. The same rule can be applied to perch fishing on the last ice.

Catching perch in the dead of winter, when there are severe frosts, piercing winds and heavy snowfalls, this is the lot of the most real avid fans of winter fishing. Not only is it cold outside, you still need to find fish, but in order to find it, you need to drill more than a dozen holes. Well, if there is an echo sounder and with its help you can quickly find a deep place. The task is also simplified if fishing is carried out on a familiar reservoir, where all depths are known. Since the fish during this period is not active, the movements of the bait should be smooth.

If the bite is sluggish, not active, then you can resort to feeding the holes, and several bloodworms are mounted on the mormyshka hook.


Winter fishing for perch is a very exciting activity. Since perch is the most common fish in our waters, catching it always leaves a lot of positive emotions. As a rule, all trips for perch are not idle, although in most cases small perch predominate, which is not so easy to clean. Despite this, housewives easily cope with this task.

Catching fish in a winter river is quite difficult for beginners. The current creates certain difficulties for anglers, which not everyone can cope with. But if you listen to the advice of professionals, apply out of the box thinking, then winter fishing in the course can bring a good catch. Of the many recommendations, it is necessary to heed a few. And first of all, before you assemble a fishing rod for winter fishing in the course with your own hands, you should determine which fish will be hunted.

Catching fish in the winter on the current is fraught with a certain element of surprise. Unlike lake fishing, the river can please you both with worthy trifles and trophy fish.

  • Of the peaceful representatives of the ichthyofauna, several species should be noted. In winter, you can count on the capture of trophy bream or chub. But most often in the catch there is a bream, silver bream and roach.
  • Many species of predatory fish live in the rivers. The largest representatives are pike and zander. Some anglers purposefully hunt for perch, burbot or ruff nosar.

Photo 1. Kings of the river - ruffs!

Depending on the type of fish chosen, a suitable tackle is completed.

Rods for fishing in the current

In order for winter fishing on the river to become productive, you need to correctly assemble a fishing rod. Despite the simplicity and primitiveness of some models, there are certain nuances in the equipment.

  • Anglers actively use jigsaw rods. You can catch any peaceful fish, only equipment winter fishing rod for fishing on the current is special. A fishing rod with a nod can be used both purchased and homemade. It is usually equipped with a reel or reel. The fishing line is selected taking into account the size of the fish, the strength of the current and the depth. Usually the range of monofilament lines is in the range of 0.1-0.2 mm. To pick up a mormyshka, you should remember a simple rule.

  • One of the varieties of bottom gear for fishing in the winter on the river is a pull-up or pull-up. She has proven herself well when fishing for bream in the wilderness. The assembly of the fishing rod begins with the installation of a coil on a rod with throughput rings. About 50-70 m of fishing line 0.20-0.25 mm are wound on the drum. A sliding sinker weighing 10-20 g is installed on the fishing line and fixed with a silicone stopper. A carabiner is attached to the end of the fishing line, which is needed for quick attachment of the leash. It is made from a monofilament 0.14-0.16 mm long 1.0-1.3 m. A small pellet (1-2 g) is mounted on a leash 20 cm from the carabiner. Before tying hook No. 12-14, a bright bead clings to the lead line. The shank of the hook is decorated with red cambric.

Photo 2. The fishing rod is equipped with a bright nod that is noticeable in the snow.

Attention! Instead of a hook, a mormyshka can be used. In this case, the pellet is not placed on a leash.

  • To get a predator is still relevant with tackle for sheer lure. Such a winter fishing rod is made by hand for fishing in the current, it does not differ much from similar gear for stagnant water bodies, only the mass of baits must correspond to the strength of the current.
  • Zherlits are also actively used on rivers in winter, there is some difference from the same fishing rods for lakes only in equipment.
  • The winter feeder for ice fishing looks much simpler than the summer version. The rod is selected with a whip 20-25 cm long. It must be equipped with legs and a bright nod. Monofilament 0.20-0.22 mm is wound on the reel, a small feeder and a leash of 0.12-0.14 mm fishing line are installed on the base. The size of the hook depends on the bait and the size of the fish, models No. 10-14 are quite suitable.

River rigs

Equipping a winter fishing rod for fishing on the current is a responsible occupation. The intensity of the bite often depends on the installation. The main task of the angler is to achieve a believable behavior of the bait under water. To cope with the current, they often resort to the bottom version of the equipment.

