What do we know about onions? All about onions: benefits and harms, what substances it contains, what to cook

Project work

All about bow


1A class students

MKOU "Zalininskaya secondary school".

Project Manager:

primary school teacher

Davydova N.A.



    Preparatory stage.

    Identification of the problem. Setting goals and objectives.


    Planned result.

    Main stages of work:

    Main stage. (research)

    Basic information about the bow.

  1. Where did he come to usonion

  2. Variety of onions

    Medicinal properties of onion

    About the bow.

    Proverbs, sayings, riddles, poems, fairy tales.

    The final stage.

    Conclusion. Summarizing.




Folder "Onion Dishes."

Folder "Medicines from onions"

I .1. Identification of the problem. Setting goals and objectives.

In winter and spring, people often get colds. In February of this year, we had a quarantine at our school: our class did not study for more than a week due to the fact that most of the children got sick. How could this have been avoided? It was possible to do prevention, for example, eat green onions.

This winter we wanted to grow green onions in our classroom. For our work, we have chosen a goal: to try to grow green onions on our own, to learn and collect information about this plant, to collect Interesting Facts, proverbs, sayings and much more about onions. We took the bulbs and planted them in boxes filled with sawdust. The boxes were placed closer to daylight. The very next day, small green feathers began to appear. They have grown. So we managed to grow green onions in our class for the first time.

It became interesting to us how useful onion is, why people love it so much. To answer these questions, we searched for information on the Internet and encyclopedias, asked adults. We have compiled suchwork plan .

    Collect information about the origin of the onion, its diversity.

    Learn about the healing properties of onions.

    Collect riddles, proverbs, sayings, poems, tales about onions.

    Collect onion recipes.

Find out what diseases and how can be cured with the help of onions.

2. Relevance

The project is aimed at expanding and generalizing knowledge about cultivated garden plants, how to care for plants, and understanding the importance of vegetables in human life. Many children annually see how their parents plant onions, harvest them in the fall, and use them for various purposes. But you never thought: how does onion grow, what conditions are necessary for its growth? And why is it useful? When conducting joint activities- planting onions, all the children showed a desire to help, plant them themselves. There was an idea to implement the project “All about onions”, and invite the children to plant an onion together with the teacher, to observe how and how quickly it grows into a feather.

3.Planned result.

1. Children will learn how to plant and care for onions and get acquainted with the conditions for its cultivation, learn about the benefits of onions.

2.Children will get acquainted with literary works about onions, with how onions are used in cooking and medicine.

4. Main stages of work:

STAGE 1 - preparatory.

Plant onions in containers. Collect riddles, proverbs, sayings, poems, tales about onions. Collect cooking and medical recipes with onions.

STAGE 2 - main (research).

Monitor the growth of onions, conduct experiments. Establish connections: plants - earth, plants - water, plants - people. In the process of research, introduce children to fiction about onions: sayings, poems, fairy tales, riddles. Conduct classes and talks.

STAGE 3 - final.

Analyze and summarize the results obtained in the process research activities children.

To arrange an exhibition of drawings about onions, handicrafts from onions.

II .Main stage. (research)

1. Basic information about the bow.

Onion- And herbaceous plants belonging to the subfamily . The scientific Latin name was given , comes from the Latin name , and this, in turn, is probably related to the Celtic word- burning ; another version - comes fromlatin word-smell .

There are over 900 species in the genus. that grow in . Representatives of the genus grow in meadows, in the steppe, forests.

Representatives of the genus have a large oblate-spherical, covered with reddish, white or purple shells. Perennial (cultivated species sometimes biennial) bulbous or herbaceous plants with almost undeveloped bulbs, have a sharp onion (or garlic) smell and taste

Blooms in June-August.

Seeds are angular or round. Fruits in August-September.

Chemical composition.

Bulbs contain nitrogenous substances (up to 2.5%), various(10-11%)( , , , ), , , and its , , various , salts and , , and , A (3.75 mg%), (60 mg%), (50 mg%), (0, 20 mg%), (10.5-33 mg%), as well as with a pungent odor, irritating and nose. The main component of the essential oil are disulfide and other sulfides, the main some of which, en C 6 H 12 S 2 contains many .

2. Where did you come from onion

Onion - one of the most ancient vegetable plants. It has been cultivated for five millennia. Onion is known all over the world, and it came to us from Asia, where ordinary shepherds were the first to eat onions. At first it was believed that only green shoots could be eaten, but over time, vegetable bulbs also began to be eaten.Onion cultivation began in ancient China and then moved to India. At that time, trade was actively developing, so the onion migrated to Egypt, where it became simply a cult plant, as evidenced by numerous frescoes and sculptures.Archaeologists have found remains of onions inEgyptian pyramids, and on the sarcophagi and walls of buildings - various images of him. Since the time of the bow comes to Greece, where it is considered a means of getting rid of all diseases. Warriors Ancient Greece they smeared their muscles with onions before important competitions, believing that the bow would become their reliable assistant. In Rome, onions were actively used for bowel problems.

For a long time, onions have been grown and cultivated in Rus'.Old Russian cuisine widely used onions for cooking and seasonings from it. Foreign travelers and diplomats who visited Rus' noted that most Rusyns eat dishes so spicy that it is impossible to eat them. Onions became the staple food of commoners in Rus'. Bread and kvass, and raw onions - these are the main foodstuffs of peasants, artisans, and soldiers. The people, of course, could not know in those days about the phytoncidal properties of onions, which have a beneficial effect on increasing the body's immunity, its resistance to diseases. In one old Russian herbalist, there is such a description of the healing properties of onions: “It softens the womb, but it induces thirst and destroys the stinking spirit from the mouth ... being taken internally, it works excellently with weakness of the stomach and poor digestion, convulsions of hysterical women, mucous and convulsive shortness of breath, water and stone disease. During prevailing contagious diseases, it is very useful to add onions to breakfast food, to make soups from onions with the addition of salt, pepper, a little vinegar.

