Lame horse is all about fire. Fire in the Lame Horse: how it was

PERM, Dec 5 - RIA Novosti, Irina Kuimova. Former employee of the Perm nightclub Lame Horse, 31-year-old Irina Bannikova, who was seriously injured in a fire on December 5, 2009, literally has to learn to live again. According to doctors, she did not have even half a chance to survive - the girl's brain was damaged by about a third of the combustion products. Months of stay in hospitals are over, and now, for Irina's recovery, communication becomes perhaps the most important thing - simple and natural for everyone, but absolutely necessary for her.

In the room of Irina, chained to a wheelchair, on the advice of doctors, a TV is constantly working - a channel with cartoons. A Christmas tree garland hangs on the wall, small multi-colored bulbs of which flash alternately. According to Irina's mother Tamara Gennadievna, doctors say that more light and music decorations need to be installed - all this will additionally contribute to recovery.

We do not believe that the cause is pyrotechnics

According to her mother, Irina, working at the club, was not formalized, although she tried to achieve this for all four years. That winter, she was on maternity leave after the birth of her son Kirill, who is now 3.5 years old. Shortly before the tragedy, the executive director of the institution, Svetlana Efremova, asked Irina to go to work.

That day there was an anniversary party at the club.

“In general, she didn’t want to go out to work, but she went. On that day, at the request of Timur, the bartender’s club employee, she stood instead of him at the counter of a small bar - exactly where it caught fire. When all this happened, Timur, who "He was also there, ran back to the club. They said that he managed to pull out two, and the third almost did not reach the exit. Timur himself died. I think that he came for Irinka, since she was in his place. I think he pulled her out, although I don’t know for sure. Everyone wants to know how everything was there ... ", - says the girl's mother.

In conversations, many who were touched by the events of December 5, 2009, say that until now, after two years have passed, they cannot understand how such a large-scale tragedy occurred in such a short period of time, in just a few minutes? How did the fire and smoke so rapidly achieve destructive power and lead to catastrophic consequences? How did it happen that people did not react in time? Did those who died manage to understand what happened? Moreover, some even doubt that the cause of the fire is fireworks.

On the night of December 5, a pyrotechnic show was staged at the club, during which fireworks began to shoot up from three installations in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stage of the institution. According to the investigation, the fire occurred due to the use of pyrotechnics in fire hazardous conditions, as well as violations of fire safety rules in the institution. According to the conclusion of the explosives laboratory of the FSB, no signs of a terrorist attack were found.

“They say it’s pyrotechnics, but I still don’t believe it. I think it’s a terrorist attack, that they blew it up, they divided the territory, it seems to me so ... Here we are talking with moms, none of them believe. there was a terrorist attack. No wonder so many people gathered, and Zak was also there," says Bannikova's mother.

Businessman Anatoly Zak, one of the defendants in the criminal case of a fire, is named by the investigation as a co-owner of the club along with Konstantin Mrykhin and Alexander Titlyanov, who was also at the anniversary party and died from injuries.

A total of 156 people died that night and subsequently from burns and carbon monoxide poisoning, about a hundred people were injured, including 65 of them seriously. In total, in the criminal case, which has been pending in court for more than a year, more than 400 people are victims, eight people are in the dock. Among them are the owner and leaders of the club, the organizers of the pyrotechnic show and representatives of the State Fire Supervision Service.

In addition, there is another version of the fire, which is held by one of the accused - the head of the Pyrotechnic Company Piro-Tsvet, Sergei Derbenev. He repeatedly stated in court that the cause of the fire was a short circuit in the stage lighting equipment. According to him, the sparks of fireworks could not fly through the false ceiling and damage the equipment - it is known that the lights went out in the club a few minutes after the fire started. At the same time, according to Derbenev, the condition of the lighting fixtures was not examined.

Not in vain hopes

After the fire, the seriously injured were sent by plane to Moscow, St. Petersburg and Chelyabinsk. Irina ended up at the Janelidze Research Institute. The girl's mother went to St. Petersburg with her youngest daughter Marina, leaving her husband Irina and her son in Perm.

"Irina was in toxicology, she was all in tubes - her head, nose, mouth - it was scary to approach! Doctors said right away that the chances of life were 50 to 50%. Another doctor said that she would not even give 50 .. She had practically no burns on her body - very small on her arm. The main thing is that the brain suffered by 30%, that part of it that is responsible for speech, memory, movements, "says Tamara Gennadievna.

