Closed leg fracture child 4 years old exercise. Rehabilitation after childhood fractures

The recovery period is a necessary part of the treatment after a fracture. Properly chosen and fully implemented measures after removing the cast or fixing bandage help to fully restore the motor functions of the limb, ensure full mobility, even gait, and avoid post-traumatic complications and pain. Rehabilitation after a broken leg includes a number of necessary types of treatment and exercises, without which it will not be possible to fully recover.

After the cast is removed, even after a short immobilization and a fracture of the small bones of the foot, discomfort is felt in the leg, muscles and ligaments lose elasticity, elasticity, and joints lose mobility.

Goals rehabilitation:

  • restoration of muscle tissue;
  • stimulation of blood supply and lymph movement;
  • strengthening blood vessels, overcoming stagnation in them;
  • reduction of edema, acceleration of metabolic processes and outflow of fluid from tissues;
  • restoration of full joint mobility, overcoming contractures.

With complex fractures of large bones and joints, long-term immobility, rehabilitation is required for a long and comprehensive. It is especially difficult for weakened or elderly people with serious diseases in which metabolism, hematopoiesis, and vascular patency are impaired.

Before rehabilitation after a displaced leg fracture, additional surgery may sometimes be required due to improper bone healing.

The recovery period is necessary after any fracture. It includes:

  1. First stage- massage, rubbing the sore spot, small physical exercise, the use of local agents that stimulate tissue repair.
  2. Second- performing increasingly complex exercise therapy complexes, physiotherapy.
  3. Third- Exercise therapy, constantly increasing physical activity, walking, sanatorium and balneological treatment.

All stages are accompanied by a diet that helps speed up metabolism, strengthen muscles and bones. To properly place the foot and help with movement, it is recommended to wear special insoles, orthoses, so as not to overload the limb.

Note: on initial stage movements are accompanied by pain, which is considered normal. Gradual muscle development, return motor activity gradually reduce pain.

Complexes of recovery exercises

The rehabilitation doctor selects the type of exercise, depending on the nature of the injury. Classes during rehabilitation after a fracture of the tibia of the leg will differ from exercise therapy for a foot injury. For any injury to the limb, the following movements are useful:

  • bend your knees, you can do it before getting out of bed in the morning;
  • standing, transfer weight in turn to different legs;
  • perform swings with maximum amplitude (forward, backward, to the sides), holding the leg in the final position for 2-3 seconds, if necessary, holding the support with the hand;
  • squats, starting with shallow ones, with fixing the arms up, to the sides, in front of the chest;
  • weight transfer from heels to toes;
  • from a prone position, do scissors, alternate limb lifts, a bicycle.

Exercise bike, swimming, walking are useful.


The best and easiest way to load the leg with natural movements is walking. You need to walk away from highways, starting from a good flat road, gradually increasing the load. It is useful to move around by changing the pace, moving from a fast to a slow step. You also need to go down and up the low hills.

You should include in the walk the movement of the back forward and sideways with cross steps. In the absence of pain syndrome, it is necessary to gradually switch to running, ending the walk with a calm step.

Exercise rules

For each type of injury, special complexes have been developed that take into account the location and type of fracture, the presence of displacement and surgery, the patient's condition, and his age.

Exercises for rehabilitation after a fracture of the tibia of the leg are performed in the following volume:

  • morning and evening exercises - 10-15 minutes every day;
  • simulators - 45 minutes 2 times a week;
  • walking daily in the prescribed volume (distance);
  • warm-up complexes - 3-4 times a day for 3-5 minutes;
  • swimming lesson - 45 minutes 2 times a week;
  • exercise therapy complex - 45 minutes 2 times a week.

Similar loads are also necessary during rehabilitation after a broken ankle, only special exercises can differ.

A necessary condition for classes is to resume them several times during the day in order to constantly stimulate the muscles.

If it is not possible to perform some types of recommended exercises, you should increase the time and complexity of the possible ones. At the same time, houses should be rubber band, foot expander.