3. A variety of onions.

There are also sweeter varieties, such as Spanish

and red onions are great to use in



Shallot has a delicate sweetish aroma and

is a source of the same vitamins as onion



Garlic heads have a white, almost papery appearance.

husk, sometimes with a pinkish or purple tint.


Leek has a more delicate taste thanonion

and garlic


Green onions or salad onions are unripe onion

onion with an underdeveloped bulb, it is harvested when

the green feathers are still quite fresh.


Chives or chives are an aromatic herb with

tiny bulbs, eaten only

green feathers. Their purple-pink flowers too

They are edible and decorate salads nicely.

4.Healing properties of onions

Onions have long been considered a powerful remedy against diseases.In Ancient Greece, according to the ancient Roman physician Pedanius Dioscorides, onions were recommended to stimulate the appetite and “as a cleanser.” The Romans and Greeks attributed to onions the ability to stimulate inexhaustible vitality, energy, courage, and used them in large quantities to feed warriors.

The healing properties of onions were also known in the countries of the Ancient East., where they said: “Luk, in your arms every illness passes.” Ancient Slavsthey used it for many diseases, and during the years of severe epidemics, they hung bunches of onions in the huts. “The onion cures seven diseases,” said the Russian proverb.

During the Middle Ages, the bow was so popular and people believed in its healing and protective power that they used it as a talisman capable of protecting against the evil eye, the spell of a witch, being hit by arrows, and being wounded by a sword, spear, or halberd. Knights, clad in impenetrable metal armor, wore an onion on their chest.In the Middle Ages, people believed in the ability of the bow to protect against arrows and swords. Medieval knights wore a simple onion on their chest as a talisman.

Nowadays, scientists have discovered that volatile substances in onions - phytoncides - destructive for many pathogenic and putrefactive bacteria.The discovery of phytoncides belongs to the famous researcher Academician B. N. Tokin. It was he who first noticed that the volatile substances of mashed onions have a detrimental effect on yeast cells. Many scientists are now working to develop a type of onion that does not cause tears. But the fact is that this special taste and smell of onions has a beneficial effect on the human body. So onions that do not cause tears will have a completely different taste and smell. It has been noticed that people working in greenhouses where all year round grow green onions, rarely get colds and flu, even during the most severe epidemics.

It is known that it is enough to chew an onion for three minutes to kill all the bacteria in the mouth. It is also recommended to eat raw onions for beriberi and for the prevention of influenza. Onion greens contain many useful substances, especially vitamin C. 100 g of green onions will satisfy the daily human need for this vitamin. Fresh onions improve digestion and promote better absorption of nutrients. Two centuries ago, onions were used in the treatment of typhus, influenza, scurvy, decreased vision, impotence and other diseases, as well as wounds, burns, hair loss.

5. about the bow.

    Onions (Allium) - a genus of biennial and perennial plants classified in the subfamily


    The Latin scientific name - allium - was given by Carl Linnaeus and comes from the Latin name for garlic, and it, in turn, according to one version, is associated with the Celtic word all - burning; another version derives the name from the Latin halare - to smell.

    There are more than 900 species in the Onion genus that grow in the Northern Hemisphere.

    Representatives of the genus grow in the steppe, in meadows, in forests.

    228 types of onions are vegetable crops.

    It is difficult to establish the homeland of the onion. Most researchers believe that onions

comes from Southwest Asia.

    There are very ancient - from the Bronze Age - evidence of the use of onions in Europe.

    The Yale Babylonian Collection contains three small clay tablets that are the first cookbooks known to us. They describe "a culinary tradition that impresses with its richness, elegance and craftsmanship", with many aromas and tastes that are familiar to us today. It turned out that in ancient Mesopotamia they simply adored the whole onion family. The Mesopotamians made extensive use of not only the common onion, but also leeks, garlic, and shallots.

    The onions and garlic have been known since 3000 BC. e. The historian Herodotus, who lived in Ancient Greece 2,500 years ago, noted that there was an inscription on how much garlic and onions were consumed by workers. It read: “1600 talents of silver were spent on onions and food for slaves.”

    Archaeologists discovered the image of a bow on the tomb of Tutankhamun, dating back to 1352 BC. e.

    It is known that 5000 years ago, onions were grown in,.

    The bow was necessarily included in the provision of noble knights in the Middle Ages, during the Crusades. The French exchanged their captured compatriots with the Saracens, paying eight onions per person.

    The bow came to America thanks to the expedition of Christopher Columbus, first it was planted on Isabella Island, and then spread throughout the mainland.

    If we calculate the consumption of onions per capita, then Libya becomes the world champion, where, according to the UN, the average citizen eats more than 33 kg of onions per year. “We put onions in everything,” say the Libyans. In second place is Senegal, whose inhabitants consume an average of about 22 kg of onions per year. Residents eat somewhere around 9.3 kg per person per year. But the inhabitants, whom the British traditionally consider "onion eaters", actually manage a modest 5.6 kg per person.

    In India, no meal is complete without onions. Fluctuations in the cost of onions are noticeable to everyone common man. The political weight of the onion is explained by the fact that this vegetable is an integral part of the life of almost every Indian home. Perhaps the most telling example of this kind was in 1998, when analysts attributed the defeat of the ruling BJP in Delhi to the rise in the price of onions.

    The widespread onion got its name from the external similarity with.

    The leek is one of the national symbols Wales. In the 6th century, according to legend, the Bishop and educator David of Wales during the battle against the Saxons, which took place in the onion field, called on his soldiers to attach leeks to their helmets to distinguish their comrades-in-arms from enemies. Therefore, every year on March 1, the inhabitants of Wales celebrate a national holiday - St. David's Day.