But the girl's family, neither in the first days after the fire, nor now, does not lose hope that she will get back on her feet, restore her speech, and again live a full life. After all, Irina, her relatives say, has been distinguished by a strong, fighting character since childhood.

The hopes of the family were not in vain even then. Pretty quickly in the hospital, the girl went on the mend, came out of a coma. Two weeks after hospitalization, the tracheostomy was removed, and she began to breathe on her own. But before the New Year - again the problem. As Irina's mother says, "they missed the level of sugar" (the girl had diabetes mellitus even before the fire), she again fell into a coma. This hit her hard, because before that the girl was on the mend.

After some time, Irina again came out of a coma, and on May 28, 2010 she was transferred to Perm. Thus, the girl spent almost six months in St. Petersburg and became one of the last victims discharged from hospitals.

Promised a year and a half waited

According to Tamara Gennadievna, a year and a half after the tragedy, Irina's husband met with the governor of the Perm Territory, Oleg Chirkunov, after which a doctor was assigned to the victim, and the family began to receive free medicines.

“Governor Chirkunov promised to help until we get back on our feet. He came to St. Petersburg then, talked to his mothers,” says Tamara Gennadievna.

The 300 thousand rubles of federal funds received by the family after the fire and 100 thousand rubles from the regional budget went to live in St. Petersburg, food, clothes for Irina. In addition, her child in Perm needed to live on something, mother with her youngest daughter and Irina's husband were constantly traveling between cities.

Now the Bannikova family is supported by one of the defendants in the fire case, the executive director of the club, Svetlana Efremova.

“After we returned from St. Petersburg, she offered to meet ... We agreed, because the main thing for me is to raise the girl, what else is there for me. She came to our hospital, talked to Irina, well, so, with her eyes. Then she suggested to bring... food for Irina, anyway, the food in the hospital is not the best, it still helps with things," says Irina's mother.

The most valuable thing is communication

According to Tamara Gennadievna, now for her daughter, perhaps, the most important factor in recovery is communication - with family, friends, classmates.

“At first, friends called very often, literally every day. Then, when Irina was transferred to the Perm Regional Clinical Hospital, friends and classmates came to the hospital. There is a lot of support on the Internet on her page. Some friends continued to maintain relationships, but some do not appear at all and they don’t ask. My classmates and classmates also help, somewhere with finances, somewhere with food, so, unobtrusively, and morally support, of course. Even more support than relatives. But, of course, I would like Irinka’s friends to come to our house, because she needs communication very much, "says the girl's mother.

During our conversation with Tamara Gennadyevna, Irina started crying a couple of times - according to her mother, she is worried about the presence of a stranger in the house. But when it came to friends, the girl suddenly began to smile.

"Are you smiling at me? What a fine fellow, my sun, my smart girl! That's it, you rejoice at every smile, every little manifestation of feelings! One evening she looked at me for a long, long time, I also held her hand, looked and all of a sudden - "ma-ma-ma-ma" spoke. What happened to me! I look at her, opening my eyes, and in response, how let's smile, "recalls the mother with tears in her eyes.

According to her, now Irina needs constant classes with a speech therapist. As it turned out, specialists who would restore speech in adults who had severe injuries, is yet to be found. We also need constant exercise therapy, massages, swimming pool visits. Now Irina is taking medication to restore the cerebral cortex, and in the near future she will start receiving special drops that help restore her speech.

A fire in Perm, in the Lame Horse club, broke out on December 5, 2009. As a result of the tragedy, 156 people died. It was by the number of victims. In the world ranking of such incidents in nightclubs, it was in 9th place.

Description of the nightclub

Nightclub "Lame Horse" was located in Perm. It was one of the most popular places of entertainment in the city. The club was located on the street. Kuibyshev, not far from the building of the Legislative Assembly. On the day when the fire broke out, the night entertainment establishment celebrated its next anniversary.

The Lame Horse had only 50 seats for visitors. But 282 people came to the celebration. The staff of 40 people served the guests. It was planned to hold a colorful show with fireworks.