Classes only in the gym will not create the necessary load, you need to practice at home.

Classes end half an hour before meals and 1.5 hours before bedtime.

Rehabilitation after a fracture of the little finger or other toe is faster. In this case, more movements are performed on fine motor skills- picking up small objects with your fingers, rolling balls, walking barefoot on uneven surfaces.

A necessary condition for successful recovery is the full loading of all joints and muscle groups of the injured limb, and not just the diseased area.

Rehabilitation and exercises after a leg fracture after osteosynthesis surgery begin after the sutures are removed. After using the Ilizarov apparatus or traction, classes start 10-14 days after removing the devices.

Important: you can not keep a motionless, especially the wrong position for a long time. You should sit without crossing your legs, you will have to forget about your favorite cross-legged position.

Recovery diets

Proper nutrition should be organized while wearing a cast. It will help to heal the bones, improve the condition of the muscles. At a fracture lower extremities protein intake up to 120 g per day is required.

For fast bone fusion, the body needs the following items: calcium, zinc, magnesium. Sources:

  • milk, dairy products;
  • sesame;
  • cabbage;
  • legumes;
  • seafood, fish;
  • nuts;
  • eggs;
  • cereals, including buckwheat;
  • fruits.

For better absorption of calcium, vitamin D is needed, which is found in large quantities in fatty fish.

Phosphorus, necessary for the restoration of bones, contains the liver, cereals, dairy products, beans, nuts.

Vitamins help improve tissue metabolism. In case of fractures, it is necessary to increase the consumption of foods with vitamins D, C, A, group B or take pharmacy complexes.

The most suitable is diet number 11, With necessary quantity proteins to restore muscle and bone tissue, as well as calories to perform rehabilitation exercises after a broken leg. Meals - 5 times a day, cooking - the usual processing. Refusal of fried and smoked is necessary.

Fluid intake - 1.5 liters.

Application of massage

Massage is the first and best means of restoring muscle tissue. In most cases, it is shown even with a cast on free part legs. Even if movements are not recommended during immobilization, you can improve blood flow by performing a small massage of open areas.

After restriction of mobility, muscle atrophy, swelling due to fluid accumulation and metabolic disturbances in tissues are observed. Massage helps to stimulate the movement of blood and lymph, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, develop joints, helping hands to move the legs.

It is better to entrust the initial stage of the massage to a specialist in order to understand how to perform the movements correctly. In the future, relatives will help, it is also possible to do it yourself.

To enhance the impact, you can use massage cream or medicines for external use.

Features of rehabilitation at home

Even if the patient attends exercise therapy, physiotherapy in the clinic, you should do a warm-up at home, observe a motor regimen, and follow a diet. An integrated approach contributes to a quick recovery.

Good help to relieve swelling and increase blood circulation in the diseased limb of the bath with sea ​​salt, medicinal herbs and essential oils. They are done at first every day, as they improve - every 2-3 days.

It is necessary to wear insoles to help straighten the position of the foot. At home, you should walk more barefoot, avoiding hypothermia. If swelling and pain persist, on the advice of a doctor, external agents can be used - Nise, Troxevasin, Diclofenac.

Recovery after an injury takes a long time and requires a lot of effort and perseverance. Even with minor fracture small bones foot rehabilitation takes 2 months. In difficult cases, the unpleasant consequences of the injury are eliminated from several months to 1.5-2 years. All this time, you must adhere to a diet, exercise, walk the recommended distances to prevent the development of lameness.

Elderly patients often fail to overcome complications. Another circumstance that aggravates rehabilitation is excess weight.


Rehabilitation after a fracture of the leg bone continues until the full restoration of mobility, the absence of edema and the absence of pain. Its success depends on the determination of the patient and the correctly chosen complex of therapeutic methods.