    Onions contain more natural sugar than apples and pears. Onion slices contain 6% sugar. When fried, when caustic substances evaporate, the onion becomes sweet.

    Onions are a great fat burner. There is even a special onion diet, during which you need to eat onion soup.

    People say that onions are from seven ailments. It has been observed that people working in a greenhouse where green onions are grown, even during the most severe epidemics, do not get the flu.

    Onions serve as an anesthetic when bitten, and. To do this, immediately rub onion juice into the bite site.

    It has been scientifically proven that substances that cause the taste, smell of onions and tears from processing them can fight cancer cells.

    Riddle: “Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats, whoever undresses him sheds tears.” The reason for such tearing onions lies in a special substance - lacrimator (from the Latin lacrima - tear). When the bulb is cut, the lachrymator is released and dissolved in water and, in particular, in human tears. This produces sulfuric acid, which irritates the mucous membrane of the eye. And now it is clear why the onion is cleaned by wetting it or the knife with water - lachrymator dissolves in water and practically does not escape into the air. If the onion is frozen before peeling, then the activity of the lachrymator also decreases sharply.

    Onion improves appetite, assimilation of food, increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases.

    Onion has bactericidal and antiseptic properties, fights viruses and accumulates the life-giving energy of the earth.

    Onions can treat bites. To do this, simply apply chopped onion to the bite site. It will draw out the poison, reduce swelling and speed up the healing of the skin.

    Onion juice is a highly effective cough syrup, but it is quite unpleasant to consume it in this form. Therefore, when coughing, it is better to put a piece of onion in the ear. Thus, onion juice enters the bloodstream and relieves an unpleasant cough.

    Onion brings down the temperature. If the child has a high temperature, you need to cut the onion into rings and soak it in apple cider vinegar. Then, with the help of socks, we apply the bow to the feet. It is worth putting pieces of onion in your ears. The fever from this medicine subsides very quickly..

6. Proverbs and sayings about onions

III .The final stage

1. Conclusion.

Our experiment showed that green onions grow well in a bright and warm place from small bulbs. The kids enjoyed growing green onions. This is a useful and fun activity. Several children continued to grow green onions at home in order to make delicious, healthy meals with them and not get sick.

The children got acquainted with the history of the onion, its diversity, and what significance it has for people. We learned how to plant onions “on the green”, take care of them. With the help of a microscope, they examined the cells of the onion and found out why the eyes are watery from the onion. We collected proverbs, sayings, riddles about onions. We found out that there are many fairy tales about this vegetable.

Green onions help fight winter-spring ailments: colds and flu, and other diseases. If you use onions constantly, and especially in the cold season, no diseases will be terrible!

Job done

students of grade 1 A MKOU Zalininskaya secondary school:

    Agarkov Vladislav

    Agarkova Xenia

    Biryukova Angelina

    Biryukov Rodion

    Grebennikov Ivan

    Drozdov David

    Evglevsky Yan

    Karnaukhova Anastasia

    Kolenchukov Daniil

    Lebedko Arseniy

    Mishin Alexander

    Pashkova Anna

    Bad Arina

    Bad Olga

    Sadirova Jasmine

    Simonenkova Sofia

    Sogachev Dmitry

    Sogachev Ilya

    Timokhin Ivan

    Tkachuk Ekaterina

Project Manager : teacher primary school

Davydova Natalia Alexandrovna

Rauza Khairullina
Project “What do we know about onions?”

District children's competition projects for preschoolers

"My First Discoveries"


"What we know about onions

Nomination: "I am a researcher"


Pupils of the joint venture

"Kindergarten "Sun"

GBOU secondary school with. New Mansurkino

Achilova Gelnaz

Sadreev Linar

Rakhimova Albina


Khairullina R. G.

Nurutdinova L. M.


During the game, we noticed that there were few children in the group. When asked why there are no children, educators answered: "Sick". And then we remembered how parents, cooks, our grandmothers constantly told us spoke: "Eat onions for food, the more often you eat them, the less you will get sick." But we don't love onion: it is bitter and tasteless, but at the same time we do not want to get sick. How to make yourself fall in love with onions….

What's happened "onion" We we know, since we live in a village and have a good idea of ​​​​how vegetables are grown. We see how parents plant onions, harvest them in autumn, use them for various purposes, but we never thought about how onions grow, where does it come from, what conditions are necessary for its growth? And how is it useful? The educators suggested that we solve the problem using the example of growing onions, as this will give us the opportunity to learn about Luke everything, love it, eat it and get sick less.

We were interested in this problem, it seemed interesting to us, and we decided to engage in research activities.

This is how our research topic arose. "What we know about onions


We are few know about onions and their benefits.

Rationale for relevance Topics:

Onion is a vegetable that helps our health.

We put forward a hypothesis

1. Onions need light, heat and water to grow.

2. Onion is healthy vegetable for good health.

In connection with the hypothesis put forward, the goal was determined research:

To study the influence of the environment on the germination and development of onions from seeds.

Show the importance of onions in a person's life to all the guys in our group.

Research objectives:

1. Study information material about growing onions from seeds, about the benefits of onions

2. Conduct a few experiments with onion seeds

3. Observe the plant under study

4. Make observations on how onions affect our health.

Research methods

1. Search and analysis of literature on the problem.

2. Conversation with adults and work on the Internet.

3. Watch TV

4. Surveillance

5. Comparison

6. Generalization of the received data.

Object of study: black onion.

Subject of study: features of onion germination, the effect of onion on health

The research work is divided into two parts: theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part, together with parents and educators, we found the necessary information on the Internet and processed it.

