Abs workout in the gym for girls. Exercises for the press in the gym

to be in perfect physical form and at the same time to have a toned stomach with cubes is everyone's dream. To achieve their plans, many begin to pump the abdominal press at home or go to the gym. However, without knowing the correct technique for performing this or that exercise, it is extremely difficult to achieve the desired forms, but it is enough just to get injured.

The presence of special equipment and a professional trainer in the gym can significantly affect the results.. Sport equipment will give you the opportunity to work out different muscle groups more effectively abdominals. In this case, the coach will indicate possible mistakes that the practitioner allows. The atmosphere of sports reigning in the gym will set you in the right mood.

Basic principles of fruitful training

In order not to experience discomfort during class, professionals recommend training on empty stomach. It is desirable that the last meal was at least 2 hours before going to the gym. During this period of time, the body manages to digest food, as well as recharge with the necessary energy for training.

Before proceeding directly to the exercises aimed at various groups abdominal muscles, you should do a warm-up. By warming up the neck, back, arms, it is easy to prepare the body for further stress. Such a warm-up will help to avoid sprains and other kinds of injuries.

It is possible to pump up cubes by exercising 3 times a week and at the same time giving the press 15-20 minutes (during 1 lesson). A beginner needs to perform each exercise on the abdominal muscles in 1 approach. This corresponds to 10-20 repetitions. Those who practice for a long time should devote a little more time to each individual exercise. They are encouraged to perform the same number of repetitions (as beginners), but only 3 sets each.

Avoiding injuries is very simple if you increase the load gradually and clearly follow the recommendations of professionals. It is best to work out the same amount of upper, lower and side press. This will pump up the muscles evenly and eliminate the appearance of uneven and one-sided cubes.

It is not difficult to increase the effectiveness of classes in the gym, it is enough to master correct technique breathing. Its essence is as follows. It is necessary to inhale oxygen through the nose, and exhale through the mouth when the load is maximum (when lifting the body up - in the upper press and legs - in the lower one). This technique will avoid discomfort, oxygen starvation, and will also help make training more productive.

When performing a power load, muscle contraction must be done using the press, and not the muscles of the back or arms. Using this rule, it is very easy to avoid injuries and increase the effectiveness of training.

Exercises for the upper press in the gym, as a rule, come down to the following:

  • lifting the body on the bench;
  • top twist on the ball;
  • flexion on a block simulator.

At the first exercise, the bench is fixed at an angle of 10 ° for beginners, and 30-40 ° for those who have been practicing for a long time. When lifting the body, it is recommended to first tear off the head and shoulders from the projectile, and then the body. The torso rises on the exhale and falls on the inhale. It is not worth bending the neck and pressing the chin to the chest during the exercise. The torso should be slightly rounded and raised by work. upper press. It is desirable to fix the hands behind the head (beginners can cross them on the chest).

The second exercise involves the use of a fitball. In order to pump up the abdominal muscles with this tool, you need to lie on top of the ball, place the projectile under the lower back. The hips should be placed at an angle in relation to the shins. The legs are at a level with the shoulders, securely rest on the floor. The shoulders should be lower than the chest, the lower back should be slightly arched. The body is lifted by the abdominal muscles, the hands are behind the head or in front.

The third exercise (also called "Prayer") is performed using block simulator. It is recommended to stand facing or back to the projectile. Before this rope with upper block is taken in hand, the trainee kneels down. Further, the back is rounded, and the rope is pressed with the hands to the head (on the sides). After that, the student must straighten up and repeat the exercise. Twisting is performed using the abdominal muscles, not the arms or back.

Complex for the lower press

pump up effectively lower part abdomen is possible by performing the following exercises for the press in gym:

  • lifting legs on the bench;
  • raising the legs with an emphasis on the elbows;
  • hanging leg raises;
  • twisting on the ball.

During the first exercise, the bench is in horizontal position or slightly angled. The person lies back on the simulator, wraps his hands around the bottom of the projectile (or fixes them under the buttocks). pump up lower press you can bend your knees at 90 ° and raise them. At the very top, the buttocks come off the bench a little.

The second exercise is done by resting your elbows on the side of the projectile. He presses his back against the simulator. The legs, bent at the knees (or straight), rise up (you should try to touch the chest with your hips). The shoulders should not be pulled up to the ears.

