After removing the cast, the leg swells what to do. What to do with severe swelling and pain after removing the cast from the leg? What exercises are prohibited after an ankle fracture

In the process of human life, muscles and joints are involved in the processes of the musculoskeletal system, they are constantly in an active state.

Due to the movement of muscle tissue in a larger volume and at a faster rate, blood enters, the number of oxygen molecules and nutrients increases.

During the period of plaster application, the loads on the sealed area of ​​the legs are limited, more often they are completely absent. As a result, without constant training, muscle cells partially or completely atrophy.

During the period of treatment, it is important to restore and normalize the processes in the places of damage to the legs. The task is difficult, but following the advice and recommendations of the doctor exactly, it will be possible to restore the previous mobility as soon as possible.

Recovery stages

Rehabilitation after a broken leg takes place in several stages. On each of them, various health-improving techniques are used to restore the limbs to their former motor ability.

Activities that will allow you to quickly recover from a lower limb injury include:

  • at the first stage, the patient is forced to walk with a plaster overlay for a long time, so the blood in the required amount does not flow to the vessels of the leg. Circulatory disorders contribute to the appearance of edema on the lower limb, which is eliminated with the help of therapeutic massage and rubbing. Procedures are performed with special ointments, creams, cedar oil.

At this stage of rehabilitation (after removal of the plaster bandage), the patient is recommended to take a warm bath with the addition of sea salt, medicinal decoctions based on plants, apply wax or ozocerite to the fracture site. Therapeutic measures will restore muscle tone, improve joint mobility, and restore normal blood flow;

  • on next step recovery, it is necessary to gradually return the lost mobility to the leg. This can be achieved by performing daily physical exercises of a therapeutic nature. Wellness gymnastics do both at home and in specially designed gyms;
  • You need to eat right throughout the rehabilitation course. The final stage of recovery after a broken leg is dedicated to choosing a rational diet.

All 3 stages of rehabilitation are aimed at the speedy restoration of the motor function of the leg.

But full recovery depends on the degree of the injury, the state of health and the age of the patient. The attending physician will tell you how to restore a leg after a fracture, taking into account all factors, and also specify how long the rehabilitation will take.

Spa treatment

People with leg fractures will benefit from visiting a sanatorium. In medical and recreational institutions, they offer a lot of ways to help you quickly recover from an injury:

The patient is under the close supervision of doctors who will help not only to restore motor function limbs, but also provide psychological support.

Rehabilitation in a sanatorium is unacceptable when a person is not able to move without assistance.


By taking pills and using ointments, it is impossible to achieve fusion of injured bones. But doctors often prescribe various medications to patients who have suffered a fractured limb to speed up the regeneration of damaged tissues.

During the rehabilitation period, medicines are used as additional funds that accelerate healing. In severe situations, an operation to fuse the bones will be needed.

For oral administration

Lack of useful substances in the body, chronic diseases, weakening of the immune system, thyroid pathology, exhaustion - all this slows down the recovery process.

Therefore, after suffering a leg fracture, it is important to take a course of vitamin therapy in order to make up for the lack of nutrients in the body.

  1. In diseases of the thyroid gland, medications are taken that contain calcium.
  2. If there are chronic diseases, it is recommended to take immunomodulators;
  3. When a patient suffers from anorexia, taking pills to improve the absorption of food will help.
  4. Hypovitaminosis is treated by taking medications containing vitamins.

outdoor application

Topical therapies are used to relieve soreness in the legs.

Ointments and creams based on glucosamine, chondroitin strengthen damaged bones, help restore cartilage tissue, and have a warming or cooling effect. The most common means of the group under consideration are:

  • ointment "Diclofenac" - has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect, relieves swelling. Contraindicated in pregnant women, has a number of side effects;
  • gel "Ketonal" - anti-inflammatory, analgesic agent. You can not use it for children, pregnant women, allergy sufferers;
  • gel "Nurofen" - quickly relieves pain in the legs, eliminates inflammation. It is not recommended to use it for more than 15 days in a row. Contraindicated in children, prolonged use causes redness of the skin, allergic reactions.

These topical products cannot be used for preventive purposes due to the content of hazardous ingredients in them. Their use is recommended in cases where the leg begins to hurt badly.

Mandatory after removal of plaster. PROCEDURA.RU

Physiotherapeutic procedures begin to be applied when the leg is in a plastered state in a hospital, continuing upon the patient's return from traumatology.

At home, warming baths with decoctions of herbs or the addition of sea salts, compresses and heating with paraffin are used. The procedures help to get rid of the swelling that formed when the leg was immobilized.

On an outpatient basis and in a hospital, the patient undergoes the following procedures:

Recovery after removal after is a mandatory procedure for a cast of a person who has had my-doktor. After removing the cast of the cast or the leg, any cast of the body, on which this same cast was each, a fracture of prolonged immobilization is very functional.

As a rule, a person complains of patients after which the cast is swelling and not after a good, painful recovery of mobility.

In order for a former fracture to be observed and an unpleasant area and pain not to be observed near a long area, it is important to properly immobilize after removing the gypsum, and the gypsum article will help. She which how to properly develop the arm and joints after lifting the leg.

So, what does anyone need after removing the cast

Body plaster removal is important for the functioning of rehabilitation, which must be superimposed on a number of the following for.

A set of exercises for joint patients and physiotherapy

This person develops joints with a painful complex, which he is obliged to restore, if possible, with the help of massage therapists (mobility).

It is worth noting that the most comprehensive approach to this or helps quickly and completely limbs once damaged joint gypsum joints. In addition to everything, it is worth knowing that this was observed not for one very much and not even for two - at best badly for a week.

If the fracture is of a sufficiently severe degree and complaints are observed to be a displacement of the bone after its fragments, then recovery after the gypsum rule can last even months, in order to completely remove the limb into a previously healthy good one.

Walking and exercise therapy

Former the main role in the process of fracture of the joints after removing the edema walking and exercise therapy.

In the area of ​​special cases, the specialists affected, in case the cast had a broken leg, the area of ​​movement is exclusively with crutches, very smoothly switch to a cane and then get up on the feet unpleasant, giving the limbs a full sensation.

Therapeutic gymnastics for the correct

Therapeutic gymnastics for telling lies in the constant slow given and the extension of the broken once important.

Such gymnastics should be done constantly, as soon as it is a free moment and do it correctly despite the discomfort and develop pain that will be rehabilitation during such events.

Near therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy helps to recover after pain relief. Only a doctor can prescribe the removal of the procedure, and ask him for help in muscle, if the article itself did not prescribe you the subsequent treatment on the correct modern devices.

Preventive actions

To prevent swelling of the legs after a fracture, especially the heel, the correct development of the injured limb will help:

  • When the cast is applied, the leg is placed on a small platform, chair or pillow.
  • It is not recommended to stand on an injured limb without the use of a support. It is possible to rely only with the permission of the doctor.
  • Before removing the cast, it is required to assess the condition of the joints and soft tissues. X-rays are ordered.
  • So that when wearing a plaster cast there is no stagnation of blood and lymph, it is shown to attend massage courses that keep the muscles in good shape.
  • During the recovery period, it is recommended to wear an elastic bandage.
  • You can not remove the plaster bandage on your own, without the permission of a doctor and an x-ray.
  • Even after a full recovery, it is worth protecting the leg from sudden and serious loads.
  • During the recovery period, pay constant attention to the quality and quantity of food and fluid consumed.

A tumor after a fracture, even in the heel area, goes away without a trace, subject to the correct treatment provided on time. Measures to eliminate edema are carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Then the restoration of mobility and removal of edema will be quick and effective.

Proper nutrition

All useful substances enter our body in the form of foods we use, therefore proper nutrition has a huge impact on the overall well-being of a person.

During the regeneration period, you need to include in your diet foods that contain a large amount of trace elements such as: Ca (calcium), Si (silicon), P (phosphorus).

It is useful to eat cauliflower, fish, soybeans, green vegetables, dairy products - milk, cottage cheese. Silicon is found in raspberries, radishes, pears. For a complete rehabilitation of the leg, it is recommended to follow a diet with a large amount of vitamins and trace elements.

You should eat protein-rich foods that contain a minimum amount of fat. You also need to eat dishes that contain natural gelatin - marmalade, fruit jellies, aspic. Part onion includes aluminum, which helps to absorb calcium.

To speed up the recovery of the leg after a fracture, it is not recommended to neglect proper nutrition. Immobilization of the limb deprived the leg of proper and stable blood flow, many nutrients simply could not enter the tissues.

A diet rich in calcium and silicon should be included in the diet of a patient recovering from a fracture.

To optimally meet the body's need for essential nutrients, the menu includes products:

  • dairy products, especially cottage cheese;
  • nuts, preferably forest;
  • sesame;
  • soybeans, green beans;
  • green vegetables, cauliflower;
  • fruits, including persimmon;
  • bran bread;
  • silicon-rich foods: pears, radishes, blackcurrants and raspberries, turnips;
  • vitamins of groups B, E, C and necessarily D.

How to restore a leg after a cast

2. Pressing the foot on the half-flattened ball.

3. The “step” simulator, in my opinion, is also called the “stepper”.

4. Trainer " treadmill"- walk in steps, then, probably, you can run

5. Exercise bike - mainly for muscle recovery

6. Skipping rope - oh-oh-oh - horror flying on the wings of the night

7. Jumping off steps and other hills.

Walk until exhausted, then rest and move on.