  • The main element is the sliding sinker. If in the case of a pull-up, its weight is about 10-20 g, then for bait fishing, the weight increases to 30-40 g. The sinker should hold the bait in any current if the angler has chosen a stationary type of fishing. The principle of operation of river equipment is that the main sliding sinker lies on the bottom, next to the hole. And the hook with the bait is released at a certain distance from the hole immediately or gradually. When a fish bites, the line passes through the load, and the angler observes the twitching of the gatehouse. In the case of a winter feeder, the feeder plays the role of a sinker.
  • With a sheer lure, the main line is connected to the bait through a carabiner with a swivel. When purposeful hunting for pike is carried out, it is necessary to equip the rod with an additional protective leash. It can be made from guitar string, custom leader material, or fluorocarbon line. It is important that the toothy does not have time to bite off the hook after hooking. Anglers have to deal with the current and depth by selecting heavy and running spinners and balancers.

Baits and bait on the course

For river fishing, anglers use both natural and artificial lures. It all depends on the skill and commitment to a particular way of fishing.

  1. Among natural baits, bloodworms and worms hold leading positions. If the red larvae are strung several pieces on a mormyshka or hook, then the worm is divided into parts and only a small piece clings to the point or forearm. Often in the arsenal of winter fishing fans there are baits such as maggot, amphipod, mormysh, burdock and other bottom dwellers. The stalkers are hunting for predatory fish with the help of fry and live bait. Of the vegetable baits, it is worth noting the dough, semolina, steamed barley.
  2. Artificial baits should give the fish the illusion of natural food. From reelless jigs to trendy balancers, the secret to success lies in the angler's ability to play the lure correctly. A spinner lying at the bottom, like a balancer, will not bring good luck.

Photo 3. Bloodworm is the main winter bait for peaceful fish.

When catching many types of peaceful fish and some predators, bait is indispensable. Its composition is very different from summer food. In winter, the fish eats in small portions, so busting with baiting is unacceptable. And if small larvae are needed to keep the fish under the hole, then breading attracts a flock with its dregs. To prevent the feed particles from being carried away for tens of meters, it is necessary to use binding and weighting components. Clay works well for this. In its absence, you can use oatmeal and soil. Cooked bait can be delivered under the ice in the form of lumps, using feeders or in bulk. It all depends on what horizon and how far from the hole the fish is.

Photo 4. Minnow - an indicator of the purity of the reservoir.

The feeder with bait is lowered into the hole, located upstream of the main one, then the plume washed out of it will just be at the point of fishing.

Helpful information! Since ancient times, perch have been attracted not only by bloodworms, but also by fresh blood. It was poured into medical gloves, after which a hole was made in the finger with a needle. Seeping blood beckoned the striped predator to the hole.

Catching Tactics

When preparing for fishing in the winter on the river, you should consider the tactics of your actions. Anglers resort to several effective options.

  1. Almost all anglers are engaged in the search for a promising point. To do this, a series of holes is made in a certain direction in order to study the bottom topography, find dumps in the pit, edges, snags and other interesting places. Each hole is explored by immersing the bait on different horizons. Usually, up to 10 entries are made with a different game. If there is a sign of a bite, then the hole should be marked and lure.
  2. After finding several holes in which the fish showed interest in the bait, you can add another dose of bait. Gradually moving from one promising hole to another, it is possible to find the parking lot of a feeding bream or roach. If the flock moves along the current, then you can regulate the release without changing the location.
  3. A similar tactic should be followed by zherlichnikov. If you randomly put fishing rods, then you can not wait for the flag to work. Often a predator bites in the same holes, so after catching a fish, it is worth leaving the vent in the same place. And not working gear should be rearranged to new points.
  4. A wide scope for searching for a predator is provided to supporters of sheer glimmering. Thanks to their mobility, they can quickly explore both new and old holes, fish deep holes and shallows, check promising edges, “navels”, “tables”, snags, etc. For themselves, one only has to mark the holes where bites occurred and were caught pike, perch and perch.

Skillful anglers rarely return from river fishing with zero results. If you focus on catching a certain type of fish, properly assemble a fishing rod, find feeding prey and attract it under the hole, then bites will not be long in coming. Sooner or later, the long-awaited trophy will fall on the hook.