In the practical part, experimental research methods were used, based on the results of which we made the appropriate conclusions


1.1 Comprehensive value of the bow.

1.2 Onion as a vegetable crop.

Onion is a truly amazing plant. Almost no housewife can do without it. Onion is included in the recipe of many dishes, it is added to salads, first courses, and second courses. Both green feathers and the bulbs themselves are used. We are so accustomed to onions that sometimes we forget that at any time of the year we have at hand a cheap means of combating many diseases.

1.3 Bow in folk medicine

No plant is used in folk medicine as widely as onions.

1. Fresh onion juice, diluted with water, treats inflammation of the oral cavity.

2. Grated onion mixed with honey helps get rid of cough

3. Onion gruel is one of the remedies for hair loss.

4. Fresh juice removes warts, acne

5. Cut bulbs, applied to the temples, help with headaches.

II. Practical part

2.1 Research methods:

We have carried out a series of experiments.

For observation, we used the seeds of the onion plant Stuttgarter Riesen

(Appendix No. 1-No. 8. Calendar of observations, p. 12)

The purpose of the experiment is to find out how the state of the seed affects the germination of seeds.

2.2. Effect of seed condition on germination.

Equipment: onion seeds, wet gauze, two containers with soil and pallets.

1. Part of the onion seeds was placed for several days in gauze soaked in water.

2. Sow dry and germinated onion seeds in two containers with soil.

3. Put the containers with the sown seeds in a warm place.

4. Water the plants in both containers with the same amount of water.

5. Compared after what time the plants will sprout.

2.3. Research results:

6. Seed Condition Date

sowing date

shoot What we observe

Dry 08.10. Through

a week Grow well

Sprouted 08.10 On the second

day Grow well

dry seeds germinated seeds

According to our observations, we conclusion:

soaked in water and germinated seeds germinate faster than dry seeds.

2.4 Influence of soil temperature on the rate of seed germination.

The purpose of the experiment is to find out how soil temperature affects seed germination.

Equipment: onion seeds, 2 containers

1. Soaked onion seeds.

2. A few germinated seeds were placed in warm soil, and a few in cooler soil.

3. For several days, the rate of seed germination was observed.

2.5 Research results

Soil temperature Sowing date Emergence date What we observe

warm 08.10. A week later shoots appeared on the seventh day. Upon further observation, the development is normal, the leaves are green. The plant is growing well.

cold 08.10 On the 10th day Seedlings appeared on the tenth day.

The plant is developing normally.

warm soil cold soil

Conclusion: Soil temperature affects the rate of seed germination. Seeds sown in warm soil germinate much faster than seeds sown in colder soil.

The purpose of the experiment is to find out how light affects the germination of seeds and the development of seedlings.

2.6. Effect of light on plant growth.


1. Sow onion seeds in two containers with soil.

2. We put the containers with the sown seeds in a warm place: one - to a well-lit place, the other - to a dark place (closet).

3. Water the plants in both containers with the same amount of water.

4. After 1-3 weeks they were compared.

2.7. Research results

Where was the plant Date of sowing Date of shoot What we observe

On the windowsill 08.10. A week later shoots appeared on the seventh day. Upon further observation, the development is normal, the leaves are green

In the closet 08.10 On the second day Seedlings appeared on the seventh day. upon further observation, the plant is pale, weak. long, frail leaves.

in the light closet

Conclusion: light is of great importance for plants, because only in the light can plants grow well, develop and form a special green substance - chlorophyll.

2.8 Effect of water on plant growth.

The purpose of the experiment is to find out how water affects the germination of seeds and the development of seedlings.

Equipment: onion seeds, two containers with soil and pallets.

1. Sow onion seeds in containers with soil.

2. The containers with the seeds sown in them were placed in a warm, bright place.

3. The first container was watered, the second was not watered.

4. Within 1-3 weeks, the development and growth of plants was observed.

2.9 Research results.

Effect of water on plant growth

Irrigation Sowing date Emergence date What we observe

Moderate 08.10. A week later shoots appeared on the seventh day. Upon further observation, the development is normal, the leaves are green. The plant is growing well.

Do not water 08.10 The seed did not germinate in the soil

Conclusion: water affects the growth and development of plants. When watered, the plant develops quickly. And if not watered, the plants do not develop at all.

not watered watered

3.1 Experimental and research activities

3.2 Onion treatment: folk recipes (Appendix No. 10, page 12)


We posted information on the stand with folk recipes for using onions. Parents were asked to use them and then report the results. Here's what happened.

Experiment #1

Diamond's mom:

“Diamond got the flu, I cut an onion in half, applied it to his nasal passages and asked him to inhale deeply for 2-3 minutes. The procedure was carried out 3-4 times a day. The illness has passed quickly.

Experiment #2


“During physical education classes, I fell, the bruise hurt. At home, my mother grated 1 head of onion on a grater, laid it evenly on gauze, applied it to the site of the bruise and held it for 25-30 minutes. The pain subsided. The next day, as usual, I went to the kindergarten.

Experiment #3

“Many in the group do not eat well, they have a clear lack of appetite, we invited the cooks to serve us salads from onions for lunch (parents prepared recipes for making salads from onions and gave them to the cooks. (Appendix No. 9, page 13)

At first we did not want to eat onions, but each time we tried a little and, finally, we fell in love. Appetite appeared, we began to eat better.

Experiment #4

Dasha's mom:

“When my daughter caught a cold and began to cough badly, I began to use fresh onion juice mixed with honey. Dasha took 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day. Helped. The cough began to decrease.

Experiment #5

Mom Linara:

“My son had a bad toothache. I took an onion, cut it in half and put the cut side on my left hand on the elbow bend, as the tooth ached on the left. The bulb was secured with a bandage on the arm. After 10-15 minutes, the pain disappeared, the bulb was removed.