Even when you are sitting, rotate your foot in different sides- the more movement, the greater the volume of pumped blood and other fluids through damaged tissues, the faster the decay products are removed and new cells grow.

Apply approximately in the indicated sequence according to how you feel, that is, now you should not immediately jump from a half-meter height, first try to master at least a few jumps over the rope, then jump from the height of an ordinary step, then over a step, and so on.

In general, I don’t have an arch of my foot, but my ankles were broken, so for completeness, it’s better to consult with doctors involved in rehabilitation, but the principle is basically the same. There’s also a search for simulators - there’s really no need to buy all this home, and they also have all sorts of tricky self-made devices for more efficient development.

It will swell and hurt for a long time. The year will hurt. Of these, half a year is very painful. It is necessary to develop all this year constantly - how much it will be developed in a year, how much, in principle, it will remain for the rest of its life.

weekend pilot

The mobility of the foot is slowly recovering after a week of torment, I think I will restore it in a month of torment.

Even though it hurts to walk, I'm already hobbling quietly.

At work, every 2 hours I get up and go around the building in a circle.

Thanks for the idea with the ball, I'll take it into service.

In general, we will try.

Get well soon and better

A mother came to the revolutionary teacher of the homeless Makarenko.

He asks: “My baby is six months old, when should I start educating him?”

Answer: “You are half a year late.”

To begin with, everything is done on a healthy limb: massage and gymnastics.

Then it is necessary on the affected limb.

1. To reduce swelling = lymphostasis:

on a raised platform - on a chair, but not on a table next to the computer, because the bending angle in hip joint acute, and the outflow of blood and lymph is disturbed.

It is best to either lie down with a raised leg or walk. And so the whole period until the leg - the foot swells.

Massage can be done with ointments that reduce tissue swelling (Bystrumgel - contains Ketoprofen; Venolife - contains heparin and vitamins; Venoruton - an antioxidant; Hepatrombin - heparin, Detralex - flavanoids, Espol-phytopreparation, etc.) Ointments should be changed every one - two weeks. Oral medications (which improve venous blood flow) can also be used for a while.

Physiotherapy: vibration massagers, and so on (there are now many of them, for domestic use).

3. Physical education. Actually charging, after an injury small bones arch of the foot. Again, the treatment of flat feet:

Walking on toes, on heels, on the lateral = outer and inner surfaces of the foot, walking on a ribbed surface (there are special rugs with pimples, or you can walk in a trough with pebbles), roll a ball with your foot (with ribs - massage), a rolling pin - a round stick , or a notched stick. Insert a pencil between the toes and draw a picture.

4. Running, jumping, barbell, ... are possible only after complete healing of the fracture. Depends on the fracture, probably not earlier than 2-3 months. Fractures of the calcaneus and talus, as a rule, are quite complex and then the load, after four to six months.

It seems to me that this is necessary, and in case of possible jumps and falls it will cushion and protect against injuries.

I think that ALL pilots, and especially after fractures of the bones of the lower leg and foot

orthopedic insoles should be put into sports shoes.

Restoration (development) of the leg after plaster. Stages of rehabilitation

Any muscle must be constantly under load. If the leg breaks, a cast is placed on it, and the muscles adjacent to the bone will no longer be loaded. Their atrophy will begin - a uniform decrease in fibers, as a result of which the muscles lose their former strength.

Stages of rehabilitation

These several stages of recovery include: exercise therapy (physiotherapy), massage and diet. Without doing one of the given list, you can increase the risk that the process will drag on for a long time, and it is impossible to develop a leg after a cast in any other way, bypassing the necessary rehabilitation measures.

Proper nutrition, exercise therapy and massage will help restore the leg after a fracture.

When drawing up a rehabilitation plan, the doctor sets goals for the patient:

  • bring muscles into tone, increase their elasticity;
  • remove blockages;
  • bring the injured limb into activity;
  • restore the mobility of stiff joints.

Therapeutic exercise for the leg

To develop a leg after a cast, you need to perform appropriate exercises. It is recommended to do them every day, for a speedy recovery.

After a fracture, it is important to develop the leg. This will help simple exercises.

The doctor will definitely instruct how to develop the leg after the plaster with exercises. You can do:

It is important to know! The load on the leg should be selected so that during the exercise it does not hurt. While walking, for greater recovery efficiency, you need to lean on the sore leg more often.

The benefits of massage

With a long stay of a broken part of the body in a cast, blood flow and lymph flow are disturbed, and edema appears. In such cases, it is useful to use massage, which can be performed by a professional massage therapist or people nearby, such as relatives.

Massage will help restore the leg after a fracture. Even a loved one can do it.

Massage to develop a leg after a cast is one of the fundamental parts of rehabilitation, and the sooner you start, the faster and more painless the rehabilitation will be. It contributes to the speedy elimination of stagnation and edema, restoration of cartilage tissue, bringing blood vessels into tone.

Therapeutic massage to develop the leg can take place under the cast in the same way as after removing the cast. It's called dot. Special holes are drilled in the plaster, through which massage is carried out with magnetic rollers or with the Sue-Beo device.

The principle of operation of the device is based on electronic acupuncture.

In case of a fracture of one leg, the procedure is prescribed for the second.

Before starting the massage, it is necessary to warm up the tissues. The massage itself consists of the following movements:

  • rubbing with the palm of your hand - 4 fingers together, the big one protrudes as much as possible;
  • rubbing with the edge of the palm - the brush is across, the fingers are slightly relaxed;
  • shaking - the muscle is covered on both sides with the thumb and little finger, the rest are raised, the brush oscillates between them as quickly as possible (4-7 rubles per second);
  • "tongs" - 4 fingers are on one side, and the thumb is on the other, kneading occurs with the fingertips;
  • rubbing with four fingers - the muscle is rubbed along with spiral movements;
  • kneading with phalanges - the thumb rests on the massaged area, the muscle is pressed into the bone with the remaining four fingers and massaged with spiral movements.

You can do this on the 2nd day after removing the plaster. First, the area around the fracture is massaged, gradually spreading to it. In the early days, only weak strokes are allowed at the fracture site.

It is useful to combine massage with relaxing baths.

Together with the massage, baths with medicinal herbs or sea ​​salt.

Interesting fact! Cedar oil is better than others for massage and not only for it. It has no analogues, so far it has not been possible to create it synthetically, but most importantly, cedar oil has no contraindications.

The oil will be useful to people in areas with polluted air.

Nutrition Features

What the patient eats after the fracture has occurred is of no small importance. How to quickly develop a leg after a cast, following a diet, the attending physician will also tell you.

After a fracture, it is important to eat well.

In the period after the fracture, the diet should contain more foods with calcium, and for better absorption, it is necessary to increase the intake of silicon. More than other foods, calcium is found in:

It is forbidden to use fatty, smoked, salty, semi-finished products. This food is deprived of vitamins and minerals, but it contains a lot of salt, and edema may appear because of it.

You should not drink a lot of coffee, as it washes away calcium.

Bananas should also be included in the diet. You can't drink carbonated drinks.

Vitamin D is especially useful during the rehabilitation period after a fracture.

Demanded vitamins are D, E and C, but vitamin D at this time is the most necessary, as it is responsible for the distribution of calcium throughout the body and the restoration of injured tissue.

Note! A person who constantly lies in bed must eat at least 6 times a day. If a person is able to move, then he can eat as often as he likes, but it is better to stick to the regimen.

Ointments. How to develop a leg after plaster with ointments

Ointment does not cure a fracture, it only softens the effect of pain and other complications. Various ointments have the effect of warming and cooling.

If they are used for treatment, it becomes painless.

But they cannot be used for prophylactic purposes, especially if they contain anti-inflammatory and non-steroidal substances, for example, Ibuprofen or Methyl salicylate.

Many ointments contain snake or bee venom, extracts of mustard, pepper, which increase blood flow and increase the temperature in the fracture area, as well as menthol for a cooling effect.

Popular in use:

  • Diclofenac - has an analgesic effect, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory. Has contraindications, a large number of side effects. Cannot be used during pregnancy.

It looks like Diclofenac ointment

  • Ketonal - does not accumulate inside the body, does not have a pathological enhanced effect on various tissues, has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, but it is strictly forbidden to use it for children under 15 years of age, during pregnancy, allergies to aspirin and photosensitivity.

It looks like the gel "Ketonal"

  • Nurofen - has the same effects as other ointments, is prohibited for persons under the age of 12, and is not recommended for use for longer than 2 weeks. Side effects: skin redness, allergic reaction to some components.

It looks like ointment "Nurofen"

The action of these drugs is aimed at improving blood flow and dilating blood vessels. They also lower muscle tone and improve metabolism.

There are no unacceptable ointments for treatment. The doctor himself determines what can be rubbed into the patient and what is not, it all depends on the contraindications.

What to do with edema

Edema only seems to be an insignificant side effect of forced immobility. They do not hurt, but can lead to various complications, such as ulcers, fibrosis, cysts, and cause elephantiasis.

Balm "Golden Mustache" will help to cope with swelling and relieve pain.

Edema appears as a result of the accumulation of fluid in the tissues.

With a fracture, blood flow and normal lymph circulation are disturbed.