In winter, even an echo sounder will not tell you everything about what is happening under water and whether the fish will peck, even if it is there. However, on big ice, or in shallow water, the echo sounder will also not really show you anything, nor will it help to distinguish fish from something else. And you can’t run around the entire water area with an echo sounder either. In any case, you need to know the fishing spots. We will clarify where to fish in the winter and how to drill holes correctly.

Which is better: to look for fish or wait until it comes? This is a matter of taste: it is pointless to advise someone who likes to have a good rest and sit around to run more holes. He will choose a quiet place for himself, drill a few holes, lower the bait and patiently wait for a bite. It happens that patience is rewarded, and the catch of such an angler turns out to be greater than that of a fidget, who has tried many holes in the same time.

Drilling several holes in meter-long ice without checking whether there are fish in the first hole is reasonable only when it is known that labor is not go to waste. This requires either an exhaustive knowledge of the reservoir, or, if the reservoir is unfamiliar, the ability to determine the places of fish parking by external factors.

The choice of site for fishing depends on what kind of fish we are going to catch. Pike, for example, loves grassy places, while zander avoids them, preferring to hide behind large stones, snags, etc.

Therefore, knowledge of the way of life and habits of fish is absolutely necessary, and the angler must begin precisely with the accumulation of such information. In our time, one cannot count on accidental luck. In winter, any point of the reservoir is accessible on ice - this is a huge advantage of winter fishing. However, during this period, the underwater world, as a rule, is hidden from the angler, and this complicates and complicates the search. Since the summer, a true angling lover has been eyeing the places where he will have to fish in the winter.

Aquatic vegetation, depth, current speed, direction of deflected jets, rifts, shoals, islands, the nature of the bottom (sand, clay, pebbles, stones, boulders) - everything interests him, any information is useful in winter.

In various parts of the reservoir there are thickets of reeds, reeds, horsetails. Fish treat them differently. Although they sometimes sing "The reeds rustled ...", in reality, a hard reed rustles, the stems of which look like very thick straw. This noise frightens the fish and they rarely enter the reeds. Another thing is reeds. Pike, perch, roach and other fish keep in its thickets - some hide in ambush, others hide from a predator. (We note, by the way, that some people confuse reeds and reeds. In summer, reeds have a soft, smooth, dark green trunk filled with a mass similar to the lightest foam plastic. The leaves are hidden under water, while a round stem rises 1-2 m above the water) .

But most of all, fish are attracted to horsetails. At the beginning of winter, there are days when large areas of the reservoir, overgrown with horsetail, abound with perches of all sizes. Horsetails are also loved by other fish, perhaps because of the special properties of these waters (alkalinity), and in winter because of the air that penetrates the hollow stems of plants and enriches the water. Fish with external injuries (abrasions, wounds) go to horsetails, as in a hospital. In a word, horsetails are evidence of the "fishiness" of this area. At the same time, this is a warning to the angler about the possibility of getting a cold bath. The ice near the grass can be fragile, you need to approach horsetails, reeds, various bushes carefully, checking every step with a pick (both at the beginning of winter and on the last ice).

"Piglet" - a relatively shallow place among the great depths - always attracts fish. Perches, scavengers, big roach sometimes run so aground that one wonders how they got there. You can catch them both on the "patch" itself, and on the approaches to it. Fish trails do exist. Sometimes this is some kind of ditch in the underwater plain, sometimes the opposite - something like a rampart or embankment, stretching under water in a certain direction. It happens that the “path” is marked by vegetation, but it also happens that there are no visible plants at the bottom, and the fish still know their way and even follow the timetable for moving along it.

Having pulled out any greenery from the bottom on the hook, the angler must carefully examine it. If this is an elodea, then you can leave the hole: usually only tiny brushes and perches of 20-30 grams each peck. If a leaf or twig of pondweed is removed, then this is already a chance to catch something bigger. It is worth stopping here, drilling several holes within a depth of no more than 4-5 m. By the way, when grass is hooked, it happens to catch a caddisfly. It is useful to remember such a place, so that later, armed with some kind of device, you can pick up this beautiful nozzle (roots and stems are pulled out of the mud and carefully examined on the ice).