The start of a fire

The fire in the Lame Horse nightclub started at 23:08 Moscow time (01:08 Perm). The decoration of the walls and ceilings of the Lame Horse consisted of canvases. Sparks from fireworks set off the fire. They hit the low ceiling. And thanks to the flammable material, the rate of fire spread has increased.

In addition to canvas and rods, the ceiling of the Lame Horse was covered with foam. Although according to all fire safety rules, this is prohibited. The use of pyrotechnics in such a facility is the main cause of the fire at the Lame Horse Club. As soon as the fire came into contact with the foam, toxic smoke containing hydrocyanic acid began to be released.

fire spread

The fire at the Lame Horse nightclub spread instantly. From the moment when the first flames licked the ceiling, and before the club was filled with poisonous smoke, only 50 seconds passed. Of course, this is very little to have time to evacuate visitors. But it was during this time period that they could safely leave the building. However, they were not told about it right away. The host of the show announced the fire and asked everyone to leave the building only at the 14th second. Investigators will later restore the chronology of events.

Of course, all the guests immediately hurried to the exit. The tragedy at the Lame Horse Club could have been smaller. But for some reason, all the signs in the room led only to the main entrance, although there was also a black one. Through it, only some employees of the institution were able to get out.

Visitors were directed only to the main entrance. As a result, there was a big crush at the door. Although there were two of them, but for some reason one leaf of each of them was closed. The guards managed to break one of the non-working doors. But that didn't help much. The light soon went out, and people's panic joined the stampede.

Many visitors were severely poisoned by carbon monoxide. Some received serious burns. Visitors who were able to get out on their own received frostbite of varying degrees. Since the frost was -16, and people were without clothes. Many of the victims who were carried out of the Lame Horse were laid directly on the cold asphalt.

How did the secret services operate?

The fire in the Lame Horse nightclub (a photo of the tragedy can be viewed in this article) started at about one in the morning. The fire department was notified of the fire at 01:08 local time. One of the victims informed the security service. He ran to fire station number 110, which was located just a hundred meters from the club.

And at 01:10 am received a call to the ambulance. Vehicles immediately rushed to the scene. At 01:11 firefighters arrived at the Lame Horse. All fires have their degree. The fire at the Lame Horse club was equated to the third category. Twenty fire brigades were sent to the scene of the tragedy. Extinguishing the fire had to be postponed until the complete evacuation of club visitors from the premises.

Three years have passed since the tragedy in the Lame Horse club in Perm. Everyone also brings flowers to the memorial to the dead. All the defendants in the high-profile criminal case have already been sentenced, but neither the relatives of the dead nor the victims are satisfied with the punishment - too lenient punishment for a crime with 156 victims and numerous victims.

The perpetrators of the fire in the "Lame Horse" again "light"

"We seem to be on fire. Let's all slowly reach for the exit," these were the last words spoken by the host from the stage of the Lame Horse Club, before the tragedy occurred. On December 4, 2009, at 23.08 (Moscow time), a message about a fire was received on the telephone of the Perm service "01". As the fire brigades drove to the club, dozens of people tried to squeeze through the doors that lead to the street. Crush, panic, smoke. The wicker ceiling and walls were already on fire, and behind the stage there was another door - a service entrance through which people could escape. But the staff did not organize any evacuation: several employees left the premises just through this free passage.

Firefighters arrived at 23.11 (Moscow time). The fire was assigned the third, increased degree of complexity. The ambulance arrived at 11:18 p.m., and it immediately became clear to the doctors that the number of victims was huge: another 55 brigades appeared in less than an hour. Almost all hospitals in Perm worked in emergency mode at night. 142 people were taken to hospitals. Moreover, the victims were transported not only by an ambulance, but also by the Ministry of Emergency Situations with the police. Doctors after the consultation made a decision: the victims should be taken to Moscow. Fifteen boards of the Ministry of Emergency Situations flew to Perm for the victims, the condition of most of which was assessed as extremely serious. 156 people became victims of the fire.

The tragedy that occurred in the Lame Horse was experienced by all of Russia. The suspects in the criminal case were identified fairly quickly. Charges were brought against the owner of the institution Anatoly Zak, the unofficial director of the club Svetlana Efremova, art director Oleg Fetkulov, pyrotechnicians Igor and Sergey Derbenev, who were preparing a festive show. It was because of the unprofessionalism of the latter that the wicker ceiling caught fire. The inspectors of the regional State Fire Inspection Dmitry Roslyakov and Natalya Prokopyeva also became defendants in the case.