This phenomenon is treated with ointments:

  • "Feloran ointment" and "Traumeel" - relieve muscle inflammation;
  • "Golden mustache" - favors the resorption of hematomas, removes the tumor, contains formic acid in its composition;
  • "Troxevasin" strengthens blood vessels, but dries the skin.

There are many ways to treat different fractures and their complications. But it’s better not to break anything, in order to avoid health problems.

This video will tell you how rehabilitation after a fracture goes:

In this video, the doctor tells how recovery after a fracture goes:

This video will show you how to quickly restore a leg after a cast:

Don't crunch!

treatment of joints and spine

  • Diseases
    • Arothrosis
    • Arthritis
    • Bechterew's disease
    • Bursitis
    • Dysplasia
    • Sciatica
    • Myositis
    • Osteomyelitis
    • Osteoporosis
    • fracture
    • flat feet
    • Gout
    • Radiculitis
    • Rheumatism
    • Heel spur
    • Scoliosis
  • joints
    • Knee
    • Brachial
    • Hip
    • Other joints
  • Spine
    • Spine
    • Osteochondrosis
    • cervical
    • Thoracic
    • Lumbar
    • Hernias
  • Treatment
    • Exercises
    • Operations
    • From the pain
  • Other
    • muscles
    • Bundles

After removing the cast from the leg, rehabilitation

Rehabilitation after plaster removal. Cleaning the skin after plaster.

I would cut off his balls. Crutches for 2 weeks, load on the leg 30 percent of body weight. Work with the ankle, try to bend the knee until pain appears. It's better to do it in the bathroom. And go to another doctor, at least do an ultrasound, 90 percent of the ligament is sutured with such an injury. Due to the long stay of a limb in a cast, many of its functions are violated. The rehabilitation course includes many procedures, the specifics of which depend on the complications that have arisen. In your situation, as I understand it, there are no complications, you just have to “help” your leg a little.​

Cleaning the skin after plaster

Removal of plaster and development of the body

Throughout the entire rehabilitation period, it is necessary to put on an elastic bandage on the sore leg, fixing it, and be sure to perform physical exercises with it in order to avoid displacement of the bone, stretch marks of the ligaments and tendons.

Bending the legs at the knees. I.P. sitting on a chair, the back is straight, vertical to the back of the chair, pull the bent leg to the stomach. Repeat 10 times in 3 sets at a fast pace. Therapeutic massage contributes to the gradual development of the joint, the restoration of lymph and blood circulation in the affected leg and the return of its former mobility. Massage consists of light circular movements at the fracture site with alternate flexion and extension of the limb. The procedure is done either by a doctor or by the patient himself, who will later be able to conduct self-massage sessions at home. During this period, it is necessary to do warm baths for the joint at least 2 times a day for 5 days. The water should be warm, it is recommended to add 20 g of sea salt per 1 liter of water. During the rehabilitation period, you can use therapeutic ointments, gels, creams and rubbing for the legs, muscles and tendons. The attending doctor will help you choose the right drugs. Massages;


materials used

Restoring proper blood circulation is very important. When the plaster is removed, the limb is subjected to an unusual load and therefore swells. In these cases, simple rubbing helps. Unbend and bend your fingers to disperse blood through the vessels. Legs need to be raised higher for swelling and use elastic bandages before prolonged load on them.

What to do after plaster removal

The main thing in rehabilitation is not to save on movements, because all recovery problems are the result of stagnation of fluids and little work of muscles, bones and joints. To develop these organs, the need to overcome discomfort, make a lot of effort and spend some amount of time.​

Pretty soon, you may notice how the old skin is peeling off the leg. Don't be afraid - there is nothing dangerous in this. If the process drags on, treat the limb with a scrub, so you can quickly and painlessly get rid of exfoliated skin. After the scrub, lubricate the skin of the foot with any nourishing cream.

It is worth taking some time to save the body and allow the damaged bone to fully strengthen, because internal injuries of the human body, such as fractures, heal more slowly than open ones.

What to do after plaster removal

You can remove the bandage at night or at rest of the leg. I.P. standing, holding on to a support, stretching the legs back and forth, with a change in the position of the body and tilting back and forth, pull the toe up as much as possible. Repeat in slow pace 10 times in each direction. After the end of the course of electromagnetic therapy and massage, and sometimes in combination with massage, the patient is prescribed physiotherapy exercises. This is an integral part of the process of treatment and recovery, it must be done. It is a complex simple exercises with a gradual increase in physical activity on the injured leg. As a rule, exercise therapy is prescribed to fully develop and restore mobility of the ankle joint, first every other day, then daily. You need to start restoring the work of the joint with lightweight exercises without physical stress on the leg, gradually adding load.

electromagnetic therapy (heating, electrophoresis, ultraviolet exposure);

Restoration of mobility and circulation

Rehabilitation after an ankle fracture after removal of the cast must be carried out correctly. The most common injury to the lower extremities is an ankle fracture of the tibia of the ankle joint. It arises as a consequence hard hit legs when turning or jumping from a height, when playing sports, falling with an unsuccessful landing. An ankle fracture is classified according to the type of damage, the presence of displacement, the location of the injury, the direction of the fracture, and can be of varying complexity: open or closed, with subluxation of the foot, with ligament rupture, with or without displacement, pronation, rotation, supination, external or internal ankles, with bone involvement, bimalleolar or trimalleolar. Depending on the degree of complexity of the fracture, the treatment and the process of rehabilitation of the victim differ.

​For example, when recovering from a broken ankle, following the removal of the cast at least twice a day, take warm baths for the injured joint, while the water temperature should correspond to body temperature. The effectiveness of baths will increase when using a solution of sea salt - a tablespoon per liter of water.

- the moment is long-awaited, but it is also some stress. The contemplation of a healed, but pale, talc-treated limb, bruised with indistinguishable color, looking little can bring satisfaction. In addition, the arm or leg is still weak and it is still impossible to load it normally as before. Recovery ahead motor abilities adored limb rehabilitation of its original flexibility, mobility and health. Physiotherapy exercises (flexion, extension, rotational movements) is used only on the recommendation of the doctor who observed you and can be carried out independently at home.​

Gymnastics after plaster removal

During the rehabilitation period, you need to remember about vitamins and bone-strengthening drugs containing calcium, magnesium, zinc, and take them regularly, because. comprehensive rehabilitation is more effective in the process of patient recovery.​

What to do after fractures

I.P. standing, holding on to a support, stretch the leg forward, holding it in weight for 8-10 seconds. Repeat 8-10 times slowly.​

You can do the following exercises at home:

In any case, during this period, human motor activity is significantly limited.

The main thing is to move, because recovery problems are the result of fluid stagnation and little work of bones, muscles and joints. It is necessary to overcome all unpleasant sensations, make enough effort and spend a certain amount of time, but the leg (arm) is still weak and cannot be loaded. Ahead is the rehabilitation of her mobility and health, the restoration of motor abilities. Start gymnastics right in the water. Without making sudden movements, bend and unbend the joint, performing the most characteristic movements for it. You should not be afraid of some pain, but it is important not to overdo it. In the early days, you should not make circular movements with your foot.

Naturally, if you spend so much time, without air, light and washing. First of all, let her remember the charm water procedures, wash it with warm water with shower gel and a washcloth. Following the dirt, the old skin will begin to peel off in some places - and rightly so. Indeed, during the time of confinement, epithelial cells could not exfoliate normally. If necessary, use a scrub, and after bathing, carefully wiping the limb, lubricate it with a nourishing cream.

Types of rehabilitation after fracture and plaster removal

Electrophoresis can be performed in a medical facility. However, the need for this procedure is again determined by the attending physician.

  • Since the integrity of the bones (femoral and tibia) is broken during a leg fracture, characteristic signs begin to appear - a change in shape, bruising, swelling. Edema also occurred in your case (this follows from the description of the situation), and it was caused by a violation of the outflow and inflow of blood, to which the leg injury led. In addition to applying a cast, you should have been prescribed vasodilator drugs, as well as all kinds of physiotherapy procedures (including baths, compresses, lotions), the action of which is aimed at normalizing blood circulation and eliminating edema. There is no need to describe further the situations arising from the occurrence of edema, the risks associated with this process, and the measures that are aimed at its partial or complete elimination.​
  • I.P. shoulder stand, toes up, 10 seconds. Repeat 3 times for 3 sets.​

I.P. standing, the back is straight, holding on to the support, throwing the legs back and forth alternately at a slow pace. Repeat 20 times.​

Features of the rehabilitation period

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Typically, a person with a broken ankle will have to spend 4-7 weeks in a cast. Rehabilitation after removal of the cast can be another 1-2 weeks. ​

You can do gymnastics right in the bath with water, as after removing the plaster it is very useful. Without sudden movements, bend and unbend the joint, performing its characteristic movements. You should not be afraid of pain, but it is important not to overdo it. Circular movements foot, in the early days, it is not recommended to do. After gymnastics, you can stroke the joint with circular relaxing movements, but without massage.

First of all, the limb should be washed in warm water with gel and a washcloth. Along with the dirt, the old skin will begin to peel off, because during the time it was in the plaster, the epithelial cells could not exfoliate. If necessary, you can use a scrub, and after washing, wipe the limb and grease with a nourishing cream.

After ten minutes of gymnastics, stroke the joint with relaxing circular movements, but do not massage it yet.