Indeed, onions have healing and medicinal properties. This is confirmed by our observations during the research.

This vegetable supports good spirits and a cheerful mood. In three months of eating onions, we have all changed. They became cheerful, sociable, and most importantly, they became less likely to get sick. Our advice everyone: "Eat more onions!"


We are satisfied with our work. Watching development and growth vegetable crop- onion, working with literature, we came to the following conclusions:

1. A plant needs light, heat, watering, and good care to grow.

2. At home, you can grow almost any plant yourself, creating favorable conditions for it.

3. Onions are a cheap and effective remedy for many diseases.

Thus, our hypothesis was confirmed.

Finishing our project, we want say:

So let's take care of our health, friends.

On project today we talked about it.

We will love the bow

And we can surprise everyone with our health!

From ancient times to modern times, onions have been used by various peoples of the world - in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. It has universal properties - it is a vegetable, spice, spices, and medicines ... In the old days, onions were considered a talisman "from the black eye" and a cult plant.

As a cultivated plant, onion has been serving man since cave times. Mentions of the types of onions are already found in the cuneiform texts of the ancient Sumerians and Egyptian papyri. Numerous literary documents and works of Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome testify to the popularity of onions. It was used not only as food or medicinal plant, but as an attribute of religious rites, rituals, magical actions and mummification. This is evidenced by inscriptions in temples, on statues and tombstones. According to ancient evidence, large onions were given during banquets in honor of the gods, presented as wedding gifts.

The most common type today is the garden onion. She came to Europe with the help of merchants, although her homeland is unknown. It is only known that for the builders of the Egyptian pyramids, onions were one of the main foodstuffs. It was the main food for the population of Central Asia, Asia Minor and the Mediterranean countries. The image of a garden onion next to meat, bread, grapes, figs and wine was preserved for us by the ancient Greek masters. In written documents 260-80 BC. already contains recommendations for growing onions and information about different varieties. The Roman commander Xenophon introduced the onion into the daily diet of his warriors, because she was credited with the ability to restore strength and energy. Even the Romans valued onions as a means of driving away the souls of the dead, although other peoples considered onions dangerous to humans, because its unpleasant smell attracts evil spirits.

No matter what they say about the bow, it spread everywhere: in France, in Spain, in Portugal, in Germany, in England, in Russia...

In addition to garden onions, we also grow such species as leeks, shallots, multi-tiered, batun, rizanki, Kuschevka ...

The leek was also used by the Egyptians, the Romans, and the Greeks. The areas where leeks were grown were called Immerse. In our area, leek can not be dug up for the winter, it does not freeze, therefore it serves year-round. The long lanceolate leaves of the leek are arranged in a fan, and almost no bulbs form. The edible part is the white, tender base of the false stem and young leaves.

Shallots were brought to Europe by the crusaders. This species has a sharp taste from garden onions. Shallot features are that the bulb is able to break up into independent parts of 20-30 pieces. Therefore, it was called the magpie. Small onions are fan-shaped, as if arbitrarily strung on top of each other. Each bulb is further divided into small, tightly compressed and planted in pairs on top of each other. In the inflorescence, instead of individual flowers, tiny bulbs develop tightly pressed. They are very similar to garlic cloves. Shallots propagate with these baby bulbs and air bulbs. The reserve nutrient in this onion is the carbohydrate fructan.

Batun is a fistulous winter bow. Belongs to perennial plants, because it is not afraid of frost. It grows 1.5 m high, and the flower arrow is 2 cm in diameter. The green parts, i.e. the leaves, called feathers, are used for food. A peculiar sign of the batun is that the bulbs grow in nests. On the section of the bulb of the batun, it can be seen that it consists of fleshy thickenings of the leaf bases, which are tightly adjacent to each other. The bulbs located at the top, which determine the color, are silver-white, light and dark brown, red and purple. The leaves are tubular, hollow, like in a garden onion.

In the old days, batun was considered a sacred plant. Persians, Jews and Egyptians used it in religious ceremonies. In China, it was grown two millennia ago and today it is an invaluable remedy for them.

Rizanka onion or tribulka was popular in Siberia, which is why they consider it a Siberian onion. It grows wild in Europe, Asia, and North America. Popular in Kamchatka. Such a wide range is associated with unpretentiousness and good frost resistance. In Europe, they began to cultivate in the 15th century. as a vegetable, medicinal and ornamental plant. Several varieties of Rizanka are known: with round and flat leaves, with white and dark pink flowers. The pedicel is not hollow, the bulbs are small. Green leaves - "feathers" often pinch, and new ones constantly grow. The most important thing is that Tribulka is eaten only fresh. It tastes very delicate and is not visible at all. It can not be boiled, but only used before eating the dish.

In nature, there is also a horned or multi-tiered onion, it is called both Egyptian and Canadian. It is a hardy perennial plant. Biological properties noticeably distinguish it from other types of onions. It has tubular leaves, 1.5-2 cm high. On the arrows it forms from two to four tiers of air bulbs with a sharp taste. It does not form seeds, but propagates vegetatively. It is close to garden onions in that it is used as a seasoning for many dishes.

On the Mediterranean coast, the mouse onion or its other name, the sea onion, grows wild, and the inhabitants also call it “death to mice,” as it is effective tool in the fight against rodents. It grows well in all seasons, except for the hot summer, when it sheds its leaves so that moisture does not evaporate. Leaves grow back in autumn. Flower stalk 70-80 cm high, inflorescences similar to kittsepodibne with small greenish-white flowers. The seed that is formed is quite large: 4 cm wide and 7 cm long. The bulbs themselves are also large, up to 20 cm in diameter, juicy, fleshy, pear-shaped. The leaves are smooth, broadly lanceolate, thick, 40-50 cm long. These mouse onion rules attract attention. Particularly attractive are the old specimens of the sea onion, the bulbs of which in some cases have a weight of 6-8 kg.