After the fire in the Lame Horse, the State Fire Supervision seemed to have woken up. Firefighters across the country made an emergency check of nightclubs and other entertainment venues. Dozens of cafes, restaurants, clubs were closed with the wording "until the violations of the rules are eliminated."

But back to the criminal case. The main person involved in the case, the owner of the club Anatoly Zak, began to play lengthy games. The businessman said that he was only an investor in the case of his friend Alexander Titlyanov, who died in a fire in the Lame Horse. Zak received 50 percent of the profits from the establishment weekly and, according to Zak, was not interested in the activities of the club, but simply wanted to get his loan back.

“Despite the fact that Zak really had nothing to do with the technical part and the management of the institution, he became the main defendant in the case instantly,” Anatoly Zak’s lawyer Pavel Yakovlev told a Pravda.Ru correspondent. “The investigation initially developed a tough position, which was dictated from above: the founders are to blame. It immediately became clear to me and Zach that the verdict would be guilty and that hardly anything could be done about it. The consequences of the state of emergency were too severe, therefore, now we see such a verdict to all those convicted in the case."

Anatoly Zak was sentenced to nine years and ten months in prison, Efremov to four years, Fetkulov to six years, State Fire Supervision Inspector Roslyakov received five years in prison, his colleague Natalya Prokopyeva went to serve her sentence in a colony-settlement for a period of four years. Igor and Sergey Derbenev were given five years and ten months and four years in a colony-settlement, respectively. Also, pyrotechnicians were banned from engaging in pyrotechnic activities for a period of three years.

The verdict satisfied the prosecution, but shocked the relatives of the dead and injured, who were counting on a more severe punishment.

"Lame Horse": A Story of Betrayal May 21st, 2017

Irina Pekarskaya is one of the most severe victims in the Lame Horse club. 22-year-old Irina then came to the club with her husband and father of her two children, 49-year-old Sergei Kolpakov ... Sergei later said that he allegedly went outside to smoke a few seconds before the fire. His Irina was found only in the morning - in the Medical Unit No. 9 she was listed as unidentified. She, like many other victims, was sent to Moscow. For 45 days she was connected to a ventilator.

After the tragedy, the wives of two affected girls, Irina Bannikova and Irina Pekarskaya, rang all the bells: they appeared on television, gave interviews, swore eternal love for their half-dead wives, published their current accounts. Compassionate people did not skimp, transferred impressive amounts to the accounts of the victims.

But the men's enthusiasm quickly faded. As a result, one victim, Irina Bannikova, was taken care of at home by her mother. And Irina Pekarskaya has been lying alone in the neurological department of the Perm regional hospital for the last six years.

Pekarskaya's mother, herself an invalid, barely moves around the apartment, but she is raising Irina's two children. “Arthur is now finishing the first grade, and Sasha is already the third,” says the woman. “Their father, Sergey Kolpakov, does not pay alimony, but I took custody of the boys, we get about 20 thousand rubles. The guys are good, they study for fours, go to pool. They know that my mother is very ill, but they still wait for her to return. "

Irina Pekarskaya still has this photo of her husband on her social network page. At the bottom, the girl left the inscription: "My Seryozha." But Seryozha Kolpakov eventually stopped caring about his wife. He did not visit, did not buy even the most necessary for a bed patient. The nurses had to shave Ira's head - there was no shampoo. “Irina’s husband appears extremely rarely, we have already forgotten what he looks like,” the doctors say bluntly. “He appeared only when journalists called him.”

The mother of the second girl, Tamara, says that the fate of Pekarskaya is worse than that of her daughter. “The fate of my Ira, in comparison with the life of Pekarskaya, does not seem so sad. Everything is known in comparison. Yes, my husband also left my daughter. But she is in the family, close people are next to her - me, my second daughter, her son. And Pekarskaya was left all alone. She was treated in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Germany. By that time, her husband had permanent sponsors. But where did the money go? When we raised this topic in Perm, they began to call me from all regions of Russia. It turned out that only in Moscow, people donated 500 thousand euros for the treatment of Pekarskaya. The Perm provincial Cossacks constantly helped Sergey - they transferred 30 thousand rubles a month to the nurse. However, Kolpakov did not pay the nurses. People were horrified when the truth was revealed. A certain businessman Igor from Moscow - for four years every month he transferred decent amounts for the treatment of a girl.He almost cried: "I trusted the man so much."