A set of exercises after an ankle fracture and plaster removal

Appearance, but that's not all. It is necessary to restore the former mobility and, if the fam has not been prescribed a course of physiotherapy exercises, develop the limb yourself. The most impact is exerted on the restored limb, these are rotational movements in the joints and flexion-extension. It is desirable that home exercises are just an addition to physiotherapy exercises under the supervision of a doctor.

  1. If necessary, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed.
  2. Based on the foregoing, I answer: swelling during a fracture is normal and happens to anyone who receives a similar injury.
  3. ​Back to index​
  4. I.P. lying on your back, without spreading your legs, raise to a vertical position. Repeat times.​
  5. I.P. sitting on a chair, back straight, straighten the leg horizontally to the floor, lean on the heel: perform flexion-extension of the toes at a slow pace with acceleration. Repeat 10 times for 3 sets.​
  6. After surgery, a fracture and a long stay in a cast, the leg becomes inactive and weak. To restore strength, mobility and gait to the leg, as well as to avoid lameness, the joint must be well developed. This will require efforts not only on the part of rehabilitation doctors, but also desire and perseverance on the part of the patient himself. For the first time after the removal of the cast, motor activity is reduced, the patient cannot fully move, so it is necessary to purchase an elbow crutch for comfortable support when walking and to relieve the load on the injured leg. The crutch can be used for no more than 2 weeks, then it must be discarded so as not to form the habit of lameness.
  7. If a person has an uncomplicated ankle fracture, treatment is fairly easy and the rehabilitation process will be faster. If the fracture was accompanied by surgery, was two-ankle or three-ankle, this delays the treatment process and complicates the period of rehabilitation of a person, because. the bone gets fractured in 2 or 3 places, injuring tissues, tendons and muscles. Motor activity of a person during this period is significantly limited. Firstly, because it takes time for the contraction and splicing of the ligaments. Secondly, for the complete fusion of a broken bone.​
  8. After sleep, the leg should be bandaged elastic bandage, take it off in the evening. The traumatologist will tell you whether to bandage only ankle joint or the whole leg. Low-heeled shoes should be worn.​
  9. To restore the former mobility, a course of physiotherapy exercises is needed. If it is not prescribed, you should develop the limb yourself. Most importantly,
  10. After sleep, immediately bandage your leg with an elastic bandage, which should be removed only in the evening, a crescent moon is enough for this procedure. Your traumatologist can tell you exactly whether to bandage the entire leg or just the ankle joint. Wear stable shoes with low heels.​

It is very important to restore proper blood circulation.

To relieve swelling, you can massage and rub the limb several times a day. This will help restore blood flow faster and get rid of swelling.

Did you have control X-rays before the cast was removed? Based on the results of these studies, the specialist must decide on the timeliness of actions to remove the plaster splint. Also, the pictures show how the bone has grown together, whether there are any complications. The fact is that sometimes a broken bone can block important arteries and veins, which causes severe swelling and problems with the limb in the future.

During the rehabilitation period after an ankle fracture, running, leaning on the injured leg, jumping, walking on the outside and inner sides feet, vigorous exercise lower limbs, walking on an obstacle course, long walks for long distances, cycling, active sports, walking in heels, activities strength exercises, dancing.

I.P. sitting on a chair, back straight, vertical to the back of the chair, feet together, step on the floor with both feet at the same time, slowly, gently, sharply raising the legs up. Repeat 10 times.​

I.P. sitting on a chair, the back is even, make circular movements with the ankle joint in both directions alternately. Repeat 10 times in each side.​

What exercises are prohibited after an ankle fracture

After removing the plaster cast, the patient is prescribed a course of electromagnetic therapy, which includes electrophoresis, ultrasound sessions, warming up the joint, and mud baths. All these procedures are painless and necessary to relieve swelling and fully restore proper blood circulation in the leg.

Removal of plaster after a fracture is always a long-awaited event: you can fully move and move around.

After removing the cast from the fracture site, it is necessary to eat foods rich in calcium. These are fermented milk products, milk, kefir, cottage cheese, also low-fat turkey and chicken meat, fish. Do not forget about vegetables and fruits. For a more active regeneration of processes in cartilage, bones and ligaments, strong meat broth should be consumed. The menu introduces additional products that contain gelatin - jelly, marmalade, jelly.

what to do after plaster removal

A proper diet is also important: you need food rich in calcium. These are milk, dairy products, cottage cheese, kefir. Strong meat broths contribute to the activation of regenerative processes in bones, cartilage and ligaments.

Leg swelling after cast removal

After plaster removal

Edema and fracture

Sincerely, Natalia.

If the swelling after removing the cast is moderate, then this is due to the long stay of the leg in the cast. During her "imprisonment" the flow of lymph and blood was disturbed, which caused swelling. The doctor who removed the cast and saw the swelling should have warned you that at this stage of the healing of the injury, you must take all necessary measures to reduce swelling. They consist in restoring blood circulation, muscle activity, increasing vascular tone, and eliminating congestion.

Swelling and plaster removal

Therapeutic gymnastics will help restore motor activity after treatment in a short time, return a person to full household and work performance.

In addition to medical exercise, recovery of a damaged limb is greatly helped by walking on a flat road, walking up stairs (more load down), walking on toes and heels on flat and sloping terrain, moving and grabbing objects with legs, circular movements of legs in the air, walking on the floor in a semi-squat , walking backwards, sideways.

Leg twists to the side. I.P. sitting on a chair, back straight, vertical to the back of the chair, without taking your foot off the floor, turn the foot left and right alternately, at a slow pace. Repeat 15 times.​

What to do after removing the plaster?

After completing the course of electromagnetic therapy, the patient is prescribed massotherapy lasting at least 5 days to develop the muscles and ligaments of the leg that have lost mobility, elasticity and endurance to physical activity during the stay of the leg in a motionless state under the cast. Massage can be performed throughout the rehabilitation period.​

  • Depending on the degree of complexity of the fracture, the rehabilitation period can last from 7 to 21 days, medicine offers the following rehabilitation conditions for the speedy recovery of the patient after an ankle fracture:
  • To speed up the healing process, you can mix crushed onion, 20 grams of resin, 50 grams of olive oil, 15 grams of copper sulfate. Heat the mixture over low heat, without bringing to a boil, for 30 minutes. Lubricate the fracture site with the resulting remedy. Pain will help relieve a compress on a sore spot from raw grated potatoes.
  • - flexion-extension and rotational movements in the joints. It is desirable that home exercises complement exercise therapy under the supervision of a physician.
  • To speed up the healing process, mix twenty grams of resin, crushed onion, fifty grams of olive oil, fifteen grams of copper sulfate. Heat the mixture over low heat for half an hour, without bringing to a boil. The resulting drug lubricates the fracture site. Pain can be quenched by grated raw potatoes, with its help they make a compress on a sore spot. The menu additionally introduces products containing gelatin - marmalade, jelly, jelly.
  • The limb begins to be subjected to an unusual load and swells. In such cases, massage helps, or just rubbing. Periodically bend and unbend your fingers to disperse the blood through the vessels. Raise your legs with swelling higher and use elastic bandages every time before they are loaded for a long time.

After removing the cast (leg), what exercises to do and how to undergo rehabilitation?

Therefore, the conclusion can be drawn as follows: moderate swelling after removing the cast is normal.

Rehabilitation after a fracture is a long and difficult process. During this period, the leg should not be subjected to heavy physical exertion and injuries. The predominant activity is walking and walking. You can continue to wear an elastic bandage if there is discomfort without it, until complete recovery.

Recovery after plaster removal

Recovery after removal of the cast is a mandatory procedure for every person who has had a fracture. After the plaster is removed, the arm or leg, any part of the body on which this very plaster was applied, functions very poorly due to prolonged immobilization.

As a rule, the main complaints of patients after removal of the cast are swelling and not very good, painful limb mobility.

In order to avoid discomfort and pain in the area of ​​​​the former fracture and near the affected area, it is important proper recovery after removing the plaster, and this article will help. She will tell you how to properly develop muscles and joints after removing the cast.

So, what to do after removing the plaster

After the removal of the plaster, proper rehabilitation is important, which should include a number of the following measures.

A set of exercises to develop joints and physiotherapy

A person should develop joints with a set of exercises that he must do on his own, if possible, or with the help of massage therapists (physiotherapy).

It is worth noting that it is an integrated approach to this case that helps to quickly and completely restore the once damaged joint or joints. Among other things, it is worth knowing that this happens far from one day or even two - at best, a week.

If the fracture was of a sufficiently severe degree and the doctor observed the displacement of the bone or its fragments, then recovery after removal of the cast can last several months in order to completely bring the limb back to its previous healthy state.

Walking and exercise therapy

The main role in the process of developing joints after the removal of gypsum is given to walking and physiotherapy exercises.

In some special cases, experts allow, if there has been a broken leg, to start moving exclusively with crutches, then smoothly switch to a cane and only then stand up completely, giving the limbs a full load.

Therapeutic gymnastics for limbs

Therapeutic gymnastics for the limbs consists in constant slow flexion and extension of the once broken joint.

Such gymnastics should be done constantly, as soon as there is a free minute, and it must be done despite the discomfort and slight pain that will be felt during such events.

In addition to therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy helps to recover very quickly after removing the cast. Only the doctor treating you can prescribe these procedures, you should ask him about this if the doctor himself did not prescribe the subsequent treatment on special modern devices.