Known squill since Egyptian medicine and information from the Greek physician Hippocrates. A number of diseases have been described that this onion has cured. Modern medicine warns against the uncontrolled use of mouse onions, as it is quite poisonous to humans. It is better to fight rodents, for rats and mice it is a strong poison, from which they quickly die and do not decompose, but mummify. Therefore, in ancient times, sea onions were used to embalm the dead.

According to the centuries-old existence of onions, more than 500 of its species are known. But not all are cultivated. For example, on the steep rocks in the Sayan mountains, stone onion grows, which freezes in winter, and in the spring, freezing, remains completely fresh; in Central Asia, golden onions grow - a favorite delicacy of horses. The plant has such a sharp suffocating smell, at a great distance from it it already bakes in the throat and tears flow.

So, representatives of the onion genus are extremely diverse:

Bulb shape;

According to the density of the bulb;

By the color of the scales;

By the type of leaves;

According to the size of the flowers;

By the color of the flowers;

By the nature of growth;

According to the ability to divide;

For the formation of baby bulbs ...

Thus, today it is already difficult for us to imagine our personal plot, our table and our life without onions.

Onions are the most common type of onion.

Hello! Today we will talk about onions. motherland onion Southwest Asia is considered - Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Iran. Onions were cultivated about 4 thousand years ago.

Images of onions have been found on the walls of ancient Egyptian pyramids. Also, there are references to this plant in the cuneiform writing of the ancient Sumerians and in the Bible. Onions were grown in Ancient Rome for soldiers, specially trained people for this. In those days, mankind knew about the healing properties of onions and it continues to be considered a remedy today.

Why do we cry when we cut onions?

Onion cells contain a volatile substance (sulphur-containing gas) called lachrymator (from the Latin "lacrima" - tear). This substance was isolated by the American chemist Eric Block. When the onion is cut, the lachrymator is released and dissolved in the person's tears and water. In this case, a certain reaction occurs and a weak solution of sulfuric acid is formed, which is an irritant for the shell of the eye. In order to get rid of the irritant, tears are secreted.

The activity of the lachrymator can be reduced if the onion is frozen. But usually housewives do not need to freeze onions. In this case, some tricks will come to the rescue that will help you not chop onions and not cry.

First of all, more often you need to moisten the knife in cold, preferably running, water. After you cut the onion into two parts, also rinse it with water. If you need to chop a lot of onions, rinse your cutting board frequently. All these manipulations can be explained by the fact that lachrymator dissolves in water and thus does not cause harm to the eyes, since it is not released into the air.

Instead of freezing the onion, you can cool it well and only then chop it.

Another way to undress the bow and not cry is special goggles for swimming =)

Does onion heal us?

Onion It is widely used in folk medicine as a remedy during epidemics of influenza and colds. But you must firmly remember that onions, like garlic, lemon, are not a cure for influenza and SARS! Onions in no way can affect the virus, let alone destroy it. Remember that influenza treatment should only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor with special preparations, since the flu is dangerous for its complications. Relying on the miraculous properties of onions, the patient only starts the disease. Onions are used as an antimicrobial agent, but you should not treat it as a panacea. Do not bury onion juice in the nose, you can severely damage the mucous membranes.

The benefits of onions

IN onion contains vitamins A, B and C, iron, calcium, essential oils, fluorine, magnesium, sulfur (hence the pungent smell) and flavonoids.

Onions help cleanse the blood, stimulate digestive processes, and normalize metabolism. Onions are recommended for use in diabetes, atherosclerosis, hemorrhoids, general weakness, as a remedy for worms. Onion juice is used for insomnia and rheumatism. Onion gruel is good for strengthening hair and in the treatment of dermatitis. Eating onions prevents high blood sugar levels.

It is not recommended to abuse onions for people suffering from diseases of the kidneys, stomach, liver, duodenum, with a stomach ulcer. In this case, we are not talking about the use of onions in the soup as a seasoning, but about its medicinal use.

Fresh onions have one big drawback: after eating it, bad breath appears. To eliminate the smell, it is enough to chew a sprig of fresh parsley.

According to the amount of essential oils, sweet, peninsular, spicy and bitter varieties are distinguished. IN last years the assortment expanded and mildly spicy, mild and sweet delicacy varieties, salad varieties appeared.

Spicy and bitter varieties contain 9-12% sugar, peninsular - 8-9%, sweet - 4-8% sugar. It is noteworthy that those varieties of onions in which there is the least sugar, they seem to taste sweeter. The thing is that the smaller the amount of sugar, the smaller the proportion of essential oils, which give the onion a characteristic taste.

Crimean bow or Yalta bow

This is the most common type of red onion in our country. It was bred in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. Onions grown on the southern coast of Crimea are considered the best. Kherson is more burning.

Crimean onion is so sweet that you can eat it just like that. It is also great for pickling, salads, meat, poultry and fish. Onions are very juicy, although they are inferior to yellow onions in the content of essential oils.

Crimean onions are stored poorly. You should not buy it for the whole winter and it is better to eat all the stocks of this onion before the onset of winter cold. It is best to buy onions from farmers or at the market in Yalta or Alushta, but not on the roads.

You need to learn to distinguish the Crimean bow from a fake. A real sweet Crimean onion has juicy thick scales more than 5 mm thick, there are never more than 7 layers in the bulb. In addition, the insides of the Yalta bow should not be purple (scammers tint an ordinary bow and sell it under the guise of a Crimean one), but white with a slight shade of pink. The taste of onion should not cause burning and bitterness. The highest quality of the Crimean onion is in July and August, if these months are sunny.