Rehabilitation after a broken leg is a set of measures aimed at restoring a damaged limb. The sequence of required actions has a standard structure. Additional adjustments are made by the attending physician. The procedures are due to the need to return the former muscle tone, ensure normal blood flow and oxygen enrichment. Atrophy of tendons and muscles occurs as a result of their constant static position in plaster.

To clarify how to develop a leg after a fracture, you should consult a rehabilitation doctor. Below are the most popular wellness manipulations, instructions for their implementation and other useful information.

A leg fracture, depending on the specific area of ​​injury, grows together within 3-6 weeks. In order to return the former amplitude of leg movements, you need to go through each of the following stages:

  • massage;
  • needle therapy;
  • physiotherapy activities;
  • physiotherapy (strength exercises with a small load and gymnastics for stretching the tendons);
  • adherence to a special diet.

Thus, the patient must achieve:

  • increase in muscle strength;
  • elimination of the consequences of atrophy;
  • restoration of the range of motion of the joints;
  • improvements general condition health.


It has a huge impact on the acceleration of blood flow, and hence the supply of oxygen. Foot massage after a fracture eliminates swelling and other congestive effects. Vessels also become more elastic, cartilage - more mobile. As a supplement, special ointments or pine nut oil are used to enhance the therapeutic effect.

Primarily, all actions are performed by the attending physician, showing the patient the correct technique. After that, elementary exercises are easy to perform at home on your own. The main thing is not to apply great force, to avoid discomfort and pain. After the massage, it is recommended to soak your hand in a container with water, sea salt and iodine.


First, we restore the belt with the help of elementary movements (on the sides and up and down, while lying on the floor). Then you should gently rotate the foot, in knee joint and completely with the whole leg (from the hip). Try to walk more, of course, if it does not bring pain. Some popular exercises:

  • lying on your back, raise your legs up, cross them and return to the starting position;
  • sitting on a chair, swing your legs forward - backward;
  • holding on to a hard surface, we alternately raise our legs up (it is desirable that an angle of 90 degrees is formed at the same time);
  • We rise on our toes and stand back on our heels.

After the permission of the doctor, we move on to more complex loads:

  • walk on a treadmill;
  • use a simulator - a bicycle;
  • perform exercises - side step, lunges and the like.

Physiotherapy activities

  • electrophoresis
  • Laser and magnetic therapy.

The patient will also benefit from mud and wax treatments. Baths with medicinal herbs, hydromassages and compresses are especially popular.

Local preparations

Special ointments, gels and sprays will help speed up the rehabilitation process. The number of applications is determined by the specialist or the leaflet in the drug box. Most often, the therapist ascribes ibuprofen, troxevasin or methyl salicylate.

Blood circulation becomes better after applying ointments with bee and snake venom. Hematomas and small puffiness are eliminated with the help of such ointments: "Bruise-off", "heparin", "Feloran" or "Traumel".

oral medicines

  • Calcemin.
  • Compliment.
  • Calcepan.
  • Mummy.
  • Zhivokost.

It is not enough just to develop a leg, a comprehensive recovery includes an individual selection and adjustment of the diet. Human body should receive useful substances not only from medicines, but also from natural products.


Give up fried and fatty foods, instead of carbonated drinks and coffee, drink milk and juices. Beans, cereals, dairy products, fish and nuts contain large amounts of calcium.

In addition to calcium, for a speedy recovery, use vitamins D, E and C (persimmon, citrus fruits, sauerkraut, parsley, cucumbers). A nutritionist will help you create a menu for the day, calculate the amount of protein and carbohydrates that your body should receive every day (taking into account body weight and other physical factors).

The musculoskeletal system requires recovery after injuries. Rehabilitation after a broken leg at home begins immediately upon discharge from the hospital. The development of fused bones resumes the flexion functions of the knee and foot, preventing the appearance of lameness and aching pain. The most suitable recovery method for the body is prescribed by the attending physician.

When is rehabilitation needed?