Electrophoresis, magnetotherapy and paraffin

Electrophoresis, magnetotherapy and paraffin help very well after fractures. Similar therapeutic measures are carried out in polyclinics.


Swimming also helps to develop joints faster. However, before you go to the pool, it is important to get the advice of your doctor about this. In some individual cases this species recovery may be contraindicated in the early stages after removal of the cast.

If you experience severe swelling and pain after wearing a cast, you should use special gels and ointments as prescribed by your doctor, which will reduce swelling and help relieve pain. If the pain is too severe, you can take a single pain medication.

To get involved in such pills is not worth it in this case.

Go through, after consulting with your doctor, a special massage course, it will help you recover quickly, since massage helps to improve blood circulation and, mainly here, blood flow will be established in the once affected area, which will lead to a speedy recovery.

In a word, the key to successful and quick recovery after removing the cast is good physical activity. Those unpleasant sensations that exist after a fracture and wearing a cast are the result of stagnation of fluid in the joints and the lack of work of these same joints, bones and muscles.

Remember, only with a little effort, enduring pain somewhere, and spending a little time, you can quickly restore your limbs to working capacity and their former mobility.

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Recovery after plaster removal

Hello, I had a dislocation fracture upper bone finger, I had an operation and after that I was in a cast for 1.5 months, after removing the plaster, I did all the procedures and massages of the finger for 1 month, but I still could not work out the finger, as I was diagnosed with tendon ingrowth into the bone .Please tell me what should I do, again the operation or there are other ways. Thank you.

Rehabilitation after a fracture

Hello! I had a 3rd ankle fracture, I was in a cast for 3 months, but the cast was removed and they are not even allowed to lean on my leg. I also walk on crutches like with a cast. And they didn’t even prescribe a massage and physio, only a bandage and Indovazin. Tell me, after about how long it will be possible to lean on the leg at least a little, and how best to restore it, I don’t want to limp. Thank you.

Fracture of 2 tibia with displacement and fragment

Yesterday they shortened the cast below the knee. I'm afraid to develop myself. What do you advise?

how to develop a leg?

Good afternoon, I had a fracture of the lower leg. On July 8, they removed it, but without movement, the knee joint is very painful. I wanted to ask how to develop it

Metatarsal fracture

good afternoon, please tell me if displacement can occur with a fracture of the metatarsal bone with a splint applied, if so, what are the sensations

Rehabilitation after a fracture

Good afternoon, I have a fracture of the 5th metatarsal bone at the base without displacement, I have been in a cast for 42 days, I move on crutches, on Wednesday after 2 days I have an appointment and the doctor promised to remove the cast, and the next day I go to work, I have a panic whether I can walk without crutches and go straight to work.

Pigmentation on the face I have problems with the liver, from this there was pigmentation on the face and neck. How to get rid of it? First you need to consult a gastroenterologist. It will help to solve the problems associated with liver disease. Gynecological consultations are also desirable.

Folk remedies to combat acne folk remedies to combat acne, if possible using houseplants. From indoor plants in the fight against acne, first of all, aloe and Kalanchoe will help. You can wipe the skin with fresh juice of these plants,.

Table salt (sodium chloride) is the most consumed mineral in the human diet. In aqueous solutions, it is in the form of positively charged sodium ions and negatively charged chloride ions, each of which plays an important role: to maintain water balance.

Bleeding gums When I brush my teeth, my gums bleed a lot. Why is this happening? How to solve this problem? Bleeding gums are one of the signs of inflammatory periodontal disease. The causes of this disease can be both general and local adverse factors. P.

How to deal with overeating? I constantly limit myself, avoid flour, sweets, potatoes, etc. But any trouble makes me seek solace in food. I break down and eat everything. How to deal with it? Food is the most accessible "medicine&raq uo; from trouble. But the food is not in the village.

What to do after plaster removal

A person understands that after removing the cast, he still cannot jump up and run. If a person has a broken ankle, the cast was removed, what should I do next? This question is often asked to the doctor. traumatologist.

The function of the ankle joint is restored after such an injury gradually. And if you try to speed up this process, you can hurt yourself a lot.

Of course, the ideal option is physiotherapy combined with therapeutic exercises under the supervision of a doctor. But not everyone has this opportunity. Sometimes it is difficult to even get to the clinic and find the right specialist.

Then we act according to the principle: “Help yourself”, especially since it is not so difficult!

The simplest thing you can do is warm foot baths with salt solution (done 2-3 times a day). Dissolve 1 tablespoon of sea salt in 1 liter of warm water and hold the injured leg. The joint should warm up well.

You can do light gymnastics right in the water - bend and unbend the foot, do not just do circular movements! Efforts should also not be, but a little soreness can be tolerated. Indeed, after 5-6 weeks of immobility, it is difficult for the joint to immediately do the entire range of motion.

Swelling on the ankle

After a cast, swelling almost always occurs at the site of injury. After all, gypsum presses on soft tissues, compresses blood vessels. And when the pressure stops, the blood rushes with renewed vigor, the leg swells. This is especially true for older people with circulatory disorders.

Here, the most correct thing is - in the morning, without getting out of bed and without lowering your legs down, immediately bandage the joint with an elastic bandage or put on a special compression stocking (stocking, tights - especially in the presence of venous insufficiency). Only then can you get up and start walking.

It is desirable to live in this mode for 2-3 weeks, until the blood circulation returns to normal and the swelling disappears.


You say: “What does food have to do with it?” But the fact is that there are products that accelerate the healing of bone and cartilage tissues. These include foods rich in calcium - everyone knows that it is cottage cheese, sour cream, all dairy products.

But not everyone knows that with fractures and after them it is very useful to eat strong broths and jelly.

It is advisable to drink vitamins containing calcium and vitamin D.


And, of course, the best development of the ankle is walking. Gradually, step by step, start walking. Every day increase the load, and remember, the main thing is gradualness. When the ankle fracture has healed, the cast has been removed, the development of the joint should be your main occupation.


Massage is different - tonic and soothing, and so in our case, you need to do a very light ankle massage, not even a massage, but circular movements, stroking.

See how a pro does it, you can do the same:


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    Thank you so much for your answer!!) I heard and read about Dikul. Dad fell off his bike in his youth - a fracture of the spine. Here, according to the Dikul system, they restored it. He is now walking, alive and well!
    Thanks for giving me hope!


    Good afternoon Broke the ankle of her left leg - unsuccessfully landed with a parachute. They put a cast on 06/12/2017, they should remove it on 07/03/2017. I read the comments, but, unfortunately, I did not find an answer to this question.
    I often do sports for myself: training in the gym, frequent jogging. I read from you that the bone heals completely in a year. Please tell me when i can do it physical activity? Do you really have to wait a whole year? I love sports very much, I did jogging regularly ... And I have absolutely no idea how to live without it now. How soon will I be able to run even at low speeds?
    I am 24 years old.
    Thank you!

    • Samira, everything will be all right. At this age, fractures heal quickly. It is clear that in a month it will be impossible to arrange jogging. But after 7 - 8 months, based on the condition of the leg, it will probably already be possible to start gradually getting into shape. Search the web for the stories of great athletes (for example, Y. Vlasov, V. Dikul). The same V. Dikul received severe injuries and nothing, got up and again engaged in “hard work”. The same professional football players also end up with fractures. There are sports doctors for recovery, and traumatologists (if any are experienced) will also help to recover. Don't worry - everything will be fine!
      Good luck.

      Good afternoon. June 03 fracture of the fifth metatarsal without displacement. Three weeks in plaster. Starting from the fifth day, she began to slowly lean on her leg. Didn't feel pain. The first day after the removal of the cast - a non-rigid orthosis with silicone inserts and an orthopedic insole on the leg. By evening the temperature rose to 37.5. Is it possible that the temperature rose after walking without crutches?

      • Possibly Anna. You can not immediately walk for a long time and completely step on your foot.
        All gradually with the control of the result. That is, for example, to walk slightly on the leg for about 20 minutes. If there is no negative reaction the next day, then you can increase the duration of movement by 10 minutes and slightly increase the load on the leg. If the reaction is not very good, as in your case, return to a sparing regimen for day two. Then try again. Well, and so on until a complete return to the pre-tipping regime.


        I have a closed fracture of my ankle, they put in a cast, on June 14 I have a control shot, I have been walking with a cast for 2 weeks, I walk on crutches, but I started stepping on my toe, is it dangerous? And sometimes the bone hurts.

        • Nastya, you need to PROCEED (that is, very carefully) on the whole foot, and not just on the toe. If on the toe, then an increased load is obtained. Error!

          Evgenia Alekseeva

          Yes, of course, I'm very worried. Thank you for your reply. The opinion of a specialist was very important to me.

          Evgenia Alekseeva

          Hello! On May 23, my 11-year-old son had a fracture of the outer ankle on his left leg. He has a trip to Ireland for a language camp on July 2nd. In your opinion, will the leg recover by this time, and will he be able to do without the help of adults? Of the chronic diseases, my son has hypothyroidism and excess weight. Sincerely, Evgenia

          • Evgenia, a child at this age will not be able to control his behavior, which should be extremely careful. Especially with these health problems.
            You surely understand this.


            Good afternoon. I am 55 years old. After a fracture of both ankles without displacement, the leg stayed in a cast for 2 months and 12 days. The plaster was removed today and the doctor said to wear an orthosis all the time, only take it off at night. Can an orthosis be worn all day long?