More bow-batun called fistulate, winter, sandy, Chinese. It is very similar to onions, but it is grown for the sake of greenery, since the onion does not form a real bulb. Love this bow bright sun and abundant watering. Batun stalks are very good in salads, fish and meat dishes. It has a lot of vitamin C and this onion is especially appreciated in the spring in the form of the first fresh greens.

Onions have a number of advantages over onions. It can grow in one place up to 6 years and matures 20 days earlier. The main benefit of this type of onion is the content of ascorbic acid, riboflavin, carotene, thiamine and essential oil. Dried onion also retains a large amount of vitamin and beneficial compounds.

Shallot or Ashkelon onion

Young leaves of this type of onion are eaten. They can be cut several times per season. Small onions are also suitable for use in cooking and have a peculiar taste. Shallots are common in Ukraine, the North Caucasus, Moldova, Western Europe, Asia Minor. It has excellent taste, high yield, early maturity and can be perfectly stored for a long time.

Compared with onions, shallots contain much more biologically active substances: mineral salts, ascorbic acid, vitamins B, E, PP, essential oils, carotene, sugars. In folk medicine, shallots are used in the treatment of eye diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also used in home cosmetology in the form of a slurry to remove age spots, freckles, acne and pimples.


The supposed homeland of this type of onion is the Mediterranean. Leek is very widespread in Western Europe. In Russia, it is grown everywhere.

This onion has flat, long leaves similar to garlic but much larger. The thickened lower white part of the leg is eaten. Leek is ideal for pies, meat dishes, in vegetable casseroles, as an independent dish (for example, stewed onions) and as a side dish.

Leek is not stored for a very long time, so when buying, you should choose specimens without signs of wilting, with dense bulbs and green elastic leaves. Before cooking, leeks must be washed very carefully due to the peculiarity of their structure, since a lot of earth and small pebbles can accumulate in the lower part.

Leek contains a large amount of potassium salts, which explains its diuretic effect. Also, it is rich in vitamins C, B1, B2, E, PP, carotene. Leek is recommended to improve the functioning of the gallbladder and liver, with rheumatism, atherosclerosis, metabolic disorders, overwork, obesity, gout and kidney stones. Leek has been clinically proven to improve appetite, increase the secretory function of the glands of the digestive tract, and have anti-sclerotic properties. Raw leeks are contraindicated in inflammatory diseases of the duodenum and diseases of the stomach.

Calorie content of onions and other varieties of onions

Onion calories per 100 grams = 41 kcal

  • Proteins - 1.4 gr
  • Fats - 0.2 gr
  • Carbohydrates - 8.2 gr

Batun calorie content per 100 grams = 34 kcal

  • Proteins - 1.3 gr
  • Fats - 0.1 gr
  • Carbohydrates - 3.2 gr

Shallots per 100 grams = 72 kcal

  • Proteins - 2.5 gr
  • Fats - 0.1 gr
  • Carbohydrates - 16.8 gr

Leek per 100 grams = 33 kcal

  • Proteins - 2 gr
  • Fats - 0 gr
  • Carbohydrates - 8.2 gr

Onion is a perennial plant of the Onion family, which forms small bulbous seeds. They germinate easily when planted in the ground. Its fruit - in fact, what we eat daily - is a spherical box. Leek is a biennial plant and also belongs to the Onion family. In practice, it is grown in an annual crop, because in the second year it blooms, and the healing qualities of the leaves are significantly reduced.

The variety of varieties of this plant is quite large. Basically, small differences exist in the shape and size of the heads, in the color of the flesh and scales, but the taste can also be noticeably different. Separate sharp (due to the presence of phytoncides), peninsular and sweet varieties. If we talk about the benefits of onions, then the difference between the individual varieties is negligible.

Interesting! Most of us are accustomed to bulbs no larger than 10 cm and weighing up to 150-200 g, but there are much more interesting specimens. The variety of the Spanish onion Valencia is characterized by exhibits up to 1 kg in weight. And not so long ago in Russian media there was a photograph of a bulb, the weight of which is 2 kg 850 g, and it was grown by a German gardener. But this was not a record either. In Mexico, real giants were grown, whose mass reaches 4 kg.

The homeland of the onion is considered to be Southwest Asia and the Mediterranean, but it is not found in the wild culture either there or there. It is known that the bow was widely used even during the Roman Empire and was popular in Ancient Greece. Today it is grown all over the world, including in Western Europe (Belgium, France, Holland) and in Russia. We have it appeared relatively recently, several centuries ago. Onions are harvested in late summer and early autumn.

Interesting! Knowledgeable people It is advised to collect green onions on the growing moon, from morning to noon, and onions closer to the full moon (in the third lunar phase) and in the evening, almost at sunset.

How useful is an onion?

The Moscow Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences has established recommendations according to which each adult should consume 7-10 kg of onions throughout the year. In addition, it is widely used in the household - they purify water, paint eggs for Easter, make decoctions and infusions used in gardening based on onion peel. But you need to use such an infusion for 15-20 minutes, until the phytoncides have “weathered”. Onions are a valuable source of bee nectar and an excellent honey plant.

Leek. The green onion activates the metabolism and, thanks to this property, is of particular value for people with overweight. Normalizes the work of the digestive tract, favors the work of the liver. A large amount of potassium salts causes a noticeable diuretic effect of the leaves of the plant. Like onions, leeks help fight the manifestations of sclerosis.

Onion - useful properties and contraindications for use in medical practice

All types of onions are widely used in medicine, as they help to treat a number of diseases, in addition to medicines.