The third exercise involves the presence of a crossbar and hanging in the air on it. The legs, bent at the knees, rise up (it is necessary to touch the chest with the hips) and return to the starting position. It is recommended to do this using lower muscles belly.

The fourth exercise is performed in a push-up pose. The shins must lie on the fitball (the pelvis is fixed). Hands rest palms on the floor. The ball is pulled to the chest as you exhale (the fitball is located under the ankles). The back should not be rounded. Having fixed in this position, it is necessary to return to the starting position. It is recommended to pull the fitball to the chest with the help of the lower press.

Combined set of exercises

In order to pump up both the upper and lower press, you should use such a variety of exercises as:

  • "book" with the help of a bench;
  • twisting in a block simulator.

The first exercise involves doing it in the gym on a bench. The trainee sits on the simulator and grabs its edges with his hands. When the torso is tilted back, the elbows are bent and the legs are fully straightened. When exhaling, the body rises, and the legs bend and are pulled to the chest. On inspiration, the body returns to its original position.

Performing the second exercise in order to pump up the abdominal muscles must be done correctly. Sitting on the simulator, the trainee is obliged to grasp the handles of the projectile with his hands, and fix his legs under the rollers. When exhaling, the legs simultaneously rise, and the torso twists up. Having fixed in this position for 1 second, the student must return to the starting position. At first, it is recommended to set the resistance to no more than 10 kg and gradually increase the load.

Have fit figure and pumping up the stomach is not difficult by doing exercises for the upper and lower press in the gym correctly and eating a balanced diet. Regular exercise stress will bring the body into tone and give a charge of vivacity and energy!

The ideal human figure is impossible without elastic and tightened belly, which explains the great popularity of exercises for the development of abdominal muscles. They are not very difficult, but require a lot of patience and systematic implementation. top scores achieved by exercising in the gym, where for this there are all the necessary conditions and sports equipment.

pump up perfect abs possible with three visits to the gym a week, devoting up to 20 minutes to working out the abdominal muscles. For beginners, it is better to perform one approach with 10-20 repetitions, and for experienced athletes, it is better to pump the press in three sets with the same number of repetitions. In the process of training, these figures can be adjusted depending on the complexity of the exercise.

Basic Rules effective workout press are as follows:

  1. The stomach at the beginning of the workout should be empty. The last meal should be 2 hours before that, so that the food has time to be digested, charging the body with energy and nutrients for physical activity.
  2. Perform exercises for all abdominal muscle groups. Beautiful cubes provide an even distribution of the load on its upper and lower parts, rectus and oblique muscles. Otherwise, the relief will be formed uneven and one-sided.
  3. Observe the principle of regular and gradual increase in load. At first, the minimum number of repetitions and approaches is done, with each subsequent workout slightly increasing them. A sharp increase can cause strain and serious injury.
  4. master correct breathing during exercise. This will help eliminate oxygen starvation and make training as effective as possible.
  5. To produce a power load on the press only due to the contraction of its muscles, but not due to the muscles of the lower back and back, so as not to provoke injuries.

Exercises on simulators for the press

Most effective exercises to work out various sections of the muscles of the press on simulators, the following:

  1. For the top press:
  • Lifting the body from an inclined bench. They are performed lying down by raising the body until an angle of 90 ° is formed between it and the bench, after which they return to the IP. When performing the exercise, you need to avoid jerking and increasing the pace, keep your hands behind your head, and your elbows at the sides, do not press your chin to your chest. The load is regulated by the angle of the bench;

  • Twisting on fitball. It is performed while sitting, slightly tilting the pelvis forward so that in the supine position the ball is located on the lower back. Do not lower the hips, keeping them at the same level with the back, bend the legs at the knees and spread them shoulder-width apart, press the feet to the floor, lower the shoulders below the level of the body. The position of the arms is crossed on the chest or in the castle behind the head. It is performed on the exhale, smoothly raising the body, without tearing the lower back off the ball, and then return to the IP;

  • Twisting on the simulator while sitting. It is performed while sitting with fixed feet, holding on to the handles, at the same time pulling the arms and legs to the chest, twisting into a ball. In a compressed position, linger for a couple of seconds, and as you exhale, take the IP, but not to the end, so that the muscles remain tense all the time.