Long-term immobility of the injured leg disrupts blood circulation, which leads to “woodiness” and numbness in the muscles. After removing the cast due to a sharp influx of blood into soft tissues swelling occurs. The development of the leg eliminates unpleasant consequences and avoids complete or partial atrophy. Rehabilitation is an obligatory final part of treatment severe injuries especially fractures.

Methods of rehabilitation after a broken leg at home

The exercises that the patient performs at home must be agreed with the rehabilitation specialist.

Rehabilitation after a fracture is carried out comprehensively, recovery takes place in 3 stages:

  • Therapeutic exercise, manual methods, compresses.
  • Systematic implementation of prescribed exercises, gymnastics.
  • Diet to strengthen bone tissue.

Rehabilitation procedures after a broken leg are possible only under the supervision of a specialist who oversees the quality of individually selected treatment. Taking medication is a part of rehabilitation that does not fall under a specific item on the list. Biofeedback methods are also effective physiotherapeutic means.

Therapeutic exercise and exercises

To restore musculoskeletal function and develop a leg after a cast will help:

  • long standing on a sore leg;
  • frequent and prolonged walking with support on the injured limb;
  • to strengthen the muscles, perform flexion and extension of both legs;
  • roll from heel to toe;
  • with a fracture of the tibia - swinging the leg from side to side;
  • in the absence of pain, you can do squats.

Soon, you should try to rotate your feet in a standing and sitting position. Before starting the exercises, you need to warm up the muscles with a massage or taking a hot bath. After a couple of months, it is recommended to visit GYM's or pool. Unnecessarily straining the body during rehabilitation is undesirable, the necessary load on the injured legs will be determined by the doctor.

Massage and rubbing

The procedure will improve blood circulation.

Manual therapy is used to eliminate swelling and restore natural circulation in the legs. Even relatives can massage the patient, the technique does not require special knowledge and skills. Smooth plastic movements should be gentle so as not to hurt the patient. Damaged and healthy legs are massaged. Massage for rubbing uses anti-inflammatory and warming ointments that increase oil regeneration, decongestant and anesthetic gels.


To improve overall well-being and increase regeneration, such rehabilitation agents are prescribed, presented in the table:

All drugs have contraindications and require individual prescription. The duration of the course is set only by the traumatologist, it depends on the form of the drug. Tablets during rehabilitation after a broken leg are used for six months, gels and ointments - 3 months, the course of injections is 30-35 injections. It is recommended not to self-medicate and seek the advice of a specialist.

vitamin diet

The diet includes calcium-containing foods.

The new diet during rehabilitation includes:

  • fish;
  • milk, dairy products;
  • persimmon and beans;
  • green vegetables;
  • sesame;
  • oatmeal;
  • pistachios and nuts.

Protein foods are especially useful during the rehabilitation period after a broken leg, they can be combined with a vegetable side dish and consumed no more than twice a day.

No one's legs are safe. It happens that after the fusion of bone tissue, the limb loses its mobility. Physical therapy is recommended for recovery.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor sports medicine, orthopedist, traumatologist. Medical Center "Dobrobut"

If we talk about rehabilitation, it is desirable to mobilize the injured limb as early as possible, but after agreement with the doctor.

The basis for the treatment of all fractures, especially in the first days and weeks, is the minimum mobility of the injured limb and its fixation in an elevated position. However, the lack of movement, as a rule, negatively affects blood circulation, contributes to the development of rigidity of its muscular apparatus, which leads to impaired functionality of the limb. According to the recommendations of the attending physician, rehabilitation measures begin.

The term “rehabilitation measures” refers to a whole range of recovery procedures, selected individually, depending on the severity of the injury and violations in the soft tissues both during the fracture itself and during the period of bone fusion.

Physiological methods of limb recovery

The course is aimed at maximum restoration of the normal functioning of the circulatory system, return motor functions and the person's ability to work. It may include the following procedures:

    exercise therapy(physiotherapy) ,

    acceptance of certain food additives,

    electromyostimulation(for prevention, in some cases it can be carried out even at the stages when Movement Prohibition),

  • ultrasound,


    TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation),

    shock wave therapy,

  • special physical exercises on simulators,
  • acupuncture,

    mineral and "pearl" baths,

What is used in the first days after the fracture?