Tempting are the places where the sands end and the pebbles begin, among which all kinds of larvae, bugs, etc. huddle - fish of various breeds are found here. Attract many fish and rifts (as in summer). Below the rapid, where the depth begins, sometimes going in ledges, good fish often come across. The island, large boulders and other obstacles that deflect the main stream cause the water to move in the opposite direction (reverse flow, suvod). At the border, where the direct and reverse flow of water converge, it is convenient to catch with a small jig: there is no current, but there is fish. In winter, there are no visible signs of fishing, such areas should be known in advance or asked an experienced local angler about them.

Many consider it a rule: where there are fishermen, there are fish. However, this is not always the case. Walking and checking old holes also often does not work. It is safer to make new holes. If there is no fish in the hole, you need to drill another one, but in such a way that there are other conditions under the ice: a noticeable difference in depth, in the speed of the current, in the nature of the soil, etc. Make another hole where there is nothing new in comparison with the former no, of course, not worth it.

How to navigate the new reservoir?

On a reservoir without a current, a general idea of ​​the distribution of depth is given by the bends of the shore (coastline). A cape or spit that goes into the water (under the ice) almost always means a relatively shallower depth; conversely, a depression in the coastline indicates greater depth. This is true for large rivers as well. Looking closely, you can see the bends of the coast, the alternation of ledges and depressions. The ledge stretches to the middle of the river, forming an underwater ridge - it's shallow there; the bay between the ridges testifies to great depth. In winter, these signs are somewhat hidden by the snow cover, but they are still noticeable.

On an unfamiliar river, holes are first drilled across the river, gradually moving away from the shore. Having found the desired depth (depending on what kind of fish they are going to catch), they make holes along the river (up or down) to determine the pool (pit) - fish usually accumulate there.

On reservoirs with standing water do the same. Having chosen for some reason (remoteness, wind) a certain section of the coastline, a number of holes are drilled transversely to it, moving away from the coast until the required depth is reached. The gaps between the holes should correspond to the increase in depth. Having reached the desired level, you can go right or left. It is better to catch on a mormyshka. If it sinks at the appropriate speed for a given fish, then the bite often occurs before the mormyshka has reached the bottom. At what depth? It happens in different ways: roach, for example, sometimes takes from the bottom, sometimes at half water, or even higher. Mormyshka, plunging, penetrates the entire water column, and if there is a fish nearby, she will notice or feel the bait. But whether he takes it or not, in many respects, depends on the angler.

How to drill holes with a drill during winter fishing

When drilling the very first hole, be sure to count the number of revolutions made until the hole is completely drilled.

Thus, you will find out the approximate thickness of the ice on the reservoir. This is necessary so that during the drilling of the following holes, ice chips no longer fall into them, and it would not have to be pulled out.

IN next times you just need to make a couple of turns of the drill less, then pull out the crumb, and only after that drill the hole.

The remaining small amount of ice chips floating in the hole will only darken it a little, while not creating obstacles for lowering the bait into the water.

After drilling is completed, it is impossible to pull the drill out of the hole with force. This must be done as carefully as possible, rotating it in the opposite direction and removing the crumbs with a slotted spoon or scoop.

Fragments of ice from the hole must be immediately raked into one pile, otherwise they will crunch unpleasantly underfoot with a loud sound after they freeze to the ice. Such a sound can easily scare away all the fish in the area. When drilling holes in shallow water, be extremely careful not to accidentally drive the drill into the sand, which may lead to the need to sharpen or even replace the knives.

Holes for winter fishing, as a rule, are round in shape, however, there are exceptions. Sometimes, with the help of a pawn, it is desirable to make a lateral withdrawal in the hole in order to facilitate the pulling of large fish onto the ice. When fishing for pike, it is recommended to slightly cut the lower edges of the hole so that it becomes cone-shaped from a cylindrical shape. The fact is that the pike actively resists when pulled, as a result of which the fishing line goes in a circle along the edges of the hole and can be cut on its lower edge if it is not previously blunted.

After you have arrived at the place of winter fishing, it is better to prepare from the very beginning ten to fifteen holes at a distance of about two meters from each other. And it is desirable to fill them with snow, so that they freeze more slowly.

By the way, it is extremely undesirable to drill old frozen holes left by other fishermen, because it is very likely that the drill will simply stick in them periodically, eventually leading to the fact that you will spend more time drilling old holes than drilling new ones.