2. For the lower press:

  • uplift bent legs on the crossbar with emphasis in the elbows. It is performed from the hang on the simulator, holding on to the handles, with the elbows in the armrests, pressing the back of the back against the machine and slightly bending the knees. When exhaling, the knees rise as close to the chest as possible, after which they return to the IP. Movements are performed without swinging, and only due to the muscles of the press;

  • Lifting straight legs on the crossbar with emphasis in the elbows. Recommendations for performing the exercise are similar to the previous one, the difference lies in raising the legs that are not bent at the knees. The legs are raised as high as possible, without swinging, at a slow pace;

  • Raising straight legs on the bench. It is performed lying down, holding hands on the edge of the bench in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hips, and clinging tightly to it. The movement begins smoothly, from straightening the legs to an angle of 90 °, tearing off the buttocks, and trying to reach the ceiling with toes. On exhalation, the legs return to the PI.

How to pump up the oblique muscles of the press in the gym

You can form beautiful oblique abdominal muscles with the help of the following exercises:

1. Lying on your back with bent and fixed legs, holding a weight (pancake or dumbbell) on your chest or behind your head, perform concepts of the body with turns - until the right elbow touches the left knee, and vice versa. If the exercise is too difficult, at first it can be performed without additional load.

2. Lying on a fitball with knees bent and body parallel to the floor. The exercise is performed by twisting the body with turns, while the body should remain parallel to the floor so that the work is not shifted to the thigh muscles. The load is strengthened by a pancake from the bar taken in hand.

3. Raising the legs with twisting from the hang on the horizontal bar. A simple version of the exercise is raising bent legs, pulling your knees to your chest, a complex one is straight, pulling your foot to the crossbar. During execution, the knee or foot is pulled to the opposite side of the body.

4. Sitting on a bench, holding the bar of the bar over your shoulders, make turns of the torso in both directions. For beginners, it is enough to perform half-minute approaches, gradually increasing the execution time to three minutes.

Exercises in the gym on the press for girls

For girls, it is recommended to perform exercises for training the press 20-25 times in 3 sets, doing every day, and combining them with full-body workouts, not forgetting about proper nutrition. This will be enough to burn fat in the abdomen, which will allow trained abs to be perfectly visible. Depending on the muscles being worked out, the most effective will be the following:

  1. For the upper part of the press:

  • Twisting on incline bench. The angle of inclination of the projectile should be 30-40 o, but no more, so as not to provoke excessive blood flow to the head. Movements are performed smoothly due to the muscles of the press with a rounding of the back, but not raising the torso, so as not to involve the lumbar muscles;

  • Twisting on fitball. The ball is placed directly under the lower back, which is bent below chest level. The position of the hands is behind the head or on the chest. It is performed by raising the upper part of the body with the help of the abdominal muscles, without tearing the lower back from the projectile;

  • Twisting with a block. To do this, choose sufficient, but not too much heavy weight(starting from 10-15 kg), gradually increasing it. It is performed, sitting on your knees, by pulling the rope attached to the upper block from the position of a slight forward tilt, slightly arching your back, with your arms bent at the elbows and touching your chest with your chin. You need to lower yourself until your elbows touch your hips, keeping your back rounded and your pelvis motionless.

2. For the lower press:

  • Hanging lift. It is performed on the crossbar with legs bent at the knees until the thigh touches the abdomen. The exercise is done slowly, due to the press, and not the force of inertia;

  • Lifting the knees in the hang with emphasis on the elbows. It is performed on the simulator, pressing your back against the back cushion, and with your elbows in the stops. It is done similarly to lifting in the hang, while it is important to ensure that the shoulders are even;

  • Raising the legs, lying on a straight or inclined bench. It is performed by holding hands on the bench at the level of the hips or behind the head. When lifting, bend your legs slightly at the knees, and tear off the buttocks from the bench at the top point. Perform the exercise only due to the abdominal muscles.

3. Combined:

  • "Book" on horizontal bench. Performed sitting on the edge of the bench, holding hands on the edges, tilting the body back and bending the elbows. With an exhalation, press the body and legs bent at the knees together, while exhaling, return to the PI;

  • Twisting on the simulator. You need to start performing the exercise with a small load, regularly increasing it. It is performed in the position of the legs wound up behind the rollers, and hands holding the handles. When inhaling, they twist the upper back and raise their legs, after a second delay they return to the IP.