            • Lyudmila, in principle, if there is no day of movement (walking), then you can not wear an orthosis. That is, during the day, wear only if you need to go somewhere. “To the kitchen” you can carefully “hobble” (in the sense of walking without an orthosis, but without doing a full load on the leg). That is, within the apartment, you can train your leg carefully by stepping on it and listening to the sensations. If it hurts, then put on an orthosis, if not, then walk slowly. On the street in the next 2 - 3 weeks only in an orthosis (still age).


              Good afternoon She twisted her leg on the stairs, received a closed fracture of the outer ankle of the left tibia without displacement. They put a cellocast plaster, the doctor said you can walk without crutches. I read articles, they write you can’t go everywhere. Now the question is how to be, there is no way not to walk at all. Is it possible to walk in cellocast while stepping on your foot?

              • Svetlana, of course, right now you can’t walk in the same mode as before the plaster was applied. You need to enter the walking mode GRADUALLY.
                That is, right now you can step on your foot quite a bit (this mode is called START). Better leaning on a support (perhaps with someone on hand or a stick for a while). The point is not to put too much pressure on the leg right now. Day after day, in the absence of pain, you can very slowly increase the load. If everything is painless, then within a month you will be able to walk tolerably. So divide the full load by 30 days, and so you will understand how to increase from, say, a third of the load to full at the end of the month. The most important thing is gradualness.
                Not walking at all is not good, because recovery in this case will be very delayed.


                I am 50 years old. I have a non-displaced ankle fracture. X-ray showed that the bones are very transparent. They said to remove the plaster in a month on their own. Now 2 weeks have passed. Can I already start stepping on my foot in a cast?

                • You can, but not STEP, but START. That is, you do not transfer all the weight to the leg in a cast, but at first only a little bit. If it doesn’t hurt, then after 2-3 days you can slightly increase the load. But only a little. If it doesn’t hurt again, then after another 2-3 days you can still increase it.
                  The load should be short-term at first, so as not to tire the leg.

                  • Valentine

                    Thanks a lot

                    Hello. At the end of January, she developed a closed comminuted fracture of the distal end of the tibia and c/3 of the fibula. Osteosynthesis of the tibial blocked rod was performed. Now it was recommended to walk with a 50% load, but on two crutches. The leg does not hurt, in the joints it bends / unbends. It's been almost 10 weeks since the surgery. When will I be able to give up crutches? Now I can walk more, my leg swells in the evening, but in the morning everything is back to normal. I don't use any ointments. Is it possible to continue to load the leg further? The end of the rod is felt in the knee and a slight warmth is felt when touched. It should be? Thank you.

                    • After a couple of weeks, try using one elbow-supported crutch instead of crutches, or maybe a cane if your body weight is moderate. With increased weight, it is not worth increasing the load so soon.


                      Hello, on February 27, a fracture of the external ankle without displacement was made, the traumatologist ordered to walk on the leg by 50% of body weight by the day the cast was removed, on March 28, the cast was removed, but then a problem arose
                      1) I can’t, like in a cast, throw my leg over to wash in the bathroom
                      2) when walking, sometimes I can’t correctly calculate my strength, but my leg doesn’t hurt, do I need to control it or just continue to work out?

                      • Keep developing.

                        Hello, on January 27th, an operation was performed on the ankle joint with the installation of a metaconstruction inside (remove in a year), plastic surgery of the ligaments was performed. The gypsum was removed on March 2, a laser, a magnet, exercise therapy were prescribed; when doing exercises, there is a feeling of pain, I start a little. Please tell me the exercise should be performed through pain? When will it be possible to lean on the leg? Thank you

                        • Anna, Exercises must be performed through pain, but without fanaticism. Controlling pain. More pain - less stress, less pain - more stress. Until the pain stops stably - just start (that is, without a full load).


                          Good afternoon 14.01. broke her leg - a closed fracture of the ankles of the right tibia with displacement of fragments, damage to the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis with subluxation of the foot outward. 23.01. underwent an operation - open reposition of a fracture of the ankles of the lower leg and metal osteosynthesis. The doctor said that 14.03. it is necessary to start stepping on the leg in a cast “as if it were healthy”, remaining on crutches. Tell me, is there too much load on the sore leg? Thanks in advance for your reply.

                          • Valeria, the doctor said “remaining on crutches”. This means that the load must be controlled. Naturally, the doctor's phrase "as healthy" does not mean a full load immediately. No. Everything should be gradual. Accustom the leg to the loads again, starting with the minimum. This is called "getting down" on the foot. That is, day after day, load from small to full load, for example, moving to full load in a month. This is in the absence of pain.
                            If it hurts, then reduce the load a little, but do not stop starting - the leg should get used to it in any way.

                            • Valeria

                              Thanks a lot for the clarification!


                              25.01. ankle was broken outside, no offset. The plaster was removed on 21.02.
                              The attending physician, who is also a surgeon, said that during the week you can only load the leg by 10%, but after reading here, you recommend gradually increasing the load. Those. Can I try walking this week? I do massage and other exercises myself at home, you can advise something, the doctor did not recommend anything (

                              • Victoria, and the doctor said correctly - load by 10% a week. And that doesn't mean walking.
                                GET STARTED... just GET STARTED..
                                next week you can load by 15% - start a little more when you feel well ..
                                still on the trail. week by 20% - try a little more to start ..
                                well, etc.
                                Read about gymnastics


                                Hello! 4.01 sprained her leg! Gradually came, I thought a dislocation or sprain. 05.01 X-ray showed a fracture of the ankle without displacement. They put on a lanyard. The crutches hurt my arms and the leg strains on weight. Is it possible to immediately slowly step on the plaster, after 7 hours. He must have frozen...

                                • Irina

                                  Hello! I am 47 years old, an ankle fracture without displacement of a large b / bone occurred on December 15th. There was no severe pain, X-rays and plaster were done immediately. I went to the magnet, I drink calcium and mumiyo. Now the broken leg does not hurt and I step on it a little. Question: when can the plaster be removed? I'm going on vacation on 01/11/17. It was decided to go even in a cast and on crutches. There is a long flight ahead. What are the recommendations? Thanks in advance for your reply.

                                  • In principle, on the 10th it is quite possible to remove the plaster. During the holidays, use an elastic bandage while walking. It is advisable not to walk too much. The bandage can be removed at rest.

                                    • Irina

                                      Thank you, but during the flight, can you smear your leg with troxevasin? Or maybe aspirin cardio on drink?

                                      • Both troxevasin and aspirin are superfluous. Do not overload the body with external influences.

                                        • Irina

                                          Thanks for the quick replies.


                                          Doctor, Thank you very much!! Happy New Year!!! Good health to you!!
                                          I'm really looking forward to January 10, it will be 18 days since I've been in a cast, I want to ask the doctor for another X-ray. So I want to quickly remove the plaster, I want everything to grow together correctly. Ruined all my holidays...


                                          Tell me, sometimes I strain my leg, there is a sharp pain ... well, it turns out ... one night there were cramps in the calf muscle of this leg, I'm afraid there was no displacement ... What do you think?
                                          Doctor, how long does it take to walk in a cast, well, approximately?

                                          • Victoria, okay.
                                            1. The pain will be a couple more weeks.
                                            2. To eliminate possible night cramps, drink at least a third of a glass of pure water just before bedtime. Maybe half a glass, if you can stand the night without a toilet. Seizures are not associated with displacement.
                                            3. The standard period of stay in plaster is 3-4 weeks. Not more.


                                            Good evening doctor! December 23, 2016, slipped and broke her right fibula;
                                            diagnosis: (S-82.4) Closed fracture upper third of the fibula in satisfactory condition. They put a U splint from the fingers to the middle of the thigh, the plaster loosened ... Today is 9 days from the day of the fracture, the ankle began to hurt (there was a big bump on it at the time of the plaster, swelling ...), the fracture site hurts. The surgeon at the clinic does not know what to do with my plaster ... On 01/10/17, I made an appointment with the Traumatologist-Orthopedist (operator) for a consultation.
                                            Please tell me how long such fractures heal, and can displacement occur due to the fact that the plaster goes in different directions ... at night, due to the fact that the leg goes numb, I turn it to one side, then to the other, and always move my fingers , so it is possible?
                                            I walk on crutches, I save my leg, I drink gelatin on an empty stomach, I eat cottage cheese every day, sesame seeds, cod liver, jelly, I drink fish fat and folic acid, vitamins C, venarus 2 times a day.

                                            • Victoria, as a temporary option, until the 10th, you can strengthen the plaster with an elastic bandage directly on top of the plaster.
                                              Wiggling your fingers, in principle, is not fatal.
                                              I wonder if the bump fell off or stayed that way. Edema will be until the blood vessels return to normal.


                                              Thanks a lot for the detailed answer! Happy New Year to you!)))