Traumatologist Viktor Kotyuk recommends applying dry cold to the injured limb (3-7 times a day) for the first 2-3 days both through the soft part of the splint, gypsum, and directly to the skin. To avoid frostbite, the time of exposure to the skin should not exceed 5-7 minutes. If cooled through a plaster cast, it can take more than an hour.

Thermal procedures for any injuries are applied no earlier than after 10-14 days. With fractures - later.

Fracture with crushing of the bone, including with the displacement of its fragments, the rehabilitation period is longer than with an unburdened closed fracture. This is due to the fact that a complex fracture requires a longer period of immobile fixation of the limb for the formation of a bone callus at the site of injury. This means that the consequences of the lack of movement can be significant.

If the leg bone is destroyed in several places, then doctors do not recommend unnecessarily overloading the limb.

After a leg fracture, the last stage before a full recovery is very important - rehabilitation. The reason is not only that after a fracture, muscles that have been deprived of a full load for a long time cease to work normally, because when a leg is broken, plaster is applied, which is the main cause of atrophy of these muscles. Muscles that have been in plaster for a long time need to be developed, restored, otherwise the swelling after a leg fracture becomes very pronounced. Muscles are the most important component of the musculoskeletal system, they need constant training. When muscle actively works, the blood flow in it increases, and, as a result, the muscles are filled with oxygen and feed on the nutrients that come with the blood. This is what they are deprived of during a fracture, when the “lazy” muscles are constantly in a non-working state. Swelling of the leg after a fracture, if the cast has already been removed, but the work of the muscles has not been restored, is a common thing. Restoring normal muscle function is difficult, perhaps.

The first stage of leg rehabilitation after a fracture

Swelling of the leg after a fracture occurs due to impaired lymph circulation, however severe edema can be avoided if the muscles return to their previous tone (at least partial) and eliminate the stagnation of lymph in the lymphatic vessels. Massage is an excellent assistant in this matter - massage, as you know, accelerates lymph circulation, blood circulation, which helps to remove dead skin, provides access to oxygen and nutrients. Massage, which includes rubbing, kneading, stroking after a fracture, is used very actively. During the massage, the foot is rubbed with oils - they also have a positive effect on the condition of the foot.

The second stage of rehabilitation after a fracture

At this stage, we are developing the leg, returning it to its usual functions. In this case, physical exercises are actively used, which the patient does after taking thermal procedures) and massage. Swelling after a leg fracture can also be completely eliminated with the help of special exercises. Perform the following exercises, but it should be noted that it is not necessary to do them all at once. If you prefer to do this gymnastics at home, you do not need any knowledge other than a correctly calculated load so that your leg does not start to hurt.

1. Walk a lot, trying to lean on the injured leg as if it were completely healthy.

2. On the 7th day after removing the cast, perform rotational movements with the foot.

3. Perform leg swings, standing with your back to a chair and holding on to its back with your hands. Raise the leg, holding it in the air, should be 10 times, then do the same with a healthy leg. But exercise should not lead to pain.

4. Holding on to the back of the chair, rise on your toes, and then return to the support on your heels. If this is easy to do, then it is quite possible to do this exercise on one leg.

5. Lie on the floor and swing your legs in a cross motion. After a month, you can add training on simulators to the main exercises.

The third stage of leg rehabilitation after a fracture

But the third stage includes food, especially rich in silicon and calcium. Calcium is found in cow's milk, homemade hay, fish, soybeans, hazelnuts, bran bread. Silicon is found in persimmons, pears, raspberries, radishes, cauliflower. Required vitamins E, C, D.

Recently, diseases of the musculoskeletal system are one of the most common diseases in society. According to statistics, over the past 5 years, the number of people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system has increased by 21% (children - 22%, adolescents - 47%).