My friend Inna is far from being the best beautiful girl at the university, but all the guys are crazy about her. It's all about her amazing figure: thin waist and embossed tummy.

A fit, slender girl who can afford short shorts and tight dresses. "I wish I did so!" - you think and slightly envy your friend. But don't!

Inna has no special secrets: proper nutrition and abdominal exercises for girls in the gym. The last girl gives Special attention: you can sit on the most rigid diet, but only the gym will help to tone the muscles and pump them up properly.

I will be slim!

Going to the gym for a thin waist, like my friend's, young ladies should remember: you will not achieve good results if you have extra pounds.

Burn fat first, then ab!

First, I advise you to start a weight loss program, and only then smoothly move on to the press. However, if you, according to objective estimates - your own and those around you - do not have a single gram of fat, then I recommend starting right today!

Part 1. Getting Started

So, stand in front of the mirror and mentally imagine how you want to see your stomach: taut, embossed, flat. Adequately evaluate all the pros and cons of your figure and, without fanaticism, approach the issue of the frequency of visiting the gym.

The rule "the more the better" does not work here! A beginner in this field needs to approach classes gradually, increasing the load over time. This is especially true for girls.

Therefore, for starters, it is better to visit the gym twice a week. The time interval allotted for training is 10-25 minutes. Scientists have calculated that the average person for occupation exercise you have to take 20 minutes.

When you master the classes in a larger volume, you can visit the fitness club three times a week and work out there for 60 minutes.

Beginner Tips:

  • Always check the trainer.
  • Feel free to ask questions to the instructor on duty.
  • Watch your breath.
  • Drink more fluids.
  • Do not be distracted, fix your attention on the muscles.
  • Spend the first few sessions under the supervision of an individual instructor.
  • Don't expect instant results.

Gym selection

Many people think that this is not such an important issue.

This is not true: it is the equipment of the gym, the level of professionalism of trainers and fitness instructors, as well as the cost of its services and the distance from home that will play an important role on the way to achieving the press of your dreams.

Therefore, take into account the following:

  1. Geography, that is, how close the fitness club is to your home. The optimal time during which you should get to the club is between 10 and 25 minutes.
    Otherwise, while you master the road to the gym, you will simply run out of strength, and the training will be fruitless.
  2. Hall equipment- a very important indicator, since the variety of exercises, as well as their effectiveness, depends on this.
    If in the hall you notice the following items of equipment, then do not hesitate to sign up for classes:
    • dumbbell row (heavy and light, iron and plastic);
    • several zones (power, stretching, cardio);
    • fitness equipment (jump ropes, hula hoops);
    • power machines, racks and frames,
  3. Fitness instructors and trainers. If the club is good, then you will see qualified professionals with impressive experience and pleasant customer reviews.
    This is a kind of "face" of the club.
  4. Cost of classes. This is an individual factor for everyone. The only thing I advise you to pay attention to is how flexible the payment is (for how many days the subscription works) and whether there is a system of discounts and bonuses in the club.
  5. Hall cleanliness. If you see that the simulators are splashed with oil or the mirrors are dirty, you can turn around and leave.
    The way the owner of the club monitors the cleanliness of his establishment speaks of his direct attitude towards customers.
  6. The atmosphere in the club. The emotional background is also an important factor. It is unlikely that you will want to work out in a place where customers swear, and trainers sit in the back room.
    The atmosphere in the hall should inspire, energize, so that you feel the rush positive emotions, rather than being bored or in a bad mood.

We hope these factors will help you decide on the choice of a suitable fitness club.

closer to the body

So, you have chosen a gym, signed up, and, having taken everything you need, you go to the first workout.

It is important to remember that you will not notice the result after the first classes - everything comes gradually and only as a result of a long and hard work! Therefore, be patient, strength and calmly attend training.

  1. Exercise should not be too much.
  2. They should not be too heavy or too light.
  3. Even the most effective exercises will not save you from excess adipose tissue on the abdomen.
  4. It is important to fully recover between workouts.

Remember these four main points: they will make your life much easier when building a training process.

In this article, we will figure out how often you need to download the press in the gym and what training program to follow. Let's start with a few recommendations that will help you properly organize the training process.

Training frequency

The optimal frequency of training is the most important condition for performance. The abs are a relatively small muscle group, and overtraining them is easy. Allow enough time for rest and recovery. One full workout per week will be enough.