                                              Hello! On November 16, I hit the outer side of the foot hard, I thought it was a bruise, because. the pain was tolerable, there was a bruise at the site of impact, later swelling appeared. But after a week there was no improvement and I still decided to go to the hospital. As a result: a fracture of the 3rd and 4th metatarsal bones with displacement. The bone had to be set and put in a cast. I went with him for a month and went to see the doctor. I still had a slight pain with a slight pressure on the fracture site. The doctor did not even ask me anything and decided to remove the cast. I tell him, they say we need to take another picture, suddenly it didn’t grow together? He says, like, let's remove the plaster right now and do it. As a result, the picture showed that everything was normal, but the callus was not completely formed. The doctor says that it makes no sense to re-apply the cast, but you can’t step on your leg for another week.
                                              I have these questions:
                                              1. Why was it necessary to remove the plaster without taking a picture, because even with plaster it was possible to see whether everything had grown together or not?
                                              2. Will the fact that the leg is now not fixed affect the further fusion of the bone?
                                              3. Why does my leg still swell after the cast is removed if I stay upright for a long time?
                                              4. When can I step on my foot and how long does it take for me to develop my foot and start walking normally?

                                              • Daria, answers in order.
                                                1. A month is enough to walk in a cast, so the doctor did not consult with you.
                                                2. Will not affect.
                                                3. Because the circulatory system has been disturbed and now it takes time to restore it. Do a gentle, gentle self-massage of the foot. Every day and even several times a day for 3-5 minutes. With gentle movements, “disperse” the blood in places of edema. Only without fanaticism! Soft.
                                                4. You can attack right now. If there is fear, you can bandage it with an elastic bandage before walking and remove it immediately after walking.
                                                Naturally, start advancing (or proceeding) slowly. If there are no unpleasant sensations, then after a week or two, slightly increase the walking time. Restoration of functions occurs gradually - from six months to a year. And so be guided to exit to the former mode of life.

                                                • Daria

                                                  I have more questions. After removing the cast, a week passed, I began to slowly step on my foot and walk a little. But I can’t completely step on the foot, because. it hurts at the fracture site and it still hurts to press on this place, it even seems to me that it has become more painful than before I started walking. Is that how it should be? Or does this mean that the bone is not completely fused?

                                                  • Daria, “until the end” the bone will grow together only in a year.
                                                    If the pain is severe, you need to reduce the load and do not forget to do self-massage.


                                                    Anna, please help! Broke my ankle. But this became known only a week after the injury. In the emergency hospital, the doctor said after the picture: torn ligaments. And he said to put on a retainer. With him, I moved for a week, even went out into the street not far. The pain began to grow. And a week later, a picture already in the clinic showed a fracture. Now in a cast, they said for 3 weeks. Tell me: is it dangerous that I walked with a fracture? How do you generally 'handle' a cast leg? Is it possible to remove the cast, let the leg rest, and then put it on? Do I need to fix it with an elastic bandage (in the clinic, the doctor said: whatever is more convenient for you)? And at night there is pain below the bone, is this normal?
                                                    Thank you. I learned more on your site than from two traumatologists)

                                                    • Victoria, okay.
                                                      Is it dangerous or not this moment it's too late to think about it.
                                                      - you can remove the cast when you are not going ANYWHERE. For ANY movement in the next 3-4 weeks, wear.
                                                      The same applies to the use of a bandage - with any movement in the near future it is better to bandage.
                                                      Removing the bandage and plaster while lying and sitting makes it possible for the circulatory system to recover,
                                                      as well as the musculoskeletal system, which is nourished by the circulatory system. This means faster recovery.
                                                      - Yes, it can hurt and you have to go through it.

                                                      Good afternoon, Anna! On November 25, they put me in a cast, I have a broken ankle, on December 7, the traumatologist removed the cast and sent it for an x-ray, after the x-ray, they put the same cast on me again, only fixed it with a bandage, I am very worried about my leg that it is not completely fixed.

                                                      • Julia, in order not to worry, you can additionally use an elastic bandage directly on top of the cast. Only use a bandage if you intend to walk. Do not use in a lying or sitting position - what is enough.

                                                        Hello, I slipped on 10/31/16. The foot slipped under the fence. The result - a piece of the ankle broke off. No offset. I still wear plaster. The doctor says 3 months to wear. Then rehabilitation, physio, massage. How long does this fracture take to heal? Help, maybe it's better to remove the plaster and I walked a little?

                                                        • Julia, with such a formulation of the question, it was not necessary to go to the doctor. How can a bone heal without plaster?
                                                          No, she can grow together, but it's sloppy. Do you need it?
                                                          How long? Already somewhere here this question was discussed. I remind you that full splicing occurs within a year.
                                                          Remove plaster? No problem. Tell your doctor that you don't care how things heal. Give the doctor a receipt that claims
                                                          you won’t have anything to do with it, that you’ve been warned about the consequences and that’s it.
                                                          Not a doctor needs it.


                                                          07/27/16 broke the 2nd, 3rd, 4th metatarsal bones, the fracture is open, the 2nd one is displaced. They put on a splint, dressing every day, the displacement was less than 3 mm, so they did not set it. On August 22, 2016, they removed the splint and walked with an elastic bandage, but the doctor does not allow stepping. What to do next? Our town is small and the doctor is ancient ... can the shift affect my future life, I’m 30 and would still like to wear heels?

                                                          • Katerina, the displacement still had to be corrected. I will not dissemble, it (displacement) can make itself felt. Especially when wearing heels. Unfortunately.

                                                            • Katerina

                                                              That is, you need to break and set? And it's too early to develop, the swelling hasn't gone down?

                                                              • In a good way, so that there are no consequences, yes, you need to set it. Then we can hope that there will definitely be no consequences. At least the issue will be closed.
                                                                Otherwise, leaving everything as it is, the situation is 50/50. That is, maybe you will be able to cope with the new reality, or maybe you will live with constant pain. No one can give an accurate forecast.
                                                                It's honest.
                                                                There will still be swelling until the body restores the problem area.

                                                                I've read everything here, but haven't found anything similar to my case.
                                                                I broke my ankle. I've been in a cast for four weeks. And today I stumbled on crutches and stepped on a broken leg! ..
                                                                Is it dangerous?
                                                                What to do?
                                                                I ask for advice.
                                                                Thank you.

                                                                • Nina, it's not dangerous. Slowly (not abruptly) proceed to the plastered leg. This will already be the process of restoring the leg's working capacity. Doesn't it hurt?


                                                                  Thanks for the answer. To be honest, I didn't expect it. When the cast was removed on 19, she told me that I should not step on my foot for two weeks. Move around with crutches. Which I did for seven days. Having come to her appointment on the 27th and having heard that it was time to stop being lazy, it was time to get on my feet with a stick, I went to therapy yesterday without crutches, with the help of a cane. But I repeat, I am in a semi-rigid orthosis.
                                                                  And I do baths with weed, with sea salt. Maybe I'm wrong, and should I do it with soda? And I wanted to ask another question. Is displacement possible after such a long stay in a cast. But at the expense of the doctor there, on the periphery, you are right. I did everything I could under those conditions. And thank you for your clear explanation.

                                                                  • Natalya, it was necessary to attack immediately, but gradually increasing the load.
                                                                    A long stay in plaster simply stabilizes the ratio of fragments to honey at the time of splicing. Stabilization does not allow displacement. Didn't you have a check-up x-ray? Everything will be visible there.
                                                                    Make baths with soda. In this situation, it's better.


                                                                    Hello. I am 46 years old. On April 30, 2016, she fell down the stairs at the dacha, as a result of a triple fracture of the ankle with displacement, subluxation. The district doctor did everything he could. He set it, applied a cast, said that there was a small displacement left, but this would not affect walking. Sent to Moscow. To doctors at the place of residence.
                                                                    Our traumatologist, to whom I got, said that the operation was not required and that they were afraid to remove my cast, to touch my leg. They told me to wait 12 weeks.
                                                                    On July 19, they removed the plaster, ordered me to do baths with soda for the night. Physiotherapy doesn't make sense, she said. Another traumatologist, while mine was on vacation, gave a referral to physiotherapy. There are two sessions left.
                                                                    We are not talking about any gymnastics and massage. The ancient granny cannot explain to me why my joint twitches like an abscess, only drink Nise says.
                                                                    I have no idea what to do next.
                                                                    Today, 01.08. the first time I came to the physiotherapy room with a cane. The pain seemed to break for the second time, I'm afraid to go to bed. I wear a semi-rigid orthosis during the day, and take it off at night.
                                                                    How to be? Asked for another doctor, did not take. For some reason, everyone is afraid of this fracture. Tell me, maybe I'm panicking for nothing? But it's my leg.

                                                                    • Hello, Natalia.
                                                                      By experience, at present, the district doctor has more practice than the traumatologist from your clinic. Although it may not be the case in your particular case.
                                                                      You are not panicking for nothing. In my opinion, you should get an appointment with an independent traumatologist who will carefully (!) Work with you.
                                                                      Such a long stay in the cast should not give the “twitching” effect that you write about. Pain is possible. But simple, “no frills”. The causes of pain are multiple prolonged inactivity and suddenly a load, a violation of nerve endings, a violation of blood circulation at the fracture site. Soda baths are struggling with all this.
                                                                      You can do otherwise. Wait a couple more weeks (now it doesn't matter). Do gymnastics. Slowly. And, if, in a couple of weeks, everything remains unchanged, then you should definitely “wrestle” with a traumatologist (preferably a surgeon).


                                                                      Hello! I had a bone fracture in my foot without displacement! 3 weeks in plaster! Tomorrow I have to remove the cast. Tell me, how long after the removal of the plaster can I go to work? 12-hour day on your feet the whole shift!?