Kolpakov stopped paying for the services of nurses, and the department's nurses are simply not able to provide round-the-clock care for Pekarskaya. One of Pekarskaya's nurses once complained that Sergei Kolpakov did not pay her salary. Later, another supported her. “We counted that over all these years Pekarskaya had 23 nurses,” says Tamara. “I and my daughter are in the hospital where Irina is located twice a year. I know many nurses. And I constantly heard from them: “Kolpakov is not pays, we won’t go anymore.”

But now nothing depends even on the competent care of Pekarskaya. Time is gone. “Her legs are twisted, her hands seem to be turned inside out. And her jaw seems to have gone away. All these years she needed careful care. him at least once Pekarskaya? If Ira immediately began to study on it, then today she would be in order - her arms and legs would move. When Sergei was asked the question: "How could you miss your wife?" they slandered, but Irina is all right. But I saw Pekarskaya with my own eyes. The last time she even had bedsores on her head. The nurses in the hospital did not take care of her for objective reasons. Who will pay them extra? They did not put her in a wheelchair , they didn’t turn it over, they didn’t put them on the simulator, there was no talk of a relaxing massage. Nobody needs it. "

“Pekarskaya has been in a Perm hospital for several years. It occupies a huge ward - it was Kolpakov’s desire. There are not enough places in the neurology department. Irina does not receive hospital treatment. She just lies there. raised the question that Irina should be transferred to a specialized boarding school for the disabled or a rehabilitation center. So Kolpakov sent a letter to the president that they want to kick the victim out of the hospital. The answer came from the Presidential Administration - leave Pekarskaya. This is how Kolpakov takes care of his wife. Cream and wet wipes himself the medical staff buys her for personal money. Outsiders think about her more than he does. When Sergei was offered to transfer Irina to a rehabilitation center, he categorically refused, is it because then the entire pension of Pekarskaya will go to the center? And so Kolpakov receives this money. For children Pekarskaya, who live with a sick mother-in-law, Sergey also did not allocate money.But there was a separate settlement account for Pekarskaya's children, where decent sums also dripped. Pekarskaya's mother was struck by a stroke, but she thinks everything, moves around. I asked her to take my daughter home so that Ira could feel maternal warmth, communication, offered to hire a nurse, but the woman refused: “No, I can’t.”

A couple of years ago, Kolpakov developed another hectic activity - he decided to open a rehabilitation center in a burned-out building. He made a loud statement: “First of all, the victims in the Lame Horse will be treated there. And there are already those who want to. The only thing left is to raise money for the repair of the building and equipment.” And again money fell into Kolpakov's piggy bank. But the center is not open to this day.

“The families of the dead and injured in the Lame Horse are still communicating with each other. Of course, everyone knows how Kolpakov’s life turned out, too,” says Tamara Oborina. From previous marriages he has two adult children. With Pekarskaya they gave birth to two more. Recently, Sergei bought a new car, a luxury jeep. When asked where the money for such a car came from, he replied: “taxed.” Why couldn’t I “tax” Irina "?

But a recent article about Irina shocked Permians. In three days, Irina collected so many medicines, shampoos and diapers that would be enough for more than one year. And from the Government of the Russian Federation, an order was sent to Perm to urgently deal with the situation. The guardianship authorities are considering an application for the deprivation of guardianship of her common-law husband, 56-year-old Sergei Kolpakov. There are facts that he did not fulfill his obligations as a guardian, while receiving all the intended Baker's payments.

Kolpakov himself is now doing everything to remain a guardian. He keeps his passport, insurance policy, medical records and other documents of his wife. Moreover, he secretly took from Irina's relatives documents for her apartment, inherited from her father, and tried to sell it. Only through the court the mother of the woman achieved a ban on the deal.

Now Irina has been transferred to a hospital in Berezniki. The girl responds well to others. “She has the consciousness of a baby,” the doctors explain. “Irina does not understand what you are saying to her. She laughs when she hears that you are laughing. She rejoices when she sees a familiar face. She just needs communication, but it is very important that next to her there was always one person to whom she would get used and would feel calm. Of course, it is desirable that the nurse be with Irina around the clock. "