Another option is also allowed - to do 1-2 exercises for the press at the beginning of the workout as a warm-up or at the end of the workout as a hitch. A huge number of nerve endings pass through the rectus abdominis muscle. Due to the impact on them, the body will warm up faster and will be ready for intense stress. When training in this mode, the main thing is not to overdo it. Never work to failure. Remember that in a day or two you have another power training, and you will start it again with a press exercise.

Volumes and number of repetitions

For beginners, from the abundance of all kinds of simulators for the press in the gym, their eyes widen. I want to work for everyone. But this should not be done. Choose no more than five exercises that work best for you, and do them in varying variations every workout. If you feel that the exercise has become too easy, change it to another one to force the muscles to work from a different angle. Then progress will not be long in coming.

Such an aspect of training the press, as the number of repetitions, is stubbornly ignored by almost all beginners. They do not understand that the press is the same muscle as all the rest. It cannot fully contract and stretch 50-100 times in a row. If you train your abs in this rep range, you are training anything but abs.

The optimal number of repetitions for the press is about 15. If you do everything correctly, then after the fifteenth repetition you will achieve failure, and the rectus abdominis muscle will cramp slightly.

Don't overdo the obliques. In every gym you will see girls or young people doing side bends with dumbbells or using the lower block every workout. In 99% of cases, they have a wide waist with hypertrophied oblique abdominal muscles. It doesn't look aesthetically pleasing at all.

It is necessary to train the oblique muscles of the abdomen, but strictly dosed. Remember that they experience the strongest static stress during squats or deadlifts.

And don't rely too much on exercise machines. Of course, this is convenient, and they allow you to work out the press more isolated, but in practice, exercises performed with own weight. Muscles become denser, stronger and more prominent.

Pumping the lower press

Don't believe that any particular exercise will magically pump up your lower abs. No isolated exercises to this part of the muscle. You can object and say: what about hanging leg raises - doesn’t it work out the lower part of the press? No. Such an angle only slightly shifts the load on it.

It turns out that the lower section of the press performs, for example, 60% of the work, and the upper - 40%. The bottom two "cubes" are purely a matter of subcutaneous fat thickness, and there is no secret exercise from which they will immediately appear. To dry to a similar state, two months is enough for someone, and six months will be enough for someone. It all depends on the characteristics of your body.


Workouts should be varied. The body quickly adapts to the same work, so variability is the key to sports achievements. Don't get hung up on the same thing. Change the set of exercises, their order, weight additional burden, number of sets and reps, rest time between sets, work on the "rest-pause" principle, do slow negative reps, supersets and dropsets, etc. There are a thousand and one ways to make your workout more productive. Use all of these techniques for optimal results.

Do not blindly copy ab training programs from professional athletes or from articles on the Internet and magazines. Professional athletes have unlimited resources for recovery, which are not available to the average amateur.

Do only those exercises in which you feel the contraction and stretching of the trainee well. muscle group. No one but yourself can make up the most effective program workouts. But to learn to feel your body, you need time and experience.

Schedule and class times

It is necessary to correctly determine on which day you should train the press. For example, if you do a full ab workout on Thursday, and a heavy leg workout is scheduled for Friday, nothing will come of it. After proper training press, you will feel such strength that you will have to forget about the base in the next couple of days. It's best to take a full day off from sports, or put in a lighter workout the next day where you won't engage your abs much, such as a chest workout.

There is a myth among bodybuilders that the press should be trained in the morning on an empty stomach. It is believed that this reduces the waist and improves relief. Thus, the legendary bodybuilder Sergio Oliva, a three-time winner of the Mr. Olympia tournament, trained the press. He started each morning with a thousand twists and only then went to breakfast. Looking at his press, you can decide that this approach is the only correct one.

However, athletes of this level are unique with phenomenal genetics, so you should not adhere to their principles of training and nutrition. They probably won't work for you. The effectiveness of the ab training approach on an empty stomach has not been proven. All the benefits of it are fiction.

Gym workout program for girls

Girls are advised to adhere to the scheme indicated at the beginning of the article - to combine the main workout with a light workout for the press. Such a training program for the press in the gym enhances fat burning. Remember that the processes of lipolysis begin to occur in the body only after 40 minutes of continuous work. It turns out that there will be three light press workouts per week. Put them at the beginning or at the end of the workout - decide for yourself, focusing on well-being.