                                                                      • Polina, it is very difficult to answer your question with a 12-hour working day ON LEGS. Work in such a hard mode should be started gradually. You just can't take it right now. The leg will swell and hurt.
                                                                        That's why:
                                                                        1. if possible, you should go to work for 3 - 5 - 7 hours consecutively until you get used to it.
                                                                        2. in extreme cases - an hour of work - a 20-30 minute break with the need to lie down so that the leg is comfortable.
                                                                        3. without fail, engage in rehabilitation - massage, baths with soothing herbs (the pharmacy will tell you what you can use - what they have), ointments to restore blood circulation (again in the pharmacy).
                                                                        Gradually return to the previous rhythm.


                                                                        Hello. I have a fracture with a displacement of the metatarsal bone (where is the little finger). 5 weeks with splint. Removed. They told me not to step on my foot. How then to develop?

                                                                        • Kate!
                                                                          Attack, attack and attack again. Only gradually.
                                                                          Let me give you an example from surgical practice.
                                                                          The gallbladder was removed. Laparoscopy. General anesthesia. The duration of the operation is 2 hours (a large stone that had to be crushed inside with the help of a special container - this is so as not to switch to an abdominal operation).
                                                                          The withdrawal from anesthesia is about an hour and twenty in intensive care.
                                                                          Moving to the room.
                                                                          2 hours after returning from intensive care, the patient slowly rises and makes the first trip along the corridor - 20 meters there and 20 back. Slowly. Holding the seam.
                                                                          For tomorrow, 3 trips along the corridor and so on.
                                                                          Released a week later.
                                                                          Same with your choice.


                                                                          Hello. Child 4 years old, severely sprained her leg. A fracture in the growth zone (ankle) was diagnosed without displacement. After two weeks, the splint was removed, for another two weeks they were bandaged with an elastic bandage. Now he walks without a bandage. The lameness strongly disturbs (says does not hurt). Two weeks have passed since the removal of the elastic bandage, and the lameness does not go away.

                                                                          • Anastasia, you should see a doctor. It is advisable to take a picture (let him appoint). The situation is not normal for this age.

Treatment after cast removal depends on several factors. It is no secret that after prolonged immobilization (gypsum bandage, splint), the functions of the joints of the leg or arm are greatly reduced. Stiffness and swelling are the main complaints of patients after removal of the cast.

Quite often, after a fracture, pain and other unpleasant sensations both in the area of ​​the fracture and in neighboring areas are still disturbing for a long time. This is due to the fact that the damaged nerve can be of great length, and when fractured, the pain "gives" to the joints or toes.

Treatment of joint stiffness after gypsum

After the plaster is removed, a period of treatment begins, which is called rehabilitation. This is a set of activities that the patient performs on his own (for example,) or with the help of specialists - massage, physiotherapy.

It is an integrated approach, and not just one method of treatment, that helps to fully restore joint mobility. This does not happen in a day or a week, if the fracture is severe or there was a displacement of bone fragments, rehabilitation can last several months.

The main role in the development of the joints is assigned to physiotherapy exercises (exercise therapy) and walking(in some cases, you need to start walking with crutches, then switch to a cane, and only then the doctor allows a full load on the leg when walking.

Connecting swimming to your complex makes it easier to perform exercises and helps to develop the joint faster.

Treatment of edema after a fracture

In addition to therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy helps in the fight against puffiness. Many often neglect the services of ordinary clinics, and in vain. Because it is enough to go to an appointment with a physiotherapist for you to be prescribed a full-fledged treatment on modern devices.

After fractures, magnetotherapy and electrophoresis help well. Sometimes paraffin is prescribed. Even if the polyclinic does not have the latest equipment, Russian devices are quite capable of doing the task - this is what the doctors say. physiotherapists.

It is very good if you have the opportunity to find a professional massage therapist and take a course of massage (10-15 sessions).

Preparations after plaster removal

Basically, gels and ointments are prescribed that help reduce swelling - these are Lyoton-1000, Troxevasin, heparin ointment.

For pain, you can take a painkiller pill, but remember that addiction often develops to them and it is better to consult with your doctor.

People who have experienced a broken arm know how important the rehabilitation period is for a full-fledged treatment. After all, after the plaster is removed from the arm, the patient practically does not feel it. In severe cases, a person wears a cast for several months, all this time upper limb is in a state of complete immobility.

Movement is life, and everything that has been without active movement for a long time is subjected to necrosis over time. Therefore, even for seriously ill patients, doctors recommend making at least a minimum of movements per day to maintain the viability of the body. In the case of an immobilized arm, the muscles stagnate and blood flow is disrupted. The period of recovery of a hand after a fracture depends on the physical capabilities and desires of the patient. It can last from several weeks to months.

Exercise after a broken arm

Performance following exercises will solve the problem of swelling of the hand and help develop the hand - the joint, without which the limb loses its ability.

Sometimes patients in the first days after the removal of the cast cannot even hold a cup in their hand. To understand how naughty the hand has become, clench your hand into a fist. Take a piece of plasticine or, if available, plastic for modeling in your hand. Until he is warmed by the warmth of your hands, he will succumb with difficulty. Place the plastic in the center of your palm and try to break it with your fingers, knead it. When the piece warms up and softens, take a short break and repeat again. The main thing is not to rush and do the exercise. Repeat the exercise in the morning, afternoon and evening for a month.

Take in hand tennis ball and go to the wall. Throw the ball lightly at the wall and try to catch it after hitting it. Try not to make sudden jerks. Exercise is recommended to be performed for a short time, several times a day for a month. This will help the fingers gain dexterity and restore primary mobility. There will also be a reaction needed during the recovery phase.

Any exercises after a broken arm should be performed with the utmost care, because the limb that was injured is very vulnerable

Sit on a chair, close your hands in front of you, pressing your palms tightly against one another. Without separating the palms, tilt the hands in turn to the right and left wrists, allowing the joints to gradually develop. Be careful not to overdo it when tilting your hands towards the broken arm. Do as many repetitions as you need to feel a slight tension. Avoid sharp pain. Every day, as far as possible, lower the brushes lower and lower.

Use ping pong balls as a trainer. Take a few pieces in your hand and move them with your fingers so that they do not fall. Take 10 minutes to exercise. This development gives good result and contributes to the rapid recovery of the hand after a fracture.

To restore normal mobility of a broken limb, it is important to improve blood circulation. Massage contributes to this.

Exercise therapy after a fracture

To reduce the rehabilitation time of limbs after a fracture, methods such as exercise therapy and physiotherapy are important. The doctor will prescribe the appropriate procedures, depending on the period of immobilization of the affected limb and bone injury. It is also recommended to pay attention to a set of recovery exercises that can be performed at home.

To develop an injured limb, raise your shoulders up and in this position, simply swing your arm freely. Fulfill circular exercises in the elbows and shoulder joints clockwise and against it. Raise your arms up and down through the sides. Then raise and lower your hands, directing them in front of you. Clap with your arms extended forward and behind your back.

Learn to take care of yourself again using your injured hand. For example, try to gently comb, wash.

long awaited moment - removal of plaster, but the leg (arm) is still weak and cannot be loaded. Ahead is the rehabilitation of her mobility and health, the restoration of motor abilities.

First of all, the limb should be washed in warm water with gel and a washcloth. Along with the dirt, the old skin will begin to peel off, because during the time it was in the plaster, the epithelial cells could not exfoliate. If necessary, you can use a scrub, and after washing, wipe the limb and grease with a nourishing cream.

Restoration of mobility and circulation

To restore former mobility, a course of physiotherapy exercises is needed. If it is not prescribed, you should develop the limb yourself. The most important, what to do after plaster removal- flexion-extension and rotational movements in the joints. It is desirable that home exercises complement exercise therapy under the supervision of a physician.

It is very important to restore proper blood circulation. When the plaster is removed, the limb is subjected to an unusual load and therefore swells. In these cases, simple rubbing helps. Unbend and bend your fingers to disperse blood through the vessels. Legs should be raised higher for swelling and elastic bandages should be used before a long load on them.

During rehabilitation after removal of plaster from different places the main thing is to move, because recovery problems are the result of fluid stagnation and little work of bones, muscles and joints. You need to overcome all the unpleasant sensations, make enough effort and spend a certain amount of time.

Gymnastics after plaster removal

You can do gymnastics right in the bath with water, since after removing the plaster it is very useful. Without sudden movements, bend and unbend the joint, performing its characteristic movements. You should not be afraid of pain, but it is important not to overdo it. Circular movements of the foot, in the early days, are not recommended. After gymnastics, you can stroke the joint with circular relaxing movements, but without massage.

After sleep, the leg should be bandaged with an elastic bandage, removed in the evening. The traumatologist will tell you whether to bandage only the ankle joint or the entire leg. Low-heeled shoes should be worn.

What to do after fractures

After removing the cast from the fracture site, it is necessary to eat foods rich in calcium. These are fermented milk products, milk, kefir, cottage cheese, also low-fat turkey and chicken meat, fish. Do not forget about vegetables and fruits. For a more active regeneration of processes in cartilage, bones and ligaments, strong meat broth should be consumed. The menu introduces additional products that contain gelatin - jelly, marmalade, jelly.

To speed up the healing process, you can mix crushed onion, 20 grams of resin, 50 grams of olive oil, 15 grams of copper sulfate. Heat the mixture over low heat, without bringing to a boil, for 30 minutes. Lubricate the fracture site with the resulting remedy. Pain will help relieve a compress on a sore spot from raw grated potatoes.

used materials