After the work of drilling the required number of holes has been done, in no case should you put the drill on the snow, especially in severe frost.

This can lead to the fact that the knives at the drill will be covered with an ice crust, and they will have to be beaten off for a long and tedious time. Moreover, it can be covered with a layer of snow, and the handle will freeze over, and it will be very inconvenient to work with such a drill.

Therefore, at the end of the work, it is best to wrap the drill vertically in ice for several turns and leave it in this position.

How to fish in winter?

Winter fishing in our country is a hobby of millions of people. But an ignorant person thinks how it is possible to sit out so much in the cold, and what is the pleasure, in fact? Until you try it yourself, you can't understand anything. All this must be felt. So, read the article, learn how to fish in winter, stock up on gear and experience all the delights of winter fishing for yourself! Let's start with the most important.

Finding a fish

An important factor in winter fishing is the question of how to find fish in winter. It is worth looking for fish in depressions, on old channels, and other deep places. Sufficient depth for winter fishing is 4-5 meters. In order not to look for a long time, you can pay attention to the presence of other fishermen in this area, and simply ask. When you find a hole, don't rush. First you need to look closely and find the deepest and shallowest place. When you see it, drill through the middle of the ice, as fish like to congregate on drops.

How to drill a hole

When you find a suitable place, it is worth looking around, if the current is small, it is better to drill a hole perpendicular to the current. If you drill a hole downstream, the bait can be carried to the last hole, which is undesirable. The fish can overeat and not bite. Also, the food can start to rot, scaring away the fish.


If you want to know how to properly fish in the winter, you need to be able to carry out winter bait.

  • You need to do bait immediately after drilling the hole. For this, a cone-shaped container is used, into which feed is poured. It’s not worth pouring a lot, because the main task is to lure the fish, not feed them.
  • For successful fishing, you can start bait in a couple of days. For example, on the first day, feed the fish with boiled and mixed peas and semolina, on the second day you do the same, and on the third day come directly to catch.
  • For fishing use the most different types bait. Basically, these are all kinds of cereals, seeds ground in a meat grinder, mixed with breadcrumbs, or simply barley porridge, but bait with cereals should take place a couple of days before the fishing itself.
  • Bait with a bloodworm is optimal, and does not require preparation. You need to form a bloodworm into a small ball, similar to a sea mine. You should not abuse it, because in large quantities, bloodworms can lure ruffs that scare away the rest of the fish. Or simply the fish will overeat and will not peck.


  • If you are seriously thinking about how to fish in winter, you, in any case, need to know about winter fishing tackle.
  • Fishing Rod - The fishing rod should be slightly longer so that you are not visible from the water.
  • In winter fishing, the thinner the line, the more likely you are to get a bigger catch. Fishing line with a cross section of 0.1 - 0.18 is quite suitable.
  • Take a fishing rod with a reel right away, as this will make the task much easier.
  • Hooks and mormyshkas - in principle, it is impossible to give preference to one thing, it bites on both tackles, the main thing is that the hook number does not exceed the fifth.
  • Float and nod - use what you like. The float is small, light, made of foam, and the nods are long, with a large radius of action.


The main bait for winter fishing is bloodworm. But sometimes, it is worth trying summer options - semolina or dough. Apply summer baits it is possible if there is no bite on the bloodworm. Well, and, perhaps, the main point is how to catch fish in winter, that is, fishing methods:

  • Float - Attach the bait and lower it to the very bottom. The float should sink 1-2 cm into the water, but at the same time, you should be able to see it. The fish, swimming up to the bait, grabs it, lifts it along with the weight and the float. The float rises from the water and falls to its side, which is a signal for hooking. You don’t need to cut too much, as a thin fishing line can burst.
  • Nodding method - the same factors work as with a float, but the nod must be tightened, no matter what it sags, but is slightly stretched with a load of equipment. It is also possible to play with a nod, lifting the rod up and shaking the nod, thus luring the fish.


Make less noise, do not sit close to another fisherman who has a good bite, as you can bring down the bite with bait, both for him and for yourself. Try sometimes, in the absence of a bite, to play with a float or a nod, this can lure fish. Don't put change back in the same hole, and don't leave the hole open if you're going to the same place again. You can sprinkle it with snow to prevent complete freezing. I hope you understand how to fish in winter. A video of how this is done can be seen on sites dedicated to winter fishing.