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Onion-based preparations are widely used to treat patients with atony, colitis of non-dysenteric origin, with a tendency to constipation.
  • Pulmonary diseases.
  • Atherosclerosis and hypertension, especially with atherosclerosis as a background. Onion is good for lowering blood pressure.
  • Avitominosis and other metabolic disorders.
  • Diseases of the common cold. The essential oil in the bulb is known to kill disease-causing microbes. It is recommended to increase the consumption of onions in food during influenza epidemics.
  • Abrasions on the feet are smeared with a mixture of chicken fat and onion gruel.
  • Eye diseases. Well "clarifies" the vision of an aqueous infusion of fresh onions. A mixture with honey treats a thorn.
  • Cleansing of wounds. This is helped by onion gruel applied to the wound, which also draws out inflammation well.

Since ancient times, healers have used the vegetable in their healing recipes. In China, folk healers used onion tea to treat fever and headache, cholera, dysentery. In Tajikistan, there are recipes for treating kidney stones with a decoction of onion seeds. Russian herbalists also recommend using onions to treat dropsy, kidney stones and bladder. It was believed to soften phlegm, promote digestion, and increase sex drive.

The diuretic effect allows you to successfully fight edema, while being a storehouse of vitamins and minerals for the body.

Green onion has many properties of onion, and in addition, it treats gout, rheumatism, and helps with physical and emotional overstrain. Valuable and analgesic effect of leeks with insect bites. To make the pain go away, it is enough to rub the bitten place with feathers. A mixture of 300 g of onion juice and 200 g of leek juice was used to treat liver cancer - they took 1 tbsp. 3 times a day.

Leek feathers have one unique property that is not found in any other plant. During storage, the amount of ascorbic acid in the white part does not decrease, but, on the contrary, increases by almost one and a half times.

Both onions and leeks bring both benefit and harm if used without looking back. Fresh onion is not recommended if there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys in the acute stage. Leek can be harmful in acute inflammation of the stomach and duodenum.

Medicinal recipes that contain onions

  • For the treatment of diabetes in combination with atherosclerosis and high blood cholesterol, take 100 g of onion, grind it on a grater and add one glass of sugar. After 3-4 days, the mixture can be consumed in 1 tbsp. every 3 hours. The course lasts a month.
  • When ringing, tinnitus, they put cotton wool soaked in the juice of a fresh onion. Cotton wool can also be placed in the nostrils to prevent influenza.
  • During influenza epidemics, dilute onion juice with water 1: 3, place it near you and inhale. So repeat 2-3 times a day. The mixture purifies the air from bacteria and viruses.
  • With atony of the gastrointestinal tract, take 1 tbsp before meals. juice or porridge.
  • Onions can expel worms from the body. To do this, make an infusion of one medium bulb and a glass of boiled water. After 8-12 hours of infusion, they drink on an empty stomach half (or one third) a glass for 3-4 days. Such treatment lends itself well to roundworms of ascaris and pinworms. A good anthelmintic effect will also be if you eat a raw onion on an empty stomach.
  • Skin inflammatory diseases, acne, as well as various ulcers and frostbite are treated with the application of gruel.
  • With habitual constipation, hemorrhoids and intestinal inflammation, it is recommended to take 1 tsp. juice from a fresh vegetable before each meal.

Traditional medicine promises that teeth will never hurt if rubbed with onion juice in the morning.

Improves eyesight fresh onion juice, especially red. They instill 1-2 drops in their eyes. The procedure is carried out no more than 1-2 times a month.

Inhalation of steam from a baked vegetable helps with diseases of the upper respiratory tract and angina.

What else can onions be good for?

  • For skin cancer, baked or boiled onions are applied to sore spots 1-4 times a day.
  • Bronchitis complicated by asthma can be cured with the following recipe. Grind and put under the load half a kilogram of onion. Drain the resulting juice into a glass vessel and add half a kilogram of sugar. Keep the mixture in the sun for 2 weeks and take on an empty stomach 1 tbsp. Continue the course until complete recovery.
  • With a strong cough, a decoction of the husk of 10 onions in 1 liter of water helps. After boiling, the liquid should reduce by half in volume. Strained broth drink 2/3 cup 3 times a day, adding a little honey.
  • You can get rid of freckles if you wipe them (the mask should contact the skin for no more than 5 minutes and not get into the eyes) in the morning and evening with a mixture of onions, horseradish and sour cream.
  • Strengthens the hair gruel from fresh onions, which is rubbed into the scalp of the skin on the head.
  • This mixture helps with baldness: the juice of one onion, 1 tsp. honey, 1 tbsp. burdock oil, raw yolk, 2 tsp. liquid soap. Make a compress for 1-2 hours and wash your head well.
  • So that the hair does not fall out, a solution of cognac, onion juice and a decoction of burdock roots is rubbed into the scalp in a ratio of 1: 4: 6.
  • An infusion of 25 g of onion peel per half liter of boiling water will help fight dandruff. After 15 minutes, you can rinse your freshly washed hair.
  • With prostatic hypertrophy, you can take 3 times a day before meals, 1 tbsp. fresh (treatment is best done in July-August) onions and honey.
  • Both onions and green onions will help with intestinal atony, atherosclerosis and hypertension. An alcohol tincture is made from onion and alcohol in a ratio of 2:10. Take 20-30 drops 15 minutes before meals. Continue the course up to 4 weeks.
  • Trichomonas diseases in women are also treatable with onions. Use swabs soaked in a mixture of thick onion juice and glycerin 1:1. Such treatment is preferably carried out after consultation with a doctor. The first time a tampon is inserted for 6 hours. If there are no negative sensations, the duration of tamponation is increased to 12 hours. The course consists of 20-25 procedures. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator before use. required amount warm up.

When ingested with fresh onions, bad breath may occur. You can get rid of it if you chew walnuts or a black crust of bread.