Gym workout program for men

Men should train their abs in a more powerful manner. One hard and volume workout will be enough for progress. Rock the press after training the back, arms, chest or shoulders. After training your legs, you just don’t have enough strength for this.

If this approach is not to your liking, switch to CrossFit-style training. As a rule, the training program for the press in the gym for crossfitters is designed so that the abdominal muscles receive a load almost every workout. Every more or less experienced crossfit athlete boasts a relief press. The main question is whether you can fully recover by training according to such a system?

How to pump up the press quickly to cubes in the gym. To pump up the press quickly, you need a good program - my disk "How to pump up the press in 30 days."

A lot of guys want to learn how to get a six-pack abs fast at the gym. There are several components effective training this muscle group. Choose effective exercises good program training, without fail to study the theory of anatomy and the function of each abdominal muscle, as well as choose for yourself an individual and proper nutrition system.

All this together can give good result- excellent, embossed cubes on your stomach.

I have already told you how to train the press at home, so today we are talking about training in the gym.

Do not forget to leave comments, put likes, repost on your social networks. And of course, don't forget to exercise.

So, how to pump the press in the gym and do it effectively? Most importantly, an athlete needs to learn how to do exercises so that your abdominal muscles feel 100% and develop in the same way as others. That is, it is necessary to give a progressive load to the press - only in this way the muscle will begin to grow.

What actually happens in most cases? People regularly visit gym do the same exercises, the same reps, the same weight, and wonder why their abs don't get better and better. It is for this reason that I decided to show you what exercises you need to do, how exactly to pump the press in the gym so that you have cubes.

Twisting on the upper block.


  1. Starting position: we stand with our backs to the upper block, spread our legs wide and bend them a little at the knees and fix them lower limbs in such a position. We take the upper block with our hands, the arms need to be slightly bent at the elbows, and they also need to be fixed in one position.
  2. On the exhale, tilt the body forward, and during the tilt, you need to feel the tension of the press. Moreover, the slope should be done exclusively with the help of the efforts of the abdominal muscles.
  3. On inspiration, return the body to its original position.

During the exercise, the angle between the arms and the body should not change at all.

This is a very good isolation exercise for the abs, especially if you synchronize your arms with your body. If your arms move independently of your body, then instead of training your abs, you will train latissimus dorsi back.


  1. Starting position: stand in a multi-station, set the crossbar at the level of the navel line, be sure to pay attention to the grip of the hands, it should be in the center, that is, the distance from the edge of the left and right hand to the edge of the crossbar should be symmetrical.
  2. As you exhale, make a deep bend forward, while inhaling, return to the starting position.
  3. While doing the bends, watch your arms, they should be slightly bent to relieve the load from elbow joints. The position of the back is also very important, it should not be straight, it must be rounded.

The exercise is good in that while pumping the press, you are not upside down, which is not very pleasant for big guys weighing over 100 kg. The exercise is comfortable, emotionally pleasant. Don't really like what if you use big weight, then you can be thrown up. You can avoid this by hanging a pancake on the back of your belt, or by having someone hold it by the waist.

The height of the blocks must be set at the level of the navel, the same distance from the end of the handle to the hand is very important so that the slopes are symmetrical. You need to bend over on the exhale, and the slopes should be made as deep as possible, while you do not need to keep a straight back. Try to round your back, especially at the bottom.

Exercise "Lumberjack".


  • Starting position: stand sideways to the upper block, grab its handle with both hands, legs wider than shoulder width, slightly bent at the knees.
  • As you exhale, pull the upper block to the opposite side of the body, to the knee area, while inhaling, return to the starting position.
  • It is necessary to perform the exercise in order to feel at work lateral muscles press.
  • With this exercise, it is good to train the oblique abdominal muscles. Also during the exercise "Lumberjack" many other muscles are included. The main feature this exercise is the body rotation.

    I think that in the future, new videos about training the abdominal muscles using various exercises will appear on the site and on my channel. If you want to always be up to date latest news And if you don't want to miss anything, be sure to subscribe to my channel.

    For those who want to pump up cool press cubes quickly and efficiently, it is not enough to watch theoretical videos on the network. You need an effective, tough, well-thought-out ab workout program, performed at a certain frequency. Need step-by-step instruction ab workouts just for you. Therefore, I offer you my video course on how to pump up the press cubes in 30 days.